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Mr Salk
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On Sep 22, 2014, GaMBiT_101 wrote:
I played a game of 8ball with a good player and was losing badly, 5 balls to his 3. I finally got a shot....I sized up the table and after a pause bet him a pint he wouldnt get another shot that game!! I took one shot and the bar erupted with laughter and jeers!

If you know this one it really does work like a charm!!!

Not a steady pool-player; this one took me a minute. Charming.

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Profile of KirbyKoolAid
There was a TED talk by a magician (I assume relatively recently) whereby his opening line was along thelines of:

"I'm going to make a bet with each and every one of you. I bet that in my pocket I have something that no one has ever seen before, and I canguarentee no one will see again."

Can you guess what is was?

A peanut.

The most it's ever gotten me was a marshmallow.
Gordon the discombobulator
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I bet I can say 100 different words that do NOT contain the letter 'A' before you can count to 100 ?

him: one, two, three, four, five, six....
me: (starting a few seconds later but much faster than him) one, two, three, four, five.....
Terrible Wizard
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Profile of Terrible Wizard
I like:

Bet you 50p I can drink your shot and then make it return to the glass
Bet you the next card I turn over is your card
Bet you I can say the name on the paper
Bet you I can roll this pool ball under the cue
Bet you you can't do what I do with this shot and this napkin ball
Luke Jonas
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This has become my new favourite thread! its making me dust off the old books I have on bar bets and hustles and give them a re read through.
Terrible Wizard
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Yeah, at the right time a bar bet is great fun! Smile
Luke Jonas
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There is a fine line between coming across as the cool and fun person and coming across as the arrogant show off! the right time and audience are essential for full success.
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Profile of weepinwil
On Jan 24, 2006, chichi711 wrote:
The trick where you say. I'll bet you 10 bucks the next card I turn over will be your card. Suckers take that bet everytime.

I taught this trick to my 3 year old and 5 year old granddaughters and they swindled every kid on the block out of their allowance, even the Baptist kid whose family didn't believe in playing cards. When caught with a bunch of money, their Mom made them give back all the money except for the $20 they swindled from their other grandfather (a lawyer) who was going to teach them a lesson in betting. She also forbid me to teach them any more magic. Seems they were working as a team. The older girl was doing the trick right by keeping the card on the deck and nobody would bet. The younger one was laying the card face up on the discard stack, while touching the deck to mentally indicate that card would be the next card. Everyone thought she had made a mistake and that's when the bets went down. She simply reached down and turned the face up card over and collected her money. I laugh every time I think of a 3 year old and a 5 year old, neither being able to shuffle the cards, scamming a lawyer out of $20. His wife told him not to bet but he said he knew what he was doing.... Priceless!
"Til Death us do part!" - Weepin Willie
Steven Conner
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This is probably my all time favorite. You put a book on the table along with a penny or dime or really any coin. I bet I can put the coin on the book without touching the book, the coin, or the table. Plus you cannot use anything to touch the coin, book or table. And for the record, no one else can touch anything.


"The New York Papers," Mark Twain once said,"have long known that no large question is ever really settled until I have been consulted; it is the way they feel about it, and they show it by always sending to me when they get uneasy. "
Luke Jonas
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On Mar 3, 2018, Steven Conner wrote:
This is probably my all time favorite. You put a book on the table along with a penny or dime or really any coin. I bet I can put the coin on the book without touching the book, the coin, or the table. Plus you cannot use anything to touch the coin, book or table. And for the record, no one else can touch anything.



Not aware of that one
Animated Puppets
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On May 7, 2006, KaydoWhoa wrote:
Put 20 bucks in a matchbox then they put 20 bucks in the same matchbox. After one min. of talking about the $40.00 in the matchbox... sell it to them for $30.00

I like the premise of this one but would do it differently.

