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On 2006-05-28 09:38, enigmax wrote:
We could be like Colon, since CAM happens every two years, maybe a semi-Colon.

I'm very sorry... but I'm going to have to kill you now. Your loved ones will be provided for. Oh, all right. I'll let you off with having "biennial" tattooed on your forehead. (Anyone who thinks "biennial" is a typo is invited to look it up.)

At the first CAM, a couple of people who found out that I'd never attended any magic convention before lost no time in telling me I didn't realize how good CAM is.

Not all magic conventions are this good. It's still young, and it's still undiluted by secondary concerns like regional equality. We can focus on the positive, and we can keep it that way.

First CAM: flew from Ottawa (two airfares)
Second CAM: drove from Halifax (two passengers)
Third CAM: flew from Halifax (one airfare)
Fourth CAM: to be determined Smile
I formerly ran a site of links to help Canadian magicians,, but I retired it in 2022.
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Profile of JonParis
I suspect that some of those commenting on how far the CAM convention is from Toronto are not familiar with the geography or the traffic flow in the city.

Toronto airport is actually in Mississauga, which is the city to the west of Toronto. To get to the CAM hotel (also to the west) takes an hour (30 minutes more in rush hour). To get to downtown Toronto takes at least 30 minutes (and up to an hour more in rush hour). So there's very little time difference. The shuttle services are good and inexpensive. Of course you could use an airport hotel, but they are expensive and folks would complain that they weren't in the city "proper". Also I am not aware of any quality theatre facilities in the area that are even vaguely comparable to those where the Gala show is held in Kitchener. Certainly none in walking distance of the hotels.

Should CAM move from time to time? Sure - but someone needs to volunteer a similar workforce in Vancouver or Montreal to the one Joan has assembled in Kitchener.
Ben Proudfoot
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Well said.

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