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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Ballooning 101 » » Kindergarteners. (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Josh Riel
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Profile of Josh Riel
A couple of years back, I had decided to do a little balloon animal show for my sons class. Now that's not too bad, I pre-made about a dozen different animals, dragonflies teddy bears, dogs, mice, birds, swans, hats, etc. you know, the typical fare. Well instead of the other mothers keeping a few of the kids at their stations (There were other attractions for the kids), they all sat around and talked while about 20 kids surrounding me and all asking for a kitty. I don't know how to do kitties so I made dogs and called them cats, and I was completely swamped. I made every kid at least three of each, because they kept popping "accidentally".
Aside from never doing THAT again (Without a big fat paycheck), what would have been a good idea, I mentioned to the other folk there, that I was a little overwhelmed. Of course they were too busy in conversation to pay much attention.

Perhaps that is a common thing....
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Profile of JohnCressman
Have them line up (they're used to lining up), then give each one a hand stamp and a balloon. Let them know you get one of each, so they have to take care of them.

As far as kittys... you might want to specify or write on a chalk board (or draw) the animals you can make and have them choose one of those. If you leave it up to them, you never know WHAT you're going to get... just this weekend I had requests for:

* A Power Ranger (I can't make single baloon humanlike figures)
* A T-Rex (Um... right...)
* A Tiger (I made an orange cat)
* And Elephant WITH TUSKS (I made on with a single tusk.. oh wait... that's a MALE ELEPHANT! DOH!)

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Profile of mannimiguel
Do your teddy bear, loop twist the arms and feet and put the arms into the feet. Sharipie some whiskers and voila...kitty bear. Next move...balloon swords. Or f you really want to get the mom's attentions...balloon tommy guns.
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Ballooning 101 » » Kindergarteners. (0 Likes)
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