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2999 Posts
Posted: Jul 17, 2016 02:01 pm
Hocus-Pocus Pairs
(Variant of Howard Adams’ “Ramasee Prophecy” ; Bob Longe in his EASY CARD TRICKS (1995), p. 85)
Inner circle
Seattle, WA
5495 Posts
Posted: Jul 17, 2016 04:01 pm
Updated list...
Quote: - 1 2 4 8 (Jules Lenier) *** Miracles of My Friends (Sperber, pg. 91)
- 1 Deck Do As I Do (John Carey) *** Handle With Carey (DVD)
- 1002nd Aces (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume I (Minch, pg. 213)
- 11:14 (Daniel Madison) *** Madness Volume 1 (pdf & video files)
- 1-2-3-4-Déjà Vu (Herb Zarrow) *** Zarrow - A Lifetime of Magic (Ben, pg. 97)
- 18 (Cameron Francis) *** Marketed Item (instant download)
- 18 Card Trick, The (Peter Duffie) *** Card Selection (pg. _)
- 1835 (Edward Marlo) *** Faro Controlled Miracles (pg. 19)
- 1950 Puzzle for the Card Player, A (DeVal) *** The Sphinx (December 1920, Vol. 19, No. 10, pg. 340)
- 2 Card Center Glimpse (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 158)
- 2 Card Transposition (unknown) *** HISTORY: http://www.conjuringcredits.com/doku.php......position SOURCES http://www.conjuringarchive.com/tree.php?cat=1274
- 2 Handed Pirouette (Dan & Dave Buck) *** The Trilogy: andthensome (DVD)
- 2 Jacks = 4 Aces (Dominique Duvivier) *** Duvivier's Magic Volume 3 - From Old to New (DVD)
- 2 Miscellaneous Cards=2 Kings (Dominique Duvivier) *** Duvivier's Magic Volume 2 - From Old To New (DVD)
- 2 Shuffles Harry (Brother John Hamman) *** Apocalypse (August 1978, Vol. 1, No. 8, pg. 85)
- 2 Stop Effects (Howard Wurst & Bill Pawson) *** The Sphinx (February 1948, Vol. 46, No. 12, pg. 374)
- 2 with 6 (P. H. Lyons) *** Ibidem (March 1957, Issue 9, pg. 177)
- 2000 Pips Deck (Peter Wood) *** Marketed Item
- $2,000 Transpo (unknown) *** Michael Ammar Easy to Master Card Miracles - Volume 7 (DVD)
- 2002 Aces (Larry Jennings) *** The Classic Magic Of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 4)
- 203rd Force (Ted Annneman) *** SH-H-H--! it's a secret! (pg. 41)
- 21st Century Assembly (James Swain) *** 21st Century Card Magic (pg. 64)
- 23 Year Old Clean Up, The (Allan Ackerman) *** Ackerman 2004 (pg. 49)
- 242 Deal (Richard Vollmer) *** Magic Magazine (October 2006); Talk About Tricks - Volume 1 (Jay, DVD)
- 26! (Caleb Wiles) *** High Spots: The Knockout Magic of Caleb Wiles (pg. 19)
- $26,000 Bet, The (Lennart Green) *** Green Lite - Volume 7 (DVD); The Green Northern Lights Magic Lecture Notes (pg. 32)
- 27 Below (Thomas Baxter) *** Not A Dianoetic Rage (pg. 94)
- 27th Key Card Placement (Edward Marlo) *** The New York Magic Symposium - Collection Two (Kaufman, pg. 78)
- 2-Handed Cuts (Daniel Madison) *** Xtreme Beginnerz Volume 2 (DVD)
- 2WENTY1 (Mark Mason) *** Marketed Item (Gaff and DVD)
- 3 Ace Trick, The (Paul A. Lelekis) *** Assemblies and 4-Ace Tricks (pdf, pg. _)
- 3 Chances (John Carey) *** Handle With Carey (DVD)
- 3-Card Catch (Reinhard Mueller) *** The Pallbearers Review(July 1971, Vol. 6, No. 9, pg. 431); Epilogue (March 1972, No. 14, pg. 112)
- 3V Sandwich (Ian Baxter) *** Card Cavalcade (pg. 147)
- 4 Aces in a 5 Handed Game (Dai Vernon & Bruce Cervon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 2 (pg. 63)
- 4-Way Triumph (Derek Dingle) *** Riffle Shuffle Technique Part One (Fulves, pg. 31)
- 5-Card Trick (Fitch Cheney) *** Math Miracles by W. Wallace Lee
- 6 card O and W (John Carey) *** 24 Seven - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- '65 Card Staggerer, The (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings ’67 (Kaufman, pg. 85)
- '67 Transposition (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings 67 (Kaufman, pg. 70)
- 69 (Rafael Benetar) *** Double-Card Technique (pg. 31); More Elegant Card Magic (DVD)
- 6-Card Conceit (Karl Fulves) *** Underworld (1995, Issue No. 2, pg. 25)
- 7-5-2 (Edward Marlo) *** Estimation (pg. 50); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 505)
- 76 Sandwich, The (Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Kardma (pg. 112)
- 8 Card BW+2 (R. Paul Wilson) *** Extreme Possibilities Volume 3 (DVD)
- 8 Card Wonder, The (Edward Marlo) *** Ibidem (March 1959, Issue 16, pg. 313)
- 8 Simple Rules (Michael Maxwell) *** Michael Maxwell's Incredible Self-Working Card Tricks - Volume 4 (DVD)
- 808 (Larry Davidson) *** Scripted Insanity - Volume 1 (DVD)
- 9 Card Think (Gregg Webb) *** Feen-X Magazine (Vol. 2, No. 16, pg. 29)
- 9.6 - 14 Card Repeat *** Connecting People with Magic (DVD)
- 9.6-14 Card Repeat (Trevor Duffy) *** Connecting People with Magic (DVD)
- 90 Degree Double, The (Cody Fisher) *** Sleightly Original (DVD)
- 9-1-1 (Luke Dancy) *** On The Floor (pdf)
- $10,000 Ace Assembly (Martin Nash) *** World's Greatest Magic: The Secrets of Ace Assemblies - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- "A" But no "E" (Peter Duffie) *** Peter Duffie Presents Plots & Ploys (pg. 52)
- a la Kiga (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 5)
- A.M. (Norman Gilbreath) *** The Penumbra (July 2004, Issue 8, pg. 6)
- AACAAAN¹ (Paul W. Cummins) *** FASDIU II (pg. 38)
- AB Bottom Palm, The (Allan Ackerman, Russel Barnhart) *** Las Vegas Kardma (pg. 48)
- Abacus (Phil Goldstein) *** Apocalypse (October 1980, Vol. 3, No. 10, pg. 397)
- About Face (Bill Goodwin) *** Reflection (DVD)
- About Faces (Jerry Lubin & Harry Lorayne) *** Deck-Sterity (pg. 117);
- Abracadabra (Tony Binarelli) *** Card Cavalcade (Mentzer, pg. 119)
- Accomplice (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 192)
- Ace (Richard Sanders) *** Marketed Item (DVD & Gimmicks)
- Ace Bandage (Jeff Stone) *** Stone Cold Magic (pg. 13); Stone Cold Magic Magazine (February 2010)
- Ace Catch (Bob King) *** Apocalypse (November 1986, Vol. 9, No. 11, pg. 1279)
- Ace Collection (Dan Fleshman) *** Magician Tested, Audience Approved - The Magic of Dan Fleshman (Mendoza, pg. 50)
- Ace Finder (Bruce Cervon) *** Hard-Boiled Mysteries (pg. 150)
- Ace of Spades Trick, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine (vol. 2, pg. 320; vol. 3, pg. 356; vol. 5, pg. 231)
- Ace Opener (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo In Spades (pg. 30)
- Ace-capade (David Forrest) *** Trickery - Disc 1 (DVD)
- Aceology (C. W. Rosencrance) *** The Sphinx (May 1924, Vol. 23, No. 3, pg. 95)
- Aces Again (Peter Pellikaan) *** Aces/Wild (Video Download)
- Aces Awry (Simon Aronson) *** Try The Impossible (pg. 198)
- Aces Found (Del Ray & Dai Vernon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 46)
- Aces in Abstraction (Jim Steranko) *** Steranko on Cards (pg. 68)
- Aces On Tap (Paul Gordon) *** Cardistry (pg. _)
- Aces To Win (Karl Fulves) *** The Book Of Numbers (pg. 20)
- Aces Up (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 34)
- Ackerman Variation of the One Hand Center Deal (Allan Ackerman) *** Here's My Card (pg. 101)
- Ackerman Varies Kelly (Allan Ackerman) *** Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 3: The Controls (DVD)
- Acrobatic Cards (Jacques Ozanam, Professor Kunard, August Roterberg, Joe Fenichel, Edward Marlo) *** Ed Marlo On The Acrobatic Cards (book)
- Ad Libitum (Richard Vollmer) *** Apocalypse (January 1994, Vol. 17, No. 1, pg. 2314)
- Add-ict (Wayne Dobson) *** Marketed item (Gimmicks with DVD)
- Adventure of the Spotted Seven, The (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg.163)
- Aeronaut Card (Haskell) *** The Sphinx (April 1939, Vol. 38, No. 2, pg. 33)
- After Five (Tomo Maeda) *** And Now (pg 17)
- Ahead of the Game (Matthew J. Dowden) *** 1 Deck... 14 Tricks... 24 Hours... - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Air Tight (Jay Sankey) *** Richard's Almanac (November 1983, Vol. 2, No. 15, pg 137); Sankey Panky (pg. 106)
- Airplane Card, The (John Luka) *** Uncovered: Secrets for the Serious Magician (pg. 13 ); Uncovered (DVD)
- Al Baker Three Billet Trick, The (Ted Annemann) *** Annemann's Practical Mental Effects (pg. 15)
- Albaka (Al Baker & Julien J. Proskauer) *** Marketed Item (instruction sheet reprinted in The Secret Ways of Al Baker)
- Alchemy Aces (Aldo Colombini) *** Aces In Action (DVD)
- Alias The Aces (R. Paul Wilson) *** Obscure Acts (pg. _)
- Alice in Wonderland (Jean Hugard) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 117)
- Alignment of Colors At Montauk Point (Larry Barnowsky) *** Kingdom of the Red (pg. 15)
- All Backs and Additions (Bob Read) *** Thanks To Pepys (pg. 32)
- All But One Two (Jay Sankey & David Acer) *** Natural Selections, Volume II (pg. 63)
- All For One Switch (Jack Parker) *** Jack Parker's 52 Memories (Gladwin, pg. 33)
- All Four One (Jeff Stone) *** Stone Cold Magic Magazine (February 2008)
- All in One (Bill Goodwin) *** Constant Fooling - Book 1 (Regal, pg. 57)
- All That Jazz (Jack Parker) *** Genii Magazine (June 2006, pg. 29); Jack Parker's 52 Memories (Gladwin, pg. 118)
- All-Around Square-Up Spread Pass (Randy Wakeman) *** Randy Wakeman Presents (Maxwell, pg. 58)
- Almost Legitimate Cutting the Aces (Harry Riser) *** Arcane (Busby, December 1981, Issue 6, pg. 59)
- A-M-A-Z-I-N-G (Harry Lorayne) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 212)
- Ambideckstrous (Jonathan Pickard) *** Marketed Item (booklet with gimmicked card)
- Ambitions in Bondage (Rick Anderson) *** The New York Magic Symposium - Collection Five (Minch, pg. 138)
- Ambitious Card (Gustav Alberti or Jean-Nicholas Ponsin) *** Nouvelle Magie Blanche Devoilée (Ponsin), and numerous modern resources
- Ambitious Clip (Tomo Maeda) *** Five Times Five: Japan (Kaufman, pg. 31)
- Ambush (Roy Walton) *** Hierophant (No. 5-6, Anniversary Issue, Fall-Spring 1970-1971, pg. 226)
- Amnesia (Edward Marlo) *** The Sphinx (September 1949, Vol. 48, No. 7, pg. 173)
- And I Shuffled the Cards Myself! (Will Dexter) *** 131 Tricks for Amateurs (pg. 70)
- And The Spectator Blew (Jean Hugard) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 293)
- Angelic Aces (Will Houstoun) *** Modern Magic - Disc 2 (DVD)
- Anglewise Change (Bruce Cervon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 16)
- Animated Card Box (Jim Tyler) *** Pockets Full of Miracles; Precious Gems Lecture Notes
- Annemann's Eight-in-a-Row Location (Ted Annemann) *** SH-H-H--! it's a secret (pg. 16)
- Anniversary Waltz (Doc Eason) *** Marketed Item
- Another Dribble (Edward Marlo) *** Expert Card Conjuring (Sharpe, pg. 119)
- Another Problem Posed (Edward Marlo) *** The Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields (pg. 58)
- Another Slant on Slaight (Peter Duffie and Robin Robertson) *** Card Conspiracy - Vol. 2 (pg. 68)
- Any Card Any Page in Flash (Hiro Sakai) *** Video Download
- Any Card Thought Of (unknown) *** Tricks with a One Way Deck (Abbott's Magic Novelty Co., pg. _); The Anthology of Card Magic (Miller, pg. 43)
- Any Deck Read From the Card Backs (Ralph W. Hull) *** The Complete "Eye-Openers" (pg. 53, from the "More Eye-Openers" section)
- Any Named Card (Robert Byrne) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2010, No. 7, pg. 448)
- Anywhere Cards (Michael Maxwell) *** Marketed Item; Incredible Magic At The Bar - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Apache (Aldo Colombini) *** Essential Aldo Colombini - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Aperitif (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume One (pg. 1); The Devil's Playthings: A Collection of Card Tricks (pg. 11)
- Apex Ace, The (Frank Garcia) *** Close-Up Card Magic (Lorayne, pg. 88); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever! Collection - Volume 2 (DVD); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 75)
- Appointment in Samarra (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 202); The Darwin Ortiz Collection: Scams & Fantasies with Cards - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Arabian Jokers (Hayafumi Takahashi) *** M-U-M (October 2008, pg. 39)
- Are You Sure? (Paul Morris) *** My Best (Thompson, pg. 25)
- Arm Twister (Karl Fulves) *** Color Quik (pg. 27)
- Aronson Stripout 2.0 *** Art Decko (pg. 37)
- As the World Re-Turns (Doug Conn) *** Connjuring (pg. 34)
- As Years Go By (Rene Lavand) *** Close-Up Artistry - Volume 4 (DVD)
- As You Desire (Hathaway) *** The Sphinx (December 1943, Vol. 42, No. 10, pg. 223)
- Ascanio Meets Hofzinser (Thomas Baxter) *** Not A Dianoetic Rage (pg. 34)
- Ascending Little Finger Second, The (Steve Draun & Russell Barnhart) *** Secrets Draun From Underground (pg. 111)
- Ascension (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 50)
- Ashamed Card (shameless rip-off of Geoff Williams' The I Hate David Copperfield Trick) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Asheresque (Lee Asher) *** Thinking Out Loud (pg. 4)
- Ask the Deck (Francois Ziegler and Richard Vollmer) *** Apocalypse (November 1988, Vol. 11, No. 11, pg. 1561)
- Astral Vision (Jack McMillen) *** Mental Mysteries with Cards (Larsen, pg. 38)
- Atomic Aces, The (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume I (Minch, pg. 217)
- Australian Count Down (Reinhard Mueller) *** Cartomagia Japonesa (Mueller, pg. 23); Simply Impromp2 (Colombini, pg. 24)
- Automatic Speller, The (Mehlon Clayton) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 49)
- Awesome Blossom Production (Brian Tudor) *** Tudor 2013 (DVD)
- Baby Grand (Karl Fulves) *** Deceptive Practices (pg. 34)
- Back and Fourth Sandwich (Dan Fleshman) *** Puzzling Pasteboards (pg. 23); The Restaurant Magic of Dan Fleshman - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Back Flic (Dan & Dave Buck) *** The Trilogy: andthensome (DVD)
- Back Off (Yuji Wada) *** Back Off (Marketed Manuscript, Japan, 1994)
- Back Ordered (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 129)
- Backflip (Sam Schwartz) *** Sam's - The Magic of Sam Schwartz (Zingg, pg. 20)
- Backstabber (Ton Onosaka) *** Marketed Item
- Bad Mystery, A (Tomo Maeda) *** MUM Magazine (January 2007, pg. 47)
- Bag of O'Henrys, A (Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Kardma (pg. 34)
- Balancing Act *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 173)
- Band On The Run (Hiro Sakai) *** Trap Door Magazine - Issue 41 (pg 722)
- Band-O-Rama (J.C. Wagner) *** The Commercial Magic of J.C. Wagner (Maxwell, pg. 6)
- Beam Shot (Bob Ostin) *** Bob Ostin - A Lifetime of Magical Inventions (pg. 161)
- Benefactor (Karl Fulves) *** 13 Prophets (pg. 26)
- Biddle Move (Elmer Biddle) *** Genii Magazine (April 1947, Vol. 11, No. 8, page 241 under the title "Transcendent")
- Big Deal (Antuan Dimitras) *** Marketed Item
- Big Switch (Martin Lewis) *** Martin's Miracles (pg. 61); Marketed Item also available
- Blackjack Turnover (Steve Forte) *** Gambling Protection Series - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Blackjacked (Peter Duffie) *** The Card Addict (pdf, pg. 36)
- Blockbuster (Bill Abbott) *** Cocktail Card Magic (pg. 11)
- Blue Angels, The (Peter Kane) *** Combined Card Sessions (pg. 53)
- Blue Backed Aces (Derek Dingle) *** More Additional Deceptions: Lecture Notes No. 3 (pg. 10)
- Blunt Instrument (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Cut Controls (pg. 15)
- Bonus Trick (Larry Jennings) *** The Classic Magic Of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 29)
- Boom Baby Boom(er) (Paul Gordon) *** Marketed Item
- Bounce Black (Karl Fulves) *** Six Impromptu Card Tricks (pg. 46)
- Bouncer (Karl Fulves) *** Under Tension (pg. 28)
- BoxBack (Tomo Maeda) *** Five Times Five: Japan (Kaufman, pg. 39)
- Braue Force (Fredrick Braue) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 36)
- Breakout Display, The (Roger Klause) *** Roger Klause In Concert (Pierce, pg. 117); Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 3: The Controls (DVD)
- Broken Hearts (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Cards on the Table (pg. 52)
- Bullet Snatcher (John Carey) *** Carey On! (DVD)
- Buried Cards, The (Dr. George E. Casaubon) *** Deceptions with a Short Card (pg. 49)
- Burn-Surviving Switchout (Edward Marlo & Gerald Kosky) *** Card Finesse II (Racherbaumer, pg. 43)
- Butterfly Shuffle (Karrell Fox) *** Clever Like A Fox (pg. 64)
- Cannibal Cards (Guy Hollingworth) *** Drawing Room Deceptions (pg. 114)
- Card Across (Dan & Dave Buck) *** Trilogy - Disc 1: Tricks (DVD)
- Card Control (Rachel Colombini) *** Marketed Item
- Card Effect (Reinhard Mueller) *** Spellbinder (February 1984, vol. 3, no. 34, pg. 690)
- Card from Hell, The (Clayton Rawson) *** The Jinx (July 1938, No. 46, pg. 311); Annemann: The Life and Times of a Legend (Abrams, pg. 369)
- Card Having Been Thought Of, A (Jean-Nicholas Ponsin) *** Ponsin on Conjuring (S.H. Sharpe, pg. 47)
- Card in the Mouth (Steve Ehlers) *** The Millennium Collection (pg. 33); The Arizona Card Expert (DVD)
- Card on the Wall (Harry Mendoza) *** My Best (Thompson Jr., pg. 24)
- Card Pierced By The Hat Pin, The (Jose Carroll) *** 52 Lovers (pg. 43)
- Card To Dollar (Lu Brent) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 3 (pg. 161)
- Cardician Blendo (Karrell Fox) *** Comedy A La Card (pg. 14); (pdf, pg. 18)
- Cards and Ribbon (unknown) *** Tarbell Course in Magic (Vol. 2, Lesson 22, pg. 89)
- Cards to Pocket (Charles Bertram) *** Charles Bertram - The Court Conjurer
- Cards Up The Sleeve (Reinhard Mueller) *** Cards Up The Sleeve (Historical Monograph, 1992)
- Casanova Card Trick (Edward Marlo & Martin Gardner) *** Deck Deceptions (Marlo, pg. 5)
- Cascade (Roy Walton) *** Marketed Item
- Case Of The Missing Link, The (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Close-Up Impact! (Minch, pg. 74)
- Catch Me If U Can! *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Chameleon (Jay Sankey) *** Jay Sankey Secret Files - Volume One (DVD)
- Chameleon Backs (Dai Vernon) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 125)
- Chance or Choice (Larry Barnowsky) *** Magic Magazine (February 2009, Vol. 18, No. 6, pg. 64)
- Changing All Four Cards (Juan Tamariz) *** Sonata (pg. 75)
- Charlie Miller's Table Pass (Charlie Miller) *** Dai Vernon's Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 122)
- Cheek to Cheek (U.F. Grant) *** Marketed Item
- Claptrap (Ernest Earick) *** By Forces Unseen (pg. 3)
- Classic Force, The (Unknown) *** Many sources (Card College - Volume 1, Expert Card Technique, Fitzkee, etc…)
- Classical Ambitions (John Carey) *** Carey On! (DVD)
- Clean Trick, A (Mark Sicher) *** Apocalypse (February 1987, Vol.10, No. 2, pg. 1318)
- Clear Thought (Peter Duffie) *** Marketed Item
- Clock O' Doom (John Bannon) *** Smoke And Mirrors (pg. 20)
- Clyde (John Mendoza) *** My Best Magic - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Cocksure Choice, A (J. Stewart Smith) *** It Can Be Magic (pg. 9)
- Codecto (Harry Lorayne) *** Apocalypse (February 1988, Vol. 11, No. 2, pg. 1458)
- Coincidence (Glenn Gravatt) *** Same Both Sides (pg. 14)
- Collecting Jacks, The (Andi Gladwin) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 26)
- Collectors (Simon Lovell and Derek Dingle) *** Derek Dingle's Last Notes (pg. 22)
- Color Opener (John Carey) *** 24 Seven - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- Coloroto (Lin Searles & Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 79)
- Colorzone (Vinny "The Godfather" Marini) *** The Godfather (DVD)
- Combination Bottom Deal, The (Steve Draun) *** Secrets Draun From Underground (Kaufman, pg. 61)
- Comic Touch (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 66)
- ConCam Rendezvous (R. Paul Wilson) *** Extreme Possibilities - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Consumed (Karl Fulves) *** Six Impromptu Card Tricks (pg. 25)
- Copy Machine (Ton Onosaka) *** Marketed Item
- Core Memory (Leo Boudreau) *** Spirited Pasteboards (pg. 196)
- Corollary, A (Leo Boudreau) *** Spirited Pasteboards (pg. 124)
- Counting On You (John Carey) *** Handle With Carey (DVD)
- Crazy Cut (Daryl) *** Encyclopedia of Card Sleights - Volume 2 (Daryl, DVD)
- Crocodile False Cut (John Bannon) *** Bullet Party (pg. 118); Bullet Party (DVD); High Caliber (pg. 189)
- Crossing A Princess (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Card Fixes (pg. 74)
- Cryptology (Karl Fulves) *** Manuscript
- Cumulative (Phil Goldstein) *** Thunday (pg. _)
- Cut Deck, The (Steve Valentine) *** The Castle Lecture - Part One (DVD)
- Cutting the Aces (Dai Vernon) *** Genii Magazine (Vol. 29, No. 5, pg. 256); Stars of Magic (Series 2, No. 2, pg. 27); The Vernon Chronicles - Volume 1 (Minch, pg. 155)
- D D Color-Changing Aces (Derek Dingle) *** Dingle's Deceptions (pg. 18)
- D. P. Card in Wallet: David Parr Card in Wallet (David Parr) *** Brain Food (pg. 55)
- D.D.C. (Dan & Dave Buck) *** Sleightly Magical (DVD)
- D.L.T. (Steve Dusheck) *** Dusheck's Card Magic (Dusheck Magic Series No. 3, pg. 45)
- D/U Dice (Karl Fulves) *** Notes From Underground (pg. 13)
- d/Warp (Don England) *** Don England's Paradox (Kelly, pg. 119)
- Da Brooklyn 8ces (Wesley James) *** Mojo (May 2007, Vol. 1, No. 7, pg. 2)
- Dad Stevens' Other Shuffle (Dad Stevens) *** Jennings '67 (pg. 57)
- Daffy Discovery, A (Ted Annemann) *** The Jinx Summer Extra 1935 (pg. 46)
- Dagger in the Mind (Allexandro) *** Phoenix (May 1950, Vol. 5, No. 203, pg. 811)
- Dai Vernon Subtlety (Dai Vernon) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 52)
- Dai Vernon's Mental Force (aka The Five Card Mental Force) *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 271); Encyclopedia Of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 30)
- Daily Calendar Card Trick (Clayton W. Rosencrance) *** The Sphinx (January 1925, Vol. 23, No. 11, pg. 365)
- Dai-O (Lewis Jones) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks V (Beam, pg. 175)
- Dairy Queens (Chris Mayhew) *** A Clockwork Apple (pg. 13)
- Dai-verse Color Change (Dai Vernon) *** Apocalypse (January 1979, Vol. 2, No. 1, pg. 145)
- Daley Basis (Peter Duffie) *** Ulterior Motifs (pdf, pg. 11); The Best of Peter Duffie (pdf)
- Daley Deal (Karl Fulves) *** 28 Card Tricks (pg. 24)
- Daley Jennings,The (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 28)
- Daley Leaper, The (Dr. Jacob Daley) *** Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus (Minch, pg. 58)
- Daley Plus 2 (John Gelasi) *** John's Card Creations Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Daley Prequel (John Guastaferro) *** Discoveries & Deceptions (pg. 37); Card Shark (pdf, Issue 7, pg. _)
- Daley Red/Black Shuffle, The (Dr. Jacob Daley & Martin Gardner) *** Riffle Shuffle Technique - Part III (Fulves, pg. 116)
- Daley Reverse, The (Dr. Jacob Daley) *** Card Manipulations Series 1 - 5 (Hugard, pg. 144)
- Daley Thing, The (Tony Econ) *** The Linking Ring (March 2007, Vol. 87, No. 3, pg. 94)
- Daley's Card Thru Hank (Martin Gardner) *** Side Steal: Cards #4 (Fulves, pg. 11)
- Daley's Delight For Divers (Dr. Jacob Daley) *** Card Finesse (pg. 79)
- Daly Twist (Gary Jones & Christopher Congreave) *** 74% Self-Working Card Tricks (DVD)
- Damasuda Deck (Katsuya Masuda) *** Marketed Item
- D'Amico Change (Carmen D'Amico) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 9)
- D'Amico Location, The (Carmen D'Amico) *** Card Control (pg. 51)
- D'Amico Sandwich (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Card Zones (pg. 220)
- D'Amico Snap (Randy Wakeman) *** Apocalypse (February 1988, Vol. 11, No. 2, pg. 1457)
- D'Amico Spread (Carmen D'Amico) *** Classic Magic of Larry Jennings (pg. 206); The Vernon Chronicles - Volume 2 (Minch, pg. 156); Any Second Now (pg. 225); Sonata (pg. 123); Card College - Volume 3 (Giobbi, pg. 611)
- D'Amico's Multiple Shift (Carmen D'Amico) *** "The Multiple Shift: Revolutionary Card Technique Chapter 11 (pg. 39); Revolutionary Card Technique (collected, bound volume, pg. 381); The Multiple Shift (pg. 31)
- Danbury Deviler, The (Charlie Miller) *** Expert Card Technique (pg. 307)
- Dance for the Devious, A (Jack Carpenter) *** The Expert's Folio No. 1 (pg. 15)
- Dancin' With Dancy (Luke Dancy) *** The Cheetah's Handbook (Badman, Gladwin, pg. 31)
- Dancing (Aldo Colombini) *** Simply Impromp2 (pg. 71); Impromptu Card Magic - Volume One (DVD)
- Dancing King (Steve Martin) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 101)
- Dancing Playing Card, The (Joseph Dunninger) *** Dunninger's Complete Encyclopedia of Magic (pg. 95)
- Dancing with JNH (Jason Tang) *** Cyber Sessions (Alford, pg. 93)
- Dangerous Game (Max Maven) *** The Blue Book of Mentalism (Goldstein, pg. 13); Prism (Maven, pg. 29)
- Danish Force, The (Jean Hugard) *** Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 159)
- Dante's Sandwich (Doug Conn) *** Conn-juring (pg. 30)
- Daredevil's Match, The (Mark Sicher) *** Apocalypse (September 1996, Vol. 19, No. 9, pg. 2691)
- Dark Card (Jean Boucher) *** Marketed Item
- Dark Drivers (Aldo Colombini) *** A Set-Up With Aldo (pg. _)
- Dark Eyes (Teral Garrett) *** My Best (Thompson, pg, 91)
- Dark Force, The (Karl Fulves) *** Command Colors (pg. 14)
- Dark Room (Simon Caine) *** Castles (pdf, pg. _)
- Dark Shadows (J. Stewart Smith) *** The Lonely Quest (pg. 13)
- Dark Shellshock (Scott Guinn) *** Great Scott! It’s Magic! The Magic of Scott F. Guinn : Volume One: Card Magic (pg. 106)
- Dark Side of the Moon (Edward Marlo) *** The Linking Ring (February 1991, Vol. 71, No. 2, pg. 92)
- Dark Sorcery (Albert Sidney) *** The New Jinx (October 1963, Vol. 2, No. 18, pg. 76)
- Dark Vision (Peter Alexis) *** The Pallbearers Review (February 1966, Vol. 1, No. 4, pg. 17)
- Darker Dai, A (Luke Jermay) *** Skullduggery (DVD)
- Darkness Rises, A (R. Paul Wilson) *** Twist of Fate (DVD)
- Darted Card, The (Chad Long) *** The Lost Cheesy Notebooks - Volume Two (pg. 7)
- Darwin’s Three-Card Monte (Darwin Ortiz) *** Nothing But The Best - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Darwin's Ambitious Card (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 148); The Darwin Ortiz Collection: Scams & Fantasies with Cards - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Darwin's Poker Deal (Darwin Ortiz) *** Cardshark (pg. 159)
- Darwin's Wild Card (Darwin Ortiz) *** Darwin Ortiz At the Card Table (pg. 123)
- Daryl/Nash Trapped (Daryl & Martin Nash) *** Charming Cheat Show & Lecture (DVD)
- Daryl's Super Duper Cut (Daryl) *** Encyclopedia of Card Sleights - Volume 8 (DVD)
- Dateaser (Stewart James) *** First Call to Cards (pg. _); Stewart James In Print: The First Fifty Years (Lyons, Slaight, pg. 625)
- Dating Game, The (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 3); Easy-to-Do Magic Tricks For Children (pg. 20)
- Daub Application With Cardcase (Dai Vernon) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 72)
- Davenports' Extraordinary Divination (old dealer's item) *** 50 Modern Card Tricks You Can Do! (Gravatt, pg. 37)
- Dave's Move-a-Card (David Regal) *** Star Quality - The Magic of David Regal (Lorayne, pg. 170); The Magic of David Regal - Volume 3: Enough With The Tricks Already! (DVD)
- Dave's Move-a-Card (David Regal) *** Star Quality - The Magic of David Regal (Lorayne, pg. 171); The Magic of David Regal - Volume 3: Enough With The Tricks Already! (DVD)
- Dawn Patrol (John Bannon) *** Dear Mr. Fantasy (pg. 120)
- Day of the Jack-Less, The (Joe Givan) *** The Magical Arts Journal (Ammar, Fleischer, February 1987, Vol. 1, No. 7, pg. 118)
- Daylight Visitor (Steve Reynolds) *** Route 52 (pg. _)
- Daytripper (Peter Duffie) *** Card Zones (pg. 98)
- Dazed (Peter Duffie) *** Marketed Item
- Dazzle (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume II (Minch, pg. 463)
- Dazzler Strikes Back (Paul Gordon) *** Card Collective (pg. _); A Few Good Cards (Colombini, DVD)
- DC Sandwich,The (Don Costello) *** Cards #4 - The Side Steal (Fulves, pg. 40)
- DDLT (Daniel Millstein) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 50)
- De Kolta Card Fountain (Buatier De Kolta) *** Marketed Item
- Dead Deck Steal (Gene Maze, aka "Kelly Dead Deck Steal") *** Packet Switches - Part Five (Fulves, pg. 288); The Magic of Gene Maze (VHS, as "Kelly Dead Deck Steal")
- Dead Easy Location, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** The Four Full Hands (pg. 15)
- Dead Man's Hand (Henry Christ) *** The Jinx (June 1937, No. 33, page 209)
- Dead of Night (Andy Nyman) *** Marketed Item; Bulletproof (pg. 93)
- Dead Reckoning (John Bannon) *** Dear Mr. Fantasy (pg. 88)
- Dead Reckoning (Peter Duffie) *** Marketed Item
- Dead Solid Perfect (Steven Youell) *** Weapons of Mass Destruction (Youell, Luvisi, pg. 18)
- Dead Stop (Lewis Jones) *** The Magic Gourmet (pg. 46)
- Dead Zone (Hiro Sakai & Kazuyuki Hase) *** Strange Spells (Sakai, pg. _)
- Deadlier than the Male (Geoff Latta) *** Spectacle (Minch, pg. 15)
- Deadly Dagger (Karl Fulves) *** Verbatim (1993, Issue No. 8, pg. 84)
- Deal & Duck (Bill Simon) *** Deck-Sterity (Lorayne, Page 149); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 344)
- Deal And Duck Poker (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg. 403); Aldo On Trost Vol. 4 (Colombini, DVD)
- Deal Detection (Judson Brown) *** Mental Mysteries with Cards (pg. 34)
- Deal Jog Speller (Harry Lorayne) *** The Great Divide (pg. 6)
- Deal Or No Deal (Ramon Rioboo) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 238)
- Deal Steal Collectors (Peter Duffie) *** Cardeceits (pdf)
- Deal Switch (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 4 (Pg. 52, 54, 57)
- Deal the Number (Harry Blackstone) *** Blackstone's Tricks Anyone Can Do (pg.203); 200 Magic Tricks Anyone Can Do (pg. _)
- Deal The Royal Flush (Paul Gordon) *** Card Marvels (pg. _)
- Deal With It Aces (Nathan Kranzo) *** Deal! The Four Aces Project (DVD)
- Deal-A-Die (Karl Fulves) *** When Psychics Play Poker (pg. 56)
- Deal-and-Load (Ernest Earick) *** By Forces Unseen (Minch, pg. 136)
- Dealer Wins! (Doug Edwards & Harry Lorayne) *** Apocalypse (February 1997, Vol. 20, No. 2, pg. 2757)
- Dealer's Choice (Nick Trost) *** Marketed Item
- Dealer's Game, The (Karl Fulves) *** Combo (pg. 15)
- Dealflipdropcut (Howard Adams) *** OICUFESP (Vol. 6, pg. 15)
- Dealing A Good Hand! (Bill Malone [based on Marlo-Gardner Poker Deal]) *** Here I Go Again! - Volume Two (DVD)
- Dealing Cards Face Up, The Stud Method (Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 1 (Giobbi, pg. 26)
- Dealing Dovetail Detection, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 119)
- Dealing Too Many (S.W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 112)
- Dean's Poker Deal, The (John Scarne) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 45)
- Dearly Departed (Peter Duffie) *** Duffie's Card Compulsions (pg. 44)
- Death Does A Card Trick (Robert E. Neal) *** Life, Death and Other Card Tricks (pg. 71)
- Death Row (Karl Fulves) *** UnderWorld (1995, Issue No. 1, pg. 14)
- Deca Oil & Water (Phil Goldstein) *** Scattershot (pg. 9); Packet Trick Treasures (Colombini, DVD)
- Deceive Your Neighbour As Yourself (Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser) *** Hofziner's Card Conjuring (Fischer, pg. 111)
- Deception Deck *** Marketed Item
- Deceptive Perception (Paul LePaul) *** The Card Magic of LePaul (pg. 135)
- Decepto (Byron Churchill) *** Annemann’s Card Magic (aka Full Deck of Impromptu Card Tricks, pg. 47)
- Decipher (Simon Aronson) *** Try The Impossible (pg. 143)
- Decipiatur (Mick Ayres) *** Decipiatur!
- Deck Changing Device (Russell) *** The Sphinx (September 1908, Vol. 7, No. 7, pg. 83)
- Deck Development (Frank Ducrot) *** Frank Ducrot Presents Magic From A2Z (Leroy, item #7)
- Deck Discerption (Peter Duffie) *** The Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 3 (pdf, pg. 25)
- Deck Flip (T.G. Murphy) *** Dan & Dave System (DVD)
- Deck in Parvo (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 28)
- Deck Memorization (Mike Boden) *** Cunning Card Miracles (Mentzer, pg. 72)
- Deck Patrol (Richard Goldshot) *** Apocalypse (December 1985, Vol. 8, No. 12, pg. 1148)
- Deck Reverse (Steve Faulkner) *** Materials (DVD)
- Deck Switch (Many credits, including Al Baker, Ed Marlo, Larry Jennings, Darwin Ortiz) *** The Art of Switching Decks (Giobbi)
- Deck That Shuffles Itself (Dominique Duvivier) *** Marketed Item
- Deck Through the Silk, The (T. Page Wright) *** The Complete Page Wright Manuscript (pdf, pg. 227)
- Deck To Pocket (Larry Jennings) *** Thoughts On Cards, Volume Two (DVD)
- Deck Up The Sleeve (Jerry Andrus) *** Andrus Deals You In (pg. 132)
- Deck Vanish, The (Gary Ouellet) *** Close Up Illusions (pg. 33)
- Decking the Top (Aaron Fisher) *** The Paper Engine (pg. 69)
- Deckless Delusion Assembly (Peter Duffie) *** The Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 3 (pdf, pg. 13)
- Deckograph *** Stewart James In Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 267)
- Deckspert (Stewart James) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 13)
- Deckstress (Tim Ellis) *** Ellis In Wonderland (DVD)
- Decompression (Daniel Chard) *** ChardShark (DVD)
- Decon (Danny Weiser) *** Marketed Item
- Deconstruction Derby (Dominique Duvivier) *** Magie Duvivier (Racherbaumer, pg. 113)
- Deduce Is Wild (Michael Powers) *** Powerful Magic (pg. 1)
- Deduction Production (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Diamonds From Coal (pg. 127, also available as pdf)
- Deep Astonishment (Paul Harris) *** Marketed Item
- Deep Bottom Deal, The (Edward Marlo) *** Seconds, Centers, Bottoms (pg. 50); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 269)
- Deep Breather (R. Paul Wilson) *** The Unreal Work II (DVD)
- Deep Dunbury (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 1 (pg. 187)
- Deep Face-Up Switch, The (Edward Marlo) *** The Unexpected Card Book (pg. 78)
- Deep Guilt Aces (David Regal) *** Marketed Item; Constant Fooling - Book 2 (pg. 211); David Regal - Volume 1: Tricks! (DVD)
- Deep Impact (Aldo Colombini) *** True Magic Volume 1 (DVD)
- Deep Rising (Aldo Colombini) *** Marketed Item
- Deep Thought (Ray Kosby) *** Impossible Card Magic (DVD)
- Deeper, deeper (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 112)
- Deface (Chastain Criswell) *** Marketed Item
- Deft Delusion, A (Paul Le Paul) *** The Card Magic of Le Paul (pg. 175)
- Degrees Of Freedom (John Bannon) *** Dear Mr. Fantasy (pg. 128)
- Dehydrated Deck (Paul Harris) *** The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (Harris, pg. 99); Paul Harris Reveals Some of His Most Intimate Secrets (pg. 18)
- Deja ReVurse (Tommy Wonder & Bob Stencel) *** The New York Magic Symposium - Collection Five (Minch, pg. 37)
- Deja Voodoo (Bob Farmer) *** Marketed Manuscript (1989)
- Déjà Vu Deck (David Regal) *** Marketed Item; Close-Up & Personal (pg. 233); David Regal - Volume 1: Tricks! (DVD)
- Déjà Vu Poker (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 11)
- Déjà Vu (Carl Andrews) *** Magic from Maui (pg. 55)
- Deja Vu (Dan & Dave Buck) *** Trilogy - Disc 1: Tricks (DVD)
- Déjà Vu Count (Andi Gladwin) *** Movers & Shakers (Gladwin & Wilson, pg. 37)
- Déjà Vu Cut (Chris Randall) *** The Penumbra (February 2004, Issue 7, pg. 12)
- DeLand`s Automatic Deck (Theodore DeLand) *** Marketed Item
- Delayed Bottom Placement (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Card Finesse II (pg. 105)
- Delayed Elias (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Cards On The Table (pg. 73); Cards On The Table (pdf, pg. 43)
- Delayed Pass, The (Fred Robinson, Edward Marlo, and Dr. James Elliott) *** The Magic of Fred Robinson (Duffie, pg. 65)
- Delayed Strip-Out Shuffle (Edward Marlo) *** Riffle Shuffle Systems (pg. 32)
- Delayed Stripout Shuffle (Jack Carpenter) *** An Evening with Carpenter - The Seattle Session, Night Two (DVD)
- Delayed Switch, The (Karl Fulves) *** Packet Switches - Part One (Fulves, pg. 40)
- Delayed Transposition, A (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 2 (pg. 155)
- Delayed-Action Center Deal (Jim Cooper) *** Sleight Unseen: Part 3 of the Professional Card Technique of Martin A. Nash (pg. 323)
- DelGaudio Shuffle, The (aka "The Truffle Shuffle" - Derek DelGaudio) *** Only Notes (lecture notes); Genii (October 2008, Vol. 71, No. 10, pg. 20); Also available as a video download
- Delicate Balance, A (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume II (Minch, pg. 45)
- Delightfully Deceptive (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 38)
- Delirium (Oz Pearlman) *** Marketed Item (instant download)
- Delusional (Thomas Baxter) *** Antinomy #11 (pg. 27); NOT A Dianoetic Rage (pg. 103)
- Deluxe Open Travellers (Glenn Bishop & Al Bach) *** Powerful Magic (Powers, pg. 22)
- Demi Demon (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume One (pg. 71)
- Demi Sec (Jozsef Kovacs) *** Cardopia: Eleven Terrific Routines (pdf, pg. _)
- Demi-Device (Karl Fulves) *** And a Packet of Cards (pg. 21)
- Demon Color Change (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 104)
- Demon Divination (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 174)
- Demonology (Bob Ostin) *** Spellbinder (May 1981, Volume 1, No. 1, pg. 7); Bob Ostin - A Lifetime of Magical Inventions (pg. 36)
- Demon's Detection (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 216)
- Deo-Ace Trick (Edward Victor) *** Magic of the Hands (pg 29); Classic Card Tricks
- Department of Corrections (Karl Fulves) *** 13 Prophets (pg. 42)
- Departure (James Swain) *** 21st Century Card Magic (pg. 3)
- Departure Box (Liam Montier) *** Card Magic with Kapow! (Francis, Montier, pg. 14)
- Departure Time (Jay Sankey) *** Anytime, Anywhere (DVD)
- Depth Detector (Hideo Kato) *** Kato On Estimation (pg. 10)
- Depth Thrust 1 & 2 (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings '67 (pg. 100, 102)
- Derby (Ray Grismer) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 4 (pg. 361)
- Derby Card, The (John A. Sznek) *** The Sphinx (December 1924, Vol. 23, No. 10, pg. 327)
- Design for Laughter (Señor Partagas, aka Don Joaquin Partagas Jaquet) *** The Royal Road to Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 69)
- Desolation Row (Ryan Matney) *** Card Jones (Item #7)
- Desperado (Aldo Colombini) *** True Magic Volume 2 (DVD); Packet Trick Treasures (DVD)
- Destined To Be (Ken Krenzel) *** Marketed Manuscript
- Destiny (Phil "Max Maven" Goldstein) *** The Green Book of Mentalism (pg. 5); Prism (pg. 103)
- Destiny Card (John Bragoli) *** The Gen (August 1962, Vol. 18, No. 4, pg. 88)
- Detailed Slow Motion Aces (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 285)
- Detective Card (Jerry Andrus & John Cornelius) *** 50 More Modern Card Tricks (Gravatt, pg. 48)
- Dethroned (Jeff Stone) *** Stone Cold Magic (pg. 21); Stone Cold Magic (DVD); Stone Cold Magic Magazine (December 2009)
- Detour (Jack Parker) *** Genii Magazine (June 2007)
- Detour De Force (John Bannon) *** Marketed Item
- Detour On 51st Street (Joshua Jay and Ben Train) *** Magic (September 2011, Vol. 21, No. 1, pg. 84)
- Deuce Bag (Lee Asher) *** Thinking Out Loud (pg. 10)
- Deuce Sandwich (Mysterio) *** Mysterio's Encyclopedia Of Magic and Conjuring (Fujari, pg. 68)
- Deuce You Say!, The (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 794)
- Deucedly Darky (Clayton W. Rosencrance) *** The Sphinx (April 1925, Vol. 24, No. 2, pg. 60)
- Deuces are Wild (Willie Brodersen) *** Apocalypse (February 1979, Vol. 2, No. 2, pg. 162)
- Deuces Wild (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 15)
- Developmental (David Forrest) *** Marketed Item (booklet)
- Deviant Behavior (Jay Sankey) *** Front Row Sankey (DVD); About Face (DVD)
- Devilish Digit Cut (Richard Kaufman) *** Fork Full of Appetizers Book 2: Seconds from the Forkers (Miesel, pg. 31)
- Devilish Miracle Redux (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo without Tears (pg. 86)
- Devilish Miracle Retold (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 3 (DVD)
- Devilish Miracle, A (Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico) *** A Devilish Miracle (D'Amico, Marlo, pg. 1); Control Systems (pg. 103); Thirty Five Years Later (pg. 19); Malone Meets Marlo - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Devilish Secret, A (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 47)
- Devilishly Direct (Shigeo Takagi) *** The Amazing Miracles of Shigeo Takagi (pg. 11)
- Devilishly Invisible (Rafael Benatar) *** Elegant Card Magic (DVD)
- Devil-May-Care Double-Cut (Tom Gagnon) *** Card Finesse II (Racherbaumer, pg. 24)
- Devil's 3-Card Monte (Tonny Van Rhee) *** Apocalypse (July 1982, Vol. 5, No. 7, pg. 652)
- Devil's Card Trick, The (Michael Schwartz) *** The Center Flip and Other Cardtastrophes (pg. 75)
- Devil's Card, The (Shaun McCree) *** England Up-Close (Duffie, pg. 46)
- Devil's Deck, The (Eugene Burger) *** The Experience of Magic (pg. 124)
- Devil's Elevator (Dai Vernon and Bruce Cervon) *** Epilogue (November 1972, Issue #16, pg. 143)
- Devil's Four Aces, The (Ted Annemann) *** The Jinx (November 1934, Issue #2)
- Devils Mark (Alan Rorrison) *** Sigillum Diaboli (DVD)
- Devil's Prayer Book, The (Rhett Bryson) *** Marketed Manuscript
- Devil's Rosary, The (Surgeon Rell M. Woodward) *** The Sphinx (October 1912, Vol. 11, No. 8, pg. 148)
- Devils to Witches (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 1 (pg. 234)
- Devious (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 121)
- Devious Open Prediction (Larry Jennings) *** "Genii Magazine (April 1999, pg. 44)
- Devo Card Trick, The (Carl Devo) *** The Linking Ring (November 1991, Vol. 71, No. 11, pg. 67)
- Dextral Draw (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 53); Impromptu Card Magic (Colombini, pg. 70)
- d'Fundamentals (Karl Fulves) *** The Nyria Effect (pg. 65)
- Diabolical Influence (Harris Solomon) *** The Jinx (December 1935, Issue #15, pg 76); Annemann's Practical Mental Effects (pg. 283)
- Diabolical Reversed Card (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 98)
- Diabolical Transposition (Charles T. Jordan & Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 98)
- Diadem (David Britland) *** The New Talon (Vol. 1, No. 2, pg. 35)
- Diagonal Palm Shift (S. W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table (PG. 137); DeSouza's DeCeptions (Acer, pg. 104)
- Diagonal Relationship, The (Karl Fulves) *** Color Capture (pg. 2)
- Diagonal Switch (Karl Fulves) *** Color Quik (pg. 27)
- Dial (George Kaplan) *** The Fine Art of Magic (pg. 181)
- Dial A Card (Karl Fulves) *** Secret Session - Part Two (pg. 43)
- Dial Oz (Eddie Fields) *** The Greater Artful Dodges Of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 133)
- Dialexis (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 100)
- Dialing the Future (Karl Fulves) *** New Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 65)
- Diamond Aces (Paul Diamond) *** Paul Diamond Entertains (pg. _); Curtain Call: The Final Lecture of Paul Diamond (PG. 8); The Linking Ring (Juli 1991, Vol. 71, No. 7, pg. 78)
- Diamond Bar (Daryl) *** Richard's Almanac (#23-24 July-Aug 1984 - California Issue, pg. 236)
- Diamond Cut (Joshua Jay) *** Unreal (DVD)
- Diamond Jack (Eugene Burger) *** Greater Magic Video Library #4: Eugene Burger (DVD)
- Diamond Jack Jr. (Karl Fulves) *** Deceptive Practices (pg. 39)
- Diamond King *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 1 (Miller, pg. 65)
- Diamond Snatch (Gary Middleton) *** "Scotland Up-Close (pg. 9)
- Diamond Tip (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Spell-binder (August 1982, Vol. 2, No. 16, pg. 307); The Best of Spell-Binder Collection One (Tucker, pg. 47)
- Diamonds Are Forever (Paul Gordon) *** Protean Card Magic (pg. 53)
- Diamond's Dazzler (Diamond Jim Tyler) *** Close-Up Magic Secrets (pg. 113); Pockets Full of Miracles (DVD)
- Diary of Decision (Doc Dixon) *** Marketed Item
- Diary Of Destiny (Benoit Pilon and Christopher Williams) *** Marketed Item
- Diavolo Principle (Don Diavolo) *** Marlo In Spades (pg. 35)
- Dice and Cards (Glenn Gravatt) *** 50 More Modern Card Tricks (Gravatt, pg. 50)
- Dice It Up (Aldo Colombini) *** Marketed Item
- Dice Will Tell (Howard Thurston & Oscar Weigle) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 210)
- Dice-Section (Al Smith) *** A Way With Cards (pg. 23)
- Dichotomy (J. W. Sarles) *** The Pallbearers Review (January 1967, Vol. 2, No. 3, pg. 75)
- Dicing With Death (Paul Gordon) *** The Unplanned Card Book (pg. _)
- Dick Tracy Card Trick (Clyde Carny) *** My Best (Thompson, pg. 11)
- Dictionary and Postal Card (Al Baker) *** The Secret Ways of Al Baker (pg. 709)
- Dictionary Definition, The (Harry Riser) *** Secrets of an Escamoteur (pg. 71)
- Die of Destiny - Marc Desouza *** DeSouza's DeCeptions (Acer, pg. 113)
- Die Spell (Aldo Colombini) *** Marketed Item
- Die-Duction (Dr. Leslie Albert) *** Tarbell Course in Magic - Volume 7 (Lesson 85, Card Magic, pg. 86)
- Difference & The Sum, The (Harry Lorayne) *** Reputation-Makers (pg. 105); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 2 (pg. 78)
- Different Color Change, A (Ted Annemann) *** The Sphinx (September 1924, Vol. 23, No. 7, pg. 222); Annemann: The Life and Times of a Legend (Abrams, pg. 7)
- Different Sound, A (Roger Divella) *** Packet Tricks (Mentzer, pg. 18)
- Difficult Routine, A (Arthur H. Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 168)
- Digging Deeper (Steve Beam & Doug Canning) *** Semi Automatic Card Tricks VI (pg. 31)
- Digital Deceit, A (Peter Duffie) *** The Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 4 (pdf, pg. 41)
- Digital Diamonds (Karl Fulves) *** Six Impromptu Card Tricks (pg. 3)
- Digital Estimation (Bob Longe) *** World's Best Card Tricks (pg. 46)
- Digital Version (Karl Fulves) *** Card Counting (pg. 5)
- DigiVision (Val Evans) *** My Best (Thompson Jr., pg. 83)
- Dilly Deck, The (Lloyd E. Jones) *** Same Both Sides (Lloyd E. Jones, pg. 39)
- Dime a Dozen (Karl Fulves) *** 28 Card Tricks (pg. 54)
- Diminishing Card to Dollar (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 4 (DVD)
- Diminishing Card Trick, The (Edward Victor) *** Lessons In Conjuring (Devant, 1922); Maskelyne and Devant (CD)
- Diminishing Flush (Paul Gordon) *** Card Magic Companion (pg. 69)
- Diminishing Poker Deal (Bruce Cervon) *** The Cervon File (pg. 101)
- Diminishing Poker Deal (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 695)
- Diminishing Returns (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 120)
- Diminishing Twister (Paul Gordon) *** The Unplanned Card Book (pg. _)
- Ding Dong (Lewis Jones) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 130)
- Dingle's Rainbow (Derek Dingle) *** The New York Magic Symposium - Collection Three (Fleischer & Minch, pg. 36)
- Diploid (Peter Duffie) *** Method in Effect (pdf)
- Diplopia (Paul Vigil) *** Diplopia (manuscript)
- Dippy Duck (Jack Hughes) *** Jack Hughes World of Magic - Volume 1 (three volume set of books)
- Direct Dunbury Delusion (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 1)
- Direct Flight Card To Case (Larry Jennings) *** "A Visit With Larry Jennings (pg. 8) - A second handling appears as “Astro-Card” in Richard’s Almanac (May 1983, p. 73)
- Direct from the Factory (Bill Malone) *** On The Loose - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Direct Jack Sandwich (Matt Corin) *** Talisman (November 20, 1970, Vol. 1, No. 38, pg. 230)
- Direct Jack Sandwich (Mike Gallo) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 20)
- Direct Mental (Bob King) *** Opening Night Magic (pg. 39)
- Direct Rear Palm (Edward Marlo) *** Ed Marlo: The Tabled Palm (pg. 31)
- Direct Spell, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 2 (pg. 47)
- Direct Triumph (Thomas Prieto) *** Apocalypse (January 1989, Vol. 12, No. 1, pg. 1595)
- Directed Verdict (John Bannon) *** Smoke and Mirrors (pg. 106)
- Directorial (Peter Duffie) *** Open Secrets (pdf)
- Dirty Deal (Bruce Cervon) *** Marketed Item
- Dirty Do-As-I-Do (Leo Behnke) *** Entertaining With Cards (pg. 66)
- Dirty Dozen, The (Aldo Colombini) *** Direct Hits (pg. 4)
- Dirty Harry (Andrew Wimhurst) *** "Jiggery Pokery: Card tricks your mother wouldn't approve of… (pg. 13); Cyber Sessions (Jason Alford, pg. 148)
- Disappearance From a Handkerchief (Jerry Andrus) *** Andrus Deals You In (pg. 129)
- Disappearing Card, The *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 168)
- Disappearing Queen, The (Adrian Plate) *** The Art of Magic (Hilliard, Downs, pg. 133)
- Disarming Hide-Out (Martin Nash) *** The New York Magic Symposium - Collection Three (Fleischer & Minch, pg. 48); Apocalypse (January 1987, Vol. 7, No. 1, pg. 873)
- Discard Draw (Karl Fulves) *** Hocus Poker (pg. 24)
- Discard Trick (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 46)
- Discounted Deal (Lewis Jones) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 71)
- Discovering the Chosen Card by a Throw of the Dice (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 193)
- Discrepancy City Prediction (John Bannon) *** Impossibilia (pg. 4)
- Discrepancy Triumph (Doug Edwards) *** Apocalypse (June 1993, Vol. 16, No. 6, pg. 2226)
- Discre-panza (Aldo Colombini) *** Impact! (pg. 57)
- Discriminating Joker, The (George E. Arrowsmith) *** Arrowsmith's Assorted Mysteries (pg. 21)
- Disguised Water (Jeff Busby) *** Card Cavalcade Finale (Mentzer, pg. 13)
- Dishonesty At Its Apogee *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 151)
- Disobedient Cards, The (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 1 (DVD)
- Disorderly Conduct (Jon Racherbaumer) *** JonRacherbaumer.com (Freebie Archive, November 2002)
- Disoriented Sevens, The (Peter Duffie) *** Ulterior Motifs (pdf, pg. 41)
- Displacement Sleight (John Scarne) *** More Greater Magic (Hilliard/Jones/Hugard, pg. 1235)
- Disposable Deck, The (David Regal) *** Marketed (utility) Item
- Dissolving Card, The (Ben Harris) *** Silent Running (pg. _)
- Distant Touch (J. Stewart Smith) *** The Weird Influence (pg. 12)
- DisTortion (Wayne Houchin) *** Theory11 Download
- Distress Call (Rus Andrews) *** Instant Download (from Merchant of Magic)
- Distributraction (Larry Jennings) *** The Classic Magic Of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 213)
- Divertimento (Aldo Colombini) *** Aldo Colombini's Impromptu Card Magic - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- Divide And Conquer (Chad Long) *** The Looking Glass- Winter 1998 (Kaufman, pg. 36)
- Divided Shuffle (Luis Otero) *** Magic Magazine (September 2006); Talk About Tricks - Volume 1 (Jay, DVD)
- Divided Subtraction (J. K. Hartman) *** After Craft (pg. 30)
- Divided We Stand (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume One (pg. 219)
- Divination Extraordinary (A. Ross) *** The Sphinx (September 1925, Vol. 24, No. 7, pg. 218)
- Divination Supreme (Bill Turner) *** How To Do Tricks With Cards (pg. 138)
- Divination Three By Four (Reinhard Mueller) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 102)
- Divination, A (Al Leach) *** Super Card Man Stuff (pg. 22)
- Divine Matching, A (John Carey) *** Letters To Friends (pg. 28)
- Divine Miraskill (Wesley James) *** Enchantments (pg. 434)
- Diving Board Double (Lee Asher) *** Diving Board Double (manuscript or pdf)
- Divining Card, The (David Regal) *** Star Quality - The Magic of David Regal (Lorayne, pg. 176)
- Divining One, The (Bob Longe) *** Easy Card Tricks (pg. 17)
- Divining Pasteboard, The (S. Leo Horowitz) *** Annemann's Card Magic (pg. 86)
- Divining Rod (S.W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 174)
- Divining The Number of Cards In Pocket (Gerald Kosky) *** 50 Modern Card Tricks You Can Do! (Gravatt, pg. 28)
- Divino (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 37)
- Divinotion (Peter Duffie) *** 21 Card Tricks (pg. _)
- DiVision (Luke Dancy) *** Marketed Item
- Division of Labor (Leopold Figner) *** The Amateur Magician's Handbook (Hay, pg. 212)
- Divisory Capacity (Peter Duffie) *** Duffie's Card Compulsions (pg. 69)
- DLS (Corey Burke) *** One Eyed Jacks (DVD)
- DNA (Mark Jenest) *** Marketed Item
- Do As Al Baker Did (Andrew Galloway) *** Diverting Card Magic (pg. 28)
- Do as I Did (Darwin Ortiz) *** Darwin Ortiz At The Card Table (pg. 140)
- Do As I Did (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2008, No. 4, pg. 216)
- Do as I Do (Traditional… Many versions…) *** The Royal Road to Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 70); Various alternate sources
- Do As I Do A La Gergonne (Hideo Kato) *** Precursor (May 2002, No. 82, pg. 18)
- Do As I Do Aces (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 2 (DVD)
- Do As I Do Oil and Water (Mark Wilson) *** Mark Wilson's Complete Course In Magic (pg. 102)
- Do As I Do With Two Cards (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 39)
- Do As I Do-Extra (Dennis Sargeant & Graham Cheminais) *** The Ganson Book (Ganson, pg. 133)
- Do As I Don't (Paul Voodini) *** Hypno-Mental Self-Working Card Tricks (Booklet or instant download pdf)
- Do it and Fail (Jean Hugard & Frederick Braue ) *** The Royal Road to Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 100)
- Do Not Disturb (Werner Miller) *** Tricks To Go - Part 4: The Unique Magic of Werner Miller (Colombini, DVD)
- Do Not Get Confused… (Woody Aragon) *** A Book In English (pg. 207)
- Do You Have ESP? (Karl Fulves) *** New Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 27)
- Do You See Red? (Arthur Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 153)
- Do You Want to Continue? (Barrie Richardson) *** Theater of the Mind (pg. 199)
- Doc John’s Aces (Ryan Matney) *** Card Magic USA (Duffie, pg. 155)
- Doc's Poker Demo (Doc Eason) *** Bar Magic - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- Doctor (Jeff Stone & Dick Roy) *** Stone Cold Magic Magazine (May 2009)
- Doctored Daley (John Bannon) *** Bullets After Dark (DVD)
- Dodeckadeal (John Archer) *** Marketed Item
- Dodgy Sandwich (Paul Gordon) *** The Unplanned Card Book (pg. _)
- Dogging The Princess (Jon Racherbaumer) *** From Jon Racherbaumer.com site (Freebie, July 2005)
- Doggone Card Trick (Joseph M. White) *** A Scotch Brand of Magic (pg. 22)
- Do-It-Yourself Discovery (Bob Longe) *** World's Best Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 52)
- Do-It-Yourself Force, The (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 38)
- Domain Theory (Karl Fulves) *** Clockwork (pg. 20)
- Domination (Peter Duffie) *** Cardeceits (pdf)
- Domore Discovery (Stewart James) *** Arcane (Busby, May 1983, Issue 10, pg. 128)
- Donald Duck and Deal (Simon Aronson) *** The Card Puzzle and Other Diversions (Marlo, Racherbaumer, pg. 13)
- Don't Ask (Karl Fulves) *** Deceptive Practices (pg. 5)
- Don't Bet On It *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 58)
- Don't Blink (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Special Effects
- Don't Cry For The Star (Katsuya Masuda) *** Marketed Item
- Don't Fear The Reaper (Aaron Fisher) *** The Paper Engine (pg. 57)
- Don't Forget (Hideo Kato) *** Precursor (Miesel, LXXIV [no.74], pg. 6)
- Don't Forget To Remember (Frank Simon) *** Versatile Card Magic (pg. 123);
- Don't Forget Your Change (Bob Longe) *** Clever Close-up Magic (pg. 88)
- Don't Get Personal (Paul Gertner) *** Apocalypse (December 1981, Vol. 4, No 12, pg. 568)
- Don't Hassle The Hoff (Peter Harrison) *** Sleight of Haggis (pdf)
- Don't Joke Around (Aldo Colombini) *** Mamma Mia (pdf, pg. 5)
- Don't Lie to Me (Paul Curry) *** Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond (pg. 83)
- Don't Think Out Loud (Allen Ackerman) *** Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 3: The Controls (DVD)
- Don't Touch The Cards (Jack Miller) *** Knack Magic Tricks: A Step-by-Step Guide to Illusions, Sleight of Hand, and Amazing Feats (Kaufman, pg. 16)
- Doorstop Aces (Paul Gordon) *** Protean Card Magic (pg. 17)
- Doorstop Sandwich (Paul Gordon) *** Protean Card Magic (pg. 15)
- Doozer, The (Stewart James) *** Stewart James in Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 599)
- DOP (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 241)
- Dope (Bill Simon) *** Phoenix (June 1952, Vol. 6, No. 257, pg. 1028)
- Doppelganger (Darwin Ortiz) *** Lessons in Card Mastery (pg. 197)
- Doppelganger Prediction (Sheldon Peters) *** The Open Prediction Project (Baxter, pg. 94)
- Dorsal Cull, The (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Close-Up Impact! (Minch, pg. 175)
- DOT Revisited (Roger Crosthwaite) *** Arcardia (Crosthwaite, pg. 91)
- Dots Incredible (Al Cohen) *** Marketed Item
- Dot's It! (Karrel Fox) *** Simple, Baffling Card Tricks (Behnke, pg. 33)
- Double Ambitious (Juan Tamariz) *** Sonata (pg. 119)
- Double Augury (Bill Pryor) *** Marketed Item
- Double Back (Jon Allen) *** Marketed Item
- Double Backed Card Force, The *** 36 Tricks with FA-KO Cards (Haines, pg. 24)
- Double Barrel (Bob Solari) *** Marketed Item
- Double Brainwave Updated (Edward Marlo & Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Kardma (pg. 71)
- Double Breasted Suit (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 91)
- Double Card Prediction (Carlos H. Colombi) *** The Sphinx (January 1946, Vol. 44, No. 11, pg. 316)
- Double CATO Revelation (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 720)
- Double Christ (Tomas Blomberg and Tom Stone) *** Deserting the Legion (pg. 3)
- Double Coincidence (Simon Lovell) *** Second To None: A manuscript On The Art of Second Dealing (pg. 51 ) ; Simon Says! The Close-Up Magic of Simon Lovell (pg. 198)
- Double Colour Deception (W. R. Hammerton) *** The Gen (April 1970, Vol. 25, No. 12, pg. 327)
- Double Count Down (John Quine) *** The Card Magic of John Quine (Craven, pg. 17)
- Double Cover (Herb Zarrow) *** Herb Zarrow On The Zarrow Shuffle (DVD)
- Double Cross (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 4 (pg. 765)
- Double Cross Changed (Paul Cummins) *** ...from a shuffled deck in use… (Part Two, pg. 28)
- Double Crossed (Daryl) *** Marketed Item
- Double Crossing the Gaze Switch (Juan Tamariz) *** The Five Points in Magic (pg. 26)
- Double Cut Double Cross (Steve Dusheck) *** Dusheck's Card Magic (Dusheck Magic Series No. 3, pg. 18)
- Double Dazzling Triumph (Daryl) *** Greater Magic Video Library #7: Daryl (DVD); Marketed Manuscript (Racherbaumer)
- Double Deal Aces (Gene Maze) *** The False Deals Project (George McBride, Big Blind Media, DVD)
- Double Deal Turnover, The ( R. Paul Wilson) *** The Little Black Book (pg. 9)
- Double Deal Vanish (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 5 (DVD)
- Double Dealer (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks I (pg. 123)
- Double Dealin' Royals (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Diamonds From Coal (pg. 59, also available as pdf)
- Double Dealing (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 33)
- Double Decker (Paul Harris) *** The Art of Astonishment - Book 2 (Harris, pg. 211); Close-Up Fantasies - Book 1 (pg. 1)
- Double Decker Ripper (Andi Gladwin) *** Ego (#12, June 2002, pg. 26)
- Double Decker Sandwich (Michael Powers) *** Power Plays: High Voltage Magic From Mike Powers (pg. 161)
- Double Deeper (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dodgery (pg. 19)
- Double Denial (Fred Robinson) *** Pabular (March - April 1977, Vol. 3, No. 7 & 8, pg.387); The Magic of Fred Robinson (Duffie, pg. 210)
- Double Detection (Richard Himber) *** Tarbell Course in Magic (Vol. 2, Lesson 26, pg. 205)
- Double Dipping (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 100)
- Double Discard, The (Darwin Ortiz) *** Gambling Scams: How They Work, How to Detect Them, How to Protect Yourself (pg. 33)
- Double Discernment (Eddie Joseph) *** The Magic Magazine (February 1953, Vol. 1, No. 11, pg. 289)
- Double Discover (Roy Walton) *** Simply Impromp2 (Colombini, pg. 12)
- Double Discovery (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 77)
- Double Divino (Charles T. Jordan) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 226)
- Double Doodle Steal (Tom Gagnon) *** Avant-Cards (James, pg. 119)
- Double Double (Frank Kelly) *** Phoenix (June 1944, Vol. 2, No. 63, pg. 256)
- Double Double (Larry Jennings) *** "Pabular (July 1979, pg. 701)—This appears with no title. A more elaborate version appears as “In The Palm Of Your Hand” in The Classic Magic Of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 20)
- Double Drop Switch (Gene Maze) *** The Gene Maze Card Book (Kaufman, pg. 20)
- Double D's and Aces (Syd Segal) *** Simply Sydney (DVD)
- Double Duke (Darwin Ortiz) *** Gambling Scams: How They Work, How to Detect Them, How to Protect Yourself (pg. 8)
- Double Duty (John Scarne) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 71)
- Double Edged (Harry Lorayne) *** Trend Setters (pg. 115)
- Double Ender (Peter Duffie) *** Effortless Card Magic (pg. 31)
- Double Entendre (Jack Avis & Lewis Jones) *** Ahead of the Pack (Avis & Jones, pg. 59)
- Double Erdnase (Karl Fulves) *** Secret Session - Part Three (Fulves, pg. 76)
- Double Escape, The (Willie Johnson) *** The Sphinx (July 1925, Vol. 24, No. 5, pg. 164)
- Double Exposure (Asi Wind) *** Three Card Routines (DVD); also available as an Instant Download (from Dan & Dave)
- Double Faced Cards *** Marketed Item (gaff)
- Double Faced Do As I Do (Glenn Gravatt) *** Same Both Sides (Jones, pg. 8)
- Double Faced Force (Glenn Gravatt) *** Same Both Sides (Jones, pg. 9)
- Double Faced Transposition (Glenn Gravatt) *** Same Both Sides (Jones, pg. 13)
- Double Fan (Norman Anthony) *** Basic Card Technique (pg. 264)
- Double Find (Karl Fulves) *** Foolproof Card Tricks For The Amateur Magician (pg. 8)
- Double Flight (Peter Duffie) *** Move Mastery 2 (CD-ROM)
- Double From Packet (Paul Gordon) *** Thirty-Five Really Useful Card Sleights (DVD)
- Double HaLo (Harry Lorayne) *** Quantum Leaps (pg. 228)
- Double Handed Pass, The (August Roterberg) *** Card Tricks and How To Do Them (pg. 5); New Era Card Tricks (pg. 7)
- Double Haunted Deck (Dani DaOrtiz, Christian Engblom, Miguel Angel Gea) *** Fat Brothers II (DVD)
- Double Hit (Steve Pressley) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks II (Beam, pg. 87)
- Double Impossibility (Al Baker) *** The Secret Ways of Al Baker (pg. 396)
- Double Influence (Kennedy) *** Thoughts So Far (pg. 143)
- Double Innercut, The (Peter Duffie) *** Duffie's Card Compulsions (pg. 253)
- Double It (David Regal) *** Star Quality - The Magic of David Regal (Lorayne, pg. 61)
- Double Jeopardy (Peter Duffie) *** Double Jeopardy (Pdf download)
- Double Lazy (Simon Aronson) *** Simply Simon (pg. 136)
- Double Lift (Richard Neve, August Roterberg) *** Card College - Volume 1 (Giobbi, pg. 7, pg. 129); Card College - Volume 2 (Giobbi, pg. 396); Card College - Volume 3 (Giobbi, pg. 584); Card College - Volume 4 (Giobbi, pg. 1009)
- Double Lift from Tabled Pack (Eddie Fechter) *** Card Cavalcade (Mentzer, pg. 43)
- Double Lift Get-Ready (Edward Marlo) *** Hierophant No. 7 (The Resurrection Issue - 1975, pg. 46)
- Double Lift Palm (Harry Lorayne) *** Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 19); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 13)
- Double Lift Substitutes - First Method (Edward Marlo) *** Expert Card Mysteries (Sharpe, pg. 28)
- Double Location (John J. Crimmins, Jr.) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 239)
- Double Locations (Aldo Colombini) *** Nailed (DVD)
- Double Marksmanship (Dustin Marks) *** Marketed Item (Cards by Martin)
- Double Monte (John Guastaferro) *** Brainstorm - The Creative Card Magic of John Guastaferro Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Double Monte (Paul Harris) *** The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (Harris, pg. 121); Super Magic (pg. 47)
- Double Olah Reverse (Harry Lorayne) *** Quantum Leaps (pg. 182)
- Double or Nothing (Stewart James & Ray Boston) *** World's Greatest Card Tricks (Bob Longe, pg. 58)
- Double Overcut, The (Peter Duffie) *** Duffie's Card Compulsions (pg. 255)
- Double Pancake Revelation (J. Gordon O'Genski) *** Apocalypse (February 1985, Vol. 8, No. 2, pg. 1028); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever! Collection - Vol. 4 (DVD); Magical Classics (DVD)
- Double Peek and Bilateral Side Steal (Dr. Jacob Daley) *** Expert Card Technique (pg. 470)
- Double Peek Face Up Locators (Edward Marlo) *** Estimation (pg. 52); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 506)
- Double Pinochle with an Elevator Finish (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 22)
- Double Pivot Out *** Daryl: Card Revelations - Vol 2 (DVD)
- Double Play (Doug Conn) *** Tricks of my Trade - The Magic of Doug Conn
- Double Poker Control (Murray Bonfeld) *** Apocalypse (September 1986, Vol. 9, No. 9, pg. 1256)
- Double Poker Deal (unknown) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 367)
- Double Poker Hand Prediction (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 124)
- Double Prediction (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 6)
- Double Push Off Second Deal (Fernando Keops) *** Fernando Keops - Volume 1: Cheating at Cards (DVD)
- Double Push Thru (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Technique (pg. 76)
- Double Put-Down (Harry Lorayne) *** Deck-Sterity (pg. 13); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 260)
- Double Quick (Dai Vernon) *** Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus (Minch, pg. 105)
- Double Revelation (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 8)
- Double Reversal (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Card Conspiracy - Vol. 2 (pg. 134)
- Double Reverse (Paul Rosini) *** Paul Rosini's Magical Gems (pg. 53); House of Cards - The Life & Magic of Paul Rosini (Chuck Romano)
- Double Salto (aka "Faces Up!," Walter B. Gibson) *** Professional Magic for Amatuers (as "Faces Up!," pg. 34)Petite Anthologie Des Tours de Cartes Automatiques Volume 1 (Vollmer, pg. 25); Awesome Self Working Card Tricks (DVD)
- Double Scoop (Rachel Colombini) *** Marketed Item
- Double S'Entendre (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Close-Up Impact! (Minch, pg. 12)
- Double Shakeout (Larry Jennings) *** Japan Lecture Notes (pg. 1); The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 169)
- Double Shock (Yuichi Katakura) *** New Magic of Japan (pg. 35)
- Double Shock! (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 141)
- Double Shoot (Joe Dignam) *** Spellbinder (May 1981, Vol. 1, No. 1, pg.9)
- Double Shot, A (Jim Patton) *** The Penumbra (January/February 2003, Issue 5, pg. 2)
- Double Spell (Richard Vollmer) *** Apocalypse (September 1989, Vol. 12, No. 9, pg. 1684)
- Double Spell Discovery (Gene Castillon) *** JonRacherbaumer.com (Tricks Archive 02-01-2003); Final Cut (Colombini, pg. _)
- Double Spell Discovery (Nyle Rothenbach) *** Genii (February 1951, Vol. 15, No. 6, pg. 232)
- Double Speller, The (Jean Hugard) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 58)
- Double Stop (Martin Nash) *** Sleight Unseen: Part 3 of the Professional Card Technique of Martin A. Nash (Minch, pg. 406)
- Double Strangers (unknown) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 39)
- Double Surprise (Bill Simon) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 108)
- Double Swap Sandwich (George McBride) *** George McBride The DVD (DVD)
- Double Switch (Jon Jensen) *** Duo-Tech (pg. 38)
- Double Take (Harry Lorayne) *** Quantum Leaps (pg. 214)
- Double Talk (Richard Vollmer) *** Simply Impromptu (colombini, pg. 76); Simply Impromptu - Vol. 3 (Colombini, DVD)
- Double Tap (Darwin Ortiz) *** Lessons in Card Mastery (pg. 241)
- Double Think (Larry Jennings) *** "The Classic Magic Of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 243)
- Double Thought (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 31)
- Double Thought (Paul Pickford) *** The V.S. Project (DVD)
- Double Thought, The (Shigeo Takagi) *** The Amazing Miracles of Shigeo Takagi (pg. 58)
- Double Thrusts (Karl Fulves) *** Side Steal: Cards #4 (Fulves, pg. 59)
- Double Time (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 28)
- Double Transfer, The (Karl Fulves) *** Faro & Riffle Technique (pg. 77)
- Double Triumph *** The Card Solutions of Solomon (DVD)
- Double Turnover *** Card College - Volume 1 (Giobbi, pg. 130); Card College - Volume 2 (Giobbi, pg. 331)
- Double Turnover Change (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 52)
- Double Ultra Mental (Allan Ackerman) *** Here's My Card (pg. 50)
- Double Undercut Dai Vernon) *** Stars of Magic, Ser.2, No.2 (1946)
- Double Undercut Substitute (Edward Marlo) *** Card Switches (pg. 11)
- Double Up (Rick Silberman) *** Apocalypse (February 1989, Vol. 12, No. 2, pg. 1599)
- Double Vanish and Recovery (Martin Gardner) *** Martin Gardner's Table Magic (pg. 32)
- Double Vision (Jeff Stone) *** Stone Cold Magic Magazine (June 2008)
- Double Waikiki (Paul Gordon) *** Card Collective (pg. _)
- Double Wallop (Dan Tong) *** Card To Wallet (Mentzer, pg. 14)
- Double Waterfall (Jerry Andrus) *** Up Close with Andrus (pg. 7)
- Double Whammo, The (Daryl) *** Daryl's Ambitious Card Video (DVD)
- Double X Mystery, The *** Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic (pg. 38)
- Double-Bluff (Phil Goldstein) *** Best of Friends - Volume I (Lorayne, pg. 187)
- Double-Climax Speller (Martin Gardner) *** Martin Gardner's Table Magic (pg. 11)
- Double-Color Changing Aces (Derek Dingle) *** Dingle's Deceptions (DVD)
- Double-Cut Exchange (Gordon Boyd) *** Apocalypse (June 1997, Vol. 20, No. 6, pg. 2800)
- Double-Deal Aces (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 5 (DVD)
- Double-Deal Aces (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 5 (DVD)
- Double-Deal Card to Pocket (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 18)
- Double-Deal Switch (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 16)
- Double-Jointed Card (Jeff Pierce) *** Antinomy #5 (First Quarter 2006, pg. 33); The King Has Left The Building… With Amnesia (pg. 67)
