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Profile of jondark445

I'm considering approaching a few restaurants and diners in the area and seeing if they'd be interested in my making balloon hats for kids during peak times for tips. This is something I've never done before and I'm hoping folks can give me some advice and answer a few questions:

1. What's your lingo when you approach a table? Do you say that the balloons are free but that you work for tips? What do you suggest?

2. I work in an area that is INFAMOUS for tipping poorly. I don't want people to think it's appropriate to tip a quarter after I've just made hats for the entire table fo 6 kids.

Suggestions? Advice? Help!!!!

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Profile of mrmystic
Never work just for tips. Especially in an area known for being poor tippers. Work out some kind of fee with the restaurants for a few hours each week. The palce can bill it as a family night. At least you will cover your costs, then if you get tips, more the better.
Skip Way
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Profile of Skip Way
Work for tips...never work...Work for tips...never work...Work for tips...never work... Dang! There's that broken record again! Still, Mystic is right. Jon, there are countless repeats on this topic that delve into greater detail. Try a search for Tips or Tipping.

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Profile of KeirRoyale
Ditto!!! Raise the bar a little and realize that you are worth SOMETHING that the restaurant should pay you.

As far as the "lingo" just go and do what comes natural, tell them that they are free and most people will tip you anyway.

Good luck...
Slim Price
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Profile of Slim Price
I made a great living working just for tips(?) for many years. (Kier, is Alexander Grahams still there?) Your gimmic is simple. Tell the owner that you will be giving something tangible to his patrons. I usually got meals at the venue. Be blatant in a subtle way, carry a big tip cup, and be thoughtful to the waitrons. BTW, I detest hats!
Slim Price

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Profile of magicgeorge
BTW, I detest hats!

Don't look now but there's something on your head....

I know, I know, you mean balloon hats.I love balloon hats you can freeform thousands of different ones and someone's head is a great place to display your creation.

I can't really get into the tipping discussion as working purely for tips in a restaurant is unheard of in the UK.

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Profile of Paddy
I jhave been doing restaurant ballooning with some magic full time for the last 7 years. I charge the restaurants a small amount ($50 a night) plus tips. I had 7 restaurants in six nights (2 on Sundays) until recently when I dropped my late Sunday restaurant.

Let's put it this way. Due to JUST TIPS, I bought my wife a 2005 Kia automobile in June. We have a very nice place to live and are very comfortable. So tips aren't all that bad to me. I gaurantee that we would not have done that on a gross of $350 a week.

Non Impediti Ratione Cogitationis

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Profile of BarryRice
I used to carry around a brandy glass. I would start out by putting a $1 and $5 in the cup. When ever I would get change, I would immediately empty it out and put it into my pocket (although not in front of the tipper) to discourage others from doing the same.

That being said, I recommend charging something, even if it is just to cover your expenses.
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Profile of Jewls
PLEASE don't work for free. Why would anyone work for free? How can you have any perceived value if your willing to work for free? I am not saying you can't politely accept tips, It would be rude not to. But no one works for free... Isn't that a volunteer? Be confident, be a professional. Don't charge a restaurant that will book you 52 times a year, full price, do look at it as a yearly contract. That is why you can offer them a discount. Do you realize how much one small news paper ad costs? Not to mention a TV ad. You can create a word of mouth buzz for them and that is the best advertisement there is.
After all this is Entertainment BUSINESS! Oh do use a letter of agreement!
Best of luck,
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Profile of JesterMan
Many of my guests at the restaurants where I perform (primarily balloons, but a little magic when time allows) are pleased to hear that the restaurant pays me to be there, and that they do not 'have' to tip me. I don't want them to think of me as someone else to 'have' to tip, and, therefore, possibly someone to avoid. This would be counter-productive.