Sell it as an auction that cost $1 to play. Have 10 people put in $1 and you put in $20. Rule is that 'I' only get to place 1 bit and can't rebid. The other players can bid as much as they like. I'll bid $20. The other with only $1 worth of skin in the game will see the chance to make a quick profit. I believe the mindset of only losing a dollar will detract from the scam itself. No matter how it plays out you will always make a profit.

Rinse and repeat.
I still recall the day I met Beaker from the Muppets. He said to me "Meep, meep, mee mee mee Meep!", and that has made all the difference.
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Profile of magidave
Spread the deck face up and put the two red queens in the center of the deck with no other card between them. Show this clearly to be the case. As you turn the deck face down, your little pinky break between the queens enable you to turn the bottom half of the face up deck face down while turning the top half of the face up deck face down on the bottom half of the deck. I make this move as I’m carrying the deck to some distant location in the room so I can’t mess with the deck. The mark names any card in the deck, besides one of the queens, and I bet him that I have just caused the card he named to now be between the two red queens. Of course I win since the way I turned the deck, one queen ended on top and one on the bottom. All the cards are between the queens. I can’t lose.
Dave Arch
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Profile of LarryD
Diamond Jim Tyler has a series of small books he calls "Bamboozlers" that are very clever. One of my favorites is betting that the sucker can't count from 10 to 1 backwards in less than 10 seconds; you specify that doesn't mean he can face the other direction and count normally, he has to actually count from 10 to 1 backwards in less than 10 seconds
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Profile of LarryD
Another favorite which works well as a follow up if you've already won a bar bet is to suggest that the sucker can't answer three questions with the bet being the amount you've already won. You indicate that this bet doesn't sound fair since you might ask something like, what was President Millard Fillmore's middle name which he probably is unlikely to know, so you tell him the correct answer to all three questions is "a wadded up paper napkin." If he answer's anything other than "a wadded up paper napkin" he loses. If he doesn't answer at all he also loses. You are guaranteed to win the amount bet!
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Profile of farmerkarl
Simon Lovell has a bar betchas dvd I really like the betcha where you bet against the height of glass vs the circumference of the glass.
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Profile of farmerkarl
The billiard ball for bad people is very funny (minus the part where they go to the hospital ) but they are evil so I guess it's ok but getting desperate ppl to burn themselves for money is wrong
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Profile of hotjacket
I used to play with levitating bits and pieces, and once bet someone I could make his borrowed $20 bill float.

I crumpled it up and threw it in his beer ... sure enough, it floated ...
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On Sep 22, 2014, GaMBiT_101 wrote:
I played a game of 8ball with a good player and was losing badly, 5 balls to his 3. I finally got a shot....I sized up the table and after a pause bet him a pint he wouldnt get another shot that game!! I took one shot and the bar erupted with laughter and jeers!

If you know this one it really does work like a charm!!!

That's brilliant.
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Profile of HypnoDan
On Jan 25, 2006, Reis O'Brien wrote:
This is one I like. Order a shot of something. Take a napkin, unfold it and then lay it over the full shotglass. Tell the mark that you can drink the entire contents of the glass without touching the napkin. Bet a little cash on it. Then, make a big swallowing motion, you know... gulp! Ahhhhhh! Then say, "There, I did it." Of course they will tell you that you're a big fat liar. Say, "Go ahead and look for yourself," pointing at the napkin covering the shot glass. Whn they lift the napkin off of the glass, quickly grab the glass and drink it down. Then, as they sit there with the napkin in their hand, looking at the now empty glass, say, "See? Told ya."

Collect your money and then leave the bar quickly!

There is a great variation on this. Place a coin underneath a bottle of beer (this requires a bottle made from dark, non-see-thru glass). Bet them you can get the coin out without touching the bottle. Have a similar coin palmed or clipped, and then reach under the bar or table and smack your palm and the coin against the bottom, then bring it out to reveal the coin. They lift the bottle and you take the coin (and the money they bet).
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Profile of kevin_74
Definetely trying that one out hahah
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