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Profile of Wesker
Usually I'll carry a deck of cards, PK ring, STS, Hovercard and WOW.

If I am going somewhere big (some sort of event or big party) then I'll bring Electric Touch and if I have the buggers handy, ladybug.
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Profile of APL
Hundy 500
Color Monte
A Bic Pen (RE-Cap)
2 half dollars
Safety pins (Sheets linking pins)
1 red deck, containing one blue back card and extra 10/spades
ed rhodes
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Rhode Island
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Profile of ed rhodes
On 2005-09-25 18:30, Cory Gallupe wrote:
I never bring tricks with me, but if Im going to a party, then Ill bring a few tricks and stuff them in my pocket. But out of curosity, what tricks do you street magicians bring with you everywhere you go? And why?

Usually Sponge Balls, Coins and cards.
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
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West Palm Beach, FL
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Profile of jmoran76
Lately, it's been:
Color Monte
James Swain's Capitulating Queens
Jumbo Kennedy Half Dollar
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Profile of phillipsje
Cards, Color Changing Knives, Hot Rod.
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Profile of james08
I always bring my gaff coins, rubber band and star gazer
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Profile of Yellowcustard
Ill usually carry.

A deck of cards,
A sharpie,
2 Large dice,

Sometimes for mate’s party and going to the bar I will also take one or two of the following.

Sponge bunnies,
Sponge balls (with purse frame),
A large hanky (use it for card through and a couple of other effects,
Spotty dots,
Colour changing Knifes,
A couple of old large pennies,
Professors nightmare and a metal ring,

I also have a few tricks which I can set up at venue in moments,

Chop cup with a final large load,
Glass through table,
3 tricks with a box of matches (Also 2 impressions and a joke),
Daryl’s 2 hats and 4 marbles,
A four across routine,
Coin matrix’s,

There are a few more but these I have all done at least twice in the past month.
Enjoy your magic,

and let others enjoy it as well!
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Profile of Sandwichical
My Everyday setup

Right Wrist:
Rubber bands

Left Wrist:
Time Machine

Right Pocket:
My deck (with a dupe)
Half dollar
16 penny nail (I think I'm the first to list a nail Smile)
a pen

Left Pocket:
Invisible Deck
Some packet tricks (Twisted Sister and a 9 card wild card effect)
Dirty TT for cig vanishes

Back pocket:
Heirloom (though I always forget about it)

And on occasion (If I'm wearing cargo pants) a spoon and in a flash.

A jacket would include a large rubber tarantula, two golf balls, cig up nose, a raven (don't use it much), a 52 on one card, and on occasion, an Iron Garrote
To defy the laws of tradition is a crusade only of the brave.
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a little town in nowhere
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Profile of Montethrower
For a party where I plan on doing magic...

1. Deck of Bikes
2. Banachek's PK Pen
3. Pocket Knife
4. Swami Gimmick
5. Business Cards
6. A Loop on my wrist

With these I can do any number of card effects, my routine crafted to fit with Banachek's PK Pen, my card stab or a russian routlette with napkins (my own), psychological forces/predictions, and maybe some small-object movement...

When I'm just there to have fun...

1. 3 of diamonds in my wallet (always there)
2. A ring

With this, Garret Thomas's Ring Thing can be used to bludgeon spectators, and the 3 of diamonds is always in my wallet, so if I feel in the mood, I can try Derren Brown's expert psycho. force.

Cheers everyone!!

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Profile of karbonkid
I bring myself...hopefully I have props or can borrow them.
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Atlanta, GA
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Profile of DeadDave
I usually carry around:
Peek Wallet-Every day wallet anyway
PK Ring
Super Sharpie
Haunted Key
Zener Cards
Business Cards

This stuff takes up almost no space, and I never get caught out-"NO one has a pen?"
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Profile of BIGmagiclV
No matter where I go I bring 2 card monte and b'wave. In case someone finds out I do magic and need something fast besides pulling a quarter from their ear! It fits in my business card wallet perfectly.
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Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
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Profile of gardini
TT (bill switch)
Pk Ring
gaff bic pen
deck of cards with a double back
kollassal killer

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Profile of djkuttdecks
1) Deck of Tally's
2) Wizard PK Ring
3) 2 really small earth magnets
4) 2 rubber bands
5) A smile
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Profile of vpatanio
TT x2
Wizard PK Ring
Deck of Bikes
3 of Hearts in my wallet

In addition I will occasionally carry:
Sponge Balls
Pen Through Anything
Invisible Deck
Extra card for Torn and Restored Card
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Profile of Erdnase27
Most of the time I borrow stuff but:
- spongeballs
- deck of cards(sometimes oly a stacked or gimmicked)
- coin bite
- TT for bill switch
- stickmen 4
- PK ring

for impromptu I borrow: matches, rubberbands, caps, rings, coins etc
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Profile of Merry_Magician101
I always bring:

balloon for pressure
3 coin (one normal, one slightly bended and one bended hard)
bill for pen thru billl
perfect PENetration plus
follow the queen (A.K.A. deluxe monte)
post its
money bank
2 green and 1 red spongeball
Svengalie deck
normal deck
marked chice gimmmick
cut and restored ribbon

this al is in my great milano pouch
(Photo's? send me PM)
I know this looks like allot of tricks and stuff but I am doing more like walakround magic
those tricks are for walkaround sets from 10 in the mornning untill 3 in the afternoon

Greetz Merry_Magician101
I'am from Belgium so my English i'snt that good
Iam sorry for that
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Dock o' the Bay, California
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Profile of toph
Lately, I've been consistently carrying:

Right pocket:
Regular Sharpie
Quantum Bender 2.0

Left pocket:
Pyrokinesis (very little pocket space taken)

In a Viking Firewallet in Back Pocket:
Extreme Burn
Business Cards for Think Pink

On iPhone:
Mental Killer

Everything, believe it or not, takes hardly any pockets space and allows me to have many options as to what effect to perform given the circumstances.
Dale J. O'Neill
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Profile of Dale J. O'Neill
I always have:
Hot Rod (set)
Quarter Squeeze
Sponge Balls
Pointless (custom Colors)
Ring on Chain (home-made)

Magically misdirecting you, one effect at a time.....
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LosAngeles, Ca
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Profile of GlenD
I typically have:
rubberbands on left wrist
Loops in pocket
Bic pen... anyone else notice how the basic Bic/Papermate pens are getting harder and harder to find in the stores?
1/2 dollar
TT Bill sw
TT silk
Safety Pins
Mirror cards
Deck of cards

"A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway" - Griffin

"Any future where you succeed, is one where you tell the truth." - Griffin (Griffin rocks!)
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