- Double-Match Trick, The *** World's Best Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 97)
- Double-Match Trick, The (unknown) *** World's Best Card Tricks (pg. 97)
- Double-Ment (Simon Aronson) *** Ast Decko (pg. 75)
- Double-Over Card Steal (Percy Abbott) *** Abbott's Magic For Magicians: Occidental and Oriental Mysteries (pg. 13); A Lifetime in Magic (part 2, pg. 13)
- Doublestop Simplified (Simon Aronson) *** Simply Simon (pg. 79)
- Double-Surprise Poker Demo (Bob Longe) *** Great Card Tricks (pg. 89)
- Double-Turnover Coincidence (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 37)
- Double-Turnover Force (Bob Longe) *** Card Tricks Galore (pg. 12)
- Doubly Ambitious (Juan Tamariz) *** Sonata (pg. 119); Lessons In Magic Volume 3 (DVD)
- Doubly Devilish Miracle (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 245)
- Dovetailing at Dawn (Eddie Fields) *** The Greater Artful Dodges Of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 123)
- Down & Under (Roy Walton) *** Epilogue (November 1967, Issue #1, pg. 1)
- Down the Elevator and Up the Ladder (Don England) *** Don England's T.K.O.'s (Mendoza, pg. 32 of clubs)
- Down the Garden Path (Martin Nash) *** The Award Winning Card Magic Of Martin A. Nash - Volume 2 (DVD); The Very Best of Martin Nash - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Down Under and Dirty (Eddie Fields) *** The Greater Artful Dodges Of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 112)
- Down Under Assembly (David Regal) *** Close-Up & Personal (pg. 169)
- Down Under Deal (Colm Mulcahy) *** "Colm Mulcahy's Card Colm (April 2005)
- Down/Underhanded (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2007, No. 3, pg. 162)
- Downers & Uppers (Allan Ackerman) *** Here's My Card (pg. 42); Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 2: False Deals (DVD)
- Downright Disgusting (Paul Gordon) *** The Unplanned Card Book (pg. _)
- Downright Shiftless (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 222)
- Downs Change (T. Nelson Downs) *** Card College - Volume 3 (Giobbi, pg. 753)
- Downs Fan, The (T. Nelson Downs) *** The Art of Magic (Hilliard, Downs, pg. 27)
- Downs Hinge Shift, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 33)
- Downs Poker Trick (T. Nelson Downs & Karl Fulves) *** Setting Up Exercises (pg. 48)
- Dr. 90210 (Dan & Dave Buck) *** The Trilogy: andthensome (DVD)
- Dr. Beebe's Sidetrip Out Of The Universe (Harry Lorayne) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 145)
- Dr. Brochu's Card Force (Dr. R. Brochu) *** The Sphinx (January 1944, Vol. 42, No. 11, pg. 264)
- Dr. Brochu's Dead and Living Card Trick (Dr. R. Brochu) *** The Sphinx (October 1943, Vol. 42, No. 8, pg. 168)
- Dr. Brochu's Telepathy Card Trick (Dr. R. Brochu) *** The Sphinx (November 1943, Vol. 42, No. 9, pg. 195)
- Dr. Daley OSW (Yoann Fontyn) *** Modern Intricacies (DVD)
- Dr. Daley's Aces (Gary Jones) *** More Eye Candy (DVD)
- Dr. Daley's Magician vs. Gambler (Dr. Jacob Daley) *** Easy To Master Card Miracles - Volume 4 (Ammar, DVD); World's Greatest Magic: Gambling Routines with Cards (L & L, DVD)
- Dr. Daly's Last Meal (Simon Caine) *** Castles (pg. _)
- Dr. Elliott's Wonder Card Trick (Otto Waldmann) *** The Sphinx (January 1922, Vol. 20, No. 11, pg. 387)
- Dr. Evil or Dr. Fun? (David Gemmell) *** Pasteboard Paradise (pg. 33)
- Dr. Fu Manchu Outdone (U. F. Grant) *** The Sphinx (June 1930, Vol. 29, No. 4, pg. 150)
- Dr. Fun (Paul Harris) *** True Astonishments - Disc 4 (DVD)
- Dr. Jaks' Card on the Wall (Dr. Stanley Jaks) *** The Sphinx (March 1950, Vol. 49, No. 1, pg. 9)
- Dr. Q (Karl Fulves) *** Easy-To-Do Card Tricks For Children (Fulves, pg. 29)
- Dr. Rothbart's Four Ace Trick (Dr. Laszlo Rothbart) *** Deck in Hand: Magic of the Magyar (pg. 28)
- Dracula and the Sorority Girls (Eugene Burger, Dave Solomon, Dale Anthony) *** Intimate Power (Burger, pg. 76); Mastering the Art of Magic (Burger, pg. 156); Greater Magic Video Library #4: Eugene Burger (DVD)
- Drag & Drop (Karl Fulves) *** Under Tension (pg. 19)
- Draw For The Devil (Robert E. Neale) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2006, No. 2, pg. 85)
- Draw Poker Plus (Martin Gardner) *** Annemann's Card Magic (pg. 57); Ted Annemann's Full Deck of Impromptu Card Tricks (pg. 42)
- Draw Test (Karl Fulves) *** Rigmarole (1993, Issue No. 2, pg. 16)
- Drawback Double Lift, The (Paul Curry) *** Paul Curry Presents (pg. 36); Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond (pg. 10)
- Drawback Vanish, The (Paul Curry) *** Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond (pg. 17)
- Dream Autograph (Jeff Sheridan) *** Jeff Sheridan Genius At Work: Volume 4 (DVD)
- Dream Card (Darwin Ortiz) *** Darwin Ortiz At the Card Table (pg. 81); At The Card Table - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Dream Card II (Paul A. Lelekis) *** My Favorites (pg. _)
- Dream Catcher (Steve Ehlers) *** Arizona Card Expert (DVD)
- Dream Deal (George Blake) *** Dream Deal (Colombini, DVD)
- Dream Deck Switch (Richard Kaufman) *** Apocalypse (May 1978, Vol. 1, No. 5, pg. 56)
- Dream Detective (Karl Fulves) *** Kaleidoscope (pg. 4)
- Dream Method 3, The (Bruce Cervon) *** Card Secrets of Bruce Cervon (pg. 19)
- Dream of a Hermit, The (Dr. Stanley Jaks) *** Annemann's Practical Mental Effects (pg. 262)
- Dream of the Hermit (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 302)
- Dream Poker (James Swain) *** Don't Blink: The Magic of James Swain (pg. 19)
- Dream Wonder (Jean Pierre Vallarino) *** Marketed Item
- Dream, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 41)
- Dreamer's Ball (Gavin Ross) *** Impromptu Card Magic (Colombini, pg. 11); Impromptu Card Magic - Vol. 3 (Colombini, DVD); Simply Impromptu - Vol. 2 (Colombini, DVD)
- Dreamspeak (Karl Fulves) *** 51 Faces North (pg. 5)
- Dreamt (Peter Duffie) *** Card Flair (ebook)
- Dribblation (Lou Gallo) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 191)
- Dribble Aces (Nathan Kranzo) *** Deal! The Four Aces Project (DVD)
- Dribble Control Break (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 312)
- Dribble Peek (Steven Youell) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks II (Beam, pg. 184)
- Dribble Replacement (Edward Marlo) *** Formula One Close-Up: The Magic of Randy Wakeman (Mendoza, pg. 73)
- Dribble Toss Control, The (Steve Bedwell/Simon Aronson) *** Art Decko (pg. 3)
- Dribblocation (Joshua Jay) *** Talk About Tricks - Volume 2 (Jay, DVD); Magic Magazine
- Drink Trick (Oliver Mackenzie) *** Marketed as "Tipsy Cards"; My Drink Trick (booklet by Davenports)
- Driving A Hummer (Ramon Rioboo) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 37)
- Dronette (Karl Fulves) *** The Lowdown (Issue 1, pg. 4)
- Drop Aces (Barry Govan) *** Close Up Magic: Restaurant Style (pg. 19)
- Drop and Catch (Hideo Kato) *** Precursor (June 2000, No. 74, pg. 13)
- Drop Front Packet Pass, The (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 225)
- Drop Pass, The (Gordon Bruce) *** Mojo (March 2007, Vol. 1, No. 5, pg. 16)
- Drop Point, The (Karl Fulves) *** Impromptu Holdouts (pg. 6)
- Drop Replacement (Brian Tudor) *** Tudor 2013 (DVD)
- Drop Switch Addition (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 60)
- Drop Target Aces (John Bannon) *** Bullet Party (pg. 32); Bullet Party - Volume 2 (DVD); High Caliber (pg. 135)
- Drop the Cards (Harry Blackstone) *** Blackstone's Tricks Anyone Can Do (pg. 15)
- Drop-Count Revelation (Tom Craven) *** Apocalypse (December 1983, Vol. 6, No. 12, page 858)
- Drop-Delay Force (Jon Racherbaumer) *** JonRacherbaumer.com site (Prime Moves, March 2002)
- Drop-off Switch (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo Without Tears (Racherbaumer, pg. 283)
- Dropping Names (Ramon Rioboo) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 33)
- Drop-Shot (Paul Harris) *** Close-Up Entertainer (pg. 52); The Art Of Astonishment - Book 2 (Harris, pg. 113)
- Dropsy Diddle (Eddie Fields) *** The Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields (pg. 65)
- Drunk Plays Bridge, The (Howard P. Albright & U.F. Grant) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 218)
- Drunken Black Jack (Bob King) *** Apocalypse (August 1988, Vol. 11, No. 8, pg. 1534)
- Drunken Bridge Player, The (Paul Gordon) *** Card Marvels (pg. _)
- Drunken Shuffle (Gerry Griffin) *** Lucky Sevens with Gerry Griffin - Volume 3 (DVD)
- DU/Process (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 7)
- Dual Affinity (Bruce Cervon) *** The Cervon File (pg. 81)
- Dual Control # 2 (Paul Gordon) *** Cool Card Stuff (pg. _)
- Dual Control (Jack Avis & Lewis Jones) *** Ahead of the Pack (Avis & Jones, pg. 146)
- Dual Cyclone (Paul Knight) *** Marketed Item (manuscript)
- Dual Discovery (Frank Garcia) *** Million Dollar Card Secrets (pg. 65)
- Dual Sympathy (Ted Annemann) *** SH-H-H--! it's a secret (pg. 28); Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 213)
- Dubai Roulette (Stephen Jones, J. K. Hartman & Robin Robertson) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2010, No. 7, pg. 425)
- Dubill (Peter Duffie) *** Peter Duffie With Cards (pdf)
- Duck Change, The (Hiro Sakai) *** Magic Magazine (September 1991, pg. 37)
- Duck One, Drop Two (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 128)
- Duck Soup (Roy Walton) *** Richard's Almanac Quarterly (Vol 3, Summer 85, pg 276)
- Duck-Too (Larry Becker) *** Apocalypse (February 1979, Vol. 2, No. 2, pg. 157)
- Duel Match (Peter Nardi) *** Marketed Item
- Duel Of The West (Rene Lavand) *** Close Up Artistry - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Duet (David Britland) *** Spellbinder (September 1981, Vol. 1, No. 5, pg. 82)
- Du-et (Michael Kociolek) *** 8 Effects and a Sleight (paperback or pdf, pg. 17)
- Duet To It (John Bannon) *** Smoke and Mirrors (pg. 113)
- Duffer's Two Cards To Pocket (Larry Jennings) *** Epoptica (June 1983, p. 229)
- Duffie's Depth Deception (Peter Duffie) *** Card Compulsions (pg. 268)
- DUI (Jordan Johnson) *** DUI (DVD)
- Dumbest Casino in the World (Michael Close) *** Closely Guarded Secrets (CD); World's Greatest Magic - Chicago Opener (DVD); Devious - Volume One (DVD)
- Dummy Force, The James Swain) *** 21st Century Card Magic (Swain, pg. 91)
- Dunbury Delight (Frank Garcia's derivation of Miller's Dunbury Delusion, from an idea by Dai Vernon) *** Million Dollar Card Secrets (pg. 28)
- Dunbury Delusion (Charlie Miller) *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 319)
- Dunbury Drop (David Ben) *** Tricks (pg. 46)
- Dunninger's Mental Card Trick (Joseph Dunninger) *** Scarne on Card Tricks (hardcover edition - pg. 15; softcover edition - pg. 13)
- Dunninger's New Vanishing Card (Lionel Scott) *** The Sphinx (March 1914, Vol. 13, No. 1, pg. 11)
- Dunn's Deal (Shaun Dunn) *** True Astonishments - Disc 7 (DVD)
- Duo Brainwave (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 180)
- Duo Colours (Roy Walton) *** "Pallbearer's Review (July 1972, Vol. 7, No. 9, page 547)
- Duo Control (Paul Swinford) *** Card Cavalcade 3 (Mentzer, pg. 111)
- Duo Dice (Karl Fulves) *** Notes From Underground (pg. 20)
- Duo Locato Finale (Herb Rungie) *** The Jinx (August 1941, No. 145, pg. 812); Hugard's Magic Monthly (January 1957, Vol. 14, No. 8, pg. 525)
- Duo-Flight (S. Leo Horowitz) *** Our Mysteries (Flosso, pg. 98)
- Duo-Spell (Paul Swinford) *** Faro Fantasy (pg. 30)
- Duo-Tech II (Bob Strickland) *** Duo-Tech: The Book; Also available as a marketed item
- Dupe-licate (Allan Slaight) *** Apocalypse (November 1993, Vol. 16, No. 11, pg. 2284)
- Duplex Change (John Guastaferro) *** One Degree (pg. 85)
- Duplex Comedy Speller (Larry Gray) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 43)
- Duplicate Collectors, The (Edward Marlo) *** The Unexpected Card Book (pg. 15)
- Duplico Utility Deck (Chas. A. Leedy) *** The Sphinx (December 1929, Vol. 28, No. 10, pg. 388)
- Dusheck Color Change (Steve Dusheck) *** Dusheck's Card Magic (Dusheck Magic Series No. 3, pg. 135)
- Dusheck's Diminishing Cards *** Marketed Item
- Dynamic Duo (Ben Harris) *** Off The Wall (pg. 67)
- Dynamite (Ron Ferris) *** Expert Card Chicanery (Sharpe, pg. 23)
- Dyslexic Queens (J.C. Wagner) *** J.C. WAGNER: COMMERCIAL MAGIC (DVD)
- E. C. Routine (Eddie Clever) *** The Sphinx (June 1935, Vol. 34, No. 4, pg. 103)
- E. J. Color Change with Cards, The (Eddie Joseph) *** Greater Card Tricks (pg. 17)
- E. J. Count (Roy Walton), aka The Siva Count (Jack Avis) *** The Magic Circular (June 1972, Vol. 66, No. 733, pg. 165); Vis à Vis (Avis, Derris, pg. 51)
- E. Pluribus Unum (A. R. Cogswell) *** The Sphinx (effect described in January 1913, Vol. 11, No. 11, pg. 217 & method explained in February 1913, Vol. 11, No. 12, pg. 238)
- E. Z. Card Trick, An (J. Phillips) *** The Sphinx (January 1922, Vol. 20, No. 11, pg. 387)
- E.C. Card in Wallet, The (Karrell Fox) *** Card To Wallet (Mentzer, pg. 27)
- E.G. Brown's Spelling Trick (E. G. Brown) *** Bob White Presents: Card Magic - A Practical Approach (DVD)
- E.J. Sandwich (Rob James) *** Another Bite of The Cherry: Cheetah's Handbook Volume 2 (Gladwin, pg. 47)
- E.O.E. Multiple Card Top Palm, The (Steven Youell) *** Steven Youell Teaches Advanced Card Techniques (pg. _)
- E.S.P. (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (pg. 27)
- E.S.P. Plus (Arthur F. MacTier) *** Card Concepts (pg. 250)
- E.S.P. Your Pants (Thom Peterson) *** Sucker Punch (DVD)
- E.S.Paranormal (Mark Weston) *** Abracadabra Magazine (Goodliffe)
- E.V. Colour Change, The (Edward Victor) *** Magic of the Hands (pg. 2)
- E.V. Invisible Double Lift (Edward Victor) *** Magic of the Hands (pg. 4); Classic Card Tricks (pg. 2)
- E.V. Semi-Circular Colour Change, The (Edward Victor) *** More Magic of the Hands (pg. 5)
- E.Z. Second Deal (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 2 (pg. 216)
- E.Z.S.P. (Karrell Fox) *** New Trix for '86 (pg. 7)
- Each of Four (Eric T. Dockery) *** Apocalypse (April 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4, pg. 1767)
- Eagle Eye Of The Magi, The (Hugh R. Johnson and F.B.Sterling) *** Modern Card Miracles (pg. 19)
- Ear Full of Cider, An (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection (pg. 191)
- Earl's Dilemma, The (Martin Nash) *** Sleight Unseen: Part 3 of the Professional Card Technique of Martin A. Nash (pg. 380)
- Early Indications (Karl Fulves) *** Verbatim (1993, No. 8, pg. 91)
- Early P.O.D. (Don England) *** Don England's Paradox (Kelly, pg. 100)
- Early Riser (Gordon Bruce) *** Spell-binder (December 1982, Vol. 2, Issue #20, pg. 400); The Best of Spell-Binder Collection One (Tucker, pg. 72)
- Early Riser (Steve Beam) *** The Trapdoor (April 1984, Issue 3, pg. 37)
- Earthbound (Roy Walton) *** Pabular (May 1975, Vol. 1, No. 9, pg. 103)
- Earthly Powers (Richard Vollmer) *** Apocalypse (June 1988, Vol. 11, No. 6, pg. 1503); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever! Collection Volume 1 (DVD)
- Easier 6-Card Royal (Harry Lorayne) *** Jaw Droppers! (pg. 225)
- Easier Aces (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection (pg. 141)
- Easier Princess, An (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2008, No. 5, pg. 301)
- Easiest Bottom Deal, The (Bruce Elliott) *** The Best in Magic (pg. 178); Magic: 100 New Tricks (UK version, pg. 178)
- Easily Influenced (Daryl) *** Marketed Item
- East St. Louis Toodle-oo (John Bannon) *** The Linking Ring (June 1987, Vol. 67, No. 6, pg. 62)
- Easy ACAAN (Didier Dupre) *** Cartemania-The Incredible Magic of Didier Dupre (DVD)
- Easy Ace Cutting (John F. Mendoza) *** John: Verse Two (pg. 66)
- Easy Ace Estimation (Paul Gordon) *** Nocturnal Creations (pg. 152)
- Easy Aces (Al Leech) *** Million Dollar Card Secrets (Garcia, pg. 52)
- Easy Aces (Bob Longe) *** World's Best Card Tricks (pg. 40)
- Easy Aces (David Williamson) *** Dave 2 (DVD)
- Easy Aces Reversed (Al Leech) *** Cardmanship (pg. 24)
- Easy Ackerman (Joshua Jay) *** Antinomy (Issue #9, 1st Quarter 2007, pg. 17)
- Easy All Backs (Carl Andrews) *** Magic From Maui (pg. 45)
- Easy Ambush, An (Edward Marlo) *** The Hierophant - Issue 5-6 (Racherbaumer. Pg. 227)
- Easy Applications with the BW Memorized Deck (Boris Wild) *** Boris Wild’s Remarkable Card Magic - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Easy as A-B-C (Karl Fulves) *** The Magic Book (pg. 63)
- Easy Bottom Force (Bob Longe) *** Great Card Tricks (pg. 76)
- Easy Card Control (Gerald Kosky) *** The Sphinx (May 1941, Vol. 40, No. 3, pg. 138)
- Easy Card Discovery (Glenn G. Gravatt) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 181)
- Easy Card Divination (Jean Hugard) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 180)
- Easy Card in Wallet (Jean Hugard) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 22)
- Easy Card Location, An (Peter Warlock) *** Peter Warlock's Book of Magic (pg. 99)
- Easy Card Prediction (Frank Chapman & Ralph Read) *** Twenty Stunners with a Nail Writer (Chapman, pg. 21)
- Easy Card Prediction (Jim Sisti) *** The Magic Menu—The First Five Years (Year Four, September/October 1993, Issue 19, pg. 214)
- Easy Card Rise (Steve Fernandes) *** The New Jinx (August 1967, Vol. 6, No. 64, pg. 262)
- Easy Card Stab (U. F. Grant) *** Grant's Brilliant Card Magic (Smith, pg. 7)
- Easy Card Switch (Karl Fulves & Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser) *** Hofzinser's Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 42)
- Easy Card to Pocket or Wallet (Dan Paulus) *** Up My Sleeve - Book One: Commercial Card Magic (pg. 11)
- Easy Card to Pocket, The (Daryl) *** Daryl's Card Revelations Volume 4 (DVD)
- Easy Card Trick, An (Will Andrade, aka Charles A. Prince) *** 70 Simple Card Tricks That Anyone Can Do (pg. 45)
- Easy Cards To Packet (Etienne Pradier) *** French Bred Winners (DVD)
- Easy Choice (Bob Longe) *** Great Card Tricks (pg. 85)
- Easy Collectors (Luke Jermay) *** Marketed Item (instant download)
- Easy Control (Bob Longe) *** World's Greatest Card Tricks (pg. 9)
- Easy Cut Flourish (Herb Zarrow) *** Apocalypse (October 1993, Vol. 16, No. 10, pg. 2279)
- Easy Deck Vanish (Matthew J. Dowden) *** Party Animal (2 DVD Set)
- Easy Diminishing Cards (Tom Sellers) *** Twenty Tricks (pg. 13)
- Easy Does It (Al Leech) *** The Last Word on Cards (Steele, pg. 49)
- Easy Double Lift, An (Bob longe) *** Card Tricks Galore (Longe, pg. 13)
- Easy Elimination (Dr. Jacob Daley / Stewart James / George Sands / Robert Neale) *** Life, Death and Other Card Tricks (Neale, pg. 380)
- Easy Enigma (Paul Rosini) *** Paul Rosini's Magical Gems (Steele, pdf, pg. 56)
- Easy Estimation (Bob Longe) *** World's Best Card Tricks (pg. 44)
- Easy Everywhere and Nowhere (Ken de Courcy) *** Marketed Manuscript
- Easy Expert Aces (Bill Duncan) *** Tribute (pg. _)
- Easy False Count, An (Sepp Holzer & Andy Edmuller) *** The Secrets of Master Card Technique - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Easy False Shuffle (Aldo Colombini) *** React (pg. 47)
- Easy Fan Steal (David Regal) *** Star Quality - The Magic of David Regal (Lorayne, pg. 276)
- Easy Flat-Pack (Cameron Francis) *** Plots & Ploys (Duffie, pdf)
- Easy Float (Steve Fearson) *** Cards Pack (item #1)
- Easy Flush-timation (Paul Gordon) *** Cardistry (pg. 75)
- Easy Follow The Leader (Unknown) *** 50 Modern Card Tricks You Can Do! (Gravatt, pg. 15)
- Easy Followers (Andi Gladwin) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 197)
- Easy Force, An (Jean Hugard) *** More Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 111)
- Easy Forte (Allan Ackerman) *** Antinomy (Issue #6, 2nd Quarter 2006, pg. 17)
- Easy Four Ace Trick, An (Howard Thurston) *** 200 More Tricks You Can Do (pdf, pg. 7)
- Easy Giant Fan (Eddie Ray) *** 30 Tricks & Tips using a Magic Stripper Deck (DVD)
- Easy Glimpse (Bob Longe) *** The Little Giant Book of Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 75)
- Easy Go (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Fare (pg. 1)
- Easy Going (Aldo Colombini) *** Marketed Item
- Easy Going Nomad (Justin Higham) *** Apocalypse (November 1990, Vol. 13, No. 11, pg. 1854)
- Easy Indicator, The (aka: Indicator, The - Harry Lorayne) *** Deck-Sterity (pg. 62); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 295); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever! Collection - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Easy Jennings (Bob King) *** Magician Foolers (pg. 10)
- Easy Lesson, An (Martin Gardner) *** The Jinx (Winter Extra 1937-1938, pg. 276)
- Easy Location (Aldo Colombini) *** Impromptu Card Magic (pg. 2)
- Easy Mark (Lewis Jones) *** Cardiograms (pg. 51); Seventh Heaven (pg. 62)
- Easy Match (Cy Keller) *** World's Greatest Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 119)
- Easy Money (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 203)
- Easy Multiple Convincing Control (Edward Marlo) *** Thirty Five Years Later (pg. 52); The Card Magic of Edward Marlo (pg. 57)
- Easy Number (Paul Hallas) *** Virtual Miracles (Duffie, pdf, pg. 21)
- Easy O. Henry (Jon Racherbaumer) *** JonRacherbaumer.com site (Freebie, June 2008)
- Easy Off Pips (Allan Ackerman) *** Here's My Card: No. 1 (pg. 13); Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 8: Utility Moves (DVD)
- Easy On The Curry (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 34)
- Easy on the Tears (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 130)
- Easy Open Sandwich (Joe Rindfleisch) *** Apocalypse (July 1994, Vol. 17, No. 7, pg. 2381)
- Easy Opener (Jay Ose & Bob Longe) *** Easy Card Tricks (pg. 62)
- Easy Over Aces (David Neighbors) *** Innovation (lecture notes, pg. 14)
- Easy Palm Transfer (Edward Marlo) *** Action Palm (pg. 51)
- Easy Pass (Edward Marlo) *** The Card Magic of Edward Marlo (pg. 4)
- Easy Pick (unknown) *** Card Trick Central (web site)
- Easy Pickings (Michael Louis) *** The Inner Sanctum of Father Roger - Volume 5 (VHS)
- Easy Poker (David Britland) *** Cardopolis Blog (August 2006)
- Easy Poker (Leo Boudreau) *** Spirited Pasteboards (pg. 159)
- Easy Poker Deal Out (Joseph K. Schmidt) *** New Card Control Systems (pg. 77)
- Easy Poker Demonstration, The (Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 4 (Giobbi, pg. 1053)
- Easy Prediction (Richard Vollmer) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 273)
- Easy Prefiguration (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Big Easy Card Cunning (pg. 12)
- Easy R&B (John Leung) *** Instant Download (Video)
- Easy Reader (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Craft (pg. 420)
- Easy Reverse (Glenn Gravatt) *** 50 Modern Card Tricks You Can Do! (Gravatt, pg. 14)
- Easy Riser (Ton Onosaka) *** Marketed Item
- Easy Royal (Paul Harris) *** Super Magic (pg. 97)
- Easy Samo Ramee (Gaetan Bloom) *** Tales From The Planet of Bloom - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Easy Simple Prediction (Raphael Czaja) *** Marketed Manuscript (pdf)
- Easy Skill (Bruce Elliott) *** Miracle Methods Number Two: Miracle Shuffles and Tricks (Hugard & Braue, pg. 8)
- Easy Slider (Harry Lorayne) *** Best of Friends - Volume I (Lorayne, pg. 205)
- Easy Slip Cut (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 2 (pg. 105)
- Easy Spell a Royal (Paul Gordon) *** Card Marvels (pg. )
- Easy Speller, An (Jean Hugard) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 52)
- Easy Spelling (Eugene Burger) *** Mastering the Art of Magic (pg. 183)
- Easy Spelling Trick, An (Tom Sellers) *** Sellers' Secrets (pg. 10)
- Easy Steal, The (Geo. DeLawrence/James C. Thompson) *** Modern Card Effects & How To Perform Them (pg. 10)
- Easy Tabled Control (Edward Marlo) *** Advanced Fingertip Control (pg. 102)
- Easy Tabled Shift (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg.72)
- Easy Transposition (Mystic Eugene Parshall) *** The Sphinx (February 1929, Vol. 27, No. 12, pg. 571)
- Easy Triumph (Peter Duffie) *** Inspirations (pg. 64)
- Easy Triumph, An (Daryl) *** Daryl Martinez Magic Lecture Notes (pg. 2)
- Easy Twist (Mathieu Bich) *** Marketed Item
- Easy Unit Control (Edward Marlo) *** Seconds, Centers, Bottoms (pg. 120)
- Easy Vanishing Card (Edward Marlo) *** Ibidem (December 1959, Issue 19, pg. 385)
- Easy Way Faro Fooler (Jon Racherbaumer) *** The Lost Pages of Kabbala (pg. 62)
- Easy Zarrow Shuffle (Doug Edwards) *** Doug Edwards Packs A Wallop (Lorayne, pg. 83)
- Easyfone 10 (Lee Smith) *** iCandy (DVD)
- Easy-Going Nomad (Justin Higham) *** Apocalypse (November 1990, Vol. 13, No. 11, pg. 1854)
- Easy-Print (Peter Duffie) *** The Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 2 (pdf, pg. 97)
- Ebling Crimp, The (Paul Ebling) *** Watch This One! (Edited by J.G. Thompson, Jr., Illustrated by J.B.Bobo, pg. 29)
- Eca Tuoba Ecaf (Eric Mason) *** Pabular (July 1976, Vol. 2, No. 11, pg. 277)
- E-Case (Mark Mason & Bob Swadling) *** Marketed Item
- Ec-Centre-Ic (Stewart James) *** The James File - Volume Two (Slaight, pg. 1813)
- Eccentric Pack (Clayton W. Rosencrance) *** The Sphinx (September 1922, Vol. 21, No. 7, pg. 267)
- Eccentric Tourist (Daniel Madison) *** Two (pdf, pg. 1)
- Echo (Wayne Dobson) *** WD40 (pg. 69); also released as a Marketed Item
- Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo (Peter Duffie) *** Card Flair (ebook)
- Echo of a Miracle, An (Al Thatcher) *** Nailed (Colombini, DVD)
- Echo of the Rising Cards from the Horizontal Pack (Clayton W. Rosencrance) *** The Sphinx (September 1922, Vol. 21, No. 7, pg. 243)
- Echo Sound (Jean-Pierre Vallarino) *** Marketed Item (DVD with Gimmick)
- Echoes (Pete McCabe) *** The PM Card Mark System Plus Assorted Miracles (pg. 46)
- Eclectic Collectors (J. K. Hartman) *** After Craft (pg. 102)
- Eclectic Deck, The (Allan Slaight) *** Ibidem (July 1967, Issue 32, pg. 765); Spins & Needles - The Magic of Allan Slaight (pg. 36)
- Eclipse Production (Frank Garcia) *** Million Dollar Card Secrets (pg. 119)
- Eclipse Vanish (Jean Hugard) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 341)
- Eclipse Vanishing A Pack of Cards (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 183)
- Eclipsed Pack of Cards (August Roterberg) *** New Era Card Tricks (pg. 269)
- ECNAHC TSUJ (Arthur Carter) *** Outstanding Magic (Colombini, DVD)
- Economical Double Lift (Jose Carroll) *** 52 Lovers - Volume 1 (pg. 57)
- Economy Class Departure (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume II (Minch, pg. 122); The Magic of Alex Elmsley - The Tahoe Sessions Volume 1 (DVD)
- Economy Flight (Andrew Normansell) *** Marketed Item
- Economy Flight (David Solomon) *** Spectacle (Minch, pg. 59)
- Ectoplastic (Stewart James) *** The James File - Volume One (Slaight, pg. 1565)
- Ed Marlo’s Time Machine (Ron Bauer) *** No. 16 of 24 in The Ron Bauer Private Studies Series of Performance Artist Scripts for Magicians, 2004
- Ed Marlo's Bottom Card Reverse (Edward Marlo) *** Sonata (Tamariz, pg. 219)
- Eddie Fechter Reverse Technique (Eddie Fechter) *** Expert Card Mysteries (Sharpe, pg. 15)
- Eddie Fechter's Cut Force (Eddie Fechter) *** Tricks of my Trade - The Magic of Doug Conn (Cummins, pg. 158)
- Eddie Fields' Handling of the Card Prediction (Eddie Fields) *** M-U-M (January 1968, Vol. 57, No. 8, pg. 32)
- Eddie Joseph's "Premonition" Revisted (John B. Born) *** Meant To Be… (pg. 127)
- Eddie Ray's Slick Card Vanish (Eddie Ray) *** Sleight Of Hand with Cards - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Eddie Ray's Ultimate 3 Pile Monte (Eddie Ray) *** 30 Tricks & Tips with a Svengali Deck (DVD)
- Eddie Still Shuffles Once (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 69)
- Eddie Ward's "Zombie Card Rise" (Eddie Ward) *** Daryl's Card Revelations Volume 2 (DVD); Self-Working Handkerchief Magic (Fulves, pg. 179, originally published simply as Zombie Card Rise)
- Eddie's Hop (Eddie Fay) *** Expert Card Mysteries (Sharpe, pg. 26)
- Eddie's Hummer (Eddie Fields) *** The Greater Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 128)
- Eddy Ray Card Production (Eddy Ray) *** Sleight Of Hand with Cards - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Eddy Ray Card Trick (Eddy Ray) *** Sleight Of Hand with Cards - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Eddy Ray's Card Jump (Eddie Ray) *** 30 Tricks You Can Do With A Svengali Deck (DVD)
- Edge (Kevin Parker) *** Marketed Item
- Edge Addition (Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Card Miracles (DVD)
- Edge Assembly (Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Card Miracles: Deceptive Card Magic for the Discerning Conjuror (DVD)
- Edge Cut Aces (Karl Fulves) *** Off The Books (2003, No. 5, pg. 69)
- Edge Grip Control (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 362)
- Edge Hog (Stephen Tucker) *** The Gemini Book (pg. 27)
- Edge Hog II (Stephen Tucker) *** Cardiac Stimulation (pg. 15)
- Edge Mark Cull, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 4 (pg. 10)
- Edge Mark Stack, The (Edward Marlo) *** The Ten Hand Poker Stack (pg. 177)
- Edge Readers (Theodore Deland) *** Marketed item by Theodore DeLand in his Four Dollar Deck (1914); Noted in 1940 by L.V. Lyons in Jinx #74 as "the edge reader principle"; Also called "edge-marked cards" in 1983 (Miesel in Precursor #2)
- Edge, The (Karl Fulves) *** "Riffle Shufle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 132)
- Edgewise (Dai Vernon) *** Early Vernon (pg. 57)
- Edgy (Steve Dusheck) *** Dusheck's Mental Magic (pg. 113)
- Ediblector (Peter Duffie) *** Peter Duffie with Cards (pdf)
- Edifying Rising Cards From Horizontal Pack (Clayton W. Rosencrance) *** The Sphinx (August 1923, Vol. 22, No. 6, pg. 177)
- Edit The Equation (Ollie Mealing) *** The Skip Switch Project (DVD)
- Educated and Obedient Cards, The (Will Goldston) *** Further Exclusive Magical Secrets (pg. 104)
- Educated Cards, The (Howard P. Albright) *** Albright's Advanced Card Magic (pg. 19)
- Educated Cards, The (Jean Hugard) *** The Royal Road to Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 245)
- Educated Cards, The (Walter Gibson) *** The Lost Notebooks Of John Northern Hilliard (pg. 222)
- Educated Deck, The (Francis Carlyle) *** Talisman (September 4, 1970, Vol. 1, No. 27, pg. 139)
- Educated Die, The (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 32); And A Packet of Cards (Fulves, pg. 19)
- Educated Duck *** Marketed Item
- Educated Envelope (Emil Loew) *** Emil Loew Presents The Joys of Magic
- Educated Fingers (Wilfrid Jonson) *** Card Tricks for Beginners (pg. 35)
- Educated Frog (Bobby Bernard) *** Routined Manipulation Finale (Ganson, pg. 217)
- Educated Guess, An (Newton Hall & Stewart James) *** Stewart James In Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 882)
- Educated Poker Hand, The (Karl Fulves) *** Packet Switches - Part Four (Fulves, pg. 242)
- Educational Speller (Marcus Gordon) *** Suitup! (pdf)
- Edward Victor's E-Y-E Trick (Edward Victor) *** Ken Brooke's Magic The Unique Years (pg. 150)
- Edwardian Aces (Ron Edwards) *** The Cardiste (John Russel Duck - "Rusduck," Issue #11, pg. 141)
- Edwardo's Changing Card Easel (Edwardo) *** The Sphinx (November 1916, Vol. 15, No. 9, pg. 177)
- Edwardo's Mysterio (Eduardo) *** The Sphinx (March 1917, Vol. 16, No. 1, pg. 9)
- Edwards' Dioramic Pack (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 148)
- Edwin Hooper's Whooper (Gene Gordon) *** Gene Gordon's Magical Legacy (pg. 147)
- Eenie Meenie, Mienie, Mo (Walt Maddison) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 347)
- Eeny- Meeny (John Russel Duck - "Rusduck") *** Phoenix (August 1948, Volume 4, No. 158, pg 636)
- Eerie Ace Revelation (Doug Edwards) *** Apocalypse (September 1992, Vol. 15, No. 9, pg. 2119)
- Eerie Cards (Kent Arthur) *** The Jinx (No. 101, pg. 615)
- Eerie Control (Harry Lorayne) *** Trend Setters (pg. 155)
- EErie Illusion, An (J. Stewart Smith) *** It Just Happens (pg. 19)
- Eerie Revelation (Yuji Wada) *** Apocalypse (March 1992, Vol. 15, No. 3, pg. 2041)
- Eerie Row (Karl Fulves) *** Packet Switches - Part Two (Fulves, pg. 111)
- Eerie Selection Revelation (Bob Hyans) *** Apocalypse (September 1992, Vol. 15, No. 9, pg. 2117)
- Eerie Spin-Out, The (Ken Krenzel) *** The Card Classics of Ken Krenzel (pg. 140)
- Eerie Truth, The (John Guastaferro) *** Second Storm - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Eff Jay Reverse (Eff Jay) *** The Sphinx (February 1939, Vol. 37, No. 12, pg. 318)
- Effect (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 3 (pg. 364)
- Effect Four Two Cards Over (Juan Tamariz) *** Sonata (pg. 43)
- Effect from the 50's, An (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 299)
- Effect, An (Allan Ackerman) *** Here's My Card (pg. 29)
- Effected Cause (Paul Gordon) *** Cardistry (pg. _ )
- Effective Card Trick, An (V.P. Scaletti) *** The Sphinx (May 1914, Vol. 13, No. 3, pg. 47)
- Effective Card Vanish, An (Samuel Wilson Bailey & Harold Allen Osborne) *** Wrinkles (pg. 35)
- Effective Passee-Passee Card Melange (C.A. George Newmann) *** My Best (Thompson, pg. 46)
- Effective Poker Deal (Paul Stadelman) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 373); Card Manipulations (Hugard, No. 4, pg. 108)
- Effects Using the Commando (Danny Tong) *** The New Jinx (December 1967, Vol.VI, No. 68, pg.277)
- Efficient 5 Hand Stack (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 91)
- Efficient Full House Cull and Stack (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 89)
- Effin' Cannibals (Paul Gordon) *** Marketed Item
- Effortless Card Control, An (Peter Duffie) *** Effortless Card Magic (pg. 14)
- Effortless Countdown (Peter Duffie) *** Effortless Card Magic (pg. 56)
- E-Fold Principle (Jeff Busby) *** Into the 4th Dimension… and beyond (Busby)
- Egg A La Card (Paul Clive) *** Scarne on Card Tricks (pg. 21)
- Egg Beater Mindreader (Dan Harlan) *** Packs Small, Plays Big - Standup With Cards (DVD)
- Egg In Card (U.F. Grant) *** The Encyclopedia of Egg Magic (Colucci, pg. 262)
- Eggsactly (Stuart Jules) *** Secrets: 50 Card Tricks That Anyone Can Do With an Ordinary Pack of Cards
- Ego Change (Daniel Garcia) *** Blueprints (pg. 23); The Daniel Garcia Project - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Ego Control (Calvin Lauber) *** Back Alley Lecture Notes (pg. 16)
- Ego Force (Daniel Garcia) *** The Daniel Garcia Project - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Ego Slip (Daniel Garcia) *** Channel One (Vol. 4, Issue 14, pg. 26); Blueprints (pg. 5); The Daniel Garcia Project - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Egotist Card (Russell Barnhart) *** The Master Palm (pg. 63)
- Egyptian Card Trick (Charles Bertram) *** Charles Bertram: The Court Conjurer (Dawes, reference only, pg. 60)
- Egyptian Pocket (Alexander Herrmann) *** Sleight of Hand - A Practical Manual of Legerdemain for Amateurs and Others (Sachs, pg. 177); The Royal Road To Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 263)
- Egyptian Royale (Scott Guinn) *** You'll be Pleasantly Surprised (pg. 110)
- Ehlers Shift, The (Jack Carpenter) *** Modus Operandi (pg. 151)
- Ehret Multiple Shift (Christian Ehret) *** Freebie (Alford, pg. 7)
- EI8HT2WO (Daniel Madison) *** Marketed Item (instant download)
- Eidetic Aces (Edward Marlo) *** Card Finesse (Racherbaumer, pg. 185)
- Eidetic Change Choreography (Edward Marlo) *** Riffling The Pasteboards (Simmons, pg. 21)
- Eidetic Change Variation (Geoffrey Latta & Jon Racherbaumer) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 4 (mentioned in foreword)
- Eidetic Slide (Edward Marlo) *** The Card Magic Of Edward Marlo (pg. 30)
- Eidetical Change (Trini Montes) *** Tipping Mitt (March 2004, Vol. 2, No. 7, pg. 4)
- Eight Ace Routine, The (Otis Manning, Phil Sevush, Charles W. Nyquist & Jack McMillen) *** Scarne on Card Tricks (pg.1791)
- Eight Aces, The (Al Koran) *** Mastered Amazement (Koran & Lamonte, pg. 35)
- Eight Ball (David Regal) *** Constant Fooling - Book 2 (pg. 33)
- Eight Ball (Larry West) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Eight Bites is Enough (Jack Avis) *** Aldo Colombini's Impromptu Card Magic - Vol. 6 (DVD)
- Eight Card Brainwave 2000 (Daryl) *** New Millennium World Tour Lecture Notes (pg. 6)
- Eight Card Oil and Water (David Solomon) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 3 (pg. 125)
- Eight Card Solution (J. K. Hartman) *** After Craft - More Card Trickery (pg. 248)
- Eight Card Transposition (Al Leech) *** Card Man Stuff (pg. 3)
- Eight Card Trick, The (Charlie Miller) *** An Evening With Charlie Miller (Parrish, pg. 34)
- Eight Cards (Bruce Bernstein) *** Unreal (pg. 127)
- Eight Cards Opener (Zenneth Kok) *** 8 Cards Act II (pg. _)
- Eight Cards to Pocket (John Ramsay) *** The Ramsay Legend (Galloway, pg. 83)
- Eight Convenient Cards (David Berglas) *** The Berglas Effects (Kaufman, pg. 268)
- Eight In A Row (Ted Annemann) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 149 or pg. 166, depending on edition)
- Eight in the Side Pocket (Karl Fulves) *** Coe Norton's Omega Wallet (pg. 7)
- Eight Is Enough (Michael Farmer) *** Apocalypse (February 1982, Vol. 5, No. 2, pg. 591)
- Eight Kings (Jack Carpenter) *** Modus Operandi (pg. 130)
- Eight Kings (Jerry Mentzer) *** Simple Yet Effective Tricks with Cards
- Eight Kings Set-Up (unknown) *** Many sources throughout the years. The Expositor (Pinchbeck)'; Modern Magic (Hoffman, pg. 50); Stanyon's Magic (Vol. 13, No. 8, pg. 60); The Sphinx (April 1921, pg. 64); The Amateur Magician's Handbook (Hay, pg. 117)
- Eight Of Diamonds Trick, The (Paul Gordon) *** Explorations (pg. )
- Eight of Two Kinds (Dave Forrest) *** Scotland Up Close (Duffie, pg. 20)
- Eight Out Faros to Preserve Full Deck Order (Allan Ackerman) *** Allan Ackerman's Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 6: The Faro Shuffle (DVD)
- Eight Selections (Eddie Fechter) *** Magician Nitely-The Magic of Eddie Fechter (Mentzer, pg. 95)
- Eight Spot Locator (Paul Gordon) *** Rarities (DVD)
- Eight Spot Put in the Centre Passes to the Top, An (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 46)
- Eight Threatening Kings (unknown) *** Card Trick Central (web site); also see "Eight Kings Set-up"
- Eight To Twelve (Eddie Fechter) *** The Linking Ring (February 1973, Vol. 53, No. 2, pg. 65); Magician Nitely: The Magic of Eddie Fechter (Menter, pg. 50); Fechter: The Magic of Eddie Fechter (Mentzer, pg. 159)
- Eight Way Cut, An (T. Page Wright) *** The Complete Page Wright Manuscript (pdf, pg. 89)
- Eight-Back Way, The (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2011, No. 9, pg. 577)
- Eight-Ball Queens (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 114)
- Eight-Card Brain Wave (Nick Trost) *** The New Tops (published as "The Odd-Colored Back," August & September 1970, Vol. 10, No. 8 & 9, pg. 52 ); Marketed Item (packet trick); The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 199)
- Eight-Card Brainwave Goes To Paris (Steve Bryant) *** Little Egypt Book Of Numbers (pg. _ )
- Eight-Card Faro Control (Edward Marlo) *** Faro Controlled Miracles (pg. 28); (Racherbaumer ebook edition, pg. 129)
- Eight-Card Lie Speller (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 4 (pg. 695)
- Eight-Card Oil and Water (Arturo Ascanio) *** The Magic of Ascanio: Studies of Card Magic (Etcheverry, pg. 294)
- Eighteen (Dave Forrest & Cameron Francis) *** The Forrest/Francis Project - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- Eighteen Upside Down (Bruce Cervon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 36)
- Eighteen-Card Poker (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 111)
- Eighteen-Cards Spelling Trick, The (George Kaplan) *** The Fine Art of Magic (pg. 188)
- Eighteenth Card, The (Jean Hugard) *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 150)
- Eighteen-Thirty-Five Faro (Bruce Cervon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 36)
- Eighteen-Thirty-Four-Sixteen (Paul Gordon) *** Cool Card Stuff (pg. _)
- Eights and Deuces or Presto-Chango (Ronald Haines) *** 36 Tricks with FA-KO Cards (Haines, pg. 9)
- Eightsome Reel, The (Peter Kane) *** Kane (pg. 13)
- Eightsum (Peter Duffie) *** Cards in Principle (pdf); Apocalypse (July 1995, Vol. 18, No. 7, pg. 2529)
- Eight-Two Locator (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 142)
- Einstein And The Magician (Warner Perry) *** Scarne on Card Tricks (pg. 154)
- Einstein Overkill, The (John Bannon) *** Six. Impossible. Things. (pg. 59); High Caliber (pg. 53)
- Einstein's Favorite Trick (Richard Vollmer) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks II (Beam, pg. 32)
- Either Or (John Guastaferro) *** One Degree (pg. 6)
- Either/Or (Kirk Charles) *** Marked for Live (pg. 47)
- Eject (Mathieu Bich) *** Marketed Item
- Ejection (Jonty Egginton ) *** Internet Download
- Eko (Dan & Dave Buck) *** Trilogy - Disc 2: Flourishes (DVD)
- El Blanco (David Bornstein) *** Epilogue (November 1972, Issue #16, pg. 143)
- El Cambio Nada (Eric Jones) *** Antinomy (Number 7, 3rd Quarter 2006, pg. 40)
- El Cochecito (Juan Tamariz) *** Lessons in Magic - Volume 2 (DVD)
- El Duco's Magic Card Pad (El Duco, a.k.a. Christer Gustavsson) *** Marketed Item
- El Leaper (Jason Dean) *** The Private Parts (pg. _)
- El Warpo (Paul Harris) *** Close-Up Entertainer (pg. 44); The Art of Astonishment - Book 2 (Harris, pg. 131)
- Elastic Ace (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Craft (pg. 266)
- Elastic Illusion (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 213)
- Elastic Infiltration (Jay Sankey) *** Sankey Panky (Kaufman, pg. 11)
- Elastic Touch (Dai Vernon) *** Dai Vernon's Inner Secrets of Card Magic (pg. 39)
- Elasticity (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 22)
- Elbow Catch, The (Jean Hugard) *** Card Manipulations - No. 2 (pg. 41)
- Elbow Double Arm-Spread (Jerry Cestkowski) *** The Encyclopedia of Playing Card Flourishes (pg. 325)
- Eleanor Wrigley (Aaron Fisher) *** The Looking Glass - Summer 1996 (Kaufman, pg. 107)
- Election (Eric Ross) *** Internet Download
- Electra The Trance Cards (Burling Hull) *** Sealed Mysteries (pg. 25)
- Electric (Aldo Colombini) *** Card Trips (pg. _); Nailed (DVD)
- Electric Aces (Paul Harris) *** Close-up Fantasies Finale (pg. 15)
- Electric Aces, The (Martin Nash) *** Any Second Now (Minch, pg. 242)
- Electric Card, The (Clayton "The Great Merlini" Rawson) *** The Golden Book of Magic (pg. 74)
- Electric Cards *** 125 Tricks With Cards or Sleight of Hand (Johnson Smith & Co., pg. _)
- Electric Change (Ichiro Araki) *** Card Master (DVD)
- Electric Change Version 2 (Ichiro Araki) *** Card Master (DVD)
- Electric Deck (The earliest version was described in 1868 by Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin; The modern strung version was first described in 1896 by Conradi) *** Marketed Item
- Electric Deduction (Samuel L. Dreilinger) *** The Sphinx (January 1934, Vol. 32, No. 11, pg. 338)
- Electric Wand (Jörg Willich) *** Concertos For Pasteboards (edited by Oliver Erens, pg. 211)
- Elec-Trick (Carl Cloutier) *** Carl Cloutier's 3rd Wave (DVD)
- Electrified Card, The (Eddie Joseph) *** Greater Card Tricks (pg. 33)
- Electrified Cards, The (Louis, Christian, Appollinaire, Emmanuel Comte) *** The Secrets of Conjuring and Magic (Robert-Houdin, pg. 231); Essential Robert-Houdin (Karr, pg. 133)
- Electrified Strippers, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 184)
- Electro (Joshua Burch) *** Marketed Item
- Electro Glide (Karl Fulves) *** Cards #2 - 51 Faces North (pg. 20)
- Electrocution (Steve Beam) *** They Don't Make Trap Doors Like They Used To, or You Too Can Walk On Water (pg. 39)
- Electromagnetic Aces (Dai Vernon) *** Arcane (Busby, January 1983, Issue 9, pg. 105)
- Electromagnetics (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 249)
- Electronic Cards, The (Earle Oakes) *** Spellbinder (October 1983, Vol. 3, No. 30, p.603)
- Electronic Robot Dog (Suds) *** Marketed Item
- Electronic Singing Bird (Ted "Suds" Sudbrack) *** Marketed Item
- Elegant Cut (Lennart Green) *** Green Magic - Volume 1 (DVD)
- El-El 4 Ace Production (Louis Lam) *** Be Deceived: Card Magic That is Different (pg. 10)
- El-El Telephone Test (Louis Lam) *** Be Deceived: Card Magic That is Different (pg. 5)
- Element of Pride 'n' Joy, An (Reed McClintock & Nathan Kranzo) *** That's Amore (Kranzo/Williams, pg. 4)
- Elementary, My Dear Watson (Peter Marucci) *** Simply Impromp2 (Colombini, pg. 18)
- Elephant in the Room (unknown) *** Marketed Item
- Elephantine (Colossal) Card (Clayton W. Rosencrance) *** The Sphinx (January 1924, Vol. 22, No. 11, pg. 335)
- Elevate (Aldo Colombini) *** Impact (pg. 25)
- Elevated Addition (Ernest Earick) *** By Forces Unseen (Minch, pg. 30)
- Elevated Dealing Position (Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 1 (Giobbi, pg. 18)
- Elevating The Aces (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Card Finesse II (pg. 250)
- Elevation (Cameron Francis) *** Moment's Notice (pdf, pg. 4)
- Elevation (Joshua Jay) *** A Different Side of Me (Set of 6 instant downloads)
- Elevation (Karl Fulves) *** Wireless II (pg. 4)
- Elevation 8200 (Louis Falanga) *** Louis Falanga's Lake Tahoe Card Magic (Maxwell, pg. 35)
- Elevator - or Going Up, The (Herbert M. Richmond) *** The Sphinx (March 1913, Vol. 12, No. 1, pg. 8)
- Elevator (Kreis Magic) *** Marketed Item
- Elevator Aces #2 (George Sands) *** 54 Years of Magic-Volume 5 (pg. 46)
- Elevator Aces (Edward Marlo) *** Ibidem (October 1962, No. 27, pg. 624); The Unexpected Card Book (pg. 185)
- Elevator Card (Shigeo Futagawa) *** The Lecture Notes of Shigeo Futagawa (May 2000, pg. 12)
- Elevator Card 'Classic', The (Frank Garcia) *** Exclusive Card Miracles (pg. 51)
- Elevator Card Trick (Paul Harris) *** Stars of Magic #1 (DVD)
- Elevator Cards - Trost Version (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 168)
- Elevator Cards (Bill Simon) *** Card Magic for Amateurs and Professionals (pg. 43)
- Elevator Cut (Eric Jones) *** An Extension of Me (DVD)
- Elevator Effect, The (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Magic - Part One (pg. 18)
- Elevator Illusion (Hideki Tani) *** Winners (Onosaka, pg. 39); Japan Ingenious (Cohen, Kaufman, pg. 74)
- Elevator Mates (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Diamonds From Coal (pg. 140, also available as pdf)
- Elevator One (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 30)
- Elevator Passengers / Penetration( Edward Marlo) *** Malone Meets Marlo - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- Elevator Passengers/Penetration (Edward Marlo) *** Malone Meets Marlo - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Elevator Sandwich (Frank Simon) *** Versatile Card Magic (pg. 140)
- Elevator Shaft (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Magic Mafia Effects (Ackerman, pg. 4)
- Elevator Two (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 114)
- Elevator4 (Jason Alford) *** Freebie 3 (Alford, pg. 6)
- Eleven and One (Karl Fulves) *** My Best Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 19)
- Eleven Card Stud (Lonnie Chevrie) *** Captured! the Outlaw Magic of Lonnie Chevrie - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- Eleven Card Trick, The (Edward Victor) *** The Magic of Edward Victor's Hands (Hammond, pg. 48); Willane's Complete Methods for Miracles (Hammond, pg. 64); Personal Magic - Vol. 1 (Lewis, CD-ROM)
- Eleven Plus (Peter Duffie) *** Duffie's Card Compulsions (pg. 170)
- Eleven Plus Plus (Peter Duffie) *** Duffie's Card Compulsions (pg. 173)
- Eleven Routine, The (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg. 445)
- Eleven-Card Speller, The (Arthur H. Buckley) *** Card Tricks without Skill (Clive, pg. 110)
- Elevens Stunt, The (Joseph Lemmings) *** Games and Fun with Playing Cards (pg. 33)
- Eleventeen-Story Leaper (Stewart James) *** Pentagram (originally published as Eleventeen Storey Leaper, October 1948, Vol. 3, No. 1, pg. 4); Stewart James In Print : The First Fifty Years (pg. 463)
- Elevon (Aldo Colombini) *** Aldo Colombini's Impromptu Card Magic - Vol. 2 (DVD); The Essential Aldo Colombini - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Elevution (Peter Duffie) *** 21 Card Tricks (pg. _)
- Elias Half Pass, The (Neal Elias) *** Milennium Aces (Fulves, pg. 61)
- EliminAces (Karl Fulves) *** Packet Switches - Part Four (Fulves, pg. 208)
- Eliminate The Negative (Bob Longe) *** Mystifying Card Tricks (pg. 11)
- Eliminate the Pass (Lorenzo Sturkey) *** The Sphinx (August 1933, Vol. 32, No. 6, pg. 173)
- Eliminating Card Trick (Nick Trost) *** Cardman's Secrets (pg. 2)
- Eliminating Control (Larry Barnowsky) *** Counting On Deception (pg. 67)
- Eliminating the Process (Paul Gordon) *** Protean Card Magic (pg. 43)
- Elimination (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Inspirations (pg. 59)
- Elimination (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 194)
- Elimination (R.M. Jamison) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 334); Sphinx (May 1935)
- Elimination Code, The *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 3 (Miller, pg. 65)
- Elimination Extraordinary (Jean Hugard) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 155)
- Elimination Faro Ordering (Pit Hartling) *** Card Fictions (pg. 22)
- Elimination Glide, The (Lewis Jones) *** Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces (pg. 96)
- Elimination Prediction (Randy Tanner) *** Card File (Mentzer, pg. 65)
- Elimination Trick, The (Eddie Joseph) *** Greater Card Tricks (pg. 21)
- Eliminator (Adrian Sullivan) *** Marketed Item
- Eliminator (Karl Fulves) *** Packet Switches - Part One (Fulves, pg. 5)
- Eliminator (Nick Trost) *** ESP Card Magic - Folio No. 1 (pg. 3); ESP Card Magic Volume 2: Nick Trost Routines Part Two (Colombini, DVD)
- Eliminator, The (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 92)
- Elimiracle (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 145)
- Elizabeth III (Tommy Wonder) *** The Books of Wonder - Volume 1 (Wonder, Minch, pg. 64)
- Elle Jay Esse Card Frame (Len J. Sewell) *** The Sphinx (June 1920, Vol. 19, No. 4, pg. 109)
- Elle Vate (Paul Gordon) *** "Card Marvels (pg. _); Card
Startlers (DVD)"
- Elliott At The Bar (Bruce Elliott) *** The Jinx (Issue 127, pg. 734)
- Elliott Change Variation (Bruce Elliott & Edward Marlo) *** The Unexpected Card Book (pg. 217)
- Elliott Change, The (Bruce Elliott) *** Controlled Miracles (Simon, pg. 14); Trickery Treats (Hartman, pg. 182)
- Elliott Control, The (Bruce Elliot) *** The Best In Magic (pg. 122)
- Elliott's (New) Numerical Card Producers (Dr. James William Elliott) *** Elliott's Last Legacy: Card Tricks & Conjuring (Elliott, Houdini, pg. 106)
- Elliott's 52-Card Poker Combination (Dr. J.W. Elliott) *** Card Tricks & Conjuring (Elliott, Houdini, pg. 83)
- Elliott's Error (Bruce Elliott) *** The Jinx (August 1941, Issue 144, pg. 809)
- Elliott's Nailed Deck (Dr. James William Elliott) *** Elliott's Last Legacy (Houdini. Pg. 59)
- Elliott's, Double, Triple, Quadruple, Card Productions From Body (James William Elliott) *** Elliott's Last Legacy (pg. 95)
- Ellipse Locator Card *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 79)
- Ellis Aces (Ed Ellis) *** Ed Ellis Magic - Volume IV (DVD)
- Ellis Fan Flourish Control (Ed Ellis) *** Ed Ellis Magic - Volume I (DVD)
- Ellis Stanyon's Limit Four Ace Trick (Ellis Stanyon) *** The Ganson Book (Ganson, pg. 34)
- ELM Card Change, The (E. Leslie May) *** The Jinx (April 1935, Issue 7, pg. 26); Annemann's Card Magic (pg. 20); The Subtle Sorcerer (http://www.subtlesorcerer.com/subtle_sorcerer_no13.html)
- Elmback Count (Phil Goldstein) *** The Linking Ring (October 1982, Vol 62, No. 10, pg. 75)
- Elmer & Dan (Stephen G. Simpson) *** The Sphinx (January 1943, Vol. 41, No. 11, pg. 232)
- Elmer's Sow (Scott F. Guinn) *** Great Scott's Oil & Water Routines (pdf, pg. _)
- Elmer's Spell (Elmer Biddle) *** Ibidem (June 1957, Issue 10, pg. 193)
- Elmo Card Change, The (Harry Leat) *** Magic of the Depots 1924 (pg. 87)
- Elmo Forcing Pack, The (Harry Leat) *** Magic of the Depots 1924 (pg. 88)
- Elmo Master Card, The *** Magic of the Depots 1924 (Leat, pdf, pg. 87), Marketed Item by The Midland Magic Co.,
- Elmsley Aces (Euan McCall Bingham) *** Twenty Things Marlo Didn't Publish (pg. 41)
- Elmsley Assembly, The (Brother John Hamman) *** Kabbala (Vol. 1, No. 8, pg. 61); The Legendary Kabbala (Racherbaumer, pg. 97)
- Elmsley Count (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume I (Minch, pg. 23); Alex Elmsley Tahoe Sessions- Volume 1 (DVD); Card College Volume 2 (Giobbi, pg. 311); Counts, Cuts, Moves and Subtlety (Mentzer, pg. 41); Card Cavalcade 3 (Mentzer, pg. 181); The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 47); Las Vegas Kardma (Ackerman, pg. 171); Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (Trost, pg. 265)
- Elmsley Count Variation No. 1 (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 37)
- Elmsley Count with Deck in Hands (Darwin Ortiz) *** Cardshark (pg. 33)
- Elmsley Cut Elmsley (Simon Lovell) *** Second To None (pg. 52); Simon Says!: The Close-Up Magic of Simon Lovell (pg. 190); Simon Lovell: Man of Danger - Vol. 3 (Video)
- Elmsley Deal, The (Alex Elmsley) *** Acting Naturally - Card Magic (Zingg, DVD)
- Elmsley Face-out (Lewis Jones) *** The Magic Gourmet (pg. 89)
- Elmsley Flushtration Count (Allan Ackerman) *** Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 7: False Counts (DVD)
- Elmsley Out-Sexed (David A. Wright) *** Pabular (June 1975, Vol. 1, No. 10, pg. 113)
- Elmsley Revisited (Paul Swinford) *** More Faro Fantasy (pg. 63)
- Elmsley Rising Card, The (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume II (Minch, pg. 376)
- Elmsley Switch About (Steve Jones) *** Cards for All Occasions (pg. 33)
- Elmsley Switch, The (Alex Elmsley) *** Sleights and Subtleties - Volume 4 (Colombini, DVD)
- Elmsley Vanish (Alex Elmsley) *** Epilogue (March 1972, Issue #14, pg. 111)
- Elmsley-Lewis Count (Alex Elmsley & Lewis Ganson) *** The Ganson Book (pdf, pg. 212)
- Elmsley's Card In The Hand (Bruce Cervon & Ron Wilson) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 3 (pg. 302)
- Elmsley's Ghost (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume I (Minch, pg. 46)
- Elmsley's Ultra Mental (Alex Elmsley) *** Faro Controlled Miracles (pg.52); (Racherbaumer ebook edition, pg. 58)
- Elongated Lady (Peter Kane) *** Kane (pg. 40); Marketed Item; Card Session with Peter Kane Vol. 2 (mp3 & pdf download);
- Elucidation (Peter Duffie) *** Near Deck Experience (pdf, pg. _); The Best of Peter Duffie 6: Selected Revelations (pg. _)
- Elusive Ace, The (Clifford L. Jordan) *** The Sphinx (September 1933, Vol. 32, No. 7, pg. 205)
- Elusive Aces, The (Joe Berg) *** The Berg Book (Berg, Avadon, pg. 209)
- Elusive Burglar, The (Bro. John Hamman) *** The Card Magic of Bro. John Hamman S.M. (LePaul, pg. 27)
- Elusive Card, An (Jule L. Miller) *** Three Dozen Tricks with the Dock Haley Svengali Deck (pg. 29)
- Elusive Card, The (Lt. Royal H. Brin, Jr.) *** Hugards Magic Monthly (March 1946, Vol. 3, No. 10, pg. 203)
- Elusive Colors (Karl Fulves) *** Hofzinser Notebook (pg. 61)
- Elusive Elusion (Frank Pemper) *** Ricardo's Card Artifice (pg. 67)
- Elusive Fourth Card, The (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Thanks To Zarrow (pg. 17)
- Elusive Fu Manchu, The (Bert Douglas) *** More Club Magic Part Two (pg. 7)
- Elusive Jack, The (Ralph W. Hull) *** The Complete "Eye-Openers" (pg. 62, from the "More Eye-Openers" section)
- Elusive Jacks (Al Leech) *** For Card Men Only (pg. 12)
- Elusive Joker, The (R.W. Hull) *** Thayer's Trick Of The Month Club (1931, Series 1, Release No. 4)
- Elusive Lady (Ken de Courcy) *** Marketed Item
- Elusive Magical Joker (Bill Wester) *** Marketed Item
- Elusive Queens (Simon Lovell) *** Billion Dollar Bunko (pg. 14)
- Elusive Reptile, The (Hathaway) *** The Sphinx (June 1949, Vol. 48, No. 4, pg. 91)
- Elusive Riser (Tony Cachadina) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 119)
- Elvis Has Left The Building (Peter Duffie) *** New Inspirations (pdf)
- Elyousikkk (L.U.C.K.) (Mark Calabrese) *** Marketed Item (video download)
- Emanon (Gene Nielsen) *** Expert Card Chicanery (Sharpe, pg. 17)
- Emerald Isle Aces (Dai Vernon & Faucett Ross & Hubert Lambert) *** Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 145)
- Emerge Triumphant (Oz Pearlman ) *** Marketed Item (instant download)
- Emergence (R. Paul Wilson) *** Crash Course in Brain Surgery (pg. 5)
- Emergency B'Wave (Ian Baxter) *** The Linking Ring (November 2008, Vol. 88, No. 11, pg. 96)
- Emergency Card (Danny Archer) *** Marketed Item
- Emergency Card in Wallet (Frank Chapman) *** Chap's Scrapbook (February 1939, Issue 8, pg. 31)
- Emergency Card Stabbing (Jean Hugard & Frederick Braue) *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 120)
- Emergency Card, The (Randy Wakeman) *** Randy Wakeman Presents (Maxwell, pg. 4)
- Emergency Dream Card (Paul Gordon) *** Apocalypse (April 1996, Vol. 19, No. 4, pg. 2634)
- Emergency Transfer (Edward Marlo) *** Expert Card Conjuring (Sharpe, pg. 43, pg. 89)
- Emergency! (Cameron Francis) *** Moment's Notice (pdf, pg. 13)
- Emerging Card or Fingertip Rise, The (Edward Marlo) *** Advanced Fingertip Control (pg. 99)
- Emmetropia (Harvey Raft) *** Marketed Item
- Emotional Bonding (David Acer) *** Natural Selections (pg. 106)
- Emotional Reaction (Dai Vernon) *** Inner Secrets of Card Magic (pg. 7)
- Emotions (Carlos Vaquera) *** Marketed Item
- Empathy (Jack Avis and Lewis Jones) *** Ahead of the Pack (Avis, Jones, pg. 82)
- Empathy (Rudy Hunter) *** Magick (May 29, 1992, No. 471, pg. 2360)
- Emperor's New Clothes (*uncredited sold by Hank Lee) *** Marketed Item
- Empire State Aces (Stephen Tucker) *** Son of Thirteen (DVD)
- Empire State Elevator (Ron Ferris) *** Ferris Wheels and Deals (pg. 22)
- Employee of The Month (Richard Sanders) *** The Magic Menu (May/June 1996, Issue 35, pg. 405)
- Empowered (John Carey) *** Card Shark - Issue 5 (Lybrary.com)
- Empowering Poker A Bit (Paul Tuohy) *** JonRacherbaumer.com site (Tricks, May 2007)
- Empty and Full (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume II (Minch, pg. 387)
- Empty Balloon, The (John Thompson) *** Polished Polish Prestidigitation (pg. 19)
- Empty Hand, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 37)
- Empty Hand, The (Gary Kurtz) *** Unexplainable Acts (Kaufman, pg. 51); Creating Magic (DVD)
- Empty Hands (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2011, No. 9, pg. 616)
- Empty KS (Rick Johnsson) *** Epilogue (November 1974, Issue #22, pg. 203)
- Empty Oil and Water (Didier Dupre) *** Cartemania-The Incredible Card Magic of Didier Dupre (DVD)
- Empty Upjog, The (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 178)
- Empty Your Pockets *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. )
- Emulsion Cards (Paul Gordon) *** Marketed Manuscript
- Emulsion Compulsion (Paul Gordon) *** Card Marvels (pg. )
- En Rapport (Ted Annemann) *** Marketed Manuscript; Pdf Download
- En Voyage (Alex Elmsley ) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume II (Minch, pg. 233); The Magic of Alex Elmsley - Volume Three (DVD)
- EncACEd (Joshua Jay) *** Magic Atlas (pg. 81)
- Encased (David Forrest) *** Marketed Item (also available as a DVD)
- Encased (Michael DeMarco) *** Precursor (September 1992, Issue XXXVI, pg. 12)
- Encased In Glass (Art Emmerson) *** Marketed Item
- Enchanted Ashes (Joseph Dunninger) *** Dunninger's Complete Encyclopedia of Magic (pg. 167)
- Enchanted Basket, The (Robert Olivaux aka "Treborix") *** The Pentagram (December 1952, Vol. 7, No. 3, pg. 19); New Pentagram (August 1977)
- Enchanted Card Slide, The (Nishan Andounian & Joe Berg) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 510)
- Enchanted Cards and Envelope (Harlan Tarbell) *** Tarbell Course In Magic (Vol. 4, Lesson 50, pg. 139)
- Enchanted Crystal Casket, The (J.G. Thompson Jr.) *** The Miracle Makers (pg. 282)
- Enchanted Mirror (Joseph Dunninger) *** Dunninger's Complete Encyclopedia of Magic (pg. 158)
- Enchanted Spades, The (Ronald Haines) *** 36 tricks with FA-KO Cards (pg. 4)
- Enchanting Queen *** Marketed Item
- Encircled Number, The (Tom Sellers) *** Two's Company (Colombini, DVD)
- Enclosed (Russ Andrews) *** Paranoid 2 (Instant Download)
- Encore (Dan & Dave Buck) *** The Trilogy: andthensome (DVD)
- Encore (Doug Canning) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 169)
- Encore Breath Test (Karl Fulves) *** New Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 64)
- Encore Card Spinning (Tom Osborne) *** A Card Act (pg. _)
- Encore Card Stab, The (Al Koran) *** Al Koran's Professional Presentations (Miller, pg. 59)
- Encore Card Trick (Sal Piacente) *** Expert Card Magic Lecture Notes Volume 2 (DVD)
- Encore Elevators (Ian Baxter) *** 10 on Deck (pg. 34)
- Encore Follow-up (Peter McDonald) *** Highly Mediocre Tricks (pg. 17)
- Encore For Mosteller (Jon Racherbaumer) *** From Jon Racherbaumer.com site (Freebie, February 2009)
Inner circle
Seattle, WA
5495 Posts
Posted: Jul 17, 2016 04:02 pm
Quote: - Encore Voodoo (Eddie Clever) *** Annemann's Practical Mental Magic (pg. 113)
- Encore! (John Russel Duck - "Rusduck") *** The Cardiste (Issue Number 9); The Cardiste (collected edition, pg. 142)
- Encounter (Phil Goldstein) *** Fifth (pg. 2)
- Encyclopedia, The (David Devine) *** Simple Card Magic For Everyone (pg. 70)
- End Around Glimpse (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Craft (pg. 122)
- End Count Force, The (Lewis Jones) *** "Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces (pg. 63)
Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Force
- End for End (Jack McMillan) *** Jack McMillan (Landes, eBook, pg. 30)
- End Grip (Unknown) *** Card College - Volume 1 (Giobbi, pg. 17)
- End of Story (Bill Malone) *** On The Loose - Volume 2 (DVD)
- End Over Aces (Tom Craven) *** The Minotaur (September 1989, Vol. 1, No. 3, pg. 1)
- End Stab, The (unknown) *** Tarbell Course In Magic (Vol. 3, Lesson 41, pg. 289)
- End Strippers (unknown); dates back to 1884 Will & Fink catalog) *** Dates back to 1884, Will & Fink catalog
- End Tap Pass, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo Without Tears (pg. 260)
- End To It, An (Karl Fulves) *** Transpo Trix (pg. 31)
- End, The (Christian Engblom & Mr. Dani DaOrtiz) *** Que Rao (DVD)
- Endfield Aces (Michael Skinner) *** The Legendary Repertoire of Michael Skinner - Volume 2 (VHS)
- Endfield Bottom Palm, The (Cy Enfield) *** Cy Endfield's Entertaining Card Magic - Part III (Ganson, pg. 48)
- Endfield False Count (Cy Endfield) *** "Cy Endfield's Entertaining Card Magic - Part I (Ganson, pg. 60)
- Endfield Slip-Cut (Cy Endfield) *** Cy Endfield's Entertaining Card Magic - Part I (Ganson, pg. 66)
- Endfield Slip-Cut Variant (Ernest Earick) *** By Forces Unseen (Minch, pg. 48)
- Ending for Collins Aces (Bruce Elliott) *** Classic Secrets of Magic (pg. 56, * not titled, or indexed, in the text)
- Endless Belts, The (Fred Black) *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 147)
- Endless Loop, The (Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 5 (Giobbi, pg. 1269)
- End-Over-End Pass *** The Complete Illustrated Book of Card Magic (Walter B. Gibson, pg. 71)
- Enemy (Daniel Madison) *** Collateral (pg. 26)
- Enemy Has Come, The (Nobuaki Nambu) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Enforcers, The (Jamie Badman & Colin Miller) *** Welcome To The Firm (DVD)
- Engaged (Alan Rorrison) *** Marketed Item (Video Download)
- Engaged (Arnel Renegado) *** Marketed Item (Video Download)
- Eng-Blom Control (Christian Engblom) *** Fat Brothers - Disc 1 (DVD)
- England's Four the Hard Way (Don England) *** Don England's T.K.O.'s (Mendoza, pg. Ace of Spades)
- England's Penetration (Don England) *** Close-up Fantasies - Book I (Harris, pg. 11)
- England's Vanishing Aces (Don England & Richard Kaufman) *** Richard's Almanac in Magic Manuscript (February/March 1983, Volume 4, Issue 5); The Collected Almanac (Kaufman, pg. XXXVIII)
- English Chunnel, The (Don England) *** Don England's Paradox (Kelly, pg. 116)
- English Equivalent, The (Karl Fulves) *** The Book of Numbers (pg. 34)
- Enie Meanie Mieni Moe (Joe Rindfleisch) *** Extreme Card Magic - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Enigma (Bryan Franchi) *** Marketed Item (instant download)
- Enigma Card (Bob Solari) *** Marketed Item
- Enigma Cards, The (Patrick Martin) *** Genii Magazine(May 2008, Vol. 71, No. 5, pg. 69)
- Enigma Of The Seventh Card, The (Peter Duffie) *** The Best Of Peter Duffie (pdf); Covert Concepts (pdf)
- Enigma's Triumph (Chastain Criswell) *** From the Stall (Lecture Notes)
- Enlarged Card (Jule L. Miller) *** Three Dozen Tricks with the Dock Haley Svengali Deck (pg. 51)
- Enlarged Hartman (Charles Hudson) *** Apocalypse (April 1985, Vol. 8, No. 4, pg. 1049)
- Enlarger (Mike Bornstein) *** Apocalypse (October 1987, Vol. 10, No. 10, pg. 1408)
- Enlarging & Diminishing Cards (Jean Hugard) *** The Royal Road To Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 276)
- Enlarging A Break (Dai Vernon) *** The Vernon Chronicles - Volume 1 (Minch, pg. 10)
- Enlarging a Card Fan (Paul LePaul) *** Tarbell Course In Magic (Vol. 3, Lesson 39, pg. 216)
- Enlightenment (Ben Harris) *** Marketed Item
- Ennoid (Oscar Weigle) *** Apocalypse (September 1983, Vol. 6, No. 9, pg. 827)
- Enormous Four Ace Presentation (Louis Lam) *** Be Deceived (pg. 12)
- Enough Is Enough (Jon Racherbaumer) *** JonRacherbaumer.com site (Freebie, September 2003)
- Enough! (Werner Miller) *** Enigmaths 6 (pdf, pg. 3)
- Entertainers, The (James Colonna) *** Wild at Heart (MacNeill, pg.60)
- Entertainment Tacks (J.C. Wagner) *** The Commercial Magic of J.C. Wagner (Maxwell, pg. 1)
- Entirely New Method for Discovering a Chosen Card, An (Will Goldston) *** Exclusive Magical Secrets (pg. 40)
- Entity (Jeremy Hanrahan) *** Marketed Item (DVD & Gaff)
- Entourage (Gordon Bean) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- EnTranced (J. K. Hartman) *** Epilogue (November 1969, Issue #7, pg. 50)
- Entrapment (Karl Fulves) *** Hex Squared (pg. 32)
- Entrapment Gold 2 (Peter Nardi / Mozique / Rob Bromley) *** Marketed Item
- Entre Nous (Harry Lorayne) *** The Himber Wallet Book (pg. 205)
- Entropy (Karl Fulves) *** Methods With Cards - Part Three (pg. 206)
- Entropy I and II (Larry Barnowsky) *** Kingdom of the Red (pg. 53)
- En-Trost-ed (Paul Gordon) *** Cardistry (pg. 155)
- Enveload (John Hostler) *** The Rauschenberg Effect (pdf download, pg.30)
- Envelope (Richard Kaufman) *** Cardmagic (Kaufman, pg. 121)
- Envelope Addition (Juan Tamariz) *** Sonata (pg. 246)
- Envelope Card, The (August Roterberg) *** New Era Card Tricks (pg. 258)
- Envelope Changes to the Chosen Card, The (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 172); aka "Un Billet d'amour" (Conradi-Horster, DER MODERNE KARTENKÜNSTLER)
- Envelope Please, The (Harry Allen) *** Marketed Item
- Envelope Prediction & Bilis Switch (Bernard Bilis) *** Stars Of Magic - Volume 5 (DVD)
- Envelope Prediction (Guy Bavli & Haim Goldenberg) *** Between 2 Minds (DVD)
- Envelope Prediction (Jack Avis) *** Rara Avis (Brahams, pg. 53)
- Envelope Prediction (Mr. Daba) *** Marketed Item
- Envelope Prediction (Peter Duffie) *** Inspirations (Duffie / Sadowitz, pg. 15)
- Envelope Trick, An (Will L. Lindhorst) *** The Sphinx (April 1933, Vol. 32, No. 2, pg. 58)
- Envelope, Please, The (David Pogue) *** Magic For Dummies (pg. 198)
- Enveloped (Dave Campbell) *** The Dave Campbell Legacy (Duffie, pg. 75)
- Envelopes and Card Tricks (Dr. Herschell) *** The Magazine of Magic (December 1914, Vol. 1, No. 3, pg. 89)
- Envelopes of the Mind (Mike Shelley) *** Marketed Item; Mike Shelley Goes International (pg. 2)
- Epitaph For A Card Cheat (Peter Duffie) *** Duffie's Card Compulsions (pg. 156)
- Epitome Location (Harry Lorayne) *** Marketed Manuscript (1976); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 351)
- Epitome Location, Junior (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection (pg. 443)
- Epoch (Jamie Daws) *** Marketed Manuscript (includes video download)
- Equalizer Revealment, An (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 723); Aldo on Trost - Volume 5 (DVD)
- Equalizer, The (Harry Lorayne) *** Trend Setters (pg. 171)
- Equalizer, The (Peter Duffie) *** Untold (pdf)
- Equator (Mark Wong) *** Ei8th (DVD)
- Equestrial Discovery of the Four Aces, The (Frank Garcia) *** The Close-Up Magic of Frank Garcia Part II (pg. 32)
- Equidistant Transpo (Liam Montier) *** The Boof! (pg. 29)
- Equilibrium (Dan Harlan) *** Dan Harlan's Pack Small, Play Big - Stand-Up With Cards (DVD)
- Equilibrium (Daniel Meadows) *** Marketed Item (DVD & Gimmick)
- Equilibrium (Karl Fulves) *** Mexican Monte And Other Tricks (pg. 13)
- Equivalent (Werner Miller) *** Sub Rosa 3 (pdf, pg. _); Tricks To Go - Part 4 (Colombini, DVD)
- Equivalent Odd Pack (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume II (Minch, pg. 304)
- Equivocal Acid-Jazz Aces (Justin Higham) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 376); Illogical Dribble Force (Higham, pg. 19)
- Equivocal Lie Detector (Justin Higham) *** Tom Craven's 16th Card Book (pg. _)
- Equivocally Triumphant (James Swain) *** 21st Century Card Magic (pg. 50)
- Equivoque *** Verbal Control (Goldstein); Close Up Illusions (Ouellet, pg. 164); The Complete Idiot's Guide to Magic Tricks (Ogden, pg. 247); MagicPedia (on-line)
- Equivoque Red and Blue Switch (Roberto Giobbi) *** Deck Switch (pg. 71)
- ER-Aced (Dai Vernon) *** Genii Magazine (May 1989, Vol. 52, No. 11, pg. 708)
- Eradicating Pips (Jerry Mentzer) *** Card Cavalcade Finale (Mentzer, pg. 169)