It takes relatively few meals to pay my fee, and with the feedback I receive from the patrons who say, "you are the reason we are here tonight", I know that the boss more than makes my fee back over the course of a year. I have had long-time regular guests comment on how much busier 'my' particular night is since I began. For a little over $5K + meals a year, the restaurant can promote itself as being "Family-Friendly", in whatever venue it wants. I periodically will help in this regard; I see myself being there as not merely the guy who comes in weekly to pass out balloons, but as a marketing opportunity for the restauranteur, as well as for myself. If I am giving them this opportunity, they should pay me for this benefit to their business.
JM Smile Smile

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Profile of Pokie-Poke
Before I start to rant, if you are not worth paying then don't do it. don't get me wrong I busk balloons all the time, and there can be monnie in it. but that is outside in the free air. if I am at some one else's place making them monnie thay better be shairing the wealth.
And as alwase listen to Jewls.
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Profile of Stevethomas
Whew...couldn't have said it better myself. I've been working (like above, mostly ballooning, but magic for regulars and when time allows at a table with the right audience) restaurants for over 10 years, and would NEVER strictly work for tips. If I feel like the person thinks they HAVE to tip...I tell them it's free, and usually they tip anyway, even knowing the restaurant pays me. I'd NEVER put out any type of tip container in that situation, either! When I'm selling balloons at festivals and such, I can make as much in tips as the balloon sales, but not in a restaurant. Too much like begging. You'll find that when somebody walks up to you (obviously happy) to hand you some cash after you've entertained them, anybody who sees that transaction will automatically think it's a necessary thing. When I approach the table..I tell the folks that I have such a wonderful job at (wherever) that all I have to do is walk around and GIVE AWAY balloons. That usually clears up any ideas they have about being pressed to tip.

In a 2-hour ballooning gig at a restaurant, I can usually end up with around $30 in tips. That will pay part of my cost for the giveaways (my OWN coloring sheets, fortune telling fish, stickers (Steve Thomas THE BALLOON GUY Made My Balloon), magic bubbles, etc. that I incur during the entertainment.

Steve T.
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Profile of Paddy
On 2005-12-28 07:11, Stevethomas wrote:
...In a 2-hour ballooning gig at a restaurant, I can usually end up with around $30 in tips. That will pay part of my cost for the giveaways (my OWN coloring sheets, fortune telling fish, stickers (Steve Thomas THE BALLOON GUY Made My Balloon), magic bubbles, etc. that I incur during the entertainment.

Steve T.

Oh My! The only thing I do is have a button that reads "SUGGESTED TIP $2435.80." plus I use a "big foot" pump from Masters Entertainment with a tip cup built in to it. In my 2 hour gigs I generally make between $50 (on Monday and Tuesday0 to $200 (on Friday and Sat nights.) This is just tips and does not include my restaurant fee of $50.

I don't beg for tips, I make a balloon and move on to another table if no one has money out, I don't wait until they pay or anything like that.

Non Impediti Ratione Cogitationis

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Profile of rhinomax
$200 in 2 hrs that's some big tips. Steve $30 in 2 hrs on a weekday is more what I am used to although my venues pay by the hr and prefer I don't pitch for tips IE Badges, signs, snappy lines. Lets see average tip $5 a table 2hr that's 40 tables wow that's some fast twisting ;0)

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Profile of Jonathanmc
I work for a company in Las Vegas called Balloons With a Twist. We work at retaurants, do parties, all kinds of stuff.

When we work at the restaurants (chains not the big hotels) we work for tips. I make between 0 and 120 depending on the restaurant, night of the week etc.

When we work parties we get a fee for the party and any tip the customer wants to give us.

I have only been doing this since May but have already basically doubled my income from my first job. And most of that is tips.

I have a five and one dollar bills folded and safety pinned to my balloon pouch. Sometimes I get a twenty for doing a table with a few kids sometimes I get nothing. I figure it all comes out in the wash. I never ask for a tip. And on the few occaisions when someone has said they didn't have any money I say something like "This ones on the house".
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Profile of Stevethomas fee from the restaurant is way more than $50 for 2 hours, and I only work Pizza Hut on Tuesdays (kid's night). There's no "tip cup" (I think that's just distasteful and the reason that when I approach tables some people will actually look scared and ask "..just how much is this gonna cost me?..) and no money pinned to my clothing or hanging outta my pockets. No button with cute sayings (Tipping is not a city in China, No amount is too small, just fold it up and hand it to me, etc.)...just good entertainment, decent treatment, lots of fun, and if they feel like tipping and can, they will.

