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Great finale to coin in bottle!
Tim Ellis
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I was trying the potato and straw thing last night, but I found I was able to push a straw through WITHOUT bending the edge over or anything! Maybe plastic straws are just too strong now... (or potatoes aren't what they used to be!)
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Profile of Aguas
Great "trick".
Hope I can get some free meals as well with it Smile
Or at least another bottle ^^
John C
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So far, all I got from it is a hurt palm and my kids laughing at me.

Are you sure this works? Anyone do it with a Bud bottle?

Tim Ellis
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John, I am just writing to say the exact same thing. Sue-Anne thinks that this thread is the betcha and the people who say it works are laughing at us...

I tried it with a 375ml beer bottle... IS there a "special" bottle that works?

Curved bottom... this is crucial?
Vandy Grift
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LOL. Australians are always bragging about how strong their beer is compared to the American stuff. Maybe your bottles are super strong as well!!

It works.

Now I'm defiantely going to get some bottles and try it again. I'll see if I can come up with some of the finer points for you guys. But honestly, if you follow those instructions above you should be able to do it. Make sure to hit and leave your hand in place. You have to create the pressure in the bottle and create a seal with the "hitting" hand in order to blow the bottom out.

It's no joke, it works. And if anyone would like to wager large sums of money on that...I'll gladly take any and all bets.

"Get a life dude." -some guy in a magic forum
Vandy Grift
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The kids are right to laugh at you. It's not really that hard to do.

Just kidding man. Even though I despise Budweiser I'm gonna pick up a sixer and try this with a bud bottle. Just for you!! Now, who else would do something like that? Only me. I can't help it, that's just the kind of guy I am. LOL.

"Get a life dude." -some guy in a magic forum
John C
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The only thing I have so far is a big INDENT in my palm.

Maybe I should try it with a "lite" beer?

Vandy Grift
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LOL, better layoff for a while, you don't want to make that indentation a permanent feature.

I hear it can also be done with your forehead instead of your hand. Maybe you should try that for a while.Smile

I haven't picked up any Bud bottles yet, but I will do that within the next few days.

"Get a life dude." -some guy in a magic forum
John C
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Actually it was a Miller Lite bottle.

(Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused)

I am working a close-up gig tonight at the Marriot maybe I will get lucky ... finding bottles I mean.

Vandy Grift
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Last night I picked up a six pack of Miller Lite. 12oz Longneck Bottles. The bottoms of these particular bottles are slightly concave. I took the first bottle and drank about 1/3 of it and then attempted to break the bottle with a smack. I moved my arm up and down a few times and "smacked" the bottle top. I hit right about the middle of my hand and held it place. I swear, the pain went through all the bones in my hand and shot right up to my elbow. I saw the bubbles move from the top of the bottle to the bottom of the bottle in the familiar way. But the bottle did not break. I was stuck! If you've done this with beer, you know that if you don't break the bottle, you are like the guy holding onto the tigers tail. You can't take your hand off the top of the bottle because the beer wants to explode from the bottle. Eventually you can remove your hand, but there will be some spray.

I repeated this with two more bottles, varying the amount of beer I left in each. I was not able to break any of them. And yes, my hand hurt like hell after three hard shots. So I took a break and drank the other 3 beers. Now, I thought bitterman was full of it when he said you could do it with water in the bottle, I was certain that you needed to have that carbonation to get it to break. But a few hours later I decided to try it again with water in the bottle. I filled it to about 1 inch from the top, focused my mind, located exactly where on my hand I wanted to hit the top, moved my hand up and down a few times to make sure I was going to hit in the correct spot and POW. I delivered the blow. Blew the bottom out of that bottle just as pretty as you please. Not a perfect break, there was a little shard that came off of the side but the bottom blew off perfectly intact.

So it took a few tries. I hadn't tried it in at LEAST 10 years, but I guess it's like riding a bicycle. I promise you this works and for 25 dollars I'll make you a video tutorial of the stunt. LOL. Seriously, the keys as I rediscovered them are this. 1)Your hand position has to be just right. Extend your arm straight in front of you, level with the floor, with a perfectly straight wrist then bend your four fingers straight down to the floor.(make sure to keep that wrist straight) THAT is the hand position. 2) You want to hit the top of the bottle with the heel of your hand. The fleshy part right by the thumb. Remember you have to make that momentary seal on the bottle. 3) You need to hit with a focused, firm blow to the top of the bottle.

That's about it. After the first couple of tries I wondered if I could really do this anymore. Are the bottle stronger? Do I have to hit a lot harder than I remembered? etc. But now I know it's definitely do-able and it's really not that hard to do.

So there you have it. I promise you this works. It's pretty fun as well.


Remember, 25 bucks and the video tutorial is yours!! LOL
"Get a life dude." -some guy in a magic forum
Tim Ellis
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Well last night at a gig a barman showed me how to do it with a beer bottle (flat bootom) 3/4 filled with water. He did it 4 times - the last three times with only one whack. Another guy and I tried it and succeeded in injuring our hands....

Great bar bet for those who can do it!
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Profile of moosemanty
Dosen't work well with corona bottles......unless you just like to hurt your hand.
Rik Chew
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What happens if you do it with a plastic bottle?
John C
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On 2006-05-20 11:23, Tim Ellis wrote:
Well last night at a gig a barman showed me how to do it with a beer bottle (flat bootom) 3/4 filled with water. He did it 4 times - the last three times with only one whack. Another guy and I tried it and succeeded in injuring our hands....

Great bar bet for those who can do it!

Besides hrting your hand ... did you do it?

Tim Ellis
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Profile of moosemanty
Ok, also dosen't work with smirnoff ice......just a nother very sore hand
John C
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On 2006-05-21 19:37, Tim Ellis wrote:

I can't either ... yet. I have one hand left!

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Profile of VeritasNoir
I'm trying as soon as possible.
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