- Eradicator, The (Paul Gordon) *** England Up Close (Duffie, pg. 119)
- Eradicators, The (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Diamonds From Coal (pg. 66, also available as pdf)
- Erased (Ramón Riobóo) *** Thinking The Impossible (pg. 251)
- Eraser, The (Aldo Colombini) *** Marketed Item
- Erasing the Pips (John Clucas Cannell) *** Modern Conjuring for Amateurs (pg. 284)
- Erasing The Spot (Barrows Mussey, aka "Henry Hay") *** Learn Magic (pg. 202)
- Erazed (Mathieu Bich) *** Marketed Item; Mathieu Bich (DVD); Mathieu Bich on PDF (lecture notes)
- Erazer (Adrian Gower) *** Marketed Item
- Erdnaces (Allan Slaight) *** Linking Ring (November 1990); Spins & Needles (pg. 114)
- Erdnase 3 Packet False Table Cut *** Encyclopedia of Card Sleights - Volume 3 (Daryl, DVD)
- Erdnase Aces (Jay Sankey) *** The Very Best of Jay Sankey - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Erdnase Aces and Quick Erdnase Aces (Harry Riser) *** The Feints and Temps of Harry Riser (Brown, pg. 52)
- Erdnase Blind Shuffles (S.W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 29, pg. 159)
- Erdnase Bottom Palm (S. W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 86)
- Erdnase Bottom Stock Control (S.W. Erdnase) *** Weapons Of The Card Shark 2 (Jeff Wessmiller, DVD); The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, multiple references)
- Erdnase Bottom-Palm (Improved), The (Paul LePaul) *** The Card Magic of LePaul (pg. 55)
- Erdnase Break (S.W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 26)
- Erdnase Break Clip Reverse (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 91)
- Erdnase Color Change (aka The Houdini Color Change, S.W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 136)
- Erdnase Concurrent Three Card Cull/Stock (David Walsh) *** Celtic Cabal (Duffie, pdf, pg. 113)
- Erdnase Go Round (Dan & Dave Buck) *** Sleightly Magical (pg. _)
- Erdnase Meets Hofzinser (Peter Duffie) *** Cards Insight (pdf)
- Erdnase One-Handed Fancy True Cut (S.W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 46)
- Erdnase Open Palm (Euan Bingham) *** MDP (aka "More Derivative Pish," pg. _)
- Erdnase Outdone (Jim Wheeler) *** Riffle Shuffle Technique - Part III (Fulves, pg. 152)
- Erdnase plus Vernon (Dai Vernon) *** Dai Vernon's Inner Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 49)
- Erdnase Shift (S.W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 99)
- Erdnase Shuffle Side Slip (Russell Barnhart's work on S.W. Erdnase ) *** The Master Palm (pg. 13)
- Erdnase Stack Shuffle, The (Erdnase & Darwin Ortiz) *** Card College - Volume 4 (Giobbi, pg. 915)
- Erdnase Style Greek Deal (Jeff Wessmiller) *** Weapons Of The Card Shark Vol. 2 (DVD)
- Erdnase System of Cull Shuffling, The (S.W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 78)
- Erdnase System of Palming (S.W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 83)
- Erdnase System of Stock Shuffling (S.W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 68)
- Erdnase Touch (Daryl's work on S.W. Erdnase) *** Encyclopedia of Card Sleights - Volume 3 (Daryl, DVD)
- Erdnase Transformation (Zenneth Kok) *** Erdnase Revelation (pdf)
- Erdnase Transformations (S.W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 151)
- Erdnase Variant (Ernesto Melero) *** Magic Magazine (November 2006); Talk About Tricks - Volume 3 (Jay, DVD)
- Erdnase With Less Milk (Paul Gordon) *** Nocturnal Creations (pg. 123); Cardistry (pg. 80)
- Erdnase’s Diagonal Palm Shift (S. W. Erdnase) *** David Britland's CARDOPOLIS (July 15, 2002)
- Erdnase's Envelope (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 78)
- Erdnase's First Transformation as a Vanish (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume I (Minch, pg. 140)
- Erdnase-Vernon Overthrow (S.W. Erdnase & Dai Vernon) *** The Three Card Monte as Entertainment (Ganson's Magic Teach-In Series, pg. 14)
- Erdős Numbers (Colm Mulcahy) *** Mathematical Card Magic (pg. 274)
- Ergo (John Bannon???) *** Easy Magic Tricks (Longe, pg. 32)
- Eric Peterson's Card Prediction (Eric Peterson) *** Tarbell Course in Magic (Vol. 7, Lesson 85, pg. 76)
- Erl & Water (Ken Beale) *** Ibidem (July 1959, Issue 17, pg. 334)
- Erma La Fource (Michael Close) *** Workers Number 4 (pg. 11)
- Ermintrude - The Mindreading Joker! (Simon Lovell) *** Marketed Item; Simon Says!: The Close-Up Magic of Simon Lovell (pg. 132)
- Erratic Card, The (J. S. Wheeler) *** The Sphinx (April 1922, Vol. 21, No. 2, pg. 59)
- Erratic Card, The (Unknown) *** 125 Tricks With Cards or Sleight of Hand (Johnson Smith & Co., pg. 41)
- Erratic Poker Deal, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 314)
- Error Aces, The (William Larsen & T. Page Wright) *** Genii Magazine (September 1936, Vol. 1, No. 1, pg. 6)
- Error And Spell Production (Anthony Norman) *** Basic Card Technique (pg. 50)
- Error Corrected, The (Karl Fulves) *** Packet Switches - Part Four (Fulves, pg. 228)
- Ersatz (Jerry Mentzer & Rick Johnson) *** Practical Impossibilities (Johnson, pg. 71)
- EscalACEtion (J. K. Hartman) *** Packet Magic (pg. 15)
- Escalate (Karl Fulves) *** Interlocutor (Issue 48, pg. 200)
- Escalator (Gaetan Bloom) *** Marketed Item
- Escalator Aces (Jack Carpenter) *** Pasteboard Palette (pg. 35)
- Escapade (Jim Rainho) *** Marketed Item
- Escape Card (Terry Seabrooke) *** Terry Seabrooke's American Lecture (pg. 17)
- Escape Hatch (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2011, No. 9, pg. 620)
- Escape King (Takayuki Kumazawa) *** Marketed Item (Tenyo)
- Escape Of The Deck (Rene Lavand) *** Close Up Artistry Volume 3 (DVD)
- Escape of the Jack (Dai Vernon & Bob Hummer) *** Bob Hummer's Collected Secrets (pg. 13)
- Escape of the Musketeers (Cy Endfield) *** Cy Endfield's Entertaining Card Magic - Part I (Ganson, pg. 42)
- Escape, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 24)
- Escaping Card (Jule L. Miller) *** Three Dozen Tricks with the Dock Haley Svengali Deck (pg. 15)
- Escaping The Cannibals (Karl Fulves) *** The Nyria Effect (pg. 57)
- Escapist (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 66)
- Escargodisplay (Dan and Dave Buck) *** Five, The Notes (pdf, pg. 10)
- Escorial 3 Cards Monte (Gaetan Bloom) *** Marketed Item
- Escorial-76 (Juan Tamariz) *** Sonata (pg. 172)
- Escott's Cutting the Aces (Ron Escott) *** Marketed Item (Mike Danata's Magic Studio)
- ESJoker (Doug Conn) *** Tricks Of My Trade - The Magic of Doug Conn (Cummins, pg. 15)
- Eskow Aces (Prof. Seymour Eskow) *** Mantra (October 1975, Issue Seven, pg. 26)
- Esoteric (Finn Jon) *** Marketed Item
- ESP #23 (David Gemmell) *** Pasteboard Paradise (pdf, pg. 28)
- ESP (Allan Zola Kronzek) *** A Book of Magic for Young Magicians: The Secrets of Alkazar (pg. 84)
- ESP + Math (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 48)
- ESP + Pinochle (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg. 506)
- ESP 7-Card Draw (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 230)
- ESP Card (Terry Lunceford) *** Magic for a Living - Part 2 (pg. 7)
- ESP Card Location (unknown) *** The Stein and Day Handbook of Magic (Kaye, pg. 182)
- ESP Card Routine (Michihiro Matsuda) *** Genii Magazine (May 1971, Vol. 35, No. 9, page 426)
- ESP Cards *** Marketed Item
- ESP Color Scheme (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 813)
- ESP Demonstration (Hiroshi Kondo) *** A Joint Collection Of Works - Tenkai Prize Winners (Japanese, pg. 1, English, pg. 6)
- ESP Do As I Do (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 226)
- ESP Duck And Deal (Nick Trost) *** ESP Card Magic (pg.6); ESP Card Magic - Volume 2 (Colombini, DVD)
- ESP In Gray (Karl Fulves) *** Notes From Underground (pg. 55)
- ESP In My Pocket (Mark Strivings) *** The Magic Menu: Years Six through Ten (pg. 454)
- ESP Janus (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 294)
- ESP Mental (Harold Cataquet) *** England Up-Close (Duffie, pg. 155)
- ESP Numbers (Aldo Colombini) *** Aldo Colombini's Impromptu Card Magic - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- ESP Prediction (Hiro Sakai) *** Magic of Japan, Greater Magic Library Vol. 45 (VHS)
- ESP Prediction II (Hiroshi Kondo) *** A Joint Collection Of Works - Tenkai Prize Winners (Japanese, pg. 11, English, pg. 14)
- ESP Shuffle, The (Gavin Ross) *** Scotland Up Close (Duffie, pg. 3)
- ESP Sixth-Thot (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 292)
- ESP Test (Howard Adams) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2008, No. 5, pg. 320)
- ESP with Playing Cards (David Eldridge) *** FundaMentalism (DVD)
- ES-Pair-ity (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 282)
- ESPecially Wild (Paul Hallas) *** Marketed Item
- (ESP)ecially Wrong Again (Steve Jones) *** Cards for All Occasions (pg. 131)
- Espendless (Howard Adams) *** The Linking Ring (April 1999, Vol. 79, No. 4, pg. 114)
- ESPerfect (Peter Nardi) *** Marketed Item
- ESPhone (Karl Fulves) *** Close-Up Mental Magic (pg. 11)
- Espial (Aldo Colombini) *** What's Up Deck? (pg. 75); ESP Card Magic Vol. 6 (DVD)
- ESPionage (J. Mirage) *** Marketed Item
- Espionage (Karl Fulves) *** Epilogue (March 1974, Issue #20, pg. 185)
- Esprit (Jean-Pierre Vallarino) *** Marketed Item
- Esprit de Corps (Kevin Kelly) *** Intermezzo (pg. 1)
- Esrever (Karrel Fox) *** Apocalypse (October 1988, Vol. 11, No. 10, pg. 1557)
- Esscee Anti-Gravity Cards (Stanley Collins) *** The Magician Monthly (1916, Vol. 12, No. 9, pg. 137)
- Esscee Cards and Cords, The (Stanley Collins) *** Collins's Card Conceits (pg. 39)
- Esscee Double-Lift , The (Stanley Collins) *** A Conjuring Melange (pg. 94)
- Esscee Nap Hand Deal (Stanley Collins) *** The Magazine of Magic (February 1916, Vol. 3, No. 5, pg. 149)
- Esscee Prearranged Pack, The (Stanley Collins) *** A Conjuring Melange (pg. 20)
- Ess-Dee Card Location (Stanley Davis) *** Tricks Presented (pg. 10)
- Ess-Dee New Card Precipitation (Stanley Davis) *** Tricks Presented (pg. 9)
- Essence Deal (Craig Petty) *** Locked In A Room Without Coins (DVD)
- Essence of Colours, The (Andrew Loh) *** Marketed Item (pdf)
- Essential Erdnase (Karl Fulves) *** The Book of Numbers (pg. 13)
- Establishing A Break From A Bridge *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 124)
- Esteemed Judgement (Paul Clive) *** Card Tricks Without Skill (pg. 154)
- Estimate Behind Back (Joe Berg) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 55)
- Estimated Ace Opener (Hideo Kato) *** Kato On Estimation (pdf, pg. 25)
- Estimated Cut, The (Martin Gardner) *** Mathematics, Magic and Mystery (pg. 5)
- Estimated Prophet (John Hostler) *** Cryptical Envelopment (pdf, pg. _)
- Estimated Toss (Larry Jennings) *** "Up In Smoke And Other Tantalizing Mysteries (pg. 19); Thoughts On Cards - Volume Two (DVD); Up In Smoke (pg. 4)
- Estimateon (Joe Dignam) *** Spellbinder (July 1981. Vol. 1, No. 3, pg. 40)
- Estimating Joker (Ernesto Melero) *** Ernesto (instand download)
- Estimating the Flush (Paul Gordon) *** Marketed Item; Card Magic Companion (pg. 189)
- Estimation & Magic (Paul Gordon) *** The Unplanned Card Book (pg. )
- Estimation (J. C. Wagner) *** The Commercial Magic Of J.C. Wagner (Maxwell, pg. 97)
- Estimation (John Gelasi) *** Just Cards - Volume 1 (pg. _)
- Estimation (Patrick McCullagh) *** The Celtic Cabal (Duffie, pg. 92)
- Estimation Aces (Edward Marlo) *** Harry Lorayne Best Ever Collection - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Estimation Count Down (Bruce Cervon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 2 (pg. 108)
- Estimation Demonstration or Practice (Edward Marlo) *** Estimation (pg. 23); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 485)
- Estimation Faro (Edward Marlo) *** The Multiple Shift (pg. 30); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 380)
- Estimation Palm (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 284)
- Estimation Pass, The (Geoff Williams) *** The Lecture Your Mother Never Gave You (pg. 25)
- Estimation Peek, The (Eddie Fechter & Edward Marlo) *** Card Cavalcade 2 (Mentzer, pg. 169)
- Estimation Placement (Edward Marlo) *** The Multiple Shift (pg. 34)
- Estimation Proof (Doug Edwards) *** Doug Edwards Packs A Wallop (Lorayne, pg. 163)
- Estimation Routine, The (Darwin Ortiz) *** Darwin Ortiz At The Card Table (pg. 45)
- Estimation Spelling With The Throw (Dai Vernon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 4 (pg. 202)
- Estimation Station (Eddie Fields) *** The Greater Artful Dodges Of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 35)
- Etad-ot-pu (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 201)
- Etaoin Shrdlu (Karl Fulves) *** Deceptive Practices (pg. 77)
- ETC (Enigma's Triple Cut) (Chastain Criswell ) *** From the Stall! (pg._); also on DVD of same name)
- Eternal Chain Shuffle (Lennart Green) *** Green Magic - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Ethereal Blackjack No. 1 (Harry Lorayne & Richard Kaufman) *** Cardworks (pg. 128)
- Ethereal BlackJack No. 2 (Ken Krenzel & Richard Kaufman) *** Cardworks (Kaufman, pg. 135)
- Ethereal Cards (Lloyd W. Chambers) *** Original Ideas in Magic (pg. 20)
- Ethereal Pack (John Carney) *** John Carney's Carneycopia (Minch, pg. 43)
- Ethereal Poker (Richard Kaufman) *** Cardworks (pg. 122)
- Ethereal Steal (Ian Land) *** Spellbinder (July 1982, Vol. 2, No. 15, pg.288)
- Etherealization (Eddie Joseph) *** Card Magic of the Mind-Magical Masterpieces (pg. 28)
- Etheric Force, The (Eddie Fields & Michael Schwartz) *** Invisible Secrets Revealed (pg. 19)
- Ethnic Card Trick (David Bendix) *** Kabbala (November 1976, Vol. 3, No. 11, pg. 147)
- Ethos (Peter Duffie) *** Peter Duffie with Cards (pdf)
- Etude for Dealers (Wesley James) *** Enchantments: Magic for Cards and Hands (pg. 249)
- Etude, The (Tom Stone) *** Flatland Fever (pg. 9)
- Euchre Stock (S.W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 76)
- Euclid's Enigma (Leslie May) *** Pentagram (December 1950, Vol. 5, No. 3, pg. 23)
- Euph-Oracle (Simon Aronson) *** Try the Impossible (pg. 26)
- Euphoria (Cameron Francis) *** Moment's Notice 4 (pdf, pg. 13)
- Euphoria 2 (Cameron Francis) *** Small Wonders (DVD)
- Eureka (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2007, No. 3, pg. 173)
- Eureka (Stephen Tucker) *** Marketed Item
- Eureka 4 in Hand (Richard Foote) *** The Propshop (Mercurio, pg. 42)
- Eureka Deck (Edward O. Drane, aka "Enardo") *** Marketed Item
- Eureka! (Paul Gordon) *** Card Startlers (DVD)
- Euroaces (David Harkey) *** Simply Harkey (pg. 214)
- European Aces (Frank Garcia & George Schindler, based on Ascanio) *** Super Subtle Card Miracles (pg. 106)
- European Reader Deck (Royal Magic) *** Marketed Item
- Evans Rising Card (Henry Evans) *** Marketed Item
- Evapor-Ace-Tion (Allan Ackerman) *** Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 7: False Counts (DVD)
- Evaporating Aces (Cliff Green) *** Professional Card Magic (pg. 92)
- Evaporation (Fenik) *** Card Idol Series - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Evaporation (Jon Racherbaumer) *** JonRacherbaumer.com site (Tricks Archive, March 2002)
- Evaw Niarb (Sam Dalal) *** Mantra (May 1975, Issue Two, pg. 6)
- Even Balder (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 93)
- Even Better Than Kings *** Card & Magic Tricks (Edited by Diagram Group, pg. 118)
- Even Break (Walt Lees) *** Pabular (July 1980, Vol. 6, No. 7, pg. 873)
- Even Curiouser Count, The (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks V (Beam, pg. 85)
- Even Deeper (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 34)
- Even Easier Control (Ian Land) *** World's Greatest Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 10)
- Even Further (Karl Fulves) *** Secret Session - Part One (pg. 3)
- Even Further (Paul Swinford) *** Rigmarole (Fulves, Issue No. 10, pg. 112)
- Even Heap, The (Walter B. Gibson) *** Professional Magic for Amateurs (pg. _)
- Even Higher Math (Larry Jennings & William Goodwin) *** The Looking Glass - Winter 1998 (Kaufam, pg. 144)
- Even Money - The Ultimate Version (William P. Miesel & Tom Hubbard) *** Precursor (Miesel, September 1992, Issue XXXVI, pg. 22)
- Even Money (Larry Jennings) *** The Pallbearers Review (July 1970, Vol. 5, No. 9, pg. 347)
- Even Money Aces (Karl Fulves) *** The Noir Test (pg. 19)
- Even Money Extra (Karl Fulves) *** Rigmarole (1994, Issue No. 10, pg. 116)
- Even Money World (Ron Edwards) *** The Pallbearers Review (June 1974, Vol. 9, No. 8, pg. 745)
- Even More Deceitful (Harry Lorayne) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 70)
- Even More Four on the Floor (J.C. Wagner & Syd Segal) *** Full Metal Jacket (pg. 18)
- Even More Odd (Sam Schwartz) *** Sam's - The Magic of Sam Schwartz (Zingg, pg. 34)
- Even Odder (Marc Lemezma) *** Marc Lemezma's Card Magic (pg. 47)
- Even Odder II (Richard Kaufman) *** Cardworks (pg. 59)
- Even Odds at 3 to 1 (Scott Guinn) *** You'll be Pleasantly Surprised (pg. 137); Guinn Gone Mental (pg. _)
- Even Stephen (Ken de Courcy) *** Marketed Manuscript
- Even You Can't Find It (Edward Marlo & Jon Racherbaumer) *** JonRacherbaumer.com site (Freebie Archive, August 2003)
- Evening The Odds (Charles Randall) *** Apocalypse (October 1979, Vol. 2, No. 10, pg. 259)
- Evening the Odds (Hiro Okada) *** The Open Prediction Project (Baxter, pg. 171)
- Evening Up The Odds (Doug Conn) *** Tricks Of My Trade: The Magic of Doug Conn (Cummins, pg. 175)
- Even-Money Proposition (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Mental Magic (pg. 94); The Pallbearers Review (May 1969, Vol. 4, No. 7, pg. 257)
- Evens And Odds (Boris Wild & Geno Munari) *** Gambler's Marked Deck (Wild & Munari, pg. 37)
- Evens And Odds (Dondrake) *** 101 Tricks with The Gambler's Marked Deck (Dondrake & Munari, pg. 8)
- Event Horizon (Stephen Clark) *** The Fine Print (Fulves, No. 6, pg. 132)
- Eventually (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. _)
- Eventually Aces (Tom Frame) *** Apocalypse (October 1997, Vol. 20, No. 10, pg. 2854)
- Ever Change Card, The (Patrick Page) *** Pages From Patrick's Notebook (pg. 11)
- Ever Ready Black Routine with Mexican Joe (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 215)
- Ever So Sleightly Different (Frank Garcia) *** Wild Card Miracles (pg.38)
- Everchange Count (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume I (Minch, pg. 74)
- Eveready Card in Wallet (Dick Zimmerman) *** Creative Magic (pg. 8)
- Eveready Force (Karl Fulves) *** Packet Switches - Part One (Fulves, pg. 54)
- Everetto's False Shuffle (Clayton W. Rosencrance) *** The Sphinx (December 1917, Vol. 16, No. 10, pg. 198)
- Ever-Ready Hole Card (Don England) *** Don England's T.K.O.'s (Mendoza, pg. 7 of Hearts)
- Ever-Ready Rising Cards (Irv Weiner) *** Marketed Manuscript of Same Name
- Every Card Has Its Number (Josh Burch) *** Almost Automatic (instant download)
- Every Deck of Cards a Marked Deck (Baffles Brush) *** The Sphinx (November 1921, Vol. 20, No. 9, pg. 313)
- Every Everywhere (Richard Kaufman) *** On The Pass (DVD)
- Every Fourth (Mike Bornstein) *** Apocalypse (September 1993, Vol. 16, No. 9, pg. 2260)
- Every Other Card Trick, The (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 186)
- Every Picture Tells A Story (Peter Duffie) *** The Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 2 (pdf, pg. 41)
- Every Which Way (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Craft (pg. 283)
- Everybody Knows But Him (Marshall Brodien) *** 101 Card Tricks (pg. 34)
- Everybody Think (Stewart James) *** Stewart James In Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 416)
- Everybody's Card (Ellis Stanyon) *** The Royal Road To Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 281)
- Everybody's Card II (Jean Hugard) *** The Royal Road To Card Magic (pg. 286)
- Everybody's Card, III (David Ben) *** Tricks (pg. 128)
- Everybody's Lazy (Simon Aronson) *** Simply Simon (pg. 167)
- Everybody's Opener (Kainoa Harbottle) *** A Petite Pamphlet on Pasteboards (pg. 1)
- Every-No And Where-Where (Paul Gordon) *** Nocturnal Creations (pg. 103)
- Everyone Has A Twin (Karl Fulves) *** The Fine Print (No. 3, pg. 40)
- Everyone Take A Card (Clayton Rawson) *** Phoenix (July 1947, Vol. 3, No. 129, pg. 519)
- Everyone Wants To Get Into The Act! (Doug Edwards) *** Apocalypse (November 1991, Vol. 14, No. 11, pg. 2000)
- Everyplace (Hans Trixer) *** The Epoptica Yearbook 1984 (Busby, pg. 297)
- Everything Easy (Ken Beale) *** Ibidem (August 1963, Issue 29, pg. 698)
- Everything Fair Poker Deal (Senator Clarke Crandall) *** Marketed Manuscript (Bauer)
- Everything in Order (Juan Tamariz) *** Mnemonica (pg. 35)
- Everywhere & Aces (Shaun McCree) *** Stand & Deliver (DVD)
- Everywhere & Nowhere (At The Table) (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo In Spades (pg. 32)
- Everywhere & Nowhere (Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser) *** Hofzinser's Card Conjuring (Fischer, pg. 141); Hofzinser's Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 34)
- Everywhere (Cameron Francis) *** The Omega Mutation - Disc 1 (DVD)
- Everywhere (David Regal) *** Star Quality - The Magic of David Regal (Lorayne, pg. 92); The Magic of David Regal - Volume 1: Tricks! (DVD)
- Everywhere and Nowhere Fraud, The (Steve Spill) *** The Spill Bar and Grille (pg. 32)
- Everywhere and Nowhere in the Air (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 157)
- Everywhere and Nowhere with a Borrowed Deck (Jean Hugard & Frederick Braue) *** Expert Card Technique (pg. 367)
- Everywhere Spell (Cameron Francis) *** Instant Download (pdf)
- Everywhere, But Wrong! (Peter Duffie) *** Obscurities (pdf, pg. 7); The Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 2 (pdf, pg. 83)
- Everywhere, Nowhere and On Your Face (John Carney) *** John Carney's Carneycopia (Minch, pg. 254)
- Evil Eye, The (Baffles Brush) *** The Sphinx (January 1925, Vol. 23, No. 11, pg. 361)
- Evil Spell (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 112)
- Evilopes (Karl Fulves) *** Impromptu Holdouts (pg. 10)
- EVOgram (Jay Crowe) *** Marketed Item
- Evolution (Michael Powers) *** Top Secret Stuff (pg. 1)
- Evolution Control (Sandro Loporcaro) *** Marketed Item (video download)
- Evolution Deck, The (Bob Solari) *** Marketed Item
- Evolution Of A Dream (Stewart James) *** Marketed Item; Tops (August 1953, Vol. 18, No. 8, pg. 9); Stewart James In Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 69)
- Evolution Of A Sandwich (Dave Strong) *** The Cardiste (John Russell Duck a.k.a. "Rusduck," pg. 221)
- Evolution Of A Sleight (Harry Lorayne) *** Reputation-Makers (pg. 281); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 2 (pg. 190); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever Collection - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Evolution of An Idea, The (Grant Stuart) *** The Sphinx (December 1938, Vol. 37, No. 10, pg. 248)
- Evolution Transposition, The (Don England) *** Don England's Paradox (Kelly, pg. 108)
- Ewephindit (Jean Hugard) *** The Royal Road to Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 200)
- Ex Nihilo (Alexandre) *** Marketed Item (pdf)
- Ex Post Transpo (Paul A. Lelekis) *** Classic Card Magic IV (instant download, pdf)
- Exact Aces (Marcus Gordon) *** Suitup! (pdf)
- Exact Location (Juan Tamariz, Paul Clive, Charles T. Jordan) *** Mnemonica (pg. 145)
- Exact Placement (Edward Marlo) *** Faro Notes (pg. 61)
- Exactly the Same! (Juan Tamariz) *** Apocalypse (June 1992, Vol. 15, No. 6, pg. 2077)
- Examination of a So-So Notion (Jon Racherbaumer) *** The Collected Almanac (Kaufman, Vol. 1, No. 1 "sample edition," pg. lxiii)
- Examine the Card (Francis Carlyle) *** Wildcard Miracles (Garcia, pg. 31)
- Excalibur (Doug Canning) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks V (Beam, pg. 34)
- Excalibur Deck (Devin Knight) *** Marketed Item (force deck); Marketed Manuscript (pdf)
- EXCELlent Deceit (Kyle MacNeill) *** Zany (pdf)
- Excellent Home Made Card Locator (Bob Little) *** M-U-M (June 1996, pg. 24)
- Excellent Poker Deal, An (Stuart Jules) *** Secrets (pg. 50)
- Ex-Cello Card Discovery (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 43)
- Excelsior Card Rise (aka Excelsior Rising Cards) *** New Era Card Tricks (Roterberg, pg. 207); Self-Working Close-Up Card Magic (Fulves, pg. 94)
- Excelsior Change (Adrian Plate) *** New Era Card Tricks (Roterberg, pg. 22)
- Excelsior Change for One Card, The (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 264)
- Exception Selection (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Craft (pg. 522); Super Dupes (pg. 19)
- Exchange (Gene Finnell) *** Gene Finnell's Card Magic (Fulves, pg. 54)
- Exchange Collectors (Shiv Duggal) *** Pabular (October 1979, Vol. 5, No. 10, pg. 745); Pabular Volume 4 (Columbini, DVD)
- Exchange Euchre (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 96)
- Exchange of Fire (Paul Curry) *** Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond (pg. 36)
- Exchange Pinochle (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg. 502)
- Exchange Poker (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg. 415)
- Exchanged (Jack Avis) *** Epilogue (November 1967, Issue #1, pg. 6); Rara Avis (Brahams, pg. 54)
- Exchanging a Card in Passing (Arthur Buckley) *** Principles and Deceptions (pg. 168)
- Exchanging the Pack (Arthur Buckley) *** The Sphinx (March 1949, Vol. 48, No. 1, pg. 9)
- Exchanging Three of Four (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine - Volume One (pg. 51)
- Exchanging Two of Four (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine - Volume One (pg. 45)
- Exchango (John Fedko) *** Apocalypse (December 1980, Vol. 3, No. 12, pg. 430); The Magic of John Fedko (pg. 79); Magic Classics (pg. 20)
- Exciting "Drop" from the Back of the Hand, An (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 311)
- Exclusive Coterie (S.W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 172)
- Exclusive Mafia, The (Yoann) *** The Bullfrog (Issue #0, pg. 10)
- Excursion (Karl Fulves) *** Cards #5 - The Multiple Shift (pg. 37)
- Excuse My Back? *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 1 (Miller, pg. 45)
- Exdislycally Shunuffled (Francis Menotti) *** Magic Magazine (September 2006); Talk About Tricks - Volume 1 (Jay, DVD)
- Execution (Daniel Madison) *** Two (pdf, pg. 15)
- Exercise (Peter Warlock) *** One Hundred By Warlock (pg. 27)
- Exhibit "A" (David Regal) *** The Penumbra (September/October 2002, Issue 3, pg. 6); Premise, Power & Participation - Volume One: Premise (DVD)
- Exhibit "B" (Stephen Tucker) *** Exhibit A & B (pdf)
- Exhibit A (Simon Lea) *** Marketed Item (instant download)
- Exhibition (Werner Miller) *** Enigmaths 1 (pdf, pg. 10)
- Exhibition Center Deal (Edward Marlo) *** Seconds, Centers, Bottoms (pg. 96); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 313)
- Exhibition of Thought Reading, An (John Clucas Cannell) *** Modern Conjuring for Amateurs (pg. 36)
- Exhibition Poker Deal (Dai Vernon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 4 (pg. 230)
- Exhibition Poker Feat (Jack Merlin) *** The Lost Notebooks of John Northern Hilliard (pg. 271)
- Exhibition Routine-Three Card Gold (Whit Haydn & Chef Anton) *** The School for Scoundrels: Notes on Three-Card Monte (Haydn, pg. 99)
- Exhibitionism (Edward Marlo) *** Hierophant (No. 7, Resurrection Issue, 1975, pg. 29)
- Exhumation (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks V (Beam, pg. 102)
- Exile (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 79)
- Existential Energy (Euan Bingham) *** Quirky Card Magic (pg. _)
- Exit (Aldo Colombini) *** Impromptu Packet Tricks (DVD)
- Exit (Mickael Chatelain) *** Marketed Item
- Exit 51 (Ben Harris) *** Marketed Item
- Exit Left (Karl Fulves) *** Impromptu Holdouts (pg. 36)
- Exit Move, The (Karl Fulves) *** Impromptu Holdouts (pg. 27)
- Exit Sandwich (Quang CD) *** Exit (instant download)
- Exitwist (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 74)
- Exodus (Arnel Renegado) *** Marketed Item (Instant Download)
- Exodus (Cosmo Solano) *** Marketed Item
- Exodus (Peter Duffie ) *** Duffie's Card Compulsions (pg. 49)
- Exorcism (David Mann & Jon Maronge) *** Marketed Item
- Expanded 10-20 Force (Tom Craven) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 521)
- Expanded Sum (Karl Fulves) *** The Shamrock Code / The Parallel Principle (pg. 35)
- Expanding and Diminishing Cards (Jean Hugard) *** Card Manipulations Series 1 - 5 (pg. 118)
- Expanding Circle, The (Jerry Andrus) *** Andrus Deals You In (pg. 120)
- Expanding Deck, The (Peter Kane) *** Kane (pg. 73); A Real Live Card Session With Peter Kane (pg. _)
- Expanding The Miraskill Principle (Bob Farmer) *** The James File - Volume Two (Slaight, pg. 1904)
- Expansion Card Color Change with Jumbo Card Climax (Phil Goldstein) *** The Phil Goldstein Convention Lecture (pg. 1)
- Expansion of Matter (Karl Fulves) *** Shape Changers (pg. 13)
- Expansion Sandwich, An (Karl Fulves) *** Shape Changers (pg. 10)
- Expansionism (Karl Fulves) *** Combo (pg. 38)
- Expectant (Cameron Francis) *** Multifarious (pdf, pg. _)
- Expecting The Unexpected (Randy Wakeman) *** Randy Wakeman Presents (Maxwell, pg. 140)
- Expediting a Stack (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 92)
- Experience (Stephen Tucker) *** Spell-binder (March 1984, Vol. 3, No. 35, pg. 702); The Best of Spell-Binder Collection One (Tucker, pg. 132)
- Experiment #1 (Gene Maze) *** Packet Switches - Part Four (Fulves, pg. 241)
- Experiment #2 (Gene Maze) *** Packet Switches - Part Four (Fulves, pg. 251)
- Experiment in Hypnotism, An (Arthur F. MacTier) *** Card Concepts (pg. 205)
- Experiment in Mentalism (Arthur F. MacTier) *** Card Concepts (pg. 190)
- Experiment in Mind Reading (John Northern Hilliard) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 92)
- Experiment In Thought, An (Iain Dunford) *** The Open Prediction Project (Baxter, pg. 67)
- Experimental Elmsley Count, The (David Britland) *** Trick Card Trickery (pg. 4)
- Experimental Finnell (Paul Gordon) *** Explorations (pg. _)
- Experimental Imagination (Brian Miller) *** Cards, Coins, Thoughts & Theories Part 3 (pdf)
- Expert at Figures, An (Jean Hugard & Frederick Braue) *** Expert Card Technique (pg. 268)
- Expert at the Bridge Table, The (Andrew Wimhurst) *** Down Under Deals (pg. 37); Card Artistry (DVD)
- Expert At The Card Table???, The (Ian Baxter) *** Ten On Deck (pg. 32)
- Expert Card Stabber, The (Dr. George E. Casaubon) *** Deceptions with a Short Card (pg. 17)
- Expert Card to Wallet (Randy Wakeman) *** Marketed Item
- Expert Cards to Pocket (Mike Powers) *** Power Plays: High Voltage Magic From Mike Powers (pg. 33)
- Expert Cuts, The (Eddie Joseph) *** Eddie's Dumbfounders with Cards (pg. 15); The Complete Dumbfounders with Cards (pg. 26)
- Expert Deal, The (Edward Victor) *** Classic Card Tricks (pg. 18)
- Expert Deck (Haim Goldenberg) *** Marketed Item
- Expert Full-Deck Overhand (Harry Lorayne) *** Apocalypse (January 1994, Vol. 17, No. 1, pg. 2309)
- Expert Glimpse (Walter B. Gibson) *** The Complete Illustrated Book of Card Magic (pg. 148)
- Expert Gymnastics (Herb Zarrow) *** Zarrow - A Lifetime of Magic (Ben, pg. 259)
- Expert One-Eyed! (Paul Gordon) *** Protean Card Magic (pg. 137)
- Expert Pack Of Marked Cards, The (Will Goldston) *** Easy Magic with Patter, Part Two (pg. 42)
- Expert Poker Dealer, The *** Deceptions with a Short Card (pg. 24)
- Expert Poker Deals (David Solomon) *** The Wisdom of Solomon (pg. _)
- Expert Poker Demonstration (Alton Sharpe) *** Expert Card Conjuring (pg. 60)
- Expert Returns, The (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2006, No. 1, pg. 90)
- Expert Thumb Counter, The (Dr. George E. Casaubon) *** Deceptions with a Short Card (pg. 13)
- Experts Dunbury, The (Edward Marlo) *** Seconds, Centers, Bottoms (pg. 104); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 320)
- Experts, The (Peter Duffie) *** Ulterior Motifs (pdf, pg. 29)
- Exploding Aces (Earl Nelson) *** Variations Revisited (pg. 43)
- Exploding Aces, The (Randy Wakeman) *** Randy Wakeman Presents (Maxwell, pg. 113); Randy Wakeman Video - Volume Two (VHS); Chicago Bar Magic (DVD)
- Exploding Kings (Steve Beam) *** The Trapdoor (Issue 17, pg. 281)
- Exploding Revelation (Peter Kane) *** Combined Card Sessions (pg. 4)
- Exploration, The (Paul Gordon) *** The Unplanned Card Book (pg. 23)
- Explosion (Del Ray) *** 21st Century Card Magic (Swain, pg 68)
- Explosion (Zenneth Kok) *** The Zenneth Code (DVD)
- Explosion! (Peter Duffie) *** Move Mastery 1 (CD-ROM)
- Explosion, The (James Swain) *** 21st Century Card Magic (pg. 68)
- Exposure (Cameron Francis) *** Marketed Item (pdf)
- Express Aces (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Card Conspiracy - Vol. 2 (pg. 152)
- Expressway (Yugi Wada) *** The Trapdoor (Issue 56, pg. 1050)
- Ex-Specter (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Craft (pg. 485)
- Extempore (Leo Boudreau) *** Spirited Pasteboards (pg. 64)
- Extended Fingers Cover, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 2 (pg. 78)
- Extended Mental Spell (Edward Marlo) *** Pentagram (September 1957, Vol. 11, No. 12, pg. 92)
- Extended Transposition, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 2 (pg. 309)
- Extendedexitwist (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 78)
- Extension (Allan Ackerman) *** The Esoterist (pg. 42)
- Extension Cut (X Cut) (Jerry Cestkowski) *** The Encyclopedia of Playing Card Flourishes (pg. 36)
- Extension Tri-Cut (Jerry Sadowitz) *** The Encyclopedia of Playing Card Flourishes (pg. 62)
- Extra (Bob Hamilton) *** Pabular (April 1975, Vol. 1, No. 8, pg. 95)
- Extra Card Disposal (Dai Vernon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 2 (pg. 57)
- Extra Climax Card In Wallet (Marv Long) *** Pabular (November 1979, Vol. 5, No. 11, pg. 761)
- Extra Collectors (Edward Marlo) *** The Unexpected Card Book (pg. 6)
- Extra Credit (Joshua Jay) *** Marketed Item
- Extra Fancy Second Deal (Fernando Keops) *** Fernando Keops - Volume 1: Cheating at Cards (DVD)
- Extra Joker Prediction (John J. Crimmins, Jr.) *** My Best (Thompson, pg. 74)
- Extra Oil Poker (Didier Dupre) *** Three Smash Hits With Cards (Colombini, DVD)
- Extra Sensory Poker (Diamond Jim Tyler) *** Marketed Item
- Extra Special Torn Card (Paul Clive) *** Card Tricks Without Skill (pg. 162)
- Extra Spice (Gerald Kosky) *** Super Subtle Card Miracles (Garcia, pg. 186)
- Extra Twist, An (Cameron Francis) *** Killer Close-Up Magic (DVD)
- Extra! Extra! Read All About It! (Doc Dixon) *** Double Decker (manuscript)
- Extracted From the Dark (John Carey) *** Keep Calm and Carey On! (DVD)
- Extracted Pair, The (Norm Houghton) *** Ibidem (September 1962, Issue 26, pg. 598)
- Extractor (Rob Bromley & Peter Nardi) *** Marketed Item
- Extractors, The (Peter Duffie) *** Card Zones (pg. 75)
- Extraexitwist (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 76)
- Extraordinary Card (Dominque Duvivier) *** Channel One (December 1999, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pg. 12); The Magic Of Dominique Duvivier - Volume Three (VHS)
- Extraordinary Clairvoyance (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 176)
- Extraordinary Coincidence (Arthur F. MacTier) *** Card Concepts (pg. 35)
- Extraordinary Envelope (Clayton W. Rosencrance) *** The Sphinx (October 1925, Vol. 34, No. 4, pg. 101)
- Extraordinary Memory (Karrell Fox) *** Magic As A Hobby (pg. 11)
- Extraordinary Mind Reading (Will Andrade, aka Charles A. Prince) *** 70 Simple Card Tricks (Prince, pg. 34)
- Extraordinary Prediction, An (Harry Lorayne) *** Quantum Leaps (pg. 168)
- Extraordinary Proof (Andrew Gerard ) *** True Astonishments - Disc 5 (Harris, DVD)
- Extraordinary Queens (Arthur H. Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 86)
- Extraordinary Restoration (August Roterberg) *** New Era Card Tricks (pg. 75)
- Extra-Sensory Cardception (Peter Eldin as "Gordon Hill") *** Card and Conjuring Tricks (pg. 86)
- Extrasensory Deception (Nick Trost & Roy Walton) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 228)
- Extra-Verted (John Guastaferro) *** Instant Download
- Extreme Intuition (Henry Evans) *** Marketed Item
- Extreme Mental Effort (Derren Brown) *** The Devil's Picturebook (DVD)
- Extreme Twizt (Eric Jones) *** Twizted (DVD)
- Extremes Meet (Stanley Collins) *** A Conjuring Melange (pg. 32)
- Exxon Mix Up (Jason Alford) *** Thinking & Wondering (pg. 4)
- Eye Contact (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks V (Beam, pg. 62)
- Eye Cop (Gerald Deutsch) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 114)
- Eye Count (Edward Victor); The Commercial Magic of J. C. Wagner (Maxwell, pg. 155) *** Magic of The Hands
- Eye Detector, The (Jule L. Miller) *** Three Dozen Tricks with the Dock Haley Svengali Deck (pg. 46)
- Eye Doubt It (Bill Simon) *** Sleightly Sensational (pg. 9)
- Eye Exam (Danny Archer) *** Marketed Item
- Eye Exam, The (David Regal) *** Approaching Magic (pg. 339)
- Eye Exam, The (Don England) *** Don England's Paradox (Kelly, pg. 66)
- Eye Faro (Richard Hucko) *** Subtle Concepts (Hucko & Sevau, DVD)
- Eye in the Sky (Satoshi Toyoda) ***
- Eye Level Force (Leonard Range) *** Magic (December 2006, Vol. 16, No. 4, pg. 93)
- Eye of Stonehenge, The (Lennart Green) *** Green Lite (DVD)
- Eye Of The Beholder, The (Al Koran) *** Al Koran's Legacy (Miller, pg. 161)
- Eye Opener (Allan Hayden) *** Number Two (Lecture Notes, pg. 7)
- Eye Opener (Jay Sankey) *** Marketed Item (instant download)
- Eye Popper, The (R.W. Hull) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 254)
- Eye Power (Ed Mellon & Kenny Woodward) *** Best of Mental-Wise (Meisel, pg. 11)
- EYE Predict (Peter Duffie) *** Deck Direct (pg. _)
- Eye Scan (Juan Tamariz) *** Mnemonica (pg. 206)
- Eye Witness (Karl Fulves) *** Methods With Cards - Part Three (pg. 165)
- Eye2Eye (Jay Sankey) *** Firestarters (DVD)
- Eyed Jack Sandwich (Jon Racherbaumer) *** The Hierophant (1980, No. 8 "The Last Hierophant," pg. 68)
- Eyegaze (Don G. Morris) *** Close-Up Encounters (pg. 91)
- Eyeless Four Ace Trick (Jean Folé) *** The Sphinx (December 1940, Vol. 39, No. 10, pg. 242)
- Eyeless Vision (Karl Fulves) *** My Best Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 134)
- Eyeless Vision With The Old One-Ahead (Martin Gardner) *** Martin Gardner Presents (pg. 69)
- Eye-Level Peek (Vynn Boyar) *** M-U-M (February 1952, Vol. 41, No. 9, pg. 250)
- Eye-Mazing (Paul Rosini / Jay Ose / Frank Garcia) *** Million Dollar Card Secrets (pg. 18)
- Eye-Opener (Martin Lewis) *** Card Creations (VHS)
- Eye-Pop Routine (Martin Gardner) *** Martin Gardner's Table Magic (pg. 20)
- Eye-Popper (Paul Gordon) *** Card Collective (pg. _)
- Eye-Popper Aces (Peter Warlock) *** One Hundred By Warlock (pg. 29)
- Eye-Popper Card Feat, The (Theo Annemann) *** Annemann's Card Miracles (aka The Cabinet of Card Miracles)
- Eyes All Around (Al Baker) *** Cardially Yours (pg. ); The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Karr, pg. 490); Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 193)
- Eyes Are The Window to the Soul (Gerry Griffin) *** Complete Card Magic with Gerry Griffin - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Eyes At The Back Of Your Head (Arthur F. MacTier) *** Card Concepts (pg. 47)
- Eyes Deceive, The (Joseph Dunninger) *** Dunninger's Magic Tricks (pg. 138)
- Eyes Have It, The (Hideo Kato) *** Genii (November 1986, Vol. 50, No. 5, pg. 360)
- Eyes Have It, The (J.G. Thompson, Jr.) *** Annemann's Practical Mental Effects (pg. 291)
- Eyes Have It, The (Sid Lorraine) *** Marketed Item
- Eyes of Darkness (Tommaso Guglielmi) *** Marketed Item (pdf)
- Eyes of the Gods (John P. Hamilton) *** Marketed Item
- Eyes of the Joker, The (Frank Sterling) *** Modern Card Effects and How To Perform Them (DeLawrence, Thompson, pg. 34)
- Eyes of the Phoenix (John P. Hamilton) *** Phoenix (May 1949, Volume 4, No. 177, pg. 710)
- Eyes Tell No Lies (John Cornelius) *** Magical Arts Journal (Ammar, Vol. 1, No. 2, pg. 18)
- Eyesight Trick (Al Baker) *** The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Karr, pg. 712)
- Eye-Spy (Harry Stanley) *** Marketed Item
- Eye-Spy Short Location (Mysterio) *** Mysterio's Encyclopedia Of Magic and Conjuring (Fujari, pg. 57)
- Eye-Theck (Paul Gordon) *** Cause and Effect (pg. 61)
- Eyewitness (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 132) *this is NOT the same as Eye Witness, also by Fulves.
- EZ ACAAN (Marc Paul) *** Magicseen (Issue 20, pg. 27)
- EZ Action Ultra-Mental Deck (Bill Abbott) *** Cabaret Card Magic (pg. _)
- EZ Card To Wallet (Jerry O'Connell) *** Marketed Item
- EZ Change Aces (Joel Givens) *** Session: The Magic of Joel Givens (pg. 244)
- EZ Color Change (Joel Givens) *** Session: The Magic of Joel Givens (pg. 240)
- EZ Gamble (Howard Adams) *** Matchalot (pg. 286); The Amazing Self-Working Card Magic of Howard Adams - Part 1 (Colombini, DVD)
- EZ Match Up (David Gemmell) *** Pasteboard Paradise (pdf)
- E-Z Oil & Water ALA Fayne (Chuck Fayne) *** Chuck Fayne Live! (DVD)
- E-Z Plus Signed Card To Wallet (Charles Penton) *** Card To Wallet (Mentzer, pg. 23)
- EZ Riser (Dan Harlan) *** Packs Small, Plays Big - Standup With Cards (DVD)
- E-Z Three-way False Cut (Paul Rosini) *** Tarbell Course In Magic (Vol. 3, Lesson 39, pg. 199)
- EZ Torn and Restored Card (Kenton Knepper) *** Convention At The Capitol - 1998 (DVD)
- E-Z Tunnel (Hiro Sakai) *** Secret Sessions (DVD)
- EZ Waltzer (Craig Petty) *** Locked In A Room Without Coins (DVD)
- EZ2 (Justin Higham) *** Spellbinder (October 1982, Vol. 2, No. 18, pg. 339)
- EZACAAN (Scott F. Guinn) *** A Little Something (pdf, pg. 142)
- E-Zee Intersection (Paul Hallas) *** Mentalism With Cards (pg. 23)
- Ezell Shuffle Control (Jeff Ezell) *** Jeff Ezell's Close-Up & Parlor Magic (pg. 24)
- F Sharp (John Gelasi) *** Just Cards - Volume 2 (pg. _)
- Fabulous Four Aces , aka The Christ Ace Trick (Henry Christ) *** Professional Card Magic (Green, pg. 48); The Vernon Chronicles - Volume 2 (Minch, pg. 242); Easy To Master Card Miracles - Volume 5 (Ammar, DVD)
- Face It, You've Changed (David Regal) *** Constant Fooling - Book 2 (pg. 222)
- Face Up - Face Down Surprise (Bro. John Hamman) *** The Card Magic of Bro. John Hamman S. M. (LePaul, pg. 32)
- Face-Up Aces (Steve Draun) *** Standing Room Only (DVD)
- Fair And Square (Ted Annemann) *** Sh-h-h--! it's a secret (pg. 27); Annemann: The Life and Times of A Legend (Abrams, pg. 201)
- Falling Pips (Tommy Wonder) *** The Books of Wonder - Volume 1 (Wonder, Minch, pg. 123)
- False Cut, A (Ernest Earick) *** The Penumbra (March/April 2003, Issue 6, pg. 2)
- Family Reunion (Aldo Colombini) *** Impromptu Card Magic - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Fancy Dance (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Card Zones (Sadowitz, Duffie, pg. 139)
- Faro Shuffle *** Card College - Volume 3 (Giobbi, pg. 680); Far too many resources to list here.
- Farther Figure (J. K. Hartman) *** Apocalypse (January 1989, Vol. 12, No. 1, pg. 1588)
- Fartoon (Dan Harlan) *** Marketed Item
- Fastest Card in the West (Martin Nash) *** Award Winning Card Magic - Volume 2 (DVD); Martin Nash The Charming Cheat - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Fastest Gun Alive (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 124)
- Fate, Chance & Science (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Card Conspiracy - Vol. 2 (pg. 80)
- Feeling the Same (Reinhard Mueller) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 59)
- FF Collectors (Dave Forrest, Cameron Francis) *** The Forrest/Francis Project - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- FF Color Changers (Reinhard Mueller) *** Spellbinder (July 1982, Vol. 2, No. 15, pg. 294)
- Fifty-Fifty Aces (Paul Swinford) *** Card Cavalcade 2 (pg. 61)
- Finger on the Card (Gary Ouellet) *** Finger on the Card (Masters of Magic, Vol. 1, #1)
- Fingertip Vanish (Edward Marlo) *** Advanced Fingertip Control (pg. 95)
- First Ace Revisited, The (David Acer) *** DeSouza's DeCeptions-The Magic of Marc DeSouza (Acer, pg. 110)
- Fission For Aces (Dan & Dave Buck) *** Trilogy - Disc 1: Tricks (DVD)
- Five Kings Royal (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 243)
- Five-Card Polka (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 55)
- Flash Poker (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 171); The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 2 (DVD)
- Flexible Count (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 3 (pg.77)
- Flip-Over Cards (Karrell Fox) *** Karrell Fox: The Legend (DVD)
- Flushing Out the Queen (Michael Powers) *** Top Secret Stuff (pg. 9)
- Fly By Wire (Karl Fulves) *** Deceptive Practice (pg. 17)
- Flying Single and Double Spinner (Larry Barnowsky) *** Kingdom of the Red (pg. 61)
- Flying Through Thin Air (Juan Tamariz) *** Mnemonica (pg. 102)
- Follow Me (Jean Hugard) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 81); The Jinx (December 1936, No. 27, pg. 167)
- Follow the Leader (Dai Vernon) *** Five Close-Up Problems (pg. _); Early Vernon (pg. 42); Ackerman 2004 Lecture Notes (pg. 26)
- Following Suit (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 11)
- For Collectors Only (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Craft (pg. 232); Packet Magic (pg. 17)
- For Magicians Only (Jack Avis) *** The Gen (December 1952, Vol. 8, No. 8, pg. 243)
- Forced To (Ron Escott) *** Club 71 (Christmas 1989 issue, pg. 62); Club 71 - Volume 3 (Cameron Francis, DVD)
- Forethought (Allan Ackerman) *** Here's My Card (pg. 51)
- Forty-Nine (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 4)
- Foto Finish (Shigeo Takagi) *** Genii (October 19683, Vol. 47, No. 10, pg. 681)
- Four Ace Memory Test (Mystic Craig) *** My Best (Thompson, pg. 73)
- Four Aces and The Greek's Shuffle, The (John Scarne & Dai Vernon) *** More Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 1234)
- Four Aces Par Excellence (Arthur H. Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 206)
- Four Blue Cards (Juan Tamariz) *** Unpublished
- Four Jokers to Royal Flush (Larry Jennings) *** Larry Jennings 1992 Lecture (p. 14); Larry Jennings Paris Tapes - Volume 2
- Four Packs, The (John Scarne) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 39 or pg. 40, depending on edition)
- Four Poker Triumph (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 144)
- Four Royal Flushes, The (John Scarne) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 18)
- Four to One (Darwin Ortiz) *** Cardshark (pg. 33); Cardshark - Volume 1 (DVD); Nothing But The Best - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Four To The Fore (Peter Duffie) *** The Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 2 (pdf, pg. 59)
- Four-Instants (Mike Bornstein) *** Apocalypse (March 1987, Vol. 10, No. 3, pg. 1325)
- Fourtitude (Harry Lorayne) *** Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 112); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 95)
- Four-Way Match-Up (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 575)
- Fractal Re-Call (John Bannon) *** Mega 'Wave (pg. 18); High Caliber (pg. 91)
- Frame-Up (Ton Onosaka) *** Marketed Item
- Frankey Transpo (Jeff Stone) *** Stone Cold Magic Magazine (December 2008)
- Front Flip, The (Chip Walker) *** The Center Flip And Other Cardtastrophes (Schwartz, pg. 29)
- Further Than That (Stewart James) *** The Jinx (April 1941, No. 134, pg. 765); Stewart James In Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 278)
- Fusion (Dave Campbell) *** Dave Campbell Legacy (Duffie, pg. 37)
- Gaff Makes It, The (Edward Marlo) *** The Unexpected Card Book (pg. 235)
- Gaffed Mental Trap (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 1 (pg. 201)
- Gag Sandwich (Daryl) *** Daryl's Card Revelations Volume 1 (DVD)
- Galaxy (Wyman Jones & Paul Harris) *** The Art Of Astonishment - Book 3 (Harris, pg. 253); Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2, No. 9 - 12 "The Act," pg. 52)
- Galumphing Over (Bruce Cervon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 4 (pg. 208)
- Gambit (Al Smith) *** Cards On Demand (pg. 36)
- Gambit in a Box (David Regal) *** Close Up & Personal (pg. 197)
- Gamble Amble (Tannen Magic) *** Marketed Item (based on George Sands' Super Optical Illusion)
- Gambler (Julien Labigne) *** Marketed Item
- Gambler At Large (Frank Travers) *** The Jinx (December 1937, No. 39, pg. 257)
- Gambler Holds Out the Aces, A (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings ’67 (pg. 39)
- Gambler vs Magician (Dr. Jacob Daley) *** Easy To Master Card Miracles Volume 4 (Ammar, DVD)
- Gambler vs. Mentalist vs. Magician (Paul Harris) *** Las Vegas Close-Up (pg. 74); The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (Harris, pg. 191)
- Gambler´s School (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 175)
- Gamblers' Ace Trick (Ed Kardell) *** The Sphinx (June 1907, Vol. 6, No. 4, pg. 41)
- Gambler's Bottom Deal (Larry Jennings) *** Epilogue (Special Number 3, Larry Jennings Issue Part One, p.258); The Cardwright (Maxwell, p. 143)
- Gambler's Deal, The (Bridget & Marty Grams) *** Marketed Item
- Gambler's Double Deal (Darwin Ortiz) *** Darwin Ortiz At The Card Table (pg. 61)
- Gambler's Dream (Karl Fulves) *** Easy-to-Do Card Tricks for Children (pg. 26)
- Gambler's Expose Act (U.F.Grant) *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 2 (Miller, pg. 11)
- Gambler's False Cut, The (Anonymous) *** Exclusive Card Secrets (Garcia, pg. 18)
- Gambler's Gift (Shin-Ichi Arai) *** Shin-Ichi Arai's Affections (lecture notes, pg. 3)
- Gamblers Outwitted, The (Paul Rosini) *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg 217)
- Gambler's Poker Routine (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 700)
- Gambler's School (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 175)
- Gambler's Slip Cut (Eddie Fechter) *** Magician Nitely: The Magic of Eddie Fechter (Mentzer, pg. 114); Fechter: The Magic of Eddie Fechter (Mentzer, pg. 204)
- Gambler's Switch Method (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 86)
- Gambler's Third Lesson, The (Karl Fulves) *** The Gambler's Third Lesson (pg. 10)
- Gambler's Triumph (Larry Jennings) *** Dai Vernon’s Ultimate Secrets Of Card Magic (pg. 67)
- Gamblers Wildest Dream (Reed McClintock) *** Marketed Item
- Gambler's Wish (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 95)
- Gamblin Man (Doc Wayne) *** Marketed Item
- Gambling Aces (Bob Longe) *** World's Best Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 81)
- Gambling Effect, A (Karl Fulves) *** Combo (pg. 2)
- Gambling Magician, The (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection (pg. 115)
- Game of Hazard, A (Karl Fulves) *** 13 Prophets (pg. 48)
- Game of Life and Death, A (David Parr) *** Marketed Item
- Game of Murder, A (Lewis Jones) *** Person To Person - A Book of Telephone Telepathy (pg. 35)
- Game of Nap, A (Graham Adams) *** Pentagram (October 1959, Vol. 14, No. 1, pg. 3)
- Gammatron (Karl Fulves) *** And a Packet of Cards (pg. 39)
- Gang of Four (Harry Anderson) *** Marketed Item
- Garcia's Card Location (Frank Garcia) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 150)
- Gardner's Sympathetic Cards (Martin Gardner) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 211)
- Garter Trick, The (W. F. "Rufus" Steele) *** The Last Word on Cards (Steele, pg. 47)
- Gary In Your Pockets (Gary Kurtz) *** Creating Magic (DVD)
- GAS Separation, The (Lennart Green) *** The Green Angle Separation (pg. 3)
- Gathering of The Court Cards, The (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 57); The New Pentagram (Warlock, February 1961); Aldo on Trost - Volume 4 (DVD)
- Gazebo, The (Stewart James) *** The James File - Volume One (Slaight, pg. 1583)
- Geiger Counter Card (Don England) *** Gaffed To The Hilt (Racherbaumer, Kaufman, pg. 9)
- Geller Card (Vanni Bossi) *** Vanni Bossi Las Vegas Lecture (pg. 18)
- Gem False Count (Harry Lorayne) *** Apocalypse (June 1983, Vol. 6, No. 6, pg. 787)
- Gemini Count (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 93)
- Gemini Count Variation (James Swain) *** Don't Blink: The Magic of James Swain (pg. 69)
- Gemini Detector (John Carey) *** Handle With Carey (DVD)
- Gemini Production (John Carey) *** 24 Seven - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- Gemini Quads (Paul Gordon) *** Card Marvels (pg. _)
- Gemini Reflections (John Carey) *** 24 Seven - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Gem-Money Cards, The (Dean Dill & Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Kardma (pg. 18)
- General Ace Trick, The (Edward Marlo) *** Early Marlo (pg. 19)
- General Arnold's Master Speller (John Scarne) *** Scarne on Card Tricks (pg. 271)
- General Card, The (Larry Jennings) *** Fechter’s Finger Flicking Frolics Lecture Notes (pg. 17); Japan Lecture Notes (1979, pg. 17); Apocalypse (June 1980, Vol. 3, No. 6, ph. 349); The Classic Magic Of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 113)
- General Delivery - Cards to the Pockets (Cliff Green) *** Professional Card Magic (pg. 134)
- Genetics (Sean Goodman) *** Marketed Item (with DVD and gaff cards)
- Gentle Persuasion (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (pg. 52)
- Gentleman´s Bet (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks (Beam, pg. 7)
- Gerard's Warp (Andrew Gerard) *** True Astonishments - Disc 4 (DVD)
- Gerry's Lucky Sevens (Gerry Griffin) *** Gerry's Lucky Sevens - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Gerry's Red Hot Sevens (Gerry Griffin) *** Gerry's Lucky Sevens - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Gestalt Vision (Barrie Richardson) *** Theater of the Mind (pg. 213)
- Get Off My Spread (Aldo Colombini) *** Marketed Item; Stand-Up Cards (DVD);
- Get Out Of This World (Bob Longe) *** World's Best Card Tricks (pg. 88)
- Getit (Ted Annemann) *** Annemann: The Life and Times of A Legend (Abrams, pg. 43); aka "Get It In The Dark," Encyclopedia Of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 297)
- Getting Across (Larry Jennings) *** Apocalypse (January 1984, Vol. 7, No. 1, pg. 870)
- Getting Evener (Cameron Francis) *** Let's Get Small (pdf download, pg. 26)
- Getting to Know You (David Corsaro) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 13)
- Getting To Know You (David Regal) *** Approaching Magic (pg. 55)
- Get-Together (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 16)
- Ghost Ace Production (James Swain) *** Miracles: The Magic of James Swain - Vol. 4 (DVD)
- Ghost Camera (Mathieu Bich) *** Marketed Item (Tenyo T-266)
- Ghost Card, The (Ted Annemann) *** Expert Card Technique (pg. 363)
- Ghost Count (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume I (Minch, pg. 23); Alex Elmsley Tahoe Sessions- Volume 1 (DVD); Card College Volume 2 (Giobbi, pg. 311); Counts, Cuts, Moves and Subtlety (Mentzer, pg. 41); Card Cavalcade 3 (Mentzer, pg. 181); The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 47); Las Vegas Kardma (Ackerman, pg. 171); Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (Trost, pg. 265)
- Ghost Deal Variation (J.C. Wagner) *** The Commercial Magic of J. C. Wagner (Maxwell, pg. 121)
- Ghost Flight (Peter Duffie) *** Marketed Item
- Ghost Kings (Dominique Duvivier) *** Magie Duvivier (Racherbaumer, pg. 131)
- Ghost Right (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Craft (pg. 649); Loose Ends (pg 43)
- Ghost Rising (Shiro Ishiida) *** Project (DVD)
- Ghost Talks, The (John Gelasi) *** John's Card Creations Vol. 2 (DVD)
- Ghost Writer (Clayton Rawson [a.k.a. The Great Merlini]) *** Annemann's Practical Mental Effects (pg. 191)
- Ghostatic Touch (Hen Fetsch) *** Annemann's Practical Mental Effects (pg. 267)
- Ghostback Count (Phil Goldstein) *** Majorminor (pg. 7); Focus (pg. 76)
- Ghostly Cards (Ian Adair) *** Conjuring as a Craft (aka: "Magic Step by Step," pg. 37)
- Gianni Mattiolo Illogical Shuffle (Gianni Mattiolo) *** Apocalypse (November 1985, Vol. 8, No. 11, pg. 1135); Sankey-Tized Volume 1 (Sankey, DVD);
- Giant Card Houlette (Dr. James William Elliott) *** Elliott's Last Legacy (Houdini, pg. 69)
- Giant Card Stabbing Trick, A (Loring Campbell) *** The Sphinx (February 1939, Vol. 37, No. 12, pg. 319)
- Giant Fan of Cards (unknown) *** Card Tricks & Conjuring (Elliott, Houdini, pg. 122)
- Giant Reverse, A (T. Page Wright) *** Page Wright's Manuscript (p. 211)
- Giant Trio-Flight (George G. Kaplan) *** The Fine Art of Magic (pg. 113)
- Giggle Routine (Leo Behnke) *** Simple, Baffling Card Tricks (Behnke, pg. 34)
- Gilbreath Aces (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 225)
- Gilbreath In The Escorial (Reinhard Mueller) *** Arcane (Busby, July 1984, Issue Number 11, pg. 150)
- Gilbreath Plays Bridge (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg. 394)
- Gilbreath Revisited (Paul Swinford & Norman Gilbreath) *** More Faro Fantasy (pg. 44)
- Gilligan's Prediction (Rodrigo Romano / Bazar De Magia) *** Marketed Item
- Gin Rummy Deal (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 257)
- Gingsburg Poke (Dai Vernon) *** Dai Vernon's Inner Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 36)
- Ginzu (Doug Conn) *** Cyber Sessions (Alford, pg. 75)
- Girl Thots (Karl Fulves) *** After Jordan (pg. 8)
- Give a Number (Harrison) *** The Jinx (February 1938, No. 41, pg. 283)
- Give It a Stab (Roberto Giobbi) *** Secret Agenda (pg. 86)
- Give Us This Day Our Daily Aces (Randy Wakeman) *** Randy Wakeman Presents (Maxwell, pg. 80)
- Given the Slip (Dai Vernon) *** The Vernon Chronicles - Volume 3 (Minch, pg. 75)
- Gladiator (Andy Nyman) *** Bulletproof (pg. 129)
- Glamour-Ace (Ron Ferris) *** Apocalypse (May 1986, Vol. 9, No. 5, pg. 1211)
- Glass Wall, The (Jose Carroll) *** 52 Lovers - Volume 1 (pg. 123)
- Glassic Test, A (Karl Fulves) *** Setting Up Exercises (pg. 29)
- Glide Change, The (Gene Maze) *** Packet Switches - Part Four (Fulves, pg. 271)
- Glide, The *** Card Manipulations Series 1 - 5 (pg. 40); Card College - Volume 1 (Giobbi, pg. 121); Sleight of Hand (Sachs, pg. 116); New Era Card Tricks (Roterberg, pg. 42); The Royal Road to Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, page 66); Card Control (Buckley, pg. 41)
- Glimpse of a Peek (Tom Batchelor) *** Canadian Card Control (pg. 15)
- Glimpse Via Scarne (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shufle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 150)
- Glimpse, The *** Card Manipulations Series 1 - 5 (Hugard, pg. 135); The Royal Road to Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, page 59); Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 95); Card College (Giobbi, volumes 1, 2 & 5)
- Gnat Eats Locust (Jason Tang) *** Cyber Sessions (Alford, pg. 54)
- Gnikool (Stewart James) *** Stewart James In Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 73); Originally Marketed by James McKnight (1930)
- Go Figure (Bob Longe) *** Great Card Tricks (pg. 78)
- Go Fish (Brother John Hamman) *** "The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 185)
- Go to Jail (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 18)
- God of Gamblers (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 54); Scams & Fantasies with Cards - Disc 2 (DVD)
- God of Love, The (Bruce Cervon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 103)
- Going and Gone (David Regal) *** Approaching Magic (pg. 35)
- Going Out (Karl Fulves) *** Card Under Glass (pg. 91)
- Going Through (David Regal ) *** Constant Fooling - Book 2 (pg. 44)
- Going Twice (Karl Fulves) *** Packet Switches - Part Four (Fulves, pg. 212)
- Golf Poker (Stewart James) *** Arcane (Busby, May 1983, Issue Number 10, pg. 131)
- Gondorff Returns (Paul Gordon) *** Card Collective (pg. _)
- GONE Card Trick, The (Bob Ostin) *** Bob Ostin - A Lifetime Of Magical Inventions (Tucker, pg. 57)
- Gone With The Wind (Terry Lagerould) *** Best of Friends - Volume I (Lorayne, pg. 331)
- Good Choice (Bob Longe) *** Great Card Tricks (pg. 15)
- Good Eye (Paul Daniels) *** You Don't Have to be a Kid to Pull a Rabbit Out of a Hat (pg. 117)
- Good Gag, A (Gerald Kosky) *** Same Both Sides (Lloyd E. Jones, pg. 16)
- Good Guess, A *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 128)
- Good Luck (Hofzinser & Ron Bauer& Bob Longe) *** Card Tricks Galore (Longe, pg. 48)
- Good News Bad News (Karl Fulves) *** 28 Card Tricks (pg. 13)
- Good Old Alex (Paul Gordon) *** Protean Card Magic (pg. 89)
- Good Thinking! (Mark Nathan Sicher) *** Apocalypse (July 1990, Vol. 13, No. 7, pg. 1806)
- Good Trick, Bad Trick (Bill Malone) *** On The Loose - Volume 4 (DVD)
- Good vibrations (Paul Brook) *** Marketed Manuscript
- Gooder Trick, The (Stewart James) *** The James File - Volume Two (Slaight, pg. 2454)
- Good-Luck Card, The (Glenn Gravatt) *** 50 More Modern Card Tricks (pg. 27)
- Good-outitude (Docc Hilford) *** Fem Fatal (pg. 31)
- Goofy Card, The (H.P. Albright) *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 3 (Miller, pg. 44)
- Gordien Rising Cards, The (Henry Gordien) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 408)
- Gordon Diary Trick, The (Paul Gordon) *** Marketed Item
- Gordon's Aces (Paul Gordon) *** Card Marvels (pg. _)
- Gorilla In The Middle (James Swain) *** Miracles With Cards (pg. 120)
- Gossiping Sisters, The *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. )
- Gotcha! (Bob Sheets) *** Marketed Item
- Gourmet Mouse (Emerson and West) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Grab It (Edward Marlo) *** Hugard's Magic Monthly (February 1951, Vol. 8, No. 9, pg. 751)
- Grab-Bag Card (unknown) *** The Royal Road To Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 96)
- Granama (Simon Lovell) *** Son Of Simon Says! (pg. 63)
- Grand Bridge Deal, A (Juan Tamariz) *** Mnemonica (pg. 35)
- Grand Illusion (Father Cyprian) *** Great Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 67)
- Grand Slam (Darwin Ortiz) *** Darwin Ortiz At The Card Table (pg. 50)
- Grand Triumph, A (Camilo Vazquez) *** Mnemonica (Tamariz, pg. 139)
- Grant's Spelling Card Trick (U.F. Grant) *** The Sphinx (December 1929, Vol. 28, No. 10, pg. 383)
- Grasshopper Cards (Ken de Courcy) *** Marketed Item
- Gravatt's Detective Card (Glenn Gravatt) *** 50 Modern Card Tricks You Can Do! (Gravatt, pg. 48)
- Gravatt's Miracle Card Trick (Glenn Gravatt) *** 50 Modern Card Tricks You Can Do! (Gravatt, pg. 35)
- Gravity Travelers (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Ingenuities (Minch, pg. 161)
- Gray Code (Charles T. Jordan) *** Thirty Card Mysteries (pg. 39)
- Gray Matters (Denis Behr) *** Handcrafted Card Magic (pg. 84)
- Greased Bottom Deal (Edward Marlo) *** Card Finesse II (Racherbaumer, pg. 176)
- Great "Stop!" Trick, The (Joseph Leeming) *** Games and Fun with Playing Cards (pg. 144)
- Great Bandini, The (David Britland) *** Sorcerer (No. 1, pg. 6)
- Great Divide, The (Harry Lorayne) *** Marketed Manuscript; Personal Collection (pg. 579); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever! Collection - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Great Expectorations (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 102)
- Great Phone Mystery, The (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 35)
- Great Poker Demonstration, The *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 141 or 143, depending on edition)
- Great Poker Trick, The (Adrian Plate, Nelson Downs, David Britland) *** Cardopolis (Britland, February 11, 2005)
- Great Spellini, The (Alex Gutierrez) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 19)
- Great Thirstin, The (Marty Kane) *** The Second 16th Card Book (Craven, pg. _); Aldo Colombini's Impromptu Card Magic - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Great Trunk Trick, The (Bob Madison) *** Show Stoppers With Cards (Hugard & Braue, pg. 16 )
- Greater Simple-Simon Force (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Antinomy (Issue 15, March 2011, Vol. 4, no. 3, pg. 11)
- Greatest Card Handler Of All (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection (pg. 133)
- Greek Cross, The (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 92)
- Greek Deal (Martin Nash) *** Any Second Now - Part Two Of The Professional Card Technique of Martin A. Nash (Minch, pg. 191); Award Winning Card Magic - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Greek Poker (Darwin Ortiz) *** Darwin Ortiz At The Card Table (pg. 66)
- Green Backs (Sean Taylor) *** Marketed Item
- Gr-Eight (Scott Guinn) *** A Little Something (pdf, pg. _);
- Grey Shuffle (Benjamin Earl) *** Past Midnight - Disc 2: Gambling (DVD)
- Griffin Under Glass (Gerry Griffin) *** The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (Harris, pg. 251)
- Grift Shift, The (Peter Duffie) *** Duffie's Card Compulsions (pg. 248)
- Grifter's Game (Darwin Ortiz) *** Lessons in Card Mastery (pg. 19)
- Grim Undoing, A (J. Stewart Smith) *** Silent Evidence (pg. 19)
- Grouped Snap Deal, The (Lennart Green) *** Snap Deal & the Laser… (Stone, pg. 14); The Classic Green Collection - Volume 6 (DVD)
- Growing Card (Tomoyuki Shimomura) *** True Astonishments - Disc 2 (Harris, DVD)
- Growing Deck, The (Peter Kane) *** Kane (pg. 75)
- Guaranteed Greatest Envelope Prediction, The (Gene Maze) *** Pure Deceptions & Maximum Impact: The Magic of Gene Maze (DVD)
- Guard of Honour (Paul Gordon) *** Card Rarities (DVD)
- Guarded Revelation, A (Jeff Pierce) *** The King Has Left The Building… With Amnesia (pg. 35)
- Guardians Of The Castle *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 1 (Miller, pg. 64)
- Guatemala (Aldo Colombini) *** A Cut Above the Rest (pg. _); Impromptu Card Magic - Volume 6 (DVD)
- Guess Again (Karl Fulves) *** Rigmarole (1993, Issue No. 5, pg. 55)
- Guess Quotient (Harry Lorayne & Bob Mason) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 19)
- Guess Where (Lynn Searles) *** The Sphinx (February 1937, Vol. 35, No. 12, pg. 351)
- Guessing Contest, The (Ted Annemann) *** Sh-h-h--! it's a secret (pg. 21); Annemann: The Life and Times of A Legend (Abrams, pg. 197)
- Guessing Thought Cards (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 34)
- Guesstimation Special (Frank Simon) *** Versatile Card Magic (pg. 132)
- Guests at the Grand Hotel (Stuart Jules) *** Secrets: 50 Card Tricks That Anyone Can Do with an Ordinary Pack of Cards (pg. 36)
- Guidance of Fate, The (Orville Meyer) *** Annemann's Practical Mental Effects (pg. 268)
- Guise Winner (Allan Slaight) *** Arcane (Busby, July 1984, Issue Number 11, pg. 144)
- Gun Trick, The (originally published as "The Magic Bullet," Ken Krenzel) *** The Card Classics of Ken Krenzel (Lorayne, pg. 79); Easy To Master Card Miracles Volume 5 (Ammar, DVD)
- Guys in Disguise (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Card Conspiracy - Vol. 2 (pg. 142)
- Gymnastic Aces, The (Paul Le Paul) *** The Card Magic of Le Paul (pg. 207)
- Gypsy Curse (Peter Kane) *** Marketed Item
- Gypsy Curse Variation (J.C.Wagner) *** Marketed Manuscript; The Commercial Magic of J.C. Wagner (Maxwell, pg. 116)
- Gypsy Foretells Further Than Farther, The (Cushing Strout) *** The Penumbra (February 2004, Issue 7, pg. 7)
- Haback Count (Phil Goldstein) *** Son of Bat, Jr. (August 1976); Focus (pg. 56)
- Habits (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 163)
- Hacketing Aldo Open (Jon Hacket) *** The Open Prediction Project (Baxter, pg. 131)
- Had To Be Your Card (Gene Maze) *** Maximum Impact - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Hair Cut (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume I (Minch, pg.358)
- Hair Pull (unknown) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 109)
- Haircut (Yoann Fontyn) *** Modern Intricacies 2 (DVD)
- Hal Meyer's Laser Splice (Hal Meyer) *** Live From London It's Meir Yedid (DVD)
- Hal-Deuce-Ination (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 6 (DVD); Marketed Manuscript
- Haley Reversed Card, The (Louis Haley) *** Page Wright's Manuscript (pg. 203)
- Half & Half (Daryl) *** Something For Everyone-Magic Lecture #2 (pg. 2);
- Half a Card Trick (Ed Andres) *** Cyber Sessions (Alford, pg. 59)
- Half A Higham (Paul Gordon) *** England Up-Close (Duffie, pg. 125)
- Half and Hole (Allan Hayden) *** Apocalypse (March 1981, Vol. 4, No. 3, pg. 463)
- Half As Great (Phil Goldstein) *** Can You Hear Me Now? (Colombini, DVD)
- Half Burned (Jack Parker) *** Ashes To Ashes (Alford, Parker, pg. 8)
- Half Deal (David Regal) *** Close-Up & Personal (pg. 97); The Magic of David Regal - Volume 1: Tricks! (DVD)
- Half Gone (Paul Curry) *** Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond (pg. 90)
- Half In (Karl Fulves) *** Methods With Cards - Part Two (pg. 137)
- Half Moon Location, The (unknown) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 96)
- Half Moon Rising (Gene Maze & Joe Rindfleisch) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks II (Beam, pg. 43)
- Half Moon Trading Company (Paul Harris) *** True Astonishments - Disc 3 (DVD)
- Half Open Omen (Stewart James) *** Arcane (Busby, May 1983, Issue 10, pg. 129)
- Half Pass (Many variations, multiple creators) *** Modern Magic (Hoffman, pg. 14); Tricks with Cards (Hoffman, pg. 119); The Complete Walton - Volume 1 (pg. 325); The Complete Walton - Volume 2 (pg. 93); Card Conspiracy - Volume 2 (Duffie, Robertson, pg. 131); Rim Shots (Lorayne, pg. 21); Packet Switches: Part Three (Fulves, pg. 199); Milennium Aces (Fulves, pg. 61); The Vernon Chronicles - Volume 1 (Minch, pg. 106); MAJ (Vol. 1, No. 8, pg. 8); Card College 4 (Giobbi, pg. 987); The Paper Engine (Fisher, pg. 15); Semi-Automatic Card Tricks - Volume 10 (Beam, pg. 187); Many other resources...
