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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » You Oughta Be In Pictures » » FORUM RULES - Please read prior to posting. » » TOPIC IS LOCKED (2 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Steve Brooks
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Founder / Manager
Northern California - United States
3797 Posts

Profile of Steve Brooks
You Oughta Be In Pictures - FORUM RULES


Due to the ever popularity of Café members posting links to sites such as youtube, putfile, myspace.com, videomagicdepot, etc which contain homemade magic related video demonstrations, I have decided to provide this forum exclusively for said purpose. Again, videos must be hosted on another website - we simply cannot afford the bandwidth it would take in order to allow users the option of uploading their videos here, sorry.

This forum is for posts focusing on user-submitted videos or images. All media content should be appropriate for all audiences and must not contain any copyrighted intellectual property without the permission of the respective copyright holder. In addition, absolutely no exposure videos will be allowed - no exceptions.


You may post links to your own personal website (or those listed above) to showcase homemade magic video demonstrations you wish to share with other Magic Café members, provided:

  • The video is NOT a promo for an item you are selling or marketing. Such a video will be considered as nothing more than an advertisement. Please see our Advertising Policy for further details.
  • Does NOT contain any copyrighted intellectual property without the permission of the respective copyright holder.
  • Does NOT contain any profanity, pornography or any other obscene material that would be considered inappropriate for any audience.
  • No exposure videos. (e.g, videos which show how Criss Angel or any other performer might accomplish their effects or how any marketed item functions). However, we do not have a problem with users posting a video showing themselves performing a move or sleight in order to get feedback from other Café members.
  • All videos must be magic related. All other subject matter will be removed. 'Nuff said.
  • Video does NOT contain any images that could be considered illegal or dangerous. You are solely responsible for the content of your video, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Magic Café, Steve Brooks, Steve Brooks Magic, The Magic Bakery and their agents with respect to ANY claim based upon ANY POST or VIDEO you may make or provide a link too.

    We are not responsible or liable for any claim arising from the content of said video or postings. Nor will we be held responsible or liable for any error, omission, falsehood, slander, libel, defamation, obscenity, profanity, pornography, danger or inaccuracy contained in any video information you may link too from this site. We reserve the right to remove and or delete any post or link, at any time, with no reason given.

    In no event shall either The Magic Café, Steve Brooks, Steve Brooks Magic or its affiliated or related entities be responsible or liable to any person or entity whatsoever (including, without limitation, persons who may use or rely on such data/materials, information or recommendations obtained from this site, or persons to whom such data/materials may be furnished) for any loss, damage (whether actual, consequential, punitive or otherwise), injury, claim, liability or other cause of any kind or character whatsoever based upon or resulting from any data/material provided by or obtained from this site or sites which users may provide links too; whether resulting from errors in or omissions from such material, any use of such material by third party, the content of any such material or otherwise.

    Please know that we will fully cooperate with any law enforcement agency or court orders requesting or directing us to disclose the identity of anyone posting or transmitting any unlawful, obscene, scandalous, defamatory, threatening, libelous, pornographic, profane, inflammatory, or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law.

Okay, it is a no brainer to predict that the majority of the videos posted for other Magic Café members to watch will probably be users performing their own routines, users performing standard commercial routines in order to receive feedback etc. or in some cases users demonstrating how certain moves should look (e.g, springing the cards, pressure fan, bottom deal, etc.) The mission of The Magic Café is, after all, that of Magicians helping magicians.

In that spirit, if you are easily offended by criticism and frank observations, then perhaps you should not ask members for their opinions concerning the video(s) in which you have invited input from others?

On the other hand, you should realize that just because someone posts a negative response to your video, does not necessarily mean they are attacking you. In all likelihood they just simply expressing their opinion and are attempting to help you.

Generally speaking, asking folks for feedback will get you both positive and negative responses - so be prepared for both. Remember, you made the video - so brace yourself for a variety of responses you may well get in return.

Finally, I would politely ask that those who do not have any constructive remarks please refrain from posting here. We are all about Magicians helping magicians, NOT magicians chastising each other. 'Nuff said. Smile
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » You Oughta Be In Pictures » » FORUM RULES - Please read prior to posting. » » TOPIC IS LOCKED (2 Likes)
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