Mago Gregorio Elite user Paris, France 473 Posts |
I've noticed a (small) error in Mnemonica, page 82 in Any Card at any number explanation. If the number named is greater than then position of the card in the stack you must substract the result of the (mentioned) operation from 52 and not 53...
Anyway, it's one of my best effect with one of the greatest book I know!! |
LeeDillingham Loyal user Las Vegas 263 Posts |
Good catch. This is a really great book.
Kjellstrom Inner circle Sweden, Scandinavia, Europe 5233 Posts |
Maybe its the translation that's not perfect?
Deluzion Loyal user 217 Posts |
Yeah, I also noticed this when reading the ACAAN explanation.
I use ACAAN plot for my opener (if I'm using mem deck.) I second Mago Gregorio. This is my favourite routine in my favourite book.
hcs Special user Germany, Magdeburg 521 Posts |
I also stated this error in my book "Mind Mapping for Memorized Decks", on page 36.
You can download this book for free: http://www.solka2.privat.t-online.de/memdeck/mindmapping.htm |
Steve Suss Inner circle 1193 Posts |
Is there an English translation? Thanks Steve |
hcs Special user Germany, Magdeburg 521 Posts |
Sorry, this book is available only in German.
I believe that you are able to catch how mind mapping and m3d do work only by studying tables and pictures in the book. All card values in my book are given in english expressions. Simply try it! Feel free to send me your questions und suggestions. Enjoy! I don't know who can help me to translate book into English or how to publish english version. My English is too poor. Mind Mapping is a new technique that substitute calculations by simple steps in a two dimensional mind map (an easy to remember picture of whole stack). Every step counts depending at direction -1, +1, -10 or +10. Best regards hcs, Hans-Christian |
ToasterofDoom Special user 671 Posts |
There is a built in translation button, but it seems of dubious quality.
wash Loyal user 239 Posts |
ACAAN as on opener, nice thinking, but I've always thought it a little too clean and strong to have as an opener. Deluzion, do you mind if I ask what your closer is?
Andy the cardician Inner circle A street named after my dad 3362 Posts |
thanks for the sharing . . . as far as I understood, you did not propose a method for memorizing the tables. Any suggestions would be great . . . Andy
Cards never lie
hcs Special user Germany, Magdeburg 521 Posts |
Hi Andy,
in chapter 5 of "Mind Mapping for Memorized Decks" I try to explain how mind mapping for memorized decks works: Calculation is substituted by simple steps in a two dimensional (mental) mind map (an easy to remember picture of whole stack). Every step counts depending at direction -1 (up), +1 (down), -10 (to left) or +10 (to right). In chapter 6 are some examples given. ______ So example #11 ("in German" - Beispiel 11): The deck is given a cut. On bottom is JC. What is the position number of 8S in Tamariz-Stack? You can calculate: 22-36+52=? Or you can scan mentaly in mind map (see fig. 16 - "in German Abb. 16, Bsp. 11"): From JC to 8S are the following scanning steps: 4 steps up (count -4) and 1 step to left (count -10). -4-10=-14. Result -14 means "There are from JC to 8S 14 cards back or 38 cards forward. _________ Example #12 ("in German - Beispiel 12"): The deck is given a cut. On bottom is AC. What card is on position number 23 in Tamariz-Stack? You can calculate: 43+23-52=? Or you can scan mentaly in mind map (see fig. 16 - "in German Abb. 16, Bsp. 12"): From AC you can do the following scanning steps: 23 steps forward is the same like 29 steps backward. 29 steps backward are: 3 steps to left (count -30) and 1 step down (count +1). -30+1=-29. You entered 8H. ___________ Example 13b (see fig. 17 - "in German Abb. 17, Bsp. 13b"): 8C should be on 41 position. On bottom is 6S. How to cut? I. You scan -41 steps back or 11 steps forward from 8C in mind map - 1 step down (counts +10) and 1 step to right (counts +1): You entered 9C. II. Scanning from 9C to 6S: 1 step down (counts +1) and 3 steps to left (counts -30): Result is -29 or you must transfer (cut) 29 cards from top to bottom. __________ In bonus section you will find the secret of m3d-stack, the easy way to learn a memorized deck. Best regards hcs |
Andy the cardician Inner circle A street named after my dad 3362 Posts |
Dear HCS,
thanks a lot. I do understand the benefit of the map - my struggle is to memorize the actual map, as I am using a 8 step system to memorize the deck. best regards Andy
Cards never lie
hcs Special user Germany, Magdeburg 521 Posts |
Dear Andy,
what memorized deck do you use? Aronson, Tamariz ...? Best wishes in your struggle. hcs |
Andy the cardician Inner circle A street named after my dad 3362 Posts |
Dear HCS,
I use the Tamariz version. Andy
Cards never lie
magicpro212 Loyal user 213 Posts |
For those Intrested in The Any card at any Number plot should take a look at John Born book "Meant to Be" which dedicates the whole book to this effect.
dannywu New user 26 Posts |
I always start my routine with Asi's ACAAN. Perfect
lcwright1964 Special user Toronto 569 Posts |
I noticed this when I first got the book but glossed over it thinking I might have misunderstood something. My preferred ACAAN is Asi Wind's, anyway--I am not averse to doing the pass, but any routine which avoids it is awesome indeed.
doriancaudal Inner circle 1532 Posts |
On Jan 2, 2015, lcwright1964 wrote: In MirACAAN, there is no pass Not the same method as Asi Wind / John Born, but very good, still. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vm84iP7TWBI
Hands-off ACAAN - freely chosen card and number : http://doriancaudal.wix.com/miracaan
Richard Weber New user 26 Posts |
Is there a list anywhere of errors in Mnemonica? I am reading the description of a multiple false cut on page 274. In the final paragraph "Conclude by dropping the right hand's packet..." In fact, this only works when I drop the LEFT hand's packet on right. I like the procedure and feel it is quite deceptive.
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