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Profile of Kozmo
We like the idea of quarterly colums...the same artist Garrett thomas) talking about different subjects so we are adding 2 more of we will keep andrew pinards continuum, david regal "tricks of the trade' and wayne kowamoto "prime cuts"

we also have at least 2 interviews with well known artists each issue....and we will have at least one book review/ interview like the off the shelf thing we did with john lovick....

I again apologize for the authoring problems BUT still think its easy enough to navigate the show...

I appreciate you guys buying the project and we will strive to make it better and better.....

Motor City
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Profile of Motor City
After reading all of the above, I simply cannot wait to receive my copy. The torture of the wait.....ugh!
Peo Olsson
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Stockholm, Sweden
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Profile of Peo Olsson
WOW!!!!! Smile

I made my one year subscripton allready($48), and without seeing ANY traliers!
I really can't wait!
Pictured to the left my hero and me during FISM 2006 in Stockholm.
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Profile of BAH1313
The yearly subscription is sooooooo underpriced! I'm feeling kind of guilty about ordering it.
I mean ten bucks for an issue is a steal, but $40.00 for the whole year?!

I'm in.
I am truly blessed to have a job where people are laughing all the time and everyone believes in magic....Come to think of it, I'm blessed to even have a job.
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Profile of Kozmo
Not that there have been any issues...ion case you have ordered ALL orders have been shipped up to this point
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Profile of Kozmo
Someone mentioned on another board that the menu buttons are incomplete...this is not true...however they should be MUCH easier to find.....MY FAULT we WILL fix this next issue

heres what you do

go to main menu and click on chapters...see the first 3 chapters and below that there is a main button and to the right of that is an on the arrow and you will find the next group of chapters...

again this is my fault and I will resolve this next magazine

sorry for the inconvience

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Crossville, Tennessee
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Profile of Dmann
I am hearing great things about this and I can't wait to get my copy in.
Motor City
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Profile of Motor City
I just finished watching Vol. 1. It is fantanstic!

Why do magicians subscribe to magazines like "Magic Magazine" and "Genii?" My answer to this question is to have some fun. These magazines are fun reads.

Well, RMQ is a fun watch! I enjoyed the interviews very much. It's been a while since I last saw Paul Harris. Listening to Paul's comments was a lot of fun. I enjoyed listening to Harry as well.

I really like the format of the RMQ. Interviews, commercials, reviews, and tricks performed and explained. As I said before, a whole lot of fun to watch.
Danny Hustle
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In a world where life moves at the speed of light, across wire, light beams, satellite dishes, and the internet, there will come a man of great vision.

This man with nothing more than a burning desire to make the impossible possible will change the way you will look at the world of magic. When others stand idly by and say, "Why" this man will rush to action screaming, "WHY NOT!". This man, this lone wolf, this visionary, has a name, and that name is Kozmo.

This new video magazine came in the mail yesterday and I sat and stared at that little box in my living room for two hours and was left awe struck.

Those two hours seemed to pass like mere moments as I watched Garrett Thomas, John Lovick, Wayne Kawamoto, David Reagal, Andrew Pinard, and special guests, The great Harry Lorayne, the salty Paul Potassy, and the always astonishing Paul Harris.

Reviews, interviews, tricks, insights, jokes, and other assorted sundries, passed along like candy for my starving medulla oblongata.

The technology is finally here folks, and it has become easy for everyone. For a paltry ten bucks you too can enjoy this most amazing experience available at your favorite magic store or by subscription at for a mere forty bucks a year.

In the past Video magazines were clunky, tough to produce, still fairly pricey, and came on video tape. Well, the world found a way and Kozmo stepped to the plate and knocked it out of the park.

This is a slick, well thought out, professional, video magazine. If cable had "the magic channel" this would be their evening magazine. The content is paced well, the subjects interesting, funny, and thought provoking, the magic is fantastic, and the whole enchilada is shipped to your door at a price your paper boy could afford. I am excited about this project folks and I didn't have a darn thing to do with it. This is just the thing I had been hoping would come along and it has at long last arrived.

Go and buy this or subscribe today if you don't I promise you, you will wish you had. Great work Kozmo!



"MT is one of the reasons we started this board! I’m so sick of posts being deleted without any reason given, and by unknown people at that." - Steve Brooks Sep 7, 2001 8:38pm
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Profile of BAH1313

I remember saying to a friend that it was like watching an A&E special or something. It really is TV for magicians!

I'm actually going to take it to a local meeting tonite and just skim through it for some of the folks there. (Kinda Tease 'em a little:) Because they cant wrap their minds around what I've been raving about. So I'll show them a couple minutes of it and then tell them they are only TEN BUCKS! these guys are gonna go NUTS!

By the way, I don't know if anyone knows this yet or not, but you should be able to pick them up at your local magic shop now if not very soon!

Great Job Koz!
I am truly blessed to have a job where people are laughing all the time and everyone believes in magic....Come to think of it, I'm blessed to even have a job.
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Crossville, Tennessee
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Profile of Dmann
I am still waiting on my Copy... I do hear good things about Reel Magic Quarterly and I will probably do a little advertising with them.
Thommy Razor
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Profile of Thommy Razor
Just tossing in my two cents here, and my two cents are very satisfied! I will be joining the group of subscribers, as I can only see this getting better. As was mentioned before, the bill switch alone is worth the price and more, and has become my new switch. Great interview spot with Paul Harris, great "column" with Garrett Thomas, Harry Lorayne yarning about Scarne and Vernon, yeah. I'll be subscribing.
Great job, guys, and cheers!!
"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you." Dr. Konklin, Konklin Mattresses
Peo Olsson
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Stockholm, Sweden
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Profile of Peo Olsson
Got mine yeserday (friday), will view it today.
Pictured to the left my hero and me during FISM 2006 in Stockholm.
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New Jersey
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Profile of tedski
I am so glad I subscribed - great content, great layout, and for only $ can't go wrong. Nice job Koz!
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Profile of revlovejoy
I have only one complaint, not with the DVD itself but the promotion video: most of the clips in the promo video come from clips of reviewed DVDs, but are not in any way part of the material taught on the DVD. I am not saying that the material you get isn't worth the money, not at all. It stands on its own as a great value, but there's no need to put so much material in the promo which is really best used to sell the reviewed DVDs.
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Profile of zerofire
I have ordered my copy too. Can't wait to see it!
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Profile of thiago
I have ordered from the oficial website July 15th, still did not arrived. Waiting....
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5492 Posts

Profile of Kozmo
Shipped...i just checked...

weve had zero issues....but let me know if you don't get it

Ben Harris
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The Land Down Under
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Profile of Ben Harris
Loved Volume 1.
Great material, great interviews.

+Inventor of the world famous Floating Match+
+Author: Machinations (Vanishing Inc, 2020)+
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Profile of thiago
Thanks for checkin Koz.
I´ll wait for it.
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