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Profile of Bartelli
Lucky me for visting the café for the first time in a long time and seeing this thread. Checked my old email address and there it was. The next installment of this tome.
Thank you Elliot! I didn't think v44 was going to happen.
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Profile of ElliottB
In an effort to publish a supplement this century, I decided to cut the next one down to 3 full billet peeks, although I kind of give away a great fourth peek in the notes section to one of the peeks. These 3 are some of my favorites, and the hidden fourth peek is great too. I just rearranged the draft. It is in decent shape right now. But I will probably want to add lots more photos or video.
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Profile of mindmagic
Your efforts are greatly appreciated, Elliott! I look forward to seeing this, but we know you have a life outside Switchcraft, so it'll be welcome whenever you have time and patience to finish it.

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Profile of JonHackl
Yeah, this is great news. Looking forward to it! But I agree with Barry: take whatever time you need.
"Magic is the only kind of entertainment where 90% of the audience is trying to ruin it for themselves." - Pete Holmes
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Profile of JanForster
Thank you, Elliott!!! Jan
Jan Forster
Greg Arce
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Profile of Greg Arce
Elliott, you will go down in mentalism history! Be aware that in the future your name will be included with Corinda and Annemann! Your are a jewel in this community! Smile

One of my favorite quotes: "A critic is a legless man who teaches running."
Chris K
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On Jan 13, 2023, Greg Arce wrote:
Elliott, you will go down in mentalism history! Be aware that in the future your name will be included with Corinda and Annemann! Your are a jewel in this community! Smile


Besides providing one of the best deals in mentalism history, Elliott is a genuinely nice guy. He's also smart as a whip!

I shared one of my billet peeks with him and suddenly he had ideas of how to use a tie to make it even more deceptive (yeah, wrap your heads around THAT one!).

Anybody who hasn't already bought Switchcraft, do it ASAP and, also, I envy you. You'll read the first 50 pages and be like "There's no way the rest of this is as good", which you will keep saying all the way through... "no way the rest is as good"... "ok, NOW, there is no way the rest is as good..."

Edit: This thread is over 70 pages and I'd be surprised if there really any complaints about the quality of Switchcraft.
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Profile of ElliottB
Thanks Guys!

Chris, sorry for taking so long on this one.
I can't believe it has been several years since you sent your awesome full billet peek.
Back when I had free time, I would have had the supplement out in under a week.
(Not complaining. I am grateful to have a family and gainful employment)

The tie thing is just a tiny (pun intended) handling adjustment for your amazing peek.
It will be in the next supplement (tie and all).
I renamed it as "Unleaded No. 2" (e.g., the pencil) and listed you and Scott as the authors.

Thanks again,

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Profile of domclarke
Awesome stuff Elliott. This has become legendary - and well-deserved. Thanks very much.
Tony Miller
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Profile of Tony Miller
Thank you Elliot!
Still say this is the best magic/mentalism purchase I ever made.
"If you want magic in your life, start thinking like a magician." - Scott Grossberg
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Profile of influentialist
Looking forward to the new release. For content, value and size, Switchcraft is truly epic!
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Profile of ElliottB
Thanks guys! This thing is almost done. Up to 33 pages. But I may still add some more photos or video.
And then there is editing.
There are more than 3 peeks in the supplement.
I don't really know how many there are - mostly because it depends on how you look at it.
It could be 1 peek, or it could be many more peeks
Probably I just need to sleep.
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Profile of influentialist
On Jan 17, 2023, ElliottB wrote:
it depends on how you look at it.

If you're looking for a title for the new work on peeks I'd definitely use that!
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Profile of ElliottB
That's a good one.
I already picked the title for this supplement, based on a recommendation from a few pages back.
But I will keep this in mind for the future.
Chris K
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Profile of Chris K
On Jan 14, 2023, ElliottB wrote:
Thanks Guys!

Chris, sorry for taking so long on this one.
I can't believe it has been several years since you sent your awesome full billet peek.
Back when I had free time, I would have had the supplement out in under a week.
(Not complaining. I am grateful to have a family and gainful employment)

The tie thing is just a tiny (pun intended) handling adjustment for your amazing peek.
It will be in the next supplement (tie and all).
I renamed it as "Unleaded No. 2" (e.g., the pencil) and listed you and Scott as the authors.

Thanks again,


Hey Elliott,

Life happens, we all get it. Besides, I've been having fun teasing "my peek, which will appear in the next Switchcraft supplement"!

And I hope people don't sleep on the tie idea. While some of my ties are the "skinny ties" that were in fashion for a minute and don't work, the underlying idea is freaking gold!

There is one... compromise... that has to be made for the peek (a variation of a peek from Scott Creasey) but applying Elliott's idea makes it a good trick for people who don't like that compromise. Personally, I think it's an invisible compromise anyway but I can see situations where having a "clean" version is preferable.

Long way of saying that not only was I happy to share the peek with you, Elliott, I think the added ideas (you and Josh Fletcher) take it to a whole other level.

I will also so say that I think this supplement alone is worth what Elliott charges for the whole book, which is insanely underpriced already.

It occurs to me that last line sounds like I am bragging so let me be clear. I love my handling of Scott Creasey's peek (from his excellenet "MINIMALISTIC, METAPHYSICAL, MENTALISM" book, V1) but you get MORE peeks too. Including some I've seen videos of that I know people will love.
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Profile of ElliottB
Thanks, Chris!
I like your peek a lot!
At first I thought you needed a table to do it.
But I was mistaken.
You don't need a table at all, unless you want to end a certain way.
And the other ending is perfectly fine with me.
If I realized how good it was, I probably wouldn't have even come up with that tie thing Smile
Chris K
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Profile of Chris K
Demo of my peek from the next Switchcraft supplement:

A few of you got the full video (plus the explanation) a few years ago but Elliott has added several brilliant ideas, so don't sleep on this.

Edit: This was a video shot to share with people who had Scott Creasey's book, NOT an instructional for the masses, this was a bonus I shared with book owners but wanted to show to peek so... be kind...
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Profile of ElliottB
Thanks, Chris.

I can't believe it has been almost a month since my last post, and I apologize for the delay in sending the supplement.
I have been struggling to manage my schedule, and it's getting ridiculous already. I need to get control over it.

One of the problems is that I keep writing more and more tips and variations for the techniques, and it's hard to know when to stop.
Additionally, due to lack of equipment and knowledge, I have been having trouble shooting good video footage for the moves.
As a result, I keep having to reshoot as the quality of the videos looks amateurish.

I'm committed to getting the supplement out as soon as possible and will do my best to make it happen.
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Profile of lekin
As someone who habitually prefers starting projects but always had trouble ending them, at a certain point you do have to learn to say, "OK this is it." Recognizing there is always more. Maybe you need an editor or a manager, but Elliott, this has already been such a unique and enduring contribution . . . Well, anyway, just my two cents worth from an old dog trying to learn new tricks. Thanks.
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Profile of lekin
As someone who habitually prefers starting projects but always had trouble ending them, at a certain point you do have to learn to say, "OK this is it." Recognizing there is always more. Maybe you need an editor or a manager, but Elliott, this has already been such a unique and enduring contribution . . . Well, anyway, just my two cents worth from an old dog trying to learn new tricks. Thanks.
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