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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Canadian Association of Magicians! » » Allan Ackerman Workshop In TORONTO and OTTAWA (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Ben Train
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Profile of Ben Train
Hey everyone,

I have big news! One of Ed Marlos’s foremost students, Allan Ackerman, has agree to hold super exclusive workshops in Toronto and Ottawa to pass on the wealth of knowledge he has accumulated in over 30 years of performing!

Allan has featured his lecture extensively all over the US and Europe with material drawn from his many books and DVDs. You will learn new and sophisticated techniques and applications suitable for professional performances. Whether you’re new to magic or an advanced card worker, Allan Ackerman is not to be missed

Consider this a teaser post. I will be posting dates, times, content, and all the other essential info within the next two days! Meanwhile, here are some testimonials to keep you warm:

"Allan has a reputation for being one of the best card men in the world."
Steve Draun

"He is the best card technician I have ever seen!"
Paul Harris

“Allan's routines are designed with one main goal- to totally devastate an audience!"
Mike Maxwell

All questions or concerns can be directed to me, Ben Train, at
If you're reading this you're my favourite magician.

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Ben Train
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Profile of Ben Train
The 2006/2007 Canadian Close-Up Lecture Tour series is proud to present:
The Allan Ackerman Workshop

One of Ed Marlo's foremost students, ALLAN ACKERMAN is a master of sleight of hand and has been using it to entertain audiences worldwide for over 30 years. Allan's books have been hailed worldwide as masterpieces, and his Advanced Card Control DVD series is one of the best-selling collections of all time.

Now Allan is bringing his expertise to you with a workshop custom designed to meet YOUR wants and needs. Before the workshop begins you and Allan will discuss what you want to learn, and Allan will devote time to teaching you not only his innovative techniques, but also the finesses and touches that you won't learn anywhere else. Allan will also spend time working on some very deceptive Deck Switches , False Deals, fantastic Bottom Palm Technique, and Deck Management. In short, if you have any interest in card magic, this is a workshop you don't want to miss!

Toronto 1- Friday January 5th, 2007 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Toronto 2- Saturday January the 6th, 2006 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Location for both- 399 Glenrove Ave West (subject to change)

Ottawa- Wednesday January the 10th, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
6490 Greely West Drive , Greely ( Ottawa ), Ontario

Duration: 4 Learning filled Hours!
Fee: $100

In order to ensure personal attention, we are limiting the number of attendees to 10 per workshop. Some spots have pre-sold, so contact me as soon as possible if you'd like a spot. or email me at
If you're reading this you're my favourite magician.

Check out for upcoming shows, and for god knows what!
Ben Train
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Erdnase never had
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Profile of Ben Train
I want to thank everyone who came out to the Toronto Workshop.

We had a big group, and the Sat workshop group lasted for NINE HOURS, without Allan EVER NEEDING TO TAKE A BREAK!

In fact, counting the time he was performing at the Browser's Den before the workshop, Allan performed and taught for 13 HOURS STRAIGHT!

Both Allan and I are excited for the other groups, and we know we're all going ot have a blast. See you there!

If you're reading this you're my favourite magician.

Check out for upcoming shows, and for god knows what!
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