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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Betchas » » Trying to find a Bar Trick? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Mark Martinez
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Profile of Mark Martinez
Hello, I am not sure if this is a Betchas trick or not but that was how it was presented in a bar... Any help identifying this effect would be would be great!!!

Effect: 9 coins are taken from the till at a bar (he said up to 20 could be used). The 9 coins are laid out 3x3 ALL HEADS side up (he could not do it tails side up).

When they were laid out they didn't seem to be put down perfectly or anything, I guess what I mean, it didn't look like the layout could explain what the coin was touched.

He seemed to polish the coins before laying them down?

He would then leave the room turn his back, and have someone touch a coin making sure to not move it...

When he came back or turned around he could find the coin...

He did it in many locations on the bar, he also was challenged to do it in the back room where no st***es could help, he did it three times...

I have an idea of what might be happening but I figured I would ask and see what other have to say!!! Please note this information is second hand (from another magician).

Thanks for any help in advance...

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Profile of MagicSanta
Man....that rings a bell. My library is between two states right now so I can't check but I'll ponder it.
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Profile of bitterman
Decribing a trick second hand leads me to think that some of the major details were left out. Even when you hear a trick decribed first hand often way too much info is left out. There is an old, old bar bet that sounds a lot like this and, sadly, uses a st***e. It has to do with drink placement. Of course, if he were rich he might use something along the lines of a UFO II or Place-mental; but if he were working behind the bar I don't think that's an option.
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Mark Martinez
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Profile of Mark Martinez
Thanks bitterman,

I think after talking to the guy that I talked to there was an extra piece of information added to the description.

"He also was challenged to do it in the back room where no st***es could help, he did it three times..."

He did do it three times and was challenged, but he didn't go into the back room and do that... I think that the old trick, which you mentioned has to be it... Just a little mis-information, makes the effect imposable to back track!!

Thanks for helping solve the mystery.

Success comes before work only in the dictionary. - Anonymous
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That's why this sort of thing is best left to the muggles.
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Profile of acmp
I've seen something similar where the specs hold and think of the coin before passing it around, when everyone has thought of the coin it is replaced and you can find it.

Could this be it?

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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Betchas » » Trying to find a Bar Trick? (0 Likes)
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