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Profile of revlovejoy
Is it because Simon has us all reading books and smashing our DVDs, and Sankey got in his shots at magic forums? A bit defensive Jay?

Seriously though, very good interview. Raw and honest on both sides. No softball questions and no PC answers.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be surfing the internet, not performing for anyone today.
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Profile of Kozmo

that's very one has any idea what you're talking about but me and jay but that's ok...they'll find out soon enough

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Profile of revlovejoy
OK I should say more... I am a subscriber and got mine in the mail on Monday, and as I was home, I watched it right away. Most of it.

I will say this, I wish more niche interest markets had a DVD magazine like this. I love the format, especially since I'm an amateur video maker and just authored my first wedding DVD for a friend, so the tech aspects interest me too.

But in terms of the content, which is of course, what matters most, I have really been enjoying the Reel Quarterly series. This particular issue has what I consider true diversity of opinion. I have had the pleasure of seeing Simon Lovell lecture, and enjoy his very natural no BS conversational style. I do disagree with him though, that there's no such thing as a visual learner. I guarantee I've read as many books outside of magic as Simon, likely more. I've read the densest most academic stuff in theology and philosophy, etc etc... but when it comes to learning a sleight, it helps me to see it. Sorry Simon, there is truth in different learning styles. However, his main point that the generation that eschews books for DVD only has a cookie cutter performance problem, I cannot dispute.

Now, on the same disc, there is an "interview" (you'll see why I quote that when you see it) with Daniel Garcia, and glowing reviews of all his DVDs. Now here's a young guy in magic who has made his mark exclusively in DVDs, some of just one effect. And I have no problem with that. I have torn and greed.

The Sankey interview, as I said, starts out with a question about his critics, morphing into topics of ethics and re-working your own effects for re-release. Jay does seem defensive, but prepared to address the question as if he's been dying for the opportunity to do so.

I always enjoy David Regal's review section. I wouldn't mind a couple reviews of things to avoid though. If he has made a choice to stay positive and only highlight that which he can recommend, and not mention that which he cannot, I can understand that decision too.

All in all, I am shocked that issue 3 of an upstart DVD magazine is out on time. Heck I'm amazed that it's still in existence, not to say I know the producers or anything and this is not an assumption about them in any way, but in the publishing business, that's a tough thing to do. I hope the ad revenue is helping keep things afloat. I also appreciate that I can chapter forward through the ads easily, since I've seen them once now.
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Profile of Kozmo
Were currently working on the 4th issue which has an indepth interview with gregory wilson and bill Malone....

were looking at expanding wayne kowamotos section to have more meat when it comes to interviews so we think that the thing we did with danny garcia can be expanded and ad more depth to his segment...

as far as the simon lovell thing...its doing exactly what we wanted it to do CREATE CONTROVERSY! which its doing...

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Oregon City Oregon, Oregon
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Profile of RevJohn
If we placed an subscription order recently, should number 3 be shipping for us soon?

This will be my first taste of "Reel Magic," and am excited. I have placed an order for the first Volume, but am hoping the newest edition gets to me before that.

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Profile of Kozmo
All reel magic subscriptions including overseas have shipped!

in addition all orders up to last night have shipped...

thanks for all your support fellas!

Donny Orbit
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Profile of Donny Orbit
Received Vol 3 today. Awesome stuff as always guys. Not only are there a couple of excellent effects taught, but the interviews are gold. From getting Danny's background in magic to Jonathan's thoughts on the art, and of course Sankey is Sankey. I hope this dvd magazine stays around for a LONG time.

do magic
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Profile of Kozmo
It seems that everyone is waiting for it to fail Smile its doing well and I promise were not going anywhere...and this will get better! glad you liked the garcia thing...were going to expand on that idea

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Profile of RevJohn
Sweet. Looking forward to seeing it.

Donny Orbit
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Profile of Donny Orbit

I'm definitely not waiting for you guys to fail brother. I'm waiting for you guys to set the standard.

do magic
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Profile of revlovejoy
Please don't misread my comment Ted. I'm impressed and wish the best for you. I subscribed right off the bat, so I certainly want to see my vol 4 and hope to renew.

My comments on the difficulty in actually getting a regular DVD magazine off the ground were meant to underline what a good job you all are doing. The last DVD magazine I subscribed to went under in less than a year, and the distributor replaced it with a magazine they thought was related, but was not. My hopes for the format are up thanks to Reel Q.
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Profile of Magiguy
I received issue 3 on Tuesday and diligently pecked away at it over the last three days. I love this magazine, and the current issue is a fine example of the reasons why. I was very grateful for the expanded Regal segment; I can never get enough of this guy!
While enjoying the bulk of the content there were, of course, a few stand-out segments for me. Kozmo's interview of Jonathan Pendragon was phenomenal. Hearing the details of his recent accident, his miraculous recovery and the peripheral yet pointedly focused and dramatic impact that the event had on his life with regard to an unrelated malady (tinitis) was inspiring, to say the least. Andrew Pinard did a terrific job with the Sankey interview and I walked away with a greater level of respect for Jay than I had ever had before. I have a pretty decent selection of his DVDs and videos in my library, and have enjoyed a fair amount (not all) of his material. I didn't read his tone as defensive, in fact I was impressed with his candor and forthrightfulness. Another highlight was the Simon Lovell piece. Call it controversial, but I readily agreed with him. This may sound hypocritical given my support of a magazine in DVD format, and the substantial catalogue of videos and DVDs in my personal library but I still prefer books for learning, and videos as supplements to the books. Granted, I'm only in my very early forties, but I didn't have magic videos as a kid, so perhaps my bias is simply related to my generation. I do, of course, see the tremendous value and advantage that videos bring to the learning process and feel that any technical advancement is good for our art. John Armstrong's piece is always worthwhile and I particularly enjoyed this issue's segment on the pinky break.

