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Dale A. Hildebrandt
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A lot of the math-based effects I have been researching seemed to be lacking something....I couldn't quite put my finger on it at first, but now I think I realize what some of these tricks are missing: hooks. Emotional hooks or psychological hooks of some kind. Otherwise you're just the guy whos is clever with numbers.

So, how do you infuse your effects and turn them into powerful presentations when dealing with math tricks? I have one math-based effect that I do that revolves around a story, and it plays very well. It's titled "Graphonumerology", and at the end there is a killer climax that has nothing to do with the math involved. But I've built in a hook based on space aliens and fear.

How do you add your hooks? Or do you simply get up there and be the guy who is clever with numbers?

Dale A. Hildebrandt
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Profile of rgranville
Read Richard Busch's Number... Please? He addresses the very problem you raise.

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Profile of Hushai
In the introduction to Karl Fulves's "Self Working Number Magic" (I think that's the title) he suggests that the number you use in a mathematical effect always be some number of personal significance to the spectator -- her telephone number, Social Security number, birthday, or something. You imply that the amazing result would not have worked with any other number, and so on. That way you build in a personal relation to the trick for the spectator.
Scott Cram
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Many number effects are ripe for a presentation in which you develop a situational meaning.
Harry Lorayne
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Also, Shane's Automata is all about giving humanity to mathematically based magic principles.
Leaping Lizards!!! Who knew it was possible.
Dale A. Hildebrandt
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I'll look into Number..Please? It sounds like it might be what I am looking for.


That's good advice in the Fulves book, for when you are able to personalize the number. But exactly how do you personalize the number each and every time for effects, especially some mathemtatical effects that require certain numbers to work, numbers that may have no relevance to the spectator at hand and thus leave you with no hook?


Wow! The list of questions you provide will not only enhance a math-based routine, but has the potential to enhance ANY magic or performance art routine!

Mr. Lorayne,

I have your book "Mathematical Wizardy" (I bought it from H & R Magic Books) I find it to be an excellent book. What's your favorite presentational hook (emotional or psychological) from your book? Hearing which is the favorite of a master magician such as yourself would surely inspire me.


This thread is costing me more and more money LOL! I will check out Automata as soon as possible.

Thank you everyone for responding to this thread.

Dale A. Hildebrandt
Jonathan Townsend
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What specifically is your purpose in bringing the item to your audience? all the coins I've dropped here
Dale A. Hildebrandt
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On 2006-09-05 11:33, Jonathan Townsend wrote:
What specifically is your purpose in bringing the item to your audience?

My purpose in bringing these items to my audience is to give them object lessons that produce various emotional reactions, while still being entertaining. I would like the audience to have a variety of emotional reactions during the performance, and leave them with a message. I want them to have different responses to different tricks, but for each trick to have meaning to the audience, a meaning that will elevate them, inspire them, and make them think. Any advice that you (or anyone else) has on accomplishing such a thing would be greatly appreciated.

Dale A. Hildebrandt
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St. Louis, Missouri, USA
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Profile of Hushai
On 2006-09-04 18:23, Dale A. Hildebrandt wrote:

That's good advice in the Fulves book...for when you are able to personalize the number. But exactly how do you personalize the number each and every time for effects, especially some mathemtatical effects that require certain numbers to work...numbers that may have no relevance to the spectator at hand and thus leave you with no hook?

What effects are you thinking of that require only certain numbers to work? I was thinking, for example, of the 9 principle tricks in which the spectator provides any number he pleases, scrambles it, subtracts the smaller number from the larger, picks one digit in the result and circles it, then tells you all the other digits and you reveal the circled digit, even though you didn't know the original number or any of the others. There you could specify that the spectator start with his Social Security number (for example) and pretend that you know a secret formula for deriving digits in it. Or, in the old "1089" trick, you could ask the spectator to use any three different digits in her driver's license number, reverse them, etc. I'm trying to think of effects in which you HAVE to use only certain numbers and no free choice of any is involved whatsoever, and I'm coming up blank.
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You also may want to check out Hidden Numerical Forces by Thomas Henry, due out in a month or so.
Leaping Lizards!!! Who knew it was possible.
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