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Alexx Argen
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Profile of Alexx Argen
I need to export my demo video from final cut pro and I want to put it on youtube the problem is all other vids I export and put on youtube end up very "digital" looking which is fine for the comedy videos I make but I need a better looking video to put on youtube. I am very fluent with final cut, I just need to find out some good export settings to make the video "cleaner".

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Profile of ScottRSullivan
Depends. I'd need a bit more info from you!

First off, what do you mean 'cleaner'. Can you point to some specific videos you have posted and what you dislike about them. Looking "digital" can mean different things to different people.

How was it shot? Consumer level camcorder at 30 frames per second, or Pro level camera at 24 frames per second will look VERY different. Consumer cams will only be using a 1/4" CCD, while the cameras we use are 1/3" to 2/3" chips.

What format did you cut in? miniDV, DV50, etc all have different looks and have limitations to how far you can push the pixels around visually before it starts to fall apart.

What version of FCP are you using? There are some features in different versions that will dictate some of your settings, export abilities, etc.

Are you exporting directly from FCP or using Compressor?

By "very fluent" with Final Cut, how fluent do you mean? Do you cut fulltime or it is just a program you've been using for a few years.

I do NOT mean this last question to imply anything against your skills. It is just that some people can use a program as a hobby for years and never touch more than 5% of it's capabilities.

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