Reminder..if the restaurant has "comment cards" on the tables (Pizza Hut does), always remind your "new friends" that if they like the fact that (fill in the blank with restaurant name) offers something fun and different from the other places, please put something good on the comment card to let the management know. That never hurts, and always looks good to upper management.

Steve Thomas
Skip Way
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Profile of Skip Way
My restaurants pay me well for my appearances. I wear an engraved badge that reads "Your Laughter is My Greatest Tip: Cash Tips not Required"...and still pull around $40-$50 a night in tips. I started to put "No Tipping" on the badge...but it seemed a little rude to me. I decided to leave the choice for the guests.

I see tips as a gift and a compliment; a way of saying "Thank you for the special effort." I do not encourage tipping...but then again, I never refuse a tip because I believe it is rude to reject a gift. Many parents teach their children to appreciate special service by having them present the tip. Refusing could confuse the child and spoil the lesson. I accept all tips graciously with a smile and a handshake, place the cash out of sight and move on. I am equally gracious and courteous when it's clear that no tip is forthcoming.

Then again, I charge restaurants roughly half of my standard hourly rate...and generally work many times harder than I do for private functions. Just keeping my show fresh and fun week after week is a challenge and an extra effort. Tips help to somewhat supplement the pay differential. It works for me.

This is an arguement that has existed for decades. Everyone has their personal view and opinion...some stronger than others. I feel that whichever method works for or no tips...let it work for you.

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Magic Youth Raleigh -
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Profile of rhinomax
Skip "Your Laughter is My Greatest Tip: Cash Tips not Required"that's a great badge line

I try to refrain from any mention of the tip at all. When I aproach a table my intro offers that my performance is compliments of the venue, then if the tip comes I always accept graciously.

It seemed odd to hear of Paddy and his tip cup this sort of thing is unheard of in resteraunts I have worked and is demeaning to its clientel.

But hey $200 in 2hrs perhaps I am going about it the wrong way

Jonathanmc does the company Balloons With a Twist pay you at all? do thay have restrictions on how you busk the resteraunts patrons?

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Profile of Paddy
On 2006-01-05 20:25, rhinomax wrote:
...It seemed odd to hear of Paddy and his tip cup this sort of thing is unheard of in resteraunts I have worked and is demeaning to its clientel.

But hey $200 in 2hrs perhaps I am going about it the wrong way...

Not at all demeaning to the restaurant patrons. The restaurants I work are all family type upper scale places. Don Pablo's, Texas Roadhouse, and some local names that wouldn't mean anything out of the area. But the meal prices will be $50a couple and up. Not everybody tips me I would say about 60% do but it is not unusual to get $5 bills in the cup. Of course I seed it with a 5 bill to start.

Part of the reason I make like I do is the restaurants are busy when we are there, so even on a Tues or Wed night I don't get to sit down too much because I am running between tables. I also do not make swords or guns and the only time I do a dog is when a child is afraid of me (I work in clown) I will do a quick dog behind my back for the child. Otherwise I do hats. A do mostly hats like Addi Somech (spelling) form the "Inflatable Crown" does, they are BIG and everybody loves them. In fact I have had tables of adults stop me and ask for hats.

Non Impediti Ratione Cogitationis

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Profile of Jonathanmc

I do get paid for parties and in a couple other venues but for the most part the restaurants are for tips only.

There are a couple of rules we try to follow. Waiting untill the patrons have ordered before we approach the table, and we never ask directly for a tip. You also learn the ropes in terms of how to interact with the restaurant staff, when the best times to approach a table are, how to handle difficult requests and other stuff that has been covered elsewhere in this topic.

The best thing about working for BWAT is that I don't have to approach the restaurants. I send in a schedule every week of when I am available and get a schedule of where I am going to work. I don't have to do the leg work of finding the gigs. I just show up.
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