- Half Price Hofzinser (Jackie McClements) *** Shock Treatment (pg. 1)
- Half Right (Ray Kosby) *** Impossible Card Magic (DVD)
- Half Wild (Nick Trost) *** Marketed Item; Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 181)
- Half-Escorial (Juan Tamariz & Gabriel Moreno & Luis Garcia) *** Escorial-76 Sonata (Page 180)
- Half-Faro Glimpse (Jean-Jacques Sanvert) *** Best of Friends - Volume I (Lorayne, pg. 190)
- Half-Fast Pass (Frank Thompson) *** The Thompson Pass (pg. _)
- Half-Force Aces (Harry Lorayne) *** Rim Shots (pg. 23); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 2 (pg. 215)
- Halfmoon Voodoo (Guy Hollingsworth) *** True Astonishments - Disc 3 (DVD)
- Half-Passed Turnover (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Craft (pg. 92)
- Halfway to Heaven (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume II (Minch, pg. 51)
- Hallmark, The (Marty Kane) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 183)
- Hallucinating Pip (Karl Fulves) *** Shape Changers (pg. 34)
- Hallucination (Eddie Clever) *** My Best (Thompson, pg. 128); Jinx (October 1934, Vol. 1, No. 1, pg. 1)
- HaLo Aces (Harry Lorayne) *** Rim Shots (pg. 131); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 2 (pg. 315); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever Collection - Volume 1 (DVD)
- HaLo Cut (Harry Lorayne) *** Trend Setters (pg. 87); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever Collection - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Halo Cut Cop (Harry Lorayne) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 115… see "Eye Cop," by Gerald Deutch, pg. 114)
- Halographic Card (unknown) *** Marketed Item (Magic Makers)
- Halving The Prediction (Karl Fulves) *** Faro & Riffle Technique (pg. 27)
- Ham And Cheese (Mark Levy, Ken Krenzel & Richard Kaufman) *** CardMagic (Kaufman, pg. 5)
- Hamman Count (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 213)
- Hamman Eggs (Emerson and West) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Hamman Small-Packet False Shuffle (Bro. John Hamman) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 275)
- Hammanesque (John Carney) *** John Carney's Carneycopia (Minch, pg. 212)
- Hancock in Your Pants (Ryan Swigert) *** Card Magic USA (Duffie, pg. 236)
- Hand For Mr. Scarne, A (Ernest Earick) *** The Penumbra (March/April 2003, Issue 6, pg. 4)
- Hand is Quicker Than the Eye, The (Eric DeCamps) *** The Magic Menu: The First Five Years (Sisti, pg. 106)
- Hand Me Down (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Cavalcade 4 (Mentzer, pg. 147)
- Hand of Destiny, The (Bob Ostin) *** Bob Ostin: A Lifetime of Magical Inventions (Tucker, pg. 20)
- Hand Picked Aces, The (Paul Le Paul) *** The Card Magic of Le Paul (pg. 199)
- Hand Sandwich (Dan Garrett) *** Close-Up Connivery (DVD)
- Hand Shake (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dodgery (pg. 178)
- Hand to Mouth (Dan & Dave Buck) *** The Trilogy - Volume 1: Tricks (DVD)
- Hand To Remember, A (Ron Wilson) *** The Uncanny Scot Ron Wilson (Kaufman, pg. 92)
- Handful of Aces (Sean Taylor) *** British Close-Up Magic Symposium: All Nine Symposium Books (Leveridge, 7th. Symposium, pg. #243)
- Handicraft (Karl Fulves) *** And a Packet of Cards (pg. 54)
- Hands Down (Karl Fulves) *** And a Packet of Cards (pg. 55)
- Hands Off *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 46)
- Hands Off (Patrick Redford) *** Marketed Item (DVD)
- Hands Off Reverse (Hideo Kato and Jon Racherbaumer) *** The Legendary Hierophant (No. 7, The Resurrection Issue, 1975, pg. 29)
- Hands-Off Memory Test (Bill Malone) *** Here I Go Again - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Hands-Off Miracle (Joseph Barnett) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 61)
- Handsome Bridge Hand (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 92)
- Handy Aces (Simon Lovell) *** Pabular (May 1978, Vol. 4, No. 9, pg.577)
- Handy Transformation, A (Larry Jennings) *** Up in Smoke (Goodwin, pg. 1)
- Hangout (Karl Fulves) *** Secret Session - Part One (pg. 11)
- Hank Tunnel (Karl Fulves) *** Impromptu Holdouts (pg. 19)
- Hankirise (Len Belcher) *** Best of Belcher (pg. 50); The Gen (April 1956, Vol. 11, No. 12, pg. 357)
- Hanky Through Card (Grant Stuart) *** The Sphinx (March 1927, Vol. 26, No. 1, pg. 29)
- Happenstance (Frank Garcia) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 100); Super Subtle Card Mysteries ("Happinstance," pg. 52)
- Happy Birthday Card Trick, The (Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 5 (Giobbi, pg. 1157)
- Happy Wanderers (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume One (pg. 31)
- Harbin Triple Coincidence, The (Robert Harbin) *** Harbincadabra (pg. 193); 50 More Modern Card Tricks (Gravatt, pg. 15)
- Harbin's Dippy Magnet (Robert Harbin) *** Marketed Item
- Hard Ace To Follow, A (Martin Nash) *** Any Second Now (Minch, pg. 271); A-1 Magical Media All Stars - Volume 5 (DVD);
- Hard Knocks (Cameron Francis) *** The Omega Mutation - Disc 1 (DVD); Fresh Mint (Forrest, pg. _)
- Hard Target (Darwin Ortiz) *** Lessons in Card Mastery (pg. 55)
- Hard To Improve On Perfection (Steve Dacri) *** Card Magic USA (Duffie, pg. 46)
- Hardcore Aces (Karl Fulves) *** Marketed Manuscript
- Harreverse (Harry Lorayne) *** Apocalypse (February 1983, Vol. 6, No. 2, pg. 733); Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection (pg. 227)
- Harrison Deal, The (Charles Harrison) *** Lend Me Your Pack (Farelli, pg. 34)
- Harry In Your Pocket (Darwin Ortiz) *** Cardshark (pg. 113)
- Harry's Opener (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Best Ever Collection - Volume 4 (DVD)
- Hashtag (Alex Hansford) *** Instant Download (video)
- Hasselhofzinser (Tyler Wilson) *** Dominatricks (pg. 30)
- Haunted 2.0 (Peter Eggink) *** Marketed Item
- Haunted Deck (Al Baker, aka "Self-Cutting Cards") *** Marketed Item
- Haunted Name, The (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 47)
- Haunted Sidewalk (Steve Jones) *** Cards for All Occasions (pg. 17)
- Haunto (Hiro Sakai) *** Hiro Sakai Lecture Notes (1995)
- Hawk Transpo (Mark Aspiazu) *** Cyber Sessions (Alford, pg. 130)
- Hawk, The (Max Maven) *** VideoMind - Phase Two: Close-Up Mentalism (DVD)
- Hawker, The (Hiroshi Kondo) *** Genii (May 1971, Vol. 35, No. 9, pg. 433)
- Haxton's One Chance in Eight (Francis Haxton) *** Tarbell Course in Magic (Vol. 6, Lesson 73, pg. 65)
- Haymow Shuffle *** Magic without Apparatus (Gaultier, Hugard, pg. _); The Art of Magic (Downs, pg. 130); The Royal Road to Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 143)
- He Fools You! (Herb Rungie) *** The Jinx (June 1941, No. 138, page 784)
- He Has Followers (Karl Fulves) *** Command Colors (pg. 2)
- He Lied (Karl Fulves) *** Notes From Underground (pg. 2)
- He Squares (A. Berkeley Davis) *** Card Cavalcade 4 (Mentzer, pg. 94)
- He Went Down with His Ship (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 101)
- He Who Laughs (Ravelle & Andree) *** The Gen (June 1949, Vol. 5, No. 2, pg. 46)
- He Who Spelt It, Dealt It (David Williamson) *** Williamson's Wonders (pg. 54)
- Head Over Heels (Simon Aronson) *** Try the Impossible (pg. 95); Sessions with Simon: The Impossible Magic of Simon Aronson - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Head Start (Karl Fulves) *** When Psychics Play Poker (pg. 10)
- Head to Head (Tom Craven) *** Apocalypse (September 1980, Vol. 3, No. 9, pg. 393)
- Headache (Paul Harris) *** A Close-Up Kinda Guy (pg. 90); The Art of Astonishment - Book 3 (Harris, pg. 121)
- Heading North Plus (David Regal) *** Marketed Item
- Heads Turn (Robert E. Neale) *** Prototype (Fulves, pg. 22)
- Head-to-Head Poker (Paul Gordon) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 97)
- Healers, The (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Cards on the Table (pg. 42)
- Heaps of Coincidence (Paul Clive) *** Card Tricks Without Skill (pg. _)
- Heaps of Lies (Peter Duffie) *** The Card Addict (pdf, pg. 34)
- Heart of the City (John Bannon) *** Smoke and Mirrors (pg. 13)
- Heart-Beat (Mark Mason) *** Marketed Item
- Heartless (Geoffrey Latta) *** The Collected Almanac (Kaufman, June 1983, Vol. 1, No. 10, pg. 84)
- Heart's Delight (Joe Rindfleisch) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 474)
- Heat (Cameron Francis) *** Moment's Notice 3 (pdf, pg. 17); Not Playing With A Full Deck (Colombini, DVD)
- Heath's Master Speller (Royal Heath) *** Scarne on Card Tricks (pg. 31)
- Heatwave (Paul Taylor & Tom Prete) *** All The World's A Stage (Kam, pg. 27)
- Heavenly Turnover, A (Steve Draun) *** Secrets Draun From Underground (Kaufman, pg 19)
- Heavy Breather (Allan Slaight) *** Apocalypse (April 1995, vol. 18, no. 4, pg. 2487); Spins & Needles (pg. 128)
- Heavy Cards: Light Cards (Dr. George E. Casaubon) *** Deceptions with a Short Card (pg. 18)
- Heavy Traffic (Karl Fulves) *** Close-Up Mental Magic (pg. 2)
- Heavyset (Karl Fulves) *** Setting Up Exercises (pg. 77)
- Heavyweight Boxing (Gregory Wilson) *** Card Stunts (DVD)
- Hedberg All Over (Dan & Dave Buck) *** The Trilogy: andthensome (DVD)
- Hedberg's Peak (Dan & Dave Buck) *** Sleightly Magical (pg. 13)
- Hedonist Makes Up All The Rules (Paul Harris, Michael Ammar & Daryl) *** The Magic Hedonists Brainstorm In The Bahamas (pg. 39)
- Hefty Oil & Water (Larry Jennings) *** Magic Magazine (June 1996, pg. 63)
- Heinous Shuffle (Karl Hein) *** The Heinous Collection - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Heinstein Shuffle (Karl Hein) *** Karl Hein's Heinstein Shuffle (DVD)
- Heisting Histed Heisted (Mike Powers) *** Power Plays: High Voltage Magic From Mike Powers (pg. 112)
- Helensburgh Speller (Roy Walton) *** The Devil's Playthings (pg. 56); The Complete Walton - Volume One (pg. 48)
- Helicopter Card (John Kennedy) *** Marketed Item
- Helicopter Card, The (Tony Slydini) *** The Best of Slydini… and More (Fulves, pg. 75); The Magic of Slydini (Ganson, pg. 163); The Annotated Magic of Slydini (Ganson, pg. 221)
- Hellis Change (Robert Hellis) *** Hellis In Wonderland (pg. _)
- Hell-Man's Aces (Paul Gordon) *** Card Rarities (DVD)
- Hello, My Card Is (Dan Hauss) *** Restless - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Hellraiser (Peter Duffie) *** Obsession (pg. _)
- Hell's Hustle (Keith Arlen) *** Marketed Item
- Helter Skelter (Aaron Fisher) *** The Paper Engine (pg. 101)
- Henry Gavin's False Cut (Henry Gavin, aka Arthur Finley) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 60)
- Here and There (Larry Jennings) *** Japan Lecture Notes (1979, pg. 2); The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 179)
- Here Comes Kelly! (Matt Schulien) *** The Magic of Matt Schulien (Willmarth, pg. 121)
- Here Today (Jerry Sadowitz & Ken Krenzel) *** The Marenzel Reverse (Sadowitz, pg. 8)
- Here Today, Gone Tomorrow (Jon Tremaine) *** The Amazing Book of Magic & Card Tricks (pg. 40)
- Here, There & Everywhere (Aaron Fisher) *** The Paper Engine (pg. 119); The Sleight Album (pg. 10)
- Here, There, and Chicago (Paul Green) *** In The Trenches (DVD)
- Here's To The Head Forker (Randy Wakeman) *** Randy Wakeman Presents (Maxwell, pg. 12)
- Here's Your Card (Howard P. Albright) *** Super-Sensitive Fingertips (pg. 31)
- Herschell's Envelopes and Cards (Dr. Herschell) *** The Secrets of Houdini (J.C. Cannell, pg. 275)
- He's My Partner (Edward Marlo) *** Seconds, Centers, Bottoms (pg. 117); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 330)
- Hewitt Magical Hypnotic Card Trick, The (Magnus) *** The Sphinx (April 1921, Vol. 20, No. 2, pg. 76)
- Hex Squared (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 96)
- Hey... Rube! (Elray) *** Phoenix (November 1944, Vol. 2, No. 73, pg. 297)
- HG's Pocket (Scott Robinson) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 18)
- Hi There Baby Cakes (Paul Harris) *** A Close-up Kinda Guy (pg. 21); The Art of Astonishment - Book 3 (Harris, pg. 105)
- Hiccup (Paul Harris) *** The Art of Astonishment - Book 2 (Harris, pg. 39)
- Hickock Rides Again (Paul Swinford) *** Card Cavalcade Finale (Mentzer, pg. 10)
- Hickory-Dickory-Dock (Walter Wilson, Milt Kort & Bob Longe) *** Card Tricks Galore (Longe, pg. 89)
- Hidden Count-Down (Dai Vernon) *** Expert Card Mysteries (Sharpe, pg. 48)
- Hidden Half Pass, The (Jack Parker) *** Ashes to Ashes (Parker & Alford, pg. 27)
- Hidden Might In Magic, A (J. Stewart Smith) *** Silent Evidence (pg. 10)
- Hidden Mystery (Herb Rungie) *** Annemann's Card Magic (pg. 132)
- Hidden Prediction (Howard Hamburg) *** The "D" Notes (pg. 17)
- Hidden Sandwich Between 4 Aces (Juan Tamariz) *** Sonata (pg. 41)
- Hidden Vision (Ian Adair) *** Mastering Card Tricks Made Magically Easy (pg. 94)
- Hidden, The (Andy Nyman) *** Marketed Item
- Hide Out (Karl Fulves) *** Transpo Trix (pg. 8)
- Hide-And-Seek (J. Stewart Smith) *** It Can Be Magic (pg. 34)
- Hide-A-Way Card (Jerry Andrus) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 4 (pg. 298)
- Hidebound Forecast (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume II (Minch, pg. 33)
- Hide-Out Count (Edward Marlo) *** Counthesaurus (Racherbaumer, pg. 82)
- High Minded (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dodgery (pg. 173)
- High Noon (Pit Hartling) *** Card Fictions (pg. 44)
- High Rise (Larry Davidson) *** Scripted Insanity - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- High Society (Jon Allen) *** Experience: The Magic of Jon Allen (Lovick, pg. 85)
- High Speed (Jeff Altman) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 352)
- High-C (Larry Jennings) *** Neoclassics (pg. 1)
- Higher Math (Jack Birnman) *** The Looking Glass - Summer 1996 (Kaufman, pg. 93)
- Highland Hop, The (Ron Wilson) *** The Uncanny Scot Ron Wilson (Kaufman, pg, 20)
- Hikuri Kaeru (Hiro Sakai) *** M-U-M (September 2006, Vol. 96, No. 4, pg. 38)
- Hilliard's Side Steal (John Northern Hilliard) *** Side Steal #4 (pg. 51)
- Him (Trevor Lewis) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 168)
- Himmelfarb Maneuver, The (Raymonde Crow) *** The Bird's Eye (pg. 9)
- Hindu Aces, The *** Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic (pg. 59)
- Hindu Control (Martin Gardner) *** Talk About Tricks - Volume 2 (Jay, DVD)
- Hindu Shift (Arthur Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 19)
- Hindu Shift (J. Stewart Smith) *** CARDS #5: The Multiple Shift (Fulves, pg. 20)
- Hindu Shuffle *** Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 2)
- Hindu-Hand Shuffle, The (Fritz Braue) *** The Sphinx (November 1937, Vol. 36, No. 9, pg. 252)
- Hinge Change, The (Jean Hugard) *** Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 31)
- Hip Pocket Bombshell (Anthony Miller) *** Marketed Item (Wallet)
- Hip Pocket Prediction (Larry Jennings) *** Up In Smoke And Other Tantalizing Mysteries (1990, pg. 22); Up In Smoke (2005, pg. 36)
- Hippity-Hop Kings (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 2 (DVD)
- His Best Friend (Robert E. Neale) *** Life, Death and Other Card Tricks (pg. 290)
- His Card (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 102)
- His Favorite Trick (Paul Hallas) *** Clever Card Magic with Paul Hallas (DVD)
- His Number His Card (Karl Fulves) *** 13 Prophets (pg. 28)
- Histed Heisted (Simon Aronson) *** The Card Ideas of Simon Aronson (pg. ); Bound To Please (pg. 95)
- History Card Trick, The (T. Page Wright) *** The Sphinx (June 1924, Vol. 23, No. 4, pg. 130)
- Hit 'Em Between The Eyes (Paul Gordon) *** Card Marvels (pg. _)
- Hit The Aces (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 80)
- Hitchcock (Joshua Jay) *** Unreal (DVD, Disc 1); At The Table Live (Lecture Download or DVD)
- Hitchcock Aces (Darwin Ortiz) *** Darwin Ortiz At The Card Table (pg. 86)
- Hitchcock Travelers (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 112); Scams & Fantasies with Cards - Disc 1 (DVD)
- Hmmm… (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 197)
- HO! HO! HO! (Wylee Packer) *** Apocalypse (December 1993, Vol. 16, No. 12, pg. 2297)
- Hoary-Old-Thing Presentation (Paul Gordon) *** Nocturnal Creations (pg. 343)
- Hoax With Aces, The (Harry Blackstone) *** Blackstone's Tricks Anyone Can Do (pg. 228)
- Hocus Pocus (Eddie Joseph) *** Self-Working Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 68); Can You Hear Me Now? (Colombini, DVD)
- Hocus Pocus Pack (Percy James) *** Pentagram October 1950, Vol. 5, No. 1, pg. 4)
- Hocus Poker (David Solomon) *** Marketed Manuscript (with gaff)
- Hocus Soapus (Al Leech) *** The Last Word on Cards (Steele, pg. 10)
- Hocus-Pocus Pairs (Bob Longe variant of Howard Adams’ “Ramasee Prophecy”) *** Easy Card Tricks (pg. 85)
- Hof the Case (Cameron Francis) *** Moment's Notice 2 (pdf, pg. 9)
- Hofbauer Force, The (Ron Bauer) *** Card Finesse II (pg. 116)
- Hof-Toss (Paul Gordon) *** Card Collective (pg. _)
- Hoftwister (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume I (Minch, pg. 47)
- Hof-wich (Cameron Francis) *** Moments Notice 5 (pg. 9); Aces Up Your Sleeve (DVD); Ultimate Impromptu Card Magic (DVD)
- Hofzinser Ace Problem Solution (Larry Jennings) *** A Visit With Larry Jennings (pg. 3); The Classic Magic Of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 17); Dai Vernon’s Ultimate Secrets Of Card Magic (published as "Tell-Tale Aces," pg. 49)
- Hofzinser Ace Tunnel, The (Richard Kaufman) *** The New York Magic Symposium Close-Up Collection One (Kaufman, pg. 71)
- Hofzinser BoTop Change (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 15)
- Hofzinser Bottom Palm (Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser) *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 59); The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Karr, pg. 145); Cy Endfield's Entertaining Card Magic - Part III (Ganson, pg 17)
- Hofzinser Card Control, The (J. N. Hofzinser) *** Non Plus Ultra - Volume II: Hofzinser's Card Artistry by Magic Christian (Stelzel, Christian, pg. 48)
- Hofzinser Card Pass to a Full Bottom Palm (Allan Ackerman) *** The Allan Ackerman Video - Volume Two: Every Move A Move
- Hofzinser Force, The *** Card Cavalcade 4 (Mentzer, pg. 77); Card Cavalcade Finale (Mentzer, pg. 22); Advanced Card Control - Vol. VIII (Ackerman, DVD); Non Plus Ultra - Volume II: Hofzinser's Card Artistry (Stelzel, pg. 50)
- Hofzinser in My Pocket (Peter Duffie) *** Alternative Card Magic (pg. 22)
- Hofzinser on the Up (Peter Duffie) *** Effortless Card Magic (pg. 136)
- Hofzinser Problem, The (Gavin Ross and Guy Hollingworth) *** Drawing Room Deceptions (Hollingworth, pg. 44)
- Hofzinser Production Idea (Euan McCall Bingham) *** Twenty Things Marlo Didn't Publish (pg. 45)
- Hofzinser Sans Wallet (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 196)
- Hofzinser Takes A Dive (Cameron Francis) *** The Omega Mutation - Disc 3 (DVD)
- Hofzinser Triumphs In One Shuffle (Justin Higham) *** Technomagic (March 1991, No. 9, pg. 67)
- Hofzinser Would Have Loved This (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine - Volume 1 (pg. 219)
- Hofzinser, Carried Away (Jon Racherbaumer) *** JonRacherbaumer.com site (Tricks, October 2000)
- Hofzinser's Aces (Paul Pickford) *** The V.S. Project (DVD)
- Hofzinser's Business Card Problem (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 192)
- Hofzwindle (Karl Fulves) *** Hofzinser Notebook (pg. 5)
- Hokey-Poker (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 187)
- Hokus Pokus (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection (pg. 571)
- Hold ’Em (Jason Alford & Paul Cummins) *** Talk About Tricks - Volume 3 (Jay, DVD)
- Hold Her Down And Poker (Michael Weber) *** The Crimp (October 1994, No. 29)
- Hold It, Buster (Dan Harlan) *** Dan Harlan's Pack Small, Play Big - All Purpose Show (DVD)
- Hold Over (Karl Fulves) *** Setting Up Exercises (pg. 25)
- Hold Up (John Gelasi) *** John's Card Creations Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Holding Back Two Cards (Paul LePaul) *** The Card Magic of Le Paul (pg. 74)
- Holding Clout (Dominique Duvivier) *** Magie Duvivier (Racherbaumer, pg. 25)
- Holding On (David Regal) *** Star Quality - The Magic of David Regal (Lorayne, pg. 57); Premise, Power & Participation - Volume Two: Power (DVD)
- Hole Card Wild (F.V.Schoneck) *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 2 (Miller, pg. 15) ; The Anthology of Card Magic (Miller, pg. 104)
- Hole Flight (Sixten Beme) *** Marketed Manuscript
- Hole Hop (Jay Sankey) *** Marketed Item; The Definitive Sankey - Volume 2 (Gladwin, Jay, pg. 951)
- Hole Sensation (Iain Moran) *** Marketed Item
- Hole Shuttle (Richard Bartram, Jr.) *** Mystification (pg. 5)
- Hole, The (Peter Eggink) *** Marketed Item
- Hole-Card Play (Darwin Ortiz) *** Lessons in Card Mastery (pg. 3)
- Holey Grail (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dodgery (pg. 270)
- Hollow (Menny Lindenfeld) *** Marketed Item
- Hollow 2 (Menny Lindenfeld) *** Marketed Item
- Hollow Hole (Aldo Colombini) *** The Essential Aldo Colombini - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Holy Grail (Jordan Johnson) *** Marketed Item (one-trick DVD)
- Holy Point Of Arrival I (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Don England's Gaffed To The Hilt! (Racherbaumer, Kaufman, pg. 70)
- Homage to Homing (John Guastaferro & Lance Pierce) *** One Degree (Guastaferro, pg. 59)
- Homage to Hummer (Bingham Euan) *** Cardboard Capers (pg. 8)
- Home Computer (Peter Duffie) *** Inspirations (Sadowitz & Duffie, pg. 19); Card Zones (Sadowitz & Duffie, pg. 86)
- Home Is Where The Heart Is (Mike Maxwell) *** Louis Falanga's Lake Tahoe Card Magic (Maxwell, pg. 48)
- Homesick Jesters, The (Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 5 (Giobbi, pg. 1260)
- Homing Aces (Stanley Collins) *** Collins's Card Conceits (pg. 31)
- Homing Belles, The (Jean Hugard) *** Card Manipulations Series 1 - 5 (Hugard, pg. 26)
- Homing Card (Francis Carlyle) *** Stars of Magic (Series 4, No. 2, pg. 61)
- Homing Card Plus (Roberto Giobbi, based on work by Francis Carlyle and Jimmy Grippo) *** Card College - Volume 2 (Giobbi, pg. 288)
- Homing Card to Ter-ick-ific (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 6 (DVD)
- Homing Card, The (Fred Braue) *** Show Stoppers With Cards (Hugard & Braue, pg. 13)
- Homing Card, The (Guy Hollingworth's adaptation of the Braue trick) *** Drawing Room Deceptions (pg. 106)
- Homing Card, The (Larry Jennings) *** Expert Card Mysteries (Sharpe, pg. 48); The Classic Magic Of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 171); Classic Magic—The Larry Jennings Video
- Homing Deuces, The (Charlie Miller) *** An Evening With Charlie Miller (Parrish, pg. 60)
- Honest John's Cards Across (J. C. Wagner) *** The Commercial Magic of J.C. Wagner (Maxwell, pg. 17)
- Honeymoon Fusion (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Card Magic USA (Duffie, pg. 201)
- Hoodwink (Ben Harris) *** Marketed Manuscript
- Hoofing Hofzinser (Paul Gordon) *** Protean Card Magic (pg. 87)
- Hooked-Up Gambler, The (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Methods (pg. 48)
- Hook-Strip Shift, The (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume I (Minch, pg. 99)
- Hooray For Hawkes (Paul Gordon) *** Professional Card Magic Miracles (pg. 25)
- Hop Two It (John Bannon) *** Smoke and Mirrors (pg. 96)
- Hop, Step and Jump (Ron Ferris) *** Ferris Wheels and Deals (pg. 31)
- Hopelessly Lost (Bob Longe) *** Easy Card Tricks (pg. 78)
- Hopscotch (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 89)
- Hopskip (Karl Fulves) *** Covenant (pg. 26)
- Hornswoggled (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 78)
- Horrible Hand, A (Robert E. Neale) *** Life, Death & Other Card Tricks (pg. 256)
- Horsin' Around (Nick Trost) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Hot and Cold Card (Brian Glover) *** England Up-Close (Duffie, pg. 86)
- Hot Canary (Don Alan) *** Marketed Item
- Hot Flush (Wayne Dobson) *** Marketed Item
- Hot Spell, A (Bob Longe) *** World's Best Card Tricks (pg. 70)
- Hot Transposition (Rafael Benatar) *** Elegant Card Magic (DVD)
- Hotel Mystery (Edward Marlo) *** Let's See the Deck (pg. 17)
- Hotel Put-On, The (David Solomon) *** Solomon's Mind (Burger, pg. 163)
- Hotfinger (J. K. Hartman) *** Packet Magic (pg. 31)
- Houdini "Bluff" Change, The (Harry Houdini) *** Farelli's Card Magic (1st edition, pg. 71); (3rd Edition, part 1, pg. 38)
- Houdini Card (Jack Avis) *** The Pallbearers Review (Winter 1968, pg. 225); More Self-Working Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 118)
- Houdini Card (John Snyder, Jr.) *** Marketed by Petrie-Lewis (1943)
- Houdini Card Escapes Again (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings ’67 (Kaufman, pg. 79)
- Houdini Color Change (aka Erdnase Color Change, S.W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 136)
- Houdini Escapes (Brother John Hamman) *** Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 153)
- Houdini Knows (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (pg. 62)
- Houdini Who? (Rodney Whitlock) *** Marketed Item
- Houdini's Card (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 151)
- Houdini's Double-Talk Card Trick (Harry Houdini) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 99 or pg. 101, depending on edition)
- Houdini's Escape (Al Baker) *** The Lost Notebooks of John Northern Hilliard (pg. 108)
- Houdini's Hand (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 260)
- Houdini's Secret (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 94)
- Hourglass Card Trick, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 1)
- House Bound (Jay Sankey) *** Sankey Unleashed (Racherbaumer, pg. 158)
- House Party Collectors (Kostya Kimlat) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 180)
- House That Jack Built, The (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 70)
- Houses Rules (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 19)
- Hovercraft (R. Paul Wilson) *** 13 (pg. 17)
- How About This (Paul Gordon) *** Card Collective (pg. _)
- How Cheaters Cheat (Bill Malone) *** On The Loose - Volume 4 (DVD)
- How Close Can You Watch? (Paul Le Paul) *** The Card Magic of Le Paul (pg. 131)
- How Come? (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 30)
- How Did You Know? (Randy Wakeman) *** Randy Wakeman (pg. 21)
- How Do You Want Me To Find Your Card? (Eddie Fechter) *** Card Cavalcade 2 (Mentzer, pg. 167)
- How Far Down? (U.F.Grant) *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 3 (Miller, pg. 42)
- How In the World Did You Know? (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Best Ever Collection - Volume 1 (DVD)
- How in the World? (David Regal) *** Apocalypse (October 1989, Vol. 12, No. 10, pg. 1698)
- How Lucky Can You Get! (Graham Cheminais) *** World's Greatest Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 67)
- How Many Hands? (T. Page Wright) *** Page Wright's Manuscript (pg. 191); The Complete Page Wright Manuscript (pdf, pg. 152)
- How On Earth Did That Happen? (Paul Gordon) *** Cardistry (pg. _)
- How Small A Break? (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 27)
- How To Do The Back Palm (Ray Vaughn) *** The Sphinx (May 1927, Vol. 26, No. 3, pg. 103)
- How to Play Piano (Michael Ammar) **Is this actually Sawa's Piano Trick? *** Amazing Secrets of Card Magic (DVD)
- Hoy's Legacy (Ron Wilson) *** The Uncanny Scot Ron Wilson (Kaufman, pg. 89)
- Hue Go (Karl Fulves) *** Kaleidoscope (pg. 31)
- Hue View (J. K. Hartman) *** Apocalypse (January 1982, Vol. 5, No. 1, pg. 582)
- Hugard Card Control (Jean Hugard) *** More Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 158)
- Hugard Palm, The (Jean Hugard) *** Card Manipulations (No. 5, pg. 130); World's Greatest Magic: Master Card Technique - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Hugard Rising Cards, The (Jean Hugard) *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 201)
- Hugh Johnston False Shuffle (Hugh Johnston) *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 2 (Miller, pg. 88)
- Hula-Fusion (Carl Andrews) *** Carl Andrews' Magic from Maui (pg. 49); No Jacket Required (DVD)
- Hull-Aba-Lieu (Stewart James) *** The James File - Volume Two (Slaight, pg. 1797)
- Human Cannonball (Tomo Maeda) *** Genii Magazine (May 2000, vol 63, No. 5, pg. 29)
- Human Transmitter, The (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 138)
- Hum-drum (Paul Gordon) *** England Up-Close (Duffie, pg. 130)
- Hummer Addition (Harry Lorayne) *** My Favorite Card Tricks (pg. 30); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 229)
- Hummer-Odd Back (Tom Craven) *** Cunning Card Miracles (Mentzer, pg. 41)
- Hummer's Whirling Card (Robert Hummer) *** Marketed Item
- Hundred Dollar Prediction (Harry Riser) *** Arcane (Busby, December 1981, Issue Number 6, pg. 64)
- Hungry Cannibals (Joel Givens) *** Session: The Magic of Joel Givens (pg. 187)
- Hunt For Red (J. K. Hartman) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2006, No. 2, pg. 98)
- Hunter's Monte (Rudy Hunter) *** Marketed Item
- Hunting Season (Aldo Colombini) *** Impromptu Card Magic - Volume 4 (DVD)
- Hup! (Lewis Jones) *** The Magic Gourmet (pg. 35)
- Husband And Wife Aces (Martin Nash) *** The Very Best of Martin Nash - Volume 1 (DVD);
- Hustler's False Cut (Simon Aronson) *** Try The Impossible (pg. _)
- Hustler's Hand (Magic Cavern) *** Marketed Item
- Hydrochloric X-Periment (Paul Gordon) *** Nocturnal Creations (pg. 121)
- Hype, The (David Regal) *** Constant Fooling - Book 2 (pg. 160)
- Hyper-Warp (Wesley James) *** Enchantments: Magic for Cards and Hands (pg. 89); The Hypercard Project (Frame, pg. 19)
- Hypno (Stephen Tucker) *** Spellbinder (September 1981, Vol. 1, No. 5, pg. 80)
- Hypno Aces (David Penn) *** Marketed Item
- Hypnosthesia (Newton Hall) *** Annemann's Practical Mental Effects (pg. 269)
- Hypnotic Aces (Bill Turner) *** How To Do Tricks With Cards (pg. 49)
- Hypnotic Gaze Divination (Max Malini) *** The Vernon Chronicles - Volume 2 (pg. 219)
- Hypnotic Power of the Jokers, The (Juan Tamariz) *** Sonata (pg. 192)
- Hypnotique (Roger Crosthwaite) *** The Gen (Dec. 1965, Vol. 21, No. 8, pg. 209)
- Hypnotisn't (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 57)
- Hypnotized Audience, The (Paul R. Rockwood) *** The Sphinx (June 1919, Vol. 18, No. 4, pg. 93)
- Hypnotized Cards (Joseph Dunninger) *** Dunninger's Complete Encyclopedia of Magic (pg. 151)
- Hypothetical Imperative (Phil Goldstein) *** Semi Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 71)
- I Do As You Do (Hideo Kato) *** Genii Magazine (September 1998, vol _, No. _, pg. 32)
- I Dream of Mindreading (John Lovick) *** Magic Magazine (December 2003)
- I Think I Can (J. K. Hartman & Bob Longe) *** Mystifying Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 109)
- Iguana (Juan Pablo) *** Marketed Item
- Illogical Spread Switch (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Card Finesse II (pg. 32)
- Illusive Transfer, The (Arthur H. Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 208)
- Immaculate Connection (Paul Harris) *** Marketed Item (manuscript); Adventures In Close-Up - Stars of Magic Vol. 3 (VHS); Stars of Magic - Disc 1 (DVD); The Art of Astonishment - Book 2 (Harris, pg. 77)
- Impossible Location (Larry Jennings & Michael Skinner) *** Exclusive Card Secrets (Garcia, pg. 21)
- Impossible Penetration (Henry Evans) *** Something More Than An Illusion - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Impromptu Chamele Aces (Edward Marlo) *** The Unexpected Card Book (pg. 214)
- Impromptwo (Karl Fulves) *** Shape Changers (pg. 9)
- Improved Television Card Frame (Jack Hughes) *** Jack Hughes World of Magic - Volume One (pg. 83); Jack Hughes World of Magic - Compilation Edition (pg. 54)
- In Case (Jerry Mentzer) *** Card Cavalcade 3 (pg. 11)
- In Control (Lewis Jones) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 152)
- In-Decks (John Riggs) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks II (Beam, pg. 111)
- Indicator, The (aka: Easy Indicator, The - Harry Lorayne) *** Deck-Sterity (pg. 62); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 295); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever! Collection - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Infallible Prediction (Audley V. Walsh & Hal Haber) *** More Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 15); Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 351)
- Infinity Control (Martin Nash) *** Award Winning Card Magic - Volume 4 (DVD)
- Inside Out (Phil Goldstein) *** Marketed Item (packet trick); Focus (pg. 28)
- Instant Location (Bob Longe) *** Great Card Tricks (pg. 59)
- Interchange (Alan Chan) *** Forbidden (DVD)
- Interlocking Setup (Dr. Jacob Daley) *** The Vernon Chronicles - Volume 3 (Minch, pg. 187)
- Intervention (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2013, No. 10, pg. 666)
- Intrusive Black Threes (Larry Barnowsky) *** Kingdom of the Red (pg. 89)
- Invisible Card, The (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 150); The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 3 (DVD)
- Invisible Deck (Joe Berg, Eddie Fields & Don Alan) *** Marketed Item
- Invisible Match (Rachel Colombini) *** Marketed Item
- Isolated Corner, The (Tomo Maeda) *** Genii Magazine (July 2003, Vol. 66, No. 7, pg. 50)
- It's A Small World (Aldo Colombini) *** Direct Hits (pg. 19); Best Of All Worlds (Geris, pg. 62)
- It's Done With Mirrors (MAK Magic) *** Marketed Item
- It's In the Hands (Michael Ammar) *** Lecture Notes - April/May 1981 (pg. 2); The Command Performance - Encore II (pg. _)
- I've Got Your Number (Bruce Bernstein) *** Marketed Item
- J. C.'s Super Closer (J. C. Wagner) *** The Commercial Magic of J. C. Wagner (Maxwell, pg. 23); Easy To Master Card Miracles Vol. 4 (Ammar, DVD)
- Jazz 1-2-3-4 Revisited (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 145); Aldo on Trost - Vol. III (DVD)
- Jog Shuffle (S.W.Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 30)
- Jump-Jump Aces (Edward Marlo) *** Expert Card Chicanery (Sharpe, pg. 31)
- Just for Starters (Peter Duffie) *** Card Compulsions (pg. 56)
- K Display (Keone) *** X-TremeCuts (DVD)
- K Kards (Karl Fulves) *** 13 Prophets (pg. 54)
- K.E.N.T. (John Mahood) *** Marketed Manuscript
- K.F.C. (Peter Duffie) *** Card Tricks for the Fractured Mind (pdf, pg. 4)
- K.I.A. (Peter Duffie) *** Cards By All Means (pdf)
- K.I.S.S. Poker Deal (James Swain) *** Miracles: The Magic of James Swain Volume 2 (DVD)
- K.I.S.S.E.S. II (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dupery (pg. 198)
- K.J.V. Oil & Water (Larry Jennings) *** Up In Smoke And Other Tantalizing Mysteries (1990, pg. 31); Up In Smoke (2005, pg. 21); Thoughts On Cards (DVD)
- K.K.K. = Kolossal Kolored Kards ("Obie" O'Brien) *** Fork Full of Appetizers - Book 2: Seconds From the Forkers (Miesel, pg. 45)
- K.M. Double Exchange (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 2 (pg, 298)
- K.M. Move (Tony Kardyro & Edward Marlo) *** Marketed Manuscript; Marlo's Magazine Volume 1 (pg. 39)
- K2 (Karl Fulves) *** And A Packet Of Cards (pg. 12)
- Kabbala Aces (Peter Kane) *** The Collected Almanac (Kaufman, September 1982, Vol. 1, Issues 1, pg. 4)
- Kabbala Elevators (Allan Ackerman) *** Here's My Card: No. 1 (pg. 15)
- KaBoom (Jon Allen) *** Marketed Item
- Kagemusha Principle, The (Daryl) *** Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus (Minch, pg. 65)
- Kaiser Con (Joey Burton) *** Catch 33 (Asher, pg. 47)
- Kaleidoscope (Roy Walton) *** Marketed Item
- Kaleidoscope Cards (Annemann / Fulves) *** Marketed Item (*this is basically the same as Fulves' Gemini Twins, from More Self-Working Card Tricks [originally published as "Stopped Twice" in his Impromptu Opener manuscript], using a rainbow deck which is also a one-way force deck. An interesting variation...)
- Kaleidoscopic (Stephen Tucker) *** Marketed Item (pdf)
- Kaluwaert's Kannibal Kings (John Caluwaert) *** Cyber Sessions (Alford, pg. 109)
- Kamnibal Cards (Curtis Kam) *** Professional Close-Up of Curtis Kam: Deceptions in Paradise (Mentzer, pg. 51)
- Kane's Variant *** Marketed Manuscript
- Kangaroo (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume Two (pg. 11)
- Kangaroo Card *** The Royal Road to Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 159)
- Kangaroo Card (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 109)
- Kangaroo Killer (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 105)
- Kangaroo Kings (John Gelasi) *** Fit for Kings, Too (pdf, pg. _)
- Kangaroo People (Rafael Benatar) *** Elegant Card Magic (DVD)
- Kangaroo Spots, The (Henrik Specht) *** Pabular (February 1984, Vol. 8, No. 4, pg. 1202)
- Kannibal Kards (Karl Fulves) *** Marketed Manuscript with Cards
- Kaopectate Kut, The (Tom Ladshaw) *** Funny Stuff (pg. 66)
- KAOS (Sean Beard) *** Marketed Item
- Kaplan Control of a Glimpsed Card by Means of the Corner-Short, The (George G. Kaplan) *** The Fine Art of Magic (pg. 12)
- Kaplan Fan Cut, The (George G. Kaplan) *** The Fine Art of Magic (pg. 9)
- Kaplan Rising Cards, The (George G. Kaplan) *** The Fine Art of Magic (pg. 124)
- Kaplan Torn and Restored Card, The (George G. Kaplan) *** The Fine Art of Magic pg. 137)
- Kaplan's Clock Trick (George G. Kaplan) *** The Fine Art of Magic (pg. 72)
- Kaps Switch, The (Fred Kaps) *** Card College - Volume 4 (Giobbi, pg. 816)
- Karate (Rafael Benatar) *** Elegant Card Magic (DVD)
- Karate Card (Jay Sankey) *** Sleight Of Hand Secrets With Cards (DVD)
- Karate Kid (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2008, No. 4, pg. 241)
- Karate Move (Walter E. Cummings) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 333)
- Karate Top Change (Walter E. Cummings) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 336)
- Kard Kaskade (Charles A. Leedy) *** The Sphinx (April 1930, Vol. 29, No. 2, pg. 85)
- Kard Kontrols 3 and 4 (Justin Higham) *** All Hands on Deck (pg. 7)
- Kard Kop (John Benzais) *** The Card Classics of Ken Krenzel (Lorayne, pg. 105); Close-Up Card Magic (Lorayne, pg. 269)
- Kard Kopy (Sean Taylor) *** Marketed Item (DVD with Cards)
- Kardboard Konflagration, A (Sheldon Waldman) *** Underhanded Sorcery (pg. 42)
- Kardcoincidence (Alfred Gabriel) *** Magigram (October 1982, Vol. 15, No. 2, pg. 100); Magigram - Vol. 15 (Colombini, DVD)
- Kardkut (Hen Fetsch) *** Marketed Item
- KARDTU (Stewart James) *** Arcane (Busby, May 1983, Issue Number 10, pg. 106)
- Karitoolvit (Ento) *** The Sphinx (June 1913, Vol. 12, No. 4, pg. 78)
- Karl Fulves Shuffle (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Methods (pg. 27)
- Karmatrix (Leo Boudreau) *** Spirited Pasteboards (pg. 69)
- Karnevelop Kombination (William Kalman) *** The Sphinx (April 1937, Vol. 36, No. 2, pg. 38)
- Karrell's Klever Kard Kase (Karrell Fox) *** For My Next Trick… (pg. 54)
- Kartenkunste (Darwin Ortiz) *** Cardshark (pg. 65); Darwin Ortiz Collection Volume 2 (DVD); Card Shark Series Volume 2 (VHS)
- Kartomantical Romance - My Card Combination Number One (A. F. Bowen) *** The Sphinx (July 1922, Vol. 21, No. 5, pg. 190)
- Katana Spread (Irving Quant) *** Quantum Mechanics (DVD)
- Katayama's Rising Card (Kazu Katayama) *** M-U-M (April 2007, pg. 42)
- Katch Kings (Peter Duffie) *** Card Flair (pg. _)
- Katch the Kopper (Colin Miller & Jamie Badman) *** Welcome to the Firm (DVD)
- Kate and Edith (Kerry Pollock) *** Marketed Item (DVD); A Doc-umentary - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Kater Four Ace Combination (James C. Thompson) *** Modern Card Effects and How To Perform Them (Thompson, DeLawrence, pg. 57)
- Kato C(K)ount (Hideo Kato) *** Close Up Illusions (Ouellet, pg. 281); Magic Magazine (January 2003, pg. 75)
- Kato-nine-tails (Ernest Earick) *** By Forces Unseen (Minch, pg. 91)
- Kato's Card Happening (Hideo Kato) *** Genii Magazine (September 1969, vol 34, No. 1, pg. 23)
- Kato's CATO (Hideo Kato) *** M-U-M (September 2007, pg. 35)
- Kato's Field Poker Divination (Hideo Kato) *** Precursor (July 2002, No. 83, pg. 10)
- Kaufman and Krenzel on Cryptology (Richard Kaufman & Ken Krenzel) *** Cardworks (Kaufman, pg. 13)
- Kavorting Kings (Ron Ferris) *** Expert Card Chicanery (Sharpe, pg. 21)
- KB Courtesy (John Born) *** Natural Born Killa's (pg. 32)
- KB Rising Cards (Ken Bowell) *** Marketed Item
- K-Counts (Karl Fulves) *** And A Packet Of Card (pg. 11)
- K-E Pass, The (Ken Krenzel) *** The Card Classics of Ken Krenzel (Lorayne, pg. 204)
- Keen Sense of Touch (Henry Evans & Malakatin) *** Marketed Item
- Keen Vibrations (William P. Miesel) *** Precursor IX (September 1985, pg. 11)
- Keep In Mind (Karl Fulves) *** Off The Books (2003, No. 4, pg. 63)
- Keep Jog While Dribbling (Allan Ackerman) *** Instant Download (MP4)
- Keep On Cloning (Frank Simon) *** Versatile Card Magic (pg. 79)
- Keep Your Eye On The Joker (Jeff Stone) *** Stone Cold Magic (DVD)
- Keep Your Hands In Your Pockets (Steve Mayhew) *** Mayhew: What Women Want (Lovick, pg. 154)
- Keeper Cuts (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dupery (pg. 220)
- Keeper Finder (Tom Craven) *** Apocalypse (September 1996, Vol. 19, No. 9, pg. 2698)
- Keepers Of The Secrets, The (Peter Duffie) *** Cards By All Means (pdf)
- Kellie Displacement *** The Cervon File (pg. 50)
- Kelly Bottom Placement / Ovette Master Move (Frank Kelly / Joseph Ovette) *** Tarbell Course in Magic (Vol. 3, Lesson 39, pg. 184); Tops (April 1944)
- Kelly Bottom Pop Out Move (Jason Dean) *** Reel Magic Magazine - Episode 9 (DVD)
- Kelly Psych, The (Daniel Madison) *** Three (pdf, pg. _)
- Kelly Reverse (Gene Maze) *** The New York Magic Symposium - Collection One (Kaufman, pg. 89)
- Kelly's Bottom Up (unknown) *** Card Cavalcade 4 (Mentzer. Pg. 61)
- Ken Brooke's Card Vanish (Ken Brooke) *** Ken Brooke's Magic: The Unique Years (pg. 34)
- Kennedy Center Deal, The (Allen Kennedy) *** "Vernon Revelations - Volume 12 (DVD); also see ""The Magician and the Cardsharp"" by Karl Johnson
- Kenobi Reversal, The (Ed DeMello) *** Apocalypse (February 1982, Vol. 5, No. 2, pg. 597)
- Kenomental (Looy Simonoff) *** Apocalypse (April 1978, Vol. 1, No. 4, pg. 37)
- Ken's Handling For Big Deal (Ken Brooke) *** Ken Brooke: A Lifetime Of Joy (Busby, pg. 10)
- Ken's Immediate Spell (Ken Krenzel) *** Expert Card Mysteries (Sharpe, pg. 155)
- Ken's Klock (Ken de Courcy) *** Marketed Item
- Ken's Kolor Finesse (Ken Krenzel) *** The Card Classics of Ken Krenzel (pg. 164)
- Ken's Krazy Kards (Ken Brooke) *** Marketed Item
- Ken's Separation *** Expert Card Mysteries (Sharpe, pg. 153)
- Kentonism Deck, The (Kenton Knepper) *** Marketed Item
- Keo Kut (Keone) *** X-TremeCuts (DVD)
- Keops Effect (Dominique Duvivier) *** Melting Pot (DVD)
- Kepplinger Prediction (Ricky Smith) *** Card Men (pg. 59)
- Key Card (Peter Eggink) *** Beyond Belief (DVD)
- Key Card Control *** Toolbox (Lovell, DVD)
- Key Card Location (Dai Vernon) *** Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 166)
- Key Card Mystery (Mark Lee) *** Marketed Item (gimmick with DVD)
- Key Card Placement (Dai Vernon, among others) *** Dai Vernon's Ultimate Card Secrets (Ganson, pg. 159) *multiple versions, multiple handling, multiple creators. More references can be found at http://www.conjuringarchive.com/show.php?cat=959
- Key Card Plus Estimation (Edward Marlo) *** Estimation (pg. 24); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 486)
- Key Card Subtlety (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 85)
- Key Card System (Edward Marlo) *** Riffle Shuffle Systems (pg. 111)
- Key Card Throwoff #1 (John Quine) *** Card Cavalcade (pg. 102)
- Key Card Throw-Offs (Edward Marlo) *** Advanced Fingertip Control (pg. 37)
- Key Card, The (Ken Ring) *** Marketed Item
- Key Cult (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 198)
- Key for Two (J. K. Hartman) *** Trickery Treats (pg. 22); Simply Impromp2 (Colombini, pg. 84)
- Key Largo (Peter Duffie) *** Card Flair (pdf)
- Key Move Extension (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 4 (pg. 275)
- Key Move, Red and Black Packet Switch (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 4 (pg. 272)
- Key To Amazement (Lee Smith) *** The Step System - Volume 2 (DVD); The Walkabout Lecture (pg. 6)
- Key To An Emotional Reaction (Scott F. Guinn) *** A Little Something (pdf)
- Key to the Draw, The (Charles Miller & Jack McMillen) *** Card Tricks Without Skill (Clive, pg. 145)
- Key to the Kingdom (Rev. Robert H. Hill) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Key To The Situation (Paul Stadelman) *** The Sphinx (April 1950, Vol. 49, No. 2, pg. 34)
- Keyed-Up (Justin Miller) *** Huh? (pg. 52)
- Keyn Location (Harry Lorayne) *** Trend Setters (pg. 71)
- Keynoted (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dupery (pg. 359)
- Keyring Card (Terry Seabrooke) *** The New York Magic Symposium - Collection Two (Kaufman, pg. 37)
- Keystone Card Discovery (Bill Larsen and T. Page Wright) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 182)
- KF+BC+EM2=Another Universal (Johnny Thompson) *** Polished Polish Prestidigitation (pg. 35)
- Khameleon Deck (Kenton Knepper) *** Marketed Item
- Khan I (Lewis Jones) *** Semi Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 138)
- Khan II (Lewis Jones) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 140)
- Khan III (Lewis Jones) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 141)
- Khan Reverse, The (Roger Crosthwaite) *** Roger's Thesaurus (Crosthwaite & Higham, pg. 16)
- Khyber Pass (Karl Fulves) *** Covenant (pg. 13)
- Kick - 4 Queens (John Carey) *** 24 Seven - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Kick Back Kicker (Lee Smith & Gary Jones) *** iCandy (DVD)
- Kick Count (Allan Ackerman) *** Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 3: Controls (DVD)
- Kick Cut *** Complete Card Magic with Gerry Griffin - Volume 7 (DVD)
- Kick Double Lift, The (Harry Lorayne) *** Deck-Sterity (pg. 8); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 257)
- Kick In The Head (Andy Nyman) *** Bulletproof (pg. 126)
- Kick In The Head, A (Paul Gordon) *** Nocturnal Creations (pg. 22)
- Kick It (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 147)
- Kick Key (Michael Ammar) *** Apocalypse (July 1979, Vol. 2, No. 7, pg. 220)
- Kick Out (Aldo Colombini) *** What's Up Deck? (pg. 19)
- Kick To The Head (Iain Moran) *** Covert Magic (DVD)
- Kick Your Face (Jason Sheng) *** Blue Rose: Begin From the Start (pg. _)
- Kickaway Pip (unknown) *** The Stein and Day Handbook of Magic (Kaye, pg. 119)
- Kickback (Ryan Swigert) *** Marketed Item (manuscript with cards)
- Kickback 52 (Gary Jones & Chris Congreave) *** The 52 vs Joker Project (DVD)
- Kickback Bonanza (Daniel Chard) *** Chardshark (DVD)
- Kick-Back Switch (Edward Marlo) *** JonRacherbaumer.com site (Prime Moves, March 2006)
- Kick-Counting On It! (Bill Herz & Paul Cummings) *** MO (Issue 2, June 25, 1993)
- Kicked (Simon Lovell) *** Marketed Item; Madness Behind the Methods - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Kicked Forward (Iain Moran) *** England Up-Close (Duffie, pg. 34)
- Kicked In The Face (Andrew Wimhurst) *** Down Under Deals (pg. 18); Convention At The Capitol 2001 (DVD)
- Kicker (Jay Noblezada) *** Marketed item (download)
- Kicker (Karl Fulves) *** New Card Rises (pg. 25)
- Kicker Aces (Herb Zarrow) *** Zarrow - A Lifetime of Magic (Ben, pg. 71)
- Kicker, The (Tony Cabral) *** The Usual Suspects (DVD)
- Kicking Ace (Joel Givens) *** Talk About Tricks - Volume 1 (Jay, DVD)
- Kick-Out Pass, The (T. Page Wright) *** The Page Wright Manuscript (pg. _); The Complete Page Wright Manuscript (pg. 17)
- Kick-Start Aces (Peter Duffie) *** The Card Addict (pdf, pg. 3)
- Kick-Strip Control (Harry Lorayne) *** Best of Friends - Volume I (Lorayne, pg. 424)
- Kid Koin (Karl Fulves) *** When Psychics Play Poker (pg. 48)
- Kid Royal Concept (Edward Marlo & Jon Racherbaumer) *** Marlo on Erdnase (Racherbaumer, pg. 36)
- Kid Stuff (Karl Fulves) *** Clockwork (pg. 5)
- Kid Stuffed (J. K. Hartman) *** After Craft (pg. 166)
- Kid Trix (Karl Fulves) *** Prototype (pg. 44)
- Kidding About Hypnotism (Sidney Harris Wimbrough) *** The Sphinx (November 1921, Vol. 20, No. 9, pg. 315)
- Kidding Aside, A (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dupery (pg. 45)
- Kidnapped (L.L. Ireland & Carlton King) *** Card Tricks For Cardicians (Magic Inc., pg. 39)
- Kids Kards (Richard Pinner) *** Marketed Item
- Kidz Kardz (Denny Laub) *** Syzygy: The First Five Volumes (pg. 237); Syzygy On Swami (Lee Earle, DVD)
- Kill Count (Boris Wild) *** Card Remix (pdf)
- Killer "Killer", The (Kenton Knepper & Docc Hilford) *** Killer Konceptions (pg. 3)
- Killer (Menny Lindenfield) *** Marketed Item (Killer/Blink)
- Killer B (Oz Pearlman) *** Instant Download
- Killer Card Routine (J. J. Sanvert) *** Best of J.J. Sanvert - Volume 1: Table Hopping & Cocktail Parties (DVD)
- Killer Clock-Work (Edward Marlo) *** The Greater Artful Dodges Of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 62)
- Killer Clone Zone (Peter Duffie & Paul Hallas) *** Clever Card Magic (DVD)
- Killer Elevator Sandwich (Ben Harris) *** Killer Klose-Up (pg. 18)
- Killer Keeper (John Quine) *** The Card Magic of John Quine (Craven, pg. 20)
- Killer King (Juan Caceres) *** Marketed Item (VCD)
- Killer Kombustion (Marc Paul, Andy Stone, Anthony Owen) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 113)
- Killer Kwests, The (Sidney H. Mickell) *** Killer Konceptions (Knepper, pg. 24)
- Killer Observation Test, The (Paul Gordon) *** Marketed Item (Packet Trick)
- Killer OMG! (Paul Gordon) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Killer Poker-Deal Demo (Gary Plants) *** Apocalypse (June 1996, Vol. 19, No. 6, pg. 2662)
- Killer Queen (Andrew Regnauld) *** Feckin' Spiders (pdf)
- Killer Trifecta (Cameron Francis) *** Ultimate Impromptu Card Magic (DVD)
- Killer Triumph FMO (Bob Hirsch) *** Apocalypse (June 1983, Vol. 6, No. 6, pg. 781)
- Killer's Kase (Tim Zager) *** Killer Konceptions (pg. 14)
- Killocation (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks (Beam, pg. 142)
- KiLocator (Mark Elsdon) *** England Up-Close (Duffie, pg. 150)
- Kilroy Gets Around (Bob Hummer) *** Bob Hummer's Collected Secrets (Fulves, pg. 36)
- Kind and Gentle Stranger, The (Robert E. Neal) *** Life, Death & Other Card Tricks (pg. 311)
- Kinda Keen (Frank Ducrot) *** Frank Ducrot Presents Magic From A2Z (Leroy, item #14)
- Kindergarten Poker (Tom Ransom) *** Ibidem (Issue 37); Ibidem 3 (pg. 898)
- Kindred Spirit (Stewart James) *** The James File - Volume Two (Slaight, pg. 2576)
- Kinetic Toss, The (Eddie Ray) *** Kinetic Card (DVD)
- King Arthur's Pub (Doc Eason & Scotty York) *** Marketed Item
- King Blushes At All The Fuss, A (Jim Steinmeyer & Jon Racherbaumer) *** JonRacherbaumer.com site (Freebies, April 2006)
- King Brand (Bill Goodwin) *** The Penumbra (May/June 2002, Issue 1, pg. 14)
Inner circle
Seattle, WA
5495 Posts
Posted: Jul 17, 2016 04:03 pm
Quote: - King Can Do No Wrong, The (Gene Gordon) *** Gene Gordon's Routines Number One (item #1)
- King Can Do No Wrong, The (Gerald L. Kaufman) *** My Best (Thompson, pg. 142)
- King Castling (Tom Stone) *** Flatland Fever (pg. 11); Vortex (pg. 33)
- King Charlier I (Steve Beam) *** Magic – The Vanishing Art, or How To Turn A Trick For Fun & Profit (pg. 7)
- King Charlier II (Steve Beam) *** Magic – The Vanishing Art, or How To Turn A Trick For Fun & Profit (pg. 9)
- King Con (Andrew Normansell) *** 10 Below Zero (DVD)
- King Cuts Out, The (Martin Lewis) *** Martin's Miracles (Eric Lewis, pg. 59)
- King Explosion (Hatsumi Kobayashi) *** M-U-M (November 2006, pg. 37)
- King Flight (David Wax & Richard Kaufman) *** The Collected Almanac (Kaufman, pg. xvii)
- King For A Day (Paul Gordon) *** Card Magic Companion (pg. 126)
- King Has Left The Building... With Amnesia, The (Jeff Pierce) *** King Has Left The Building... With Amnesia, The (pg. 16)
- King Is Gone, But He's Not Forgotten, The (Aaron Fisher) *** The Penumbra (September/October 2002, Issue 3, pg. 9)
- King Jump (Dai Vernon) *** Richard's Almanac (Volume 3, Spring 1985, pg. 261); The Collected Almanac (Kaufman, pg. 261)
- King Kut (Bruce Cervon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 13)
- King Kut (Father Cyprian) *** Super Subtle Card Miracles (Garcia, pg. 46)
- King Larry Aces, The (Paul Gordon) *** Nocturnal Creations (pg. 143)
- King Monte (David Powell) *** Marketed Item
- King of Club (Chuck Smith) *** What If? (pg. 2)
- King of Clubs (Dan Bellman) *** Cheerful Conjuring (pg. 24)
- King Of Clubs Routine (Eric Lewis & Stewart James) *** The Jinx (1939, Summer Extra)
- King Of Clues (Ollie Mealing) *** Card Constructions (DVD)
- King of Hearts, The (David Devine) *** Simple Card Magic For Everyone (pg. 28)
- King of Night Clubs (Audley Walsh) *** Tarbell Course In Magic (Vol. 5, Lesson 59, pg. 60)
- King of Swing, The (Marty Kane) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 93)
- King of the Card Sharps (Harry Lorayne) *** The Magic Book (pg. 149)
- King of the Castle *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. )
- King of The Hill Control (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 225)
- King of Warped (Martin Cox) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 164)
- King Over Queens (William Zavis) *** Pabular (February 1975, Vol. 1, No. 6, pg.73)
- King Quartet (Karl Fulves) *** New Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 39)
- King Rising (Cory King) *** The Foo Can...in Print (Vol. 1, No. 3, pg. 49)
- King Sandwich (Dominique Duvivier) *** The Magic Of Dominique Duvivier - Volume 1 (VHS)
- King Size Gag (unknown) *** 75 Tricks with a Svengali Deck (Stevenson, pg. 29)
- King Speaks, The (Karl Fulves) *** Parallel Lines (pg. 19)
- King Sting (Euan Bingham) *** Free From Filler (pg. 5)
- King T.U.T. (Michael Powers) *** Top Secret Stuff (pg. 15)
- King That Was Not, The (Robert E. Neal) *** Life, Death & Other Card Tricks (pg. 114)
- King Thing (Richard Sanders) *** The Richard Sanders Show - Volume 2 (DVD)
- King Thing Revisited, The (David Solomon) *** The Wisdom of Solomon (pg. 71)
- King Tips His Crown, The (Gaff Card, inventor unknown) *** Marketed Item
- King Transposition (Allan Carmichael) *** The Blueprint (March 1975, Vol. 1, No. 9, pg. 36)
- Kingdom of the Red (Larry Barnowsky) *** Kingdom of the Red (pg. 105)
- Kingfisher (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume II (Minch, pg. 414)
- King-Ko's (Aldo Colombini) *** Standing Room Only (DVD)
- King-ly 4-Ace Effect, A (R. J. Fisher) *** The Gen (October 1951, Vol. 7, No. 6, pg. 164)
- Kingly Decision, A (Joe Hustler) *** Mystifying Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 85)
- Kingly Loc-Ace-Tion (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection (pg. 433)
- Kingly Sandwich (Doug Edwards) *** Apocalypse (August 1989, Vol. 12, No. 8, pg. 1673)
- King-Queen Gemini (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 632)
- Kings "High" Way (Harry Lorayne) *** Trend Setters (pg. 128)
- Kings 2 (Reinhard Mueller) *** Spellbinder (January 1984, Vol. 3, No. 33, pg. 673)
- Kings 2 Light (Justin Miller) *** Strolling Hands - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Kings and Aces (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 78)
- Kings and Aces (William P. Miesel) *** Visionary Card Effects (pg. 99)
- Kings and Aces Bamboozle (Martin Nash) *** Ever So Sleightly (Minch, pg. 102)
- Kings and Aces Change Places (John Carney) *** John Carney's Carneycopia (Minch, pg. 94)
- Kings and Deuces (Gerald Kosky) *** The Magic of Gerald Kosky (pg. 49)
- Kings and I, The (Aldo Colombini) *** Mamma Mia (pdf, pg. 13)
- Kings And Queens (Larry Jennings) *** Larry Jennings 1992 Lecture (p. 15)
- Kings and Queens (Paul Rosini) *** Paul Rosini's Magical Gems (Steele, pg. 51)
- Kings and Queens Royale (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 4 (pg. 701); Aldo on Trost Volume 15 (Colombini, DVD)
- Kings and the Queen *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 1 (Miller, pg. 83)
- Kings And The Tens, The (Edward Victor) *** More Magic of the Hands (pg. 4)
- Kings at Large (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume Two (pg. 12)
- Kings Can Count (Sam Schwartz) *** The Fine Print (Fulves, No. 8, pg. 245); New Self-Working Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 44)
- King's Coronation, The (Jim Steinmeyer) *** Further Impuzzibilities (pg. 1)
- Kings Cross (Karrell Fox) *** Apocalypse (May 1990, Vol. 13, No. 5, pg. 1787)
- King's Cross Transpo (Chris Burton ) *** Instant Download
- Kings Crossing (Nicolas Gignac) *** Marketed Item
- King's Deal, The (Les Albert) *** More-with-Les: The Magic of Les Albert (DVD)
- Kings Encoded (Karl Fulves) *** Parallel Lines (pg. 24)
- Kings Face Aces (Adam Ryan) *** Talk About Tricks - Volume 3 (Jay, DVD)
- Kings Fool (Kipp Shery) *** Marketed Item
- Kings for Show, Aces to Go (Doug Canning) *** Card Capers (pg. 51); Canning's Card Capers (pdf, pg. 24)
- Kings Go Forth (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume One (pg. 122)
- Kings Go Fourth (Allan Slaight) *** Precursor (December 1984); Spins & Needles (pg. 91)
- Kings High (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Card Conspiracy - Vol. 1 (pg. 86)
- King's Holiday, The (James Swain) *** Don't Blink: The Magic of James Swain (pg. 97)
- Kings In The Korner Pocket (Lance DeLong) *** Sleight of Hand Required - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Kings Incognito (Martin Nash) *** The Very Best of Martin Nash - Volume 1 (DVD); It's In The Cards (Minch, manuscript on Kings Incognito)
- Kings Kut (John Patry, Jr.) *** No--My Last Name is Not Party! (pg. _)
- Kings 'n Aces (Andy Nicholls) *** England Up-Close (Duffie, pg. 103)
- Kings' Nite Out (Scott F. Guinn) *** My Best To You: Cards (pdf)
- Kings Of Clues (Ollie Mealing) *** Card Constructions (DVD)
- Kings On A Fling (John Luka) *** L.I.N.T. - Pocket Stuff for Close-up Magicians (pg. 99)
- Kings On Queens On Top (Eve Devereux & Peter Eldin) *** The Magic Book (Darbyshire, pg. 107))
- Kings On the Loose (Al Leech) *** Ireland's Card Annual 1957 (pg. _); Card Tricks for Cardicians (Magic Inc., pg. _); A Last Look at Leech (Brahms, pg. 34)
- Kings on Top *** Card and Magic Tricks Handbook (Edited by Quantum Publishing, pg. 106)
- King's Power, The (John Mulholland) *** Magic of the World (1965 print edition, page _, pdf, pg. 18)
- Kings Produce, The (Bill Malone) *** On The Loose - Volume 3 (DVD)
- King's Row (Stewart James) *** The James File - Volume Two (Slaight, pg. 2001)
- Kings Royale (Nick Trost) *** The New Tops (July 1962); The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 159)
- Kings Through The Table (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 54)
- Kings to Aces (Alfonso Pepe) *** Alfonso in the Capital (lecture notes, item 1)
- Kings to Aces (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 83)
- Kings to Aces (Steve Deelay) *** Deelayed Magic (DVD)
- King's Triumph (Larry Jennings) *** Hierophant No. 7 (1975, pg. 31); The Classic Magic Of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 124); Epilogue Special No. 3, Part One (1975, pg. 5)
- Kings, Aces, Flushes! (Paul Gordon) *** The Second 16th Card Book (Craven, pg. _)
- Kingside Castling (Jeff Stone) *** Jay Sankey's Underground Jam (DVD); Marketed Item (pdf);
- Kink on the Spread Card Trick (Harry A. Hanaoka) *** The Sphinx (August 1928, Vol. 27, No. 6, pg. 262)
- Kinks' Mate 3 (Arthur Carter) *** New Pentagram (Vol. _, No. _, pg. ); New Pentagram Vol. 10 (Colombini, DVD)
- Kinky (Jay Sankey) *** Firestarters (DVD0
- Kinky Pinky (Terry LaGerould) *** The Art of Astonishment - Book 2 (Harris, pg. 153)
- Kinky Queens (Scotty York) *** The Silver Fox - Volume 2: Hisownself (DVD)
- Kinship (Karl Fulves) *** Combo II (pg. 21)
- KIO Rollover Cut (Rich Ferguson) *** Shuffles & Cuts (DVD)
- Kirigami Revelation (Harold Cataquet) *** Apocalypse (September 1994, Vol. 17, No. 9, pg. 2409)
- Kismet (Michael Vincent, based on Al Koran's Double Thought) *** The Classic Magic of Michael Vincent - Disc One (DVD)
- Kismet (Norm Houghton) *** Marketed Item
- Kiss and Tell (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Big Easy Card-Cunning (Third edition, 2001, pg. 21)
- Kiss Count, The (Boris Wild) *** Boris Wild's Remarkable Card Magic - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Kiss Me (El Duco) *** Marketed Item
- Kiss Me Kate (Tan Hock Huan) *** Pentagram (March 1951, Vol. 5, No. 6, pg. 43)
- Kiss Me You Fool (Dan Fleshman) *** The Very Best, Yet! (pg. 32)
- Kiss Pass (Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin) *** Secrets of Conjuring and Magic (pg. 168)
- Kiss The Magician (Monty Witt) *** Marketed Item
- Kissed (Bob Borgia) *** Marketed Item
- Kissed and Divined (IMPROVED) (Nick Trost, based on an effect described by Jon Racherbaumer, based on an effect by Richard Himber) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 120)
- Kissing Cards (Paul Curry) *** Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond (pg. 40)
- Kissing Cousins (Edward Glassman) *** Family Magic II (item #25)
- Kissing Cousins Twice Removed (David Solomon) *** The Card Solutions of David Solomon (DVD)
- Kissing To Be Clever (Daryl) *** The Collected Almanac (Kaufman, Autumn 1985, Vol. 3, Issues 34 - 36, pg. 373)
- Kitchen Sink (Larry Davidson) *** Scripted Insanity - Vol. II (DVD)
- Kitson Miracle (Patrick Page, aka Killer Kitson Miracle by Bob Sheets) *** Marketed Item
- Kitty Hawk Card, The (Jean Hugard & Frederick Braue) *** Miracle Methods Number 3 - Prepared Cards and Accessories (Hugard & Braue, pg. 4)
- KixBack (Karl Fulves) *** Quick Card Tricks (pg. 41)
- KK's HHH (Ken Krenzel) *** The Card Classics of Ken Krenzel (Lorayne, pg. 94)
- KK's Method For The Single-Card Rise (Ken Krenzel) *** On The Up and Up (Kaufman, pg. 8)
- Klause Overhand False Shuffle (Roger Klause) *** Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 5: Shuffle Work (DVD)
- Klause's Bottom Move (Roger Klause) *** Card Cavalcade Finale (Mentzer, pg. 52)
- Klause's Bottom Palm (Roger Klause) *** Card Cavalcade Finale (Mentzer, pg. 47)
- Klectors (Peter Duffie) *** 7 (pdf, pg. 11)
- Klimax Kards (Brian Nordstrom) *** Marketed Item
- Kling Cards (Kling Magnetics, Inc) *** Not necessarily a trick, but basically a shimmed deck of cards (ie: Lethal Tender)
- Kling Klang (Geo DeLawrence) *** Some Card Effects and Magical Talks (pg. 20)
- Kling-On (Steve Dusheck) *** Dusheck's Card Magic (Dusheck Magic Series No. 3, pg. 87)
- K'Link Card Trick (Kris Nevling) *** K'link (DVD)
- Klip Joint (Nick Trost) *** Marketed Item (packet trick); The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 203)
- Klip Notes (Karl Fulves) *** Close-Up Mental Magic (pg. 32)
- Klip Trix (Joe Stuthard) *** Marketed Item
- Klip-Kard (Daryl) *** Daryl's Card Revelations Volume 4 (DVD)
- Klip-Kard (Daryl) *** Daryl's Card Revelations Volume 4 (DVD)
- Klipped Koncluded (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2011, No. 9, pg. 592)
- Klipped Korner (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2011, No. 9, pg. 592)
- Klipper (Karrell Fox) *** New Trix for '86 (pg. 8)
- Klok (Roy Johnson) *** A World of Clocks (pg. 7)
- Klondike Notes (Karl Fulves) *** The Book of Numbers (pg. 17)
- Klondike Poker (Tom Bowyer) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 373)
- Klondyke Cato (Richard Vollmer) *** Simply Impromp2 (Colombini, pg. 52); Packet Trick Picks (Colombini, DVD)
- Klondyke Shuffle (Karl Fulves) *** My Best Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 21)
- KN Bottom Control (Kris Nevling) *** Legend with Cards (DVD)
- Knaves Gone Wild (David Solomon) *** Knaves Gone Wild (DVD)
- Knavish Deuces, The (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 103)
- Knee Hold Out (Arthur Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 112)
- Knee Shuffle Steal (Russell Barnhart) *** The Master Palm (pg. 21)
- Knees Up (Dan Tong) *** Ibidem (July 1968, Issue 33, pg. 798)
- Knee-to-the-Groin Prediction (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 83)
- Knife Dial, The (Al Baker) *** Al Baker's Magical Ways and Means (pg. 28)
- Knife Edged (Karl Fulves) *** Off The Books (No. 4, pg. 46)
- Knife Kards (Larry West) *** Larry West Presents: Corner on the Market (pg. 9)
- Knifed (Robert Harbin) *** The Sphinx (May 1941, Vol. 40, No. 3, pg. 133)
- Knifo-Spendo (Ian Adair) *** Marketed Item
- Knight's Tour (Docc Hilford's version) *** Fem Fatal - 64 sinful Secrets of the Cassandra Deck (pg. 50)
- Kniphofia (Fred Robinson) *** Pabular (October 1976, Vol. 3, No. 2, pg. 318)
- Knock 'Em Dead (Arthur Buckley) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 195)
- Knock Em Dead (Peter Nardi) *** Marketed Item
- Knock On Wood (Lewis Jones) *** The Magic Gourmet (pg. 37)
- Knock Out (Peter Eggink) *** Marketed Item
- Knock Out Card Trick (Sam Horowitz) *** Hugard's Annual of Magic: 1937-1939 (pg. _)
- Knock Out Counting Trick (John Crimmins) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 177)
- Knock Out, The (Harry Blackstone) *** Blackstone's Tricks Anyone Can Do (pg.75); 200 Magic Tricks Anyone Can Do (pg. _)
- Knock Them Dead (Paul Gordon) *** Cool Card Stuff (pg. _)
- Knocked for a Loop (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Craft (pg. 556)
- Knock-In Pass, The (T. Page Wright) *** Genii (January 1937, Vol. 1, No. 5, pg. 18)
- Knocking On Heaven's Door (Jackie McClements) *** A Lecture (2009, pg.12)
- Knocking Out The Aces (Michael Skinner) *** Classic Sampler (pg. 76)
- Knocking the Pack Out of Hand (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 29)
- Knock-Out (Ken Brooke) *** Ken Brooke's Magic: The Unique Years (pg. 146)
- Knockout Card In Aces (Alan Shaxon) *** Expert Card Mysteries (Sharpe, pg. 87)
- Knockout Card in Pocket (Felice Manna) *** The Sphinx (April 1940, Vol. 32, No. 2, pg. 40)
- Knock-Out Card Prediction (unknown) *** The Stein and Day Handbook of Magic (Kaye, pg. 236)
- Knockout Deck (Ben Salinas) *** Marketed Item (Deck and DVD)
- Knock-Out Double Lift (Martin Nash & Paul Harris) *** Magical Arts Journal (Ammar, Vol. 2, Nos. 9-12, "Paul Harris: The Act," pg. 42)
- Knockout Poker (Fr. Cyprian) *** Octet (Fulves, pg. 54); Foolproof Card Tricks for the Amateur Magician (Fulves, pg. 81)
- Knock-Out Spell (Aldo Colombini) *** A Set-Up With Aldo (pg. _)
- Knock-Out Speller (unknown) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 44)
- Knockout Three Card Monte, The (Lewis Ganson) *** The Three Card Monte as Entertainment (pg. 14)
- Knockout Two (Jocomo) *** Jocomo's Best Kept Secrets of Card Magic (Edmundson, pg. 5)
- Knockout, The (Clayton Brown) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 234)
- Knot A Card Trick (Brian Daniel) *** Marketed Item
- Knothole Cut (David Davies) *** Celestial Mechanics (DVD)
- Knotted Card & Ring on the Rope (Petrick & Mia) *** Marketed Item
- Know Fu-Ling (Emerson and West) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Know-How (Bill Sarles) *** Phoenix (January 1945, Vol. 2, No. 76, pg. 310)
- Knowing As I Do (John Carey) *** Letters To Friends (pg. 12)
- Knowing Card, A (David Devant) *** Tricks for Everyone (pg. 89)
- Knowing Dart, The (unknown) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 503)
- Knowing Kard, The (Meir Yedid & Akemi) *** Marketed Item
- Knowing Nine, The (Johnnie Geddes) *** Pabular (September 1975, Vol. 2, No. 1, pg. 151)
- Knowing the Future (Karl Fulves) *** Easy Magic (pg. 32)
- Knowing Where It Isn´t (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 153)
- Know-It-All (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2010, No. 8, pg. 501)
- Know-It-All Cards (Doug Edwards) *** Doug Edwards Packs A Wallop (Lorayne, pg. 173)
- Knowker (Phil Goldstein) *** Fifth (pg. 8)
- Knowledge in Reverse (Stewart James) *** Tops (September 1940, Vol. 5, No. 9, pg. 18)
- Knowledgeable Cards, The (Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 5 (Giobbi, pg. 1233)
- Known & Unknown Card (Eddie Fields) *** The Greater Artful Dodges Of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 117)
- Known Aim (Lewis Jones) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 142)
- Known and the Unknown, The (Paul Hallas) *** Mentalism With Cards (pg. 84)
- Known Leaper, The (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 42)
- Known Survivor, A (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Diamonds From Coal (pg. 115, also available as pdf)
- Known, The (Thom Peterson) *** Marketed Item (video download)
- Knoxville Knockout (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 3 (pg. 1)
- Knuckle Cut *** Now You See it, Now You Don't! (Tarr, pg. 78)
- Knuckle Jog (J.C. Wagner) *** Commercial Magic Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Knuckle Sandwich Aces (Joshua Jay) *** Joshua Jay's Magic Atlas (pg. 64)
- Kolar's Card Gallows (Harry Hanaoka) *** The Sphinx (August 1927, Vol. 26, No. 6, pg. 204)
- Kollectors Revisited (Andrew Loh) *** Marketed Item (pdf)
- Kollosal Killer III (Larry Becker) *** Mental Masterpieces (DVD)
- Kollossal Sillier (John Carey) *** Carey On! (DVD)
- Kolor Killer (Peter Duffie) *** Marketed Item (pdf)
- Kolossal Killer (Kenton Knepper) *** Marketed Item
- Kolyvagin (David Davies) *** Celestial Mechanics (DVD)
- Kolyvargin (Ben Earl) *** Past Midnight Disc 1 - Commercial (DVD)
- Komedy Killer (John Archer) *** Educating Archer (DVD)
- Komical Cards (Karrell Fox) *** Comedy A La Card (pg. 16)
- Kompressed King, The (B. Robert Pulver) *** The "I Hate Card Tricks!" Book of Card Tricks (pg. 95)
- Koncealed Killer (David Greene) *** Killer Konceptions (Knepper, pg. 18)
- Koncepts (Barry Cooper) *** Killer Konceptions (Knepper, pg. 29)
- Kon-King (Aldo Colombini) *** Marketed Item
- Kon-King Poker (Didier Dupre) *** Fast Paced Cards (Colombini, DVD)
- Kontract Killer Kards (Stephen Tucker) *** Spell-Binder (January 1982, Vol. 1, No. 9, pg. 155); The Best of Spell-Binder Collection One (Tucker, pg. 18)
- Kontrol Kard (Kenton Knepper) *** Kenoton's Sorceror Series #2 (pg. 2)
- Kooky Cutter (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dupery (pg. 210)
- Koornwinder Kar (Dick Koornwinder) *** Marketed Item
- Koornwinder Kard Kontrol (Dick Koornwinder) *** Diverting Kreations - Part One (pg. 13)
- Koplooy! (Looy Simonoff) *** Here's My Card (Ackerman, pg. 106)
- Kopy Kat (Nick Trost) *** Marketed Item (packet trick); The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 202)
- Korador (Stewart James) *** The New Tops (April 1968, Vol. 8, No. 4, pg. 25)
- Koran Mentalist Deck (Al Koran) *** Marketed Item (directly based on "Magician's Dream" by Audley Walsh, from Jinx, April 1938, Issue 43, pg. 298)
- Koran Prediction (John Mendoza) *** My Best Magic - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Koran's Double Out Prediction (Al Koran) *** Expert Card Mysteries (Sharpe, pg. 97)
- Koran's Miracle Card Stab (Al Koran) *** Mastered Amazement (Koran & Lamonte, pg. 31)
- Koran's Solo Aces (Al Koran) *** Routined Manipulation Volumes I & II (Ganson, pg. 100)
- Koran's Three Cards in a Wallet (Arthur Emerson) *** Card To Wallet (Mentzer, pg. 144)
- Koran's Top Change (Al Koran) *** The Coin and Card Magic of Bobby Bernard (Andrews, pg. 78); The Magic of Al Koran (ebook version only, Breese, pg. 122); Al Koran: The Unique Years (Breese, pg. 41)
- Korem's Card on Tie (Danny Korem) *** The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (Harris, pg. 213)
- Kornagraphic Kards (Karrell Fox) *** Another Book (pg. 109)
- Kort Kards (Milt Kort) *** Ibidem (December 1961, Issue 24, pg. 543)
- Kortial Triumph (Milt Kort) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 64)
- Kortially Yours (Milton Kort) *** Kort Is Now In Session (pg. 7)
- Kortially Yours II (Jack Potter) *** Pentagram (April 1953, Vol. 7, No. 7, pg. 56)
- Kort's Center Steal (Milt Kort) *** Kort (Minch, pg. 5)
- Kosher Monte (Ben Train) *** Magic Magazine (June 2009, pg. 67)
- Kosky Count (Gerald Kosky) *** Counthesaurus: An Abecedarian Handbook of False Counts and Displays (Racherbaumer, pg. 94)
- Kosky Face Up Ace Cutting (Gerald Kosky) *** Hard-Boiled Mysteries (Minch, pg. 152)
- Kosky Switch, The (Gerald Kosky) *** The Magic of Gerald Kosky (pg. 26); Card College 4 (Giobbi, pg. 951); Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 148); The Magic of Michael Ammar - Volume 4 (Ammar, DVD); Daryl's Encyclopedia of Card Sleights - Volume 7 (DVD)
- Kosky Transpo Sandwich (Robin Robertson) *** Card Magic USA (Duffie, pg. 213)
- Kosky's Automatic Placement (Gerald Kosky) *** 50 Modern Card Tricks You Can Do! (Gravatt, pg. 8)
- Kosky's Deli (Scott Guinn) *** You'll Be Pleasantly Surprised! (pg. 64)
- Kosky's Invisible Card Change (Gerald Kosky) *** The Magic of Gerald Kosky (pg. 26)
- Kosy Kut, A (Kosy Phibulphanuvat) *** Las Vegas Kardma (Ackerman, pg. 61)
- Kowloon Oil & Water (Aldo Colombini) *** True Magic Volume 2 (DVD)
- Kr-Ace-Y Kolors (Ron Ferris) *** Apocalypse (February 1993, Vol. 16, No. 2, pg. 2175)
- Kranzo's Kool Kut (Nathan Kranzo) *** Card Magic USA (Duffie, pg. 126)
- Kranzo's Pseudo Signed Duplicate (Nathan Kranzo) *** Mene Tekel Miracles (DVD)
- Kranzo's Voodoo Card (Nathan Kranzo) *** Kranzo in Detroit (DVD)
- Krazy Kard (Kenton Knepper) *** Marketed Item
- Krazy Klock (Nick Trost) *** Marketed Item
- Krazy Kount (Hippie Torrales) *** Apocalypse (October 1986, Vol. 9, No. 10, pg. 1266)
- Krazy Kut (Harry Lorayne) *** Quantum Leaps (pg. 183)
- Krazy Kut (Karl Fulves) *** My Best Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 90)
- Krenzel Color Approach, The (Ken Krenzel) *** Close Up Illusions (Ouellet, pg. 175)
- Krenzel Mechanical Reverse (Ken Krenzel) *** Epilogue (Special Issue No. 2, The Magic of Ken Krenzel, pg. 251); The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 27); Star Quality - The Magic of David Regal (Lorayne, pg. 41); The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 30); 21st Century Card Magic (Swain, pg. 113); Card College - Volume 4 (Giobbi, pg. 991); Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 361)
- Krenzel on the Cavorting Aces (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Close-Up Impact! (Minch, pg. 52)
- Krenzel Prediction (Ken Krenzel) *** Epilogue (Special Issue No. 2, The Magic of Ken Krenzel, pg. 1); Epilogue (pg. 245)
- Krenzel's Natural Grip Method (Ken Krenzel) *** The New York Magic Symposium - Collection One (Kaufman, pg. 68)
- Krenzel's Tunnel-Change (Ken Krenzel) *** The Legendary Hierophant (No. 7, The Resurrection Issue, 1975, pg. 6)
- Kreskin, Eat Your Heart Out! (Don England) *** Don England's Paradox (Kelly, pg. 106)
- Kreskin's Diary (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2011, No. 9, pg. 566)
- Kristal Card Stab, The (Bob Swadling) *** Magical Moments With Bob Swadling - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Krossed Up (Sean Fields) *** Akross (DVD)
- Kruger Kard Trick (Tim Ellis & Sue Anne-Webster) *** 24 Years of Living Next To Ellis (DVD)
- Kruskal Principle (Martin D. Kruskal) *** The Kruskal Count
- Krypto (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 95)
- Kryptonite (Dan & Dave Buck) *** The System (DVD)
- K-System (Kenji) *** K-System (booklet);
- Kubota Jacks (Ed Ellis) *** Materialize - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Kudos To Sudoku (Kostya Kimlat) *** Antinomy (November 2006, Vol. 2, No. 4, pg. 27)
- Kuller Killer (Andrew Normansell) *** Marketed Item
- Kundalini Rising (Jeff McBride) *** Marketed Item
- Kwik Key Kard (John Russel Duck - "Rusduck") *** The Cardiste (July 1958, Issue 10, pg. 76)
- Kwik-Kut *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 1 (Miller, pg. 6)
- Kyoto "Okiniiri" Prediction (So Sato) *** Playing Cards &&& Warujie Solutions (pg. 52)
- Kystic (T.A. Waters) *** Mind, Myth & Magick (pg. 452)
- L- Cut (Jerry Cestkowski) *** The Encyclopedia of Playing Card Flourishes (pg. 34)
- L J visits B J (Allan Ackerman) *** Ackerman 2004 (pg. 36)
- L. J. Card Stab (Larry Jennings) *** Paris Super Session Videos - Larry Jennings Volume 1 (VHS); Larry Jennings in Paris, France - Disc 1 (DVD)
- L. N. Miller's Card Trick (Louis N. Miller) *** The Sphinx (October 1904, Vol. 3, No. 8, pg. 102)
- L. W. Stop Mystery (William Larsen and T. Page Wright) *** Genii Magazine (September 1936, Vol. 1, No. 1, pg. 11)
- L.J. Angle Steal Multiple Shift (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings '67 (Kaufman, pg. 51)
- L.J. Swing Cut Multiple Shift (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings '67 (Kaufman, pg. 55)
- L.J. Triple Play (Scott Guinn) *** You'll be Pleasantly Surprised (pg. 81)
- L.M.S. Set-up Deck, The (R. W. Edmanson) *** The Sphinx (December 1945, Vol. 44, No. 10, pg. 280)
- L.S.D. Aces (Wesley James) *** Epilogue (November 1972, Issue #16, pg. 147)
- L`Estrange (Ken Brooke) *** Ken Brooke`s Magic - The Unique Years (pg. 142)
- La Carambola (René Lavand) *** Magic From The Soul (translated "The Break," pg. 51)
- La Carte Clin D'Oeil [Card in the Blink of an Eye] (Richard Bordenave) *** Marketed Item
- La Carte Generale (Edward Marlo & Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Kardma (Ackerman, pg. 73)
- La La's Lu Lu (Paul Harris) *** Paul Harris Reveals Some of His Most Intimate Secrets (pg. 29); The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (Harris, pg. 95)
- Labeled A Cheat (Jack Parker) *** Genii Magazine (June 2006, pg. 33)
- Labyrinth Blackjack (Steve Mayhew) *** An Evening with Jack Carpenter: The Seattle Sessions (Night One) - (DVD)
- Laced (Dan Hauss) *** Restless - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Lace-Through Table Shuffle, The (Victor Farelli) *** Farelli's Card Magic - Part One (pg. 45)
- Lack Lite (Stewart James) *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 3 (Miller, pg. 14)
- Ladies and Bullets (John Luka) *** Card Finesse II (Racherbaumer, pg. 252)
- Ladies and the Deuces, The (Arthur Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 174)
- Ladies First (J. K. Hartman) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2010, No. 7, pg. 427)
- Ladies In Waiting (Peter Duffie) *** Spell-Binder (Tucker, August 1981, Vol. 1, No. 4, pg. 66); The Best of Spell-Binder Collection One (Tucker, pg. 13)
- Ladies' Looking Glass, The (Comte) *** The Royal Road To Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 255); More Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 20)
- Ladies' Man (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 238)
- Ladies On a Visit (Werner Miller) *** Tricks to Go - Part 2 (DVD)
- Ladies Stick Together, The (Jack Chanin) *** Further Adventures of the Seven In One (pg. 10)
- Lady and Gentleman (Ted Annemann) *** Annemann's Practical Mental Effects (pg. 81)
- Lady in Love (Carlos H. Colombi) *** The Sphinx (October 1945, Vol. 44, No. 8, pg. 212)
- Lady Is A Vamp (Karl Fulves) *** The Vampire Chronicles (pg. 14)
- Lady is Shy, The (Anthony Norman) *** Basic Card Technique (pg. 52)
- Lady Travels, The (Kenton Knepper) *** Marketed Item (DVD)
- Lady Vanishes, The (Jan Heins) *** Pabular (June 1980, Vol. 6, No. 6, pg. 863)
- Lady Vanishes, The (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 310)
- Lady Vanishes, The (Richard Vollmer) *** Apocalypse (February 1985, Vol. 8, No. 2, pg. 1025)
- Ladykiller (Ron Ferris) *** Apocalypse (February 1985, Vol. 8, No. 2, pg. 1030)
- Lady's Own Trick, The (Edwin Sachs) *** Sleight of Hand (pg. 97)
- Laguna Shuttle (Aldo Colombini) *** Magic Italian Style (DVD)
- Laholsky Location (Ed Keener & Lehotzky) *** Simple, Baffling Card Tricks (Behnke, pg. 365)
- Lake Tahoe Wild Cards (Louis Falanga) *** Apocalypse (March 1984, Vol. 7, No. 3, pg. 894)
- Lane's Blue Card in Red Pack (Frank Lane) *** Expert Card Mysteries (pg. 87)
- Lapel of a Trick (Randy Wakeman) *** Randy Wakeman Presents (Maxwell, pg. 149)
- Lapel Steal (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 40)
- Lapped Cards From Inside Pocket (Jaun Tamariz) *** Sonata (pg. 144)
- Lapping a Short Card (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 15)
- Lapping Sandwich Cards (Karl Fulves & Jerry Andrus ) *** Notes From Underground (pg. 26, described as part of "Theory Transpo," pg. 25)
- Lapping Switch (Gene Maze) *** Variation of Edward Marlo's Kick-Back Switch (see reference, above)
- Larger Block, The (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Technique - Part III (pg. 177)
- Larreverse (Larry Jennings) *** Dai Vernon's Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 59)
- Larrollover Aces (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 96)
- LarRoy Reverse (Larry Jennings) *** Larry Jennings Thoughts on Cards (DVD)
- Larry’s One To Five (Larry Jenings, aka One To Five) *** Expert Card Mysteries (Sharpe, pg. 51); The Classic Magic Of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 154)
- Larry's Leader (Larry Jennings) *** Larry Jennings on Card & Coin Handling (Busby, pg. 47)
- Las Vegas Aces (Cody Fisher) *** Marketed Item
- Las Vegas Glasses (Dick Stoner) *** Marketed Item
- Las Vegas Leaper (Paul Harris) *** Las Vegas Close-Up (pg. 112); Stars of Magic: Paul Harris - Vol. 1 (DVD); The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (Harris, pg. 185)
- Las Vegas Split (Paul Harris) *** Super Magic (pg. 122); Stars of Magic: Paul Harris - Close-Up Classics Vol. 2 (DVD); The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (Harris, pg. 147)
- Laser Aces (Joel Givens) *** Talk About Tricks - Volume 3 (Jay, DVD); Session: The Magic of Joel Givens (Jay, pg. 23)
- Laser Card (Rey Ben) *** Marketed Item
- Laser Deal, The (Lennart Green) *** Green Magic - Volume 6 : Quintessential Green (DVD)
- Laser Printing (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 62)
- Lassie (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 62)
- Last (Gil)Breath (Richard Vollmer) *** Apocalypse (December 1997, Vol. 20, No. 12, pg. 2869)
- Last Ace Vanish (Bruce Cervon) *** Hard-Boiled Mysteries (Minch, pg. 672)
- Last Card Push (Ken Krenzel) *** The Card Classics of Ken Krenzel (Lorayne, pg. 247)
- Last Card Standing (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2013, No. 10, pg. 671)
- Last Card Standing (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Card Conspiracy - Vol. 2 (pg. 74)
- Last Card Vanish, The (Takeshi Nemoto) *** Tokyo Trickery (pg. 26)
- Last Cut is the Deepest, The (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks (Beam, pg. 53)
- Last Good Trick, The (James Swain) *** 21st Century Card Magic (pg. 57)
- Last Hand, The (Harry Riser) *** Arcane (Busby, December 1981, Issue Number 6, pg. 69)
- Last Heist, The (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Ingenuites (Minch, pg. 152)
- Last Laugh (Cameron Francis) *** The Omega Mutation - Disc 2 (DVD)
- Last Laugh, The (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 91); Scams & Fantasies - Volume 1 (DVD); The Darwin Ortiz Collection (DVD set)
- Last Laugh, The (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Cards On The Table (pg. 26)
- Last Man Standing (John Bannon) *** Dear Mr. Fantasy (pg. 175); Smoke & Mirrors (DVD)
- Last Minute Arrival (Jerry Mentzer) *** Card Cavalcade 3 (pg. 30)
- Last Minute Visitor (Larry Jennings) *** The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 165)
- Last Monte (Harry Anderson) *** Marketed Item
- Last October (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 90)
- Last Of The Think Stop Tricks, The (Ted Annemann) *** Sh-h-h--! it's a secret (pg. 31)
- Last Resort, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 278)
- Last Romance of Diamond Jack, The (Bill Abbott) *** Cabaret Card Magic (pg. 16)
- Last Two Cards, The (As performed by Harry Houdini and Stewart Judah) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 213)
- Last Word Four Aces (Francis Haxton) *** Ultimate Card Secrets (Vernon & Ganson, pg.186)
- Last Word Location, The (Oscar W. Meyer) *** More Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 91)
- Last-Minute Handling (Paul Gordon) *** Card Magic Companion (pg. 183)
- Late Arrival (Karl Fulves) *** After Jordan (pg. 6)
- Late Arrival, The (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 85)
- Late Show (Steve Beam) *** Magic-The Vanishing Art (pg. 21)
- Late-Night Arising (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Cardfixes (pg. 40)
- Late-Nite Sandwich (Reinhard Mueller and Alex Elmsley) *** The Legendary Hierophant (No. 7, The Resurrection Issue, 1975, pg. 33)
- Lateral Center Steal (Lennart Green) *** Classic Green Collection Volume #1 (DVD)
- Lateral Leap (Karl Fulves) *** Six Impromptu Card Tricks (pg. 15)
- Lateral Palm *** Classic Green Collection Volume #1 (DVD); Card Switches (Marlo, pg. 21)
- Lateral Palm Hold Out (Dennis Marks) *** Best of Friends (Lorayne, pg. 399)
- Lateral Steal Color Separation (Lennart Green) *** Classic Green Collection Volume #6
- Latest Force, The (H. Syril Dusenbery) *** The Sphinx (July 1919, Vol. 18, No. 5, pg. 120)
- Latest Haunted Ace, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 224)
- Latest Thumb Clip Palm (Edward Marlo) *** Card Switches (pg. 3); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 409)
- Latin Card Trick, A (Orestes A. B. Senter) *** The Sphinx (August 1913, Vol. 12, No. 6, pg. 107)
- Laudette's Torn Card and Envelope (Albert Laudette) *** The Sphinx (February 1905, Vol. 3, No. 12, pg. 153)
- Laughing Architect, The (Paul Gordon) *** Cool Card Stuff (pg. _)
- Laundering (Stephen Tucker) *** Taking Liberties Or.... The U.S. Card-Book (pg. 21)
- Lavand2 Shuffle (Karl Hein) *** The Heinous Collection - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Layer by Layer (Richard Kaufman) *** Cardworks (pg. 55)
- Layla (Francois Ziegler) *** Apocalypse (November 1980, Vol. 3, No. 11, pg. 413)
- Layman's Lace-Thru (Karl Fulves) *** Faro & Riffle Technique (pg. 39)
- Layover, The (Steve Beam) *** Hand-Picked Card Tricks (pg. 7)
- Lazy Gambler, The (Sam Schwartz) *** Sam's - The Magic of Sam Schwartz (Zingg, pg. 44)
- Lazy Magician, The (John Fedko) *** Impromptu Magic From The Magic Castle (Behnke, pg. _)
- Lazy Man's Card to Pocket (Jack McMillen) *** Expert Card Technique (pg. 313)
- Lazy Man's Card Trick (Jack Miller, Al Koran, Harry Lorayne) *** Close-Up Card Magic (Lorayne, pg. 199); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 136)
- Lazy Man's Deck Switch #2 (Steve Beam) *** They Don't Make Trap Doors Like They Used To, or You Too Can Walk On Water (pg. 22)
- Lazy Man's Interlockiing Setup (Michael Maxwell) *** More Incredible Self-Working Card Tricks (VHS); Apocalypse (August 1994, Vol. 17, No. 8, pg. 2396, Lazy Magician's Assistant)
- Lazy Man's Invisible Back & Front Palm (Richard Vollmer) *** Apocalypse (September 1986, Vol. 9, No. 9, pg. 1253)
- Lazy Man's Invisible Pass (Norman Houghton) *** Apocalypse (June 1982, Vol. 5, No. 6, pg. 646)
- Lazy Man's Memory Test ("The Nine of Diamonds" aka Mark Beecham, Paul Besly, Luke Eaton, Tommy French, Ian Kendall, Éireann Leverett, Neil Stirton) *** The Nine of Diamonds (Beecham & Stirton, pg._)
- Lazy Memory (Simon Aronson) *** Simply Simon (pg. 162)
- Lazy Rise (Chris Mayhew) *** A Clockwork Apple (pg. 58)
- Lazy Triumph (Lewis Jones) *** The Book of Revelations (pg. 26)
- Lazybones (Jean Hugard) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 65)
- L'Chaim (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 67)
- L-C-M Control, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo without Tears (Racherbaumer, pg. 272)
- Leader Of The Pack *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 22)
- Leader, The (Cameron Francis) *** Cards and Coins Parade (DVD)
- Leap Frog (Harry Lorayne) *** Personal Secrets (Pg. 20); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 186)
- Leap Of Faith (Bill Malone) *** The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (Harris, pg. 187)
- Leap Year Take Three (Peter Warlock) *** New Pentagram (_ _, Vol. _, No. _, pg. _); New Pentagram Vol. 4 (Colombini, DVD)
- Leaper, The (Edward Marlo) *** The Legend - The Edward Marlo Video, Volume 2 (VHS); Edward Marlo The Legend (DVD)
- Leapfrog (Tom Daugherty) *** Impromptu Card Magic (Colombini, pg. 23)
- Leapfrog, The (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks V (pg. 20)
- Leaping Card, The (Glenn Gravatt) *** 50 More Modern Card Tricks (pg. 18)
- Learning To Count (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2007, No. 3, pg. 198)
- Leave It to the Aces (Charles Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 138)
- Leaving The Body (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings '67 (Kaufman, pg. 232)
- Leeds Miracle, The (Barry Stevenson) *** Apocalypse (November 1984, Vol. 7, No. 11, pg. 985)
- Lee's False Cut (Jim Lee) *** Card Cavalcade (Mentzer, pg. 116)
- Left Behind (Aldo Colombini) *** Marketed Item
- Left Corner Shuffle (Lennart Green) *** Green Magic - Volume 4 (DVD)
- Left Face - Right Face (Fred Baumann) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 123)
- Left Hand Center-Card Steal (Paul LePaul) *** The Card Magic of LePaul (pg. 64)
- Left Hand Side Steal (Dr. Jacob Daley) *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 468)
- Left Open (Andrew Brown) *** The Open Prediction Project (Baxter, pg. 56)
- Legacy From Jordan, A (Francis Haxton) *** Pentagram (August 1948, Vol. 2, No. 11, pg.84)
