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Burt Yaroch
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Do long cards only come into being by virtue of the cards next to it being short or are there marketed cards which are actually a bit longer than a regular deck?

If these are marketed items can anyone recommend a good source? Smile
Rolando Santos
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You know,

that is a truly philosophical question --like the chicken and the egg. Smile

I don't think I have ever seen long card gaffs-- just long cards because they are next to short cards.

I suppose there may be some in someone's collection from way back when, but I am not aware of a card company that would print long cards. It would totally mess up their settings and assembly line.

anybody know more about this?

Gary Alford
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Check out Pro-Control by Gary Oulett - a small hard backed book. This shows how to make a long card (without having to shorten every other card in the deck!), controls with it and an explanation of the spread pass.
It is quite a good idea although I still prefer a thick card and add one to every deck.
Rolando Santos
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Will do.

Jeb Sherrill
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Interesting. I've never used a long card, just the shorts. They're easy to make and don't stick out, so there's nothing to see. I'll have to try a long one sometime.

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Scott F. Guinn
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Here's a little tip. You'll find that often, Hoyle cards are just a smidge longer than Bikes, and they look enough alike that you can use one for a long card.

The Ouellet book is worthwile - Pro-control is very usable and practical. Virtually the same thing was created by Bill Severn, and I actually prefer the Sevren method.
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Burt Yaroch
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Hey Scott, where can I find the Sevren method?
Scott F. Guinn
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"Great Scott!" aka "Palms of Putty" & "Poof Daddy G"
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"Bill Severn's Magic Workshop." The original printing, in hardcover, is probably at your local library. Otherwise, you can buy the Stackpole Books Paperback reprint for $12.95 at any major bookstore. It's called "The Long One," and is the first item in the book.
"Love God, laugh more, spend more time with the ones you love, play with children, do good to those in need, and eat more ice cream. There is more to life than magic tricks." - Scott F. Guinn
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Profile of luvisi
When I was a kid, what I would have really liked to find, is a printer who could round corners. I tried to make a mene tekel deck on my own, but my local printer couldn't round the corners, so all the cards were kind of funny looking.

I have heard that you can shorten or make strippers out of a batch of cards by clamping them in a vice with some extra cards from an old deck at the top and bottom. I don't remember if the work was put in with a sharp piece of glass, sandpaper, some sort of file, or something else. If you decide to experiment, please let us know what worked best for you. Smile

It would probably be a good idea to modify both ends by the same amount, so that you don't end up with one margin wider than another.

...of course you could always go the EASY way and use Houdini's locator card, described in "Houdini On Magic". Soak a card in water to split it, place a layer of silk between the layers and dry it again under pressure. Smile

Best of luck,
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