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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » For the record » » Rising Doll/Pencil (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Pittsburgh, PA
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Profile of handa
I'm looking for anything regarding the credit for the principle behind the following effects/variations:

Okito Doll/Fukai Doll/Rising Pencil (Al Cohen's).

Obviously, all three are credited with a name and are different people. However, is there a particular history or order? Does the principle go back to a time prior to Okito's era?


Bill Palmer
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Okito published the "Hindoo Talisman" in Quality Magic in 1921. The first sentence states that it was inspired by the well-known rising pencil.
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Paul Chosse
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P&L was the first to put out "The Risng Pencil". Charlie Miller featured it and I described his presentation elsewhere on this board, or on Genii - can't remember which...

Best, PSC

P.S. I sold THOUSANDS of these in the years I worked for BUMA, who knocked it off in the '70's. We advertised it all the time in the Linking Ring - 6.00 bucks!
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Profile of JimMaloney
Is this the same Rising Pencil that Leipzig used to perform? He learned it from a guy named Tolsma, who in turn had learned it from a Hindu magician named Nathoo who had been visiting Detroit. Nate improved it by being able to do it with a borrowed pencil, and was later disgusted to find knock-offs being sold on street corners in NY. No threads involved.

He once performed it for King Edward, who made a comment which Nate said "proved that the King not only had an excellent sense of humor but was very much a human being like the rest of us" Smile

PSC -- I wasn't able to locate your post re: Charlie Miller either here or over on Genii.

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Anyone still make any of these?
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