- Legal Tender (Karl Fulves) *** Deceptive Practices (pg. 65)
- Legendary Five Ace Poker Hand, The (Harry Riser) *** The Feints and Temps of Harry Riser (pg. 112)
- Leipzig Cards Through Air (Nate Leipzig) *** 45 Tricks (Grant, pg. 6)
- Leipzig Would Have Hated This (Paul Gordon) *** Card Rarities (DVD)
- Leipzig Would Really Have Loved This (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 255); Malone Meets Marlo - Volume 4 (DVD); Genii (Magicana, August 2008, pg. 30)
- Leipzig's Opener (Nate Leipzig) *** Dai Vernon's Tribute To Nate Leipzig (Ganson, pg. 156, aka The Leipzig Book)
- Leipzig's Pocket Card Trick (Nate Leipzig) *** Roy Benson by Starlight (Levent & Karr, pg. _)
- Leipzig's Red and Blue Pack (Nate Leipzig) *** The Sphinx (June 1939, Vol. 38, No. 4, pg. 97)
- Leipzig's Sympathetic Cards (Nate Leipzig) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 262)
- Leitmotiv Sandwich (Bebel) *** Channel One (December 1999, Volume 1, Issue #2, pg. 31)
- Lejun (Stewart James) *** The Linking Ring (August 1954); Stewart James In Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 644)
- Lemon Trick, The (Hiroshi Sawa) *** Sawa's Library of Magic (Kaufman, pg 79)
- Lemonstration (Max Maven) *** Marketed Item
- LePaul Automatic Jog-Control (Paul LePaul) *** The Card Magic of LePaul (pg. 101)
- LePaul Bluff Pass (Paul LePaul, based on The Bluff Pass by Frederick Montague) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 185); Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus (Minch, pg. 17); Daryl's Encyclopedia of Card Sleights - Volume 4 (DVD); Card College - Volume 3 (Giobbi, pg. 555)
- LePaul Spread (Paul LePaul) *** The Card Magic of LePaul (pg. 36)
- LePaul's Invisible Turn-Over Pass (Paul LePaul) *** The Card Magic of LePaul (pg. 29)
- Les Cartes Diaconis (Persi Diaconis) *** Dai Vernon's Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 89)
- Les Cartes Par Hasard (Stuart P. Cramer) *** Annemann’s Card Magic (aka Full Deck of Impromptu Card Tricks, pg. 17)
- Les Quick Cartes (Johnny Thompson) *** Polished Polish Prestidigitation (pg. 1)
- Leslie's Gift (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 24)
- Less is More (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dodgery (pg. 101)
- Lesser Than That (Paul Gordon) *** Card Collective (pg. _)
- Lessinout Shuffle, The (Edward Marlo & Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 4 (Giobbi, pg. 898)
- Lesson in Card Magic, A (Jack Shepherd) *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 2 (Miller, pg. 78)
- Lesson in Larceny (Roy Walton) *** The Pallbearers Review (July 1966, Vol. 1, No. 9, pg. 47)
- Lesson in Magic, A (Al Baker) *** Al Baker's Magical Ways and Means (pg. 1); The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Karr, pg. 269)
- Lessons Are Extra (John Bannon) *** Smoke & Mirrors (DVD)
- Less-Than-One-Second Card Trick, The (Robert L. Brooks) *** Apocalypse (February 1995, Vol. 18, No. 2, pg. 2465)
- Let Me Spell It Out (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 108)
- Let Om (Jon Racherbaumer) *** The Looking Glass- Winter 1996 (Kaufman, pg. 19)
- Let The Audience Do The Work (Paul Morris) *** The Sphinx (March 1934, Vol. 33, No. 1, pg. 11)
- Let Us Gather Together (Bob Longe & Stewart James) *** Great Card Tricks (pg. 99)
- Lethal (Bobby Motta) *** Marketed Item (Card Stab)
- Lethal Fours (Gregory Wilson) *** Pyrotechnic Pasteboards (DVD)
- Let's Face It (Larry West) *** Larry West Presents Corner on the Market (pg. 43)
- Let's Find Aces (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 46)
- Let's Play Jacks (Al Leech/Bob Longe) *** Card Tricks Galore (Longe, pg. 23)
- Let's Play Post Office (Bill Severn) *** The Sphinx (February 1948, Vol. 46, No. 12, pg. 372)
- Let's Pretend (Michael Close) *** The Complete Workers Series (pg. 512)
- Let's Start Over (Edward Marlo) *** Seconds, Centers, Bottoms (pg. 116); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 330)
- Let's Stop Pretending (Tony Kardyro) *** Kardyro's Kolossal Kompendium of Klever and Kommercial Klose-Up (pg. 26)
- Letter at a Time, A (Peter Warlock) *** Pentagram (June 1954, Vol. 8, No. 9, pg. 67)
- Letter of Intent (Karl Fulves) *** Deceptive Practices (pg. 20)
- Letters For Stewart (Lewis Jones) *** Ahead of the Pack (Avis & Jones, pg. 92)
- Lever Drop, The (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 342)
- Lever Palm, The (Lee Snyder) *** Pleasing Deceptions and Subtle Fictions (pg. 83)
- Leverage (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 176)
- Levitation (Karl Fulves) *** Easy-to-Do Card Tricks for Children (pg. 41)
- Lexi-Spell (Paul Gordon) *** Card Marvels (pg. _)
- Liars' Club (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume I (Minch, pg. 284)
- Liars Convention (Karl Fulves & Don Nielson) *** Tarbell Course in Magic (Vol. 2, Lesson 33A, pg. 412)
- Liar's Poker (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 26); Scams & Fantasies - Volume 2 (DVD); The Darwin Ortiz Collection (DVD set)
- Libido (Ramón Riobóo) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 41)
- Libra (Richard Vollmer) *** Tricks And Treats (Colombini, DVD)
- Lickety Flip (David Acer) *** Natural Selections (pg. 13); Extreme Close-Up (DVD)
- Lickety-Split Color Change (Richard Doty) *** Apocalypse (August 1980, Vol. 3, No. 8, pg. 377)
- Lie Deck-Tector (Andi Gladwin) *** Ego (June 2002, Vol. 1, #12, pg. 17)
- Lie Detective, The (Stuart Robson) *** The Jinx (February 1935, No. 5, pg. 19)
- Lie Detector, The (Al Baker, Larry Jennings, etc… etc…) *** The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Karr, pg. 406); The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 115); More Resources
- Lie Detector, The (Kuniyasu Fujiwara) *** 5 Times 5 - Japan (Kaufman, pg. 79)
- Lie Stebbins (Peter Duffie) *** Effortless Card Magic (pg. 51)
- Lie Teller (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2005, No. 5, pg. 305)
- Liebenow's Card Peeling (Denis Behr & Erhard Liebenow) *** Handcrafted Card Magic (Behr, pg. 55)
- Lies (David Regal) *** Close-Up & Personal (pg. 108)
- Lies! Lies! Lies! (Henry Christ) *** The Jinx (Summer Extra 1935, pg. 39)
- Lie-Speller (Al Thatcher) *** Subtle Card Magic (Colombini, DVD)
- Life On Mars (Paul Gordon) *** Nocturnal Creations (pg. 115)
- Lifesaver, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 352)
- Lift Off (Lewis Jones) *** Ahead of the Pack (Avis, Jones, pg. 5)
- Lift Off (Mark Mason) *** Marketed Item
- Lift Up! (Marc Lemezma) *** Marc Lemezma's Card Magic (pg. 62)
- Ligea Card Rise (Richard Bartram, Jr.) *** Mystification (pg. 48)
- Lighter Than A Feather (Paul Gordon) *** Professional Card Magic Miracles (pg. 87)
- Lighting Up A Card Trick (Marshall Brodien) *** 101 Card Tricks (pg. 33)
- Lightning Calculator, The (Jean Hugard & Fred Braue) *** Miracle Methods No. 1: The Stripper Deck (Hugard & Braue, pg. 23)
- Lightning Card *** The Royal Road To Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg 111)
- Lightning Fast Triumph! (Bill Malone's version of Edward Marlo's Simple Triumph) *** Here I Go Again! - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Lightning Freak, A (Len J. Sewell) *** The Sphinx (June 1916, Vol. 15, No. 4, pg. 73)
- Lightning Ten/Twenty Cards (Steve Jones) *** Cards for All Occasions (pg. 81)
- Lights Out (Ian Adair) *** The Complete Guide To Card Conjuring (pg. 95)
- LIII-kelihood (Richard Vollmer) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks II (Beam, pg. 54)
- Like A Bandit (Karl Fulves) *** Methods With Cards - Part One (pg. 58)
- Like Father, Like Son (Judson Brown) *** Mental Mysteries with Cards (edited by William Larsen, pg. 41); Genii Magazine (Vol. __, No. __ )
- Like Hamman (Dominique Duvivier) *** The Attic is in My Chest (DVD)
- Like Seeks Like (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles T. Jordan Collected Tricks (Fulves, pg. 87)
- Like Thoughts (Roy Walker) *** Walker's Card Mysteries (pg. 86)
- Likely Story II, A (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dodgery (pg. 122)
- Likely Suspect (Karl Fulves) *** Rigmarole (1993, Issue No. 1, pg. 5)
- Likewise (Peter Duffie) *** Card Flair (pdf)
- Liles Out-Pivots Cervon (Bill Liles) *** Card Secrets of Bruce Cervon: The Real Work Series #1 (pg. 42)
- Limbo (Karl Fulves) *** Impromptu Holdouts (pg. 22)
- Limbo Count, The (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 359)
- Limelight (Dave Forrest and Cameron Francis) *** Redux (DVD); The Forrest/Francis Project - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Limit Four Ace Trick, The (Billy O' Conner) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 295)
- Limited Ambition (Martin Nash) *** Any Second Now: Part 2 of the Professional Card Technique of Martin A. Nash (Minch, pg. 207); The Very Best of Martin Nash - Volume 1 (DVD); Award Winning Card Magic of Martin Nash - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Limited Edition (Gordon Bean & Larry Jennings) *** Marketed Item
- Limitless (Darwin Ortiz) *** Lessons in Card Mastery (pg. 171)
- Limo Service (Paul Harris) *** Close-Up Seductions (pg. 43); Stars Of Magic #1 - Paul Harris (DVD); The Art of Astonishment - Book 3 (Harris, pg. 163)
- Line Dancer (Werner Miller) *** Tricks to Go - Part 4 (Colombini, DVD)
- Line Of Sight (Alain Nu) *** Linking Ring (September 1991); Dear Mr. Fantasy (Bannon, pg. 46)
- Line of Thought (Karl Fulves) *** Underworld (1998, Issue No. 9, pg. 123)
- Linear Blackjack (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 41)
- Linear Z (William Zavis) *** Spellbinder (December 1982, Vol. 2, No. 20, pg.394)
- Lineup (David Regal) *** Constant Fooling - Book 1 (pg. 149)
- Line-Up (Jim Vetter) *** Marketed Item
- Linked (Richard James) *** Marketed Item
- Linker, The (Alan Rorrison) *** Instant Download (MP4)
- Linking Card Finale (Haruhito Hirata) *** Lecture in Taiwan - April 23, 1995 (pg. 8)
- Linking Cards, The (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 74)
- Liquid [Card Thru Window] (Taylor Lewis) *** Marketed Item (one-trick DVD)
- List To One Side (Bob Longe) *** World's Greatest Card Tricks (PG. 122)
- Lite Switch (Aldo Colombini) *** What's Up Deck? (pg. 132)
- Literate Magician, The *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 144)
- Litmus Test (Jay Sankey) *** Front Row Sankey (DVD)
- Little & Large (Hans Hofflet) *** Marketed Item
- Little Arrows (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Card Conspiracy - Vol. 1 (pg. 77)
- Little Big Card (Steve Dusheck) *** Dusheck's Card Magic (Dusheck Magic Series No. 3, pg. 52)
- Little Card That Wasn't There, The (Harry lorayne) *** Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 221); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 157)
- Little Detective, The (W. A. Flaig) *** The Sphinx (February 1923, Vol. 21, No. 12, pg. 453)
- Little Duke Trick, The (Walter B. Gibson) *** Popular Card Tricks (pg. 45)
- Little Error, A (Bob Longe) *** Mystifying Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 114)
- Little Fella' - Big Fella' (Harry Lorayne) *** Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 61); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 53)
- Little Finger Break *** Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 3: The Controls (DVD)
- Little Game of True or False, A (John Carey) *** Carey On! (DVD)
- Little Martian (Rene Lavand) *** Magic From The Soul (pg. 162); Close-Up Artistry - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Little Marvel (Edwin Hooper) *** Marketed Item; Edwins Magic - Volume Two (pg. 119)
- Little Miracle (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 140)
- Little More On Gambling, A (René Lavand) *** Magic From The Soul (pg. 79)
- Little Ol' One Hand Pass, The (Kevin Kelly) *** Intermezzo (pg. 19)
- Little People (Jeff Stone) *** Stone Cold Magic Magazine (August 2009)
- Little Princess, The (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 38)
- Little Red's Blues (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Methods (Page 36)
- Little Stab'll Do It, A (Robert Bengel) *** Bengel's Best of Spades (lecture notes, pg. _)
- Little Trick (Dean Babbitt) *** The Sphinx (October 1927, Vol. 26, No. 8, pg. 275)
- Little White Lies (John Guastaferro) *** Seven Wonders (pdf); At The Table (On-Line Lecture Series)
- Little Willy Wizard (Jamie Adams) *** Explosive Card Magic (pdf)
- Live Long and Prosper (Lewis Jones) *** The Book of Revelations (pg. 30)
- Livestrong Card Revelation, The (Steve Dela and Liam Montier) *** Marketed Item
- Living and Dead Test *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 1 (Miller, pg. 41)
- Lmao (Mark Tams) *** Deal or No Deal (Alford, item #6)
- Lo and Foretold (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dodgery (pg. 198)
- Loading Display (Tom Stone) *** Vortex (pg. 22)
- Loading Extra Card Packet on Deck (Dr. J.W. Elliott) *** Card Tricks & Conjuring (Elliott, Houdini, pg. 80)
- Loc-ACE-tion (Daniel Chard) *** Chardistry (DVD)
- Locating a Deal (Joshua Jay) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 49)
- Locating The Aces (Karl Fulves) *** Faro & Riffle Technique (pg. 43)
- Location (Frank Lane) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg 227)
- Location Pass (Dai Vernon) *** Dai Vernon's Ultimate Card Secrets (ganson, pg. 116)
- Location Play (Darwin Ortiz) *** Gambling Scams (pg. 54)
- Location Supreme, A (Mike Kanter) *** The Last Word on Cards (Steele, pg. 45)
- Location With Crimp (Yank Hoe) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 47)
- Locator Service (Gary Plants) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks (pg. 130)
- Locator Service II (Gary Plants) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks (pg. 131)
- Locator Slip, The (Lewis Jones) *** Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces (pg. 116)
- Locator, The (James Maxwell) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg 313)
- Locatrix (Ted Annemann) *** Scarne on Card Tricks (pg. 104)
- Locked Deck (Zanadu) *** Marketed Item
- Locked Room (Karl Fulves) *** Notes From Underground (pg. 49)
- Locomotive Card, The (unknown) *** 125 Tricks With Cards or Sleight of Hand (Johnson Smith & Co., pg. 29)
- Lode Stone (Arthur Monroe) *** The New Jinx (September 1964, Vol. III, No. 29, pg. 122)
- Loewy Palm, The (Morris Loewy) *** Card College - Volume 3 (Giobbi, pg. 712)
- Logical Assembly (David Regal) *** Close-Up & Personal (pg. 172); The Magic of David Regal - Volume 3: Enough With The Tricks Already! (DVD)
- Logical Faced Aces (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 82)
- Logical Lesson, A (J.C. Wagner & Sid Segal) *** Full Metal Jacket (pg. 2)
- Logical Princess, A (Allan Ackerman) *** I Can't Believe it's Not All Cards Lecture Tour (pg. 46); Las Vegas Card Miracles (DVD)
- Logical Progression (John Scarne) *** Great Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 56)
- Lollapalooza Hand, The (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (pg. 118)
- Lone Impromptu (Karl Fulves) *** Color Quik (pg. 29)
- Lone Stranger, The (Paul Richards) *** Marketed Item
- Long and Winding Trick, The (Aaron Fisher) *** The Paper Engine (pg. 116); The Sleight Album (pg. 2)
- Long Dimension Phone Call (Jack Parker) *** Jack Parker's 52 Memories (Gladwin, pg. 71); Set To Kill (pg. _)
- Long Distance Call to the Colors (Doug Conn) *** Tricks Of My Trade: The Magic of Doug Conn (Cummins, pg. 17)
- Long Distance Mental Radio (Grant Stuart) *** The Sphinx (October 1941, Vol. 40, No. 8, pg. 242)
- Long Distance Sandwich (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 14)
- Long Distance Second Sight with Cards (Ellis Stanyon) *** Conjuring with Cards: A Practical Treatise on How to Perform Modern Card Tricks (pg. 73)
- Long Distance Spinner (Audley Walsh) *** The Tarbell Course in Magic (Vol. 4, Lesson 49, pg. 127); Daryl's Card Revelations - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Long Distance Thought Transfer (Marshall Brodien) *** 101 Card Tricks (pg. 35)
- Long Stroke Push-Off, The (Simon Lovell) *** Second To None: A manuscript On The Art of Second Dealing (pg. 30)
- Long-Distance Mind Reading (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 116); Thirty Card Mysteries (pg. 7)
- Longitudinal Angle Palm (Edward Marlo) *** The Tabled Palm (pg. 10); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 131)
- Longitudinal Card Change (Phillip Young) *** Fingers Don't Entertain, People Do (Young, Beam, pg. 10)
- Longitudinal Pass, The (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 309)
- Longitudinal Side Steal and Transfer (Dr. Jacob Daley) *** Expert Card Technique (pg. 471)
- Longitudinal Steal (Meir Yedid) *** Live From London It's Meir Yedid (DVD)
- Look - An Illusion (Larry Jennings) *** Lecture Notes (1970, Hollywood Roosevelt Lecture); Genii (May 1970, pg. 400); Larry Jennings On Card And Coin Handling (Busby, pg. 31)
- Look at Me, I'm Special (David Regal) *** Premise, Power & Participation - Volume One: Premise (DVD)
- Look Into My Eyes (Don Morris) *** Close-Up Encounters (pg. 104)
- Look Ma, Just One Hand! (Ken Krenzel) *** CardMagic (Kaufman, pg. 67)
- Look to the Cards (Larry Barnowski) *** The Book of Destiny (pg. 13)
- Look up (Dai Vernon) *** Dai Vernon's Inner Secrets of Card Magic (ganson, pg. 75)
- Look Who Turned Up! (Marc Lemezma) *** Marc Lemezma's Card Magic (pg. 25)
- Look-Away Force, The (James Swain) *** 21st Century Card Magic (pg. 75)
- Looking For The Black Sheep (Werner Miller) *** Enigmaths 1 (pdf, pg. 8)
- Looking Glass Aces, The (Karl Fulves) *** Packet Switches - Part One (Fulves, pg. 22)
- Lorayces (Harry Lorayne & Tim Wenk) *** Quantum Leaps (pg. 62); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 3 (pg. 43); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever Collection - Volume 3 (DVD), or Volume 9 (VHS);
- Lorayne Bluff Count, The Harry Lorayne) *** Quantum Leaps (pg. 27); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 3 (pg. 14)
- Lorayne Card Spin, The (Harry Lorayne) *** Reputation-Makers (Pg. 100); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 2 (pg. 75)
- Lorayne Double-Lift Breakthrough, The (Harry Lorayne) *** Reputation Makers (pg. 277); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 2 (pg. 186)
- Lorayne Force Sandwich (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Best Ever Collection - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Lorayne Spread Control (Harry Lorayne) *** Close-up Card Magic (pg. 121); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 100); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever Collection - Volume 4 (DVD)
- Lorayne's Mind Reading Card Trick (Harry Lorayne) *** Scarne on Card Tricks (pg. 170)
- Lorayne's New Fan Steal (Harry Lorayne) *** Afterthoughts (pg. 33); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 2 (pg. 353)
- Lorayne's Poker Deal (Harry Lorayne, Martin Gardner, Edward Marlo) *** Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 153); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 113)
- Lorayne's Transposition Breakthrough #1 (Harry Lorayne) *** My Favorite Card Tricks (pg. 45); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 240)
- Lord of the Twist (Oz Pearlman) *** Stealing Pips: The Card Magic of Oz (DVD)
- Los Angeles Hop, The (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings '67 (Kaufman, pg. 108)
- Lose It - Find It (Meir Yedid) *** Published & Unpublished (DVD);
- Lose or Win Proposition (Edward Marlo & Karl Fulves) *** The Unexpected Card Book (pg. 92)
- Loser! (Robert Hess) *** Epilogue (November 1969, Issue #7, pg. 49)
- Loser's Leapers (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Cavalcade 3 (Mentzer, pg. 131)
- Losing Control (Lee Asher) *** Hand Jobs (pg. 3)
- Losing Face (John Van Der Put) *** Card Tricks For Money (pdf); Out of the Routine (DVD)
- Lost Ace, The (unknown) *** New Era Card Tricks (Roterberg, pg. 133)
- Lost Aces of Louie the Loser, The (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Ingenuities (Minch, pg. 137)
- Lost Aces, The (Arthur H. Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 155)
- Lost and Bound (Dr. Michael Bilkis) *** Apocalypse (March 1993, Vol. 16, No. 3, pg. 2189)
- Lost and Found (Arthur H. Buckley & James Kater Thompson) *** Card Control (pg. 170)
- Lost and Found (J. E. Wheeler) *** Annemann's Miracles of Card Magic (Annemann, pg. 65)
- Lost and Found (John Guastaferro) *** One Degree (pg. 113)
- Lost and Found (Paul Curry) *** More Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 84)
- Lost and Smelled (Danny Archer) *** Still Working Alone (Lecture notes); Working Alone (DVD)
- Lost and Sniffed (Geoff Williams) *** Stuff That Violates My Parole But I Do Anyway Because It Gets Such A Good Reaction (Lecture Notes #3, pg. 62); At The Table Live (video download or DVD)
- Lost Card, The (Lewis Jones) *** Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces (pg. 94)
- Lost Found, The (August Roterberg) *** New Era Card Tricks (pg. 71)
- Lost in Limbo (Larry Barnowsky) *** Kingdom of the Red (pg.117)
- Lost Integrated Deck, The (Edward Marlo) *** The Greater Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 140)
- Lost Peek, The (Paul Lelekis) *** The Linking Ring (August 2011, Vol. 91, No. 8, pg. 91)
- Lost, Found (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 92)
- Lost, Stolen or Strayed - A King (Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser) *** Hofzinser's Card Conjuring (aka "Kartenkunste," Fischer, pg. 159); Hofzinser's Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 137)
- Lots of Luck (Wally Wilson, Bob Longe) *** Easy Card Tricks (pg. 40)
- Lottery (Karl Fulves) *** Packet Switches - Part Four (Fulves, pg. 258)
- Lottery Card (Peter Eggink) *** Marketed Item
- Love Affair, A (Dan Bellman) *** Cheerful Conjuring (pg. 14)
- Love Birds, The (John Scarne) *** Scarne on Card Tricks (pg. 72)
- Love Cards (Craig Petty) *** Marketed Item (Gimmicks and DVD)
- Love Connection (Pete McCabe) *** The PM Card Mark System Plus Assorted Miracles (McCabe, pg. 76)
- Love Effect (Howard Adams) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2010, No. 8, pg. 532)
- Love Has Great Power (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 621)
- Love Letters (Aldo Colombini) *** Simply Impromptu - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Love Match (Karl Fulves) *** Easy-to-Do Card Tricks for Children (pg. 21)
- Love Times Two (Nick Trost) *** A Few Good Cards (Colombini, DVD)
- Loving Couple, The (Dai Vernon) *** The Vernon Chronicles - Volume 2 (Minch, pg. 94)
- Low Rise (Ken Krenzel & Al Leech) *** Relaxed Impossibilities (Minch, pg. 201)
- Low Riser (Cameron Francis) *** Close Up from Far Away (pg. 28)
- Lower Deep, A (Brian Matney) *** All Hands On Deck (Colombini, DVD)
- Loyalty: The Old Bamboo (Andy Clockwise) *** Marketed Item
- Luck of the Draun (Steve Draun) *** Secrets Draun From Underground (Kaufman, pg. 98)
- Luck of the Draw (David Regal) *** Apocalypse (December 1988, Vol. 11, No. 12, pg. 1573)
- Luck, Science, or Hokum? (Dr. James William Elliott) *** Elliott's Last Legacy: Card Tricks & Conjuring (Elliott, Houdini, pg. 81)
- Lucky 13 (Bob Longe) *** World's Greatest Card Tricks (pg. 100)
- Lucky 13 (George Sands) *** The Pallbearers Review (August 1975, Vol. 10, No. 10, pg. 1035)
- Lucky 14 (Tomas Blomberg) *** The Underground Change (Badman, Miller, pg. 27)
- Lucky 7 (Bob Longe) *** Great Card Tricks (pg. 96)
- Lucky At Cards (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume Two (pg. 151)
- Lucky At Poker (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 116)
- Lucky Card (Costa Funtastico) *** Marketed Item
- Lucky Card (Peter Eggink) *** Beyond Belief (DVD)
- Lucky Card Location (F.J.Baker, Bob Longe) *** Easy Card Tricks (pg. 11)
- Lucky Card, A (Richard Vollmer) *** Impromptu Card Magic (Colombini, pg. 45)
- Lucky Coin, The (Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 1 (Giobbi, pg. 241)
- Lucky Digits (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (pg. 177)
- Lucky In Love (Bob Longe) *** Mystifying Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 45)
- Lucky Ladies (Peter Duffie) *** Obscurities and Other Hidden Secrets (pg. 19)
- Lucky Number for the Ladies (Howard P. Albright) *** Albright's Advanced Card Magic (Item #10)
- Lucky Royal Flush, The (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 106); Aldo On Trost - Volume 2 (Colombini, DVD)
- Lucky Seven (Lawrence Hass) *** Gift Magic (pg. 37)
- Lucky Seven / Follow Up Aces (Edward Marlo) *** Malone Meets Marlo - Volume 5 (DVD); Expert Card Mysteries (Sharpe, "Follow Up Aces, " pg. 139)
- Lucky Thirteen (Dondrake & Geno Munari) *** 101 Tricks with the Gambler's Marked Deck (pg. 9)
- LuLu Lemon (Chris Mayhew & Ryan Pilling) *** Genii (September 2011, Vol. 74, No. 9, pg. 14)
- Lumberjack Stew (Scott Guinn) *** Magishing My Way (pg. 31)
- Lunch (Allan Ackerman) *** The Esoterist (pg. 34)
- Lunch at Louie’s (Eric Richardson) *** Oasis (pg. 116)
- Lustig for Life (Ernest Earick) *** By Forces Unseen (Minch, pg. 165)
- Lyle's Four Of A Kind (Art Lyle) *** Scarne on Card Tricks (pg. 163)
- Lyons Force, The (L. Vosburgh Lyons, M.D) *** More Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 166)
- M & M (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Controls - Part Two: Bocking Off (pg. 86)
- Machine Gun Aces (Harry Eng & Steve Blencoe) *** The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (Harris, pg. 133)
- Madonna (Dan & Dave Buck) *** The System (DVD)
- Maestro's Poker Demonstration, The (Larry Jennings) *** The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 64)
- Magic By Mail (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 105)
- Magic In Your Own Hands (Cliff Green) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 53, or pg. 51, depending on edition)
- Magic Phone Number (Edward Marlo & Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 1 (Giobbi, pg. 191)
- Magic Six, The (Ron Ferris) *** Apocalypse (November 1983, Vol. 6, No. 11, pg. 856)
- Magic Underground, The (Marty Kane) *** Cyber Sessions (Alford, pg. 123)
- Magical Ladies (Joey Gallo) *** Apocalypse (April 1982, Vol. 5, No. 4, pg. 614)
- Magical Mixture (Peter Duffie) *** The Card Addict (pdf, pg. 8)
- Magical Reversal, The (Michael Ammar) *** Amazing Secrets of Card Magic (DVD)
- Magician Makes Good Once Again (Brian Glover) *** England Up Close (Duffie, pg. 88)
- Magician Matches Spectator (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 3 (DVD)
- Magician vs Gambler (Harry Lorayne) *** Personal Secrets (Pg. 27); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 190)
- Magnetic Card Rise, The (T. Page Wright) *** Page Wright's Manuscript (pg. 262)
- Magnetic Cards, The (David Solomon) *** Solomon's Secret Subtleties (DVD)
- Magnetic Colors (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 34)
- Magnetic Pull (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection (pg. 185)
- Magnetic Reversals (Ken Krenzel) *** Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 142)
- Magnetized Card (Gary Plants) *** Marketed Item
- Mahaan Gemini, The (Paul Gordon) *** Professional Card Magic Miracles (pg. 29)
- Main Thrust, The (Paul Gordon) *** Blockbusters With Cards (DVD)
- Major Surgery (Al Leech) *** Al Leech's Legacy (pg. 11)
- Make Mine Dunbury Well (Jon Racherbaumer) *** CardMagic (Kaufman, pg. 14)
- Making A Point *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 76)
- Malone Shift (Bill Malone) *** The Pass (Ouellet, pg. 75); Secrets Draun From Underground (Kaufman, pg. 42)
- Mambo #5 (Oz Pearlman) *** Marketed Item (instant download)
- Manual Operation (Jack Parker) *** Jack Parker's 52 Memories (Gladwin, pg. 127)
- Mar Locato (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo In Spades (pg. 41)
- Marked (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 15)
- Marlo Tilt Pass (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine (1977, Vol. 2, pg. 62)
- Marlo's Curry's Curve (Edward Marlo) *** Kabbala (May 1976, Vol. 3 No. 5, pg. 68); The Legendary Kabbala (pg. 35)
- Marlo's Faro Variation (Edward Marlo) *** The Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 24)
- Marlo's Miss (Edward Marlo) *** Advanced Fingertip Control (pg. 97)
- Marlo's Repeater Card to Pocket (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 57); Malone Meets Marlo - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Marriage Brokers, The (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume Two (pg. 118)
- Martian Chronicle, A (Karl Fulves) *** Deceptive Practices, pg. 75)
- Masquerade (Ben Harris) *** Apocalypse (April 1985, Vol. 8 No. 4, pg. 1055)
- Masquerade (John Bannon) *** Smoke and Mirrors (pg. 44)
- Master Card, The (unknown) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 109)
- Master Mental Divination (Dr. H. Walter Grote) *** Sensational Mentalism - Part One (Bob Nelson, pg. 47)
- Master of the Mess (Pit Hartling) *** Card Fictions (pg. 18)
- Master Stop Trick (Charles T. Jordan) *** The Four Full Hands (pg. 7); Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 9)
- Match.com (Matthew J. Dowden) *** 1 Deck... 14 Tricks... 24 Hours... - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Matched Selection (Jeff Busby) *** S.B.S. - Same Both Sides (Jones, pg. 6)
- Matching Cards *** Marketed Item
- Matching Match (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dodgery (pg. 245)
- Matching The Cards (Dai Vernon) *** Inner Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 22)
- Mates Prediction (William Eston) *** Talk About Tricks - Volume 2 (Jay, DVD)
- Mathematical Card Trick (Steve Beam) *** Magic – The Vanishing Art, or How To Turn A Trick For Fun & Profit (pg. 24)
- Mathematical Finder (John Scarne) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 53)
- Matrix Poker (Jim Steinmeyer and Alan Wakeling) *** Marketed Item
- Maximum Blue (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Technique - Preliminary Notes on Part Two (pg. 91)
- Maximum Leader (Karl Fulves) *** Mexican Monte And Other Tricks (pg. 18)
- Maximum Risk (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 80); The Darwin Ortiz Collection: Scams & Fantasies with Cards - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Maxi-Twist (Roger Smith) *** Good Turns (Racherbaumer, pg. 19)
- Maxi-Twisto (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 222)
- May's Assembly (Don May) *** The Wisdom of Solomon (Solomon & Siegfried, pg. 109)
- McClements Cut, The (Jackie McClements) *** A Lecture By Jackie McClements (pg. 19)
- McCombical Prediction Deck, The (Billy McComb) *** Marketed Item
- McDonald Aces (Nate Leipzig or Alex DeVega, popularized in US by John "Mac" McDonald) *** Dai Vernon's More Inner Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 26);
- Mecka (Dan & Dave Buck) *** Trilogy - Disc 2: Flourishes (DVD)
- Median (Karl Fulves) *** Deceptive Practices, pg. 19)
- Mega 'Wave (John Bannon) *** Mega 'Wave & Other Fractal Adventures (pg. 4); High Caliber (pg. 81)
- Meltdown (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 344)
- Memorizing The Deck (Horatio Galasso) *** Giochi di Carte Bellissimi di Regola, e di Memoria (1593)
- Memory Jumble Juam Tamariz) *** Mnemonica (pg. 195)
- Memory Test, The (Charles T. Jordon) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 46 or pg. 44, depending on edition)
- Mental Card Prediction (Morris Cohen - a.k.a. The Amazing Maurice) *** Mentalistrix (pg. 24)
- Mental Card Transposition (Toshio Akanuma) *** Marketed Item
- Mental Card-Go (Geoffrey Robinson) *** The Gen (May 1948, Vol. 3, No. 6, pg. 163)
- Mental Control (Vernon Cook) *** Genii (August 1937, Vol. 1, No. 12, pg. 12)
- Mental Fingertips (Nick Trost) *** Mental Card Miracles (pg. 10); Aldo on Trost - Vol. 1 (Colombini, DVD)
- Mental Headache, A (Ted Annemann, actually Charles Jordan's "The Magi's Detection") *** Strange Secret No.14 (November 1933); The Incorporated Strange Secrets (pg. 18); Also see Jordan's original in the Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg 183)
- Mental Schmental (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 93)
- Mental Selectivity (Charlie Miller) *** Facsimile Number 4 (pdf, pg. 15)
- Mental Spell, A (Jack McMillen) *** Jack McMillen (Landes, pg. 53)
- Mental Television Thought Control (Fred Peterson & Burling "Volta" Hull) *** Sensational Mentalism - Part Three (Bob Nelson, pg. 37)
- Mentalias II (J. K. Hartman) *** Apocalypse (January 1979, Vol. 2, No. 1, pg. 155)
- Mephisto's Prediction (Charles T. Jordan) *** The Four Full Hands (pg. 25); Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 7)
- Mesmerism (Karl Fulves) *** Color Quik (pg. 42)
- Metamorphosis (Larry Jennings & Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 1 (Giobbi, pg. 239)
- Mexican Choice (Gene Maze) *** Pure Deceptions & Maximum Impact: The Magic of Gene Maze (DVD)
- Mexican Joe's Crimp (Mexican Joe) *** Dai Vernon's More Inner Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 60)
- Mexican Revolution, The (Fenik & Gordon Bean) *** Marketed Item
- Mickey Mouse Math (Paul Harris) *** The Art Of Astonishment - Book 3 (Harris, pg. 67)
- Midnight Hour (Karl Fulves) *** 13 Prophets (pg. 15)
- Military Problem, The (Edward G. Brown) *** The Card Magic of Edward G. Brown (Hall, pg. 106)
- Millennium Collectors (Paul Gordon) *** Nocturnal Creations (pg. 80)
- Million to One, A (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Cards On The Table (pg. 11)
- Milton (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2011, No. 9, pg. 572)
- Mind Control *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 75)
- Mind In Retrospect, The (Ted Annemann) *** SH-H-H--! it's a secret (pg. 19); Annemann: The Life and Times of A Legend (Abrams, pg. 196)
- Mind Mirror, The (Pete McCabe) *** The PM Card Mark System Plus Assorted Miracles (McCabe, pg. 62)
- Mind of Mephisotopheles (Howard P. Albright) *** Albright's Advanced Card Magic (pg. 8)
- Mind Power Deck (John Kennedy) *** Marketed Item
- Mind-Reading Magician! (Bill Malone) *** Here I Go Again! - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Mind's Attack (Tomoyuki Takahashi) *** Marketed Manuscript (Japan, 1997)
- Mind's I (Karl Fulves) *** Clockwork (pg. 27)
- Mini All Backs (Simon Lovell) *** Simon Says!: The Close-Up Magic of Simon Lovell (pg.202)
- Mini Ambush (Bob King) *** Apocalypse (August 1991, Vol. 14, No. 8, pg. 1964)
- Miniskill (Bob King) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 57)
- Minus Math (Kevin Moran) *** Apocalypse (October 1994, Vol. 17, No. 10, pg. 2415)
- Mirabile Dictu (Allen Zingg) *** Smart-Stuff (pg. 19)
- Miracle Ace Cutting (Edward Marlo) *** Malone Meets Marlo - Volume 2 (DVD);
- Miracle Card-In-Wallet (Tom Mullica) *** Marketed Manuscript (1975)
- Miracolor (aka "Miracolour," Boris Wild) *** Marketed Item; Boris Wild's Remarkable Card Magic (DVD)
- Miraculous (James Swain) *** 21st Century Card Magic (pg. 46)
- Miredieu Poker Deal, The (Richard Vollmer) *** Apocalypse (December 1994, Vol. 17, No. 12, pg. 2437)
- Mistress Card Principle (Jason Montoya) *** Stone Cold Magic (Stone, DVD)
- Miumph (Reinhard Mueller) *** Talk About Tricks - Volume 1 (Jay, DVD); Magic (October 2003, Vol. 13, No. 2, pg. 81)
- Mix and Match (Frank Garcia) *** Wildcard Miracles (pg. 63)
- Mixed Relations (Aldo Colombini) *** Marketed Item
- Mixed-up Kings (Joshua Jay) *** Magic: The Complete Course (pg. 97)
- MK Simple Shift Variation (Michael Kociolek) *** 8 Effects and a Sleight (pg. _)
- Mnemonicosis (Juan Tamariz) *** Mnemonica (pg. 97)
- Modena Aces (Aldo Colombini) *** Impromptu Packet Tricks (DVD)
- Moment In Magic, A (J. Stewart Smith) *** Silent Evidence (pg. 8)
- Monarch-Card-And-Pocket Mystery, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 107)
- Monte Plus Plus (Ken Krenzel) *** Apocalypse (July 1978, Vol. 1 , No. 7, pg. 81)
- Monte-Cristo Deck (Henry Hardin, aka E.A. Parsons) *** Marketed Item (originally produced by Theodore DeLand)
- Montreal Transpo, The (Jay Sankey & David Acer) *** Natural Selections - Volume II (Acer, pg. 65)
- More For Less (Fred Robinson) *** Pabular (January 1976, Vol. 2, No. 5, pg. 206)
- More Hemeroids (Paul Gordon) *** The Second 16th Card Book (pg. _)
- More Lies (Robert E. Neale) *** Pallbearers Review (Fulves, Winter 1970, 4th Folio, pg. 384); Impromptu Card Magic (Colombini, pg. 116); Impromptu Card Magic - Volume 1 (Colombini, DVD)
- More Oil, More Water (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 91)
- Morons (Peter Duffie) *** Decknology (ebook); Best of Peter Duffie (ebook)
- Mortality (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 115)
- Most Triumphant (Jeff Stone) *** Stone Cold Magic Magazine (December 2007))
- Motel Mystery, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 1 (pg. 245)
- Mouse Trap (Aldo Colombini) *** Crazy for Cards (DVD)
- Moving Multiple Jog, The (Jean Jacques Sanvert) *** Apocalypse (June 1992, Vol. 15, No. 6, pg. 2081)
- Moving Parts (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 71)
- Moving Sandwich, A (John Born & Jason Dean) *** Meant To Be (Born, pg. 73)
- Mueller / Avis Dealing Procedure (Reinhard Mueller & Jack Avis) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (Trost, pg. 11)
- Multiple Down Under (Hideo Kato) *** Magic (January 2003, Vol. 12, No. 5, pg. 76)
- Multiple Rotary Palm (Euan McCall Bingham) *** Twenty Things Marlo Didn't Publish (pg. 5)
- Multiple Spread Cull (aka "Prayer Cull," Edward Marlo) *** The New Tops (February 16, 1964); M.I.N.T. - Volume 1 (pg. 232)
- Murray's Card Crystal ("Murray the Escapologist") *** Murray (Andrews, pg. 74)
- Museum Piece (Darwin Ortiz) *** Cardshark (pg. 103)
- Must Be 21 to Enter (Chris Kenner) *** Totally Out of Control (pg. 145)
- Mutanz (Bob Farmer) *** Marketed Item
- Mutus, Nomen, Dedit, Cocis *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 120)
- Muzarre Vanish (Reinhard Mueller) *** Spellbinder (February 1984, Vol. 3, No. 34, pg. 690)
- Mxyzptlk (Tomas Blomberg) *** Blomberg Laboratories (Gladwin, pg. 222)
- My Card Isn't (Karl Fulves) *** The Fine Print (1995, No. 2, pg. 23)
- My Favorite Card (Bob Longe) *** World's Best Card Tricks (pg. 30)
- My Favorite Gemini (Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Kardma (pg. 12)
- My Lucky Card (Bill Simon) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 136)
- My Mistake (Stephen Tucker) *** Spellbinder (March 1982, Vol.1, No.11 , p. 201)
- My Psychic Deck (Jason Montoya and Jeff Stone) *** Stone Cold Magic (DVD)
- My Time Is Your Time (Bob Longe) *** Card Tricks Galore (pg. 92)
- My Way (John Carey) *** Letters To Friends (pg. 18)
- Mystery Card (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2006, No. 1, pg. 21)
- Mystery Card (Larry Jennings) *** The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 34)
- Mystery Of Elliott's Last Legacy (Jack Avis) *** Vis à Vis (pg. 60)
- Mystery of the Number Nine (Paul Gordon) *** England Up Close (Duffie, pg. 121)
- Mystic Count Down, The *** Mark Wilson's Complete Course In Magic (pg. 131)
- Mystic Poker (David Regal) *** Close-Up & Personal (pg. 105); Premise, Power & Participation - Volume Three: Participation (DVD)
- Mystrey (Fred Fletcher) *** Phoenix (February 1950, Vol. 4, No. 197, pg. 787)
- Mythical Transpiration (Frank "Ricardo" Pemper) *** Ricardo's Card Artifice (pg. 59)
- N.A.M.D The Sequel (Marc Spelmann) *** 101108 (Lecture Notes)
- N.B. for the Top Stock (Edward Marlo) *** Riffle Shuffle Systems (pg. 53)
- N.R.F. (Sandro Loporcaro) *** Marketed Item (pdf)
- Nabbed In The Back (J. W. Sarles & Karl Fulves) *** The Magic Thrust (Fulves, pg. 42)
- Nacho Mama's Triumph (Daniel Garcia) *** Blueprints (pg. 20); Limited (pg. _); The Daniel Garcia Project - Disc 3 (DVD)
- Naff All! (Paul Gordon) *** The Unplanned Card Book (pg. )
- Nail Cutting (Frederick Braue) *** Show Stoppers With Cards (Hugard & Braue, pg. 8)
- Nail Gauge Spell, The (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 77)
- Nail Jail (Steve Dusheck) *** Dusheck's Card Magic (Dusheck Magic Series No. 3, pg. 84)
- Nailcutting the Aces (Frederick Braue) *** Show Stoppers With Cards (Pg. 9)
- Nailed (Jay Sankey) *** Marketed Item
- Nailed (Jule L. Miller) *** Three Dozen Tricks with the Dock Haley Svengali Deck (pg. 32)
- Nailed Thoughts (Walter B. Gibson) *** Dunninger's Brain Busters (Atmore, pg. 34)
- Nailed! (David Regal) *** Close-Up & Personal (pg. 123)
- Nailing Chosen Card to the Door (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 24)
- Nail-nick Rick (Terry LaGerould) *** Terry LaGerould’s Pasteboard Presentations (Whiting and LaGerould, pg. 35)
- Nail-Nicking *** Jargon by 1935, Annemann in Jinx #6 as "nail nicked"; magicians jargon by 1947 Curry in Phoenix #129; Also called “nail dented” in 1948, Braue in HMM.
- Nail-Writing Trick, A (Peter Duffie) *** Decknology (Item #5); The Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 2 (pg. 81)
- Naked (Salvador Sufrate & Bazar de Magia) *** Marketed Item (DVD & Gaffs)
- Naked Angels on Bikes (Paul Harris) *** Marketed Item
- Naked Erdnase (KC Ushijima) *** Subtle Concepts (Hucko & Sevau, DVD)
- Naked Lunch (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 45)
- Naked Princess (Lewis Jones) *** The Paragon Move (pg. 42)
- Name 1 from the 52 (Alex Hui) *** M-U-M (March 2007, Vol. 96, No. 10, pg. 47)
- Name a Card (Dai Vernon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 56)
- Name a Card Triumph (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Cards On The Table (pg. 95)
- Name a Number (Leo Behnke) *** Entertaining with Cards (pdf, pg. 10)
- Name a Number (Paul Clive) *** Card Tricks Without Skill (pg. 225)
- Name A Number, Any Number (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Diamonds From Coal (pg. 6, also available as pdf)
- Name and Number (Mysterio) *** Mysterio's Encyclopedia Of Magic and Conjuring (Fujari, pg. 74)
- Name and Place (Audley Walsh) *** The Last Word on Cards (Steele, pg. 42)
- Name Any Number and You Can Do It Too (Bill Malone) *** On The Loose - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Name Card (Stephen Beresford) *** The Gen (September 1969, Vol. 25, No. 5, pg.121)
- Name Cards (Richard Himber) *** Tarbell Course in Magic (Vol. 5, Lesson 60, pg. 91)
- Name Clip (Tomo Maeda) *** And Now (pg. 22);
- Name Dropper (Jack Avis & Lewis Jones) *** Ahead of the Pack (Avis & Jones, pg. 206)
- Name From The Ashes, The (Walter B. Gibson) *** Popular Card Tricks (pg. 24)
- Name is Familiar, The (Bob Longe) *** Mystifying Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 119)
- Name It (Doug Canning) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 99)
- Name It (Gary Kurtz) *** Unexplainable Acts (Kaufman, pg. 46)
- Name My Card! (Joseph Dunninger) *** Dunninger's Complete Encyclopedia of Magic (pg. 203)
- Name O' Card (R.W. Hull) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 237)
- Name Speller (Al Leech) *** Cardmanship (pg. 5)
- Name Spelling (U. F. Grant) *** Same Both Sides (Lloyd E. Jones, pg. 36)
- Name Tag (Agus Tjiu) *** Marketed Item
- Name That Card (Temple C. Patton) *** Card Tricks Anyone Can Do (pg. 52)
- Name That Card (Tom Craven) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 459)
- Name That Trick (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks II (Beam, pg. 18)
- Name To Conjure With, A (Stewart James) *** Card Tricks Galore (Longe, pg. 75)
- Name Your Card (Roy Baker) *** Totally Impromptu (Colombini, DVD)
- Named Ace Rise (Karl Fulves) *** Cards #3 - Interlock (pg. 27)
- Named Card (Edward Glassman) *** Family Magic II (item #9)
- Named Card from Pocket (Ramblar) *** Mnemonica (Tamariz, pg. 148)
- Named Deck (Alan Chan) *** Forbidden (DVD)
- Named Location (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks V (Beam, pg. 225)
- Named Magic Thrust (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2008, No. 4, pg. 235)
- Named Open (Karl Fulves) *** 13 Prophets (pg. 46)
- Named Stranger Triumph (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 38)
- Named Trap (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Technique - Preliminary Notes on Part One (pg. 20)
- Named Vanish, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo In Spades (pg. 36)
- Named! (Sean Carpenter) *** England Up Close (Duffie, pg. 11)
- Nameless "It's Over Here, of Course" (Edward Marlo & Hideo Kato) *** The Olram File (Racherbaumer, Issue 11, pg. 3)
- Nameless (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 95)
- Nameless Card Trick, The (Paul Fleming) *** The Sphinx (February 1909, Vol. 7, No. 12, pg. 162)
- Name-O-Card Revisited (Sam Randlett) *** Ibidem (June 1960, No. 21, pg. 459)
- Name-O-Quint (Karl Fulves) *** Parallel Lines (pg. 31)
- Namer, The (Simon Lovell) *** Son of Simon Says! (pg. 23); Madness Behind The Methods - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Names Tell, The (Walter B. Gibson) *** Professional Magic for Amateurs (pg. 43)
- Naming Cards in the Dark (Jean Hugard) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 33)
- Naming Chosen Card *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 232)
- Naming Four Cards (David Devine) *** Simple Card Magic For Everyone (pg. 25)
- Naming the Aces (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 28)
- Naming the Card (Marshall Brodien) *** 101 Card Tricks (pg. 8)
- Naming The Card Cut To (unknown) *** Table Magic (Gardner, pg. 34)
- Naming the Cards (Joseph Leeming) *** Tricks Any Boy Can Do (pg. 37)
- Naming the Top Card (Arthur Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 164)
- Naming the Top Cards *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 2 (Miller, pg. 40)
- Naming the Top Cards of Three Heaps (Marshal Brodien) *** 101 Card Tricks (pg. 18)
- Nano Break (Brian Tudor) *** Tudor 2013 (DVD)
- Nap Hand Deal (popularized by Lionel King, Al Koran, and Billy McComb) *** Sleight of Hand (Sachs, pg. 143); Tricks for Everyone (Devant, pg._); Al Koran's Professional Presentations (Miller, pg. 83); The Kismet Connection (Lesley, pg. 12);
- Napoleon (Karl Fulves) *** Notes From Underground (pg. 58)
- Narrow Card *** Encyclopedic Dictionary of Magic (Whaley, pg. 633)
- Narrow Margin (Aldo Colombini) *** Mamma Mia (pdf, pg. 9)
- Narrow Minded (Tony Bartolotta) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2007, No. 3, pg. 165)
- Narrowing The Wide Open Prediction (John W.Wells) *** The Open Prediction Project (Baxter, pg. 234)
- Nash Full-Deck Shuffle Control (Martin Nash) *** Any Second Now (Minch, pg. 177)
- Nash Multi-Center, The (Martin Nash) *** Sleight Unseen (Minch, pg. 336)
- Nash Multiple Shift Routine (Martin Nash) *** Charming Cheat Show & Lecture (DVD); Extensive work on the multiple shift published in the trilogy of books by Stephen Minch, "Ever So Sleightly," "Sleight Unseen," and "Any Second Now."
- Nash’s Ace Cutting Routine (Martin Nash) *** The Very Best Of Martin Nash - Volume 2 (DVD)
- National Reverse (Harry Lorayne) *** Apocalypse (September 1991, Vol. 14, No. 9, pg. 1974)
- Natterjacks (Peter Duffie) *** Perplexities (pdf, pg. _)
- Natural Ace Assembly (Ken Krenzel) *** Relaxed Impossibilities (Minch, pg. 166)
- Natural Born Filler (Aaron Fisher) *** FISM 2003 (pg. 16)
- Natural Break Peek (Eddie Fechter) *** Fechter - The Magic of Eddie Fechter (Mentzer, pg.39)
- Natural Card (George G. Kaplan) *** The Fine Art of Magic (pg. 49)
- Natural Deck Switch (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo without Tears (Racherbaumer, pg. 276)
- Natural False Cut, A (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Ingenuities (Minch, pg. 116)
- Natural Grip Radical Change (Richard Kaufman) *** Cardworks (pg. 18)
- Natural Jog (Originated among card sharps sometime before 1584. The word "jog" was coined by American card sharps by 1865. Introduced to magicians jargon in 1902 by Erdnase/Harto) *** The Royal Road To Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 195); R. Paul Wilson on The Royal Road To Card Magic - Volume 5 (DVD)
- Natural Jog-Control, A (Paul LePaul) *** The Card Magic of Le Paul (pg. 93)
- Natural Multiple Lift, The (Ken Krenzel) *** Card Classics of Ken Krenzel (Lorayne, pg. 16)
- Natural Poker Power (Mike Powers) *** Power Plays: High Voltage Magic From Mike Powers (pg. 63)
- Natural Reverse Double Undercut (Larry Jennings & Neal Elias)) *** Card Finesse (Racherbaumer, pg. 55)
- Natural Second Deal, The (Roger Crosthwaite) *** Card Notes (pg. 52)
- Natural Selection (John Carney) *** John Carney's Carneycopia (Minch, pg. 107)
- Natural Selection (Larry Barnowsky) *** Kingdom of the Red (pg.135)
- Natural, The (Andrew Wimhurst) *** Down Under Deals (pg. 55)
- Naturalized Brainwave (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Close-up Impact! (Minch, pg. 85)
- Natzler Queens, The (Paul Gordon) *** Nocturnal Creations (pg. 24)
- NBTTD ("Never Back To The Deck") Jokers (Bruce Cervon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 3 (pg. 242)
- NDE (Near Death Experience) (Steve Peterson) *** The Cardwarp Tour (Pierce, pg. 30)
- Ne Plus Ultra Card Trick, The (Roterberg & Ernest Noakes) *** The Lost Notebooks of John Northern Hilliard (pg. 240)
- Ne Plus Ultra Cards to Pocket (John Booth) *** Marvels of Mystery (pg. 38)
- Ne Plus Ultra, New Version (John Northern Hilliard) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 471)
- Neal Elias Flourish Cut (Neal Elias) *** Cardshark (pg. 151); Cardshark - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Neal Elias Multiple Shift (Neal Elias) *** 52 Lovers (Carroll, pg. 111)
- Near Future (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2007, No. 3, pg. 155)
- Near Miss (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Card Conspiracy - Vol. 2 (pg. 140)
- Near Mix (J. K. Hartman) *** 3 Collected Works of Jerry Hartman (pg. 49)
- Near Perfect (Harry Lorayne) *** Trend Setters (pg. 271)
- Near Royalty (Karl Fulves) *** Cards 3 - Interlock (Fulves, pg. 64)
- Nearly A Triumph (Jerry Mentzer & Bill Simon) *** Card Cavalcade 2 (Mentzer, pg. 211)
- Nearly CAAN (Gary Jones & Chris Congreave) *** Dupes (DVD)
- Near-Perfect Poker (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2009, No. 6, pg. 386)
- Nearsighted Detective, The (Ryan Matney) *** Card Jones (pg. 16)
- Near-Sighted Jack Sandwhich (John Gelasi) *** John's Card Creations Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Neat Card Detection *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 299)
- Neat Color Change, A (W. A. Flaig) *** The Sphinx (October 1920, Vol. 19, No. 8, pg. 252)
- Neat Slop Shuffle (Phil Thomas) *** Phoenix (May 1944, Vol. 2, No. 60, pg 246)
- Nebulous (Diamond Jim Tyler) *** Mirrors (DVD)
- Nebulous Aces and Kings, The (Frank "Ricardo" Pemper) *** Ricardo's Card Artifice (pg. 5)
- Necessity Is The Mother (Billy McComb) *** McComb's Magic 25 Years Wiser (pg. 153)
- Necktie Glide (Bernard Weller in his trick COLOR INJECTION ) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 214)
- Necktie Second Deal *** International Collection (Sankey, DVD)
- Necronomicron (J.W. Sarles & Karl Fulves) *** The Pallbearers Review (November 1965, Vol. 1, No. 1, pg. 1)
- Necroscope (Karl Fulves) *** Vampire Chronicles (pg. 49)
- Ned Rutledge's "Cards Concordant" *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 38)
- Ned Rutledge's Cards Concordant (Nick Trost & Ned Rutledge) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 38)
- Needed A Title (Edward Marlo) *** The Unexpected Card Book (pg. 186)
- Needle In A Haystack (Harry Riser) *** Secrets Of An Escamoteur (Minch, pg. 159)
- Needle In A Haystack (Paul Gordon) *** Nocturnal Creations (pg. 58)
- Needle Through Deck (Henry Evans) *** Marketed Item
- Negative Intruder (Phil Goldstein) *** Pabular (July1978, Vol. 4, No. 11, pg. 597)
- Negative Prediction (Arthur F. MacTier) *** Card Concepts (pg. 8)
- Negative Side Steal (Karl Fulves) *** Cards 4 - Side Steal (pg. 31)
- Negative Sleeving (Karl Fulves) *** Impromptu Holdouts (pg. 35)
- Negative Spaces (Tom Stone) *** Gravel (pg. 21)
- Neither & Also (Rafael Benatar) *** Double-Card Technique (pg. 28); More Elegant Card Magic (DVD)
- Neither Blind Nor Stupid (Juan Tamariz, aka "Neither Blind Nor Silly) *** Sonata (pg. 211); Lessons In Magiv - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Nelson Card Rise, The (Bob Nelson) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 187)
- Nelson Quickie (Bob Nelson) *** Marlo In Spades (pg. 32)
- Nelson's $1.50 Four Ace Routine (Barry Nelson) *** JOHN: Verse Two (Mendoza, pg. 46)
- Nelson's Punched Cards (Bob Nelson) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 4 (pg. 13)
- Nemesis (Sam Webster) *** Marketed Item (instant download)
- Nemo Jumbo Rising Cards (Jim Hooper) *** Ken Brooke's Magic Place (pg. 238)
- Neo Ace Assembly (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 4 (pg. 327)
- Neo Ace Trick, The (Edward Victor) *** Magic of the Hands (pg. 29)
- Neo Change (Daryl Sato) *** Marketed Item (DVD)
- Neo Deck (Yves Doumergue) *** Marketed Item
- Neo Jazz Aces (Edward Marlo) *** The Olram File (Racherbaumer, Issue 11, pg. 5)
- Neo Jordan Count (Jeff Busby & Edward Marlo) *** Card Finesse II (Racherbaumer, pg. 53)
- Neo-Piquant Glimpse (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Hierophant (Issue 2, Winter 1969, pg. 41); The Legendary Hierophant (pg. 82)
- Neoteric Aces in Four Movements (Edward Marlo) *** The Olram File (Racherbaumer, Issue 6, pg. 5)
- Nerve (Karl Fulves) *** Easy-to-Do Card Tricks for Children (pg. 16)
- Nerve Force, The (T.Page Wright) *** Page Wright's Manuscripts (pg. 103)
- Nervous Ace, The (Tom Daugherty) *** Apocalypse (March 1996, Vol. 19, No. 3, pg. 2623); Aldo Colombini's Impromptu Card Magic Volume One (DVD)
- Nervous Breakdown (Dominique Duvivier) *** Marketed Item
- Nervous Card, The (S.H. Sharpe) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 91)
- Nervous Condition (Chad Long) *** The Lost Cheesy Notebooks - Volume Two (pg. 3)
- Nervy Card Trick (Roy Walton) *** Card Tricks For Cardicians (pg. 14)
- Nest Egg (Henry Durkin) *** Card Tricks For Cardicians (Magic Inc, pg. _)
- Net for Catching the Card, A (Edward Marlo) *** Card Fan Productions (pg. 17)
- N-E-T Profit (Richard Vollmer) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 274)
- Netherworld (Gary Ouellet) *** Close Up Illusions (pg. 307); Best of All Worlds Geris, pg. 185)
- Network ESP (Larry Becker) *** Larry Becker's World of Super Mentalism - Book Two (pg. 185)
- Neutral Zone, The (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2008, No. 4, pg. 231)
- Never (Jean-Pierre Vallarino) *** Marketed Item (see also "Seal The Deal" by Dave Forrest, from Fandango booklet)
- Never Ending Story (Aldo Colombini) *** Impact (pg. 106)
- Never Fail Stop Trick, The (Dave Forrest) *** Radio Rental (DVD)
- Never Failing Card, The (Gerald Kosky) *** The Magic of Gerald Kosky (pg. 75)
- Never Fails (Gary Plants) *** Lecture Notes From The Second Super Session Dallas 2004
- Never Give A Sucker An Even Break (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume One (pg. 40); The Devil's Playthings: A Collection of Card Tricks (pg. 48)
- Never In A Lifetime (Paul Curry) *** Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond (pg. 298)
- Never Mind (Jon Maronge) *** Nevermind: The Movie (DVD)
- Never Miss Card Trick (Michael Schwartz) *** The Center Flip and Other Cardtastrophes (pg. 77)
- Never Odd Or Even a/k/a I Prefer Pi (Phil Goldstein) *** Redivider (pg. 14)
- Never on Thunday (Jon Racherbaumer) *** The Collected Almanac (Kaufman, Autumn 1985, Vol. 2, Issues 14, pg. 136)
- Never Play With Strangers (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 52)
- Never Say Die (Aldo Colombini) *** Card & Dice Deceptions - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Never The Twain (Kirk Charles) *** Marked for Life (pg. 80)
- Never The Twain Shall Mix (Ray Kosby) *** Spectacle (Minch, pg. 41)
- Never Underestimate (Robert Hess) *** Epilogue (March 1970, Issue #8, pg. 57)
- Neverchange Count (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume I (Minch, pg. 81)
- Never-Mind Shuffle (Lennart Green) *** Green Magic - Volume 4 (DVD)
- Never-Miss Stop Trick (Martin Gardner) *** 12 Tricks with a Borrowed Deck (pg. 12)
- New "Miracle" Effect, The (Orville Wayne Meyer) *** The Jinx (February 1937, No. 29, pg. 188)
- New $1,000.00 Test Card Location (Ted Annemann) *** Practical Mental Effects (pg. 275)
- New Ace Vanishes (Edward Marlo) *** The Card Magic Of Edward Marlo (pg. 42)
- New Aces Through Newspaper (Mark Leveridge) *** The Collected Card Magic of Mark Leveridge - Volume 1 (pg. _)
- New Addition to the Thunderbird (Lee Asher) *** Pulp Friction (pg. 3)
- New Age Cards (Robert E. Neale) *** Epilogue (March 1972, Issue #14, pg. 117)
- New Approach Ace Assembly (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 348)
- New Approach Assembly (Justin Higham) *** Technomagic (May 1991, No. 11, pg. 86)
- New Approach Digital Clock (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 333)
- New Approach I.F. Control (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 154)
- New Australian Deal (Glenn Gravatt) *** 50 Modern Card Tricks (pg. 21)
- New Back Off, The (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 136)
- New Baffling Location, A (Frank Lane) *** Help Yourself (pg. _); Annemann: The Life and Times of a Legend (Abrams, pg. 130)
- New Bottom Change, The (T. Page Wright) *** Page Wright's Manuscript (pg. 116); The Complete Page Wright Manuscript (pdf, pg. 61); Genii (July 1937, Vol. 1, No. 11, pg. 10)
- New Cap, A (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 158)
- New Card Affinity (George G. Kaplan) *** The Fine Art of Magic (pg. 65)
- New Card and Egg Trick, A (Christianer) *** The Sphinx (June 1916, Vol. 15, No. 4, pg. 77)
- New Card Discovery (unknown) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 32)
- New Card Monte (Ulysses Frederick "U. F." Grant) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 135)
- New Card Reading (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 143)
- New Card Reverse (Wayne Minge) *** M-U-M (March 1959, Vol. 48, No. 10, pg. 422); Magic from M-U-M (CD)
- New Card Spatula, A (Lane Bateman) *** Ireland's Yearbook for 1961(pg. 27)
- New Card Thru Handkerchief *** Marketed Item
- New Card Vanish, A (J. F. Burrows) *** Some New Magic (pg. 30)
- New Changing Card (Bill Tarr) *** Now You See it, Now You Don't! (pg. 80)
- New Changing Spot Cards (Burling Hull) *** Sealed Mysteries (pg. 16)
- New Charlier Pass (Tom Ransom) *** Apocalypse (April 1979, Vol. 2, No. 4, pg. 189)
- New Color Change of a Giant Card Fan (Del Monte) *** My Best (Thompson, pg. 132)
- New Convincing Control (Allan Ackerman) *** Here's My Card (pg. 82)
- New Darwin's Wild Card (Darwin Ortiz) *** Lessons in Card Mastery (pg. 261)
- New Deal Card Code (Ted Annemann) *** SH-H-H--! it's a secret (pg. 24)
- New Deal Poker (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2010, No. 7, pg. 443)
- New Deal Poker Hand, The (Dr. Ben Braude? Dr. Al Berndt & Peter Musto?) *** Scarne on Card Tricks (Scarne, pg. 100)
- New Deal, The (Doug Edwards) *** Brass Knuckles (pg. 169)
- New Deal, The (Karl Fulves) *** My Best Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 35)
- New Deck Gambler vs Magician (Michael Schwartz) *** The Center Flip (pg. 101)
- New Deck Progressive (Allan Slaight) *** Ibidem (July 1968, Issue 33, pg. 789); Spins & Needles: The Magic of Allan Slaight (pg. 44)
- New Deck Speller (Ted Annemann) *** The Linking Ring (October 1943, Vol 23, No. 8, pg. 42)); Annemann: The Life and Times of A Legend (Abrams, pg. 534)
- New Diminishing Returns (Michael Powers) *** Marketed Item
- New Divination (Dai Vernon) *** Early Vernon (pg. 60)
- New Divino (Glenn Gravatt) *** The Gen (Vol. 16, No. 3, pg. 68)
- New Double Color-Changing Aces (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 76)
- New Double Location, A *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 3 (Miller, pg. 42)
- New Double Telepathy Routine, The (Ted Annemann) *** Annemann's Mental Bargain Effects (pg. 7); Annemann: The Life and Times of A Legend (Abrams, pg. 146)
- New Double Treatment For The Slick Card, The (Ted Annemann) *** Annemann: The Life and Times of A Legend (Abrams, pg. 185)
- New Era Card Through Hankerchief (unknown) *** Tarbell Course in Magic (Vol. 3, Lesson 40, pg. 244)
- New Era Moving Pips (Tomo Maeda) *** Five Times Five: Japan Kaufman, pg. 34)
- New False Cut, A (Eddie Taytelbaum) *** The Gen (1954, Vol. 10, No. 12, pg. 338)
- New Finger Clip Palm (Jean Hugard) *** More Card Manipulations (pg. 39)
- New Finishes for Card Tricks: 1. Card Dropping (Ted Annemann) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 223)
- New Game, A (Debbie & Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Kardma (pg. 130)
- New General Card, The (August Roterberg) *** New Era Card Tricks (pg. 162)
- New Glimpse, A (Jean Hugard) *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 95)
- New Haunted Deck, The (Stuart Cramer) *** The Sphinx (November 1948, Vol. 47, No. 9, pg. 240)
- New Hitchcock Aces, The (Darwin Ortiz) *** Cardshark (pg. 58)
- New Hofzinser Change, The (Martin Nash) *** Ever So Sleightly (Minch, pg. 39)
- New Hue (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 116)
- New Hue View (Peter Duffie) *** Cardeceits (pdf)
- New Idea Transposition (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 239)
- New Ink Card, The (August Roterberg) *** New Era Card Tricks (pg. 256)
- New Intruder, The (Jack Avis) *** Pentagram (Vol. 10, No. 2, pg. 9)
- New Jack City (John Bannon) *** Smoke & Mirrors (DVD)
- New Jax (John Bannon) *** Six. Impossible. Things. (pg. 26); High Caliber (pg. 38)
- New King Cut (Michael Skinner) *** Classic Sampler (pg. 20)
- New Kink, A (Ted Annemann) *** SH-H-H--! it's a secret (pg. 15)
- New Las Vegas Leaper (LVL$), The (Paul Harris) *** True Astonishments - Disc 2 (DVD)
- New Light On Black Magic (Karl Fulves) *** Faro & Riffle Technique (pg. 50)
- New Lightning Card Change (Al Vitali) *** The Sphinx (August 1939, Vol. 38, No. 6, pg. 147)
- New Limited Edition (Larry Jennings & Gordon Bean) *** Marketed Item
- New Math Addition (Allan Ackerman) *** Ackerman 2004 (Lecture Notes); Las Vegas Card Miracles (DVD)
- New Math, The (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 64)
- New Mental Topper, The (Martin Nash) *** Award Winning Card Magic - Volume 3 (DVD)
- New Multiplication of Cards, The (August Roterberg) *** New Era Card Tricks (pg. 195)
- New Myth, A (Joe Rindfleisch & Ken Krenzel) *** Extreme Card Magic - Volume 2 (DVD)
- New Nightmare Effect, The (Ted Annemann) *** The Jinx (April 1935, No. 7, page 27)
- New Noir (Karl Fulves) *** Four Color Problems (pg. 12)
- New Numerical Trick with Cards (Professor Hoffmann) *** More Magic (pg. 25)
- New Oil and Water Routine, The (Magic Ronnay) *** Pabular Vol.8 No.1 Pg. 1161
- New Outstanding Triumph (Larry Jennings) *** Up In Smoke (Goodwin, pg. 45)
- New Pack Detection, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 239); Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 147)
- New Pack of Cards, The *** Popular Card Tricks (Gibson, pg. 37)
- New Peek Control, A (Dai Vernon) *** The Vernon Chronicles - Volume 1 (Minch, pg. 86)
- New Pieces To An Old Puzzle (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume I (Minch, pg. 280)
- New Pinky Rise (Bob Friedhoffer) *** The Collected Almanac (Kaufman, November 1982, Vol. 1, No. 3, pg. 22)
- New Pocket to Pocket Effect, A (Edward Victor) *** Further Magic of the Hands (pg. 31)
- New Price Cut (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Craft (pg. 127); Super Dupes (pg. 2)
- New Push Thru Shuffle (Edward Marlo) *** Riffle Shuffle Systems (pg. 82)
- New Quadruple Changing Card, The (August Roterberg) *** New Era Card Tricks (pg. 233)
- New Quick Three-Way (Edward Marlo) *** Kabbala (Vol. 3 No. 6, pg. 78); The Legendary Kabbala (pg. 73)
- New Reverse Card Trick, A (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles T. Jordan Collected Tricks (Fulves, p. 95)
- New Rising Card (Joseph Dunninger) *** Dunninger's Complete Encyclopedia of Magic (pg. 259)
- New Rising Cards (Joseph Dunninger) *** Dunninger's Complete Encyclopedia of Magic (pg. 277)
- New Sandwich (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection (pg. 301)
- New Shuffles Harry (Bro. John Hamman) *** The Collected Almanac (Kaufman, Winter 1985, Vol. 3, No. 34 - 36, pg. 362)
- New Spell, The (Jean Hugard) *** Emcyclopedia of Card Tricks (pg. 49)
- New Spelling Trick (Walter Gibson) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2006, No. 2, pg 99)
- New Target, for Watch and Card, The (Professor Hoffman) *** More Magic (pg. 403)
- New Tens Routine (Darwin Ortiz) *** Darwin Ortiz At The Card Table (pg. 158)
- New Theory Dribble Pass (Thomas Baxter) *** The Action Cop (pg. 68); Not A Dianoetic Rage (pg. 36)
- New Theory on Vernon's New Theory Second Deal - The One-Hand Deal (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 160)
- New Theory Replacement (Harvey Rosenthal) *** Packet Switches - Part Three (Fulves, pg. 172)
- New Theory Second Deal (Dai Vernon) *** Dai Vernon's Further Inner Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 52)
- New Theory Side Steal (Harvey Rosenthal) *** Cards #4: Side Steal (Fulves, pg. 53)
- New Thought Spelling Effect, A (Ted Annemann) *** The Book Without A Name (pg. 14); Annemann: The Life and Times of A Legend (Abrams, pg. 100)
- New Throw Change for a Packet of Cards (Jean Hugard) *** More Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 40)
- New Thumb Slide, The (Steve Draun) *** Secrets Draun from the Underground (pg. 57)
- New Top Card Production, A (Dr. M. Jules D'Hotel) *** More Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 73)
- New Torn And Restored Card, The (Ralph W. Hull) *** More Eye Openers (pg. _ ); R.W. Hull's The Complete Eye Openers (pg. _ )
- New Torn Corner Card, The (Al Saal) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 248)
- New Touch Predictions (Edward Marlo) *** Ibidem (December 1959, Issue 19, pg. 398)
- New Twist (Karl Fulves) *** Methods With Cards - Part One (pg. 76)
- New Twist, A (Alfonso) *** Apocalypse (December 1987, Vol. 10, No. 12, pg. 1433)
- New Twisted Collectors (J. C. Wagner & Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Close-Up (Harris, pg. 107); The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (Harris, pg. 189)
- New Vertical Palm (unknown) *** Expert Card Techinque (Hugard & Braue, pg. 54)
- New Waterfall Shuffle, The (Charles C. Eastman) *** More Manipulative Magic (pg. 25)
- New Wave Oil and Water (Val Le-Val) *** Scotland Up Close (Duffie, pg. 52)
- New Wave Prediction (Bob King) *** Marketed Item
- New Wave Rambling Aces (Mike Rogers) *** Marketed Manuscript (Cover states "New Wave Rambling Ace," but manuscript header reads "New Wave Rambling Aces")
- New Way Pop (Joel Givens) *** Session: The Magic of Joel Givens (pg. 236)
- New World Tossed Out Deck (Christopher Bolter) *** Marketed Item
- New World, A (Dean Dill & Michael Webber) *** Marketed Item
- New World's Record, A (Clayton Rawson [a.k.a. The Great Merlini]) *** The Golden Book of Magic (pg. 73)
- New Year Card Trick, The (C. H. Tickell) *** The Sphinx (February 1923, Vol. 21, No. 12, pg. 451)
- New Year's Eve Trick, The (Paul Diamond) *** Curtain Call: The Final Lecture of Paul Diamond (pg. 12)
- New Year's Resolution (Michael Skinner & William Goodwin) *** The Ancient Empty Street (pg. 3)
- New York Opener (Frank Garcia) *** Super Subtle Card Miracles (pg. 13)
- New Zens' (John Mulholland & Michael F. Zens) *** More Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 1097)
- New(?) Reverse Card Trick, A (Ted Annemann) *** The Sphinx (February 1925, Vol. 23, No. 12, pg. 405); Annemann: The Life and Times of A Legend (Abrams, pg. 13)
- New-Fangled Color Change (Harry Lorayne) *** Deck-Sterity (pg. 35); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 275)
- Newly Cleaned Open Travelers (Lee Asher) *** Channel One (December 2000, Vol. 2, Issue 6, pg. 20)
- Newspell (Martin Gardner) *** Annemann’s Card Magic (aka Full Deck of Impromptu Card Tricks, pg. 65)
- New-Wave All Backs (Dominique Duvivier) *** The Magic Of Dominique Duvivier - Volume 1 (VHS)
- Next (Roy Walton) *** The Chronicles (Fulves, 1978, No. 11, pg. 1174)
- Next Card I Turn Over, The (Mysterio) *** Mysterio's Encyclopedia Of Magic and Conjuring (Fujari, pg. 53)
- Next Card, The (Jay Sankey) *** Amazing Magic & Mentalism Anyone Can Do - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Next Stop, Havana (Allan Ackerman) *** Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 2: False Deals (DVD)
- Next To (Peter Duffie) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 300)
- Next To Impossible Card To Wallet (Edward Marlo & Danny Korem) *** Card Finesse (Racherbaumer, pg. 158)
- Next To It (Edward Marlo) *** Ibidem (May 1960, Issue 20, pg. 416)
- Next to Last Ace, The (Allan Ackerman) *** The Esoterist (pg. 17)
- Next to Yours! (Arthur Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 162)
- Next! (Paul Curry) *** Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond (pg. 288)
- Nexto (Karl Fulves) *** Color Capture (pg. _)
- (N)Eye(N) Popper, The (Harry Lorayne) *** Quantum Leaps (pg. 108); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 3 (pg. 74)
- Neyhart Houlette (A.P. "Art" Neyhart) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 416)
- NFW! (Gary Freed) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- NGR Top Change, The (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 325)
- Nice And Easy Does It (Paul Gordon) *** Simply Impromp2 (Colombini, pg. 21)
- Nice Box (Nathan Kranzo) *** Freebie 4 (newsletter download)
- Nice Duds (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (pg. 186)
- Nice Salad (Aldo Colombini) *** Packet Trick Treasures (DVD)
- Nice Touches (Tony Noice) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 534)
- Nicely Controlled (Ian Baxter) *** Three For All (pg. _)
- Nickel Color Change (Allan Ackerman) *** Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 1: Palming (DVD)
- Nickel Knows, The (Terry Lagerould) *** Best of Friends - Volume I (Lorayne, pg. 334)
- Nicking The Edge of a Card (Ben Erens, Louis Zingone & Henry Gordien) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 61)
- Nick's Expanding Cards (Nick Trost) *** Marketed Item (packet trick); The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 220)
- Nick's Push-Thru (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 145)
- Nick's Stranger In Paradise *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 189)
- Nicomar's Lesson (Paul Marcus & Nicomar [aka Jimmy Williamson]) *** Hex! (pg. 35)
- Nidbak (Aviv) *** Project Aviv (Instant iTunes Download, includes code for DVD upgrade when available)
- Nif-Trix *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 1 (Miller, pg. 44)
- Nifty Deck (Theodore DeLand) *** Marketed Item
- Nifty Key, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 91); Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 235)
- Night at the Improv..., A (Eric Mead) *** Magical Arts Journal (Ammar, Vol. 2, Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12 - Paul Harris "The Act" pg. 58); Michael Ammar - Easy to Master Card Miracles - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Night at the Queen (Vi Frank) *** The Magic Roadshow (Rick Carruth's newsletter, October 2008, Issue 95)
- Night Club Card Assembly (Bill Simon) *** Effective Card Magic (pg. 158); Card Magic for Amateurs and Professionals (pg. 158)
- Night Club Routine (Edward Marlo) *** Off The Top (pg. 17)
- Night Leaper (Howard Schwarzman) *** The Pallbearers Review (July 1975, Vol. 10, No. 9, pg. 981)
- Night Life (Karl Fulves) *** The Vampire Chronicles (pg. 4)
- Night Riser (Howard Schwarzman) *** The Chronicles (Fulves, 1979, No. 16, pg. 1224)
- Night School (Karl Fulves) *** Verbatim (1993, Issue No. 6, pg. 52)
- Night with Hofsinzer, A (Daniel Chard) *** Chardshark (DVD)
- Nightmare (Robert Moreland) *** Another Bite of The Cherry: Cheetah's Handbook Volume 2 (Gladwin, pg. 14)
- Nightmare Deck (Simon Lovell) *** The Madness Behind The Methods - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Nightmare Poker (Marty Kane) *** Cyber Sessions (Alford, pg. 87)
- Nijinsky Two (Phil Goldstein) *** Card Cavalcade 4 (pg. 117)
- Nikola Card System (Louis Nikola) *** Marketed Manuscript
- Nimble (Karl Fulves) *** Coe Norton's Omega Wallet (pg. 6)
- Nimble Fingers *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. )
- Nimrod (Walt Lees) *** The Immaculate Card Magic of Walt Lees (pg. 17)
- Nine All Mine (Harry Lorayne) *** Apocalypse (August 1993, Vol. 16, No. 8, pg. 2248)
- Nine and Ten Card Faro Control (Edward Marlo) *** Faro Controlled Miracles (pg. 28); (Racherbaumer ebook edition, pg. 130)
- Nine and Ten Trick (Jay Ose) *** The Gen (July 1960, Vol. 16, No. 3, pg. 65)
- Nine Angry Men (Jack Carpenter) *** The Expert's Portfolio No.1 (pg. 80); Expert Gambling Routines (DVD)
- Nine Brass Monkeys (David Numen) *** NUD and Other Mental Card Mysteries (pdf)
- Nine Card Deal (Walter Gibson) *** Magic Explained (pg. 54)
- Nine Card Location (Darwin Ortiz ) *** Darwin Ortiz at the Card Table (pg. 89)
- Nine Card Trick, The (unknown) *** Card Tricks & Conjuring (Elliott, Houdini, pg. 86)
- Nine Forever Aldo Colombini) *** Packet Trick Treasures (DVD)
- Nine Lives Of A Cat, The (Aldo Colombini) *** Down & Dirty (DVD)
- Nine Pieces, The (David Devine) *** Simple Card Magic For Everyone (pg. 16)
- Nine Speller *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 2 (Miller, pg. 26)
- Nine Times Location (Matin Nash) *** Ever So Sleightly (Minch, pg. 124)
- Nine, Five, Seven, Five (Harry Lorayne) *** Trendsetters (pg. 63);
- Nine-Card Problem For Three (Paul Gordon) *** Card Collective (pg. _)
- Nine-Card Problem For Two (Paul Gordon) *** Card Collective (pg. _)
- Nine-Cent Card Trick, The (Karl Fulves) *** Easy Magic (pg. 89)
- Nine-in-Ten Detection, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card tricks (Fulves, pg. 218)
- Nines First, The (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg. 311); Aldo On Trost Vol. 2 (colombini, DVD)
- Nines II, The (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg. 313)
- Nines, The (unknown) *** Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 156)
- Ninety Percent Perfect Steal, The (Richard Kaufman) *** CardMagic (Kaufman, pg. 172)
- Ninety-Nine Percent (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 134)
- Ninety-Three Sixty-Two Year Olds (Paul Gordon) *** Professional Card Magic Miracles (pg. 45)
- Ninth Method, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 4 (pg. 24)
- Nippy Trick, A (John Clucas Cannell, aka J.C. Cannell) *** The 100 Best Tricks (pg. 207)
- No (John Bannon) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 187)
- No Bad Cards (Ariel Frailich) *** Card Stories (pg. 56)
- No Binary Today (Edward Marlo) *** The Gen (October 1960, Vol. 16, No. 6, pg. 131)
- No Brainer (John Zander) *** Marketed Item
- No Break Double and Correct Slip Cut Force, The (Steve Valentine) *** The Castle Lecture - Part One (DVD)
- No Break Marlo-Curry Change (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 1 (pg. 7)
- No Camera Tricks (Mark Lee) *** Marketed Item
- No Case To Answer (Peter Duffie) *** Inspirations (Duffie & Sadowitz, pg 74)
- No Casino Con is a Con (Phil Goldstein) *** Redivider (pg. 8)
- No Charge Aces (Dan Army) *** Black (pg. 30)
- No Clue (Gerald Kosky) *** The Magic of Gerald Kosky (pg. 28)
- No Comment (Astor) *** Marketed Item
- No Comprendo (Ramon Rioboo) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 240)
- No Control (Aldo Colombini) *** Impromptu Card Magic (pg. 3)
- No Corpse For The Coffin (Clayton Rawson) *** Phoenix (July 1942, Vol. 1, No. 14, pg.58)
- No Crimp Ace Cutting (Al Leech) *** Cardmanship (pg. 16)
- No Deck (Jerry Mentzer) *** Card File (pg. 185)
- No Dice (Ulysses Frederick "U. F." Grant) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 151)
- No Duplicates (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 4 (pg. 117)
- No Entry (Mark Mason) *** Marketed Item
- No Facial Stack (Leo Boudreau) *** Spirited Pasteboards (pg. 110)
- No Fault (Karl Fulves) *** 28 Card Tricks (pg. 6)
- No Fidget Add (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 22)
- No Further Than This (Edward Marlo) *** The Olram Files (Racherbaumer, Issue 11, pg. 6)
- No Fuss Switch (Jack Parker) *** Jack Parker's 52 Memories (Gladwin, pg. 65)
- No Get Ready Double Lift from 4 Cards (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Best Ever Collection - Volume 4 (DVD); Best of Friends - Volume III (pg. 201)
- No Get-Ready Triple Lift (Karl Fulves) *** 28 Card Tricks (pg. 48)
- No Glide Aces (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 106)
- No Gravity (Juan Pablo Ibañez) *** Marketed Item (Bazar de Magia)
- No Guesswork (Karl Fulves) *** Easy Magic (pg. 1)
- No Hands Smyth's Myth (Peter Plotkin) *** Apocalypse (February 1983, Vol. 6, No. 2, pg. 735)
- No Hassle Hof (Dave Forrest) *** Fandango - Part 2 (pg. _)
- No Heart (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 119)
- No Hiding Place (Roy Walton) *** The Looking Glass - Summer 1996 (Kaufman, pg. 100)
- No Hold-Out Miraskill (Edward Marlo, Don May, Jean Fare) *** JonRacherbaumer.com (FREEBIE 9/13/2000)
- No Holds Barred (Terry LaGerould) *** Session with Terry LaGerould Volume 1 (DVD)
- No Holes Barred (David Acer) *** Natural Seclections (pg. 26)
- No Hype Monte (Allan Hayden) *** Card Sharp on Duty, Please Wait to Be Cheated (Hayden, pg. 48)
- No It Isn't (Jean Hugard & Frederick Braue) *** Miracle Methods Number 3 - Prepared Cards and Accessories (Hugard & Braue, pg. 5)
- No Jogs False Cut (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 121)
- No Jokers Allowed (John Guastaferro) *** Brainstorm - Volume 1 (DVD)
- No Jonah Poker (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Freebie 8 (Alford, pg. 28); also posted on JonRacherbaumer.com trick archives (Oct. 10-2006)
- No Lap Kick Switch (Bernard Bilis) *** Apocalypse (June 1985, , Vol. 8, No. 6, pg. 1071)
- No Lap Reynolds (Syd Segal & Steve Reynolds) *** Simply Sydney (DVD)
- No Longer (Cameron Francis) *** Packet Mania - Volume 1 (DVD)
- No Looking (Dai Vernon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 106)
- No looking (Harry Lorayne & Alex Elmsley) *** Close-up Card Magic (Lorayne, pg. 72)
- No Moe (Karl Fulves) *** Command Colors (pg. 16)
- No Money, No Honey (Zenneth Kok) *** Cards You Softly (pg. _)
- No More Robberies (Henry Evans) *** Marketed Item
- No Moves (Mark Elsdon) *** Before I Forget (DVD)
- No Moves (Matt Ellison) *** Marketed Item
- No Name on the Bullet (Ryan Matney) *** Gris Gris (item #12)
- No Need To Guess (Jon Allen) *** The Simple Magic Tricks Set (pg. 12)
- No Palm (Almost) Card To Pocket (Meir Yedid) *** Published & Unpublished (DVD)
- No Palm Aces to Pocket (Edward Marlo) *** Amazing, Isn't It? (pg. _); Early Marlo (pg. 32)
- No Palm Card Through Handkerchief (Daryl) *** Daryl's Card Revelations - Volume 2 (DVD)
- No Palm Card to Box (Gary Jones) *** Wild at Heart (MacNeill, pg. 86)
- No Palm Cards Across (David Solomon) *** Solomon's Mind (Burger, pg. 30); Solomon's Mind (DVD)
- No Palm Cards to Pocket (Edward Marlo) *** Advanced Fingertip Control (pg. 93)
- No Palm Climax (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 1 (pg. 209)
- No Palm Colour Change, The (Dai Vernon) *** Inner Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 50); Vernon Revalations - Volume 6 (DVD)
- No Palm Corner in the Glass (Michael Powers) *** Top Secret Stuff (pg. 32)
- No Palm Travelers (Allan Ackerman) *** How To Tame A Moose - Canadian Lecture Tour, Summer 1985 (pg. 24)
- No Pile (Eddie Fechter) *** Card Cavalcade Finale (Mentzer, pg. 69)
- No Place Like Home (Bob King) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 60)
- No Pockets Ultimate Transposition (Paul Gordon) *** Professional Card Magic Miracles (pg. 69)
- No Pre-Set (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 71)
- No Problem (Cameron Francis) *** Killer Close Up Magic (DVD); Four Suits (Colombini, DVD)
- No Quarter (Randy Tanner) *** Apocalypse (March 1987, Vol. 10, No. 3, pg. 1323)
- No Questions Asked (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 39)
- No Questions Asked (Randy Wakeman) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 388)
- No Questions Asked (Richard Vollmer) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks II (Beam, pg. 160)
- No Questions Asked II (Randy Wakeman) *** Mojo (January 2007, Vol. 1, No. 3, pg. 6)
- No Reverse Reverse Count (Doug Edwards) *** Apocalypse (December 1993, Vol. 16, No. 12, pg. 2300)
- No Risk Poker (Rich Ferguson) *** This Is Mentalism (DVD)
- No Rough Monkey (Jack Avis) *** Ahead of the Pack (Avis & Jones, pg. 102)
- No Se Puede Hacer Mas Lento (Rene Lavand) *** Magic From The Soul (translated "I Can't Do It Any Slower," pg. 69); The Mysteries Of My Life (translated "It Can't Be Done Any Slower," pg. 68); Close-Up Artistry Volume 1 (DVD)
- No Second Chance (Aldo Colombini) *** Against All Odds (Colombini, DVD)
- No Sleight Trick (Bob Longe) *** Mystifying Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 90)
- No Sliding (Karl Fulves) *** The Book of Numbers (pg. 44)
- No Special Favorites (Juan Tamariz) *** Apocalypse (April 1983, Vol. 6, No. 4, pg. 761)
- No Such Luck (Marc Spelmann) *** 101108 Lecture Booklet (pg. _)
- No Switch Switch (P. Howard Lyons) *** Ibidem (June 1955, Issue 1, pg. 9)
- No Sword Card Sword Routine (Horace Bennett) *** Familiar Themes (pg. 60)
- No Table Aces (Jack Carpenter) *** Modus Operandi (pg. 34)
- No Table Triumph (Dennis Marks) *** Epilogue (March 1975, Issue #17, pg. 160); Magic Castle Lecture Notes (pg. 11)
- No Throw Monte (Allan Ackerman / Roger Klaus) *** Las Vegas Kardma (pg. 153)
- No Title At All (Ted Annemann) *** The Sphinx (October 1928, Vol. 27, No. 8, pg. 367); Annemann: The Life and Times of A Legend (Abrams, pg. 51)
- No Toss (Michael Paul) *** Simply Devastating (instant download)
- No Touch Theory Second Deal (Edward Marlo) *** Seconds, Centers, Bottoms (pg. 124); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 336)
- No Touch, No Feel (George Sands) *** World's Greatest Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 22)
- No Truth In The Tells (John Carey) *** Further Spotlight (pg. 8)
- No Two Ways About It (Peter Duffie) *** Card Compulsions (pg. 226)
- No Use Aces (David Jade & Damien Vapereau) *** Talk About Tricks - Volume 2 (Jay, DVD); Magic Magazine (February 2004)
- No Vacancy (Bob King) *** Private Notes: The Previously Unpublished Magic of Bob King (pg. 6)
- No Way Out (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies With Cards (pg. 66)
- No Way! (Ray Grismer) *** A Little Something (Guinn, pg. )
- No Wonder (Bob Longe) *** Giant Book of Card Tricks (pg. 242)
- Noah Count (Karl Fulves) *** When Psychics Play Poker (pg. 32)
- Noah’s Ark (Ron Wohl) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 64)
- Noah's Black Sheep (J. Stewart Smith) *** The Realm of The Incredible (pg. 27)
- Noah's Mix Up (Gene Castillon) *** Apocalypse (May 1978, Vol. 1, No. 5, pg. 49)
- Noble Triumph (Peter Duffie and Robin Robertson) *** Diamonds From Coal (pg. 106, also available as pdf)
- NoBo Lie Detector, The (Justin Higham) *** Dexterity Manual (pg. _)
- No-Break Cull (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 119)
- No-Break Curry Turnover (Edward Marlo) *** Prime-Time Marlo (DVD)
- NOBS Prediction, The (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 32)
- No-Clue Discovery (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 1)
- No-Cover Aces (Karl Fulves) *** Notes From Underground (pg. 21)
- Nocturnal Gambler (Steve Hamilton) *** Profile (June 1991, Issue #2)
- No-Cut Multiple Shift (Frank Thompson) *** Apocalypse (August 1991, Vol. 14, No. 8, pg. 1957)
- No-exchange Do as I Do (Walt Lees) *** England Up Close (Duffie, pg. 92)
- Noeyeon Protocol (John Hostler) *** The Rauschenberg Effect (pdf download, pg.53)
- No-Force Vanish and Recovery (Jon Racherbaumer) *** The Heirophant (pg. 192, also in Issue 7, The Resurrection Issue)
- No-Frills Invisible Toss (Jon Racherbaumer) *** www.jonracherbaumer.com (Freebie, 11/10/2008)
- No-Gaff Differential (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 5)
- No-Glide Restless Colors (James Molinari) *** Jimmy "Cards" Lecture 1 (DVD)
- No-Guilt Cut Pass, The (Allen Zingg) *** Acting Naturally - Card Magic (DVD)
- Noir Test, The (Karl Fulves) *** The Noir Test (pg. 2)
- No-Jump Method, The (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2010, No. 8, pg. 548)
- No-Lap Kick Switch (Bernard Bilis) *** Apocalypse (June 1985, Vol. 8, No. 6, pg. 1071)
- NoLap Switch, The (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 85)
- Nomad Aces (Charlie Miller) *** Expert Card Techinque (Hugard & Braue, pg. 256)
- Nomad Card (Roy Walton) *** "The Complete Walton - Volume Two (pg. 149); Epilogue (July 1971, Issue #12, pg. 97)
- Nomadic Aces (Paul Gordon) *** Cardistry (pg. 138)
- Nomen Omen (David Acer) *** Marketed Item
- Nomenclature (Joseph Dunninger) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 34)
- Non-Adjustable 10 (Karl Fulves) *** Secret Session - Part Three (pg. 60)
- Non-Apparatus Last Card (Eric Lewis) *** The Big Little Things (pg. 13)
- Non-Card Counting (Karl Fulves) *** Card Counting (pg. 63)
- Nonchalant! (Doug Edwards) *** Brass Knuckles (pg. 47)
- Nonconformist (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2008, No. 5, pg. 298)
- Non-Contact Optical Toss (Ken Krenzel & Larry Jennings) *** Ken Krenzel's Close-Up Impact! (Minch, pg. 173)
- Non-Disappearing Top and Bottom Cards (Bill Derman) *** Card Tricks That Get the Money and The Patter That Gets the Bookings (pg. 87)
- None Such Card Change (Clettis V. Musson) *** The Sphinx (September 1950, Vol. 49, No. 7, pg. 150)
- Non-Earthly Powers (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Best Ever Collection - Volume 1 (DVD); Apocalypse (July 1988, Vol. 11, No. 7, pg. 1520, as Unearthly Powers)
- No-Need-To-Take-A-Card Trick, A (Sid Lorraine) *** The Sphinx (August 1945, Vol. 44, No. 6, pg. 163)
- Non-Faro Faro (Harry Lorayne) *** Quantum Leaps (pg. 79); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 3 (pg. 56); Apocalypse (June 1983, Vol. 6, No. 6, pg. 782, & May 1986, Vol. 9, No. 5, pg. 1208, & January 1997, Vol. 20, No. 1, pg. 2743)
- Non-Faro P/B Demonstration (A. Berkeley Davis) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 290)
- Non-Gaffed Ultra Mental (J.C. Wagner) *** The Commercial Magic of J.C. Wagner (pg. 105)
- Non-Invisible Pass, The (Hal Zeve) *** The FFFF Book (O'Brien, pg. 297)
- Non-Panoramic Shift, The (Simon Lovell) *** Simon Says!: The Close-Up Magic of Simon Lovell (pg. 157)
- Nonpareil (Stanley Collins) *** The Jinx (May 1941, No. 137, page 779)
- Nonpareil Changing Card, The (August Roterberg) *** New Era Card Tricks (pg. 244)
- Nonpareil Vanish, The (DeLawrende & J.C.Thompson) *** Modern Card Effects and How To Perform Them (pg. 20)
- Non-Poker Voice, The (unknown) *** The Royal Road To Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 76)
- Non-Prediction (Keikan Miyanaka) *** New Magic of Japan (Kaufman, pg. 109)
- Non-Saliva Vanish (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo Without Tears (Racherbaumer, pg. 40)
- Non-Sandwich Jack Trick, The (Steve Beam) *** Magic - The Vanishing Art, or How To Turn a Trick For Fun and Profit (pg. 16)
- Non-Sight Location (Karl Fulves) *** After Jordan (pg. 5)
- Non-Slip Cut, The (Karl Fulves) *** The Book of Numbers (pg. 25); The Book of Numbers - Supplementary Notes (pg. 5)
- Non-Square Loading (Karl Fulves) *** Impromptu Holdouts (pg. 40)
- Nonsuch card prediction, The (Francis Haxton) *** The Pentagram (April 1947, Vol. 1, No. 7, pg. 47) April 1947
- Non-Symmetric Trap (Karl Fulves) *** Quick Card Tricks (pg. 29)
- No-Reverse Reverse Count (Doug Edwards) *** Apocalypse (December 1993, Vol. 16, No. 12, pg. 2300)
- No-Reverse Reverse, The (Bob Stencel) *** The Collected Almanac (Kaufman, Autumn 1985, Vol. 3, Issues 31 - 33, pg. 330)
- Norman Houghton's "Selective Control" (Norm Houghton) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 735)
- Norman Houghton's Pocket Extraction (Norman Houghton) *** Card College - Volume 3 (Giobbi, pg. 722)
- Norman Houghton's Pocket Load *** Cardshark (Ortiz, pg. 56)
- Norman's Ark (J.G.Thompson, Jr.) *** The New Jinx (October 1964, Vol. III, No.30, p.123)
- North By Northwest (Aldo Colombini) *** Down & Dirty (DVD); True Magic Volume 2 (DVD)
- Northern Ireland Shuffle (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 229)
- Northern Light (J. K. Hartman) *** The Penumbra (September/October 2002, Issue 3, pg. 15)
- Northern Nirvana (Vincent Marra) *** The Open Prediction Project (Baxter, pg. 163)
- Norwegian Travelers (Jarle Leirpoll) *** Pocket Power (pg. 16)
- Nose Knows, The (Karrell Fox) *** My Latest Book (pg. 49); Daryl's Card Revelations Volume 2 (DVD).
