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Dennis Michael
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Profile of Dennis Michael
Here is a list of TV shows series aired on television. Do you Know of any others?
(Not specials like Magic Circus or World's Greatest Magicians)
Dennis Michael
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Profile of Thoughtreader
You forgot "The Magic Clown" ('51-52,NBC), Gerry Larsen (Bill Larsen Sr.'s wife) that did "The Magic Lady" in the late 40's, "The Kuda Bux Show", "The Dunninger Show", "The Amazing World of Kreskin", "The Paul Daniels Magic Show", "The Magic Palace" (Dale Harney's syndicated series in the late 70's), "Maximum Dimensions" (Max Maven's educational series) plus there are several other series in the UK at present.

PSIncerely Yours,
Paul Alberstat
Canada's Leading Mentalist
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Geoff Weber
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Profile of Geoff Weber
Mr.Wizard... more of a science show, but it had some magic type stuff too.
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Profile of DRPEPPER
You forgot early 70's magician star Bill Bixby playing a magician gum shoe solving crimes.
Marshall Thornside
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Profile of Marshall Thornside
Ah yes, Bill Bixby. He wanted my dad to work with him on a movie in Canada long ago.

Bill Bixby did enjoy magic.
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Profile of jcmagic
Bill Bishop The world of magic.
I think that's the title out of Chicago.
Was on about ten years ago. Maybe still on. I don't know.
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Profile of mentalism101
If you check out the BBC and ITV archives, both available on-line, you will find listings for series by David Berglas, David Nixon, Wayne Dobson and series such as 'The Best of Magic', 'Secret Cabaret', 'The Magic Comedy Show' and 'Something Strange - with Max Maven'. All of these were aired throughout the UK.

Good luck!
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Profile of phonic69
Paul Daniels, that World's Greatest Magic thing and the masked magician to name but three!

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Tom Sawyer let me whitewash these
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Profile of spatrick
When I was in England back in '92 I actually caught Secret Cabaret on the BBC. That was the coolest.

It featured magicians from all over the country and there were new ones every week. They all performed in kind of a "WGM" style, but it was great to see famous and not so famous magicians sharing a stage. We should do that here. I have heard of some larger areas that do public access that some magicians do perform on weekly shows.

S. Patrick
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Profile of Thoughtreader
Gerri Larsen's The Magic Lady was one of, if not the first, show for children which used magic. For those not familiar with Gerri Larsen, think Bill and Milt Larsen of the Magic Castle—it was their mother.

There was also Dunninger's television show from the 50's and Kreskin's in the 70's. Mark Wilson also had his show Magic Circus.

PSIncerely Yours,
Paul Alberstat
Canada's Leading Mentalist
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Profile of themagician64
What was the show in the 80's about a crime solving magician with Hal Linden and Harry Morgan???
may the Greats Live On!
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Profile of cheesewrestler
Magic (the magazine) had a whole series discussing magic on TV (local shows, specials, British shows, and more - ten parts in all I think) a couple of years or so ago.
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Profile of Thoughtreader
Hal Linden's show was titled "Black's Magic" and was shot in Vancouver, Canada.

PSIncerely Yours,
Paul Alberstat
Canada's Leading Mentalist
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Profile of KerryJK
A few more I can think of offhand (all UK TV);

"Stuff The White Rabbit" BBC2 - I forget who was involved, but it was mostly card tricks as I recall.
Various Penn and Teller vehicles - channel 4
Max Magic - Sky 1 - Max Somerset and friends (including Joe Piper, who posts here), just concluded. A thoroughly enjoyable series, see seperate threads.
Quick Trick Show - Childrens' ITV
Illusions - Childrens' ITV (80's)
The Hypnotic World Of Paul McCenna ITV - very succesful 90's primetime hypnosis series.

And may I add that Secret Cabaret was ace. I wish I still had my old tapes of it; unfortunately they got taped over with horrible soap operas by my Mum and sister (these things happen when you're growing up in a family environment), which means the only video footage I still have of the wonderful Simon Drake (who is one of my heroes) is from the Iron Maiden "Raising Hell" special. If anyone has a source for Secret Cabaret tapes I would be very interested.

I suppose since Bill Bixby's been mentioned, "Jonathan Creek" could get a mention here - a BBC murder mystery series where the hero is an illusion designer for a comically pretentious stage magician, who (the hero not the magi) uses his knowledge of magic principles to solve crimes. It's a good show and a lot of fun, but is notorious for having some of the most ridiculous "solutions" ever seen in the history of the whodunnit genre.
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Profile of craigtmccabe
What about the Jerry Sadowitz vehicles that have appeared sparodically on BBC2 and Channel 5 over the last decade or so?
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Kevin Reylek
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Profile of Mercury52
I really enjoy Jonathan Creek. It's newer episodes though, where his original sidekick woman is now gone, have even more rediculous outcomes. Still a fun show to watch. Many shows have also had some kind of magic cameo, such as the X-files episode with Ricky Jay. It was in season 7 or 9, I can't recall which offhand.

Kevin Reylek
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Profile of bobser
Secret Cabaret was fantastic. I also enjoyed the 4 parter 'Magick' which was on chan 4 in the UK last year. Stuart Mcleod and Barry Jones
Bob Burns is the creator of The Swan.
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Profile of Dizzy
The show that got me started in magic about 19 years ago and was the first show of one of our greatest magicians;

"Ticks and Tracks"_ Childrens BBC One
Paul Zenon
Tom James
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Profile of Tom James
If you bring up creek then you can add

Bulls**T by Penn and Teller
Mystery Hunters David Acer

War of the wizards show ( IBM VS SAM) I bevlive it was on tv.

That is all I can think of.

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Profile of Cartomagie
Good evening,

I am a French magician and I have collected the TV of magic of the whole world for more than 20 years.

If you are intérréssED contact me I will give you more precise but there is more than 600 emissions last on our televisions.

In this connection I seek collectors to make exchanges

Not serious to abstain from.
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