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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Catch this if you can! » » Best Show this weekend! (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of busterjuggler
I was at a music festival doing some contracted street entertainment in Melbourne.

The shows where going well, but I needed more, While I was performing my contracted spots I was thinking.....what can I do to add to the show. Then I thought! Get arrested! As wierd as it sounds the outcomes where great.

{I pre-arranged this whole thing with two policmen to happen half way through the show}

As I was about to do a trick I ran around the audience as they where clapping and pinched the police-mens hat, then ran a bit further back onto stage and gave him the 'bird',then the two police-men run out onto stage and pretend to arrest me, I was flurrishing (spelt wrong) around and getting tangled with them in the handcuffs they were putting me into, then I got away from them, and grabbed three balls and juggled in the handcuffs, (at this point in the show the crowd had doubled - as someone was seemingly getting arrested) Then somehow, (I can't remember how I did this transition) I convinced the policeman to lay down on the ground, (so I could juggle axes over him) and we were having a joke about "I have 3 axes" he points to his gun and says "I have this mate!"

The story went on, the policeman played along so well, and got me more of a crowd too!

Its amazing how nozy people are when others get in trouble!

Just thought I would share this with everyone!
James BuSTAR
Australia's Comedy Juggling Superstar
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Profile of mrunge
Hah...I'm sure that was something to see.

Now if you can only arrange to have that happen again, and film it! Then you can post it on YouTube for all to see.

Now that's a good time!

The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Catch this if you can! » » Best Show this weekend! (0 Likes)
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