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On 2006-03-18 13:27, castormagi wrote:
...If you don't have any books like this in your library already, it's a good buy...

Without a book like this in my library I guess I will purchace it and give it a read. Sounds interesting (and fun). I was a Mathematics major, once, a long time ago, almost finished. If Harry starts out with a triple integral explanation of his first effect, I'm in trouble.
Harry Lorayne
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1926 - 2023
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Profile of Harry Lorayne
I realize that this thread is old, but I just saw it. It's interesting to me that some (only very few, fortunately) make such a big deal about the PayPal fee - a large $5.00 or so. I just wanted to make it clear that in most cases, in mine, anyway, ads are placed before a book is complete and ready to ship. Paying via PayPal is not to get the book faster. It's to save the slight chore of writing a check, addressing an envelope, and so forth. I make it quite clear in all my ads that I PREFER CHECKS. So, easy enough to save that $5.00; just SEND A CHECK for the book.

Wish all problems were so easy to solve. Incidentally, I see other ads asking for a slight charge to cover PayPal or credit card orders, but I don't see any negative reaction as in DH's above. Well, obviously, to each his own.

HARRY LORAYNE. (PS: If you haven't found gems enough to make the book worth twice the price, you're not reading it too carefully. Eh, Slim King?)
Slim King
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Since you called me out, I will respond!
THE MAN THE SKEPTICS REFUSE TO TEST FOR ONE MILLION DOLLARS.. The Worlds Foremost Authority on Houdini's Life after Death.....
Slim King
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I'm not the best reader it is true, but I would recommend Mathematics, Magic and Mystery by Martin Gardner WAY before this book. It sells for $1.95 used and only $7.95 brand spanking new. Bang for the Buck, MMM is WAY better than MW. Mathemamatical Wizardry is NOT worth twice the price.
THE MAN THE SKEPTICS REFUSE TO TEST FOR ONE MILLION DOLLARS.. The Worlds Foremost Authority on Houdini's Life after Death.....
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Maybe I am biased since I love Lorayne's unparalleled contribution to this and the mnemonics field.

I have the Mathemagics videos and the Benjamin Mathemagics book (re-issued now with Michael Shermer as his co-author as Secrets of Mental Math?). I don't know, I prefer Lorayne. Maybe I just like his style better. He seems to be a better teacher, so far as I can tell.

Lorayne's earlier Miracle Math had a couple new things in it, or at least new touches, and I wonder if this Mathematical Wizardry is just a re-issue; it doesn't appear so, and therefore I'll be ordering it shortly, but if any of you know, it would be good to find out nonetheless.
"Few have the courage of their convictions; fewer still, the courage for an attack on their convictions." — Nietzsche
Harry Lorayne
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1926 - 2023
New York City
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Profile of Harry Lorayne
Slim King: I bow to your MUCH better judgment. HARRY LORAYNE.

Mentalskeptic: They are two entirely different books, entirely different concepts. HARRY LORAYNE.
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Hollywood, CA
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Profile of mentalskeptic
Great. Ordering now. Your track record and staying power, and Cram's and others' positive reviews are compelling reasons to pick it up. Now I just wish you wouldnt sell it to anyone else : P
"Few have the courage of their convictions; fewer still, the courage for an attack on their convictions." — Nietzsche
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