pgh-mike![]() New user 22 Posts ![]() |
I'm redoing my balloon contracts and I was trying to figure out how to word a clause to the effect that I would be the only person doing balloons at the event. I have had problems in the past with other people showing up to do balloons. Any other ideas on what to put in my contracts would be helpful.
Thanks Mike |
Bill Nuvo![]() Inner circle 3094 Posts or 2742 Posts ![]() |
Balloonhq.com has a huge resource on contracts. It covers almost anything.
Also...it might be hard to do ask for sole ballooning rights. It depends on the event and how big it is. They might consider having more than one person to handle the crowds. The best way is to ask the event if this is alright and then put in a simple statement saying that the purchaser agrees that (your name) will be the sole balloon twister at said event. You can't just have it on every contract. So you should have two different contracts for the two possible situations. |
Steve V![]() Inner circle Northern California 1878 Posts ![]() |
I remember doing a festival and a couple came up and said "we were told we were the only ones doing balloons here! We demand you leave!". I laughed at them, then proceded to destroy them. Good times.
Steve V |
esther_scheffer![]() Veteran user the netherlands 316 Posts ![]() |
Why do you want to be the only one?
pgh-mike![]() New user 22 Posts ![]() |
There are a few events that want me to pay for the space, so that causes me to charge a small amount for the balloons. If there is someone else there giving away balloons then I paid for nothing. I usually work events and get paid, and in that case I don't care if other people are there doing balloons since I'm getting paid either way. But when they want me to shell out money for a space, I don't think it's right to have other people there, who don't have to pay, doing the same thing as me. One time I was booked for a magic show and 2 hours of balloons, I was almost done and a 'clown', and I mean a clown, got in my face about doing balloons. They were early, by about an hour, and I was 15 min. from leaving, and I think they were there for free and giving away the balloons. I was getting paid and giving away the balloons. Since I wasn't shelling out any cash, I couldn't care less if anyone else was there, but he had a real problem. I heard him say that they were thinking about leaving. That must be why they have to paint on their smiles. I'm not a fan of clowns, if you didn't notice.
mtso2000![]() New user 72 Posts ![]() |
I agree with some of the statement above. the real question is how mant people will be at this event. I did a event in pittsburgh with over 10,000 people and just 4 ballon twisters. never again!
pgh-mike![]() New user 22 Posts ![]() |
There are a couple of events but none have that many people. If I have to pay...I shouldn't have to compete with somebody who doesn't.
Steve V![]() Inner circle Northern California 1878 Posts ![]() |
I agree with you.
Steve V |
thegreatsantani![]() New user L.A. 57 Posts ![]() |
On 2006-03-02 17:31, pgh-mike wrote: The best I can say is "NEVER pay to go to work.......I do an arts and crafts show with over 300 vendors selling everything under the sun...I am the only paid person there {that I know of}. They even have bands, but they play for free to get exposure....I am not saying that I am the best but I do not pay to work. Also if another balloonist is not paying why are you? TGS |
pgh-mike![]() New user 22 Posts ![]() |
I am also looking into having some businesses 'sponser' my booth. They would have a sign stating that they were a sponser. The last thing I want to do is lose money. I did this once before and it turned into a regular...paying gig. They contacted me about renting a booth the next year and I gave them a story, and then they offered to pay for the entertainment.
pdmedic![]() New user 51 Posts ![]() |
Just word it in that there will not be any other balloon entertainers sanctioned at the event.
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