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Profile of just_larry
I made a video of one of my cigar box acts.
Ps. this is the second video I ever made, so let me know what you think.
Al Angello
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Collegeville, Pa. USA
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Profile of Al Angello
I really love your original cigar box routine. You spent big bucks on those stacking cigar boxes, so please buy a suit, you should dress like you are a big stage act.
Al Angello
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
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Profile of AntonDreaming
MAN I love the huge sweet...loved it. Video gets a c+...could be better but could be a lot worse.

Keep it up.

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Profile of Arkadia
That was really nice! The stacking is wonderful, such a strong finale! Love it!

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Profile of Roslyn
That stack is really quite impressive!

I'm not too sure if you should've left the drop in though. As you've taken footage from different performances I think maybe you should ditch the drop bit at the beginning.

I like the drop during what looks like a TV show though, beautiful recovery!

Looking forward to the next one.
The Magic Cafe account of The Conwy Jester, Erwyd le Fol formerly known as Roslyn Walker.
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Profile of just_larry
Which drop?
There are 2 planned drops in my act. The 3 box dancing, and slap stack off the floor.
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Profile of Roslyn
I was refering to the first one during the dancing.
I'm sure the "drop" plays over better during a live performance, I just felt that being so close to the beginning of the video it sours it a little.
It was the one thing, other than your awsome finale, that I remembered.
The other "drop", where you pick from the floor, I liked because you get out of it in a really cool way. It looks as though you missed from the table, but were able to recover it even though it was more difficult picking off the floor.
Just my opinion obviously. But I just felt the video would look better if you maybe just had that one planned drop, rather than using the dance also.
Either way, it's still a beautiful act.
The Magic Cafe account of The Conwy Jester, Erwyd le Fol formerly known as Roslyn Walker.
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Profile of just_larry
This was my second try at video editing, and I thought I should show clips of the act, in it's real time.
But I was so wrong. You are not the first person to tell me it doesn't read well in the video. I guess that's why most performers have highlight reels!
The drop from the floor will always stay in video. There is no hight difference for the slapstack pick up from the floor (same as the table), but for the audience it it such a visual impact. They think it's harder. Also I recover a "mistake" and by this time they like me as a performer (I hope!) and want to see me succeed, so when I do something like that the reaction is double the normal one.
(The Tv show that scene is from is "Americas Got Talent")
Thanks for the input I will work on a new video soon (I have a ton more cigar box skills, I wonder how long is too long on youtube?)
Ps. Al,
that's my look, It hasn't changed in years and even though owning more than 30 custom Bowling shirts has been quiet costly, I will think about a change.
Any recommendations?
Al Angello
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Eternal Order
Collegeville, Pa. USA
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Profile of Al Angello
You take advise like a gentlemen. If I were performing on a stage like in your video I would wear a tuxedo. I always wear a tie, even if I'm doing a picnic. I don't want you to dress like me, but if you go to my web site you will see how I dress When people pay big bucks for entertainment they expect to see something special, your act is soecial, and your clothing is ordinary. I suggest you at least wear a jacket. I understand that you are looking for that quirky Kosmo Kramer look, but save that look for a comedy club gig. I find that when it comes to entertainment women make all the decisions, and women don't like ordinary.
Al Angello

PS- Larry where do you live.

PSS- You know Larry I used to do the nine cigar box pyrimid until I got two herniated discs in my neck. I'm jealous.
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
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Profile of just_larry
Thanks Al,
I live in Memphis Tn.
Most of my work is Circus, comedy clubs, and theaters (casinos , Variety, performing arts, etc.) and in those settings the bowling shirts stand out.
But I understand what your saying.
Al Angello
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Eternal Order
Collegeville, Pa. USA
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Profile of Al Angello
I think that Cosmo Kramer look is a great idea for comedy clubs, because quirky is cool in a comedy club, but in a theater, or a circus I think you need a tux, and remove the jacket just before the big finish.
Al Angello
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
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