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Ilya Larionov
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Hello Fellow Magicians,
I have received an offer from the Russian TV company. They are filming a movie and want an episode where a magician does something with a gun.

A friend of mine Erik Visser gave me a wonderful tip to have someone select a card and then shoot through it, having tossed the pile in the air. Bullet Catch.

Well, it's a movie, actors, but sill, I want it to look real. Please I would be grateful if you could give me a hand in this.

Thank you
Bob Sanders
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For many (Sometimes too many) years I have performed Dove in Balloon using a gun to pop the balloon. I have even used it in TV commercials. It works well!

Bob Sanders
Magic By Sander
Bob Sanders

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There's always Russian Roulette pun intended...
Autumn Morning Star
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You could use an Airsoft M-16 rifle which in certain Airsoft versions will kick out actual shells from the magazine! The shells are re-loadable with a bang-cap and a plastic bb. The bb's hurt if they hit a person so don 't shoot anyone. You can also use a paintball in the refill, therefore, marking your "chosen card" with a bright splash of paint! [Think about it! A bright splash of yellow or red would be really cool and very visible from stage! And it is not hard to do with a bit of thought and planning. You could even do it as a comedy bit or do it blindfolded.]

There are many varieties of airsoft guns and rifles. From the German Glock [Airsoft Glokk] to the classic guns from the "old west". Have fun!
Wonder is very necessary in life. When we're little kids, we're filled with wonder for the world - it's fascinating and miraculous. A lot of people lose that. They become cynical and jaded, especially in modern day society. Magic renews that wonder.
Doug Henning
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What about some type of manipulation with the gun? The actor makes it disappear, multiply, levitate, reappear, etc.

If you stick with pre-existing gun-based tricks, you risk ending up with something that the audience has likely seen before. A better idea would be to imagine what the character could do with something other than a gun, like a red rubber ball, and then substitute a pistol for the ball.
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