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BIlly James
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Profile of BIlly James
Hey folks,

Does anyone know of any books, videos or online instruction for making Disney parodys?

I don't mind if they're figures, hats or costumes as long as they are good.

I'm hoping you guys can help because it's kind of urgent.

Skip Way
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There is an excellent series of three softcover books in Italian & English that covers a wide range of Disney characters including Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, Pluto, Aladdin's Genii, and more. The title of the series is FANTASTICI PALLONCINI. The books offer excelent step-by-step photographs with Italian and English descriptions. The books are Italian and the English trasnlation is a little rough at times, but they're not difficult to follow. Some of my favorite cartoon figures come from these books.

TMyers used to carry them, but I don't see them listed on his website. I know that Jon at The Magic Corner ( in Raleigh, NC still has copies on his shelf. They run around $18.00 per book. Highly recommended!

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Magic Youth Raleigh -
Skip Way
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I stand corrected. All three balloon books are listed under "Troll Libri" in the book section. They are "Fantastic Balloons", "Balloons New Sculpture" and "Dream Balloons" @ $18.66 each. All three books are also available from The Magic Corner.

How you leave others feeling after an Experience with you becomes your Trademark.

Magic Youth Raleigh -
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Profile of Stevethomas
I have the first 2 in this set, and I'm WAITING for delivery on the third one...I'm hoping it arrives from CANADA SOON!

Steve Thomas
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Profile of AmandaHamilton
On 2005-12-01 18:00, Stevethomas wrote:
I have the first 2 in this set, and I'm WAITING for delivery on the third one...I'm hoping it arrives from CANADA SOON!

Steve Thomas

Did you order them off of e-bay?
That's where I got mine. You can get them for nearly new, for a bit cheaper. I've found not only those books but other good balloon books also. I would highly recomend them though. They are very informitive.
BIlly James
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Profile of BIlly James
Skip, thank you VERY much for the info I really appreciate it. If ever you're in Australia, drop by and I'll definitely throw some extra prawns on the barb-e for you!

Amanda, thanks for the tip about ebay, I'll go there now and have a peek.

Skip Way
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Ahhhhhhhhhh...Australia! One of my best friends in Air Force basic training was an Australian. We used to hide his boots each morning just to hear him swear. Very colorful language you blokes have down undah! Still...I suppose if I grew up eating Vegemite, I'd develop a rather colorful language m'self! :o)

I'm holdin' ya to that offer, mate!
How you leave others feeling after an Experience with you becomes your Trademark.

Magic Youth Raleigh -
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Profile of cardcaptor
Australia is a good place, my relatives is there.. I forgot the place but they live in a place where more filipino also lives. I'll be visiting them sometime this coming year, I hope I could meet some magicians there.

wait, is there a magic shop in australia? I'm searching for it a month now but I can't find any site of magic dealers in australia.

ILLUMINATI: Brotherhood knowing to be unusually enlightened with regard to the art of magic.

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Profile of michaelwriting
I believe there's also a book or video for making princesses (check I think it includes how to make little figurines of snow white, little mermaid, etc. I actually started doing these figures from a balloon seminar and figured out some other ones from some online pictures. People really find them charming. Some day I'll have to post a bunch of samples out here. Mike
BIlly James
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Profile of BIlly James
On 2005-12-06 04:10, cardcaptor wrote:
Australia is a good place, my relatives is there.. I forgot the place but they live in a place where more filipino also lives. I'll be visiting them sometime this coming year, I hope I could meet some magicians there.

wait, is there a magic shop in australia? I'm searching for it a month now but I can't find any site of magic dealers in australia.


Sorry mate, I only just checked back here and found your post so I'm a little late in answering...

I'm not sure which part of Oz you're coming to but there are a few magic dealers down here...

Sydney -

Melbourne - Bernards Magic shop (not sure of the website address)

Actually there are a couple of others in Melbourne as well, I can track them down for you if that's where you're heading.

W.A and S.A also have magic shops.

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Profile of pdmedic
They are also available at in the store section and last time I checked they were cheaper then the tmeyer site.

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Profile of renzo75
Hey all, in Adelaide... They are pretty good...
WA unfortunately doesn't have a 'real' magic shop... :-(
patrick flanagan
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Profile of patrick flanagan
Ha....i tried to pm billy't notice the date on the original post. apparently he is banned and can't receive pm's. I have to look at the dates
Bad to the Balloon
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Carl Skenes WAS Disney's Balloon Artist. Andy Mation
Mark Byrne
AKA Mark the Balloon Guy
As seen on the TODAY SHOW
Creator of Bad to the Balloon DVD series
Go to my store:
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Profile of tls5678
Thanks for the mention, Mark! Sales of Carl's "Animated Art of Balloons" DVDs to twisters have remained steady; but recently we have had a flurry or orders from people who do balloon DECOR, and have realized the value of Disney parodies as centerpieces, set pieces, etc. Who would have thought it? Smile
Thirty years of being Mrs. Skenes, and still counting... now THAT'S magic!
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