- Nose Out (Aldo Colombini) *** Marketed Item (also available as a DVD or download, without the cards)
- Nose Rises, The (Marshall Brodien) *** 101 Card Tricks (pg. 31)
- NoseJob (Tomas Blomberg & Tom Stone) *** Plots, Spells & Typos (pg. 7)
- Nosferatu (Jay Sankey) *** Revolutionary Card Magic (DVD)
- Nosferatu (Roy Walton) *** Pabular (January 1987, Vol. 4, No. 5, pg. 510)
- No-Sleight Force (Gordon Miller) *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks - Vol. 2 (compiled by Miller, pg.36)
- No-Sleight Wild Card (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Magic - Part Two (pg. 28);
- Nostalgic Trio, The (J. Stewart Smith) *** It Just Happens (pg. 8)
- Nostradamus (Ori Ashkenazy) *** Marketed Item
- No-Switch Razor (Scotty York) *** The Scotty York Video - Volume #2: The Silver Fox Hisownself
- No-Switch Upjog Control (Ken Krenzel) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 263)
- Not A Joker (John Born) *** Meant To Be… (pg. 116)
- Not A Miracle (Paul Gordon) *** Card Marvels (pg. _)
- Not A Word Spoken (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Super Subtle Card Miracles (pg. 119)
- Not Ad Nauseum (Paul Gordon) *** Card Marvels (pg. )
- Not All Psychological (Edward Marlo) *** Card Finesse II (Racherbaumer, pg. 245)
- Not Another 3 Card Trick (Paul Hallas) *** Small But Deadly (pg. 122); Not Another 3 Card Trick & Cloned (DVD)
- Not As Impromptu (Peter Duffie) *** Untold (pdf)
- Not By Sight (Tetsuyoshi Hoshino) *** Apocalypse (March 1987, Vol. 10, No. 3, pg. 1329)
- Not Disappointing (Edward Marlo) *** Formula One Close-up: The Magic of Randy Wakeman (pg. 76)
- Not for the Faint Hearted (George McBride) *** Celtic Cabal (Duffie, pg. 76)
- Not Gemini (Karl Fulves) *** The Fine Print (1996, No. 3, pg. 39)
- Not Here (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 71)
- Not Impressive (Lee Asher) *** Hand Jobs (pg. 12)
- Not Logical - Yet? (Eddie Clever) *** Thought Wings Onward (pg. 68)
- Not Marked! (Walt Maddison) *** Apocalypse (April 1985, Vol. 8, No. 4, pg. 1047)
- Not On The Bottom, Not On Top (Gary Ouellet) *** Close-Up Illusions (pg. 145)
- Not Only the Number, but… (Edward Marlo & Ken Simmons) *** The Olram File (Racherbaumer, Issue 4, pg. 4)
- Not Possible (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Inspirations (Duffie & Sadowitz, pg 86)
- Not Quite Ambiguous Universal (jon Racherbaumer) *** The Universal Card (pg. 11)
- Not Quite Dead (David Regal) *** Approaching Magic (pg. 116)
- Not Quite Perfect Torn & Restored Card (Harry Lorayne) *** Apocalypse (February 1989, Vol. 12, No. 2, pg. 1597)
- Not Quite Triumph (Tom Craven) *** Tom Craven Presents Magic You Can Do (pg. _)
- Not Ready For Prime Time Players, The (Ryan Matney) *** Card Jones (Item #12)
- Not So Boxed (Chris Stolz) *** Marketed Item (pdf)
- Not So Fast (Cameron Francis) *** Moments Notice 6 (pg. 18)
- Not So Mathematical Control, A (Roberto Giobbi) *** Secret Agenda (pg. 88)
- Not So Obvious (Edward Marlo) *** The Card Magic Of Edward Marlo (pg. 152)
- Not So Simple Force (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Cavalcade (Mentzer, pg. 114)
- Not That Drunk (Boris Wild) *** Boris Wild's Remarkable Card Magic - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Not This Card (Jay Sankey) *** Front Row Sankey (DVD)
- Not This Card?! (Werner Miller) *** Enigmaths 5 (pdf, pg. 23)
- Not Too Flourishy (Doug Edwards) *** Doug Edwards Packs A Wallop (Lorayne, pg. 59)
- Not What It Seems (Randy Wakeman) *** Apocalypse (June 1990, Vol. 13, No. 6, pg. 1797)
- Not Your Card (Peter Duffie) *** Perplexities (pdf, pg. 23)
- Not Your Card? (Ryan Swigert's version of Stuart Judah's trick) *** A Tribute to the Card Tricks of Stewart Judah (DVD)
- Notable Feate Of Casting A Card Into The Packe To Find Anie Mans Card Lost Therein, Thus Causing Your Enemies To Shake, Stampe, Crie, And Danse Naked With Envie, A (Larry Jennings) *** Genii (March 1996, p. 376)
- Notaria (Ted Annemann, Dr. Jacob Daley & Al Baker) *** The Jinx (December 1936, No. 27, pg. 165)
- Note in the Pocket Card Trick, The (Jesse A. Mueller) *** The Sphinx (November 1918, Vol. 17, No. 9, pg. 174)
- Note in the Pocket, The (H. Syril Dusenbery) *** The Sphinx (January 1917, Vol. 15, No. 11, pg. 207)
- Noted (Gary Jones) *** Marketed Item
- Notes (Dave Jones) *** The Crimp (Sadowitz, Issue_, pg. _); Real World Magic (DVD)
Inner circle
Seattle, WA
5495 Posts
Posted: Jul 17, 2016 04:03 pm
Quote: - Notes On A Daley Problem (Karl Fulves) *** Card Cavalcade (Mentzer, pg 148)
- Nothing But The Truth (Cameron Francis) *** Marketed Item
- Nothing Changes (Rick Anderson) *** Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus (Minch, pg. 103)
- Nothing Happens By Chance (René Lavand) *** Magic From The Soul (pg. 62)
- Nothing In Transit (David Forrest) *** Marketed Item
- Nothing To Do (Paul Morris) *** Genii (September 1939, Vol. 4, No. 1, pg. 10); Daryl's Card Revelations Volume 2 (DVD)
- Nothing To Lose (Aldo Colombini) *** Down & Dirty (DVD)
- Nothing Yet Aces (Larry Jennings) *** Thoughts On Cards (DVD)
- Notis Cascade, The (Dai Vernon [based on Howard De Courcey's one-handed shuffle]) *** Dai Vernon's More Inner Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 31)
- Notis Stop Trick, The (Mario Amando Vigna, aka "Professor Notis") *** Dai Vernon's Inner Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 65)
- Notnats Leon Card Marvel (Paul Gordon) *** Card Marvels (pg. )
- No-Trigger Hofzinser (Peter Duffie) *** Duffie's Card Compulsions (pg. 116)
- Not-so-Lazy-Man's Card Trick (Edward Marlo) *** Apocalypse (January 1990, Vol. 13, No. 1, pg. 1737)
- No-Turn Triumph (Edward Marlo) *** Hierophant #3 (1970, pg. 145); Arch Triumphs (Racherbaumer, pg. 35)
- No-Turnover Down Catch (Jerry Cestkowski) *** The Encyclopedia of Playing Card Flourishes (pg. 311)
- No-Turnover Turnover Pass, The (Gary Ouellet) *** The Pass: Mastering Card Magic's Most Elusive Sleight (Oullet, pg. 24)
- Noughts and Crosses (Roy Johnson) *** Silver Special (pg. 7)
- Nouveau 21-Card Trick (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo Without Tears (Racherbaumer, pg. 146)
- Nouveau 21-Card-Trick (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo Without Tears (Racherbaumer, pg. 146)
- Nouveau Travelers (Steve Draun) *** Secrets Draun From Underground (Kaufman, pg. 122)
- Nova Royale (Jack Carpenter) *** The Expert's Portfolio No.1 (pg. 94); Expert Gambling Routines (DVD)
- Novel Card Discovery (Charles T. Jordan) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 197)
- Novel Card Painting (Joseph Dunninger) *** Dunninger's Complete Encyclopedia of Magic (pg. 210)
- Novel Card Rising Effect (Joseph Dunninger) *** Dunninger's Complete Encyclopedia of Magic (pg. 149)
- Novel Card Test (Jerry Andrus) *** Nameless Notes (pg. 1); Andrus Notes (pg. 36)
- Novel Card Transposition (Dai Vernon) *** Early Vernon (Ross, pg. 47)
- Novel Card Trick, A (Peter Duffie) *** The Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 3 (pdf, pg. 56)
- Novel Escape, A (Steve Beam) *** Don Morris: Close Up Encounters (pg. 32)
- Novel Force, A (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card tricks (Fulves, pg. 213)
- Novel Key, A (Bill Okal) *** Card Magic (pg. 43)
- Novel Location, A (Charlie Miller) *** The Pallbearers Review (September 1967, Vol. 2, No. 11, pg. 123)
- Novel Memory Trick with Cards (Satya Ranjan Roy) *** Magic (Stanyon, March 1905, Vol. 5, No. 6, pg. 44)
- Novel Palm, A (Arthur Buckley) *** Card Control (74)
- Novel Revelation, A (Robert Hamilton) *** The Gen (July 1957, Vol. 13, No. 3, pg. 81)
- Novel X-Ray trick, A (John Northern Hilliard) *aka " X-Ray Trick" *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 456)
- Novelist's Prediction, The (Masao Atsukawa) *** Genii (May 2000, Vol. 63, No. 5, pg. 36)
- Novelty Magical Monologue, A (Raymond F. Amuso) *** The Sphinx (March 1921, Vol. 20, No. 1, pg. 25)
- Novelty Spelling Mystery, A (William Larsen & T. Page Wright) *** Marketed Manuscript; Genii (April 1940 Supplement - Genii Bonus Number One); Genii (November/December 2012, Vol. 75, No. 11, pg. 35); The Complete Page Wright Manuscript (Wright, pg. 173)
- Novena Enigma, The (Ken de Courcy) *** Marketed Maniscript
- Novrec Turnover (Bruce Cervon) *** Bruce Cervon's The Black & White Trick (pg. 45)
- Now And Then (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume One (pg. 152)
- Now Cut That Out (David Williamson) *** The Magic of Michael Ammar (pg. 122)
- Now Find My Card! (Bruce Cervon) *** Card Secrets of Bruce Cervon (pg. 41)
- Now It's My Problem! (Daniel McCarthy) *** Apocalypse (August 1990, vol. 13, no. 8, pg. 1813)
- Now Serving (Karl Fulves) *** Subtle Card Magic (Colombini, DVD)
- Now the Suits (Tony Koynini) *** Toni Koynini's Card Miracles (Armstrong, pg. _)
- Now You See 'Em ([unknown origin] Frank Garcia) *** Super Subtle Card Miracles (pg. 122)
- Now You See It! (Jean Hugard) *** The Royal Road To Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 92)
- Now! (Jonathan Townsend) *** Apocalypse (November 1979, vol. 2, no. 11, pg. 274)
- Now, That Was Fast! (Paul Gordon) *** The Unplanned Card Book (pg. )
- Now, That's A Stunner! (Paul Gordon) *** Card Magic Companion (pg. 84); Cool Card Stuff (pg. _); Blockbusters With Cards (DVD)
- No-Wallet Card to Pocket (Harold Cataquet) *** Apocalypse (August 1996, Vol. 19, No. 8, pg. 2682)
- No-Way Location, The (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (pg. 63)
- Nowhere (Aldo Colombini) *** Mamma Mia (pdf, pg. 10)
- Nowhere And Everywhere (Larry Jennings) *** "M-U-M (May and June 1967)—Two handlings are described. Both were reprinted as “Monarch’s Quartette” in Dai Vernon’s Ultimate Secrets Of Card Magic (1967, p. 83) and Jennings ’67 (1997, p. 22); Lecture Notes On Card And Coin Handling (July 1967)—This handling previously appeared in M-U-M (May 1967) and is reprinted in Dai Vernon’s Ultimate Secrets Of Card Magic (1967, p. 83) and Jennings ’67 (1997, p. 22); Larry Jennings—A Private Lesson (DVD) (2006)—This appears as “Four Card Match.”
Also see “Monarch’s Quartette” and “Nowhere And Everywhere Again.”
- Nowhere Pass, The (Aaron Fisher) *** "The Paper Engine (pg. 36); The NOWHERE pass: Notes On The Bluff Pass; The Sleight Album (pg. 16)
- No-Win Situation (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2011, No. 9, pg. 570)
- Nox-Em-All (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 131)
- Nth SENSE (Jack McMillen) *** Genii (January 1937, vol.1, no.5, pg. 11)
- Nu Way Out of this World (U.F. Grant) *** Marketed Manuscript; Best of All Worlds (Geris, pg. 105)
- Nuchromancy (Richard Koester) *** The New Phoenix (August 1965, Vol. IV, No. 40, pg. 166)
- Nudeck Speller (John Russel Duck - "Rusduck") *** The Cardiste (May 1957, No. 2, pg. _)
- Nudest Nudist Deck, The (Peter Kane) *** Kane (pg. 130)
- Nudist Deck (R.W. Hull) *** Marketed Item (aka: Mental Photography Deck)
- Nufind (Al Baker) *** Annemann's Card Magic (pg. 33)
- Nulda's Revenge (Darwin Ortiz) *** Cardshark (pg. 54)
- Null Faro, The (Karl Fulves) *** Faro Possibilities (pg. 8)
- Nullifactor, The (Stewart James) *** Marketed Manuscript; Stewart James In Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 506)
- Nullified True Cuts (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 119)
- Nullified! (Tom Stone) *** Random Walk (pg. 6); Vortex (pg. 117)
- Nullifying Cuts (George Joseph) *** Cheating At Poker (DVD)
- Nullifying the Possibilities (Edward Marlo) *** The Card Magic of Edward Marlo (pg. 166)
- Nulling Factor, The (Peter Duffie) *** Duffie's Card Compulsions (pg. 250)
- NUMB… ers (Peter Duffie) *** Cards In Principle
- Number 23 Revisited (David Gemmell) *** Pasteboard Paradise (pdf, pg. 27, refers to "Conspiracy #23" from same book)
- Number Affinity (Karl Fulves) *** New Self-Working Card tricks (pg. 121)
- Number At Card (Anthony Owen) *** Anthony Owen Lecture (DVD)
- Number Force Plus (Paul Hallas) *** Mind Stuff (DVD)
- Number Forcing and The Four Ace Routine (Grant Stuart) *** The Sphinx (May 1930, Vol. 29, No. 3, pg. 122)
- Number Nine Blue (Richard Kaufman) *** CardMagic (Kaufman, pg. 12)
- Number Nonsense (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 113)
- Number of Cards (S. Leo Horowitz) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 203)
- Number Please (Al Baker and Audley Walsh) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 325)
- Number Seven (W. F. "Rufus" Steele) *** The Last Word on Cards (Steele, pg. 42)
- Number Transpo (Edward Marlo) *** Deck Deception (pg. 13)
- Number Transposition (Larry Jennings) *** Lecture Notes On Card And Coin Handling (July 1967); Larry Jennings On Card And Coin Handling (Busby, pg. 37)
- Number, Please (Karl Fulves) *** New Self-Working Card tricks (pg. 37)
- Numbered (Aldo Colombini) *** Two Magicians and a Deck of Cards (DVD)
- Numberground (Mickael Chatelain) *** Market Item
- Numbering (Jon Armstrong) *** Armstrong Card Magic - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Numbero (Roger Floyd) *** Expert Card Mysteries (Sharpe, pg. 99)
- Numbers (Rus Andrews) *** Marketed Item (packet trick with DVD)
- Numbers At Work (John Snyder, Jr.) *** One More Thought On Cards (J. Stewart Smith, pg. 30)
- Numbers Game, The (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 68)
- Numbers Up (Tom Mullica) *** Apocalypse (May 1980, Vol. 3, No. 5, pg. 345)
- Numberville (Peter Duffie) *** Card Tricks for the Fractured Mind (pdf, pg. 26)
- Numb-skulls' Numbers Game (Jon Racherbaumer) *** From Jon Racherbaumer.com site (Freebie, August 2004)
- Numerical Aces (Larry Jennings) *** Lecture Notes On Card And Coin Handling (July 1967); Larry Jennings On Card And Coin Handling (Busby, pg. 30)
- Numerical Affinity (Frank Simon) *** Versatile Card Magic (pg. 111)
- Numerical Analysis (Mike Powers) *** Power Plays: High Voltage Magic From Mike Powers (pg. 106)
- Numerical Discovery (Warren Wiersbe) *** Action With Cards (pg. _)
- Numerical Match ((Dani DaOrtiz) *** Utopia - Disc 1 (DVD)
- Numerical Shift, The (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 76)
- Numerical Shuffle, A (Ellis Stanyon) *** Ellis Stanyon's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 57)
- Numerical Trick of Cards, The (Will Andrade, aka Charles A. Prince) *** 70 Simple Card Tricks-That Anyone Can Do (pg. 7)
- Numero Dos (Richard Vollmer) *** Apocalypse (May 1996, Vol. 19, No. 5, pg. 2643)
- Numero Uno (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection (pg. 515); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 3 (pg. 405)
- Numerological Card, The (unknown) *** Expert Card Techinque (Hugard & Braue, pg. 385)
- Numerology (Richard Vollmer / Martin Gardner / Henry Christ) *** Card College 3 (Giobbi, pg. 700)
- Numerology Again & Again (Arthur F. MacTier) *** Card Concepts (pg. 126)
- Numerology in Color (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 126)
- Numerology, Etc. (Leo Boudreau) *** Spirited Pasteboards (pg. 210)
- Nursery Rhymes (Steve Jones) *** Cards for All Occasions (pg. 183)
- Nuts to You (Gerald Kosky) *** The Jinx (May 1938, Issue 44, pg. 301)
- Nuzzo-Goldin Change (Dr. James Nuzzo) *** Card Finesse II (Racherbaumer, pg. 169)
- Nuzzo's Simul-Steal (Jimmy Nuzzo) *** Art and Ardor at the Card Table (Nuzzo, Marlo, pg. 44); Card Finesse II (Racherbaumer, pg. 153)
- Nyquist 1 (Irving Quant) *** Quantum Mechanics (DVD)
- O.K. Card Trick, The (Dr. J.W. Elliott) *** Card Tricks & Conjuring (Elliott, Houdini, pg. 136)
- O.P.T.2 (Hiro Okada) *** The Open Prediction Project (Baxter, pg. 269)
- O.R.C.(Optimum Rising Card) (Taiwan Ben) *** Marketed Item
- O'Aronson Aces (Simon Aronson) *** Try The Impossible (pg. 104); Sessions With Simon: The Impossible Magic Of Simon Aronson - Volume 1 (DVD); World's Greatest Magic: The Secrets of Ace Assemblies - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Obedient Cards (Juan Tamariz) *** Mnemonica (pg. 88)
- Obedient Cards, The (Nat Bernstein & Morty Zuckert) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 134)
- Obedient Rainbow Cards (Armandi of Holland) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Observation Test (Larry Jennings) *** Epilogue Special No. 3 Part One (1975, p. 10); The Classic Magic Of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, p. 126)
- Obsolete Prediction (Ray Walton) *** Pabular (December 1974, Vol. 1, No. 4, pg. 40); The Complete Walton - Volume Two (first edition: pg. 16, third edition: pg. 29)
- Obstinate Pasteboards (Henry Christ) *** The Vernon Chronicles - Volume 3 (Minch, pg. 171)
- Obtrusive Queens, The (Arthur H. Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 207)
- Obvious Suggestion (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 1 (pg. 307)
- Occam's Edge (Tyler Wilson) *** Reinventing the Real (pg. 33)
- Octopus Deck (Bill Abbott) *** Marketed Item
- Odd and Even Card Trick (Marshall Brodien) *** 101 Card Tricks (pg. 24)
- Odd Card Mystery (Yuichi Katakura) *** Yuichi Katakura's Lecture Note (pg. 7)
- Odd Cards (Karl Fulves) *** Close-Up Mental Magic (pg. 7)
- Odd Color Out (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 27)
- Odd Couple, The (Karl Fulves) *** My Best Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 3)
- Odd Couple, The (Lewis Jones) *** Top Score (pg. 52)
- Odd Couples (Paul Daniels) *** You Don't Have to be a Kid to Pull a Rabbit Out of a Hat (Daniels, Murray, pg. 127)
- Odd Jokers (Raphael Czaja) *** Marketed Item
- Odd Man Out (Arthur Carter) *** Marketed Item (Supreme Magic)
- Odd Number Theory (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 54)
- Odd One In (Shaun McCree) *** Stand & Deliver (DVD)
- Odd Or Even, Which? (Ted Annemann) *** SH-H-H--! it's a secret (pg. 13)
- Odd Set, The (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 278); ESP Card Magic - Volume 2 (Colombini, DVD)
- Odd Will, The (John Scarne & Bruce Elliot) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 244, or pg. 242, depending on edition)
- Odd Yet Predictable (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Jon Racherbaumer.com site (Freebie, May 2007)
- Odder Than Even (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 95)
- Odd-Even Experiment, An (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan’s Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 163)
- Odd-Looking (Paul Gordon) *** Cool Card Stuff (pg. _)
- Odds Against, The (Karl Fulves) *** My Best Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 125)
- Odds and Evens (Paul Curry) *** Paul Curry Presents (pg. 106)
- Odds Are With Me, The (Paul Green) *** Take A Stroll With Me (pg. 9)
- Oddservation (Jack Parker) *** Genii (June 2006, vol.69, no.6, pg. 20)
- Of The Psychic Princess Presentation (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Cardfixes (pg. 35)
- Off Center Faro (Edward Marlo) *** The Faro Shuffle (pg. 26); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 172)
- Off Color Ace, Deuce, Trey (Milton Kort) *** Off Color Card Tricks (pg. 13)
- Off Color Mixup (Milt Kort) *** Off Color Card Tricks (pg. 21)
- Off Color Vanish, The (Michael Powers) *** Powerful Magic (pg. 38)
- Off Colour Jack-wich (Reinhard Mueller) *** Spellbinder (May 1983, Vol. 3, No. 25, pg. 502)
- Off With His Head (David Regal) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Off-Tempo Aces (John Gelasi) *** John's Card Creations Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Oh Pity Me Location (Simon Aronson) *** The Aronson Approach (pg. 75)
- OH SNAP! (Jibrizy Taylor) *** Marketed Item (DVD & Gimmick)
- Oh? See Williams! (Paul Gordon) *** Card Marvels (pg. _)
- Ohajiki Card Happening (Mahka Tendo) *** Genii Magazine (December 1987, Vol. 51, No. 6, pg. 389)
- O'Hentry Jazz Aces (David Solomon) *** The Card Solutions of Solomon (DVD)
- Oil & Queens (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume One (pg. 6); The Devil's Playthings: A Collection of Card Tricks (pg. 15)
- Oil & Water Deluxe (Ben Harris) *** Truly Visual Card Magic (pg. 38)
- Oil & Water In Slow Motion (Reinhard Mueller) *** Latter Day Secrets (Fulves, 2001, Issue No. 6, pg.180)
- Oil and Kings (Stephen Tucker) *** Apocalypse (January 1985, Vol. 8, No. 1, pg. 1015)
- Oil and Water (card problem noted by Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser. Small packet version first created by Walter Gibson in The Jinx) *** Jinx ("Like Seeks Like," by Walter Gibson, Issue #91, pg. 569); The Cardician ("Oil and Water," by Edward Marlo, pg. 111)
- Oil And Water In A Wine Glass (Jose Carroll) *** 52 Lovers - Volume 2 (pg. 59)
- Oil On Troubled Waters (John Carney) *** John Carney's Carneycopia (Minch, pg. 234)
- Oil, Water & Guts (Aldo Colombini) *** The Chosen Few (DVD)
- Oil, Water and Prom (John Gelasi) *** John's Card Creations Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Oiled and Watered (Paul Cummins) *** Apocalypse (October 1980, Vol. 3, No. 10, pg. 402)
- Oily Triumph (Ken Krenzel) *** Genii Magazine (April 2007, Vol. 70, No. 4, pg. 39)
- Oily Water (Bob Longe) *** World's Greatest Card Tricks (pg. 110)
- Old Classic, The (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 245))
- Old Gambler Vs. The Young Card Punk, The (Lee Asher) *** Sex Sells (pg. 15)
- Old Man River (René Lavand) *** Magic from the Soul (pg. 84)
- Old Man Stumbled and Fell, The (Kenichi Kuroki) *** Material (1989 lecture notes, pg. 4)
- Old Timer (Bob Longe) *** Mystifying Card Tricks (pg. 77)
- Oldest Trick In The Book (Bob Longe) *** Card Tricks Galore (pg. 36)
- Oliver McKensie Drink Trick Variation (Simon Lovell) *** Packet Killer (DVD)
- Olram Arrows (Werner Miller) *** Enigmaths 7 (pdf, pg. 25); Tricks to Go - Part 1 (Colombini, DVD)
- Olram Bottom Slip Cut Tabled (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo Without Tears (Pg. 69)
- Olram Subtlety (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 2 (pg. 120); Marlo's Magazine Volume 4 (pg. 286); Card College 3 (Giobbi, pg. 603); Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 277)
- Olram's Order (Edward Marlo) *** The Olram File (Marlo & Racherbaumer, Issue 11, pg. 236); Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 236)
- Olram's Updated Collins (Edward Marlo) *** The Card Magic of Edward Marlo (pg. 44)
- Olympic Challenge, The (Gary Ouellet) *** Close Up Illusions (pg. 176); Genii Magazine (May 1988, Vol. 51, No. 11, pg. 661)
- Olympic Champion (Scott Guinn) *** Great Scott! It's Card Magic (pg. 107)
- Omega Ace Experiment,The (Stanley Collins) *** Original Magical Creations (pg. 25)
- Omega Bet, The (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 107)
- Omega Bet-Updated, The (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 96); Aldo On Trost Vol. 1 (Colombini, DVD)
- Omega Blackjack (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 649)
- On Command (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 14)
- On Impulse (Jay Sankey) *** The Sankey Sanders Sessions - Volume 1 (DVD)
- On Incidental Thoughts (Ton Onosaka) *** A Joint Collection of Works by Tenkai Prize Winners (1990 Issue, Tenkai Prize Book Series No. 22, pg. 30 [Japanese], pg. 33[English])
- On My Way Up (Gavin Ross) *** Virtual Miracles (Duffie, pg. 48)
- On The Count Of… (John Carey) *** 24 Seven - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- On the Cut (Tom Batchelor) *** Canadian Card Control (pg. 12)
- On the Forehead (Marshall Brodien) *** 101 Card Tricks (pg. 36)
- On the Lam (Louis Lam) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 82)
- On the Reband (Maya Issey) *** M-U-M (February 2007, pg. 48)
- On The Square (Eddie Joseph) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 272)
- On Third Turn Over in a Trifid Pack (Clayton W. Rosencrance) *** The Sphinx (October 1923, Vol. 22, No. 8, pg. 240)
- On Your Mark (David Regal) *** Star Quality - The Magic of David Regal (Lorayne, pg. 166)
- On, In & Under (Jack Parker) *** Jack Parker's 52 Memories (Gladwin, pg. 33)
- Once And Future Kings (David Britland & Stephen Tucker) *** Spell-Binder (Final Issue, April 1984, Vol. 3, No. 36, pg. 295); The Best of Spell-Binder Collection One (Tucker, pg. 124)
- Once In a Knife-Time (Frank Garcia) *** Million Dollar Card Secrets (pg. 77); Tarbell Course in Magic (aka "The X-Ray Knife," Vol. 3, Lesson 41, pg. 274); Phoenix (aka "Garcia's Grand," June 1947, Vol. 3, No. 127, pg. 509)
- Once in a Lifetime (Jay Sankey) *** Sankey Unleashed (Racherbaumer, pg. 116)
- One Ahead (Bob Longe) *** Great Card Tricks (pg. 82)
- One and Only (Paul Harris & Tony MaClaren ) *** Marketed Item
- One By One (Ian Land) *** Pabular (May 1985, Vol. 8, No. 10, pg.1291)
- One Car Garage (Jay Sankey) *** Marketed Item
- One Card Blackjack Muck (George Joseph) *** Cheating At Blackjack (DVD)
- One Card Link (Ben Williams) *** Marketed Item
- One Dollar Sandwich, The (John Mendoza) *** John: Verse Two (pg. 57)
- One Down, Two to Go (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dodgery (pg. 68)
- One For The Money (Bill Goldman) *** Marketed Item (DVD)
- One From Two (Karl Fulves) *** Shape Changers (pg. 5)
- One Good Winner (Allan Ackerman & Darrin Martineau) *** The Penumbra (July/August 2002, Issue 2, pg. 12)
- One Hand Bandit (Karl Fulves) *** Secret Session - Part Three (pg. 70)
- One Hand Control (Bruce Elliott) *** Phoenix (February 1945, Vol. 2, No. 78, pg. 318)
- One Hand Discovery (Matt Schulien) *** The Magic of Matt Schulien (Willmarth, pg. 24)
- One Hand Estimation (Fernando Keops) *** Fernando Keops - Volume 1: Cheating at Cards (DVD)
- One Hand In My Pocket (Mark Elsdon) *** Marketed Item
- One Handed Shuffle Stab (Roger Curzon) *** Blood on the Tricks - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- One Handed Zigzag (Joe Rindfleisch) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks II (Beam, pg. 148)
- One in 52 (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 99)
- One In A Bunch (Gene Maze) *** Pure Deceptions & Maximum Impact: The Magic of Gene Maze (DVD)
- One in Four (Bob Longe) *** Great Card Tricks (pg. 44)
- One in Ten Detection (Ted Annemann) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 156)
- One in the Side Pocket (Ramón Rioboó) *** Thinking The Impossible (pg. 47)
- One of a Mind II (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dodgery (pg. 249)
- One Of Four (Harry Lorayne) *** Rim Shots (pg. 106); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 2 (pg. 296)
- One Of Us Is Lying (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 6)
- One Over The Eight (James Esler) *** Pentagram (Vol. 8, No. 12, pg. 90)
- One Short Of A Full Deck (Lee Smith & Gary Jones) *** iCandy (DVD)
- One Shot, One Kill (Darwin Ortiz) *** Lessons in Card Mastery (pg. 91)
- One Spade Short! (Val Andrews) *** The Idiot at the Card Table (pg. _)
- One Too Many (George McBride) *** Best of Osmosis (pg. _)
- One-Armed Aces (Diamond Jim Tyler) *** Close-Up Magic Secrets (originally published as "Pockets Full of Miracles," pg. 23); Pockets Full of Miracles (DVD)
- One-Cut Force (Bob Longe) *** World's Best Card Tricks (pg. 19)
- One-Deck Wonder (Stewart James) *** The James File - Volume One (Slaight, pg. 1250); Semi-Automatic Card Tricks II (Beam, pg. 130)
- One-Eyed Jack Sandwich (Harry Lorayne) *** My Favorite Card Tricks (pg. 4); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 211)
- One-Eyed Jacks, The (Paul Le Paul) *** The Card Magic of Le Paul (pg. 146)
- One-Finger Cut (uncredited) *** World's Best Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 21)
- One-Hand Flourish False Cut (Ken Krenzel) *** Apocalypse (November 1978, vol. 1, no. 11, pg. 130)
- One-Hand Mechanical Aces (Harry Lorayne & Richard Kaufman) *** Cardworks (Kaufman, pg. 33)
- One-Hand Push (Karl Fulves) *** The Magic Thrust (pg. 6)
- One-Hand Stop (Ken Krenzel) *** The Card Classics of Ken Krenzel (Lorayne, pg. 24)
- One-Hand Top-Palm Method (Harry Lorayne) *** Rim Shots (pg. 57); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 2 (pg. 248)
- One-Handed Bottom Deal (Gene Maze) *** Pure Deceptions (DVD); Maximum Impact (DVD)
- One-Handed Poker Deal, The (Darwin Ortiz) *** Cardshark (pg. 149)
- One-Second Aces (Paul Gordon) *** Professional Card Magic Miracles (pg. 85)
- One-Shot Hofzinser (Robert Bengel) *** Apocalypse (September 1989, Vol. 12, No. 9, pg. 1687)
- One-Two-Three Shift (Bob Longe) *** Mystifying Card Tricks (pg. 7)
- One-Way Deck (John Gale) *** Gale's Cabinet of Knowledge; or Miscellaneous Recreations, including the most celebrated Card Deceptions ever Exhibited (pg. _)
- Onlookers (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 83)
- Only A Game (Peter Duffie) *** Duffie's Card Compulsions (pg. 202)
- Only Aces Left - Right? (Harry Lorayne) *** Apocalypse (October 1995, Vol. 18, No. 10, pg. 2557)
- Only An Illusion (Gene Maze) *** Pure Deceptions & Maximum Impact: The Magic of Gene Maze (DVD)
- Only An Image (Eddie Clever) *** The Jinx (November 1936, No. 26, pg. 163)
- Only Had Two (Larry Jennings) *** Bill Malone: On The Loose! - Vol. 4 (DVD)
- Only One Left, The (A.V. Way) *** The Magic Magazine (April 1953, Vol. 2, No. 1, pg. 21)
- Oops (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 205)
- Op & Down (Phil Goldstein) *** The New Jinx (July 1966, Vol. 5, No. 51, pg. 209)
- Open and Shut (Wayne Kyzer) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks (Beam, pg. 75)
- Open Card Change (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, p. 11)
- Open Ended (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 119)
- Open for Business (John Carey) *** Classic Carey (DVD)
- Open From the Bottom (David Regal) *** Constant Fooling - Book 1 (pg. 72)
- Open Hockley (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Card Finesse (pg. 95)
- Open Index, The (Simon Aronson) *** Memories Are Made of This (pg. 28); Sessions with Simon Vol. 3 (DVD)
- Open Intruder (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume II (Minch, pg. 56)
- Open Minds (Audley Walsh) *** The Jinx (1940, No. 82, pg. 523)
- Open Prediction (Proposed by Paul Curry) *** Multiple sources, with solutions by Curry, James, Marlo, Fulves, Elmsley, Warlock, etc… (See Ibidem#3, among others)
- Open Revelation (Paul Harris) *** The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (Harris, pg. 127)
- Open Season (Karl Fulves) *** 13 Prophets (pg. 19)
- Open Selection (Francis Haxton) *** The Chronicles (1979, No. 23)
- Open Travelers & Co. (Hippie Torrales) *** Apocalypse (June 1985, Vol. 8, No. 6, pg. 1070)
- Open Travelers Transpo Redux (Mike Powers) *** Power Plays: High Voltage Magic From Mike Powers (pg. 17)
- Open Travellers (Larry Jennings) *** Expert Card Mysteries (Sharpe, p. 41); The Classic Magic Of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, p. 144); Larry Jennings—A Private Lesson (DVD)
- Open Travellers Plus One (Don England) *** Don England's Paradox (Kelly, pg. 46)
- Open Triumph (Benjamin Earl) *** Past Midnight - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Opening Salvo (John Carey) *** Carey On! (DVD)
- Openly Ignored (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Relaxed Imnpossibilities (Minch, pg. 153)
- Operator Calling (Harris Solomon) *** Annemann's Practical Mental Effects (pg. 116)
- Opposite Pockets (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 75)
- Opposites Attract (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 89)
- Optical Ace Assembly (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 97)
- Optical Add (Edward Marlo) *** Jon Racherbaumer.com site (Prime Moves, June 2003)
- Optical Alignment (Guy Hollingworth) *** Drawing Room Deceptions (pg. 21)
- Optical Revolve (Tenkai Ishida) *** Tarbell Course in Magic (Vol. 1, Lesson 11, pg. 216); FASDIU II (Cummins, pg. 20); The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 69); The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 246); Super Subtle Card Miracles (Garcia, pg. 134); Best of Friends (Lorayne, pg. 523); Dear Mr. Fantasy (Bannon, pg. 177)
- Optical Shift (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2013, No. 10, pg. 696)
- Option Cut (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 170)
- Option Play (Karl Fulves) *** And A Packet of Cards (pg. _)
- Opti-stack (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Ingenuities (Minch, pg. 131)
- Optomistic Mix (Ollie Mealing) *** Skip Switch Project (DVD)
- Orbit (Dan & Dave Buck) *** The Trilogy: andthensome (DVD)
- Orbit Spread (Bill Perkins) *** Instant Download (from Vanishing Inc)
- Orbital (Trevor Lewis) *** Marketed Item
- Order In The House *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 150)
- Order of Aces (Edward Marlo) *** Seconds, Centers, Bottoms (pg. 115); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 329)
- Order Restored (J. K. Hartman) *** Apocalypse (January 1984, Vol. 7, No. 1, pg. 865)
- Orderly Fashion, An *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. )
- Origami Poker (John Bannon) *** Dear Mr. Fantasy (pg. 144)
- Origami Prediction (John Bannon) *** High Caliber (pg. 298); Bullets After Dark (DVD)
- Ortiz Packet Palm (Darwin Ortiz) *** Darwin Ortiz at the Card Table (pg. 99)
- Ortiz Shift (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 149)
- Orville Meyer's Twin Prediction (Orville Meyer) *** Annemann's Practical Mental Effects (pg. 82)
- Oscar (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 759); Aldo On Trost Vol. VII (Colombini, DVD)
- Ose's Addition (Jay Ose) *** Close-up Card Magic (Lorayne, pg. 91); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 78)
- Ose's Cut (Jay Ose) *** Close-up Card Magic (Lorayne, pg. 93); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 79)
- Osh Negash B'Gosh (Dan & Dave Buck) *** Sleightly Magical (pg. 21)
- Osmosis (Sylvain Mirouf) *** True Astonishments - Disc 4 (Harris, DVD, one of the hidden "Easter Eggs")
- Our Friends, The Aces (Charles T. Jordan) *** Thirty Card Mysteries (pg. 59)
- Ouroboros (Jack Parker) *** 52 Memories (Gladwin, pg. 14)
- Out Foxed (Danny Archer) *** Working Alone (Lecture Notes and/or DVD)
- Out of Control Ace Collection (Al Schneider) *** Rare Earth Series - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Out of Gilbreath's World (Edward Marlo & Arthur F. MacTier) *** Card Concepts (MacTier, pg. 230)
- Out Of My Control (Harry Lorayne) *** My Favorite Card Tricks (pg. 12); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 218); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever! Collection - Vol. 4 (DVD)
- Out of My Hands (Johnny Thompson) *** Magic Made Easy! (DVD)
- Out of Order (Ron Frost) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Out of Print (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 208)
- Out of Sight (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 70)
- Out of Sight, Out of Mind (Dai Vernon) *** More Inner Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 14)
- Out of the Bag (Billy Wells) *** Duplicate Deceptions (pg. 66)
- Out Of The Room (Glenn Gravatt) *** 50 Modern Card Tricks (pg. 44)
- Out Of The Stack (U.F.Grant) *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 1 (Miller, pg. 41)
- Out of this Blah Blah Blah (Jon Armstrong) *** Armstrong Card Magic - Volume 3 (DVD); Best of All Worlds (Geris, pg. 43)
- Out of This Borough (David Regal) *** Constant Fooling - Book 2 (pg. 83); The Magic of David Regal - Volume 3: Enough With the Tricks Already! (DVD); Best of All Worlds (Geris, pg. 202)
- Out Of This Country (Ron Edwards) *** Ibidem (November 1964, Issue 30, pg. 715)
- Out Of This Dimension (Stephen Tucker) *** Card Bored? (pg. 5)
- Out of this Packet (Cameron Francis) *** Out of Sleight (DVD)
- Out of This Universe (Harry Lorayne) *** Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 80); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 64); Best of All Worlds (Geris, pg. 166)
- Out of This World #2000 (Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Kardma (pg. 156)
- Out of This World (Paul Curry) *** Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond (pg. 183); Best of All Worlds (Geris, pg. 1)
- Out of This World (Paul Lelekis variation on Curry) *** Showcase Magic (pdf with WMF & mp4)
- Out of Touch (John Bannon) *** Dear Mr. Fantasy (pg. 100)
- Out of U and Me (Michael Close) *** The Magic Menu: Years 6 - 10 (Sisti, Issue 38, pg. 440)
- Out of Your Hands (Edward Marlo) *** The Tabled Palm (pg. 16)
- Out of Your Mind (R. Paul Wilson) *** Instant Download (pdf)
- Out On Location (J. W. Sarles and Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2010, No. 8, pg. 496)
- Out Out, ***ed Spot! (Hiroshi Kondo) *** Genii (November 1986, vol. 50, no. 5, pg. 357)
- Out To Cut (Tomo Maeda) *** Genii (July 1994, vol. 57, no. 9, pg. 589)
- Outcast (Karl Fulves) *** Card Counting (pg. 28)
- Outdone (Cameron Francis) *** Stone Cold Magic Magazine (August 2008)
- Outer Limits (Larry Barnowsky) *** Kingdom of the Red (pg. 139)
- Outflanked (Steve Beam & Walter Gibson) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 45)
- Outflushed (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 48); Also available as a marketed version with gaffs, produced by Gary Plants
- Outguessing the Spectator (Al Baker) *** Al Baker's Magical Ways and Means (pg. 20)
- Outjog Herrmann Pass, The (Aaron Fisher) *** The Paper Engine (pg. 52)
- Outlaws (Terry LaGerould) *** Sessions With Terry LaGerould #2 (DVD); Super Session 2015 (instant download)
- Outnumbered (Karl Fulves) *** Kaleidoscope (pg. 12)
- Out-of-Body Experience, The (Daryl Martinez) *** For Your Entertainment Pleasure (Minch, pg. 62)
- Out-of-Sweden (Lennart Green) *** The Looking Glass - Spring 1996 (Kaufman, pg. 60)
- Outstanding (Roberto Mansilla, Vernet) *** Outstanding (DVD, aka Out-Standing)
- Outstanding Triumph (Larry Jennings) *** Thoughts On Cards - Volume Two (VHS); The Classic Magic Of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 223); The Trap Door (Beam, October 1996, No. 62, pg. 1201); World's Greatest Magic - Triumph Volume 1 (DVD)
- Outward Bottom Deal (Tom Gagnon) *** Avant-Cards (James, pg. 167)
- Over & Out (Karl Fulves) *** Notes From Underground (pg. 24)
- Over & Over (Bob Longe) *** Easy Card Tricks (pg. 50)
- Over Easier (Phil "Max Maven" Goldstein) *** Random Acts of Magic (Acer, pg. 29)
- Over Exposure (Paul Harris) *** Las Vegas Close-Up (pg. 52); The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (Harris, pg. 171)
- Over This World (Alex Pandrea) *** Marketed Item
- Overclock (Randy Wakeman) *** Apocalypse (October 1987, Vol. 10, No. 10, pg. 1410)
- Overcount (Cameron Francis) *** Moments Notice 6 (pg. 8)
- Overhand Shuffle *** The Royal Road To Card Magic Hugard, Braue, pg. 3); Card College - Volume 1 (Giobbi, pg. 39); Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 377)
- Overhead Spring (Jerry Cestkowski) *** The Encyclopedia of Playing Card Flourishes (pg. 168)
- Overkill (Paul Harris) *** Close-up Fantasies - Book 1 (pg. 73); Stars of Magic: Paul Harris - Vol. 1 (DVD); The Art of Astonishment - Book 2 (pg. 183)
- Overlap (Joshua Jay) *** Marketed Item (Manuscript with gaff)
- O-Verse (Karl Fulves) *** 28 Card Tricks (pg. 18)
- Overtime (David Acer) *** Random Acts of Magic (pg. 68); More Power To You (pg. 39)
- Overture (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 3)
- Overturned Stanyon (John Guastaferro) *** One Degree (pg. 78)
- Ovette Master Move / Kelly Bottom Placement (Joseph Ovette / Frank Kelly) *** Tarbell Course in Magic (Vol. 3, Lesson 39, pg. 184); Tops (April 1944)
- Owed to Poker Dan (Ron Bauer) *** Marketed Manuscript (Private Study Series #6)
- OZ Deposit (John Bannon) *** Smoke and Mirrors (pg. 122)
- P.H. Vanishing Deck (Paul Harris) *** The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (Harris, pg. 41); Marketed Item
- P.U.R.E. Surprise (Simon Aronson) *** Art Decko (pg. 89)
- Pack of Cards Used to Illustrate the Principle of the Moving Picture Machine, A (Lewis R. Hilliar) *** The Sphinx (July 1917, Vol. 16, No. 5, pg. 94)
- Pack of Lies (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume II (Minch, pg. 100)
- Packaging (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 44)
- Packed Bags (Aldo Colombini) *** Essential Aldo Colombini Volume 3 (DVD)
- Packet Stroller (John Carey) *** Carey On (DVD)
- Pack-In-The Box (Tomo Maeda) *** Genii (February 1989, Vol. 52, No. 8, pg. 495)
- Paddle Hofzinser (Jozsef Kovacs) *** Cardopia: Eleven Terrific Routines (pdf, pg. _)
- Paint-On Aces (Mike Bornstein) *** Apocalypse (September 1983, Vol. 6, No. 9, pg. 821)
- Pair-A-Noic (Bernard Bilis) *** Apocalypse (December 1978, Vol. 1, No. 12, pg. 136)
- Pair-Card Mystery (Hiro Sakai) *** Genii (July 2001, Vol. 64, No. 7, pg. 55)
- Palatino (Aldo Colombini) *** Subtle Card Magic (DVD)
- Palindrome Cards, The (Noel Stanton & Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 3 (Giobbi, pg. 585)
- Palm Back Fanning (Ciappi) *** Xtreme Beginnerz Vol. II (DVD)
- Palmist's Prophecy (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume Two (1997 edition, pg. 80), (2012 edition, pg. 146)
- Pandemonium at the Card Table (Dan & Dave Buck) *** Nursery Rhymes - Volume 2 (pg. 25)
- Pandora's Paradox (Michael Vincent) *** The Classic Magic of Michael Vincent (DVD, Disc 1)
- Pan-houlette, The (Dr. Steven Weiner) *** The Sphinx (October 1938, Vol. 37, No. 8, pg. 191)
- Paper Doll Revelation (Chidori Shyokyokusai) *** M-U-M (June 2007, pg. 45)
- Parade of Queens *** Marketed Item
- Parade Of The Lamas (Bruce Elliott) *** My Best (Thompson, pg. 43)
- Paradox (John Carey) *** Classic Carey (DVD)
- Paradox of Pairs, A (Ted Annemann) *** Annemann's Card Tricks (pg. 18)
- Paragon Poker (Simon Aronson) *** The Aronson Approach (pg. 17)
- Parallel Police, The (Karl Fulves) *** Deceptive Practices (pg. 24)
- Parallel Thoughts (Ted Annemann) *** Annemann's Practical Mental Effects (pg. 245)
- Parallexis (Edward Marlo) *** Antinomy (Issue 2, Second Quarter 2005, pg. 9)
- Paralyzed (Bruce Cervon) *** The Cervon File (pg. 185)
- Paramount (Aldo Colombini) *** Marketed Item
- Para-Psychology (Para, Lindan, Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's BEST EVER Collection - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Parity Prediction (Reinhard Mueller) *** Impromptu Card Magic Volume #5 (Colombini, DVD); Simply Impromptu Vol.1 (Colombini, DVD)
- Parity Prophet (Karl Fulves) *** Rigmarole (1993, Issue No. 4, pg. 45)
- Par-Optic Vision (Ted Annemann) *** The Jinx (Summer Extra 1935, pg. 48); Annemann's Practical Mental Effects (pg. 224)
- Parrott Fashion (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume One (1997 edition, pg. 87)
- Partner in Crime (Sam Schwartz) *** Deceptive Practices (Fulves, pg. 80)
- Pass At Red (Roy Walton) *** The Little Black Book (Wilson, pg. 6); The Royal Road to Card Magic (Wilson, DVD only)
- Pass, The (aka Shift) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 95)
- Passe-Passe Cards (Glenn Gravatt) *** 50 More Modern Card Tricks (pg. 28)
- Passing The Pyramid (Scott Guinn) *** Great Scott! It's Card Magic (pg. 84)
- Pasteboard Blendo (Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 5 (Giobbi, pg. 1174)
- Pasteboard Massacre (David Regal) *** Close-Up & Personal (pg. 242); The Magic of David Regal - Volume 1: Tricks! (DVD)
- Paul Gordon Performs Miracles? (Paul Gordon) *** Protean Card Magic (pg. 139)
- Paul Mase's Trick (Tyler Wilson) *** Dominatricks (pg. 100)
- Paul Plays Poker (R. Paul Wilson) *** Extreme Possibilities - Vol. 4 (DVD)
- PDQuickie (Karl Fulves) *** Cards #5: The Multiple Shift (Fulves, pg. 14)
- Peek and Poke (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 211)
- Peek Sandwich (Boris Wild) *** Remarkable Card Magic - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Peeked Card Reverse (Larry Jennings) *** Dai Vernon’s Ultimate Secrets Of Card Magic (Ganson, p. 64)
- Peeper (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 180)
- PegasAces (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 86)
- Pendulum Switch, The (Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 4 (Giobbi, pg. 846)
- Peregrinating Pip, The (Dai Vernon) *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 457)
- Perfect Card Trick, The (John Northern Hilliard) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 100)
- Perfect Match, A (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 123)
- Perfect Order (Tenkai Matsuura) *** Magic Magazine (March 1994, Vol. 3, No. 7, pg. 63)
- Perfect Prediction (Pete McCabe) *** The PM Card Mark System Plus Assorted Miracles (McCabe, pg. 31)
- Perfect Stop Trick (Edward Marlo) *** Early Marlo (pg. 73); Marketed Manuscript; Malone Meets Marlo - Volume 5 (DVD); World's Greatest Magic by the World's Greatest Magicians: The Secrets of Self-Working Card Tricks - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Period of Darkness, A (Paul Curry) *** Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond (pg. 258)
- Perpetual Motion Poker Deal (Bruce Cervon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 4 (pg. 180)
- Personal Ambitions (John Carey) *** Classic Carey (DVD)
- Personality Test (Bob Hummer) *** Bob Hummer's Collected Secrets (pg. 14)
- Personalized Flight (Eddie Fields & Michael Schwartz) *** Invisible Secrets Revealed (pg. 12)
- Peterson's 30-Card Trick (Peterson) *** The Sphinx (April 1919, Vol. 18, No. 2, pg. 38)
- Phantom Cannibal, The (J. K. Hartman) *** Progressive Card Magic (Branch, pg. 35)
- Phantom Card, The (Darwin Ortiz) *** Cardshark (pg. 124); Card Shark - Volume 2 (DVD); The Darwin Ortiz Collection (DVD)
- Phoenix Effect, The (Jay Sankey) *** Spontaneous Combustion (DVD); Sankey's Secret Files - Volume 2 (DVD); Sankey's Best Mentalism (DVD); Spontaneous Combustion (DVD); The Definitive Sankey (volumes 1 & 3, multiple entries, various pages)
- Phoney Faro (Larry Jennings) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 43)
- Photographic Match, The (Russell Swan) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 63)
- Piano Sans Keyboard (Hideo Kato) *** Genii (May 2000, Vol. 63, No. 5, pg. 24)
- Piano Trick, The (unknown) *** The Art of Magic (Downs, Hilliard, pg. 28); The Royal Road To Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 106)
- Pick Me, Pick Me Not (Peter Duffie) *** Marketed Item
- Picknick's Aces (Mack Picknick) *** Card Cavalcade (Mentzer, pg. 89)
- Pickup On South Street (Darwin Ortiz) *** Cardshark (pg. 70); Cardshark Vol. 3 (DVD)
- Pierced Cards, The (Robert Harbin) *** Our Mysteries (Baker, pg. 7)
- Pinch me, I think I'm falling (Aaron Fisher) *** The Paper Engine (pg. 35)
- Pineapple Surprise '70 (Larry Jennings ) *** Jennings ’67 (Kaufman, pg. 236)
- Pineapple Twist (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings ’67 (Kaufman, pg. 261)
- Pinhead (Tomo Maeda) *** Magic Magazine (September 1995, Vol. 5, No. 1, pg. 67)
- Pinkerton's Ladies (Roy Walton) *** The Penumbra (July/August 2002, Issue 2, pg. 2)
- Pinky Count Divider (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 14)
- Pinky Shot (Jaehoon Lim) *** Challenge (DVD)
- Pinnacle Aces and Counting (Paul A. Lelekis) *** Assemblies & 4-Ace Tricks (pg. _)
- Pip Trip (David Forrest) *** Quickfire (pg. _); Trickery - Disc 2 (DVD)
- Pip! Pip! Hurray! (Karam) *** The Sphinx (July 1937, Vol. 36, No. 5, pg. 135)
- Pipe Dream (Bob Ostin) *** Bob Ostin - A Lifetime of Magical Inventions (Tucker, pg. 48)
- Pips and Tray, The (T. Page Wright) *** The Sphinx (November 1924, Vol. 23, No. 9, pg. 291)
- Pips-A-Poppin (Tony L. Lewis) *** Marketed Item
- Pivot Point (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2013, No. 10, pg. 676)
- Plan B (Michael Kociolek) *** 8 Effects and a Sleight (pg. _)
- Playback (Sam Schwartz) *** Sam's - The Magic of Sam Schwartz (Zingg, pg. 29)
- Please Don't Feed the Playing Cards (Jay Sankey) *** Sankey Panky (Kaufman, pg. 13); The Very Best of Jay Sankey - Vol. 2 (DVD); The Definitive Sankey: Volume 3 (pg. 1198); The Material Fiction of Jay Sankey (lecture notes);
- Please Stop Now! (Tony Kardyro) *** The Linking Ring (April 1960, Vol. 40, No. 2, pg. 68)
- Plunged (Robin Robertson) *** Card Modes (pg. _)
- Plunger Shift (T. Page Wright) *** Cards #5: The Multiple Shift (Fulves, pg. 31)
- Plunger, The (Lewis Jones) *** Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces (pg. 161)
- Pocket Cards (Karl Fulves) *** Transpo Trix (pg. 13)
- Pockethereal (Stewart James) *** Show Stoppers With Cards (Hugard & Braue, pg. 5); Stewart James In Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 434);
- Pockethereal Minus Pockets, First & Second Methods (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 98)
- Point of Departure (Fernando Keops) *** Fernando Keops - Volume 2: Gambling Effects (DVD, performance only)
- Point the Way (Meir Yedid) *** Meir Yedid's Off The Wall Lecture Notes (pg. _)
- Pointer (Phil Goldstein) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Poker Dream (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 58)
- Poker Expert Outdone (Sam Schwartz) *** Self-Working Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 35)
- Poker Mental (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 56)
- Poker Opener (Martin Nash) *** Award Winning Card Magic - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Poker Pairadox (John Bannon) *** Mega 'Wave (pg. 48)
- Poker Pete's Primer (Stewart James) *** The James File - Volume Two (Slaight, pg. 1774)
- Poker Player's Dream (Ted Annemann) *** The Cabinet of Card Miracles (pg. 10); Annemann's Card Miracles (pg. 10); Annemann: The Life and Times of a Legend (Abrams, pg. 66)
- Poker Player's Picnic (Steve Belchou) *** The Royal Road to Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 16)
- Poker Shark II (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan’s Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 226)
- Poker Shark, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan’s Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 168)
- Poker Triumph (Jason Alford) *** Thinking & Wondering (pg. 28)
- Poker Wizardry (Harry Mendoza) *** The Sphinx (December 1951, Vol. 50, No. 6, pg. 227)
- Polar Repulsion Straights (Jeff Busby) *** Curioser (Fulves, pg. 24)
- Polaroid Card (Dr. Jacob Taub) *** Card Treats (pg. 35)
- Poles Apart (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Ingenuities (Minch, pg. 175)
- Polychromatic Pack, A (Tom Bowyer) *** The Sphinx (October 1935, Vol. 34, No. 8, pg. 213)
- Poor Man's Card Through Window (Geoff Weber) *** Marketed Item (pdf)
- Poor Man's Monte (Richard Vollmer) *** Apocalypse (April 1981, Vol. 4, No. 4, pg. 472); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever! Collection Vol. 3 (DVD); A Few Good Cards (Colombini, DVD)
- Pop Jump Aces (Gene Maze) *** The Gene Maze Card Book (Kaufman, pg. 39)
- Pop-Eyed Eye-Popper, The (Ralph W. Hull) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 531)
- Popgun (Karl Fulves) *** The Magic Thrust (pg. 34)
- Popout Pass Revelation ("The Nine of Diamonds" aka Mark Beecham, Paul Besly, Luke Eaton, Tommy French, Ian Kendall, Éireann Leverett, Neil Stirton) *** The Nine of Diamonds (Beecham & Stirton, pg._)
- Pop-Up Card, The *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 285)
- Portal (Dan & Dave Buck) *** The Trilogy: andthensome (DVD)
- Portal (Lyndon Jugalbot) *** Marketed Item (DVD)
- Posi-Negative Cards (J.W. Sarles) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 53)
- Positioning Proposition (Edward Marlo) *** The Greater Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 109)
- Post Card (George Killingsworth) *** Simple Baffling Card Tricks (Behnke, pg. 48)
- Potent Presage, A (Jack Carpenter) *** The Expert's Folio No. 1 (pg. 26)
- Pow! (Tom Begley) *** The Open Prediction Project (Baxter, pg. 475)
- Power Case, The (Michael Powers) *** Powerful Magic (pg. 77)
- Power Of A Kind (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Methods (pg. 38)
- Practical Joker (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 27)
- Predetermined Thought (John Goodrum) *** Genii (August 1937, Vol. 1, No. 12, pg. 8)
- Predicted Colors (Walter B. Gibson) *** Professional Magic for Amateurs
- Prediction by Proxy (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume II (Minch, pg. 317)
- Prediction Gag (Glenn Gravatt) *** 50 More Modern Card Tricks (Gravatt, pg. 58)
- Prediction Gone Wild (Cameron Francis) *** Marketed Item (manuscript, also available as download)
- Predicto (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 126)
- Predicto Plus (Lee Smith & Gary Jones) *** More iCandy (DVD)
- Predicto Transpo (unknown) *** Marketed Item (Merlin's Magic)
- PredictoPack (Orville Meyer) *** My Best (Thompson, pg. 101)
- Prefiguration (Larry Jennings) *** The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 156)
- Prelude to Oil & Water (Hideo Kato) *** Magic Magazine (April 1998, Vol. 7, No. 8, pg. 73)
- Premonition Outdone (Stan Lobenstern) *** Marketed Item
- Premonitioned (John Born) *** Meant To Be... (pg. 99)
- Pre-pre-figuration (Bill Goodwin) *** Notes From the Batcave (pg. 21); Instant Download (video)
- Presto - Chango *** 36 Tricks with Fa-Ko Cards (Haines, pg. 9)
- Presto Prediction (Bob Longe) *** World's Best Card Tricks (pg. 15)
- Presto Printo (Daryl) *** Marketed Item
- Pretty Sneaky Nudist, A (Don Alan) *** Pretty Sneaky (pg. 19)
- Prime Cuts (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 52)
- Primitive Poker (Karl Fulves) *** Faro Possibilities (pg. 20)
- Princess and the Pea, The (Bill Abbott) *** Cabaret Card Magic (pg. 10)
- Princess Card Trick, The (Henry Hardin) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 339)
- Principle Prism (Karl Fulves) *** Parallel Lines (pg. 13)
- Pringle Four Ace Routine (John Snyder, Jr.) *** Marketed Item
- Printed Matter (David Acer) *** Natural Selections - Volume II (pg. 136)
- Printing (Dominique Duvivier) *** Marketed Item
- Prior Commitment (Simon Aronson) *** Try the Impossible (pg. 3); Sessions with Simon: The Impossible Magic of Simon Aronson - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Problem in Prophecy (Ron Edwards) *** Phoenix (November 1950, Vol. 5, No. 216, pg 862)
- Problem of the Four Aces, The (S.S. Blodgett) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 136)
- Professional, The (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 48)
- Prognostic Aces (Francis Haxton) *** Aces In Action (Colombini, DVD)
- Prognostication Pack, The (Val Evans) *** Stacks and Stacks of Cards (pg. 34)
- Progress Report (Phil Goldstein) *** Cardmagic (Kaufman, pg. 72)
- Progressive Poker (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume Two (pg. 6)
- Progressive Trap (Karl Fulves) *** Notes From Underground (pg. 8)
- Prologue to Triumph (Michael Vincent) *** The Classic Magic of Michael Vincent - Disc 2 (DVD)
- Proof of the Pudding (Obie O'Brien) *** Apocalypse (October 1980, Vol. 3, No. 10, pg. 406)
- "Prophecy Of Occurrence, The (Ted Annemann)
" *** SH-H-H--! it's a secret (pg. 40)
- Prophecy Pack (David Regal) *** Marketed Item
- Proteus (Ernest Earick) *** By Forces Unseen (Minch, pg. 15)
- Pseudo Card Cheat's Switches (Edward Marlo) *** Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 446)
- Pseudoku (Lewis Jones) *** Top Score (pg. 56)
- Psi/bernetics (Karl Fulves) *** Impromptu Holdouts (pg. 8)
- Psychic Coincidence (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 43); Aldo on Trost Volume 8 (Colombini, DVD)
- Psychic Message (Ken Beale) *** Same Both Sides (Lloyd E. Jones, pg. 32)
- Psychic Number Seven, The L(ouis Tannen) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 270)
- Psychic Option (Karl Fulves) *** Fourcast (pg. 25)
- Psychic Poker (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Apocalypse (August 1978, Vol. 1, No. 8, pg. 93)
- Psychic Self (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 33)
- Psychic Tapping (Bob Haskell) *** Genii (November 1936, Vol. 1, No. 3, pg. 12)
- Psychic Toothpick, The (Ted Annemann) *** Ted Annemann's Full Deck of Impromptu Card Tricks (pg. 15); Annemann: The Life and Times of A Legend (Abrams, pg. 347)
- Psychic Triumph (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 34)
- Psychic Twins (Max Maven) *** Richard's Almanac (Autumn 1985, Volume 3); The Collected Almanac (Kaufman, pg. 314)
- Psycho (Iñaki Zabaletta, Vernet) *** Psycho (DVD)
- Psycho (Thom Peterson) *** The Amazing Guy (DVD)
- Psycholia (Charles T. Jordan) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 209)
- Psychotronic Card, The (Darwin Ortiz) *** Cardshark (pg. 14)
- Puerto Rican Triumph, The (Daryl) *** Secrets of a "Puerto Rican Gamler" (Minch, pg. 54)
- Pughe's Pass (George Pughe) *** More Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 1053)
- Pulp Friction (Lee Asher) *** Pulp Friction (pg. 5)
- Punken Droker (Paul Cummins) *** Magic Magazine (July 2005, Vol. 14, No. 11, pg. _)
- Pure and Simple (J. Stewart Smith) *** It Just Happens (pg. 16)
- Pure Slap (Irving Quant) *** Quantum Mechanics (DVD)
- Push (Victor Farelli) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 22)
- Push Switch, The (Lewis Jones) *** Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces (pg. 162)
- Push Through Kings (Herb Zarrow) *** Zarrow - A Lifetime Of Magic (Ben, pg. 199)
- Push Through Shuffle (Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin) *** Essential Robert-Houdin (Karr, pg. 250); Modern Magic - Disc 2 (Houstoun, DVD)
- Push Thru Poker (Karl Fulves) *** Deceptive Practices (pg. 27)
- Pusho (Louis Lam) *** Be Deceived (pg. 21)
- Push-Off Second Deal, The *** Expert Card Techinque (Hugard & Braue, pg. 13)
- Push-Together Control (Jose Hernandez) *** Apocalypse (June 1993, Vol. 16, No. 6, pg. 2229)
- Put and Take Deal (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 662)
- Put Your Treys In The Upright Position (Lee Asher) *** Close Cover Before Striking (pg. 9)
- Puzzler, The (Bob Short) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 129 or pg. 127, depending on edition)
- Puzzling Aces (Bruce Cervon) *** The Card Secrets of Bruce Cervon (pg. 28)
- Puzzling Demonstration (Dai Vernon) *** Early Vernon (pg. 56)
- Pygmalion (Rene Lavand) *** Magic From the Soul (pg. 171); Maestro (DVD)
- Quadriffle Deck, The (Lester Meyers) *** The Sphinx (May 1937, Vol. 36, No. 3, pg. 70)
- Quadruple Coincidence (George C. Engel) *** Hugards Magic Monthly (May 1949, Vol. VI, No. 12, pg. 543)
- Quick Prediction (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 88)
- Quintuplets (Arthur Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 193)
- R.I.P. (Stephen Tucker) *** Complete Torn and Restored Card Ebook (pg. 3)
- R.I.P. 2 (Stephen Tucker) *** The Torn and Restored Card Book (pg. _); Complete Torn and Restored Card Ebook (pg. 8)
- R.K. One Handed Tilt (Roger Klause & Allan Ackerman) *** Here's My Card (Ackerman, pg. 35)
- R.R.B.M.T. (Edward Marlo) *** Ibidem (December 1959, Issue 19, pg. 381)
- R.W. Four Card Stunner (Randy Wakeman) *** Randy Wakeman Presents (pg. 31); Lake Tahoe Bar Magic (disc 2)
- Rabbit Circus (Paul Hallas) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Rabbit Rouser (Tommy Wonder) *** The Books of Wonder - Volume 1 (Wonder, Minch, pg. 276)
- Rabbits (Jack Parker) *** Genii (June 2006, vol.69, no.6, pg. 32)
- Raccoon (Kevin Ho) *** Smooth Operations (pg. 30)
- Racherbaumer Addition (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Card Finesse II (pg. 199)
- Racked and Stacked (Michael Weber) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 187)
- Radar Deck (Richard Osterlind) *** Marketed Item
- Radical Aces (Bill Malone) *** On The Loose! - Vol. 4 (DVD)
- Radical Change (Vincent Sabatino) *** CardMagic (Kaufman, pg. 81)
- Radi-Cull (Mike Gallo) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 32)
- Radio Cards (Karl Fulves) *** Transpo Trix (pg. 37)
- Radio Cards, The (aka "Mene Tekel, Upharsin," Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin ) *** Secrets of Conjuring and Magic (pg. 87); Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 54)
- Radio Control (Herb Runge) *** The Sphinx (January 1934, Vol. 32, No. 11, pg. 339)
- Rags To Riches (Peter Duffie & Robert Robinson) *** Card Conspiracy - Vol. 2 (pg. 14)
- Rah Deal (Robert V. Walton) *** The Sphinx (November 1933, Vol. 32, No. 9, pg. 263)
- Rain Man (Lenart Green) *** Green Northern Lights Magic (pg. 17); Master File - Disc 3 (DVD)
- Rainbow (Wayne Dobson) *** Marketed Item
- Rainbow Cascade (Roy Walton & Terri Rogers) *** Marketed Item
- Rainbow Deck, The (Neil Lester) *** Marketed Item (many variations)
- Rainbow Jokers (Astor Magic) *** Marketed Item
- Rainbow Miracle (Nick Trost) *** Marketed Manuscript; Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations Volume 3 (pg. 765)
- Rainbow Twist (Nick Trost) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Raise Rise (Ray Kosby) *** Impossible Card Magic (DVD); The Magical Arts Journal (June & July 1987, Vol. 1, No. 11-12, pg. 1);
- Raise Your Glass *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. )
- Raising Kane (Paul Gordon) *** Protean Card Magic (pg. 26)
- Rakanakis Cut (John Rakanakis & Dai Vernon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 71)
- Rake's Progress (Karl Fulves) *** UnderWorld (1996, Issue No. 4, pg. 46)
- Ralph Read's Latest Perfect Mental Masterpiece (Ralph Read) *** Annemann: The Life and Times of a Legend (Abrams, pg. 74)
- Ramjollock (Benjamin Earl) *** Past Midnight - Vol. 3 (DVD)
- Ramo Samee Card Trick (Dai Vernon) *** The Sphinx (April 1944, Vol. 43, No. 2, pg. 35)
- Ranch Dowser (Phil "Max Maven" Goldstein) *** The Green Book of Mentalism (Goldstein, pg. 21); Prism (Maven, pg. 135)
- Randall Flag (R. Paul Wilson) *** Twists of Fate (DVD)
- Random (Peter Nardi) *** Marketed Item
- Random Access (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 266)
- Random Illusion (Robin Robertson & Peter Duffie) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 90)
- Random Sample Shuffle-board (Simon Aronson) *** Art Decko (pg. 293)
- Random Selection *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 112)
- Random Stud (Karl Fulves) *** 28 Card Tricks (pg. 40)
- Random Tandem (Simon Aronson) *** Try The Impossible (pg. 31)
- Random Thot (Karl Fulves) *** Notes From Underground (pg. 48); All Hands On Deck (Colombini, DVD)
- Randominium (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 46)
- Randymar Aces (Randy Wakeman / Edward Marlo / David Solomon) *** Formula One Close-Up: The Magic of Randy Wakeman (pg. 12)
- Randy's Rainbow (Randy Wakeman & Frank Garcia) *** The Rainbow Deck (pg. 38)
- Range Rover (Peter Duffie) *** Card School (pg.33); The Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 5 (pdf, pg. 24); Paul Gordon's Explorations (Gordon, pg. 27)
- Ransomed Back (John Ransom & Scott F. Guinn) *** Magishing My Way (Guinn, pg. 47)
- Rap-Ace-ious (Simon Aronson) *** Try The Impossible (pg. 184)
- Rapid Ink (Karl Fulves) *** Secret Session - Part Two (pg. 49)
- Rapid Reverse (Eddie Fechter) *** Card Cavalcade Finale (Mentzer, pg. 63)
- Rapid Transit (Karl Fulves) *** My Best Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 148)
- Rapid Transit (Steve Beam) *** They Don't Make Trap Doors Like They Used To, or You Too Can Walk On Water (pg. 25)
- Rapid-Fire Aces (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Diamonds From Coal (pg. 16)
- Rara Avis (Jack Avis) *** Pentagram (December 1953, Vol. 8, No. 3, pg. 19); The Best of Pentagram Card Magic (Breese, pg. 68)
- Rare Reverse,The (Bob Longe) *** World's Best Card Tricks (pg. 54)
- Rashomon's Cards to Wallet (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Card Finesse II (pg. 230)
- Rasputin's Secret (Docc Hilford) *** Marketed Item
- Rat At The Table, A (Jeff Stone) *** Stone Cold Magic (DVD)
- Rat Trap, The (Chuck Fayne) *** Chuck Fayne Live (DVD)
- Rat Traps (Pete Biro) *** Son of Greater Magic Vol. 1-1/2 (pg. 3)
- Rather Odd (Frank Potts) *** The Gen (Vol. 1, No. 7, pg._)
- Rauschenberg Effect, The (John Hostler) *** The Rauschenberg Effect (pdf download, pg.69)
- Ravelli’s Waterfall Shuffle (Ron Wohl) *** Here I Go Again - Vol. 2 (Malone, DVD)
- Raw Deal (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 44)
- Raw Shock (Dan Tong) *** Marketed Item
- Razor Cards (Richard Himber, Scotty York, Steve Dacri) *** Kabbala (February 1973, Vol.2, No.6, pg. 42 as "York's Surprise Stab"); The Magic of Steve Dacri: No Filler - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Razzle Dazzler, The *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg 266)
- Razzle-Dazzle (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg. 521); Marketed Item (packet trick)
- RC Cop (Raymonde Crow) *** As The Crow Flies (pg. 87)
- Reacting Riffle (Charles Aste, Jr.) *** Expert Card Mysteries (Sharpe, pg. 35)
- Readers (Bruce Cervon) *** The Cervon File (pg. 223)
- Reading Cards On Palm (Sam Aaronson) *** Lecture No. 1 (pg. 5)
- Reading the Cards (Charles Oswald Williams ) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 155)
- Reading The Tea Leaves (David Solomon) *** Solomon's Secret Subtleties (DVD)
- Reading The Triplicate (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo Without Tears (Racherbaumer, pg. 164)
- Reading Through Card Box (Joseph Dunninger) *** Dunninger's Complete Encyclopedia of Magic (pg. 41)
- Readout (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 107)
- Ready Reckoner, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 198)
- Ready When You Are J.B. (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Contemporary Card Magic (Duffie, Sadowitz, pg. 43)
- Real (Center) Deal (Martin Nash) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 204)
- Real Find, A (Bob Hummer) *** Card Tricks Galore (Longe, pg. 20)
- Real Floating Card (Eric James) *** Marketed Item (DVD)
- Real Gone Aces (Edward Marlo) *** The New Phoenix (November 1955, Issue 338, pg. 160)
- Real Gone Aces Take Cover, The (Jon Racherbaumer) *** CardMagic (Kaufman, pg. 76)
- Real Magic Spell, A (Bob Longe) *** The Little Giant Book of Magic Tricks (pg. 123)
- Real Magical Vanish, A (Glenn Gravatt) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 114)
- Real Psychic Card Test (Ted Annemann) *** The Jinx (December 1934, No. 3, pg. 11)
- Real Secret Stuff (Karl Fulves) *** Impromptu Gambling Routines (Colombini, DVD)
- Real Secrets (John Bannon) *** Avant Carde I (pg. 1); Smoke and Mirrors (pg. 141)
- Real Thumb Tacked Card, The (C. H. Tickell) *** The Sphinx (November 1921, Vol. 20, No. 9, pg. 311)
- Real Wild Cards (Harry Lorayne) *** Apocalypse (December 1992, Vol. 15, No. 12, pg. 2151)
- Real World Invisible Palm (Paul Harris) *** Magical Arts Journal (Ammar, Vol. 2, Nos. 9-12, "Paul Harris: The Act," pg. 21)
- Real, Honest-To-God Bluff Cut, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo Without Tears (Racherbaumer, pg. 129)
- Really Disoriented (Peter Duffie & Paul Gordon) *** Paul Gordon's Explorations (pg. _)
- Really Educated Frog, The (Earl Keyser) *** Talisman (May 1970, Vol. 1, No. 12, pg. 45)
- Really Fit For Kings (Gene Castillon) *** Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere with a Deck of Cards (Colombini, pg. _); Card Capers (Colombini, DVD)
- Really Haunted (Doug Edwards) *** Brass Knuckles (pg. 101)
- Really New Locator Card, The (Ted Annemann) *** The Book Without A Name (pg. 10); Annemann: The Life and Times of A Legend (Abrams, pg. 98)
- Really Quick Trick (Oz Pearlman) *** Penguin Magic Instant Download
- Really Wild (Bruce Cervon) *** The Cervon File (pg. 105)
- Really Wild Deuces (Jed B. Smith) *** Apocalypse (September 1995, Vol. 18, No. 9, pg. 2545)
- Reaping The Aces (Larry Jennings) *** Genii (December 1964, Vol. 29, No. 4, pg. 220); The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 130);
- Rear Flat Palm (unknown) *** Card Switches (pg. 2); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 408
- Rear Lift, The (R. Paul Wilson) *** The Magic of Fred Robinson (Duffie, pg. 112)
- Rear Palm Misdirection Palm (Steve Draun) *** Secrets Draun From Underground (Kaufman, pg. 54)
- Re-Attached (Lance Ackerman) *** Marketed Manuscript (pdf)
- Rebound (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Close-up Impact! (Minch, pg. 100)
- Recalcitrant (Tommy Wonder) *** The Books of Wonder - Volume 2 (Wonder, Minch, pg. 139)
- Re-Calculated Invisible Toss (Peter Duffie) *** MO (Issue 7, 1995)
- Recalled (Karl Fulves) *** Impromptu Holdouts (pg. 39)
- Recased (Ray Kosby) *** Impossible Card Magic (DVD)
- Reciprocity (Steve Fernandes) *** The New Jinx (August 1967, Vol. 6, No. 64, pg. 262)
- Reckoning with Jordan (Karl Fulves) *** Clockwork (pg. 10)
- Recollected Collectors (Guy Hollingworth) *** The Penumbra (July/August 2002, Issue 2, pg. 7)
- Recollection(s) (Euan McCall Bingham) *** Twenty Things Marlo Didn't Publish (pg. 33)
- Reconstruction (Jay Sankey) *** The Definitive Sankey – Volume 3 (Gladwin, Jay, pg. 1472)
- Record Aces (Luis Otero) *** Enlightened Card Magic (DVD)
- Recount (Larry Jennings) *** Larry Jennings On Card And Coin Handling (Busby, pg. 50)
- Re-Count Demanded (Randy Wakeman) *** Apocalypse (March 1993, Vol. 16, No. 3, pg. 2193)
