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Profile of hypnoivan
Okay - no need to panic - the subject title isn't quite a plea for help.
I have just found recently - that due to the fact that I have hypnotised my girlfriend so many times - and she has seen me hypnotise other people so many times - she is now INCREDIBLY suggestible 24/7 ! I don't even have to do an instant induction to send her back into a trance - I can just say to her ' hey would you look to be hypnotised again' - once she says yes, I can do ANYTHING (eg say sleep - simply touch her with my finger - or even just say ' go on then -do it now') and she will go back into a deep trance.

But also - without even putting her into a trance - I can give her regular hypnotic suggestions - and she accepts them perfectly. Whether its amnesia -negative/positive hallucinations - or even just plain old ' your breasts are having a conversation with each other'. It all works perfectly.

Is it necessary a 'bad' thing that she is like this? Its almost scary just how suggestible she is. And its not as if I don't wake her up properly every time I bring her out of hypnosis. Okay so fair enough I don't say ' you will not accept any suggestions from me, unless you feel you are in a trance' - or something along those lines. I do say ' each and every time you return back to this state you will go deeper and deeper each time'.

On another note - the other day I successfully done a nongard instant induction on my girlfriends friend - it worked perfectly - she went into instant hypnosis - however it took quite a lot of deepening before she would accept suggestions fully. But towards the end she was so hypnotised, even after I woke her up, later on in the evening when she was waiting for her car - I sent her back into hypnosis while she was standing there - told her she would be able to safely standup and keep herself upright, but yet would go into an even deeper hypnotic state than she was before. Worked perfectly.amazing.
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Profile of RSD
Well if you really believe what you wrote and you want to solve it - use your own logic. Tell her she is no longer easilly suggestable.
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Profile of silverfire9
This is more a matter of your girlfriend trusting you enough for that to work. Like my friend and I explained to someone just Thursday night (my friend runs a hypnosis meetup group), yes, I can do something like just tap him on the forehead and say 'sleep' and he'll go into a trance, but that's 1) because of practice and 2) if some stranger walked up to him and did that, it wouldn't work. He's in a safe environment (the meetup group situation) and he trusts the other person (me, in this case) enough to not mess with him.

If that weren't the case, it wouldn't work.

I suspect it's the same with your girlfriend. If she's walking around and *anyone* can hypnotize her and she follows their suggestions, I'd be very surprised.
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Profile of hypnoivan
As I said - I'm not complaining of the situation - its just quite humorous. And yes I know that if someone else walked up to her and said it wouldnt work
Anthony Jacquin
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If I walked up and said sleep it would work.

Anthony Jacquin

Reality is Plastic! The Art of Impromptu Hypnosis
Updated for 2016

Now on Kindle and Audible!
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Profile of Vincent.Lynch
Sounds like the perfect relationship? where do I buy the method? lmao
Magic Enhancer
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Profile of Magic Enhancer
If only my girlfriend was like that.....Hmmmmm....

Robert Haas
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer
Quality magic products for the working professional.
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Profile of Nongard1
VIncebt, looks like I am selling the method, just didint know it! I will have to make new DVD labels: "Create a Stepford Wife using Hypnosis"
Dr. Richard Nongard, Professional Hypnosis Training
Learn how to master the art of SpeedTrance, Clinical and Stage Hypnosis
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Profile of TheTrance-Master
In the late Rodney Dangerfield's voice (yes in real life I do what I'm told is one hellvan impression, even wrote him jokes he used in his show years back):
"Hey, the other day I brought this date I had to a Hypnotist,
Lemme tell ya, NOW. . . she's very suggestable.
Why just the other night in the backseat of my car, she even gave me the shirt off her back!"
There's more to this, let's not go there, here.
Thanks for the smile!
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Profile of HypnoScriptoHottie
Being on the girlfriend's side of things - meaning someone who is hypnotized again and again for the hypnotist's practice and perfection or video demonstration purposes - I, too, am amazingly easy to put under - by Richard.

My job also entails editing many of his hypnosis scripts, and when I'm reading and typing, I can hear Richard's voice in my head, and I often find myself going into light trance when working on them.

However, the other hypnotists I work with do not seem to have the same effect on me, simply because (I assume) I am not their everyday practice subject - and I have not been "trained" to respond so easily to their voice.

This is not to say that no one else can put me out - just that it takes a little more than a couple of words or a simple cue.
Father Photius
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Profile of Father Photius
On 2008-01-20 19:29, Nongard1 wrote:
VIncebt, looks like I am selling the method, just didint know it! I will have to make new DVD labels: "Create a Stepford Wife using Hypnosis"

You ought to do it, you probably sell a million copies.
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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Profile of themysteriousone
I agree with Inner cirlce.
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Profile of TheTrance-Master
I've also heard it said, the best Hypnotists themselves are deep and quick subjects.
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Profile of hypnoivan
The 'problem' is still there. But its great for being able to practise routines on here. I don't have to do any sort of induction whatsoever - I can just give her any suggestion 24/7 and bang - its there.Quite fun.
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Profile of TheTrance-Master
There are no problems, only Challanges. LOL
Sounds like fun, you go guy!
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Profile of WillBox
Hypnoivan I had exactly the same experience. A few years back I hypnotised my girlfriend again and again, utilising everything I had read about hypnosis (and to this day, that weekend was the best training I ever had despite working with Ernest Rossi and Gil Boyne since). I went invisible, did a past life regression (not that I believe in that, although she came up with lots of details, a name and an area where that name was common despite no knowing so, but I digress). She became so highly suggestible that a simple walk in the woods would lead to the leaves being too heavy at my suggestion - so I would place them on her feet and she wouldnt be able to move. Also in a Café I suggested that the waitress was Madonna. The cherry on the cake was 7 quivering orgasms in a row on pure suggestion.

But anyway, the point I wanted to make is this. At the time I thought it was great, and thought she was the perfect girlfriend, as in I could help her through anything and manipulate her personality through suggestion if I really wanted to. But that was naive - it ended up going pretty bad. The high suggestibility meant that she became more dependant - I was too influential on her. It also meant that she was far more vulnerable to the auto-hypnosis of her own imagination - so she would become quite anxious, insecure and fragile. It got to the point where I honestly wondered whether repeated hypnosis had mucked up her mind in some way, and to this day (I broke up with her eventually) I honestly don't know. But I do know this - I would never want another girlfriend who was highly suggestible.
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Profile of PsiDroid
On Jan 20, 2008, Magic Enhancer wrote:

If only my girlfriend was like that.....Hmmmmm....

Robert Haas

On Jan 20, 2008, Vincent.Lynch wrote:

Sounds like the perfect relationship? where do I buy the method? lmao

HERE.... and is much more powerful and structured than what the initial poster got with his girlfriend just by one chance ...

and here for an intro from Marc Cunningham himself..
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Profile of kasper
Those renegade hypnotist videos are probably the creepiest con man videos Ive ever seen.
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Profile of PsiDroid
Except he is not:

he studied with some great hypnotherapists and back in the late 90 he became one and has been at it for a lot of time : wendi friesen in turn has been said to be one of his students

he know his stuff and he knows what he does:
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Profile of kasper
On Mar 16, 2015, PsiDroid wrote:
Except he is not:

he studied with some great hypnotherapists and back in the late 90 he became one and has been at it for a lot of time : wendi friesen in turn has been said to be one of his students

he know his stuff and he knows what he does:

Sure ! She even sells breast enlargement videos! These folks know EXACTLY what they are doing. Its a free market out there.
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