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"You've never met me before. Correct?"
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On 2006-04-13 04:02, BrucUK wrote:
"....just an ORDINARY deck of cards"
Yeah right....

Funny but I'd go with this one!!!
Chris Becker
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On 2006-04-14 10:20, Bill Scarlett wrote:
"Now you have never met me before have you? Then how do you know it's me?"

I use this. I think it's so weird, which makes it particularly funny.
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<BR>Cards don't cheat people. People cheat people.
Dave V
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A little off topic, but not by much:
How about the most irritating, overused phrase in discussions on the Café? These aren't ones in performance, but are irritating to read here.

My vote goes for "Nuff said."

That means to me that he's done talking, his mind is made up, and he's no longer willing to discuss the issue further. It's as if he's declared himself right, every one else wrong, shoved his fingers in his ears and is unwilling to listen any further. If that's the case, why do they call this place a "discussion" group?
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This may be a UK thing but the words "OK" and "right" really bug me.

"I have a coin, ok, now all I'm gona do is place it here,ok and then...ok...ok...ok"

Substitute the word "OK" with "right" and you'll get the idea, OK, right!.

As Bill Palmer notes, I hate when magicians state the obvious

"Here I have a coin, now I'm going to place it in the box, now I'm going to cover the box with this cloth and tap it 3 times with my magic wand" Don't say it - do it!
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Jim Davis
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"wanna see somethin'?!"
Diamond Jim Davis "The Cardslinger" ~~~ Magic from the '80's....................the 1880's!
<BR><BR>Don't just be a magician, be a human interest!
Jonathan Townsend
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Here are a few that come to mind

And now I'm going to...

Now put the card back all the coins I've dropped here
Zac Vee
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Some bad ones are

" you had a free choice and could have picked/thought of any card"

" its an illusion "

" I want you to concentrate"

" did you see that " its gone

" do you feel it " this one is funny
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Daniel Faith
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I'm with Frank.
There is a place for these sort of lines.
Especially when performing for kids.
Just because you have heard them over and over doesn't mean
that every audience has. Remember you hang out with magicians
so of course you would hear this lines often.
I definitely think some can be improved, like Pick a card.
I prefer to say, "select a card that you feel drawn to", as an example.

The trapdoor line is great with kids.
Daniel Faith
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On 2006-04-13 22:10, DanielCoyne wrote:
So you're happy with the mind you've got??

Stand right there - just over the trap door.

These two lines made me chuckle just reading them. I'm adding them both. So there!

I like them, too. Smile
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On 2006-04-13 22:16, Bill Palmer wrote:
I took the would you like to change your mind line and added a tag to it.

Would you like to change your mind?

Oh, you're happy with the mind you have?

Don't lose it!

Ha! Smile
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On 2006-04-16 12:33, Dave VanVranken wrote:
A little off topic, but not by much:
How about the most irritating, overused phrase in discussions on the Café? These aren't ones in performance, but are irritating to read here.

My vote goes for "Nuff said."

That means to me that he's done talking, his mind is made up, and he's no longer willing to discuss the issue further. It's as if he's declared himself right, every one else wrong, shoved his fingers in his ears and is unwilling to listen any further. If that's the case, why do they call this place a "discussion" group?

I think I know where you got that one. Smile
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Much of my mingling magic is performed silently in the interactive comedy style,as "Max the magician"... somewhat akin to the style of Charlie Chaplin.

However, for some cocktail situations, I take on a "speaking" persona called, "Jack the Gambler".

In such cases, when I want to establish first rapport I might catch the eyes of a guest and in a quizzical yet very friendly way --and with a dubious voice tone say...

"You're not a magician are you?"

or sometimes I change his around to say..." Are you a magician?

The second they see me and size me up with my table, props and bowler hat they become relaxed, friendly and often chuckle as they come closer to my card table to see what's going on. Of course, I can only guess that they're thinking to themselves..."no, but you are!" Then the fun begins and we're off to the races, as the other guests gather round to join in.

Max & Maxine Entertainment
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On 2006-04-14 13:29, tomrav wrote:
"Would you be impressed if I..."

No ! -if I am in a funny mood, cause then I like to throw off people a bit. I am having fun then looking at a stupid looking face. Especially if I know them.-

Luckily I don't watch too many English speaking magicians so I don't hear those phrases too often, but yes I am annoyed if I hear the same phrase from 5 different people. That happened quite a bit on weddings when I was little, because my parents started very early with getting children and I am the first so we went to lots of their friends weddings and most of the time during the entertainment time I was bored.

Maybe those people's minds have already faded somewhat...
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How 'bout most over used words like...

"Okay, Alright, Uh huh"... too many times I've seen performers who repeat these words over and over throuhout their entire acts! Horrible!

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Ethan Starkiller
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Personally, I can't bear when the deck is referred to as being sentient. Oh look 'the cards have - ordered themselves- so as to put your 8 or diamonds, 8 from the top'. Or they're commanded - 'Cards change' with a tap, does anyone buy this at all? It's all in the presentation I guess.
Dave Lewis
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"That's the first time that's ever happened...again!"

"One card and one card only..."

"For the first time, in a loud, clear voice..."

"Show them the card. Don't show me...I've seen this trick before."
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I agree with a couple of other posters -- "ordinary" really grates on my nerves! Not only is it absolutely unnecessary, it causes the exact opposite reaction from the audience -- the more you carry on about how "ordinary" an object is, the more they doubt it! I think "show, don't tell" fits extremely well in this situation.

The other phrase that really gets to me is "go ahead". I've seen it in a lot of demo videos as well as some live performances (as well as some people in normal conversation.) "Go ahead and look at it ... Go ahead and sign it ... OK. I'll go ahead and shuffle the cards ..." I cringe every time I hear that.
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