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Did anyone say Abara cadabara? lol
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"Now, if you'll hold out your hand . . . the clean one."

Makes me cringe.
. . . but the third man answered, "I am building a cathedral."
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Profile of daffydoug
On 2006-04-12 22:46, flimnar wrote:
I have found in performing magic there are certain phrases that, in my opinion, tend to get overused. The one currently making me nuts is a phrase often uttered during the cups and balls routine---"Solid through solid." Is this just a me thing? (It may really be!) Are there others?


"All I have to do is snap my fingers"...
The difficult must become easy, the easy beautiful and the beautiful magical.
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Profile of cjl467
I say "Did you see that?" way too much, after doing an effect -- kind of as a rhetorical question -- and it becomes awkward when people say "Yes". Sometimes I think they mean that they "saw" how I did it...
Josh Riel
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Actually, it is ordinary for someone to say "pick a card".

"Nuff Said!

I know I use a bunch of lame stuff. But I think my bigger problem isn't overused phrases, it is the fact I speak at all while performing. My "Humor" some times gets people uncomfortable (I usually think it's funny as hell.....). At times I use words that are not in common usage, so my point gets missed. Once in a while my potty mouth slips in the wrong crowd. Gotta watch myself closely. Guess we all do.

What I hate on the Café' is people firing off with stupid comments and off topic stuff.............. wait that's me
Magic is doing improbable things with odd items that, under normal circumstances, would be unnessecary and quite often undesirable.
Tom Bartlett
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On 2006-07-09 02:08, Josh Riel wrote:
Actually, it is ordinary for someone to say "pick a card".

"Nuff Said!

I know I use a bunch of lame stuff. But I think my bigger problem isn't overused phrases, it is the fact I speak at all while performing. My "Humor" some times gets people uncomfortable (I usually think it's funny as hell.....). At times I use words that are not in common usage, so my point gets missed. Once in a while my potty mouth slips in the wrong crowd. Gotta watch myself closely. Guess we all do.

What I hate on the Café' is people firing off with stupid comments and off topic stuff.............. wait that's me

This is funny stuff! or am I just warped?
Our friends don't have to agree with me about everything and some that I hold very dear don't have to agree about anything, except where we are going to meet them for dinner.
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Let me show you this new card trick I've been working on.
Will Eefting
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Profile of Will Eefting
I have a bad habit of saying:

"Hey guys, how are you tonight?"
"Mind if I show you something? It'll just take a minute"
"Take the card, memorise it, don't let me see it"

Of course, I also take cues from people I know, and often times I get asked to do a "Magic Trick" or a "Card Trick" to which I tend to reply curtly.

"Dogs do tricks, but if you would like I'll perform some magic for you"
"Trick huh? *gets down on knees and acts like a begging dog*"
"Trick is a dirty word, do you not believe in magic?"
"Well, I could perform a trick, but there are women and perhaps children present..."

I've got a million of em.
A Trick? Well yes there are quite a few "tricks" I can do, but alas there are women and children present. Find me later.
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When a magician says ladies and gentleman like 100 times want to punch him in the face, and another on that aggravates me is just a little wave of my hand or when they say just give a little blow
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Profile of stanalger
Rikbrooks (AKA Tex Austin) beat me to "actually." (See 6th post in this
thread.) It drives me nuts when I hear someone overuse this word.

Another: "Personally" as in
"Personally, I think..." or
"Personally, I feel..." or
"Personally, I like..."

Some good news: overuse of "basically" appears to be dying.

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Profile of cheesewrestler
On 2006-04-23 15:10, johnnymystic wrote:

"Okay, Alright, Uh huh"... too many times I've seen performers who repeat these words over and over throuhout their entire acts! Horrible!


How long is this David Blaine bashing going to continue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Josh Riel
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In all seriousness, the phrases that I find annoying due to the number of times I hear them are (No particular order)

-I cannot serve you, you've had enough to drink-
-stay away from my wife-
-stay away from me-
-I'm getting a restraining order-
-She has a restraining order-
-I'll punch you if you say "Ladies and Gentleman" over 100 times-
-what's that smell?-
-is that you?-
-don't you bathe?-
-I wish someone would ban him from the Magic Café-
-David Blaine is the greatest magician-
-David Blaine sucks-
-you have the right to remain silent-
-why won't you shut up?-
-haven't you always wanted a monkey?-
-don't do that it makes you blind-
-don't do that, you'll make god cry-
-sir, your under arrest for doing that in public-

So stop saying them!
Magic is doing improbable things with odd items that, under normal circumstances, would be unnessecary and quite often undesirable.
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Profile of SeaDawg
Sometimes a very slight sublimal difference helps.

Rather thanpick a card(where they now think they have a choice...)

I sometimes use "Grab one of these for me, please. Limit one per customer" (Then it is easier to force since you are telling them to grab...)

My 2 cents worth
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Profile of cheesewrestler
On 2006-04-23 15:10, johnnymystic wrote:
How 'bout most over used words like...

"Okay, Alright, Uh huh"... too many times I've seen performers who repeat these words over and over throuhout their entire acts! Horrible!


When will this David Blaine bashing cease!!!!!!!
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On 2006-04-16 12:33, Dave VanVranken wrote:
A little off topic, but not by much:
How about the most irritating, overused phrase in discussions on the Café? These aren't ones in performance, but are irritating to read here.

My vote goes for "Nuff said."

That means to me that he's done talking, his mind is made up, and he's no longer willing to discuss the issue further. It's as if he's declared himself right, every one else wrong, shoved his fingers in his ears and is unwilling to listen any further. If that's the case, why do they call this place a "discussion" group?

and don't forget, in answer ro a request for information on a new product: "Anything XXXX puts out is worth buying!" and/or "It's from XXXX - just buy it!"
Muckey Spleen
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Profile of Muckey Spleen
I want to echo Mr. Palmer, as it bears repeating - "What I'm going to ask you to do is..." Why not just MAKE THE REQUEST?
While we're at it, if I hear another magician refer to a "silk" in front of a lay audience my head will explode. Seriously.
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Profile of yachanin
I'd have to say the most overused phrase is "only limited by your imagination."

Regards, Steve
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"Now look into my eyes......"
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"check this out"

and my favorite: "and......NOW!"

Give that man a twinkie!

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Profile of ChristopherM
Would you be amazed if...?
All I have to do is... and then x happens.
If we put it in the comes back to the top of the pack.
Want to see something cool?
Isn't that great?
Watch it go...did you see it?
Put the card no, on the top of the pack.
Please write the letters in capitals, as large and legibly as you can, er, that other people can see later...yes, that's the reason.
Watch this, look, just watch

How about most under-used phrases by magicians: Please, Thank you, grateful comments to the audience.... Instead it's just "put your hand out" "take this" "put it back" "pick one" "do this/that". This does not endear the magician to his (/her) audience. Good topic.


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