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Profile of Grandillusionsmagic
What do you think of the bow saw illusion (of the saw effect different name). I have seen one made by Abbott's magic is it good?????
thank you
Grand Illusions Smile
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Profile of Bilwonder
It can be awkward to work with. There is an "alignment mechanism" move that can be troublesome. You also need to rehearse carefully the presentation with your assistant because (s/he) must sit up to display saw. The "table suitcase" for it packs everything nicely, but weighs a ton! All in all, when you consider it, the effect is just a slow motion "chopper" since there is no seperation of the person.
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Profile of Stevethomas
I sold one of those about a year ago. It's actually not that heavy, you can use the spectator and you do NOT have to use an assistant. The routine is such that, after the sawing is done, you remove the wingnuts holding the blade to the handles, and remove the full blade from behind the spectator. Very nice. I still have the portable table that goes with it, the guy who bought it didn't want it.

They're pretty expensive from Abbotts.
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Profile of Thoughtreader
A locking blade version (Harbin design) is still the best way to go as you actually have to lift the blade/saw from around the spectator after you have sawn through them. Well worth the extra dollars.
PSIncerely Yours,
Paul Alberstat
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Profile of funkyguy
I do this in my show and I have the version where you need to unlink it from the spectator. I highly recomend this illusion. Plays huge with the right presentation. Just make sure you get a well built version. There are alot of crappy versions out there.
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Profile of chmara
I have two built by Jim Sommers (Harbin Sawing) and have had to work around the "move" that was originally compensated for in the mechanism. Jim eliminated the mechanism because of cost and the fact that few magicians were willing to pay for that smooth operation -- when they could get it cheaper without.

It is a great audience involvement piece -- and hour dramatic motivations can run from Rockie and Bullwinkle, through Buster Keaton to working with tree hugger environmentalists ---in the redwoods of California fighting the Bush bushwackers....

Just add creativity- and it is no longer "just another trick." 5 Stars, A plus, classic and easy to handle. I know Jim Sommers hauled his around the world before he manufactured them -- and made the change based, not just on price -- but his performance experience with REAL PEOPLE, not magicians.


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Gregg (C. H. Mara) Chmara

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Profile of Michael
Is anyone familiar with the Jim Sommers Bow Saw illusion from Klamm Magic? If so, what are your thoughts?
Michael Messing
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Profile of Michael Messing
The Sommers Bow Sawing illusion is pretty nice. It could be made with a little better materials and will probably require some refurbishing after using it regularly, but I like it a lot.

I had an Abbott's version and, although it was built nicely, I didn't like having to release the blade while the person was reclining before they could stand up.

I definitely think having the spectator stand up with the saw blade around them really adds to it.
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Profile of MattMagician
I've seen plans but I don't know if they're very good. I would like to perform this effect but I'm not completely sure about practicality.
- Does the spectator cut in half know how the trick is done?
- Are they in any way in on the trick?
- Is the table required or could a method be done with a different style of table as long as there was space in the middle?
- Is the saw able to be proven "solid" or is the gimmick very obvious?
If someone can PM me with answers or reply here that would be great!!
Matt Simonsen
Roger Boucher
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Profile of Roger Boucher
Is there any other illusions that are similar to this one that could also be used? For the same style of effect. And how much back and forth do you get when you use this illusion? If you would like to pm me that would be awesome or out here works too.
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Profile of MikeDes
I really like this one as an alternative to a Bow Saw. If a bow saw illusion could be made that had a natural long sawing motion I think it would be a better.
Bill Palmer
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Profile of Bill Palmer
I have had AND USED the following:
Abbott's Bow Sawing
Owens Bow Sawing
MAK Magic volunteer sawing with the saber saw.

The Owen sawing is better than the Abbott's, but it costs about 10 times as much. If you aren't a working pro, you don't need to invest in the Owen version, unless you have unlimited discretionary funds. It can be cranky, though.

I prefer the MAK Magic saber saw. It needs a little work, but is very easy to make into a real fooler. I can perform mine fairly close to the audience without revealing any of the work. No special table needed.
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Bill Hegbli
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
Harbin's Visible Bow Saw Illusion is the best, have to make it yourself, but it is worth it and you can use a volunteer from the audience.
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Profile of Don
I have a Owen Magic Harbin Bow Sawing Illusion. It is great! Owen Magic has improved this illusion to perfection. Packs small and plays big. It is great because of the climax of the saw around the personand the large tree saw.

It's is difficult to make,with advance metal and woodworking skills required.

Percy Abbott and Harbin came up with the idea independently,however Harbin of course improved it.

The jig saw illusion is also good,however I don't think it is as mystifying or can be seen as well at a distance.

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Profile of scottmcfall
I owned the Sommers version of this trick. It was not even close to smooth enough. I am currently looking for a reasonable price on the Owen used. The routine- Great! My experience with this prop is spend the money to have a great one or go with the jig saw. The abbott and the summers just don't do the job.
John magic
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Profile of John magic
The pros I know say that the Wellington is the best
Amazing Magic Co
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Profile of Amazing Magic Co
I had a Wellington Bow Saw and thought it was fantastic.

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