- Recount Down (Peter Duffie) *** Previous Convictions (pdf, pg. 22)
- Recover Drop Switch (Brad Gordon) *** Clever Eight (pdf, pg. _)
- Recurring Card, The (Scott F. Guinn) *** A Little Something (pdf)
- Recursive Draw (Karl Fulves) *** Octet (pg. 13)
- Red & Black (Asi Wind) *** Chapter One (pg. 8)
- Red & Black Capers, The (Alberto Reyes) *** Apocalypse (May 1990, Vol. 13, No. 5, pg. 1777)
- Red & Black Fantasy (Harry Lorayne) *** Personal Secrets (pg. 11); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 181)
- Red & The Black, The (Jean Hugard) *** Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 60)
- Red Ace - Black Ace (Herb Zarrow) *** Zarrow - A Lifetime Of Magic (Ben, pg. 203)
- Red Alert (Daniel Tyler) *** The Magic of Tyler (Skahen, pdf)
- Red Alert (Karl Fulves) *** Color Quik (pg. 15)
- Red Alert Two (Lewis Jones) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 161)
- Red and Black (Charles G. Shepherd) *** The Sphinx (February 1907, Vol. 5, No. 12, pg. 139)
- Red and Black (Jose Carroll) *** 52 Lovers - Volume 1 (pg. 89)
- Red and Black Crash (Aldo Colombini) *** Cardsdotcom (pdf, pg. _)
- Red and Black Effect, The (Eddie Clever) *** Tarbell Course in Magic (Vol. 4, Lesson 52, pg. 203)
- Red and Black Routine (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg. 347)
- Red and Black Scenario, The (Peter Duffie) *** Card Compulsions (pg. 152)
- Red and Black Sympathy (Lynn Searles) *** The Sphinx (October 1934, Vol. 33, No. 8, pg. 236)
- Red and Black Transposition (Harlan Tarbell) *** Tarbell Course in Magic (Vol. 4, Lesson 51, pg. 177)
- Red and Black Widow (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 236)
- Red and Blue Back Color Change, The (Ted Annemann) *** The Jinx (February 1935, No. 5, pg. 18); Annemann's Card Magic (pg. 124); Annemann's Miracles of Card Magic (pg. 44); Annemann: The Life and Times of a Legend (Abrams, pg. 251)
- Red And Blue Back Mixup (Ted Annemann) *** The Book Without A Name (pg. 20); Annemann: The Life and Times of a Legend (Abrams, pg. 103)
- Red and Blue Card Transpo (Harry Carnegie) *** Double Decker - Vol. 3 (DVD)
- Red and Blue Enigma (Alton C. Sharpe) *** Expert Hocus Pocus (pg. 97)
- Red and Blue FX (Edward Marlo) *** Arcardia (Crosthwaite, pg. 159)
- Red and Blue Telepathy (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 123)
- Red and The Blue, The (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 106)
- Red Black Cull (Herb Zarrow) *** Herb Zarrow On The Zarrow Shuffle (DVD)
- Red Black Location (Lew Brooks) *** Stack Attack (pg. _); Stack Attack (DVD)
- Red Blue Mama Fooler (Michael Close) *** Workers Number 5 (pg. 88)
- Red Blues (Karl Fulves) *** Packet Trick Picks (Colombini, DVD)
- Red Card, The (Peter Eldin) *** The Magic Handbook (pg. 123)
- Red Handed (David Regal) *** The Magic of David Regal - Volume 2: More Tricks! (DVD)
- Red Handed (Karl Fulves) *** 13 Prophets (pg. 12)
- Red Herring (Paul Gordon) *** Marketed Item
- Red Hot Mama (Al Leech) *** Originally Marketed as "A Hot Card Trick No. 1 (1950); Million Dollar Card Secrets (as "Chicago Opener," Garcia, pg. 13)
- Red Hot Ma-Ma (Gregg Webb) *** The Book That Doesn't Exist (pdf, pg. 138)
- Red Hot Mamacita (Oz Pearlman) *** Instant Download (video tutorial)
- Red Hot Poker (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 147)
- Red Magic (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 26)
- Red Moon (Karl Fulves) *** The Vampire Chronicles (pg. 27)
- Red 'n' Black Revisited (John Carey) *** Letters To Friends (pg. 19)
- Red Oil, Blue Water (Peter Kane) *** Combined Card Sessions (pg. 23); A Few Good Cards (Colombini, DVD)
- Red One, The (Bob Longe) *** Mystifying Card Tricks (pg. 16)
- Red or Black - Which? (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 28)
- Red or Black (E. L. Whitford) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 281)
- Red Pill (Chris Ramsay) *** Marketed Item (DVD & Gimmick, or video download)
- Red Queen's Move, The (Karl Fulves) *** The Pallbearers Review (June 1966, Vol. 1, No. 8, pg. 42)
- Red Rider (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Methods (pg. 15)
- Red Riser (Karl Fulves) *** Color Quik (pg. 30)
- Red Rising (Chris Randall) *** Genii (September 2011, vol. 74, no. 9, pg. 18)
- Red Rover (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2008, No. 4, pg. 260)
- Red Rover (Mike Powers) *** Power Plays: High Voltage Magic (pg. 27)
- Red Rover Aces (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 66)
- Red Rust September (Ian Land) *** Spell-binder (February 1984, Vol. 3, No. 34, pg. 667); The Best of Spell-Binder Collection One (Tucker, pg. 117)
- Red See Passover (Simon Aronson) *** Marketed Item
- Red Shift (Karl Fulves) *** Deceptive Practices (pg. 36)
- Red Shift (Mike Powers) *** Power Plays: High Voltage Magic From Mike Powers (pg. 152)
- Red Sky @ Night (Looch) *** SAD (Simple and Direct) Mentalism (pg. 56)
- Red Snapper (Karl Fulves) *** The Fine Print (1998, No. 9, pg. 282)
- Red Square (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 51)
- Red Streamlined Convertible (David Regal) *** Marketed Item (dvd)
- Red Three's Know, The (John Quine) *** The Card Magic of John Quine (Craven, pg. 15)
- Red, White, and Blue (Martin Joyal) *** The Six-Hour Memorized Deck (pg. 180)
- Red/Black Aces (Allan Hayden) *** Card Sharp On Duty, Please Wait to Be Cheated (Hayden, pg.18)
- Red/Black Flyer (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings '67 (Kaufman, pg. 27)
- Red/Black Memory (Harry Lorayne) *** The Great Divide (pg. 6)
- Red/Black Shuffle (Harry Lorayne) *** Magical Classics (DVD)
- Red/Black to the Future (Andi Gladwin) *** Sometimes It's Hard To Be A Cardman (pg. 34)
- Red/Black/Ace (Yannick Chretien) *** Yannick Chretien (DVD)
- Red/Blue (John Born) *** Meant To Be... (pg. 137)
- Red/Blue Transposition (Craig Petty) *** Pentacle 2000 (Gimmick & DVD)
- Red-Black Division into Stack (Denis Behr) *** Handcrafted Card Magic (pg. 53)
- Red-Black Set-Up (Harry Lorayne) *** Close-up Card Magic (pg. 84)
- Red-Black Transposition (Al Baker) *** Magical Ways and Means (pg. 9); The Secret Ways of Al Baker (pg. 149)
- Redblackjack (Karl Fulves) *** Kaleidoscope (pg. 32)
- Redder Red (Karl Fulves) *** Transpo Trix (pg. 33)
- Reddish-Blue Triumph (Shigeo Takagi) *** Apocalypse (March 1989, Vol. 12, No. 3, pg. 1618)
- Redexpress (Karl Fulves) *** Teleportation Notes (pg. 8)
- Red-Eye Special (Richard Kaufman) *** Cardworks (pg. 64)
- Red-Hot Brother (Larry Wilmore) *** Genii (March 2009, Vol. 72, No. 3, pg. 71), aka "South Side Opener"
- Red-Hot Pharoah Mama (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Jon Racherbaumer.com site (Freebie Archive, March 2004)
- Reds and Blacks (Toni Koynini) *** Toni Koynini's Card Miracles (Armstrong, pg. _)
- Reducer of Royalty (Clayton W. Rosencrance) *** The Sphinx (January 1924, Vol. 22, No. 11, pg. 329)
- Reduction (Nicholas Lawrence) *** Marketed Item (DVD)
- Redux (Oz Pearlman) *** Instant Download (video tutorial)
- Refined One-Hand Palm (Edward Marlo) *** Card Finesse (Racherbaumer, pg. 74)
- Reflected Thoughts (Andrew Galloway) *** Profile (April 1992, Issue No. 7)
- Reflection (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 36)
- Reflex Action (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shufle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 15)
- Reflex Spell (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Best of Friends - Volume I (Lorayne, pg. 356)
- ReFlipped (Yannick Chretien) *** Yannick Chretien DVD)
- Reformation (Guy Hollingsworth) *** Notes on Card Tricks and Other Diversions (pg. 16); Drawing Room Deceptions (pg. 278)
- Regal Aces (Darwin Ortiz) *** Darwin Ortiz At The Card Table (pg. 99)
- Regal Princess, A (David Regal) *** Star Quality - The Magic of David Regal (Lorayne, pg. 227)
- Regal Royal Flush (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 158)
- Regelation Remarkable (Tan Hock Chuan) *** The Sphinx (June 1950, Vol. 49, No. 4, pg. 79)
- Regeneration (The Magic Hedonists [Michael Ammar, Paul Harris, Daryl]) *** The Magic Hedonists' Brainstorm In The Bahamas (pg. 75)
- Regenerators, The (Cameron Francis) *** Packet Mania - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Rehab (Cameron Francis) *** Marketed Item (video download)
- Rel Change (Mike Brewer) *** Instant Download
- Relationships (Terry LaGerould) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 563)
- Relative Interchange (Philip "Max Maven" Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 39)
- Relativity *** Easy Card Magic (pg. )
- Relativity and Cards (Ted Annemann & Jean Hugard) *** Card Manipulations Series 1 - 5 (Hugard, pg. 7)
- Relativity Change, The (Arthur Trace) *** Marketed Manuscript
- Relativity Color Change, The (Harry Lorayne) *** Quantum Leaps (pg. 104); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 3 (pg. 71)
- Relaxed Elmsley Count (Bob Stencil & Alex Elmsley) *** Card Finesse II (Racherbaumer, pg. 57)
- Relaxed Tabled Double Lift, The (Ken Krenzel) *** Relaxed Impossibilities (Minch, pg. 3)
- Release the Chocolate Hostage (Tyler Wilson) *** Dominatricks (pg. 52)
- Reloaded Cardcase (Kostya Kimlat) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 225)
- Relocation Card Trick, A (Harry Hanaoka) *** The Sphinx (October 1927, Vol. 26, No. 8, pg. 275)
- Re-Mark of the Reader (Phil Goldstein) *** The New Tops (December 1984, Vol. 24, No. 12, pg. 33)
- Remarkable Eye *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 1 (Miller, pg. 73)
- Remarkobo (Howard Adams) *** The Amazing Self-Working Card Magic of Howard Adams - Vol. 3 (Colombini, DVD)
- Rembrandt Aces (Douglas A. Wicks) *** Apocalypse (September 1983, Vol. 6, No. 9, pg. 820)
- Remember and Forget (J.N. Hofzinser & Christoph Borer) *** Card College 3 (Giobbi, pg. 546)
- Remember/Forget (Mike Rogers) *** Card Festival (Colombini, DVD)
- Remembering the Future (Stewart James) *** Marketed Item (1941); Stewart James In Print (pg. 341); The James File - Volume Two (Slaight, pg. 2197)
- Remembrance (Peter Duffie) *** Effortless Card Magic (pg. 132)
- Remembrance of Card Past (Phil Goldstein) *** Apocalypse (November 1978, Vol. 1, No. 11, pg. 128)
- Remix (Jack Parker) *** Jack Parker's 52 Memories (Gladwin, pg. 122)
- Remix (Karl Fulves) *** And a Packet of Cards (pg. 15)
- Remote Chance (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Ingenuities (Minch, pg. 17)
- Remote Control (Darwin Ortiz ) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 98)
- Remote Control Improved (Orville Meyer) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 112); Incorporated Strange Secrets (Annemann, pg. 7)
- Remote Control, The (Joshua Jay) *** Close-Up, Up Close - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Remote Miracle, A (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 35)
- Remote Possibilities (John Guastaferro) *** Second Storm: The Close-up Magic of John Guastaferro - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Remote Riser (Karl Fulves) *** The Magic Thrust (Fulves, pg. 7)
- Remote Viewing (Jeff Pierce) *** The King Has Left The Building...With Amnesia (pg. 19)
- Remote Viewing (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Mental Magic (pg. 92)
- Remotely Possible (J. W. Sarles & Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shufle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 10)
- Rendezvous (Martin Goh) *** Marketed Item (gimmick with DVD)
- Rendezvous Aces (Larry Barnowsky) *** Kingdom of the Red (pg. 155)
- Rendezvous With Raffles (John Bragoli) *** The Gen (December 1958, Vol. 14, No. 8, pg. 233 )
- Renegade (Oz Pearlman) *** TRIUMPH Starring Oz Pearlman (DVD)
- Renovated Sphinx Card Trick, The (Eddie Clever) *** The Jinx (June 1935, No. 9, pg. 34); Annemann's Card Magic (pg. 147)
- Reparation (John Lovick) *** The Reparation (DVD); The Reparation Redux: The Director's Cut (manuscript)
- Repeat "Do As I Do" (Dai Vernon) *** Inner Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 17)
- Repeat Aces to Pocket (Bruce Cervon) *** Ultra Cervon (Cervon, Minch, pg. 47)
- Repeat Card to Mouth (Matthew J. Dowden ) *** Party Animal (DVD)
- Repeat Card to Pocket with Spectator Retrieval (Oliver Macia) *** Control Freak (DVD)
- Repeat Code 345 (Edward Marlo) *** Kabbala (May 1973, Vol. 2, No. 5); The Legendary Kabbala (Racherbaumer, pdf, pg. 52)
- Repeat Hotel Mystery, The (Jeff Busby) *** The Talon (Britland, No. 4, pg. 41)
- Repeat Inversion (Don England) *** Don England's Paradox (Kelly, pg. 37)
- Repeat Miraskill (Karl Fulves) *** My Best Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 131)
- Repeat Pantsposition (Scott F. Guinn) *** The Magic Touch #3
- Repeat Reverse Routine (Edward Marlo) *** Expert Card Conjuring (Sharpe, pg. 98)
- Repeat Royal Marriages (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 624)
- Repeat Signed Cards Across (Edward Marlo & Randy Wakeman) *** The Olram File (Racherbaumer, Issue 1, pg. 9)
- Repeat Ten-Hand Poker Deal (Edward Marlo) *** The Olram File (Racherbaumer, Issue 5, pg. 6)
- Repeat To Pocket (Karl Fulves) *** Secret Session - Part Two (pg. 35)
- Repeat Triumph (Bob King) *** Opening Night Magic (pg. 25)
- Repeat Twenty-Card Poker (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg. 412)
- Repeat Under Spread Loading (Karl Fulves) *** Methods With Cards - Part Two (pg. 143)
- Repeater Card To Pocket (Ben Highway) *** Classrooms & Scenic Routes (pdf)
- Repeater Selected Card To Pocket (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 57)
- Repeating Biddle (Ryan Swigert) *** A Tribute to the Card Tricks of Stewart Judah (DVD)
- Repeating Card Comedy, The (T. Page Wright) *** Genii (February 1939, Vol. 3, No. 6, pg. 188)
- Repelling & Attracting (Peter Duffie) *** Card Conspiracy Vol. 1 (Duffie, Robertson, pg. 29)
- Repetition Without Detection (R. F. Hoel) *** The Sphinx (December 1913, Vol. 12, No. 10, pg. 195)
- Replacements, The (Daniel Madison) *** Madness (pdf & video download)
- Replacing Palmed Cards (Jean Hugard) *** Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 87)
- Replica Poker (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 52)
- Replicut (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dupery (pg. 148)
- Repossessed (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 110)
- Repulsion (George McBride) *** 5 Times Five: Scotland (Duffie, pg. 67)
- Repulsive Aces (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume 1 (Minch, pg. 229)
- Repulsive Interchange (Robert Moreland) *** Elusive Actions (DVD)
- Re-Scan Variant (Peter Duffie) *** Duffie's Card Compulsions (pg. 223)
- Rescue 2000 (Mick Ayres) *** Semi Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 100)
- Re-set (Paul Harris) *** Super Magic (pg. 77); The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (pg. 137)
- Reset Blanks (Guy Hollingworth) *** Quartet (pg. 31)
- Reset Finale (Randy Tanner) *** Card File (Mentzer, pg. 8)
- Reset Twist (Don England) *** Don England's T.K.O.'s (Mendoza, pg. 4 of Spades)
- Reset with a Hook (Gregory Wilson) *** Card Stunts (DVD)
- Resetting Reset (Bill Malone) *** On The Loose! - Vol. 4 (DVD)
- Resistance Is Feudal (Lee Asher) *** Close Cover Before Striking (pg. 15)
- Restless Cards (Ted Annemann) *** Annemann's Card Magic (pg. 162); Annemann: The Life and Times of a Legend (Abrams, pg. 344)
- Restless Choice (Francis Haxton) *** Pentagram (Vol. 4, No. 8, pg. 58)
- Restless Colors (F. Jackson) *** The Jinx (September 1938, No. 48, pg. 337); Anneman's Card Magic (Annemann, pg. 22)
- Restless Colors (Roy Walton) *** Marketed Item
- Restless Court Cards, The ( Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 69)
- Restless Dozen, The (Tom Bowyer) *** The Jinx (1936-1937 Winter Extra, pg. 180)
- Restless Jacks, The (J. Stewart Smith) *** The Lonely Quest (pg. 15)
- Restoration Assembly (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 187)
- Restored Card To Wallet (Michael Ammar) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 282)
- Result of Thought (Roy Scott) *** Pentagram (Vol. 7, No. 12, pg. 97 )
- Resurrection of the Cards (T. Nelson Downs) *** The Art of Magic (pg. 207)
- ResurrXion (Nigel Harrison) *** Marketed Item (DVD)
- Reswindled (Caleb Wiles) *** True Astonishments - Disc 5 (DVD); High Spots - The Knockout Magic of Caleb Wiles (pg. _)
- Retention of Vision Cut *** Daryl's Encyclopedia of Card Sleights - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- Retouched Touched (Bruce Cervon) *** The Cervon File (pg. 156)
- Retrospective Lie Detector (Larry Jennings & Bruce Cervon) *** Genii (January 1987, Vol. 50, No. 7, pg. 494)
- Return of the 7 (Peter Duffie) *** Hooked on Cards (pdf, pg. 29)
- Return of the Black Widow (Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Kardma (pg. 141)
- Return of the Burglar (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Card Zones (Sadowitz, Duffie, pg. 210)
- Return of the 'Cycloptic Jacks' (Kyle MacNeill) *** Card Shark - Issue 3 (Lybrary.com)
- Return Of The Lonely Card (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Diamonds From Coal (pg. 125, also available as pdf)
- Return of the Magnificent Seven (John Bannon) *** Smoke and Mirrors (pg. 127); Impossibilia (DVD)
- Return of the Phantom, The (Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 3 (Giobbi, pg. 775)
- Return of the Ultimate Cardshark, The (Andrew Wimhurst) *** Down Under Deals (pg. 47)
- Return To Base (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shufle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 106)
- Return To Ipcress (Peter Duffie) *** Plots & Ploys (pdf, pg. _); The Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 3 (pdf, pg. 81)
- Return to Sender (Euan Bingham) *** Cardboard Capers (pg. 5)
- Return To St. Nicholas (Peter Duffie) *** Effortless Card Magic (pg. 23)
- Return to Suabia (Peter Duffie) *** Effortless Card Magic (pg. 129)
- Re-turned Touch Turn (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings ’67 (Kaufman, pg. 32)
- Re-Tut (Euan McCall Bingham) *** Twenty Things Marlo Didn't Publish (pg. 28)
- Reunited Card, The (August Roterberg) *** New Era Card Tricks (pg. 263)
- Reunited Families, The (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 74)
- Reuniversal Card, The (Geoff Latta) *** Geoffrey Latta on Cards & Coins (lecture notes, pg. _)
- Revealed By Fire (John Northern Hilliard) *** Greater Magic (pg. 226)
- Revealer, The (Stephen Tucker) *** Card Bored? (pg. 23)
- Revealment (Larry Jennings & Bruce Cervon) *** Hard-Boiled Mysteries (Minch, pg. 138)
- Revelation (Harry Lorayne) *** Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 35); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 28)
- Revelation in Spades (Gregory Wilson) *** Card Stunts (DVD)
- Revelation Pass, The (Boris Wild) *** Boris Wild’s Remarkable Card Magic - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Revelation Via Matchbook (Karrell Fox) *** Apocalypse (February 1988, Vol. 11, No. 2, pg. 1460)
- Revelation, The (Dean Dill) *** Marketed Item
- Revelations: Two (Stephen Tucker) *** Card Bored? (pdf, pg. 24)
- Revenge Of Norman Bates (Paul Gordon) *** Cause & Effect (pg. 193)
- Revenge on the Pink Panthers (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 106)
- Revering Card, The (Marshall Brodien) *** 101 Card Tricks (pg. 14)
- Reversal of Form, A (Jean Hugard) *** Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 103)
- Reversal of Fortune (George McBride) *** George McBride The DVD (DVD)
- Reversal of Fourtune (John Bannon) *** Smoke and Mirrors (pg. 82)
- Reversatility (Bob Farmer) *** Best of Friends (Lorayne, pg. 386)
- Reverse Assembly (Phil Goldstein) *** Principle first suggested by Phil Goldstein, published as "Seca Ruof," in Card Tricks for People Who Don't Do Card Tricks (1974)
- Reverse Black Aces (Edward Glassman) *** Family Magic II (pg. 23)
- Reverse Card Routine, A (Paul LePaul) *** The Card Magic of Le Paul (pg. 183)
- Reverse Colors (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 102)
- Reverse Double Undercut (Bob Haskell) *** Expert Card Conjuring (Sharpe, pg. 5)
- Reverse Drop Sleight (Edward Marlo) *** Afterthoughts (Lorayne, pg. 67): The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 158)
- Reverse English On The X-Ray (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 228)
- Reverse Faro Coincidence (Mike Powers) *** Power Plays: High Voltage Magic (pg. 88)
- Reverse Faro Ending (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's BEST EVER Collection - Volume 3 (DVD); Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection (pg. 177)
- Reverse Five As Four (Karl Fulves) *** Mexican Monte And Other Tricks (pg. 16)
- Reverse Location, A (William Larsen) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 123)
- Reverse Logic (Michael Close, Jennings, Vernon, Krenzel & Klause) *** The Complete Workers Series (pg. 469)
- Reverse Power (Karl Fulves) *** Supplement To DECEPTIVE PRACTICES (1992, pg. 92)
- Reverse Prediction (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume One (pg. 180)
- Reverse Push Off Count (Tenkai Ishida) *** Genii (Spetember 1969, Vol. 34, No. 1, pg. 15)
- Reverse Revelation (Aldo Colombini) *** True Magic - Volume II (DVD)
- Reverse Sandwich Locations (Paul Gordon) *** Card Rarities (DVD)
- Reverse Switch Shift (Martin Nash) *** Sleight Unseen (Minch, pg. 305)
- Reverse Transfer (Dr. Jacob Daley) *** More Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 35)
- Reverse Two (René Lavand) *** Magic from the Soul (pg. 115)
- Reversed (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 18)
- Reversed Card Discovery, A (unknown) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 40)
- Reversed Card Idea (Frank Garcia) *** Super Subtle Card Miracles (pg. 108)
- Reversed Card Routine, A (Sam M. Mayer) *** The Sphinx (October 1939, Vol. 38, No. 8, pg. 198)
- Reversed Cards (Charles T. Jordan) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 355)
- Reversed Coincidence with One Deck (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 38)
- Reversed Collectors (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 2 (pg. 278)
- Reversed Key Card (Gen U.F. Grant) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg, 81)
- Reversed Middle, The (Karl Fulves) *** Packet Switches - Part One (Fulves, pg. 35)
- Reversed Triumph (Don England) *** Intermezzo (Kelly, pg. 4)
- Reverse-Logic (David Acer) *** Natural Selections - Volume II (pg. 79)
- Reverso (Edward Bagshawe) *** Marketed Item (gaff deck)
- Reverso Cavalcade *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 1 (Miller, pg. 72)
- Reverst (Peter Duffie) *** Peter Duffie With Cards (pdf)
- Revertible Ladies (Robert Stencel) *** Card Finesse II (Racherbaumer, pg. 202)
- Revised Itinerant Pasteboards (Dan Fleshman) *** Close-Up with Dan Fleshman (pg. 19)
- Revised Version (Ernest Wethered) *** Pentagram (January 1951, Vol. 5, No. 4, Pg.25)
- Revision of Prediction, A (Gerald L. Kaufman) *** The Sphinx (August 1930, Vol. 29, No. 6, pg. 240)
- Revisited Christ Aces (J. C. Wagner) *** 7 More Secrets (DVD)
- Revisiting Card Case Collectors, The (Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Kardma (pg. 80)
- Revisiting The Dream (Jerry Mentzer) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 75)
- Revolt, Lover (Phil Goldstein) *** Redivider (pg. 20)
- Revolution Erdnase (Dan & Dave Buck) *** The System (DVD)
- Revolution No. 9 (Aaron Fisher) *** The Paper Engine (pg. 97)
- Revolution, The (Bill Okal) *** Card Magic (pg. 20)
- Revolutionary Card (Jack Parker) *** Genii (June 2007, Vol. 70, No. 6, pg. 39)
- Revolve Addition (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 76)
- Revolver (inspired by Vic Trabucco) *** Marketed Item (instant download)
- Revolving Aces (Herb Zarrow) *** Close-Up Card Magic (Lorayne, pg. 98); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (Lorayne, pg. 83); Zarrow: A :ifetime of Magic (Ben, pg. 91)
- Revolving Color Change, The (Sheldon Waldman) *** Underhanded Sorcery (pg. 14)
- Revolving Universal (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume Two (pg. 61)
- Revolvo (Tom Sellers) *** Magical Pleasantries (pg. 15)
- Rewind (Mark Mason) *** Marketed Item
- Rewind (Mickael Chatelain) *** Marketed Item
- Rewind (Syd Segal) *** Gaft Card Magic (DVD)
- Rex Card Mystery (unknown) *** The Fine Art of Magic (Kaplan, pg. 79)
- Reysing Card (Rey Ben) *** Marketed Item
- Rhod Show (Daniel Rhod) *** Classical Foursome (Marlo, D'Amico, pg. 12)
- Rhumba Count, The (Jean-Pierre Vallerino) *** Workers 5 (Close, pg. 19); Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 281); Apocalypse (December 1992, Vol. 15, No. 12, pg. 2151)
- Rhythm Twins (Rafael Benatar) *** More Elegant Card Magic (DVD)
- Ribbon Candy (Ron Ferris) *** Apocalypse (September 1979, Vol. 2, No. 9, pg. 246)
- Ribbon Spread (first described for use in a trick by Jack Merlin) *** And A Pack of Cards (pg. 87)
- Ribbon Spread Force (Juan Tamariz) *** The Five Points in Magic (pg. 31)
- Ribbon That Made Good, The (Orville Meyer) *** Annemann's Card Magic (pg. 109); The Jinx (Summer Extra 1935, pg. 43)
- Ribbonspread Hideout (Charles Nyquist) *** Cardshark (Ortiz, pg. 46)
- Ricochet (Irving Quant) *** Quantum Mechanics (DVD)
- Ricochet (R. Paul Wilson) *** Marketed Item
- Riddle's Aces (Derek Dingle) *** Cards 3 - Interlock (Fulves, pg. 15)
- Rider Attached (Tony Barotta) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2011, No. 9, pg. 595)
- Rider The Runaway Deck (Fantasio) *** Marketed Item
- Riff Spell (Frank Simon) *** Versatile Card Magic (pg. 112); Versatile Card Magic Revisited (DVD)
- Riffle and Think (J. W. Sarles) *** Riffle Shuffle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (Fulves, pg. 9)
- Riffle Diffle, The (Tony Mulle) *** Rim Shots (Lorayne, pg. 37); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 2 (pg. 229)
- Riffle Force (unknown) *** First described in 1853 by Ponsin and subsequently in 1902 by Erdnase (p.166)
- Riffle Force Variant (Ernesto Melero) *** Talk About Tricks - Disc 3 (Jay, DVD)
- Riffle Impossibility (Charles T. Jordan) *** Simple, Baffling Card Tricks (Behnke, pg. 23)
- Riffle Lap (Peter Duffie) *** Move Mastery - Volume 2 (CD-ROM)
- Riffle 'n' Roll (Jack Carpenter) *** The Expert's Portfolio No. 1 (pg. 77)
- Riffle Pass (unknown) *** Jean Hugard learned this sleight in the 1910s. First published in the mid-1940s in France.
- Riffle Placement (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Technique - Preliminary Notes on Part One (pg.e 18 )
- Riffle Pop! (Peter Duffie) *** Move Mastery 1 (DVD)
- Riffle Red (Karl Fulves) *** Covenant (pg. 23)
- Riffle Shuffle (unknown) *** Invented by American card players in the late 1800s
- Riffle Shuffle Center Control (Karl Fulves) *** Faro & Riffle Technique (pg. 40)
- Riffle Shuffle Flip Over (unknown) *** Daryl's Card Revelations - Volume 4 (DVD)
- Riffle Shuffle Stack (Allan Ackerman) *** Allan Ackerman's Advanced Card Control - Volume 5: Shuffle Work (DVD)
- Riffle Stab (Karl Fulves) *** Setting Up Exercises (pg. 43)
- Riffle Stack (unknown) *** Invented by card sharps. First exposed in 1915 by S. Victor Innis (The Inner Secrets of Crooked Card Players, p.11)
- Riffle Transfer (J. K. Hartman) *** After Craft (pg. 64)
- Riffle Weave, The (Edward Marlo) *** Faro Controlled Miracles (pg. 3); (Racherbaumer ebook edition, pg. 20)
- Riffle, Think, Pop! (Ryan Matney) *** Gris-Gris (pg. _)
- Riffled Thought (Dai Vernon) *** More Inner Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 12)
- Riggs' Round Robin (Robert E. Neale) *** Tricks of the Imagination (pg. 113)
- Right and Wrong (Bob Solari) *** Marketed Item
- Right Hand Edge Palm (Harvey Rosenthal) *** Packet Switches - Part Three (Fulves, pg. 169)
- Right Hand Side Steal Slip (Russel Barnhart) *** The Master Palm (pg. 17)
- Right Hand, Left Hand (W. F. "Rufus" Steele) *** The Last Word on Cards (pg. 43)
- Right Handed Triumph (David Solomon) *** Solomon's Mind (Burger, pg. 145)
- Right In Front of Your Nose (Clayton Rawson [a.k.a. The Great Merlini]) *** Phoenix (February 1946, Vol. 2, No. 100, pg. 405)
- Right On Q (Lewis Jones) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 23)
- Right, Wrong, Right (Al Leech) *** Super Card Man Stuff (pg. 25)
- Right-Card-At-The-Right-Number-Prediction, The- (Daniel Péris) *** The Persistance (pg. 54)
- Righted Before Your Eyes (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dupery (pg. 170)
- Right-Right-Right (Peter Moffat) *** The Gen (Vol. 25, No. 8, pg. 217)
- Ringer (J. K. Hartman) *** Packet Tricks (Mentzer, pg. 33)
- Ringmaster, The (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Card Conspiracy - Vol. 2 (pg. 45)
- Rip Off (Karrell Fox) *** Apocalypse (July 1986, Vol. 9, No. 7, pg. 1227)
- Rip-Off Reverse (Paul Harris) *** The Magic of Paul Harris (Mentzer, pg. 28); The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (pg. 83)
- Rip-Off, The (Scott Robinson) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 281)
- Ripped (Lee Asher) *** Catch 33 (pdf, pg. 51)
- Ripped (Matthew J. Dowden) *** 1 Deck... 14 Tricks... 24 Hours... - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Ripped and Repaired (Dave Forrest) *** Marketed Manuscripts (also available as pdf)
- Ripped and Restored (Yves Doumergue) *** Ripped and Restored (DVD)
- Ripped-Up (Peter Eggink) *** Marketed Item
- Ripper, The (Steve Beam) *** Hand-Picked Card Tricks (pg. 14)
- Ripple, The (Lee Asher & Tom Allen) *** French Tour Lecture Notes (pg. 11); Le' Asher
- Rise & Fall (Karl Fulves & Jack Chanin) *** Notes From The Underground (Fulves, pg. 15)
- Rise (Karl Fulves) *** The Pallbearers Review (February 1974, Vol. 9, pg. 707)
- Rise and Fall of the Kings, The (Paul Gordon) *** The Unplanned Card Book (pg. )
- Rise and Shine (Dan Hauss) *** Marketed Item (DVD)
- Rise From An Examined Card Case (Slygo) *** The Sphinx (August 1912, Vol. 11, No. 6, pg. 113)
- Rise-Rise-Rise (Edward Marlo) *** Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 140); CardMagic (Kaufman, pg. 36); Malone Meets Marlo - Volume 5 (DVD)
- Rising (Barbu Alexandru Nitelea) *** R. P. B. (Instant Download)
- Rising Aces (Gene Maze) *** The Gene Maze Card Book (Kaufman, pg. 70)
- Rising Card (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 117)
- Rising Card Comedy, A (unknown) *** Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 52)
- Rising Card Deluxe, The (unknown) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 58)
- Rising Card in Handkerchief (Billy Wells) *** Duplicate Deceptions (pg. 18)
- Rising Card Interlude (Anthony Miller) *** Pleasing Deceptions & Subtle Fictions (Snyder, pg. 102)
- Rising Card Miracle (Dr. Schwartz) *** Marketed Item
- Rising Card Trick, The (C. Lang Neil) *** Modern Card Manipulation (pg. 81)
- Rising Card with Triumph (Armando Gutierrez) *** Freebie 4 (Alford, Dancy, pg. 17)
- Rising Cards for Comedy Work (Leslie P. Gestefeld) *** The Sphinx (January 1917, Vol. 15, No. 11, pg. 211)
- Rising Cards From Envelope (Bill Severn & Pete Biro) *** The Tarbell Course in Magic (Lorayne, Vol. 7, Lesson 85, pg. 121)
- Rising Cards in Swinging Houlette (Slygo) *** The Sphinx (March 1910, Vol. 9, No. 1, pg. 14)
- Rising Change, A (T. Page Wright) *** Page Wright's Manuscript (pg. 115)
- Rising Crime Display (Daryl Martinez) *** For Your Entertainment Pleasure (Minch, pg. 28)
- Rising Hofzinser (Aldo Colombini) *** Let's Go! (DVD, also available as instant download)
- Rising Mistake (Michael Powers) *** Top Secret Stuff (pg. 107)
- Rising Robbers (Jon Racherbaumer) *** CardFixes (pg. 92)
- Rising Triumph (Shigeo Takagi) *** The Amazing Miracles of Shigeo Takagi ((Kaufman, pg. 51)
- Risk Location, The *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 339)
- Risky Bet (Henry Evans) *** The Other Side of Illusion - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Risque Aces (Jason Randal) *** Magic for Professionals (pg. 21)
- Rite Minded (Karl Fulves) *** Clockwork (pg. 29)
- Rite of Assembly (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Jon Racherbaumer.com site (Tricks Archive, May 2003)
- Rite of Initiation, The (Luis Garcia Soutullo) *** Escuela Mágica de Madrid's Circular (December 1979, No. 60); Rito de Iniciación (by Soutullo); Referenced in Mnemonica (Tamariz, pg. 169)
- Ritual Abuse (Peter Duffie) *** The Card Addict (pdf, pg. 31)
- Ritual of the Kings (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 124)
- River City Aces (Tom Allen) *** Tom Allen's Garden Path (pg._)
- Riverboat Poker (John Bannon) *** Six. Impossible. Things. (pg. 47); High Caliber (pg. 46)
- Riveted Monte (Magic from Holland) *** Marketed Item (rip-off of Angelo Carbone's "Out of Order")
- Rizer (Eric Ross and B. Smith) *** Marketed Item
- Road To Ruin, The (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2006, No. 1, pg. 56)
- Roadrunner Aces (John Quine, Tom Craven) *** Apocalypse (December 1990, Vol. 13, No. 12, pg. 1864)
- Roadrunner Cull, The (Kostya Kimlat) *** The Roadrunner Cull (DVD)
- Robin Hood (Pit Hartling) *** The Little Green Lecture Notes (pg. 6)
- Robinson Greek Bottom Deal, The (Fred Robinson & Darwin Ortiz) *** The Magic of Fred Robinson (Duffie, pg 100)
- Robot Deck, The (Stewart James) *** The James File - Volume One (Slaight, pg. 1137)
- Rock Around (Stephen Tucker) *** The Card-Mad-Gic of Stephen Tucker (pg. 17)
- Rock 'n' Roll Aces (Peter Marshall) *** Apocalypse (January 1992, Vol. 15, No. 1, pg. 2017); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever Collection Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Rocket Change, The (Richard Hucko) *** Replay (DVD)
- Rocky Does It! (Jerry Camaro) *** The Magic Menu (Sisti, November/December 1994, Issue 26, pg. 296)
- Rodent-In-A-Box (David Regal) *** Constant Fooling - Book 1 (pg. 229)
- Rogers' Ever Ready Forcing Pack (Dr. Ford Rogers) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 451)
- Role Reversal *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. )
- Rolex Gang, The (Peter Duffie) *** Cardeceits (pdf)
- Roll Over Card Vanish (Allan Ackerman) *** Here's My Card (pg. 46)
- Rollaround Cop (Richard Kaufman) *** CardMagic (pg. 145)
- Rollcut (Keone) *** X-TremeCuts (DVD)
- Rolling Elmsley (Jay Frasier) *** The Looking Glass (Spring 1996, pg. 48)
- Rolling Flushtration (Keith Bloomfield) *** Apocalypse (October 1994, Vol. 17, No. 10, pg. 2420); Sleights & Subtleties (Colombini, DVD)
- Rolling Over Just Aces (Bruce Cervon) *** The Card Secrets Of Bruce Cervon (pg. 59)
- Rolling the Deck (a gambler's cheating move) *** Dictionary of Gambling
- Rolling-Off-A-Log Detection, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Thirty Card Mysteries (Jordan, pg. 16); Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 96); Charles T. Jordan Collected Tricks (Fulves, pg. 129)
- Rollover Aces (Derek Dingle) *** Riffle Shuffle Technique - Preliminary Notes on Part Two (as "Roll-Over Aces," Fulves, pg. 92); The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 148) also see Cervon's version in Card Secrets of Bruce Cervon (pg. 56)
- Roll-Over Aces (Derek Dingle) *** Riffle Shuffle Technique - Preliminary Notes on Part Two (Fulves, pg. 92); The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (as "Rollover Aces," Kaufman, pg. 148) also see Cervon's version in Card Secrets of Bruce Cervon (pg. 56)
- Rollover Switch (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume 2 (Minch, pg. 123)
- Roll-Up Cut (Bob Longe) *** Clever Card Tricks (pg. 6)
- Rolly Polly Controlly, The (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks V (pg. 16)
- Roly-poly (Terry LaGerould) *** Terry LaGerould’s Pasteboard Presentations (LaGerould & Whiting, pg. 98)
- Roman Shuffle Bottom Cull (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 105)
- Romantic Card Trick (Bob Ostin) *** Impromptu Card Magic (Colombini, pg. 112)
- Romantic Prisoner, The (Juan Tamariz) *** Sonata (pg. 137)
- Romeo & Juliet (David Regal) *** Close-Up & Personal (pg. 26)
- Rooklyn Top Palm (Maurice Rooklyn) *** Dai Vernon's Ultimate Card Secrets (Ganson, pg. 161); Dai Vernon's Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson - L&L reprint, pg. 120)
- Rook's Tour (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 1 (DVD)
- Room at the Top (Horace Bennett, based on Harvey Rosenthal's "Express Elevator") *** Familiar Themes (pg. 95)
- Room For Death, A (Robert E. Neal) *** Life, Death & Other Card Tricks (pg. 267)
- Rooms for Maneuver (Zenneth Kok & Peter Duffie) *** Collusion (DVD)
- Rope Ladder (Maximilliano Londono) *** Marketed Item
- Rose & Crown Double Sandwich (Jon Armstrong) *** The Magic Menu (May/June 1999, No. 53, pg. 620)
- Rose From Cards (unknown) *** Marketed Item
- Rosencrance False Shuffle (Clayton W. Rosencrance) *** The Sphinx (May 1937, Vol. 36, No. 3, pg. 73)
- Rosencrance Realization (Clayton Rosencrance) *** The Sphinx (May 1930, Vol. 29, No. 3, pg. 130)
- Rosenthal Reverse (Harvey Rosenthal) *** The Best of Spell-Binder - Collection One (Tucker, pg. 66)
- Rosette of Cards, The (David Devine) *** Simple Card Magic For Everyone (pg. 55)
- Roshomon Principle (term coined by T. A. Waters, inspired by Phil Goldstein's trick, "Roshomon") *** The Linking Ring (October 1979, Vol. 59, No. 10, pg. 78)
- Rosie Palm (Lee Asher) *** Close Cover Before Striking (pg. 12)
- Rosini Surprise Stab (Paul Rosini) *** Daryl's Card Revelations - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Rotary Transformation (Peter Duffie) *** Move Mastery 1 (CD-ROM)
- Rotating Hand, The (Dominic Twose) *** England Up Close (Duffie, pdf, pg. 113)
- Rotation Palm 2 (Rich Ferguson) *** The Unorthodox Collection (DVD)
- Rouge et Noir (Darwin Ortiz) *** Lessons in Card Mastery (pg. 157)
- Rouge et Noir Divination (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg.339)
- Rough and Ready (Diamond Jim Davis) *** Stone Cold Magic Magazine (web newsletter, February 2009)
- Roughly Identical (David Regal) *** Constant Fooling - Book 2 (pg. 218)
- Roumanian "Fan" Shuffle, The (Victor Farelli) *** Farelli's Card Magic - Part One (pg. 44, revised edition, pg. 23)
- Round and Round (unknown) *** The Royal Road to Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 66)
- Round the Clock (Joseph Leeming) *** Games and Fun with Playing Cards (pg. 21)
- Route 1 (Dave Forrest) *** Marketed Manuscript (also available as pdf download)
- Routine for the Experts (Frank Garcia) *** Wildcard Miracles (pg. 92)
- Routine Maintenance (Simon Aronson) *** Try the Impossible (pg. 238); Sessions with Simon - Vol. 3 (DVD)
- Routine of Spells, A (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 2 (pg. 52)
- Routine Royal (Al Leech) *** Cardmanship (pg. 12)
- Routined Spelling (Woody Aragon) *** A Book In English (pg. 113)
- Rove No More (Paul Hallas) *** Across The Void (pg. _)
- Rovi Pass, The (Rovi) *** Rovi Reveals (Ganson, pg. 32); The Complete Ganson Magic Teach-In Series (pg. 64)
- Roving Predaceous Mates (Michael DeMarco) *** Apocalypse (November 1992, Vol. 15, No. 11, pg. 2144 )
- Roving Predaceous Mates II (Michael DeMarco) *** Apocalypse (July 1996, Vol. 19, No. 7, pg. 2672)
- Royal Ace Cut (Walt Lees) *** Virtual Miracles (Duffie, pg. )
- Royal Aces (Ron Ferris) *** 21st Century Card Magic (Swain, pg. 123)
- Royal Acrobats, The (Phil Goldstein & Roberto Giobbi & Alfonso) *** Card College - Volume 2 (Giobbi, pg. 324)
- Royal Assembly, The (George G. Kaplan & Dai Vernon) *** The Fine Art of Magic (Kaplan, pg. 94)
- Royal Barrage (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 637)
- Royal Blush (Steve Schneiderman) *** Ruminations (Farewell Issue, pg. _)
- Royal Burial (Ariel Frailich) *** Card Stories (pg. 9)
- Royal Clans, The (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Diamonds From Coal (pg. 123, also available as pdf)
- Royal Coincidence (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 93)
- Royal Command (Nick Langham) *** Marketed Item (DVD)
- Royal Courting (George Simpson) *** The Sphinx (May 1911, Vol. 10, No. 3, pg. 50)
- Royal Crown (Doug Brewer) *** Half & Half - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Royal Delight (Collector's Workshop) *** Marketed Item
- Royal Detectives (J. C. Wagner) *** The Commercial Magic of J. C. Wagner (Maxwell, pg. 153)
- Royal Emigrants, The (Will Andrade, aka Charles A. Prince) *** 70 Simple Card Tricks (pg. 28)
- Royal Fantasy (Lubor Fiedler) *** Marketed Item
- Royal Faststack (Jack Carpenter) *** Modus Operandi: The Card Magic of Jack Carpenter (Hobbs, pg. 99)
- Royal Flip-Flop-Jog (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Diamonds From Coal (pg. 148, also available as pdf)
- Royal Flush Nine-Hand Poker Deal (Paul Gordon) *** Paul Gordon's Card Collective (pg. _)
- Royal Flush of Hearts (Dominique Duvivier) *** Marketed Item
- Royal Flush Scam, The (Paul Gordon) *** Card Rarities (DVD)
- Royal Following (Gianni Pasqua) *** Great Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 68)
- Royal Gambol (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 5 (DVD)
- Royal Gathering (Christian Ehret) *** Cyber Sessions (Alford, pg. 68)
- Royal Headache (Ken Krenzel) *** Close-Ip Impact! (Minch, pg. 115)
- Royal Location (Juan Tamariz) *** Mnemonica (pg. 142)
- Royal Marriages, The (Dai Vernon) *** Select Secrets (pg. 11)
- Royal Mates (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 627)
- Royal Mayo (David Solomon) *** The Penumbra (November/December 2002, Issue 4, pg. 11)
- Royal Mentalism (Warren Wiersbe) *** Mental Cases with Cards (pg. 14 of book; pg. 18 of pdf)
- Royal Mind Reading (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Mental Magic (pg. 21); Packet Trick Treasures (Colombini, DVD)
- Royal Miracle (Meir Yedid) *** Fork Full of Appetizers - Book 2: Seconds From the Forkers (Miesel, pg. 72)
- Roy-al Monte (Roy Walton) *** Card Cavalcade 3 (Mentzer, pg. 49)
- Royal Mounted Monte (Father Cyprian) *** Frank Garcia Presents The Elegant Card Magic of Father Cyprian (Garcia, pg. 65)
- Royal Mounties (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 12)
- Royal Oil (Dan Harlan) *** Marketed Item
- Royal Open Relationships (Jon Armstrong) *** Armstrong Magic - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Royal Pair Puzzler, The (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 63)
- Royal Pairs (Sam Schwartz) *** Sam's - The Magic of Sam Schwartz (Zingg, pg. 119)
- Royal Poker Deal (Mel Lambdin) *** Apocalypse (August 1994, Vol. 17, No. 8, pg. 2397)
- Royal Puzzle (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings '67 (Kaufman, pg. 204)
- Royal Quarrel (David Devine) *** Simple Card Magic For Everyone (pg. 77)
- Royal Re-Crossing (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection (pg. 157)
- Royal Redo (Bill Wisch) *** Marketed Item
- Royal Rendezvous (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 63)
- Royal Rescue (Karl Fulves) *** New Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 40); Foolproof Card Tricks for the Amateur Magician (pg. 41)
- Royal Reunion (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 30)
- Royal Revealment (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 4 (pg. 685)
- Royal Reverse (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 23)
- Royal Revision (Ton Onosaka) *** Marketed Item
- Royal Rhumba (Jean Pierre Vallarino) *** Impromptu Packet Tricks (Colombini (DVD)
- Royal Rising (Ryan Matney) *** Gris Gris (pg. 10)
- Royal Road Trip (R. Paul Wilson) *** The Celtic Cabal (Duffie, pg. 118)
- Royal Road, The (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Diamonds from Coal (pg. 13)
- Royal Rollover Aces (J. J. Sanvert) *** Best of J.J. Sanvert - Volume 4: Close-Up Routines (DVD)
- Royal Runaway Redux (John Yale Curtis) *** JonRacherbaumer.com (Tricks Archive 10-22-2000)
- Royal Rush (Bill Derman) *** Card Tricks That Get the Money and The Patter That Gets the Bookings (pg. 67)
- Royal Scam (John Bannon) *** Marketed Item; High Caliber (pg. 3)
- Royal Spell Plus, A (Paul Gordon) *** Cardistry (pg. _)
- Royal Transposition (Ken Beale) *** Same Both Sides (Lloyd E. Jones, pg. 28)
- Royal Treatment (David Regal) *** Star Quality - The Magic of David Regal (Lorayne, pg. 89)
- Royal Treatment, The (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 3 (pg. 629)
- Royal Triangle *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 1 (Miller, pg. 76)
- Royal Triumph (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 147)
- Royal Twist (Didier Dupre) *** Arcane [French magazine] (January 2004, No. 113, pg. 6); Tricks And Treats (Colombini, DVD)
- Royal Wedding (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (Garcia, Schindler, pg. 153)
- Royale Mayo 2 (Didier Dupre) *** One Deck (Colombini, DVD)
- Royale with Cheese (Luke Dancy) *** Instant Download (video tutorial)
- Royalee (Howard Adams) *** Amazing Self-Working Card Magic by Howard Adams - Part 2 (Colombini, DVD)
- Royalistic (Juan Tamariz) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Royally Wild (J. C. Wagner) *** The Commercial Magic of J. C. Wagner (Maxwell, pg. 129)
- Royals Go Courting, The (Ramon Rioboo) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks V (Beam, pg. 206)
- Royversing Aces (Roy Walton) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 3 (pg. 339)
- RSF Royal Flush Routine (Lennart Green) *** The Classic Green Collection Volume #6 (DVD)
- Rub It In Their Nose (Joe Rindfleisch) *** Extreme Card Magic - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Rub N Tug (Tyler Wilson) *** Dominatricks (pg. 15)
- Rub Off, The *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 3 (Miller, pg. 26)
- Rub Out! (Looy Simonoff) *** Apocalypse (November 1979, Vol. 2, No. 11, pg. 273)
- Rub-A-Dub-Dub *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 301)
- Rub-Away Card Vanish (Steve Beam) *** Magic for the British Aisles (pg. 4)
- Rub-Away-Mag (Edward Marlo) *** Off The Top (pg. 16)
- Rubber Band Sandwich (Mark Sicher) *** Apocalypse (March 1988, Vol. 11, No. 3, pg. 1465)
- Rubber Detective (John Carney) *** John Carney's Carneycopia (pg. 250)
- Rubber Retro (Yannick Chretien) *** Yannick Chretien (DVD)
- Rubber Revelation (Doug Conn) *** Tricks of My Trade (Cummins, pg. 33); Built to Last (DVD)
- Rubber Room Change (Doug Conn) *** Tricks of My Trade (Cummins, pg. 132)
- Ruffle Return *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 126)
- Rug Beater (Harry Lorayne) *** Quantum Leaps (pg. 144)
- Rule of Three Prediction, The (Pete McCabe) *** The PM Card Mark System Plus Assorted Miracles (McCabe, pg. 28)
- Ruler, The (Aldo Colombini) *** Standing Room Only (DVD)
- Rules of Disengagement (Karl Fulves) *** Under Tension (pg. 47)
- RUM (Aaron Ye) *** Instant Download (pdf)
- Rum Punch (Darwin Ortiz) *** Jiggery Pokery (Wimhurst, pg. 15)
- Rump Shaker (Jack Parker and Tomas Blomberg) *** Jack Parker's 52 Memories (Gladwin, pg. 81)
- Run Around Aces, The (Jean Hugard & Frederick Braue) *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 378)
- Run Away Joker (Peter Nardi and Chris Harding) *** Marketed Item
- Run Up Problem (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Technique - Part III (pg. 146)
- Runaround (Marc Lemezma) *** Marc Lemezma's Card Magic (pg. 89)
- Runaway Jacks *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 140)
- Runic Nines (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 5 (DVD)
- Running Control, The (David Acer) *** Natural Selections - Volume II (pg. 141)
- Running Cull, The (Karl Fulves) *** The Book of Numbers - Supplementary Notes (pg. 7)
- Running Man (Tyler Wilson) *** Reinventing The Real (pg. 85)
- Running the Scale (Dai Vernon) *** Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 95)
- Running Up Two Hands (Arthur Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 111)
- Run-Ups (Martin Nash) *** The Award Winning Card Magic Of Martin A. Nash - Volume 4 (DVD)
- Rusduck Four-Way Deal (John Russel Duck - "Rusduck") *** The Cardiste (June 1957, Issue #3, pg. 3)
- Ruse et Noir (Karl Fulves) *** Command Colors (pg. 6)
- Rush (Daniel Madison) *** M (pdf, pg. _)
- Rush Hour (Toruu Suzuki) *** Works of Toruu Suzuki - Tenkai Prize Committee (pg. _)
- Russian Test, The (Karl Fulves) *** Combo II (pg. 55)
- Rutledge Card and Billet Index (Ned Rutledge) *** Hugard's Magic Monthly (July 1949, Vol. 7, No. 2, pg. 557)
- S & L (Karl Fulves) *** 28 Card Tricks (pg. 4)
- S Shaped Turn, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo In Spades (pg. 6)
- S(h)ocking (Helder Guimaraes) *** Small Miracles (DVD)
- S. B. Blank Deck (Stanley Beck) *** The Sphinx (December 1947, Vol. 46, No. 10, pg. 305)
- S. W. E. Shift, The (S. W. Erdnase) *** The Expert at the Card Table - Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 134); Revelation (Vernon, pg. 174); Revelations (Vernon, pg. 134)
- S.C.T.A. (David Forrest) *** Deceptions - Volume 1 (DVD)
- S.D.L. Change, The (Gene Maze) *** Cardmagic (Kaufman, pg. 50)
- S.S. Shuffle (Tan Hock Chuan) *** The Sphinx (November 1946, Vol. 45, No. 9, pg. 270)
- S.W. Elevator (Chris Kenner) *** Totally Out Of Control (pg. 152)
- S.W.I Interchange (John Carey) *** 24 Seven - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- Sad Aces (Jon Allen) *** England Up Close (Duffie, pdf, pg. 24)
- Safety Deposit Box (Jonathan Townsend) *** Apocalypse (February 1986, Vol. 9, No. 2, pg. 1171)
- Saga of Old "Red" Baloo (Sam Leo Horowitz & Alton C. Sharpe) *** The Miracle Makers (Thompson jr., pg. 23)
- Sail, The (unknown) *** Seconds, Centers, Bottoms (Marlo, pg. 25); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 247); Card College 4 (Giobbi, pg. 942)
- Sailor's Vision (Robert E. Neale) *** Life, Death & Other Card Tricks (pg. 27)
- Salad Dressing (David Eldridge) *** Marketed Item
- Salarium (Thomas Baxter) *** The Open Prediction Project (Baxter, pg. 39)
- Saliva Sorcery (Paul Rosini) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 258)
- Salt on a Bird's Tail (Bill Severn) *** The Sphinx (December 1947, Vol. 46, No. 10, pg. 305)
- Salt Trick, The (Emil Jarrow) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 237)
- Salt-less (Harry Lorayne) *** Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 31); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 23); Magical Classics (DVD); Harry Lorayne's BEST EVER! Collection - Volume 4 (DVD)
- Salty Dog Location, The (Jon Racherbaumer) *** The Greater Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 108)
- Sam the Bellhop (Frank Everhart) *** Marketed Manuscript (An updated version of the Rufus Steele "Moe & Sam" card trick, from The Last Word on Cards, pg. 53)
- Samaaro Card Trick, The (Samuel Aronson) *** The Sphinx (December 1918, Vol. 17, No. 10, pg. 194)
- Sambitious Card (Simon Lovell) *** Simon Says (pg. 168)
- Same Difference, The *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 1 (Miller, pg. 95)
- Same Four-Ace Trick, The (Doug Edwards) *** Apocalypse (January 1989, Vol. 12, No. 1, pg. 1593)
- Same To You Card Trick, The (Karrell Fox) *** Clever Like a Fox (pg. 81)
- Same-Color Direct Jack Sandwich (Jay Marshall & Mike Gallo) *** Best of Friends - Volume II (Lorayne, pg. 26)
- Sametric (Peter Duffie) *** Open Secrets (pdf)
- Sammy the Seal (unknown) *** Marketed Item
- Sam's Son (Stewart James) *** The James File - Volume One (Slaight, pg. 1304)
- Sam-ultaneous (Sam Schwartz) *** Close-Up Card Magic (Lorayne, pg. 114); Sam's - The Magic of Sam Schwartz (Zingg, pg. 192); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (Lorayne, pg. 96)
- San Diego Prediction (Syd Segal) *** Gaft Card Magic (DVD)
- San Sub (Stephen Minch) *** Apocalypse (December 1981, Vol. 4, No. 12, pg. 572)
- Sanctum (David Forrest) *** Marketed Item
- Sandbagged (Karl Fulves) *** Crooked Tales (pg. 31)
- Sandwich #2 (Edward Marlo) *** Daryl's Card Revelations Volume 4 (DVD)
- Sandwich (Liam Montier) *** Superstition (DVD)
- Sandwich Box (Stephen Tucker) *** Spell-binder (May 1981, Vol.1, No. 1, pg. 3)
- Sandwich Card (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume One (pg. 71)
- Sandwich Change (Al Leech) *** Cardmanship (pg. 7)
- Sandwich Deal (Al Leech) *** Card Man Stuff (pg. 20)
- Sandwich for You (Aldo Colombini) *** The Close-Up Magic of Aldo Colombini (pg. 32)
- Sandwich Inception (Kyle MacNeill) *** Genii (July 2012, Vol. 75, No. 7, pg. 54)
- Sandwich Locator (Harry Lorayne) *** Reputation Makers (pg. 258); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 2 (pg. 177)
- Sandwich Movathon (Curtis Kam) *** Palms of Steel 3: Silverado (DVD)
- Sandwich Outdone, The (Jason Dean & John Born) *** Cutting Edge Cards and Coins - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Sandwich Platter, The (Hiroshi Kondo) *** Marketed Item (Tenyo)
- Sandwich Spread (Jason Alford) *** Thinking & Wondering (pg. 9)
- Sandwich Steal (Gene Maze) *** Pure Deceptions & Maximum Impact: The Magic of Gene Maze (DVD)
- Sandwich Stuff (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 104)
- Sandwich Transposition, A (John Carey) *** Letters To Friends (pg. 16)
- Sandwich Trilogy (Allan Ackerman / Roger Klause / Edward Marlo) *** Here's My Card (Ackerman, pg. 44)
- Sandwich Way Did They Go? (Mark Elsdon) *** Six of One (pdf)
- Sandwich With A Twizt (Eric Jones) *** Twizted (DVD)
- Sandwichange (Harry Lorayne) *** Apocalypse (May 1992, Vol. 15, No. 5, pg. 2065); Harry Lorayne's BEST EVER! Collection - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Sandwiched Aces (unknown) *** Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic (pg. 92)
- Sanitized for Your Deception (Jonathan Levit) *** Marketed Item
- Sans Fronds (Phil Goldstein) *** The New York Magic Symposium - Collection Three (Fleischer & Minch, pg. 96)
- Sans Index (Dai Vernon) *** The Vernon Chronicles - Volume 2 (Minch, Pg. 166)
- Sans Telephone (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine (1988, Vol. 6, pg. 162)
- Sanverted (John Carney) *** John Carney's Carneycopia (Minch, pg. 229)
- Sarabanda (Aldo Colombini) *** Baroque Compositions (DVD)
- SAS (Mark Mason) *** Marketed Item
- Satan Behind You (unknown) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 125)
- Satan's Ashes (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (Garcia, Schindler, pg. 140)
- Satan's Prophecy (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 84): Charles T. Jordan Collected Tricks (Fulves, pg. 16)
- Satan's Touch (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 217)
- Satan's Trance (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 156): Charles T. Jordan Collected Tricks (Fulves, pg. 223)
- Satellite (David Harkey) *** Simply Harkey (pg. 175)
- Saturn's Card Transposition (Dr. Harlan Tarbell) *** My Best (Thompson, Jr., pg. 39)
- Saved By the Belles (Peter Duffie) *** Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 6: Selected Revelations (pdf, pg. _); Decknology (pdf, pg. 25);
- SAWAP Monte (Dr. Hiroshi Sawa) *** The Greater Magic Video Library - Volume 43: Dr. Sawa (DVD)
- Sawing a Lady (Mike Powers) *** Power Plays: High Voltage Magic (pg. 42)
- Sawing Thru (Karl Fulves) *** Notes From Underground (pg. 18)
- Say Stop (Jerry Camaro) *** Jerry Camaro on the Bottom Deal (DVD)
- Say Vanish! (Ed Ellis) *** Ed Ellis Magic Volume III (DVD)
- Say When! (Al Baker) *** Al Baker's Book of Magic Tricks (pg. 32); The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Karr, pg. 91)
- SCA! (Michael Paul) *** Simply Devastating (PDF with Embedded Windows Media)
- Scalbert's Mystery of the Fifth Card (Geoffrey Scalbert) *** Scalbert's Selected Secrets (pg. 182)
- Scaling The Cards (Steve Beam) *** Steve Beam's Semi-Automatic Card Tricks (Beam, pg. 13)
- Scaling The Change (Martin Nash) *** Ever So Sleightly (Minch, pg. 36)
- Scamble (Lewis Jones) *** Shampagne (pg. 18); Seventh Heaven (pg. 219)
- Scanners (Jack Carpenter) *** Magic Magazine (May 2012, vol. 21, no. 9, pg. 55)
- Scared (Jamie Daws) *** Marketed Item
- Scarne Thought Card, The (John Scarne) *** Annemann's Card Magic (Annemann, pg. 138 or pg. 161, depending on your edition)
- Scarne Trick (Edward Marlo & Don May) *** Jon Racherbaumer.com site (Freebie Archive, April 2005)
- Scarne's Aces (John Scarne) *** Limited Release of 775 copies, given to the attendees of Genii's 75th Anniversary Birthday Bash (2012); (referenced in Scarne's book "The Odds Against Me," pg. 42); see also...Karl Fulves' RIGMAROLE (1994) p. 66 : ONE HAND ACE CUTTING (Scarne's famous method); and… Karl Fulves RIFFLE SHUFFLE TECHNIQUE Preliminary Notes On Part Two (1973), p.50
- Scarne's Birds of a Feather (John Scarne) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 172)
- Scarne's Color Control *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 301)
- Scarne's Drunken Deal (John Scarne) *** Phoenix (November 1942, Vol. 1, No. 23, pg. 95); 52 Amazing Card Tricks (Steele, pg. 54); Scarne on Card Tricks (pg. 124)
- Scarne's Drunken Poker Deal (John Scarne) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 124 in hardcover, pg. 122 in paperback)
- Scarne's Follow the Leader (John Scarne) *** Scarne On Cards (pg. 141 or 143, depending on the publisher)
- Scarne's Lie Speller (John Scarne & Martin Gardner) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 180)
- Scarne's Power of Thought (John Scarne) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 281)
- Scarne's Predicto (John Scarne) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 16)
- Scarne's Red and Black Speller (John Scarne) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 192)
- Scarne's Six-Way Baffler (John Scarne) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 203)
- Scarne's Tappit (John Scarne) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 182)
- Scatter (Joshua Jay) *** Talk About Tricks - Disc 1 (DVD); Overlap (pg. _)
- Scatter Shot (Liam Montier) *** Card Magic with Kapow! (Francis, Montier, pg. 33)
- Schlutzick (Ryan Schlutz) *** Completing the Cut (DVD)
- School for Swindlers (Karl Fulves) *** The Gambler's Third Lesson (Fulves, pg. 3)
- Schrodinger's Dream (Michael Powers) *** Top Secret Stuff (pg. 30)
- Schroedinger's Cat (R. Paul Wilson) *** The Little Black Book (pg. 16)
- Schulien Reloaded (Kostya Kimlat) *** Kostya Kimlat's Trans-Atlantic Lecture Tour (DVD Lecture Notes)
- Schwartz, The (Chris Mayhew) *** Clockwork Apple (pg. 51)
- Schwarzman's Long Toss (Howard Schwarzman) *** Allan Ackerman's Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 4: Flourishes, Lifts, and Changes (Ackerman, DVD)
- Schwing! (Chris Kenner) *** Totally Out Of Control (pg. 98)
- Scissor Card, The (Dr. James William Elliott) *** Elliott's Last Legacy: Card Tricks & Conjuring (Elliott, Houdini, pg. 83)
- Scoop Load (Gene Maze) *** Pure Deceptions & Maximum Impact: The Magic of Gene Maze (DVD)
- Scoop Up Replacement (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings '67 (Kaufman, pg. 184)
- Scooping Glass, The (Vanni Bossi) *** Vanni Bossi NEW Lecture Notes (pg. 14)
- Scoop-Up Addition (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 2 (pg. 291)
- Scorecard IV (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (pg. 207)
- Scramble Gamble (Karl Fulves) *** Packet Switches - Part Four (Fulves, pg. 222)
- Scrambled Egg and Card (Samuel Berland) *** Berland's Blue Ribbon Card Tricks (pg. _)
- Scrambled Straights (John Russel Duck - "Rusduck") *** The Cardiste (pg. 58)
- Scrambled Thoughtwaves (Clayton Rawson) *** Phoenix (March 1942, Vol. 1, No. 3, pg. 9)
- Scrape False Cut *** The Vernon Chronicles - Volume Two: More Lost Inner Secrets (Minch, pg. 8); Steve Forte's Gambling Protection Series - Volume 1 (DVD); Weapons of the Card Shark - Volume 1 (Wessmiller, DVD); Richard Turner The Cheat - Disc 3: Shifts, Hops & Magic Passes (DVD);
- Scratch Deal, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 9)
- Scratch It (Martin Joyal, based on Bob Longe's "Strike Three and Out!") *** The Six-Hour Memorized Deck (pg. 175)
- Scratched Deck as a Reader (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 12)
- Screened Leipzig Pass, The (Nate Leipzig and Ron Bauer) *** Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus (Minch, pg. 73)
- Screwed Deck (Paul Harris) *** Marketed Item
- Scribble (Karl Fulves) *** Color Quik (pg. 33)
- Scrige Will Get You, The (Stewart James) *** The James File - Volume One (Slaight, pg. 1356)
- Sealed Card Mystery (Harlan Tarbell) *** Tarbell Course in Magic - Volume 1 (Lesson 10, pg. 199)
- Sealed FateS (Kate Cuttler) *** Stone Cold Magic Magazine (web newsletter, September 2008)
- Sealed-Room Mystery (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 61)
- Search and Destroy (Aaron Fisher) *** The Paper Engine (pg. 104)
- Search and Stop (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings '67 (Kaufman, pg. 105)
- Searchers,The (Larry Jennings) *** Richard's Almanac (January - February 1984, Issue 17 - 18, pg. 172)
- Searching For A Sandwich (John Carey) *** Handle with Carey (DVD)
- Seat Hold-Out (Bruce Cervon) *** Ultra Cervon (Cervon, Minch, pg. 69)
- Seca Ruof Redux (Edward Marlo) *** Jon Racherbaumer.com site (Freebie Archive, June 2003)
- Second Air (Rich Ferguson) *** The Unorthodox Collection (DVD)
- Second Birthday (Lennart Green) *** Green Magic - Vol. 3 (DVD)
- Second Birthday (Steve Beam) *** Steve Beam's Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (pg. 55)
- Second Card Palm Sandwich (Dan Block) *** Block Busters: The Magic of Dan Block (pg. 17)
- Second Chance (Wayne Dobson) *** Marketed Manuscript
- Second Coming (Aldo Colombini) *** What's Up Deck? (pg. 17) (pdf, pg. 25)
- Second Deal *** Invented by professional card sharps. First exposed in 1822 in Robert Bailey's autobiography (where he refers to its use in 1812)
- Second Deal in 60 seconds #2 (Fernando Keops) *** Fernando Keops - Volume 1: Cheating at Cards (DVD)
- Second Discovery of America (Tom Batchelor) *** Canadian Card Control (pg. 10)
- Second Effect (Edward Marlo) *** Card Switches (pg. 29); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 434); Marlo's Magazine Volume 5 (pg. 143)
- Second Finger Top Deal (Ron Bauer) *** Ron Bauer Series: Vol. 17 - Second Finger Top Deal
- Second Hotel Mystery, The (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg. 327)
- Second Impression (Paul Gertner, Scott Wells, Steve Burton) *** The Magic Menu (Sisti, March/April 1992, Issue 10, pg. 105)
- Second Link (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume 2 (Minch, pg. 183)
- Second Palm (unknown) *** The Complete Illustrated Book of Card Magic (Gibson, pg. 96)
- Second Print (Justin Miller) *** Huh? 2005 Lecture Notes (pg. 65); Strolling Hands - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Second Printing (Leon Etienne) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 42)
- Second Sight (Ron Wilson) *** The Uncanny Scot Ron Wilson (Kaufman, pg. 86); Marketed Item
- Second Sight For Two People (Al Baker) *** The Lost Notebooks of John Northern Hilliard (pg. 105)
- Second Thoughts On Oil and Water (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume Two (pg. 104)
- Second-Card Palm (Harry Lorayne) *** Apocalypse (May 1990, Vol. 13, No. 5, pg. 1782)
- Seconds on Jack Sandwich (John Carney) *** Carneycopia (Minch, pg. 133)
- Secret Add On (Paul Gordon) *** Thirty-Five Really Useful Card Sleights (DVD)
- Secret Addition of Cards to the Pack (Jean Hugard) *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard, Braue, pg. 171)
- Secret Order of the Aces (Ted Annemann) *** The Jinx (January 1937, No. 28, pg. 173); Practical Mental Effects (pg. 244)
- Secret Out, The (Karl Fulves) *** The Linking Ring (December 1998, Vol. 78, No. 12, pg. 105)
- Secret Reversal During Cut (Scot Zoumbaris) *** Apocalypse (May 1988, Vol. 11, No. 5, pg. 1497)
- Secret Signals (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (pg. 31)
- Secret Soldier (Wayne Fox) *** Marketed Item
- Secret Spell (Karl Fulves) *** Foolproof Card Tricks for the Amateur Magician (pg. 118)
- Secret Subtraction Variation (Derek Dingle version of J. K. Hartman control) *** Card Craft (Hartman, pg. 51)
- Secret To A Perfect Royal Flush (Michael Ammar) *** Easy to Master Card Miracles - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Security Express (Milt Kort) *** Kort (Minch, pg. 73); Fast-Paced Cards (Colombini, DVD)
- Seductive Switch (Paul Harris) *** Close-Up Seductions (pg. 10); The Art of Astonishment - Book 3 (pg. 167); CLOSE UP CLASSICS - Vol. 2 (VHS); Stars Of Magic Vol. 1 - Paul Harris (DVD)
- Seeing Double Sandwich, The (Danny Fleshman) *** The Excellence of Danny Fleshman (Mendoza, pg. 1)
- Seeing Double SwitchBox, The (Dan Fleshman) *** Puzzling Pasteboards (pg. 35)
- Seeing is Believing (Joshua Jay) *** Joshua Jay's Magic Atlas (pg. 102)
- Seeing the Card (Harry Houdini) *** Card Sharpers (Robert-Houdin, Hilliar, Chapter X)
- Seeing with the Fingertips (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 155)
- Seep (Peter Loughran) *** Marketed Item
- See-Through Aces (Shigeo Futagawa) *** M-U-M (May 1982, Vol. 71, No. 12, pg. 24)
- Segregation Shuffle (Martin Nash) *** Ever So Sleightly (Minch, pg. 79); Award Winning Card Magic Volume #3 (DVD); Very Best of Martin Nash - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Seize The Night (Aldo Colombini) *** Face-Off (DVD)
- Selected Card Found (Al Baker) *** The Secret Ways of Al Baker (pg. 735)
- Selected Card Vanishes Into Pocket (John Scarne & Johnny Albenice) *** Scarne On Cards (pg. 129)
- Selected Cards Across (Pat Fallon) *** Magic For Older Children (DVD)
- Selected Cards from Spectator's Pocket (unknown) *** Tarbell Course in Magic - Volume 1 (Lesson 11, Impromptu Card Mysteries, pg. 227)
- Selected Daley (James Went) *** The Celtic Cabal (Duffie, pg. 88)
- Selected Gemini (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 4 (pg. 581)
- Selected Suit Divination (Tom Craven) *** Channel One (Volume 3, Issue 10, pg. 12); Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VI (Beam, pg. 63); The Gimmick MagiZette (Volume 2, Issue 6, pg. _)
- Selected Vanish (Peter McLanachan) *** The Celtic Cabal (Duffie, pg. 101)
- Selections and Aces (Paul Gordon) *** Cardistry (pg. _)
- Selective Touch, The (unknown) *** The Royal Road to Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 225)
- Self Cut Deck (Karl Fulves) *** Deceptive Practices (pg. 69)
- Self Evident (David Regal) *** Star Quality - The Magic of David Regal (Lorayne, pg. 151): The Magic of David Regal - Volume 1: Tricks! (DVD)
- Self Explanatory (Cameron Francis) *** Marketed Item (DVD with Cards); Chop the Monte (pdf);
- Self Naming Card, The (Orville Meyer & R.W.Hull) *** Smart Magic (Hull, Hahne, pg. 24)
- Self Stak (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2010, No. 7, pg. 484)
- Self-Centered (Simon Aronson) *** Simply Simon (pg. 187)
- Self-Contained Card Vanish (unknown) *** Tarbell Course in Magic - Volume 4 (Lesson 51, Card Transition, pg. 185)
- Self-Control (Simon Aronson) *** The Aronson Approach (pg. 24)
- Self-Control Lie Speller (Michael Maxwell) *** Incredible Self-Working Card Tricks - Volume 6 (DVD)
- Self-Matching Colors (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 47)
- Self-Seekers, The (Peter Duffie) *** Duffie's Card Compulsions (pg. 213)
- Semi-Automatic Gambler (Harry Riser) *** The Feints and Temps of Harry Riser (Brown, pg. 62)
- Semi-Classical Quickie (J. K. Hartman) *** Epilogue (November 1969, Issue #7, pg. 50)
- Semi-Conscious Poker (Paul Hallas) *** Magic From The Overground (pg. 137)
- Semiquaver (Michael De Marco) *** On The Cards (DVD)
- Semi-Switched (Simon Lovell) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 125)
- Sending It Through (David Regal) *** Close-Up & Personal (pg. 43); The Magic of David Regal - Volume 1: Tricks! (DVD)
- Sense of Touch Discovery (unknown) *** Tarbell Course in Magic - Volume 1 (Lesson 12, Mental Card Mysteries, pg. 243)
- Sense of Touch, A (Bill Okal) *** Card Magic (pg. 78)
- Senseless Prediction (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dupery (pg. 262)
- Sensitive Ace 1 (Jozsef Kovacs) *** Hungary for Cards (DVD); Simple Sample (pdf)
- Sensitive Fingers (Edward Marlo) *** Estimation (pg. 62); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 514)
- Sensitive Fingertips (Bob Hummer) *** Scarne on Card Tricks (pg. 36)
- Sensitive Location, The (Geo. DeLawrence & James C. Thompson) *** Modern Card Effects and How To Perform Them (pg. 44)
- Sensitive Soul (Blois Haughton) *** The Jinx (May 1938, No. 44, pg. 299)
- Sensitive Touch (Harry Lorayne) *** Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 151); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 111)
- Separagon Triumph (Woody Aragon) *** A Book In English (pg. 57)
- Separatic (Peter Duffie) *** With Cards (pg. _)
- Separating Red and Black Cards (John Scarne) *** Scarne on Card Tricks (pg. 38)
- Separation Anxiety (Ramon Rioboo) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 245)
Inner circle
Seattle, WA
5495 Posts
Posted: Jul 17, 2016 04:04 pm
Quote: - Sequacious Spades (Arturo Ascanio) *** The Magic of Ascanio: More Studies of Card Magic (Etcheverry, pg. 137)
