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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Good News! » » Gospel message for use with Dragon Thread? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Vacaville, CA
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Profile of jbguy
I recently purchased Wong's Dragon Thread and I was wondering if anyone does this trick with a Gospel story or patter? And if so, how I could get a copy or ideas for using the Dragon Thread with a Gospel message...


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America’s North Coast, Ohio
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Profile of BroDavid
Hmmm, Interesting question.

I have had Dragon thread for quite a while, and don't perform it - simply because I don't have a message for it.

"New creation" comes to mind. As sin tears the old man asunder, so too does faith in Christ by God's Grace restores us.

Look around in some Gospel publications for anything "torn and restored" and whether paper, or cards, cut and restored ropes, you should be able to find an application to adapt to the Dragon Thread.

If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.
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Profile of victorkent
You can show the people's rejection of God's Word in the "torn" (broken thread), some people through ignorance, some people through trickery, some people through open rebellion. For each "tear' (break) give another example, "some poeple..."

Once you have all the pieces together, point out how God allows turmoil, trials, etc (now He doesn't cause turmoil, HE just allows it, as in Job's case) to come into people's lives to get their attention. (wad up, fold up, roll up the thread, paper as the case may be).

But through His Grace we are restored into a relationship with Him. (Reveal resoration.)
That's how I would do it... if I did it.
God Bless!
John 3:16
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Vacaville, CA
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Profile of jbguy
Awesome! Thanks for your suggestions!
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Profile of victorkent
Another presentation idea just came to mind.
The thread or whatever you want to tear, break, destroy, can represent Christ and as you describe how He was beaten, mocked, spit on, whipped, etc you can break or tear the item that represents Him. Then as you wad the thread or fold up the paper you can talk about how the authorities put him into the tomb and sealed the door with a rock. Then talk about how God raised Him from the dead and conquering sin... restoring the chance for man to have that relationship with God.
-just came as a thought.
John 3:16
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Good News! » » Gospel message for use with Dragon Thread? (0 Likes)
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