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Yankton, South Dakota
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Profile of MagicMasterMatt
I need some tips on making a demo video for my show. I would apprieciate all around help covering almost every subject if you have the time. All I have is a cam corder, my tricks, some lighting, almost any kind of music, and a place to film it. Could someone help me with:
1)where to film(back setting
3)what kind of music
4)how to make it look like a professionally filmed tape.
Thank you for your help!

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Profile of sandman
First you need to get an editing system (a must for a professional looking tape). If you go to school your library or the people who do audio stuff probably have an editing system. And also what kind of magic is going to be in the demo?
Presentation is 99% of all magic
David Bilan
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Clarksville, TN
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Profile of David Bilan

Are you looking to show your talents as a street magician, stage performer or parlor person? That determines your setting.

In any case, check the other posts in this section. Most of the information you seek has been posted in response to other seekers.

Once you've reviewed the basics, come back and ask about items specific to your needs/capabilities.

Good Luck!
Yes, I am a magician. No I did not make my hare (hair) disappear... it just took early retirement.
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Profile of NickJegor
To make a very cool, and amazing demo vid.
You nead to have many editing software, then you must have some good skils for that.
And then you just edit, add the right music and that's it!
Nikolajus Jegorovas
Kaunas, Lithuania
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Profile of Spanky
I did one with a digital video camera. I just used lots of funny angles and made it fast paced, with bouncy music. I will say that if your magic tricks are really amazing, they won't be paying too much attention to the quality of the video.
David Bilan
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Clarksville, TN
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Profile of David Bilan

That's kind of like saying it doesn't matter how you write if the message is good. People judge you on diferent things. You will never lose a job because the quality of your video is "too good."


You can and will lose business if someone thinks your video looks like something Uncle Bill shot after drinking a six pack.

The same goes for how you speak, dress, keep your props and show up on time. It's all part of the package. If you are serious about your craft, it ALL matters.

Have your finished product reviewed by a non-family member who isn't a fellow magician. Look for someone in the same age group as those to whom you will be pitching your show. Ask for their critical opinion. What did they like? What did they dislike?

Again, it all depends on how seriously you take your craft.

PM me if you have specific questions.
Yes, I am a magician. No I did not make my hare (hair) disappear... it just took early retirement.
Eric Leclerc
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Ottawa Ontario
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Profile of Eric Leclerc
You DEFENITALY want to be doing magic TO people.. and not just you in front of the camera doing some amazing tricks by yourself. they want to see your "client's" reactions, they want to see smiles and gasps. Have some footage that varies, maybe a tv appearance, a session out in public, even 1 on 1 with the camera for one or two quick tricks. Its a lot of fun, I find the more varried your footage is, the better.....
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Profile of NickJegor
Make a realy good act of your routine or...
Then use your imagenation and creativity on editing!
Nikolajus Jegorovas
Kaunas, Lithuania
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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Profile of jlevey
Did someone already mention the importance of showing the punch of your tricks juxtaposed next to great audience reaction shots?

Consider using two cameras if possible to get different angles. One could be set on close up and the other on medium shots.

Be sure to consider planting a mic in the audience to pick up there vocal responses (ie. laughter, howling, clapping, gasping, etc.)

All the best.

Max & Maxine Entertainment
Magicians with a touch of comedy!
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Profile of BryanDreyfus
You don't want a show. You want a commercial.
You do a few effects while taping audience at same time.

Then you take the video and edit it so you start, cut to end and then cut to audience reaction. You can do this with each effect youd or just highlights depending on who you are selling the act to.

adding bacground music and voice over can get you message out while they are watching what you have edited down to a couple minutes.

Obviously, you must have an act before you try to sell it. Also, people must like and respond to your act.

Remeber it isn't the magic you do it is the entertainment they are interested the entertainment.


Ps. I have been reired from performing due to knee and back problems (among others). I have the time,software (including backround royalty free music) and the ability to write and read voice overs. I'll only take a gratuity after you get your project back and you love it. What have you got to lose?
Oh sure, I can spell "Antidisestablishmentarianism", but I can't type t-h-e.
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