- Sequel, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 9); Charles T. Jordan: Collected Tricks (Fulves, pg. 34)
- Sequence Mechanique (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Ingenuities (Minch, pg. 60)
- Sequential Sandwich (Daniel Chard) *** Chardshark (DVD)
- Serendipity (Alex Elmsley) *** The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley - Volume 1 (Minch, pg. 61)
- Set and Match (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 49)
- Set 'em Up! (Bob Longe) *** Great Card Tricks (pg. 88)
- Set-Reset Plus (Paul Harris, Bernard Bilis, Richard Vollmer & Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 3 (Giobbi, pg. 616)
- Setting The Combination (Steven Youell) *** Weapons of Mass Destruction (Youell, Luvisi, pg. 32)
- Settling the Score (Peter Duffie) *** Effortless Card Magic (pg. 121)
- Seven Card Count (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 19); Aldo on Trost - Vol. 10 (DVD)
- Seven Card Draw Prediction (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 123)
- Seven Card Miracle (Peter Duffie) *** Decknology (pdf, pg. 11)
- Seven Card Monte (Dai Vernon) *** The Dai Vernon Book of Magic (Ganson, pg. 88); Dai Vernon's Secrets of Magic (VHS)
- Seven Card Monte Redux (Edward Marlo) *** The Olram File (Racherbaumer, Issue 3, pg. 1)
- Seven Card Stud (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 31)
- Seven Cards "Follow The Leader" (Tenkai Ishida) *** The Thoughts of Tenkai (Furota, pg. 40)
- Seven Down (Peter Duffie) *** The Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 3 (pdf, pg. 98)
- Seven Heaps, The (Wilfrid Jonson) *** Magic Tricks & Card Tricks (Book II, "Card Tricks," pg. 13)
- Seven Jokers (James Swain) *** Don't Blink: The Magic of James Swain (pg. 103)
- Seven Knows, The (Glenn Gravatt) *** 50 More Modern Card Tricks (pg. 33)
- Seven No Trump (A. Berkeley Davis) *** Card Cavalcade Finale (Mentzer, pg. 102)
- Seven O'Clock Trick (Brother John Hamman) *** The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 5 (DVD)
- Seven Seconds (Gerry Griffin) *** Gerry's Lucky Sevens - Volume Two (DVD)
- Seven-Card Assembly (Dominique Duvivier) *** Magie Duvivier (Racherbaumer, pg. 72)
- Seven-Card Secret (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2006, No. 1, pg. 31)
- Seven-Card Stud Exchange (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg. 425)
- Sevens Switched at Berth (Gerry Griffin) *** Gerry's Lucky Sevens - Volume Three (DVD)
- Sevens, The (Nick Trost) *** Aldo on Trost - Vol. 16 (Colombini, DVD)
- Seventeen for Poker? (Paul Gordon) *** Cool Card Stuff (pg. _)
- Seventh Child (Paul Gordon) *** Nocturnal Creations (pg. 62)
- Seventh Sense (Astor) *** Marketed Item
- Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (Roberto Giobbi) *** Card College - Volume 1 (Giobbi, pg. 101)
- Seventh Son, The *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 389)
- Seven-Up Mystery, The (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 8)
- Sex Change (Caj Brejtfus) *** CAJ: The Clowns & Jesters Deck of Magic Gaffed Cards (pg. 9)
- Shade (Marc Spelmann) *** The Chapters of Marc Spelmann - Disc 4 (DVD)
- Shades of Gemini (J. K. Hartman) *** Trickery Treats (pg. 200)
- Shades of Sherlock Holmes! (J.G. Thompson, Jr.) *** Annemann's Practical Mental Effects (pg. 120)
- Shadow Card, The (Harry Anderson) *** The Shadow and Other Card Mysteries (pg. 7); Marketed Item
- Shadow Thief (Bizzaro) *** Marketed Item (Gaffs)
- Shadow Zone Assembly (Steve Reynolds) *** SRO - On Site Insights (pg. _)
- Shadows Before (Eddie Clever) *** The New Jinx (March 1964, Vol. II, No. 23, pg. 98)
- Shah's Gambit, The (Karl Fulves) *** Four Color Problems (pg. 5)
- Shake (Francis Doody) *** The Sphinx (November 1930, Vol. 29, No. 9, pg. 359)
- Shake It Out! (Doug Edwards) *** Brass Knuckles (pg. 90)
- Shake Switch (Edward Marlo) *** The Unexpected Card Book (pg. 8)
- Shake Well Before Using (John Bannon) *** Smoke and Mirrors (pg. 26)
- Shake-Up Card Trick *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 1 (Miller, pg. 55)
- Sham On You (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dupery (pg. 192)
- Shanghai Change (Jay Sankey) *** Sankey Unleashed (Racherbaumer, pg. 143)
- Shank Shuffle (Frank Shank) *** The Shank Shuffle (Marlo, pg. 8); Allan Ackerman's Advanced Card Control Series Vol 5: Shuffle Work (DVD)
- Shape Changers (Karl Fulves) *** Teleportation Notes (pg. 23)
- Shapeshifter (Marc DeSouza) *** DeSouza's DeCeptions (Acer, pg. 89)
- Shapeshifter (Matthew Garrett) *** Monty the Spiv (DVD)
- Shark Attack (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies with Cards (pg. 34)
- Sharp Mind, A (Peter Duffie) *** Deck Direct (pdf)
- Sharper's Image (Jack Birnman) *** MO - Modus Operandi (Racherbaumer, June 1993, No. 2, pg. _)
- She Did It (Nathan Kranzo) *** Mene Tenkel Miracles (dvd)
- Shed A Tear (Rodney Reyes) *** School of Hard Knocks (DVD)
- Sheep and the Robbers, The (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (pg. 45)
- Sheepdog (Dr. Hiroshi Sawa) *** Genii (December 2008, Vol. 71, No. 12, pg. 34)
- Shell-A-Roon (Harry Lorayne) *** Apocalypse (December 1995, Vol. 18, No. 12, pg. 2589)
- Shenanigan (Aldo Colombini) *** Marketed Item; The Essential Aldo Colombini - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Sherlock (Pit Hartling) *** In Order to Amaze (pg. 40)
- Sherwood Double (Brett Sherwood) *** The Linking Ring (March 2011, Vol. 9, No. 3, pg. 93)
- Sherwood Shake, The (Brett Sherwood) *** The Linking Ring (March 2011, Vol. 9, No. 3, pg. 90)
- Shift & Cut (Karl Fulves) *** The Magic Thrust (pg. 4)
- Shifting Card, The (unknown) *** 125 Tricks With Cards or Sleight of Hand (Johnson Smith & Co., pg. 35)
- Shifting Faces (Bob Longe) *** Easy Card Tricks (pg. 105)
- Shiftless Shift (Jim Lee & Derek Dingle) *** Card Cavalcade Finale (pg. 141)
- Shinag 2.0 (Shin Lim) *** Shinanigans (DVD)
- Shinding (Aldo Colombini) *** Card Festival (DVD)
- Shinkansen (Phil Goldstein) *** Marketed Item (manuscript with cards); Blackpool 1989 Lecture Notes (pg. 5); Focus (pg. 83)
- Ship Deck (Mark Mason) *** Marketed Item
- Ships that pass in the night (Dr. Raymond Beebe) *** Tarbell Course in Magic - Volume 4 (Lesson 51, Card Transition, pg. 174)
- Shipwrecked (Daryl & Bill Malone) *** 21st Century Card Magic (Swain, pg. 114)
- Shiro's ACAAN (Shiro Ishida) *** Project (DVD)
- Shirt Off My Back (Van Cleve) *** Card-Kerchiefs & Their Magic (Magic Inc., pg. 34)
- Shirt Pocket (Karl Fulves) *** Cards #4: Side Steal (Fulves, pg. 34)
- Shock Treatment (John Bannon) *** Impossibilia (pg. 42); Impossibilia (DVD)
- Shock Twist (Gary Jones) *** Marketed Item
- Shocked Flush (Paul Gordon) *** Cardistry (pg. _)
- Shoe-in (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Ingenuities (Minch, pg. 29)
- Shoe't (Mark Southworth & Mark Mason) *** Marketed Item
- Shooting A Bullet Through A Signed Card (Bob Ostin) *** New Pentagram (January 1972); Bob Ostin - A Lifetime Of Magical Inventions (pg. 18)
- Shooting Card Trick, The (David Ginn) *** Children Laugh Louder (pg. 69)
- Shootist, The (Radagast) *** Crazy For Cards (Colombini, DVD)
- Shoot-Out Poker (Jay Ose & Frank Garcia) *** Million Dollar Card Secrets (pg. 84)
- Short Attention Scam (John Bannon) *** Mega 'Wave (pg. 30); High Caliber (pg. 99)
- Short Con (Karl Fulves) *** The Lowdown (Issue 1, pg. 9)
- Short Double Face Reverse (Glenn Gravatt) *** Same Both Sides (Jones, pg. 12)
- Short End (Karl Fulves) *** "Riffle Shufle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off
(pg. 118)"
- Short Fuse (Jay Sankey) *** Sankey Unleashed (Racherbaumer, pg. 39)
- Short Jump (Phil Goldstein) *** The New York Magic Symposium - Collection Two (Kaufman, pg. 25)
- Short Takes (Karl Fulves) *** The Lowdown (Issue 1, pg. 11)
- Short Term (Peter Duffie) *** Area 52 (pdf)
- Shot in the Dark (Hiroshi Kondo & David Acer) *** Natural Selections - Volume II (pg. 192)
- Shotgun (Irving Quant) *** Quantum Mechanics (DVD)
- Shotgun CTP (Dave Forrest) *** Trickery - Disc 2 (DVD)
- Shouting Jokers (Jozsef Kovacs) *** Marketed Item
- Show and Steal (Gene Maze) *** Apocalypse (July 1997, Vol. 20, No. 7, pg. 2809)
- Show Dropper Switch (Gene Maze) *** Pure Deceptions & Maximum Impact: The Magic of Gene Maze (DVD)
- Show, The (Doreen Knott) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 51)
- Show-case (Peter Duffie) *** Spell-Binder (May 1982, Vol. 2, No. 13, pg. 239); The Best of Spell-Binder Collection One (Tucker, pg. 34)
- Showdown (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 216)
- Showdown, The (Darwin Ortiz) *** Cardshark (pg. 128)
- Shower, The (David Devine) *** Simple Card Magic For Everyone (pg. 18)
- Show-Off Aces (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic with Cards (Garcia, Schindler, pg. 44)
- Shrink and Drink (Joel Givens) *** East Coast Super Session Book One (pg. _); Five Forty Seven (Jay, pg. LII)
- Shrink to Pocket, A (Don England) *** Don England's Paradox (Kelly, pg. 75)
- Shrinkage (Matthew J. Dowden) *** Party Animal (DVD)
- Shrinker (Bob King) *** Richard's Almanac (March 1983, Vol. 1, No. 7, pg. 57); The Collected Almanac (Kaufman, pg. 57)
- Shrinking Card-Case, The (Tommy Wonder) *** The Books of Wonder - Volume 1 (Wonder, Minch, pg. 119)
- Shrinking Cards (John Kennedy) *** John Kennedy's Lecture III (pg.18)
- Shrinking Deck, The (Steve Skomp) *** Apocalypse (September 1981, Vol. 4, No. 9, pg. 529)
- Shrunken Revelation (Joshua Jay) *** Joshua Jay's Magic Atlas (pg. 92); Close-Up, Up Close - Volume 2 (DVD); Talk About Tricks (DVD, Disc 1); Sleight of Hand and a Twist of Fate (pdf, pg. 35)
- Shuffle by Choice (Richard Sanders) *** The Sankey Sanders Sessions - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Shuffle Crimp (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shufle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 110)
- Shuffle Lap (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Inspirations (Sadowitz, Duffie, pdf, pg. 22)
- Shuffle Non-Bored (Hideo Kato) *** Precursor (June 2000, No. 74, pg. 17)
- Shuffle Palm (Steve Reynolds) *** Route 52 (DVD)
- Shuffle Reverse (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Cards On The Table (pg. 77)
- Shuffle Shift (Andrew Wimhurst) *** Down Under Deals (pg. 68)
- Shuffle Stack (Tony Giorgio) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 48)
- Shuffle Time (Paul Harris) *** Close-Up Fantasies Finale (pg. 43); The Art of Astonishment - Book 3 (pg. 75)
- Shuffle Turnover (Fred Kaps) *** Kaps on Kards (pg. )
- Shuffle, Cut, and Fold (Larry Barnowsky) *** Kingdom of the Red (pg. 165)
- Shuffled ACAAN (Denis Behr) *** Handcrafted Card Magic - Volume 2 (pg. 55)
- Shuffled Thoughts (Scotty York) *** Marketed Item (manuscript with props)
- Shuffling and Cutting to the Aces (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 (pg. 77)
- Shuffling Lesson, The (Chad Long) *** Chad Long's Magic DVD Volume I (DVD); The Art of Astonishment - Book 3 (Harris, Mead, pg. 299)
- Shuffling Off the Spots (Bill Malone) *** Here I Go Again! - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Shuf-full (Phil Goldstein) *** The New Tops (August 1992, Vol. 32, No. 8, pg. 42)
- Shut Up And Deal (Larry Jennings) *** The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 60)
- Shuttle Cut (Karl Fulves) *** Notes From Underground (pg. 27)
- Shuttle Shuffle (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Methods (pg. 34); Notes From Underground (pg. 47)
- Shy Card, The (Peter Duffie) *** Obscurities and Other Hidden Secrets (pg. 30)
- Shylock's Card (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-working Card Tricks (pg. 37)
- Si Stebbins Kink, A (Ted Annemann) *** The Linking Ring (October 1924, Vol. 2, No. 9, pg. 7); Annemann: The Life and Times of a Legend (Abrams, pg. 9)
- Si Stebbins' Master Tricks (Si Stebbins) *** Scarne On Card Tricks (pg. 255)
- Si Stebbins Secret, The (Darwin Ortiz) *** Darwin Ortiz At The Card Table (pg. 137)
- Si Stebbins Sorcery (Edward Marlo) *** Hierophant (No. 5-6, Anniversary Issue, Fall-Spring 1970-1971, pg. 292); The Hierophant 1969 - 1982 (Racherbaumer, pg. 254);
- Siamese Aces, The (Gerritt M. Evans; later described by Downs/Hillard, and multiple versions were later published) *** The Art of Magic (Downs, pg. 89); Max Malini version published in Malini and His Magic (Vernon, pg. 70); T. Watson Baker Version published in The Sphinx (April 1930, Vol. 29, No. 2, pg. 69); Nick Trost published a version in Gambling Tricks with Cards Part Two (pg. 13)
- Siamese Pack, The (Lu-Brent) *** Lu-Brent's Exclusive Card Mysteries (Eastman, pg. 13)
- Sid Solomon's Double-Whammy Location (Sid Solomon) *** The Greater Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 118)
- Side By Side (Cameron Francis) *** Killer Gaft Magic (DVD)
- Side Center Transfer (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Technique - Preliminary Notes on Part Two (pg. 64)
- Side Effects Deck (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shufle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 33)
- Side Glance (Harry Lorayne) *** Trend Setters (pg. 197)
- Side Show (Karl Fulves) *** The Nyria Effect (pg. 55)
- Side Slip and Turnover (Jerry Sadowitz & Dr. Jacob Daley) *** Cards on the Table (pg. 5)
- Side Steal (Nate Leipzig, T. Nelson Downs) *** The Art of Magic (Downs, pg. 129); The Side Steal (Marlo)
- Side Swipe (Harry Lorayne) *** Trend Setters (pg. 165); Lorayne: The Classic Collection 3 (pg. 288)
- Side to Side (Harry Lorayne) *** Special Effects (pg. 107)
- Side Trap (J.W.Searles) *** Secret Session - Part Three (Fulves, pg. 69)
- Side-Cut Faro (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 134)
- Side-Jog *** Jargon by Wilfrid Jonson (1946)
- Sidejogged Hop (Joel Givens) *** Session: The Magic of Joel Givens (Jay, pg. 24)
- Side-Pocket Transpo (John Carney) *** John Carney's Carneycopia (Minch, pg. 65)
- Side-Swiped (Simon Aronson) *** Marketed Item
- Sidewalk Shuffle (Martin Lewis) *** Marketed Item
- Sidewalker (Kevin Kelly) *** A Pasteboard Odyssey: The Close-Up Magic of Kevin Kelly (Gutierrez, Kelly, pg. 114)
- Side-Winder (Paul Harris) *** Close-Up Entertainer (pg. 10); The Art of Astonishment - Book 2 (pg. 157); Stars of Magic #1 (DVD);
- Sig Tig (Euan McCall Bingham) *** Twenty Things Marlo Didn't Publish (pg. 26)
- Sight Unseen (unknown) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 292)
- Sightless Stab (Karl Fulves) *** The Magic Thrust (pg. 39)
- Sign and Mark (Hideo Kato) *** Precursor (June 2000, No. 74, pg. 20)
- Sign As I Sign (Barry Stevenson) *** Apocalypse (February 1986, Vol. 9, No. 2, pg. 1172)
- Sign Of The Devil, The (Paul Gordon) *** The Unplanned Card Book (pg. _)
- Sign Off (Damien O'Brien & Leon May) *** Marketed Item
- Sign Proof (Francis Haxton) *** New Pentagram (June 1979); Double Decker 3 (Colombini, DVD)
- Signature Airline (Jean Pierre Vallarino) *** Airline Concept (DVD)
- Signature Effect (Darwin Ortiz) *** Cardshark (pg. 23)
- Signature Tells, The (Stanton Carlisle) *** Dynamic Mentalism (Carlisle, pg. 22)
- Signature Transpo (Russ Burns) *** Card Cavalcade Finale (Mentzer, pg. 101)
- Signature Transposition (Peter Kane) *** Card Cavalcade (Mentzer, pg. 5)
- Signed & Assembled (Cameron Francis) *** The Omega Mutation (DVD)
- Signed Card Appears (Michael Powers) *** Powerful Magic (pg. 84)
- Signed Card In Canister (John Kennedy) *** John Kennedy's Lecture III (1983, pg.25)
- Signed Card in Coffee Cup (Chuck Fayne) *** Chuck Fayne Live (DVD)
- Signed Card in the Watch, The (Scotty York) *** Marketed Item; Scotty York: A Rumor in His Own Time (pg. _); For Your Eyes Only (pg. 31)
- Signed Card in Wallet (Eugene Burger) *** Secrets and Mysteries for the Close-Up Entertainer (pg. 68)
- Signed Card, The (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 47); The Lost Works of Bro. John Hamman - Disc 3 (DVD); Easy To Master Card Miracles - Volume 4 (Ammar, DVD, as "Your Signed Card")
- Signed Coincidence (Paul Daniels) *** You Don't Have to be a Kid to Pull a Rabbit Out of a Hat (pg. 109)
- Signed Deal (Ramon Rioboo) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 45)
- Signed With Suspicion (Vic Kirk) *** Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus (Minch, pg. 41)
- Signed, Sealed and Delivered (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 51)
- Signed, Sealed and Delivered (Mike Powers) *** Power Plays - High Voltage Magic (pg. 80)
- Signed, Sealed and Delivered (Rachel Colombini) *** Against All Odds (DVD)
- Significant Pointers (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 18)
- Signus XI (Peter Duffie) *** Contemporary Card Magic (pg. 9)
- Silent Card Routine (Joshua Jay) *** Close-Up, Up Close - Volume 3 (DVD, performance only)
- Silent Fall (Aldo Colombini) *** Impromptu Card Magic - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Silent Half Jiggle Pass, The (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 61)
- Silent Stop (Professor El-Tab) *** My Best (Thompson Jr., pg. 82)
- Silent Transmission Telephone Mystery (Eddie Fields) *** The Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 30); The Greater Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 68)
- Silent Treatment (Jon Allen) *** Marketed Item
- Sim Sala Bim (unknown) *** The Magic Handbook (Eldin, pg. 124)
- Similar Testimony (J. Stewart Smith) *** Silent Evidence (pg. 14)
- Simon Takes on Le Paul (Simon Lovell) *** Simon Says! - The Close-Up Magic of Simon Lovell (pg. 162); The Simon Lovell Lecture at the P.C.A.M. Convention 1995 (lecture notes, pg. 15); Madness Behind the Methods (DVD, Disc 3)
- Simon-Eyes (Simon Aronson) *** The Aronson Approach (pg. 123)
- Simon's "Favorite Card" Trick (Simon Aronson) *** Bound to Please (pg. 17)
- Simon's Aces (Paul Gordon) *** Protean Card Magic (pg. 23)
- Simpatico (Aaron Fisher) *** The Paper Engine (pg. 62)
- Simple And Fast (Aldo Colombini) *** Fast Paced Cards (DVD)
- Simple Arithmetic (Dai Vernon) *** More Inner Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 9)
- Simple Arithmetic II (John Luka) *** L.I.N.T. - Pocket Stuff for Close-up Magicians (pg. 73)
- Simple But Mystifying Card Trick, A (Hugh G. Cross) *** The Sphinx (May 1904, Vol. 3, No. 8, pg. 100)
- Simple Card Control (Al Leech) *** For Card Men Only (pg. 13)
- Simple Card Discovery, A (C. O. Williams) *** Modern Card Manipulation (Neil, pg. 47)
- Simple Coincidence (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume Two (pg. 100)
- Simple Double Duke (Simon Aronson) *** Simply Simon (pg. 47)
- Simple Exchange (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 38)
- Simple Four (Howard Adams) *** Matchalot Mentalism (pg. 180); Simply Impromptu - Vol. 5 (Colombini, DVD)
- Simple Four-Ace Triumph (Mike Bornstein) *** Apocalypse (April 1983, Vol. 6, No. 4, pg. 765)
- Simple Miracle 1 (Pete McCabe) *** The PM Card Mark System Plus Assorted Miracles (McCabe, pg. 23)
- Simple Nap (Paul Clive) *** Card Tricks Without Skill (pg. 188)
- Simple Reverse (Bruce Cervon) *** The Cervon File (pg. 52)
- Simple Sandwich, A (Aaron Fisher) *** The Paper Engine (pg. 21)
- Simple Shift (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 58)
- Simple Simon Force (Tony Kardyro) *** TK'S Simple Simon Move and Effects (pg. _)
- Simple Speller (Bob Longe) *** Easy Card Tricks (pg. 41)
- Simple Stencel, The (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings '67 (Kaufman, pg. 212)
- Simple Switch (Paul Harris) *** The Art of Astonishment - Book 3 (pg. 119); A Close-Up Kinda Guy (pg. 130)
- Simple Sync (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Big Easy Card-Cunning (pg. 15)
- Simple Tabled Reverse (Edward Marlo) *** Expert Card Conjuring (Sharpe, pg. 38)
- Simple Triple Location *** Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 1 (Miller, pg. 40)
- Simpler Oil/Water (Mark Sicher) *** Apocalypse (July 1988, Vol. 11, No. 7, pg. 1519)
- Simplex Backfire (Jack Carpenter) *** The Expert's Portfolio No.1 (pg. 58)
- Simplex Card in the Wallet (John Fedko) *** Magic Classics VI (lecture notes, pg. 5)
- Simplex L.J. Switch (Larry Jennings) *** Epilogue (Special No. 3, Part One, pg. 4); The Commercial Magic of J. C. Wagner (Maxwell, pg. 131)
- Simplex Lie Speller (J. C. Wagner) *** The Commercial Magic of J. C. Wagner (Maxwell, pg. 138)
- Simplex Monte (Rob Bromley) *** Marketed Item (Manuscript with Gaff, or DVD with Gaff)
- Simplex Oil & Water (David Solomon) *** The Card Solutions of Solomon (DVD)
- Simplex Side Steal (Ken Krenzel) *** Relaxed Impossibilities (Minch, pg. 77)
- Simplex Ten to One (Edward Marlo) *** Early Marlo (pg. 29)
- Simplex Torn Card and Balloon (Lu-Brent) *** The Jinx (Winter 1935-1936, pg. 85); Jinx Program No. 3 (pg. 6); Annemann's Card Magic (pg. 120)
- Simplex Wild Card (John Fedko) *** Magic Classics II (pg. _)
- Simplicity (Arthur H. Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 161)
- Simplicity Aces (Harry Lorayne) *** Harry Lorayne's BEST EVER Collection - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Simplicity Four Ace Trick, The (R.W. Hull) *** More Eye Openers (pg. _ ); R.W. Hull's The Complete Eye Openers (pg. 49)
- Simplicity Four-Ace Trick (Stewart James) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 355); More Eye Openers (Hull, pg. _); The Compete "Eye-Openers" (Hull, pg. 49); Stewart James In Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 94)
- Simplicity Itself (Bob Longe) *** Clever Close-up Magic (pg. 87)
- Simplicity Speller, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Thirty Card Mysteries (pg. 19); Charles T. Jordan Collected Tricks (Fulves, pg. 13); Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 87)
- Simplicity Telephone Test (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 86)
- Simplified (Eddie Fields) *** Invisible Secrets Revealed (pg. 18)
- Simplified Ace Assembly (Paul Swinford & J. Stewart Smith) *** Card Cavalcade 2 (Mentzer, pg. 65)
- Simplified Mechanical Pack, A (Wacker) *** The Sphinx (September 1927, Vol. 26, No. 7, pg. 236D)
- Simplified Simple Shift (Hiroyuki Sakai) *** Apocalypse (November 1990, Vol. 13, No. 11, pg. 1852)
- Simplified Super Riffle Diffle (Harry Lorayne) *** The Epitome Location (pg. 22); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 371)
- Simplified Telephone Mystery (Ted Annemann) *** The Sphinx (March 1926, Vol. 25, No. 1, pg. 19); Annemann: The Life and Times of a Legend (Abrams, pg. 25)
- Simplo-Transpo (Bob Hanko) *** Phoenix (August 1942, Vol. 1, No. 16, pg.67)
- Simpl-Speller (Bill Simon) *** Controlled Miracles (pg. 7)
- Simply Divine (David Harkey) *** Simply Harkey (pg. 48)
- Simply Simon (Simon Aronson) *** The Aronson Approach (pg. 36)
- Simply Three (Thom Peterson) *** The Amazing Guy (DVD)
- Simply Triumphant (Brent Braun) *** Decks, Lies, and Videotape (DVD)
- Simpossible (David Britland) *** Trick Card Trickery (pg. 13)
- Simulacrum Mirabundum (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Ingenuities (Minch, pg. 9)
- Simulated Double Undercut (Allan Ackerman) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (lorayne, pg. 155)
- Simulated Slip Cut (Allan Ackerman) *** The Penumbra (October 2005, Issue 9, pg. 7)
- Simulation Shuffle, The (Benjamin Earl) *** Gambit (Issue One, January 2009, pg. 10)
- Sinfonia (Aldo Colombini) *** Baroque Cards (pg. _); Baroque Compositions (DVD)
- Singapore Sorcery (Tan Hock Chuan) *** The Sphinx (March 1953, Vol. 52, No. 1, pg. 7)
- Single Card Through Silk, A (T. Page Wright) *** Page Wright's Manuscript (pg. 269)
- Single Card Wonder Prediction (R.W. Hull) *** Eye Openers (pg. _ ); The Complete Eye Openers (pg. 32)
- Single Cut Side Shift (Edward Marlo) *** The Multiple Shift (pg. 15); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 366)
- Single Ends (Walter B. Gibson) *** Popular Card Tricks (pg. 18)
- Single Flight of the Aces, The (Cy Endfield) *** Cy Endfields Entertaining Card Magic Part 3 (Ganson, pg. 28)
- Single Handed Shift (Charlier) *** The Expert at the Card Table (Erdnase, pg. 128)
- Single Up (Gene Maze) *** Apocalypse (February 1989, Vol. 12, No. 2, pg. 1600)
- SingleCard (Gene Maze) *** Pure Deceptions & Maximum Impact: The Magic of Gene Maze (DVD)
- Singles Club (Shigeo Futagawa) *** The Trapdoor (Beam, October 1997, Issue 65, pg. 1303)
- Sing-Sing (Paul Potassy) *** The Magic Of Paul Potassy (Schenk, Sondermeyer, pg. _); The World-Renowned Magic of Paul Potassy - Volume One: The Paul Potassy Show (DVD)
- Sinister Glimpse (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies With Cards (pg. 81); Lessons In Card Mastery (pg. 181)
- Sirius (André Robert) *** Apocalypse (September 1978, Vol. 1, No. 9, pg. 99)
- Sit Tight *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 111)
- Siva Count (Jack Avis), aka The E. J. Count (Roy Walton) *** Vis à Vis (Avis, Derris, pg. 51); The Magic Circular (June 1972, Vol. 66, No. 733, pg. 165)
- Six Appeal (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks V (Beam, pg. 162)
- Six Billion To One (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 57)
- Six Card Interlude (Peter Duffie) *** The Card Addict (pg. 7); The Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 2 (pg. 11)
- Six Card Lift (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 136)
- Six Card Rap, The (Tim Ellis) *** Marketed Item
- Six Card Repeat (Tommy Tucker) *** Expert Manipulative Magic (Eastman, pg. _); More Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 33)
- Six Card Swindle (Robert E. Neale) *** Marketed Manuscript
- Six Card Trick, The (Edward Marlo) *** Randy Wakeman's Special Effects (Mendoza, pg. 59); The Legend (DVD)
- Six Mix (Emerson and West) *** Marketed Item (packet trick)
- Six or Nine (Michael Lam) *** M-U-M (October 2007, Vol. 97, No. 5, pg. 30)
- Six Pack[et] (Ben Highway) *** Classrooms and Scenic Routes (pdf, pg. 10)
- Six Plus Five (Richard Vollmer) *** Apocalypse (July 1993, Vol. 16, No. 7, pg. 2240)
- Six Quik (Karl Fulves) *** Color Quik (pg. 3)
- Six Wave (Jeff Sheridan) *** The Looking Glass - Spring 1996 (Kaufman, pg. 55)
- Six/Four Count Card Across, The (Larry Jennings) *** Jennings ’67 (Kaufman, pg. 77)
- Six-Card Repeat Mystery, The (Dai Vernon) *** The Dai Vernon Book of Magic (Ganson, pg. 163)
- Six-Card Royal (Doug Edwards) *** Apocalypse (May 1990, Vol. 13, No. 5, pg. 1784); Doug Edwards Packs A Wallop! (Lorayne, pg. 39)
- Six-Card Stunner (Rachel Colombini) *** Marketed Item
- Sixes and Nines (Wally Wilson) *** World's Greatest Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 35)
- Sixteen Cards Being Placed on a Table, to Guess the Card Thought Of (Unknown) *** Magic Card Tricks Anyone Can Do (pg. 67)
- Sixth Card, The (Glenn Gravatt) *** 50 Modern Card Tricks You Can Do! (pg. 19)
- Sixth-Thot (Nick Trost) *** Maketed Item (packet trick); Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 208)
- Size Does Matter (Boris Wild) *** Boris Wild’s Remarkable Card Magic - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Skedaddling Selection (Edward Marlo & Jon Racherbaumer) *** From Jon Racherbaumer.com site (Freebie, October 2004)
- Skill v. Magic (Cameron Francis) *** Multifarious (pdf, pg. _)
- Skinned (Dave Forrest) *** Scotland Up Close (Duffie, pdf, pg. 65)
- Skip Switch (Ollie Mealing) *** Skip Switch Project (DVD)
- Skip Trick, The (Paul LePaul) *** The Sphinx (May 1949, Vol. 48, No. 3, pg. 61)
- Skipping Jacks (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 168)
- Skrood Again (Tony Miller) *** Meant To Be... (pg. 293)
- Skullo-Card (John Scarne) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2006, No. 1, pg. 29)
- Sky Sense (Hubert Elliott) *** The Jinx (March 1940, No. 83, pg. 533)
- Skyliner (Boris Wild) *** Boris Wild’s Remarkable Card Magic - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Slap Aces (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 73)
- Slap Trick, The (W.F."Rufus" Steele) *** Last Word on Cards (pg. 52)
- Slap! (Shahin Zarkesh & Bill Goodwin) *** The Penumbra (February 2004, Issue 7, pg. 16)
- SlapDown Change (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 163)
- Slate-O-Rama (Alex Weiner, aka "Aldini") *** Novel Concepts with Cards (pg. 23)
- Slates and Aces (Ted Annemann) *** Strange Secrets No. 9 (Marketed Manuscript); Annemann: The Life and Times of a Legend (Abrams, pg. 143)
- Sledgehammer (Stephen Tucker) *** Taking Liberties (pg. 43)
- Sleeper (Eoin O'Hare) *** Marketed Item (Gimmick and Streaming Video Instruction)
- Sleepwalker (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII (Beam, pg. 101)
- Sleeves Up Mercury (Cody S. Fischer) *** Cody Fisher On Magic (DVD)
- Sleight for Card in Lemon (Dr. James William Elliott) *** Elliott's Last Legacy: Card Tricks & Conjuring (Elliott, Houdini, pg. 111)
- Sleight of Eyes (Hideo Kato) *** Precursor (June 2000, No. 74, pg. 10)
- Sleight of Foot (Herbert Milton) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 39)
- Sleightless Version of the Wild Card (John Fedko) *** Wildcard Miracles (Garcia, pg. 74)
- Sleightly Touched (Daryl) *** For Your Entertainment Pleasure (Minch, pg. 42)
- Slice! (Kuniyasu Fujiwara) *** Magic (November 1992, pg. 46); Japan Ingenious (Cohen, Kaufman, pg. 106)
- Slick (Lee Smith & Gary Jones) *** More iCandy (DVD)
- Slick Aces (Darwin Ortiz) *** Darwin Ortiz at the Card Table (pg. 106)
- Slick Nick Trick (Peter Duffie) *** The Best of Peter Duffie - Volume 2 (pdf, pg. 88)
- Slick on the Draw (Paul Clive) *** Card Tricks Without Skill (pg. 152)
- Slick Sandwich (Alan Rorrison) *** At The Table Live (Lecture DVD, or download)
- Slide (Titanas & DeMon) *** Marketed Item (with DVD and gimmick)
- Slide Revelation (Eddie Fechter) *** Fechter: The Magic of Eddie Fechter (Mentzer, pg. 64); Daryl's Card Revelations Volume 3
- Slide Three-Way (Phil Goldstein) *** Majorminor (pg. 12)
- Slider (Karl Fulves) *** Color Quik (pg. 47)
- SlideUnder Switch (Gene Maze) *** Pure Deceptions & Maximum Impact: The Magic of Gene Maze (DVD)
- Sliding Key Card (unknown) *** The Royal Road to Card Magic (Hugard, Braue, pg. 80)
- Sliding Seconds (Karl Fulves) *** The Book of Numbers (pg. 19)
- Sliding Switch (Karl Fulves) *** Packet Switches - Part One (pg. 39)
- Slight Slant on Slaight, A (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson) *** Card Conspiracy - Vol. 2 (pg. 66)
- Slip Cut *** Hugard's Magic Monthly (May 1946, Vol. 3, No. 12, pg. 221)Basic Card Technique (Norman, pg. 19); Cy Endfields Entertaining Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 46); The Second Now You See It, Now You Don't! (Tarr, pg. 31); Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces (Jones, pg. 82); The Patented Shuffle (Marlo, pg. 26);
- Slip Cut Half Pass (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Card Zones (Sadowitz, Duffie, pg. 233)
- Slip Cut Production (unknown) *** One version is taught by Daryl on his Encyclopedia of Card Sleights - Volume 3 (DVD); for more info on the Slip Cut visit: http://www.conjuringcredits.com/doku.php?id=cards:slip_cut
- Slip Force Handling (Derek Dingle) *** The Complete Works of Derek Dingle (Kaufman, pg. 149)
- Slip Jog (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Cards Hit - The Card Magic of Jerry Sadowitz (pg. 9)
- Slip Shift (Joshua Jay) *** Magic (March 2002, Vol. 11, No. 7, pg. _); Talk About Tricks - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Slip Shod (Allan Ackerman) *** Esoterist (pg. 12)
- Slip The Jit! (Dai Vernon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 2 (pg. 52)
- Slip Up To Date, The (Val Evans) *** The Sphinx (January 1913, Vol. 11, No. 11, pg. 221)
- Slip-lap Change (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Ingenuities (Minch, pg. 56)
- Slip-Less Clip Force (Anonymous) *** MO (Issue 1, March 25, 1993)
- Slippery Aces, The (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 2 (pg. 482)
- Slippery Sam Card Discovery, The (Ken de Courcy) *** The Gen (May 1965, Vol. 21, No. 1, pg. 11)
- Slippery Strippers (Martin Nash) *** Sleight Unseen: Part 3 of the Professional Card Technique of Martin A. Nash (pg. 401)
- Slipping The Cut (Al Baker) *** Al Baker's Magical Ways and Means (pg. 29); The Secret Ways of Al Baker (pg. 167)
- Slip-Slap (Walter B. Gibson) *** Professional Magic for Amateurs (pg. 51)
- Slither (Mark Mason) *** Marketed Item
- Slomoco Aces (Dan Harlan) *** Harlan's Premium Blend - Volume 2: Deck Aid (DVD); World's Greatest Magic: The Secrets of Ace Assemblies - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Slop Over Card Location, The (Arthur H. Buckley) *** Card Control (pg. 195)
- Slop Poker (Rob Gardner) *** Card Shark - Issue 7 (Lybrary.com)
- Slop Shuffle (Sid Lorraine) *** Subtle Problems You Will Do (Judah, Braun, pg. _)
- Slop Shuffle Variation (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Cards On The Table (pg. 22)
- Sloppy for Two (David Gemmell) *** Lecture Book 2009 (pg. 27)
- Sloshed or Sober (Paul Gordon) *** Protean Card Magic (pg. 132)
- Slow Approach (Aldo Colombini) *** Simply Impromptu - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Slow Motion Aces (Larry Jennings) *** Larry Jennings - Paris Super Session Vol. 1 (VHS)
- Slow Motion Card To Number (Larry Jennings) *** Up In Smoke (Goodwin, pg. 25)
- Slow Motion Card Vanish (Dai Vernon) *** Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 103)
- Slow Motion Joker and Aces (Toshio Akanuma) *** Yuichi Katakura's Lecture Note (pg. 9)
- Slow Motion Subway (Vic Trabucco) *** Card Sharp on Duty, Please Wait to Be Cheated (Hayden, pg. 36)
- Slow-Motion Collectors (John Carey) *** The Session 2007 (DVD); also posted on the theory11 forums (September 2007)
- Slow-Motion Four Aces (Dai Vernon) *** Stars of Magic (Series 6, No. 2, pg. 90)
- Slow-Motion Larry (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, p. 112)
- Sluggard's Monte (Ken Krenzel) *** Ken Krenzel's Ingenuities (Minch, pg. 186)
- Sly Cheese (Cameron Francis) *** Moment's Notice 4 (pdf, pg. 7)
- Slydini Fan Steal (Tony Slydini) *** The Pallbearers Review (June 1975, Vol. 10, No. 7, pg. 966); Allan Ackerman's Advanced Card Control - Volume 1: Palming (DVD)
- Small Card Trick, A ((Bill Malone) *** Here I Go Again - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Small Packet All Backs, The (Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Kardma (pg. 122)
- Small Packet Palm Off (Joel Siegel) *** Apocalypse (May 1989, Vol. 12, No. 5, pg. 1643)
- Small Position Control (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Cut Controls (pg. 3)
- Small Talk (Richard Vollmer) *** Impromptu Card Magic (Colombini, pg. 84); Impromptu Card Magic - Volume 2 (Colombini, DVD)
- Small Thinker (David Regal) *** Star Quality - The Magic of David Regal (Lorayne, pg. 102)
- Small Time (Cameron Francis) *** Let's Get Small (instant download, pdf, pg. 23)
- Small Triumph (Nobuyuki Nojima) *** M-U-M (June 2006, Vol. 96, No. 1, pg. 39)
- Smart Alek (Karl Fulves) *** Color Capture (pg. 19)
- Smart Money (Darwin Ortiz) *** Scams & Fantasies With Cards (pg. 76)
- Smart Stickler (Jeff Bloom) *** Smart Stuff (Abbott, pg. _)
- Smart Stop (Bill Abbott) *** Smart-Stuff (pg. 3)
- Smart Waltz (Bruce Trigg) *** Smart-Stuff (Abbott, pg._)
- Smell This (Doc Dixon) *** Everything is Funnier With Monkeys (pg. 18)
- Smile Away (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Inspirations (Sadowitz, Duffie, pg. 7)
- Smile Count (Larry West) *** Counthesaurus (Racherbaume, pg. 157)
- Smile Please (R. W. Edmanson) *** The Sphinx (March 1947, Vol. 46, No. 1, pg. 10)
- Smiling Assassin (Meir Yedid) *** Marketed Item
- Smiling Mule Idea (Euan McCall Bingham) *** Twenty Things Marlo Didn't Publish (pg. 44)
- Smiling Queen , The (Robert Neale) *** Life, Death and Other Card Tricks (Neale, pg. 121)
- SML - Small Medium Large (Lennart Green) *** The Green Northern Lights Magic (pg. 44)
- Smoke (Derren Brown) *** The Devil's Picturebook (DVD)
- Smooth Calculator *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 99)
- Smorgasbord Cannibals (Randy Wakeman) *** Randy Wakeman Presents (Maxwell, pg. 95)
- Smuggler Aces (Jay Sankey) *** The Very Best of Jay Sankey - Volume 1 (DVD); Sleight-of-Hand - Secrets with Cards (DVD); Sankey's Greatest Hits - Disc 1 (DVD); Sankey Very Much (DVD);
- Smyth Bliss (Edward Marlo) *** Genii (September 2008, Vol. 71, No. 9, pg. 28)
- Smyx Solution, The (Karl Fulves) *** The Nyria Effect (pg. 71)
- Snake Crimp (unknown) *** Referenced without explanation in The Annotated Erdnase (Ortiz, pg. 79)
- Snaked Out! (Dr. W. Weyeneth) *** Hugard's Magic Monthly (December 1947, Vol. V, No.7 , p. 380)
- Snakes (Wayne Dobson) *** Marketed Item
- Snap (Lewis Jones) *** Cardiograms (pg. 41)
- SNAP (Richard James) *** Marketed Item (DVD and Gimmick)
- Snap Change, The (Edward Marlo) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 2 (pg. 158)
- Snap Collectors (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 18)
- Snap Deal (Lennart Green) *** Lennart Green's Snap Deal & The laser... (Stone, pg. 5)
- Snap Differential (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 10)
- Snap Lift, The (Larry Jennings) *** The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 238)
- Snap Out (Harry Lorayne) *** Quantum Leaps (pg. 87)
- Snap Sandwich (Harry Lorayne) *** Best of Friends - Volume I (Lorayne, pg. 175)
- Snap Shot (Thom Peterson) *** Marketed Item (DVD and gaffs)
- Snap Spread (Gene Maze) *** Apocalypse (August 1988, Vol. 11, No. 8, pg. 1529)
- Snap Stud Second Deal, The (Larry Jennings) *** The Cardwright (Maxwell, pg. 152)
- Snap!!! A Quick Trick (Jean Hugard) *** More Card Manipulations (pg. 11)
- Snappy Finish, A (Ted Annemann) *** Annemann: The Life and Times of a Legend (Abrams, pg. 182)
- Snap-Turn Count (Phil Goldstein) *** Pabular (August 1978, Vol. 4, No. 12, pg. 614); Focus (pg. 72); Counthesaurus (Racherbaumer, pg. 161)
- Snatched From the Middle (Larry Barnowski) *** The Book of Destiny (pg. 145)
- Sneak-A-Peek, Please (Tony Kardyro) *** The Linking Ring (June 1949, Vol. 29, No. 4, pg. 71)
- Sneakers (Karl Fulves) *** Inner Sanctum (pg. 32)
- Sneaky Aces (indirectly credited to Harry Lorayne) *** Great Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 66)
- Sneaky Lie Detector (Paul Gordon) *** Card Collective (pg. _)
- Sneaky Signal (Bob Longe) *** Great Card Tricks (pg. 81)
- Snibbets (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 283)
- Snide, The (Lewis Jones) *** Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces (pg. 95)
- Snip It Extra (Aldo Colombini) *** Marketed Item
- Sniper (Rich Ferguson) *** At the Table Live Lecture (Instant Download or DVD)
- Snooty Snake (Dr. Kolma & Harlan Tarbell) *** Tarbell Course in Magic (Vol. 4, Lesson 49, pg. 113)
- Snowshoe Sandwich (Daryl) *** The Greater Magic Video Library - Volume 7 (DVD/VHS)
- Snowstorm (Jay Sankey) *** Marketed Item
- So Easy To Follow (Harvey Rosenthal) *** Magic (April 2002, Vol. 11, No. 8, pg. _)
- So Nero (Stewart James) *** Ibidem (April 1956. No. 5, pg. 82); Stewart James in Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 704)
- So Simple Force, The (Lynn Searles) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations - Volume 1 (pg. 287)
- So You Think You Can Skip (Katsuya Masuda) *** Marketed Item
- Sober Slop Poker (Edward Marlo) *** Hierophant (No. 7, Ressurection Issue, pg. 18/); The Hierophant 1969 - 1982 (Racherbaumer, pg. 381);
- Sober Slop Shuffle Deal (Edward Marlo) *** The Unexpected Card Book (pg. 76)
- Socko The Magic Joker (Marshall Brodien) *** 101 Card Tricks (pg. 19)
- Socotra Influence, The (J. Stewart Smith) *** The Lonely Quest (pg. 9)
- Socrate's Cards to Pocket (Philippe Socrate) *** Easy To Master Card Miracles Vol. 9 (Ammar, DVD)
- Soft Cards (Ken Krenzel) *** Close-Up Impact! (Minch, pg. 3)
- Soft Havana Deal (Edward Marlo) *** The Looking Glass - Summer 1996 (Kaufman, pg. 111)
- Soft Shuffle (Martin Nash) *** Infinity & Beyond (DVD); Award Winning Card Magic - Volume 1 (DVD)
- Soft Spots (Kuniyasu Fujiwara) *** Five Times Five: Japan (Kaufman, pg. 75)
- Softy Color Change *** Vernon Revelations - Disc 6 (DVD)
- Soiling the Deck David Soloman) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 282)
- Sole Cannibal (Karl Fulves) *** Hardcore Aces (pg. 12)
- Sole of the Wizard, The (Joseph Dunninger) *** Dunninger's Complete Encyclopedia of Magic (pg. 148)
- Sole Selection (Matthew J. Dowden) *** Party Animal (DVD)
- Sole Survivor (Eugene Burger & Robert E. Neal) *** Magic and Meaning (pg. 133)
- Sole Survivor (Matthew J. Dowden) *** 1 Deck... 14 Tricks... 24 Hours - Vol. 2 (DVD); Strike6 (DVD)
- Solitaire King, The (Ted Annemann) *** The Jinx (September 1935, No. 12, pg. 59)
- Solitary Confinement, The (Kostya Kimlat) *** Card Work, Card Play (pg. 38); Channel One (2003, Vol 3, No. 11, pg. 11)
- Solmar Aces Revisited (David Solomon) *** The Card Solutions of Solomon (DVD)
- Solmar Reversed Assembly, The (Edward Marlo & David Solomon) *** Marlo's Magazine Volume 4 (pg. 344)
- Solo (Jay Sankey) *** Sankey's Best Street Magic (DVD); Underground Jam (DVD)
- Solo (John Guastaferro) *** One Degree (pg. 48)
- Solo Flight Aces (Charlie Miller) *** Expert Card Technique (Hugard & Braue, pg. 254)
- Solo-Switch (Aldo Colombini) *** Impact (pg. 32)
- Solstice Death Grip (Tim David) *** Video Tutorial (http://www.pubtricks.com/video-pub-solstice-trick.html)
- Solution of 'Something to Work On,' The (Charles Nyquist) *** The Jinx (February 1935, Issue 5, pg. 19)
- Some Assembly Required (Karl Fulves) *** The Noir Test (pg. 13)
- Some People Think (Simon Aronson) *** Bound to Please (pg. 3)
- Some You Win, Some You Lose (Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson) *** Diamonds From Coal (pg. 19)
- Somebody Stop Me (Asi Wind) *** Chapter One (pg. 2)
- Somebody Stop Me! (Olly Crofton) *** The Open Prediction Project (Baxter, pg. 95)
- Somersault Card (Ian Baxter) *** Ten on Deck (pg. 16)
- Somersaulting A-2-3 (Edward Marlo) *** New Tops (January 1969, Vol. 9, No. 1, pg. 38); M.I.N.T. - Volume 2 (pg. 43)
- Something For Nothing (James Swain) *** Miracles with Cards (pg. 167)
- Something From Nothing (Paul Hallas) *** Something From Nothing & Water to Wine (DVD with cards)
- Something New (Bob Hummer) *** Bob Hummer's Collected Secrets (Fulves, pg. 37)
- Something Old (Bob Longe) *** Great Card Tricks (pg. 61)
- Something To Sniff At (Bob Longe) *** The Little Giant Book of Magic Tricks (pg. 284)
- Something's Up! (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Cards Hit (pg. 22)
- Somewhere In The Deck (Paul Rossini) *** Paul Rossini's Magical Gems (Steele, Parish, pg. 11)
- Son Of A Wave (Cameron Francis) *** Instant Download (pdf)
- Son of Faro Spell (Paul Swinford) *** More Faro Fantasy (pg. 58)
- Son of Hyper-Warp (Tom Frame) *** The Hypercard Project (pg. 28); The Cardwarp Tour (Pierce, pg. 154)
- Son of Tetradism Minus 48 (Roy Walton) *** The Complete Walton - Volume One (first & second edition: pg. 213, third edition: pg. 358)
- Song III (Karl Fulves) *** Transpo Trix (pg. 41)
- Sonic Boom (Yoann Fontyn) *** Bluff - Disc 3 (DVD)
- Sorcerer's Apprentice (Darwin Ortiz) *** Lessons in Card Mastery (pg. 277)
- Sore-Armed Bandid, The (Joseph K. Schmidt) *** New Card Control Systems (pg. 52)
- Sort the Red from the Black (Jon Allen) *** Simple Magic Tricks (pg. 22)
- Sorted Affair (Sean Bogunia) *** Marketed Item
- S-O-See Thru (Simon Aronson) *** Sessions (Aronson, Solomon, pg. 52)
- Sosi Switch (Joey Burton) *** Catch 33 (Asher, pg. 35)
- Sottovoce (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 51)
- Soul-Mate Survivor (Peter Duffie / Robin Robertson) *** Diamonds from Coal (Duffie, Robertson, pg. 117)
- Souped Can (Donny Orbit) *** Inside the Head of Donny Orbit (pdf, pg. 7)
- South By Southwest (Paul Gordon) *** The Unplanned Card Book (pg. _)
- Sow by the Lug (Benjamin Earl) *** Past Midnight - Disc 2 - The Gambling techniques of Ben Earl: Trick Artist (DVD)
- Space Available (Cameron Francis) *** The Omega Mutation - Disc 3 (DVD)
- Space Mountain (John Gelasi) *** John's Card Creations - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Space Time (Tom Elderfield) *** Marketed Item
- Spaces (Al Smith) *** Cards For Sure (pg. 20)
- Spanish Inquisition, The (Jay Sankey) *** XL (DVD); The Definitive Sankey - Volume 3 (Gladwin, Jay, pg. 1465)
- Spanish Vanish (Jerry Andrus) *** Andrus Card Control Volumes 1 & 2 (*Chazpro edition - Vol. 1 contains the text on pg. 96, and Vol. 2 contains the illustrations on pg. 39)
- Sparkle (Michael Alec) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2010, No. 8, pg. 523)
- Sparrows Tears (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Cards Hit - The Card Magic of Jerry Sadowitz (pg. 37)
- Spatial Exchange (Arthur Trace) *** "Artwerks (DVD), Genii (April 2006, Vol. 69, No. 4, pg. 67)
- Speak of the Devil (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 83)
- Speakeasy Poker Deal, The (John Hostler) *** The Rauschenberg Effect (pdf download, pg.35)
- Speaking of Pink Elephants (Charles T. Jordan) *** Marketed Item; Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 289); Charles T. Jordan Collected Tricks (Fulves, pg. 198)
- Speccy Magician (John Carey) *** Handle with Carey (DVD)
- Special Arrangement, A (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (Garcia, Schindler, pg. 107)
- Special Delivery (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Close-Up Card Magic (pg. 50)
- Special Envoy (Peter Duffie) *** 21 Card Trick (pdf, pg. 29)
- Special K (unknown) *** The Unknown (Mark Bendell, Lee Smith & Gary Jones, DVD)
- Special to the Expert (Edward Marlo) *** The Unexpected Card Book (pg. 239)
- Specs EFX (Chris Hart / Joe Monti) *** Marketed Item (Manuscript & gimmick)
- Spectacle (Phil "Max Maven" Goldstein) *** Marketed Item
- Spectator Aces (Frank Garcia) *** Super Subtle Card Miracles (pg. 66)
- Spectator Becomes the Magi (Stuart Jules) *** Secrets: 50 Card Tricks That Anyone Can Do With an Ordinary Pack of Cards (pg. 48)
- Spectator Cheats (Reinhard Mueller) *** A Few Good Cards (Colombini, DVD)
- Spectator Coincidence, The (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 189)
- Spectator Cuts Double, The (Allan & Debbie Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Kardma (pg. 85)
- Spectator Cuts to the Aces (Bob Veeser, Ian Baxter, Frank Thompson) *** Multiple Resources, including: Faro Controlled Miracles (Marlo, pg. 64); The Linking Ring (Oct. 1969, Vol. 49, No. 10, pg. 66); Reputation-Makers (Lorayne, pg. 63); Card College - Volume 1 (Giobbi, pg. 51); Reflections (Goodwin, DVD)
- Spectator Deals a Royal Flush (Paul A. Lelekis) *** Showcase Magic (pdf with WMF & mp4)
- Spectator Does It All, The (Unknown) *** Greater Magic (Hilliard, pg. 226)
- Spectator Does It, A (Jean Hugard) *** Card Manipulations Series 1 - 5 (Hugard, pg. 33)
- Spectator Does the Sandwich! (Kyle MacNeill) *** Inventions (pdf, pg._)
- Spectator Does the Trick, The (Al Baker) *** Al Baker's Pet Secrets (pg. 51); The Secret Ways of Al Baker (pg. 400)
- Spectator Finds The Aces (Nick Trost) *** The Card Magic of Nick Trost (pg. 68)
- Spectator Finds the Card (Jerry Camaro) *** Jerry Camaro On The Bottom Deal (DVD)
- Spectator Finds Your Card, The (Kli Ban) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 348); Cunning Card Miracles (Mentzer, pg. 51)
- Spectator Locates an Ace (Harry Lorayne) *** The Magic Book (pg. 90); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever! Collection - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Spectator Named Kennedy, A (Michael Weber) *** The Penumbra (November 2009, Issue 11, pg. 7)
- Spectator Outdeals Magician... Almost (Brother John Hamman) *** The Secrets of Brother John Hamman (Kaufman, pg. 175)
- Spectator Peek Palm (Gene Maze) *** Apocalypse (February 1991, Vol. 14, No. 2, pg. 1888)
- Spectator Stacks The Deck (Tom Ransom) *** The Open Prediction Project (Baxter, pg. 273)
- Spectator Takes Over, The (Bill Turner) *** How To Do Tricks With Cards (pg. 74)
- Spectator-Magician Plus (Fred Robinson) *** Pabular (November 1974, Vol. 1, No. 3, pg. 33)
- Spectator's Aces Change Places (Stephen Tucker) *** Card Bored? (pg. 21)
- Spectator's Choice (Stewart Judah) *** The Magic World of Stewart Judah (pg. 28); * also renamed as "Two Selected Cards" by Colombini, and included on his DVDs, Impromptu Card Magic 3, and Simply Impromptu Vol.2
- Spectator's Location (Leo Behnke) *** Simple, Baffling Card Tricks (Behnke, pg. 57)
- Spectators' Magic Count (John Scarne) *** Scarne on Card Tricks (pg. 47)
- Spectator's Prediction, The (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 189)
- Spectator's Royal Flush (Nick Trost) *** Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations Volume 1 (pg. 105)
- Spectator's Trick (unknown) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 122)
- Spectator's Trick, The (Howard Wurst and Bill Pawson) *** The Sphinx (September 1949, Vol. 48, No. 7, pg. 172)
- Spectator's Triumph (Larry Jennings) *** The Classic Magic Of Larry Jennings (Maxwell, pg. 246)
- Spectator's Triumph, The (Allan Ackerman & Heck) *** Here's My Card: No. 1 (pg. 68)
- Specter Envelope, The (Judson S. Brown and Jack McMillen) *** The Sphinx (January 1934, Vol. 32, No. 11, pg. 339)
- Spector Selection (Francis Haxton) *** Pentagram (Vol. 2, No. 3, pg. 19)
- Spectral Chill Concept (Jeff Stone) *** Stone Cold Magic (DVD); Spectral Chill (Marketed Manuscript)
- Spectrum (R. Paul Wilson) *** Marketed Item
- Spectrum (Wayne Dobson) *** Marketed Item (DVD)
- Speed (Mickael Chatelain) *** Marketed Item
- Speed Dating (Paul Gordon) *** Cool Card Stuff (pg. _)
- Speed-Reader (Mick Ayres) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 150)
- Speed-Reader II (Doug Canning) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV (Beam, pg. 152)
- Speedy (R.M. Jamison) *** Phoenix (December 1944, Vol. 2, No. 74, pg. 301)
- Speleological Six (Temple C. Patton) *** Card Tricks Anyone Can Do (pg. 66)
- Spell All (Richard Vollmer) *** Apocalypse (June 1997, Vol. 20, No. 6, pg. 2805); Stunning Card Magic: The Amazing Card Magic of Richard Vollmer (Colombini, DVD)
- Spell Anything (Bill Simon) *** The Last Word on Cards (pg. 14)
- Spell It Out *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 92)
- Spell it Out (Simon Aronson) *** Try the Impossible (pg. 136)
- Spell of Luck, A (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic With Cards (pg. 35)
- Spell of Mystery (Stewart James) *** Marketed Item; Stewart James In Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 31); The James File - Volume Two (Slaight, pg. 1954)
- Spell of the Joker (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Thanks To Zarrow (pg. 24)
- Spell Out (Dai Vernon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 42)
- Spell Re-Tell (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shuffle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 99)
- Spell To (Richard Vollmer) *** Apocalypse (March 1990, Vol. 13, No. 3, pg. 1759)
- Spell, or Deal, It's Up To You (Peter Duffie) *** Effortless Card Magic (pg. 118)
- Spelldown (Arthur B. Monroe) *** The New Jinx (December 1967, Vol. 6, No. 68, pg. 278)
- Speller (Micah Lasher) *** The Magic of Micah Lasher (pg. 54)
- Speller Idea, A (Tom Sellers) *** Four Suits (Colombini, DVD)
- Spellermental (Tom Frame) *** Channel One (March 2000, Vol. 1, No. 3, supplement); Framework (pg. 97)
- Spellflipdropcut (Howard Adams) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2008, No. 5, pg. 319)
- Spelling Card (Lawrence Gray) *** Card Tricks & Conjuring (Elliott, Houdini, pg. 145)
- Spelling Collins' Aces (Martin Lewis) *** Martin's Close-Up Miracles (DVD); Easy To Master Card Miracles - Volume 6 (Ammar, DVD); World's Greatest Magic: The Secrets of The Collins' Aces
- Spelling Exchange (Bob Longe) *** Card Tricks Galore (Longe, pg. 30)
- Spelling Master, The (Barrows Mussey, aka "Henry Hay") *** Learn Magic (pg. 79)
- Spelling Selected Cards (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 186)
- Spelling Test (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic with Cards (Garcia, Schindler, pg. 36)
- Spelling the Location (unknown) *** Simple, Baffling Card Tricks (Behnke, pg. 31)
- Spellino (U. F. Grant) *** Card Trick Collection 1932-33 (Hull, pg. 2); Counterfeit Card Miracles (pg. 1); Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 50); Solomon's Secret Subtleties (Solomon, DVD)
- Spellino Climax (U.F.Grant) *** Card Trick Collection 1932-33 (Hull, pg. 4); Counterfeit Card Miracles (pg. _); Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 51); Abbott's Anthology of Card Tricks, Vol. 3 (Miller, pg. 40)
- Spell-Mell (Harry Lorayne) *** Rim Shots (pg. 124); Kabbala (Vol. 2, No. 5, pg. 33); The Legendary Kaballa (Racherbaumer, pg. 137)
- Spello (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 6)
- Spend and Save (Mel Bennet) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2008, No. 5, pg. 299)
- Spending Spree (Ben Harris) *** The New York Magic Symposium - Collection Five (Minch, pg. 70)
- Sphinx Card Trick (Theodore DeLand) *** Marketed Item
- Spider Cut, The (Jack Carpenter) *** The Penumbra (March/April 2003, Issue 6, pg. 15)
- Spider Wave (Brad "Scarnecky" Gordon) *** Clever Eight (pg. 27)
- Spider, The (Stanley Collins) *** Original Magical Creations (pg. 67)
- Spidercard (Jay Sankey) *** Best of the Sankey Magic Newsletter (pg. 11)
- Spin Change Discovery (Edward Marlo) *** The Cardician (pg. 78)
- Spin Cut Stunner (Edward Marlo) *** Estimation (pg. 53); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 506)
- Spin Doctor (John Bannon) *** Marketed Item; Shufflin' (2012 Lecture Notes, pg. _); High Caliber (pg. 265)
- Spinner Change (Yuji Wada) *** Trapdoor Magazine (July 1992, Issue 44, pg.782)
- Spinners, The (Mark Weston) *** Pabular (July 1976, Vol. 2, No. 11, pg. 286)
- Spinning Heal (Lenny Greenfader and Dr. Ken Louis) *** Apocalypse (June 1984, Vol. 7, No. 6, pg. 933)
- Spinning the Aces (Martin Nash) *** Ever So Sleightly (Minch, pg. 93); The Very Best of Martin Nash - Vol. 2 (DVD)
- Spinorama (William Lee) *** Marketed Item (video download)
- Spiral Principle (Stephen Leathwaite) *** Spiral Principle and Beyond (DVD)
- Spirit Count, The (Gene Castillon) *** Kabbala (April 1976, Vol. 3, No. 4, pg. _) The Legendary Kaballa (Racherbaumer, pg. 56); Counthesaurus (Racherbaumer, pg. 164)
- Spirit Duplicator (Jim Rainho) *** Marketed Item
- Spirit Mathematician, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles T. Jordan Collected Tricks (Fulves, pg. 20); Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 11)
- Spirit Photography (Al Baker) *** The Secret Ways of Al Baker (pg. 634)
- Spirited Card Stab (Ben Harris) *** Silent Running (pg. _)
- Spiritoso (Aldo Colombini) *** Baroque Compositions (DVD); Baroque Cards (pdf, pg. _)
- Splash Moves (unknown) *** Cheating At Hold'Em (Malek, DVD)
- Split Aces (Dave Forrest) *** 4xFour (DVD)
- Split and Spread Control (John Carey) *** 24 Seven - Vol. 1 (DVD)
- Split Decision (Joshua Jay) *** Marketed Item
- Split Decision (Kenton Knepper) *** Marketed Item (manuscript with card)
- Split Deck (Bob Haskell) *** Marketed Item
- Split Disclosure (Gary Kurtz) *** Unexplainable Acts (pg. 30)
- Split Ends (Jay Sankey) *** Sankey Panky (Kaufman, pg. 64); The Definitive Sankey - Volume 2 (Gladwin, Jay, pg. 941)
- Split False Cut #1 (Steve Beam) *** They Don't Make Trap Doors Like They Used To, or You Too Can Walk On Water (pg. 37)
- Split Fan (Steve Beam) *** Magic – The Vanishing Art, or How To Turn A Trick For Fun & Profit (pg. 15)
- Split Fan Card Production (Richard Valentine Pitchford, aka "Cardini") *** Card Fan Productions (Marlo, pg. 8); The Second Now You See It, Now You Don't! (Tarr, pg. 106); Pure Magic! A Primer in Sleight of Hand (Gross, pg. 162)
- Split Marriages (Jerry Sadowitz) *** Cards on the Table (pg. 46)
- Split Second (Stewart James) *** The New Tops (December 1962, Vol. 2, No. 12, pg. 40); Stewart James In Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 824); The Essential Stewart James (Slaight, pg. _)
- Splittant Jr. (David Acer) *** Random Acts of Magic (pg. 39)
- Splittin' Image , The (Richard Kaufman) *** Cardworks (pg. 79)
- Splitting The Twos (Eric DeCamps) *** Stars Of Magic #6: Eric DeCamps - The Magic Classics (DVD)
- Sponge Aces (Joel Givens) *** Session: The Magic of Joel Givens (Jay, pg. 58)
- Spook Card, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles T. Jordan Collected Tricks (Fulves, pg. 198); Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 236)
- Spooked Humbug, The (Peter Duffie) *** Deck Direct (pg. _)
- Spooky Altman Trap, The (Art Altman) *** Las Vegas Kardma (Ackerman, pg. 57)
- Spooky Deck, A (Jerry Andrus) *** Andrus Notes (pg. 31); Up Close with Andrus (pg. 9)
- Sporting Proposition, A (Karl Fulves) *** Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 4)
- Spot Check (Lee Snyder) *** Pleasing Deceptions and Subtle Fictions (pg. 215)
- Spot Remover (The Magic Hedonists - Paul Harris, Michael Ammar & Daryl) *** The Magic Hedonists' Brainstorm In The Bahamas (pg. 49)
- Spots Before Your Eyes (Clayton Rawson [a.k.a. The Great Merlini]) *** Annemann: The Life and Times of a Legend (Abrams, pg. 400); *Originally released as a free trick for Jinx subscribers, and included with Issue 56 (May 1939)
- Spots Erased (Rezvani) *** The Magic of Rezvani (pg. 42)
- Spotsprinkle Pack (Charles Leedy) *** The Sphinx (December 1929, Vol. 28, No. 10, pg. 388)
- Spread and Butter (Chris Ramsay) *** Chris Ramsay At The Table (Lecture Video)
- Spread Cross Force, The (Joe Barry) *** Inscrutable II (DVD)
- Spread Cull Control (Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser) *** Non Plus Ultra - Volume II: Hofzinser's Card Artistry (Christian, Hermetic Press Edition, pg. 48); Mnemonica (Tamariz, pg. 356); Card College – Volume 1 (Giobbi, pg. 186); Allan Ackerman’s Advanced Card Control Video Series – Volume Three: Controls (DVD); Encyclopedia of Card Sleights – Volume 4 (Daryl, DVD)
- Spread Em (Steve Dusheck) *** Dusheck's Card Magic (Dusheck Magic Series No. 3, pg. 98)
- Spread Force (unknown) *** Many reference sources, including: The Asti Manuscript (pg. 53); Gibecière (Winter 2013, Vol.8 No.1, p. 29-234); The Notebook (Houston, pg. 19); Bulletin of Latest Sleights and Tricks (Hull, pg. 12); Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Hugard, pg. 383); Shoot Force (Ogawa, DVD); Also see http://archive.denisbehr.de/show.php?search=spread+force, and http://www.conjuringcredits.com/doku.php......[]=force
- Spread Location (Dai Vernon) *** Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic (Ganson, pg. 129)
- Spread Mates (Eddie Fields) *** The Greater Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields (Racherbaumer, pg. 136)
- Spread Pass Addition (Edward Marlo) *** The Card Magic of Edward Marlo (pg. 35)
- Spread Pass Delay (Harry Lorayne) *** Reputation-Makers (pg. 265); Magical Classics (DVD); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever! Collection - Volume 4 (DVD)
- Spread Side Slip (Russell Barnhart) *** The Master Palm (pg. 37)
- Spread Switch, The (Edward Marlo) *** Card Switches (pg. 54); Revolutionary Card Technique (pg. 457)
- Spread Vertical Turnover Pass (Herb Zarrow) *** Zarrow - A Lifetime Of Magic (Ben, pg. 336)
- Spreadwave (Mathieu Bich) *** Marketed Item (DVD and gaffs)
- Spring Fever (Karl Norman) *** Karl Norman: Forty Years at the Forks (Brahams, Porstmann, pg. 16)
- Spring Palm, The (Jean Hugard) *** Card Manipulations (Hugard, pg. 131)
- Spring Riffle Top Palm (Herb Zarrow) *** The New Phoenix (No. 346, pg. 209); Zarrow - A Lifetime of Magic (Ben, pg. 371)
- Spring Set Double (Dominique Duvivier) *** Magie Duvivier (Racherbaumer, pg. 14)
- Spring Shuffle, A (Jerry Andrus) *** Andrus Deals You In (pg. 90)
- Spring Thought (Ken Krenzel) *** Best of Friends - Volume I (Lorayne, pg.221)
- Sprung & Dagger (Ryan Schultz) *** Making the Cut (pg. _)
- Spygame 1 (Jozsef Kovacs) *** Simple Sample (pdf, pg._); Hungary for Cards (DVD)
- Square Dance (Steve Beam) *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VIII (Beam, pg. 28)
- Square Deal (Simon Aronson) *** Art Decko (pg. 262); Lecture Notes (pg. _)
- Square Deal, The (Stewart James) *** First Call to Cards (pg. _); Stewart James In Print: The First Fifty Years (pg. 628)
- Square Ring, The (Karl Fulves & Sam Schwartz) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 97)
- Square Up...And Away (A. Berkeley Davis) *** Best of Friends (Lorayne, pg. 79)
- Square-Up Grab-Add (Jon Racherbaumer) *** Card Finesse II (pg. 128)
- Squash (David Loosley) *** Marketed Item (DVD and gaffs)
- Squeaky Clean Prediction, A (Gene Maze) *** Pure Deceptions & Maximum Impact: The Magic of Gene Maze (DVD)
- Squeeze (Tommy Wonder) *** The Books of Wonder - Volume 1 (Wonder, Minch, pg. 149); British Close-Up Magic Symposium Lecture (DVD)
- Squeeze Change (Art Altman) *** Super Subtle Card Miracles (Garcia, pg. 151)
- Squeeze Palm (Vinny Marini) *** La Famiglia (DVD)
- Squeezing The Jacks (Michael Powers) *** Top Secret Stuff (pg. 16)
- Squiggle (Jay Sankey & Richard Sanders) *** Sankey Panky (Kaufman, pg. 25); The Definitive Sankey - Volume Two (Gladwin, Jay, pg. 741)
- SST (Straightforward Stand-up Triumph) (David Acer) *** Natural Selections (pg. 87)
- Stab At Nothing (Karl Fulves) *** The Magic Thrust (pg. 15)
- Stab Mental (Frank Garcia & George Schindler) *** Magic with Cards (Garcia, Schindler, pg. 104)
- Stabba-Dabba-Do (John Cornelius) *** Magic of John Cornelius Lecture Notes No. 1 (pg. 4)
- Stabbath (Peter Duffie) *** Peter Duffie With Cards (pdf, pg. _); The Best of Peter Duffie (pdf, pg. 4)
- Stabbed (Howard Flint) *** Marketed Item)
- Stabbed From the Back (David Williamson) *** Williamson's Wonders (Kaaufman, pg. 62)
- Stabbed In the Pack (Matthew Johnson) *** Marketed Item
- Stabbed Pair, The (Charles T. Jordan) *** Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks (Fulves, pg. 213)
- Stabstastic (R. Paul Wilson) *** Marketed Item
- Stack the Aces (Jerry Andrus) *** Andrus Deals You In (pg. 176)
- Stacked Deck Extra, The (Peter Kane) *** Kane's Variant (pg. 9)
- Stacked Do-as-I-Do (John Carey) *** Letters To Friends (pg. 14)
- Stacked Topsy Turvey Aces (Allan Ackerman) *** Las Vegas Kardma (pg. 76)
- Stage Location, The (Ted Annemann) *** Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Gravatt, Hugard, pg. 97); Annemann: The Life and Times of a Legend (Abrams, pg. 182)
- Stage Pocket Trick, A (Stuart Cramer) *** The Sphinx (May 1944, Vol. 43, No. 3, pg. 64)
- Staggered (Eddie Joseph) *** Marketed Manuscript
- Staggered Again (Lewis Jones) *** Seventh Heaven (pg. 23)
- Staggering Segregation (Ian Adair) *** Marketed Item
- Stainless Steal (Lewis Jones) *** Ahead of the Pack (Avis & Jones, pg. 31)
- Staircase Change, The (Juan Tamariz) *** Sonata (pg. 71)
- Stalemate (Harry Lorayne) *** The Epitome Location (pg. 16); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 364)
- Stand Up Color Monte (Dave Neighbors) *** The Linking Ring (March 2011, Vol. 91, No. 3, pg. 103)
- Stand Up Triumph (Michael Vincent) *** The Classic Magic of Michael Vincent - Volume 4 (DVD)
- Standard, The (Diamond Jim Davis) *** Stone Cold Magic Magazine (web newsletter, April 2009)
- Standing Challenge, The (Gordon Bean) *** The Paper Engine (Fisher, pg. 114)
- Standing Ovation Invisible Deck (Bill Malone) *** On The Loose! - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Standing Prediction (Patrick Redford) *** The Open Prediction Project (Baxter, pg. 217)
- Standing Up For Leipzig & Marlo (Paul Gordon) *** England Up Close (Duffie, pg. 141)
- Standing Up to Ray and Bill (Nathan Kranzo) *** Visual Voodo (DVD); Things with Cards (pdf, pg. 12)
- Standout (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Craft (pg. 665)
- Stand-up Showdown (David Regal) *** Approaching Magic (pg. 26)
- Staple (Dave Forrest) *** V: Five Effects by David Forrest (DVD)
- Staple and Stab (Paul Harris, Looey Simonoff) *** Apocalypse (July 1978, Vol. 1, No. 7, pg. 78)
- Staple Condition (Karl Fulves) *** Kaleidoscope (pg. 35)
- Stapled (Joseph Prieto, Paul Harris & Looy Simonoff) *** Las Vegas Close-Up (pg. 19); The Art of Astonishment - Book 1 (pg. 167)
- Stapled Card, The (Karl Fulves) *** More Self-Working Card Tricks (pg. 85)
- Star (Dave Forrest) *** Marketed Item (DVD)
- Star Cross (Karl Fulves) *** Secret Session - Part Three (Fulves, pg. 81)
- Star is Born, A (Aaron Fisher) *** The Paper Engine (pg. 107)
- Star Lite (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2013, No. 10, pg. 648)
- Star Warp (Howard Schwarzman) *** Apocalypse (July 1980, Vol. 3, No. 7, pg. 361)
- Starfire (Lee Snyder & Tony Miller) *** Pleasing Deceptions and Subtle Fictions (pg. 100)
- Starry Eyed Surprise (Oz Pearlman) *** Instant Download (Penguin Magic)
- Startling (Wayne Dobson) *** Marketed Item
- Startling Separation (Bob Longe) *** 101 Amazing Card Tricks (Longe, pg. 77)
- State of the Union (Jay Sankey) *** Sankey's Best Card Magic (DVD); Sankey's Greatest Hits - Disc 3 (DVD); The Definitive Sankey - Volume 2 (Gladwin, Jay, pg. 943)
- Static (Bruce Cervon) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 4 (pg. 109)
- Static 4 (Kevin Ho) *** Smooth Operations (pg. _)
- Station Master (Mark Elsdon) *** England Up Close (Duffie, pg. 148)
- Status Quo Shuffle, The (Harry Lorayne) *** Rim Shots (pg. 91); Magical Classics (DVD); Harry Lorayne's Best Ever! Collection - Volume 4 (DVD)
- Stax Fax (Karl Fulves) *** Clockwork (pg. 45)
- Stay Put! (Bob Longe) *** Great Card Tricks (pg. 41)
- Stay Stack Finale (Paul Swinford) *** Card File (Mentzer, pg. 12)
- Staying Power *** 101 Clever Card Tricks (edited by Cara Frost-Sharratt, pg. 42)
- Steal and Deal (Karl Fulves) *** 28 Card Tricks (pg. 41)
- Stealing Second (R. Paul Wilson) *** Crash Course in Brain Surgery (pg. 13); Twists of Fate (DVD)
- Stealth Infiltration (Nick Pudar) *** Best of Friends - Volume III (Lorayne, pg. 106)
- Stealth Prediction, The (Mark Strivings) *** To Pay the Price (pg. 21)
- Stebbin Out (Allan Slaight & Steve Beam) *** Hand-Picked Card Tricks (Beam, pg. 34); Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III (Beam, pg. 190)
- Stebbins Clock (Karl Fulves) *** The Fine Print (1998, No. 7, pg. 176)
- Steinmeyer's Nine Card Problem with Seven Cards (David Solomon) *** Solomon's Mind (Burger, pg. 19)
- Stencel Aces, The (Bob Stencel) *** The Collected Almanac (Kaufman, pg. 281)
- Stencel's Action Palm (Bob Stencel & John Scarne) *** Card Finesse II (Racherbaumer, pg. 83)
- Step On It! *** The Amateur Magician's Handbook (Hay, pg. 67)
- Step Peek, The *** The Art of Magic (Downs, pg. 129); The Fine Art of Magic (Kaplan, pg. 33); Encyclopedia of Card Sleights - Volume 3 (Daryl, DVD)
- Step Right Up (J. K. Hartman) *** Card Dupery (pg. 122)
- Steppin' Out With Molly (Jack Carpenter) *** The Expert's Portfolio No.1 (pg. 41); Expert Gambling Routines (DVD)
- Stepping After the Peek (Arthur H. Buckley…*see also, Step Peek *** Card Control (pg. 36)
- Steranko Move, The (Jim Steranko) *** Darwin Ortiz At The Card Table (pg. 154)
- Stevenz (Karl Fulves) *** Prolix (Fulves, 2007, No. 3, pg. 155)
- Sticka Monte (Mark Southworth) *** Surefire (DVD)
- Stick-It (Magic Tao) *** Marketed Item
- Stickman Sam (Mark Mason) *** Marketed Item
- Stickmen 4 (Richard Sanders) *** The Richard Sanders Show - Volume 3 (DVD)
- Sticky Location/Revelation (Harry Lorayne) *** Apocalypse (January 1992, Vol. 15, No. 1, pg. 2022)
- Stigmata (Wayne Houchin) *** Stigmata (DVD)
- Stiletto (Nate Kranzo) *** Boondock Mental (DVD)
- Still Counting (David Britland) *** Spell-Binder (April 1984, Vol. 3, No. 36, pg. 705)
- Still Dreams The Hermit (Dr. Stanley Jaks) *** The Linking Ring (October 1950, Vol. 30, No. 8, pg. 66)
- Still Pointing (Joe Rindfleisch) *** Extreme Card Magic - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Sting, The (Walt Maddison) *** Apocalypse (September 1987, Vol. 10, No. 9, pg. 1393); Harry Lorayne's BEST EVER Collection - Volume 2 (DVD)
- Sting, Too (Tony Cabral) *** The Usual Suspect (DVD)
- Stinger Aces (Phil Goldstein) *** Focus (pg. 125)
- Stock Marker (Tony Giorgio) *** Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks - Volume 1 (pg. 48)
- Stolen Cards, The (Lennart Green) *** Marketed Item (DVD and Deck)
- Stone Cold Color Change (Jeff Stone) *** Stone Cold Magic Magazine (web newsletter, October 2009); Stone Cold Magic (DVD); Stone Cold Magic (pdf, pg. 33)
- Stonehenge (Milton Schorr) *** Apocalypse (March 1988, Vol. 11, No. 3, pg. 1471)
- Stooge Fright (Jack Parker) *** Jack Parker's 52 Memories (Gladwin, pg. 200)
- Stooged (John Born) *** Meant To Be… (pg. 93)
- Stop (Harry Lorayne) *** Close-up Card Magic (pg. 64); Lorayne: The Classic Collection (pg. 56)
- Stop (Ted Annemann) *** Annemann's Card Magic (pg. 184)
- Stop Aces (Allan Ackerman) *** Allan Ackerman's Advanced Card Control Series - Volume 2: False Deals (DVD)
- Stop and Think (Karl Fulves) *** Riffle Shufle Controls - Part Two: Blocking Off (pg. 6)
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