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Profile of griffindance
Lets keep things simply shall we.

Jump over a line (toes start against the line and heels have to clear the other side after the jump)
there are no obstacles in the way, no-one puts the mark off (eg. pushing them to make them fall over)
Its just a line on the floor.


the mark must hold their big toes throughout the jump and CAN NOT let go.
seems easy?! Try it smart arse.
Gino T.
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Profile of Gino T.
This is mine:

handles the mark a deck of cards,then turn your back and let him decide to take a card or not:if he does should not tell you(so it has to hide the card).
Then you bet can check if the cards are all there by just giving the deck a shuffle with a waterfall and see with you eyes every single card.

Do you already know how it's done ?
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These post are great I hope it continues
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Profile of hotjacket
I remember once I was doing all sorts of ITR levitations. I then moved onto other material, but one guy was obsessed with the levitations... and I ended up betting in his $20 bill that I could make it float.

I then scrunched it up and put it in his beer. Sure enough, it floated Smile

The (wet) $20 was nothing compared to the laughs it got!
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Profile of BatsMagic
I knew about 1/3 of these- I've got a book called "100 Ways to win a 10 Spot", by Paul Zenon. Naturally, some are pretty good, while others aren't. Same thing with this thread, obviously.
Andy Young
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Profile of Andy Young
My favorite is this one: Buy a shot and a beer. Tell the person that you can finish your beer quicker than the person can finish their shot. Just two conditions 1: You cannot touch the other person’s glass, 2: I get to go first. Well you take your time and you finish your beer. When placing your beer back down turn the face upside down and put it over the shot. Now just wait until enough time has passed and collect your reward.
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Profile of nathanernest
I love the con/bet where you talk about your impressive powers of persuasion and that you bet your can talk somebody into getting down off a chair before you walk around it 3 times. Simply jabber on as you slowly walk around the chair twice then simply say thanks very much and leave. Gets great laughs from everybody watching.
The Pitch Guy
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Profile of The Pitch Guy
Fast Eddie Felson was putting on a trick pool shot demo in the 1980's at our local VFW in South TX. I watched in amazement as Eddie never missed a shot during the whole demo. Between trick pool shots he would do magic tricks which always seemed to involve the crowd surrounding him and followed a theme (very professional). It was a fantastic show. At then end he visited with us so I took my shot... Could I, a 24 year old, out hustle "The Hustler"? I bet Fast Eddie $1.00 I could toss up a paper match and it would land on it's side. He fell for it and so I bent the match and tossed it on the table... I won, I felt great winning that dollar on a bet with the Master Hustler. But then he came back at me with dropping a playing card from shoulder height to the floor and it land on (touching) a card he had placed on the floor. I knew how that one was done but everyone was watching the Master Hustler at work and so I took him up on the bet and flubbed it so he could take back center stage. Everyone had a ball when he let the card fall flat faced which of course allowed it to land on the other card. Fast Eddie worked these little events with his lovely wife until his passing a few years later. It was still a great memory for me. I know there is issue with who's who with Fast Eddie, but this guy was smooth as silk.
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Profile of Siraldi
On 2006-01-25 11:56, Reis O'Brien wrote:
This is one I like. Order a shot of something. Take a napkin, unfold it and then lay it over the full shotglass. Tell the mark that you can drink the entire contents of the glass without touching the napkin. Bet a little cash on it. Then, make a big swallowing motion, you know... gulp! Ahhhhhh! Then say, "There, I did it." Of course they will tell you that you're a big fat liar. Say, "Go ahead and look for yourself," pointing at the napkin covering the shot glass. Whn they lift the napkin off of the glass, quickly grab the glass and drink it down. Then, as they sit there with the napkin in their hand, looking at the now empty glass, say, "See? Told ya."

Collect your money and then leave the bar quickly!

Harry Anderson in his book " games you can't lose a guide for suckers" tells how he used this (but using his fedora instead... of course!) and got 3 free drinks.
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Profile of Shyft
There was a UK TV show called the real hustle. In every episode they did a betcha. I'm sure google or youtube would show all of these bets.
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Profile of Shyft
One I will add from my high school days. When someone is smoking a cigarette and are almost finished you say "I bet you cant inhale until the cig says Winfield (or whatever brand they're smoking). This obviously only works if the brand name is printed on the cig near the butt. When they successfully do this tell them cigs can't talk. I know my wording isn't the best but I'm sure you get the idea.
The Amazing Pog
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Profile of The Amazing Pog
Can't believe I actually got someone with this (it's all in the intonation) from a TV show:

"Betcha I can get your hands to turn over without touching them"
"O.K? Put hands out like this ..."
"No, the other way up .."
'One of the safest ways to make a good performance is to have tricks which work so easily, that mechanics can be forgotten and every attention devoted to presentation' - Corinda
Gordon the discombobulator
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Profile of Gordon the discombobulator
I love the 5 wrong answers game.

You ask 5 simple questions they have to give a wrong answer to each question.
if they give one correct answer they lose.

how many days in a week? they say 10
how many letters in the alphabet? they say 20
who is the American president? they say Mickey Mouse

pause then innocently ask..
how questions was that?
most people will say 3 and lose the bet.

if they are smart they might look smug and say something like 7
you laugh and look resigned to the fact you lost.
then you say "you have played this game before haven't you?" they reply "No" and you get your final gotcha.
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Profile of insight
The 5 wrong answers game is brilliant.

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Loving the pool ball!
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This one Smile


- Yazz
Scott Cram
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Profile of Scott Cram
For me, it has to be Nim. There's just so much variety and creativity possible with just that one game. It's also a good exercise in thinking things through.
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Last time I posted I had one less than
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Profile of ZachDavenport
On Jul 17, 2007, Silvertongue wrote:
A couple of my faves are the 5 question bet, I do some mindreading so I enjoy doing the 'no' trick on the skeptics... its where you tell the mark they have the ability to read minds, they disagree and of coarse they want to make you look like a fool so they accept... "i shall write a word on this card, no one will see it and it is for you to read my mind and tell me what it is"... "sound fair enough? $20 bet?" you ask them " o.k. lets try, er do you know whats written on the card?" they will say "no" because they don't, and on the back of the card is written the word NO... $$$ cha ching $$$

or if you want a real miracle you could use a nail writer.
Reality is a real killjoy.
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Profile of RogerTheShrubber
My favorite is betting that I can drop an egg six feet without it breaking no matter what surface it lands on - wooden floor, concrete floor, steaming hot highway, ice rink, whatever. The egg is normal, not hard-boiled or prepared in any other way.

What you do is hold it over your head and let it go. As long as you're tall enough (even on heels or a chair) to the point where the egg is six feet, one inch before you drop it, you win. The egg will splatter all over the place when it lands, but before splattage occurs it will have dropped six feet without breaking.
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Profile of GaMBiT_101
I played a game of 8ball with a good player and was losing badly, 5 balls to his 3. I finally got a shot....I sized up the table and after a pause bet him a pint he wouldnt get another shot that game!! I took one shot and the bar erupted with laughter and jeers!

If you know this one it really does work like a charm!!!
"Being able to do tricks, doesn't mean you're able to be Entertaining!"
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