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Just outside parts unknown.
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Profile of Magicman0323
This is for EVERYONE who ever posted on this board, and helped form this into the best hands down message board on the net!

Congratulations on hitting 500 members!

Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
You'll wonder when I'm coming, you'll wonder even more when I'm gone. - Max Malini
Mr Phil
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Tilton, New Hampshire
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Profile of Mr Phil
Way to go !!!!!!! Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
Mr. Phil & Co. Quality Family Entertainment, Guaranteed! (603) 286-3029 Snail Mail to: P.O. Box 31 Tilton, NH 03276
Lee Marelli
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Aurora, Colorado
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Profile of Lee Marelli
From the mentalists' table, that's the corner table by the window under the sign "A Penny For Your Thoughts", I send my congratulations. If you open the sealed e-mail I sent you earlier this week, you will see that I successfully predicted this achievement, but I sensed you already knew that! Smile


For those who believe, no explanation is needed. For those who do not believe, no explanation is necessary. Dunninger
"Mentalism is a state of mind." Marelli
Steve Brooks
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Founder / Manager
Northern California - United States
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Profile of Steve Brooks
The Magic Cafe has come a long way since September 7th, 2001, the first day we went online live.

I am so happy that many of you have chosen us as your second home, an honor we do not take for granted.

Building the Cafe into what you see before you has not been an easy task. We have lost a few along the way, but we have gained so much more in return.

My crazy idea has materialized into reality, and my life has changed along the way. I have Less free time, more responsibilities, and not a day goes by that there is not a problem for me to take care of.

However, I have made new friends, broadened my magical thinking, and have regained confidence in my own ideas.

Thanks to everyone for helping to make The Magic Cafe the best magic board on the Internet.

We have a lot of surprises in store for the coming year, so get a refill on that coffee, and hold on to your wands, it's gonna be a good time for us all. Smile

Smile Smile
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
Mary B.
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Café Tech Advisor
Howard City, Michigan
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Profile of Mary B.
Let me add my congratulations as well! It's great to see how well this community has taken off, and to have a place where everyone is so friendly and helpful. I hope to see you all here for many years to come!

Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
Michael Peterson
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Inner circle
is where I'm trapped, because of my
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Profile of Michael Peterson
501 members, I was thrilled to death when we hit 10. I can't begin to thank everyone for sharing their knowledge & opinions. It seems like The Cafe has always been here, it is a part of my life that was missing.

I feel so comfortable here, I am truly among friends.

Thank you all so much for making The Cafe what it is & what it will be.





There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
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Caledonia, NY
184 Posts

Profile of Prophet
Yippie!!! Congrats on the over 500 members, at this rate Magic Cafe is bound to be the biggest and best.

:dance: Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile


Yours In Magic

Yours In Magic


If you are new to Magic check out my article
Duct Tape is like the Force. It has a dark and a light side and holds the universe together.
Steve Landavazo
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Northern California
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Profile of Steve Landavazo
Thank you everyone for your thoughtful posts, and for lending a helping hand to others!

This is a wonderful board, and I am proud to be a part of it!

I hope to meet many of you at this years, "Convention At The Capital" held in Sacramento!

Magically Yours!


Courage is the willingness to be afraid and act anyway!
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Profile of Bengi
I must say...I was not surprised to see The Cafe hit the 500 mark. After all, you can't stop a good thing from growing! The Cafe is, in my opinion, the best magic forum on the net!!!!

Congrats!!! And be proud of what you have accomplished!!!!!!

Bengi Smile
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Warrington, England.
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Profile of Cliff
I'm amazed that it has taken so long as this is the best magic site on the net.

Well done to all the team involved in running it. Keep up the good work. Smile Smile Smile Smile
All the best

Kenz Krazy
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Kent in the U.K
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Profile of Kenz Krazy
Congratulations...well done!
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Profile of Davro
Terrific, thanks for the site guys Smile
Best Wishes, David
<BR>Mid way this way of life we're bound upon, I woke to find myself in a dark wood, where the right road was wholly lost and gone.
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