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Dan McLean
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Happy Father's Day! Most excellent, Elliott. Much thanks.
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Profile of charlesgmorgan
I got it this morning!!! Thanks so much ... YOU DA CHAMP!

Cheers ..... Charles
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Profile of AlluTallu
Just got the latest Smile Can't thank you enough Elliott!

Andreas S.
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Profile of Andreas S.
I was sitting in my working room and did some writings for my forthcoming show, when I received another E-Mail from Elliot.
When I bought the book, I didn' know what I would get. Everyone here was talking about this book and everyone said, that it was worse the price, so I thought I could try it. It's just 20 dollars.
I didn't expect, I would buy an e-book flatrate.

The new supplement is really cool and I believe that a lot of people would still recommend Switchcraft, if it would just contain these 52 pages. I would recommend it.

A huge thank you for doing this.
This support is outstanding.
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Profile of sleightofhander
What a Father's Day present! Thank You Elliott. Unbelievable the amount of information in this supplement.

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Profile of ElliottB
You’re welcome, Steve, Eric, Magiguy, Dan, Charles, Andreas and Mark.

A while back I hinted at receiving a contribution that provided tremendous reactions, but was very easy to perform. Now, I can finally say that I was referring to Millard’s Acidus Novus Healing. If you carefully study the instructions and patter together with the discussion of safe angles (see pages 402 and 403,) I think you guys will be very pleasantly surprised by the results. It’s a really great routine.

The “favorite” technique added on a whim at the last minute was “The Extemporaneous Backup Billet.” It’s my all time favorite “out” for when things go wrong with a center tear (not that things go wrong very often...I just like being totally covered for if they do.) I even occasionally perform it by itself. As I mentioned on another board, the method used to ring in the billet, is also usable for all sorts of popular prediction effects we all know.

Thanks again,

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Profile of ElliottB
I just received an email from a mentalist who could not play the videos. I am trying to solve that problem, but am curious whether others were able to view the videos or had trouble? There are two videos in SOTM V2; one on page 390 and the other on page 400. I tested them on my Windows XP computer with Acrobat 7 and windows media player. Ideally, they should play when clicked on. Were you guys able to play them?

Greg Arce
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I'm thinking Elliott's tome must have reached Iran. How else could the switch so many billets? Smile

Anyway, more fantastic work from Elliott. Lots of great stuff in this never-ending tome.

One of my favorite quotes: "A critic is a legless man who teaches running."
Tom Jorgenson
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Elliott has created the Bible of Billets, and he'll be sitting with Annemann, etc, when it's all said and done. It just keeps coming. What an amazing assemblage on a single subject.

Thank you Elliott.
We dance an invisible dance to music they cannot hear.
Mr. Mindbender
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I tried click the movie files, I got a message that "the media requires an additional player", so I click on the menu item that says "Get Media Player" and my browser opens, goes to the Acrobat website, but then I get this message...

"Adobe Acrobat

We're sorry, but the third-party media player required to play the selected media file in your Adobe PDF document isn't available for your system. No media player will be downloaded at this time."

I have an iMac, running 10.5.7, I run the latest Mac version of Firefox, and 8.1.1 Acrobat Professional.
Mr. Mindbender
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Follow up on my previous post...

I ran VMware Fusion on my iMac so that I could run a Windows environment. I coped Switchcraft over to it and opened it up. The movies worked just fine in that situation, so, as is many times the case, it's a Mac thing.
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Profile of DrTodd
Excellent update! Wonderful new material alongside already classic handlings. EB has done it again!
Andreas S.
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On my system (Windows Vista, Adobe Reader 9), the videos work.
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Profile of hornet
I'm running a Mac also and can't get the video to play, I'll try Mr Mindbenders solution though.

Small price to pay for the best value purchase I've ever made!!! Thanks Elliott
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Profile of Daylite
Thank you Elliott

I realy can't think of a better value in the Mentalism market place than Switchcraft.

Secrets of the Masters Vol.Two alone is worth the price of the whole book.

I know that this has been siad about many effects in many books, but in this case it is true. At a time when people are looking for value for thier money you come along and give us a work that not only gives us what we paid for, but so much more.

Thank you again Elliott.
This has turned out to be one of the finest works in modern day Mentalism. IMHO. Smile

Daylite Smile
Mentalism only happens in our minds.
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Profile of andykean
Amazing great stuff
What value!
Thanks Elliot
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Profile of Nicholas
I have to agree with Daylite in terms of the value of this one suppliment, alone. It's hard to believe that they just keep coming. I've said it before, but I'll say it again...Thanks, Elliot!!
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Profile of JanForster
... although there are so many have stating it already - thank you, Elliot! Jan
Jan Forster
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Profile of ElliottB
Greg, no doubt they used The OM Ballot Switching Box Smile

Tom, I guess I better never get done, as I would prefer not to sit with Annemann anytime soon Smile

Thank you Mr. Mindbender, Andreas, and hornet. It seems the video problems are occurring exclusively on Macs. Mr. Mindbender, your solution is a lifesaver. I will pass it along to Mac owners looking for guidance.

Daylite, Nicholas, Dr. Todd, Andy, and Jan…thank you so much. I definitely agree that SOTM V 2 alone is worth the full price of admission. Millard’s routine is just amazing, and The Extemporaneous Backup Billet is sort of a stealth powerhouse. In fact, it totally saved my hide earlier today. I did a Center Tear and pulled out all the stops, even using an advanced Millard Longman subtlety (you’ll need to buy Millard’s CD for that) that should have made it physically impossible to misfold the card. Well, the card was misfolded anyways. Nevertheless, thanks to The Extemporaneous Backup Billet, I was able to bring the effect to a stunning conclusion. On the spot, I even came up with a neat little patter twist (I wish I thought of it before releasing the supplement) that played very well for the particular circumstances. The load used for that sequence is also very versatile, as it can be used with all sorts of well known prediction effects. Of course, there’s all the other stuff too. I know that most of us are very much familiar with the lower right quarter handling for Acidus Novus. Still, I have already heard back from people who were not. They love it. I’ve waited for years to include the Cassidy style misdirection sequence. Try it out in a one-on-one situation and you’ll see that it really works. And then there’s still more. This is definitely one of my favorite supplements released so far.

Thanks again,

Nathan Alexander
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Thank you Elliott! I love having video in there, it's just way too cool. Smile
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