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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Ballooning 101 » » Fireman costume... (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

BIlly James
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Profile of BIlly James
I have a party coming up where the birthday boy has asked for a Fireman Balloon Costume. It's not a costume I make so I'd be very grateful to anyone who could guide me to instructions or pictures.

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Profile of haccis
Well, if I have to try out that "costume", I might twist these:

bicycle helmet & baseball cap combination visor to back (just add one full 260 to baseball cap and twist it from middle to other end of cap and heads to other end of the cap)

Firemans tool belt:
Tie 1x full inflated 260 ends to loop. Put loop around birthday kids waist and twist extra of the loop to smaler loop so you get 2 loops bigger around kid and smaler loop where you can place the Fireman's axe.

Fireman's axe:
Inflate 260 so much that you have 2" uninflated. twist knot end to loops (like in baseball cap but smaler loops). Tie 2x inflated 6" hearts to loop end, one per side. Make pommel to uninlated end.

Fireman's Parrot:
It sit on Fireman's shoulder and act siren of course =)

Fireman's water cannon:
Any twisted rail gun etc.

I don't know what color are firemans in your country, here they are in black costume, but any way I suggest all these red (exept parrot what could be yellow etc.)

Plan is that you twist all these to birthday kid and with poker face you tell that "this is BALLOON FIREMAN'S COSTUME" and "that parrot is siren and lookout observer" =)

I cant give better instructions because my Tarzan english.

I hope that this helps you problem someway.
BIlly James
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Profile of BIlly James
Thanks for that, I appreciate it.

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