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Profile of busterjuggler
I cam up with this one liner today involving a visual gag.

You do your impressions, gags as normal and then you walk over and grab your glass of water (I acually do a juggling act with the water) and then you juggle 2 balls in one hand and place the glass above your head and say "Underwater jugging"

I want this to discuss mixing comedy viusal with verbal eg: the example above, not drop lines..etc

Hope this makes sense!

James BuSTAR
Australia's Comedy Juggling Superstar
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Profile of Arkadia
Great idea! Thanks for sharing!

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Profile of AntonDreaming
I would set the joke up better by saying you are the only underwatter juggler in the world. Let them think huh how can some one juggle underwatter. Then use the visual gag to get a laugh.

Just an opinion.

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Profile of busterjuggler
Nice idea dude.

Any other gags similar to this anyone can think of?

James BuSTAR
Australia's Comedy Juggling Superstar
Steve V
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Profile of Steve V
I've decided I no longer want to learn how to juggle.
Steve V
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Profile of AntonDreaming
Hey steve...wierd post... any reasoning for it...
Steve V
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The underwater convinced me I'm too funny for juggling.
Steve V <---former juggler wanna be
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Profile of AntonDreaming
Mr Steve V so high and mighty.... If your so funny then learn to juggle and go out and blow the rest of the Comedy Juggling world out of the watter. Anyway if your going to give up so easy then you probably don't have what it takes to be a good juggler.

Also some of the worst jokes in the world can become funny if the right person tells it. Actualy I don't even know why I care. don't learn to juggle, give up, more bad jokes for me.

Steve have fun with the stand up... or are you a magician... because there are bad joke in magic too so you should probably give that up too... your probably to funny for magic as well.


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Profile of esther_scheffer
Antondreamning, comeon Steve V is just sharing he doesn't like the underwater joke very much.
Well you don't seem to like his one liner: "I've decided I no longer want to learn how to juggle."
No reason to get upset!
Steve V
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Thank you Esther. Those Bostonians (likely from Quincy or something) are just cranky. Yes, if I could learn to juggle I likely would blow the comedy jugglers out of the watter. I just can't freakin' juggle!
Steve V <---doesn't know what a watter is but sure it must be wicked ****ah
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Profile of AntonDreaming
Wow Im speachless first off Im not even from this country. Secondly if picking apart a spelling mistake is your idea of funny try telling that joke infront of a group of spectators...Im pretty sure that Busters corny underwatter joke would get much more in return. Also I find it funny you cant juggle... Its not that hard. I know an 11 year old who can do 7 and a 58 year old that can do 9. Im in my twentys and can do 7.

My post was simply in responce to the fact you were calling a joke lame without ever seeing it delivered. Granted its an old bit but at least Buster tried to dust it off and give it a new look. Buster is a good if not great street performer from down under. Id bet pretty heavy he could tell that joke and get a good laugh out of it.

Lets face it I cant spell but lets face it spelling doesn't look good to a croud of a couple hundred people. Anyway I have an edditor that checks all my important cr@p.

Im friends with some of the most entertaining jugglers and street performers in the world. They all have one thing in common... they all tell corny jokes.... people like them...

Steve V
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Yet your claim it is a good line was also based on never seeing it delivered. Interesting. Also based upon your statement I see that juggling isn't hard. I guess that would mean that juggling is rather pedestrian and those that accomplish it merely attempted to do so and no skill is involved. Thank you for clearing that up.
Steve V <---types his name underwater....tada!
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Profile of AntonDreaming
Keep reading into things mr.v . Juggling isn't about the stunts its about who does them. As far as juding it a good joke before seeing it...1. Id rather be optimistic than pesimistic...2 Ive played enough audiences both on the street and indoors to tell that joke would get a reaction...3 just to make you happy I will do it this weekend during a few shows and tell you how it goes... Im sure it wont bring down the house but it will definatly get a laugh. At least when I tell it it will. Its not the juggling, its the juggler that makes a good show.

As far as no skill involved sure theres some... but in the amout of time it takes to learn a simple three ball cascade is not intence. In my opinion most of the average people in the world can juggle to a greater or lesser degree if the choose to invest the time. You have tried to juggle and have failed so evidently you havent tried hard enough.

Lets assume that the words you put in my mouth are true. Lets say a simple three ball cascade is pedestrian and requires no skill, YOU STILL CANT DO IT! So by your own claim you are now currently resting at a level below the non skilled. You said it not me!

Im happy telling my corny jokes, doing my slightly above average juggling, and making the crowds love me.

Anton James Royalty < Has more balls than you...
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Profile of juggling1
I juggle three tennise balls and then tell the crowd I can juggle nine then pull out three tubes wih 3 balls in each, like you buy them and flip juggle them like pins.

P.S. Steve don't worry we wont give up on u.
Steve V
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Also I find it funny you cant juggle... Its not that hard. I know an 11 year old who can do 7 and a 58 year old that can do 9. Im in my twentys and can do 7.

So the standard is eight balls, wait, you implied nine was easy so 10 is the cut off between hack and, I guess, middle of the road juggler.

Next time I'm in Boston I'd love to go see you perform.
Steve V <---never realized that anyone could pick up three balls and immediately juggle them....
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Profile of AntonDreaming
Wow steve not what Im saying at all...and sadly you know it. My statement was being made to simple illustrate that anyone can juggle. Also I never said anyone can instantly do anything. I said it takes practice but I feel most can do it. As far as your tag line goes

"Steve V <---never realized that anyone could pick up three balls and immediately juggle them"

Like I said before evidently you cant. Stop trying to pick a fight where you are simply wrong...putting words in my mouth and insulting my spelling wont help you learn to juggle and wont make you any less wrong.

As far as seeing my show (and you or anyone else is more than welcome to) how bout we trade and you let me see one of your shows. Im in Cali often. I wouldent mind making a trip to see a good show. So if your show (if you even have one) is any good let me know and Ill come see it.

The Royalty <~~~~Doesnt need to take things out of contrast to be right.
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Profile of AntonDreaming
Wow steve not what Im saying at all...and sadly you know it. My statement was being made to simple illustrate that anyone can juggle. Also I never said anyone can instantly do anything. I said it takes practice but I feel most can do it. As far as your tag line goes

"Steve V <---never realized that anyone could pick up three balls and immediately juggle them"

Like I said before evidently you cant. Stop trying to pick a fight where you are simply wrong...putting words in my mouth and insulting my spelling wont help you learn to juggle and wont make you any less wrong.

As far as seeing my show (and you or anyone else is more than welcome to) how bout we trade and you let me see one of your shows. Im in Cali often. I wouldent mind making a trip to see a good show. So if your show (if you even have one) is any good let me know and Ill come see it.

The Royalty <~~~~Doesnt need to take things out of contrast to be right.
Steve V
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Profile of Steve V
You are right....not only do I have a poor sense of humour, being unable to appreciate the brilliance of holding a glass of water over ones head and all, I must be physically or mentally challenged due to my inability to juggle. I'm lesser of a human because of this. I never realized that I stand alone in my non-juggling abilities, or should I say lack there of...thank you for helping me realize that in the hiarchy of humanity there is a bottom and that is where I dwell. I've only one question, does this mean I fit a catagory in the EEOC?
Steve V
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Profile of AntonDreaming
Keep going steve all of us are impressed.

The Royalty
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Profile of Arkadia
Anton: Yep, we are very impressed.

Steve: The best way of showing how funny you are is by telling everybody about it without doing anything. Your posts have really helpd us jugglers developing our shows. Not to mention that the attitude on this board have turned into a lovely hug-party. Thanks.

Magician, juggler and slack rope walker
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