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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Ballooning 101 » » Helium NOT safe to inhale... (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Doug Higley
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1942 - 2022
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Profile of Doug Higley
There is another thread on the board where some posters recommend the inhaling of Helium to sound silly is safe to do...I think my answer post deserves to be read here on the Balloon Topic...

"Joking aside guys...Helium is NOT safe...and can be FATAL. Air passages have been known to SHUT tight and breathing impared or worse. recommending to 'Go ahead, do it' might not be the best advise...


Product is a non-toxic simple asphyxiant. Effects of oxygen deficiency resulting from simple asphyxiants mayinclude: rapid breathing, diminished mental alertness, impaired muscular coordination, faulty judgement,depression of all sensations, emotional instability, and fatigue. As asphyxiation progresses, nausea, vomiting,prostration, and loss of consciousness may result, eventually leading to convulsions, coma, and death.

This is from an Australian Gas site:

Have you ever been to a party and inhaled helium in an attempt to sound like Donald Duck? If so, you have probably put your life at risk!

Evidence has proven that the inhalation of helium can be fatal, yet thousands of party goers continue to inhale helium thinking it to be incredibly funny rather than life threatening. The inhalation of helium cuts off a person's supply of oxygen and can cause dizziness, unconsciousness and ultimately death!

Doctors around Australia are concerned about the health risk associated with people inhaling helium. This is a particular problem when people are inebriated and their system is already contending with an outside influence.

According to Consultant Occupational Health Physician, Dr Greg McGroder, "Australians have not yet realised the extreme danger associated with helium inhalation. If the concentration of oxygen is decreased below 18% within the human body, symptoms and signs of Asphyxia can occur. Helium gas can totally displace the available oxygen and if this is maintained for even a few seconds, asphyxia and death can and will occur".

In 1898, fifteen year old Michelle Moreno from Texas died from helium inhalation at a friend's party. Her death caused major headlines regarding the dangers of helium inhalation. In Australia, Kristi Brash from Victoria had a near death experience when she appeared to freeze and turn blue after inhaling the entire contents of a balloon. Kristi fell motionless to the floor but luckily regained consciousness after a few minutes. Kristi was rushed to hospital and after examination she appeared to be find although any long term affects of the inhalation are yet to be determined.

Comedy television and radio programmes often use helium as a device to get laughs. This portrays helium inhalation as a fun, safe practice when, in effect, it is deadly. Public figures are influential in the minds of the public and they need to realise that they could either die from helium use or be indirectly responsible for the death of another.

BOC Gases is deeply concerned about the misuse of Balloon Gas and is going to great efforts to inform the public that helium inhalation can be fatal. Unfortunately with people continuing to ignore the dangers of this potentially lethal practice, it is a difficult task to educate the public that HELIUM INHALATION IS NO LAUGHING MATTER!

From another American site:

The gas itself if used improperly can also take human life. We’ve all seen someone or have ingested helium into our lungs which produces that funny squeaky voice.
This is caused by minute amounts of oxygen being depleted from you’re your lungs which then changes the sound of our voice.

Inhalation is NEVER advisable even in small doses

The danger is inhaling too much helium; enough gas inhaled into the body will deplete the oxygen and the person will die of suffocation.
Higley's Giant Flea Pocket Zibit
Derek Dean
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Thanks Doug!
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Profile of Snidini
Wow, thanks Doug for that great post. I hope people will wake up to this seeming innocent practice. I have rarely seen anyone harmed by ihalation BUT I have seen one case many years ago that may have been fatal if an oxygen supply wasn't readily available. It freaked the party goers into thinking this may not be as safe as people think. I have never forgotten this incident. Thanks for reminding us.

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Profile of fred200
Thanks doug I dint knew this facts!
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Profile of Marvello
Thanks for the info, Doug!

seems this should be a sticky I this forum!
Never criticize someone else until you have walked a mile in their shoes. Then, when you do criticize them, you will be a mile away from them and you will have their shoes.
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Oops- I meant to say "in this forum"
Never criticize someone else until you have walked a mile in their shoes. Then, when you do criticize them, you will be a mile away from them and you will have their shoes.
Doug Higley
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1942 - 2022
7152 Posts

Profile of Doug Higley
Your welcome all.

In the early 90's I attended a large Balloon Industry Convention for Balloon Artists/Decorators and there was a prominent seminar about this issue. It was serious stuff. There were a couple of Doctors and and Engineers that presented a compelling case.

The thing that stuck with me all these years is that those who use balloons as Professional Artists or as Entertainers are really role models that the public will look to to emulate. Someone inibreated or a small child or anyone with breathing problems can be hurt...maybe even years later after your show they might try that 'funny trick'...or of more immediate concern is your hiney on the line.

Not worth it.
Higley's Giant Flea Pocket Zibit
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Profile of Dollarbill
There was a boy in my middle school who died from inhaling helium years ago. it always reminds me of him when the word helium is mentioned.Very sad. RIP Robbie.
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Profile of Robynhood
I used to work at a party store and inhaling the helium was grounds for firing. Helium can be quite dangerous.
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