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John Cass![]() Regular user 131 Posts ![]() |
Anyone think of checking with http://www.magicmakersinc.com or Tilford?
Bill Palmer![]() Eternal Order Only Jonathan Townsend has more than 24324 Posts ![]() |
"The Swatter"
Founder of CODBAMMC My Chickasaw name is "Throws Money at Cups." www.cupsandballsmuseum.com |
cmwalden![]() Regular user Cedar Park, TX 150 Posts ![]() |
On 2007-12-17 01:56, Bill Palmer wrote: I think you could do it anyway! Imagine if you have both the hands and the hook is simply a souvenir from previous encounters. ![]()
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
- William Shakespeare |
Jake Heller![]() New user 18 Posts ![]() |
I do a pirate theme for part of my kids show. I don't dress up as a pirate I let the kids...I use professor's nightmare, the square circle, and a cups and balls routine when I do this. I tell a story and let the kids act it out and yell out pirate words...arghh! Shiver me timber! Blast!
Slartibartfast![]() Loyal user Southern Illinois 230 Posts ![]() |
That's an interesting twist. How do you tie the effects into the pirate theme?
If you can pull it off in a biker bar without being violated by a corn dog, more power to you.
-- Gwyd, the Unusual "YOUR Signature...speaks volumns (sic) as to your lack of understanding." --T.V. |
DanielGreenWolf![]() Veteran user Waterbury, CT 363 Posts ![]() |
I personally perform as a Renaissance Bard who was once kidnapped to perform on a pirate ship (which is true to pirate history) and it does open up a lot of possibilities: magicially hiding pirate treasure (and bringing it back before they kill you), changing pirate flags so the Royal Navy wouldn't know who you were, even appearing parrots would work (I don't do livestock personally, but I'd love to see something done with that). You can also use pirate initiation as a story suggestion. I.E. doing an arm chopper, guillotine, ropes thru body, etc. and if you survive, you become a pirate. Ropes as the riggings of a pirate ship, something made from the wood of a mysterious pirate ship (maybe the supposed wooden leg of a pirate crew man doing haunting things)... the ideas seem endless. I hope you have fun with it.
David McCall![]() New user 76 Posts ![]() |
On 2007-10-30 12:17, Slartibartfast wrote: I did a pirate themed kids show last year. Tyler my vent pal, dressed as a pirate - he did a little script about pirating (pirate jokes - I knew a girl pirate. Her name was Eileen!), and I got the kids pirate themed candy. After that, I never got any more pirate themed events, but if I do, I'll basically know what works and what doesn't, and I'll have a ready made script. |
ed rhodes![]() Inner circle Rhode Island 2916 Posts ![]() |
On 2007-11-22 12:10, Silvertongue wrote: Some Disney stores sell plastic pirate chests that you can fill with jewels and gold coins. (However much you can fit into the chest and still close the lid) That might be useful for a prop. They also have a skull that you can do the same thing with only the objects are "creepy" things.
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
GlenD![]() Inner circle LosAngeles, Ca 1293 Posts ![]() |
I need to invest more time into this. I had an idea of doing a pirate character last year for one of my Halloween gigs but it was not a fit, since it was a western theme! I just really want to develop a pirate character personna and figure out what type of wardrobe will best fit me as well as some effects. I already thought about getting the relic, just haven’t done so yet. I had several effects that would and will work with the character and now I am more interested in preparing for this theme based character. A couple of the effects I plan on including are a card sword effect, I have Dark Museum and already figured how that could be incorporated very nicely. I also had an idea for a story to go along with The Viking effect "Ball Through Hand". I will offer a Readers digest version just for comment or critique/suggestion (keep in mind I am a newbie in storytelling magic but want to improve and go deeper into this area)... The tale is told of the old pirate so and so who managed his release from capture and certain death by performing the miraculous in a bet for his life. He proclaimed he could vanish a cannonball right before everyone's eyes. An unusual "bucket", just big enough for a cannonball to fit into but still quite solid, was brought forth by his first mate. Ball goes in and using a solid brass poker, also barely able to fit into the bucket on top of the ball, with slow and steady pressure the poker rod went deep into the bucket and upon retrieving it the cannonball had indeed vanished. Something like that and I do have a bit more details regarding the material used and how they were obtained. I also speak a bit more about the first mate and maybe claim to be a distant relation with a miniature version made and handed down within the family as I bring out the little satchel containing the Viking effect. It's just an idea I had for a different presentation of this effect which I have and thought it might fit in with the character. I have performed it in sort of a trial run to a small group one time so far and the reactions were good. But they could be better and I realized my presentation and story needed polishing and a bit more practice to make it really good.
Hope I didn’t go on too long. GlenD
"A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway" - Griffin
"Any future where you succeed, is one where you tell the truth." - Griffin (Griffin rocks!) |
zimsalabim![]() Special user Orlando Floirda USA 520 Posts ![]() |
I do a pirate magic show. My character is a pirate and I pretty much do my standard kids material in that personna. It works 100 % at least as far as repeat bookings are concerned if htats the barometor of such things. The kids liek the character and the magic blends in nicely as I am a pirate who got the magic from a ship that we plundered and I really don't know how the stuff works but it does. Its a fun show or so I have been told. Also I used to work for a pirate themed show here and I (with the help of Bev Bergerons mind) developed a whole routine with a hand in the box called the hand of hook. great fun stuff there. Love the idea of a card stab with the hook if only I could find a nice hook like the good captain would have worn.
Joe Zimmer
"The Second Greatest Magician in the World" Who is the Greatest? Everybody else! Borrowed with respect from the late Great Eddie Fechter Owner of the Forks Hotel Zimsalabim Orlando Florida |
themagiciansapprentice![]() Inner circle Essex, UK 1381 Posts ![]() |
Here the kids dress up as well as the performer. They want the whole pirate theme so get their parents to buy themed table-wear and backdrops. Often the kids help to make these as they arrive at the party.
I've sailed over 5,000 miles on tall-ships, including the Caribbean and crossing the Atlantic. I use this experience to throw in nautical words, gags and pictures. If the children are talking I jokingly threaten to keel haul them or make them walk the plank. In one place we even had a paddling pool set up for them to fall into from a height of only a few inches. (They loved it.) For magic words I include "shiver me timbers" and "splice the main brace". Here toys can be cheap with swords costing 100 fils (40 cents) and eye patches the same in our local souk. So I tend to bulk buy for parents whenever I see them. My parrot came from Antigua and is made of balsa wood so balances nicely on my shoulder. The kids dress up and have face-paint applied at the start of the party. Props include the treasure chest from IKEA which has fabric sides and a lock that's realistic to under 7s. I like the tore and restore treasure map, but am thinking of burning it, then restoring it at outside pool parties. I want to theme my act more, to include a better story-thread, so I'm interested in seeing the manuscript mentioned above when is available. Or any other ideas. Yes pirate mad, but aren't we all big kids really.
Have wand will travel! Performing children's magic in the UK for Winter 2014 and Spring 2015.
motown![]() Inner circle Atlanta by way of Detroit 6228 Posts ![]() |
I seem to recall a pirate routine on one of Dan Harlan's Premium Blend DVDs.
"If you ever write anything about me after I'm gone, I will come back and haunt you."
– Karl Germain |
TKD27![]() Elite user Wallingford, CT 459 Posts ![]() |
Edit... sorry, wrong thread (I've got too many tabs open, lol...)
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