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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » For the record » » Whats the name of this move and who's is it? (video) (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Inner circle
Kalamazoo, Mi.
2537 Posts

Profile of Jaxon
I was just wondering what this move is called and who originated or published it.

Here's a short video of the move. It's not the smoothest performance of the move. I hope the way I demonstrated it kind of poorly will hint the method so those who know it might be able to tell me the information I need for credits.

Ron Jaxon

After regaining my ability to hear after 20 years of deafness. I learned that there is magic all around you. The simplest sounds that amazed me you probably ignore. Look and listen around you right now. You'll find something you didn't notice before.
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Inner circle
Kalamazoo, Mi.
2537 Posts

Profile of Jaxon
I found out this move is Richard Himber's coin vanish and David Roth had a version of it in one of his videos.

Thanks for the info Jonathan.

Ron Jaxon

After regaining my ability to hear after 20 years of deafness. I learned that there is magic all around you. The simplest sounds that amazed me you probably ignore. Look and listen around you right now. You'll find something you didn't notice before.
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » For the record » » Whats the name of this move and who's is it? (video) (0 Likes)
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