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Profile of busterjuggler
What 7 ball juggling gags or one liners do you know?

Heres a few;

stick tennis balls together and say you will juggle 7, actually only 3 objects (just stick 3 tennis balls together, 2 balls together, and another 2 balls together.

Do you want to see 7 balls? Here you go! (just hold seven balls)

What do you know.

James BuSTAR
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Profile of itshim
I've never come across those as 7 ball gags. Sticking together is normally a 9 ball gag. You can also juggle 8 balls using 3 pool 8 balls (so that would work with 3 7 balls as well but would be more difficult on the audience as they wouldn't pick up on the balls so quickly). Personally I don't understand why you want to do gags with 7. Audiences can't tell the difference between 5 and 7 anyway. If you are doing 7 because it's hard then don't play it for gags.

I knew a man who kept saying "pliers, pincers, scissors". He was speaking in tongs.
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Profile of busterjuggler
Mate, I have to disagree, people love seeing my 7 balls! they realise a big difference with it from 5 balls. Thanks anyways.

I agree though, maybe I shouldnt have gags with 7 balls.

James BuSTAR
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Profile of Roslyn
I'm with you on this James.

I didn't think that the aud would see the difference between 5 and 7.

But then I learnt 7 and now (to them) I juggle 5 and LOTS (7)!

I wouldn't bother with gags for 7. Just learn it and play the gags before doing 7. Then, just as they believe you're just a joker, juggle 7 and knock em dead.

I find this also works well with 5 clubs.
The Magic Cafe account of The Conwy Jester, Erwyd le Fol formerly known as Roslyn Walker.
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Profile of Jewls
I agree with "itshim" It is 3 groups of tennis balls glued in groups of 3, I use an extra and say I will now juggle 10 balls....drop one let in bounce away then say ...9 balls then juggle the gimmick prop... Not mine, I think I read it here-> Dr. Dropo's Juggling Buffoonery by Bruce Fife An excellent book on comedy juggling bits of biz.
It is a fun bit and done with the right expression timing and body language gets a good laugh....
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Profile of Roslyn
There's something on one of the eccen-tricks dvds where you come out to juggle 5 balls.

Throw them up and they fly around all over the place, they are actually balloons that have been blown up to the size of balls.

I guess this could be done with as many balls as you want.

The Magic Cafe account of The Conwy Jester, Erwyd le Fol formerly known as Roslyn Walker.
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