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Profile of PsiDroid
I don't care what she does. fact is that you called him a con man: but since HE delivers what he promises he is not a con man

you don't like him, envy him, have a beef with him because it clash with your ethics, fine, its a free world.

but calling him a con man without a proof should be avoided if not because of legal implications that could fall upon you at least because you are passing empty judgements without proof.
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Profile of vic2178
She is what us hypnotist called a natural somnambulist as long as the intent and the context is there with her which it already is with you because you build up that repore then your suggestions will work
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Profile of TonyB2009
This renegade hypnotist stuff is tawdry and downmarket, and has nothing to do with stage work. PsyDroid, we did not need to see this here.
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Profile of mindpunisher
On Mar 20, 2008, WillBox wrote:
Hypnoivan I had exactly the same experience. A few years back I hypnotised my girlfriend again and again, utilising everything I had read about hypnosis (and to this day, that weekend was the best training I ever had despite working with Ernest Rossi and Gil Boyne since). I went invisible, did a past life regression (not that I believe in that, although she came up with lots of details, a name and an area where that name was common despite no knowing so, but I digress). She became so highly suggestible that a simple walk in the woods would lead to the leaves being too heavy at my suggestion - so I would place them on her feet and she wouldnt be able to move. Also in a Café I suggested that the waitress was Madonna. The cherry on the cake was 7 quivering orgasms in a row on pure suggestion.

But anyway, the point I wanted to make is this. At the time I thought it was great, and thought she was the perfect girlfriend, as in I could help her through anything and manipulate her personality through suggestion if I really wanted to. But that was naive - it ended up going pretty bad. The high suggestibility meant that she became more dependant - I was too influential on her. It also meant that she was far more vulnerable to the auto-hypnosis of her own imagination - so she would become quite anxious, insecure and fragile. It got to the point where I honestly wondered whether repeated hypnosis had mucked up her mind in some way, and to this day (I broke up with her eventually) I honestly don't know. But I do know this - I would never want another girlfriend who was highly suggestible.

If someone is highly suggestible you can suggest thay become more independent and confident. You can also use generative change techniques that support ongowing growth and change. Highly suggestible can also mean highly coachable in that you can help them move towards the kind of person they want to be. You don't even need hypnosis to do so. Sounds to me she had other issues needing dealt with. You should also look at yourself and ask why you wanted someone you could manipulate. Sounds like to me you are part of the problem. Manipulation of any kind never ends well in a relationship.
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » You are getting sleepy...very sleepy... » » Help - girlfriend permanently hypnotised! (2 Likes)
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