The single key lowlight for me was the Wayne Kawamoto segment. Consistent with his segments in issues 1 & 2, he looks horribly uncomfortable, and is so disenchanting that I'm at a point (three issues down the road) where I will be more likely to skip over his future appearances. It certainly didn't help his cause to be saddled with a canned interview, but for me his credibility was already shot by the end of issue 2. Sorry Wayne.

The only other minor lowlight on my personal list was David Forrest's routine. I've seen some of what he is capable of and this was a poor representation of his true talent.

There is so much to love about Reel Magic that even a couple of minor lowlights are fully eclipsed by the rest of the high-caliber content. I actually enjoy the ads, too. They save me the trouble of downloading demos (I'm actually still on dial-up), and are similar to watching previews when I visit a movie theater or rent a DVD. I like seeing what's coming up.

Kudos to Koz and team for a job well done! I'm eagerly ready to sign up for the second season.
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Profile of Dougini
Hi Magiguy, great review!

As a broadcaster myself, for more than 30 years, I've sat in front of the TV camera, doing news segments, appeared "live" at remotes, and (as a radio broadcaster), hosted many a concert, introducing superstar bands.

One thing they all have on common...a need to "look right", or have a relaxed "don't care" attitude. That sounds easy, It ain't. I have erased every TV appearance I've ever done. I was embarrassed to let anyone see them. I do not have the "look" so necessary for TV work.

That's why I can't be too critical of those who also do not, but try any way. That "canned" interview was obvious. It WAS, however, effective. It let me see Daniel Garcia...and that was the importance of that me, anyway.

I believe with experience, Wayne COULD grasp the skills necessary to BE watchable and interesting. Let's give him a few more, to get his feet wet, and loosen up a bit. At least he's got THREE under his belt! LOL!

What would I like to see more of? Danny Garcia and Justin Miller!

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Profile of Magiguy
Thanks Dougini. I appreciate your comments. Wayne is obviously passionate about the art, and I certainly wouldn't want to discourage him from continuing to contribute that passion to future issues. I was grateful for the Garcia material, in any form. What I would love to see is an expansion of David Regal's involvement in the project. He would likely be a terrific interviewer. Either way, I am in full support of the quarterly, and will happily renew my subscription when the time comes.

Best regards,
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Profile of Kozmo
Actually wayne is amazing...he sits in front of that camera and just spews this stuff almost effortlessly....its not wayne that's the problem with the segment...its the segment...what is there to say....BUT we think that interviews will make the thing more relevant....

were looking to improve every segment, there is nothing that were satisfied with...this thing is going to get better....

I'm glad you guys are liking it

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Profile of magico
I found one item that should have been put under Bloopers, but it depends on how you watch the dvd. If you put in and click on Performances and Explanations, then click on John Luka's Invisible Palm Performance, when he is laying out the four aces he says he places three of the aces over here and the last two here?

I am not complaining, I found it rather amusing as it reminded me of a blooper one of my friends made when he was performing Vernon's three ball routine and stated it uses four balls.
Motor City
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Magico, these Freudian slips really come back to haunt you. I watched the dvd just as you did. When I went back to watch the performance the second time I used the "Performance" menu. I cringed when I heard "the last two here" line. I thought I was going crazy. I remember making the mistake when the segment was filmed but didn't remember hearing the mistake the first time I viewed it.

Dougini hits the nail right on the head. It is really difficult to look relaxed when if front of a camera. No excuse, I messed up the line. Hopefully, my next time out will be a little better.

The moral to the story is to always be nice to Kozmo. <grin>

John Luka
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Don't worry, John...THAT one got by me...never even noticed. One trick I learned at a TV station...I asked a news anchor what he did, when having to ad-lib to the camera...

He said he had a picture of his WIFE on the TelePrompter...he would talk to HER...

Brilliant! Kudos to Anchor Craig Wolf!

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Profile of magico
On 2008-01-29 02:39, Motor City wrote:
Magico, these Freudian slips really come back to haunt you. I watched the dvd just as you did. When I went back to watch the performance the second time I used the "Performance" menu. I cringed when I heard "the last two here" line. I thought I was going crazy. I remember making the mistake when the segment was filmed but didn't remember hearing the mistake the first time I viewed it.

Dougini hits the nail right on the head. It is really difficult to look relaxed when if front of a camera. No excuse, I messed up the line. Hopefully, my next time out will be a little better.

The moral to the story is to always be nice to Kozmo. <grin>

John Luka

Hi John,

I know things like this happen, that's why they are called bloopers. Please don't worry about it. The routine is the only thing that matters and your handling of the effect is great. I am looking forward to see you lecture for my club on Feb 6th.
Motor City
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Profile of Motor City
Thanks, Magico,

I am looking forward to lecturing for your club. I promise that you will see a good lecture. The material really works in the real world.

See you on the 6th.
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