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How about; "I know what you're thinking."?...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
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Profile of dmueller
Personally to me its counting to low numbers. For example "I am going to to take 5 of (insert item name here) 1.....2....3.....4....5" It insults the intelegence of your spectator.
Lawrence O
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DMueller, you can overcome this problem starting with "one for the money... two for the show... 3, 4 and 5" this quick reference to the song doesn't distract from the clear display, offers a rhythm acceleration (no monotony), and does away with the belittling of the spectators that is, I agree, implied in a simple counting.
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....."one for the money... two for the show... 3, 4 and 5"....

One for the money...two for the show... 3,4, and, as you begin a little soft shoe, 5,6,7,8. Just a thought.
I am the fakir, you....
<BR>Robin DeWitt
Lawrence O
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A good thought. You got me 100% right. Scripting is an art to get across something that otherwise might look cheesy. This is why the concept of "most overused phrase" is flawed for it doesn't take into consideration the context in which a phrase is used... and it may be overused for us, magicians, and not for an audience: such a thread is useful but it is a double bladed sword.
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"Pick any card"
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We all have our styles that we are comfortable working in!

After doing over 20 shows there are phrases or ideas that we see repeated. After 200 shows these phrases can REALLY get to us, but after 2000 we may just accept that some are just the bet way to communicate with an audience.

I always try to find a way to be myself with an audience. If I say "pick a card" its kind of necessary, but if I say "You'll like this one... Not a lot!" then some might ask if I should send Paul some copyright payment. Even if you use catchphrases make sure they are your own way of speaking with your audience. Not someone else's.
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For me the phrase I use most is "Moo"
"Do you like card tricks" he asked.
I said no.
He did five
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One more time this time slower...

- Y
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Hold out your the clean one.

This ones for the people in the cheap seats! (I really hate that one.)

Can you tell one from the other? What's the other?
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Ken Weber in his book Maximum Entertainment discusses a number of regularly used lines that are in fact detrimental - many have been mentioned in this string. The thing to think about - if it doesn't add to the show it takes away.
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I usually say, "Pick the right card PLEASE just this once." No matter what card they pick I say...YES

I know this was supposed to be what you dislike magicians saying the most, but thought I would add this.
If I were to agree with you. Then we would both be wrong. As of Apr 5, 2015 10:26 pm I have 880 posts. Used to have over 1,000
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On 2006-09-23 23:02, Muckey Spleen wrote:
I want to echo Mr. Palmer, as it bears repeating - "What I'm going to ask you to do is..." Why not just MAKE THE REQUEST?

Even more mind numbing, Muckey and Mr. P, is this related quadruple whammy from a recent one-trick DVD: "Here's what I'd like you to do. What I'd like you to do is . . . . ." EVERY request of a volunteer was preceded by that catchy doublet. To insure symmetry, EVERY activity of the mystery worker was prefaced with: "Okay, here's what I'm going to do. What I'm going to do is . . . . ." This performer no doubt counts himself among those magi who reject the notion of scripting his (wholly narrative) presentations because it might make him seem stiff and non-spontaneous.

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Weber pointed out that "the name of the card" a phrase I use to often means nothing. Just say "the card". I have adjusted my patter to avoid "the name" portion, but it still wants to slip in to my mouth.
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Profile of dooblehorn
Ha, old thread but amusing.

Description of trick:
"Packs flat and plays big"....enough already!

Review of trick:
"Gets your creative juices flowing"....ewwww, just sounds gross

In general:
"At the end of the day"....stop it!!! Please!! I'm begging you
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Any process patter, i.e. Now I'm going to take the ______ and ....... Is it really necessary to outline every process that is occurring? The only time that is appropriate is in a recap.
However, most lines we here over and over from other magicians or those that we hear ourselves audiences hear only once and then they don't process the line into long term memory, so if they hear it again it can still be fresh. Kid's sow lines are a good example. "Now hold out your hand. No, the clean one." or "Are you married?" get great laughs so everybody uses them. That's now reason to think "Gee guy, can't you get a better line?"
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Stu Montgomery
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On Apr 17, 2006, kinesis wrote:
This may be a UK thing but the words "OK" and "right" really bug me.

"I have a coin, ok, now all I'm gona do is place it here,ok and then...ok...ok...ok"

Substitute the word "OK" with "right" and you'll get the idea, OK, right!.

As Bill Palmer notes, I hate when magicians state the obvious

"Here I have a coin, now I'm going to place it in the box, now I'm going to cover the box with this cloth and tap it 3 times with my magic wand" Don't say it - do it!

Can't agree more! I hate hearing "OK" & "Right"...and I think it is a UK thing.
"Round about what is, lies a whole mysterious world of might be" Longfellow.
Zlwin Chew
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On Jul 22, 2009, Maloney wrote:
Personally, no lines bug me. I love reading topics like these just so I can pick up a few extra one-liners, which I have.

Although lines are repeated often by most magicians, the audience is not used to it at all, so it gets a laugh anyway. Just keep that in mind and you'll be fine.

Maloney is right. How often does a lay person have the chance to see a magician at work? Probably only twice a year at most. So it really doesn't bother the lay audience. This only bothers the magicians who has watched countless videos and seen countless live acts.

Still a good place to source for one liners Smile

Ah I miss Aldo Colombini.
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Profile of jclightman
I used to balk at using "magicy" sounding words like abracadabra and hocus pocus. But, I've actually started using them more, particularly in use with kid shows. They have a cartoonish expectation of a magician and seem to enjoy getting their expectations satisfied. Of course I don't over use it!
Pop Haydn
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I use the word "trick" almost exclusively in describing what I do. Even if it was based on real magic, the sort of demonstrations I am doing would be considered little tricks of no great consequence. Just light entertainment. Even Gandalf would have considered smoke rings and such "tricks."
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