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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Catch this if you can! » » Bowling ball advice... (3 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of AntonDreaming
Quick question about where to find the lightest bowling ball for a rreasonable price.

Al Angelo this may be a question for you. What weight ball do you use? This ball will not be used or a juggling stunt but the same lightness would be required.

Circus Bambouk
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Profile of Circus Bambouk has a section on plastic bowling balls you can get as light as 8 pounds for $45ish has 3-4 pound rubber bowling balls.

Hope this helps,

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Profile of FunTimeAl
I've bought bowling balls at thrift stores for under $5.00 I use them in my juggling act. Obviously, I haven't been very choosey with weight.
Al Angello
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Profile of Al Angello
I know you said you are not going to juggle it, but even a childs bowling ball will do perminent damage to your elbow, so I highly recommend a rubber ball. The rubber bowling ball is about 3lbs, but to make it look convincing you must fill it up with an inflated black balloon. Once you pick the bowling ball up do not stop talking, because someone will ask you questions about the ball, and break up your rythem, so don't stop talking untill the trick is over.
Al Angello
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
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Profile of AntonDreaming
Wait what do you mean fill it up with a black baloon? Im curious.

Al Angello
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Collegeville, Pa. USA
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Profile of Al Angello
Stick a round black baloon in one of the finger holes, blow it up, and tie a knot this way you can't see through the ball, and it will also bounce off your head.
Al Angello
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
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Profile of TroyRoark
Hey all,
You can get online and find hollow, fairly hard rubber bowling balls that are primarily used in PE classes. They have holes on either side of the ball.

There is a possibility that someone might see through it, but come on. If you want someone to think you're actually juggling 10-16 pound balls, then learn to juggle 10-16 pound balls. If you're doing it for comedic effect, don't worry if someone might see through it. Much easier on the back, and toes.
Circus Bambouk
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Profile of Circus Bambouk
I met Paul Isaak this week up in Calgary ( he has a brilliant idea for bowling balls. It's his, and he may end up marketing it, but he may be willing to share to the greater community. I'll ask him about it later today, and I may be able to post it here. I'll let you know!

Al Angello
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Comedy juggling is my thing, and I can't wait to read your follow up post.
Al Angello
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
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Profile of AntonDreaming
Hey al,

What kind of damage are we talking about?

Al Angello
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Collegeville, Pa. USA
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Profile of Al Angello
When TroyRoark recommends a 10 to 16 pound bowling ball it is apparent to me that he has never tried to juggle a 10 to 16 pound bowling ball, my elbows hurt just reading his post. If you try a 10 to 16 pound bowling ball it will hurt almost instantly, and get worse every time you try it. There is a juggler from Pittsburg Bob Nickerson who will tell you all about his pain, and his perminent elbow damage from trying to be a macho man. A childs 6 to 8 pound bowling ball will result in the same perminent injury. The elbow was just not made to handle that kind of shock, sword swallowing is much safer.
Al Angello
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
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Profile of 0pus
I seem to recall in my reading somewhere (I can't remember where, it may have been a magic text) mention being made of a hollow aluminum "juggler's" bowling ball. It was very light, but when dropped sounded quite substantial. Anyone hear of this?
Al Angello
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Collegeville, Pa. USA
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Profile of Al Angello
I have never seen an aluminum bowling ball, but if you google "rubber bowling ball" you will see the one I use, just don't do it in South Eeastern Pennsylavnia, or the South Jersey area.
Al Angello
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
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Profile of dave_matkin
On 2007-04-30 11:09, Al Angello wrote:
I have never seen an aluminum bowling ball, but if you google "rubber bowling ball" you will see the one I use, just don't do it in South Eeastern Pennsylavnia, or the South Jersey area.
Al Angello

Not that I was planning on poping out to pennsylvania or South Jersey to do a rubber bowling ball juggling tour but ........

Why should you not do it thoes areas? is it a local law - anyone caught weilding a rubber bowling ball will be shot on site? Did they have a bad expereicne with rubber bowling balls one time? Smile Smile Smile
Al Angello
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Collegeville, Pa. USA
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Well Dave I do have squatters rights, besides if you do it in my area people will accuse you of doing Al's tired old routine.
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
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Profile of TroyRoark
Sorry Al, I didn't realize how old and tired you were when I posted my last post Smile

I would not try to juggle 16 pounders. Ugh! I use mine strictly for comedic sake. But check your old Juggler's World magazines. There are guys out there juggling five 16 pounders.

Why... I'll never know.
Al Angello
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Collegeville, Pa. USA
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Profile of Al Angello
Ah yes I had the pleasure of seeing "Ray the heavyweight champion juggler" perform. Ray was busking on the cable car turntable at Fisherman's warf in San Francisco. He used to ride public transportation with two big duffel bags to busk on the street. Ray was an unforgetable character, who disapeared a long time ago. Does anybody know what ever happened to Ray?
Al Angello
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
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Profile of TroyRoark
I don't know what happened to Ray, but that picture of him in Juggler's World is something else! Imagine being the photographer in that shot. He's pretty close, and set up low, looking up at Ray.

Don't miss Ray, don't miss!
Eugene Chekhov
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Profile of Eugene Chekhov
On Apr 22, 2007, Circus Bambouk wrote:
I met Paul Isaak this week up in Calgary ( he has a brilliant idea for bowling balls. It's his, and he may end up marketing it, but he may be willing to share to the greater community. I'll ask him about it later today, and I may be able to post it here. I'll let you know!


Hi guys! I saw him in one of the TV shows? Is there information on the bowling ball from him? Thank you! Smile
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