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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » REEL MAGIC MAGAZINE - TV For Magicians » » Jay Sankey in issue 3 (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Disclaimer: I have learned so much about magic from Jay Sankey... I cannot even begin to thank him enough. I've bought several of his DVDs and even one of his books.

That being said, I wonder if anyone else thought he came off as a bit arrogant in the interview?
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Hi Gaddy...maybe THAT is what I sensed...maybe disgust, at what's been said about many forums (even our beloved Café has members that are anti-Sankey) show absolute CONTEMPT towards him.

I think I'd be arrogant, too. He's done a LOT for magic, and I've wondered if he ever gets a really uplifting praise from ANYONE. Magic today is full of greed, unscrupulous bottom-feeders that think it's OK to take someone's effect (or act) and duplicate it for marketing or performance. That's enough to discourage a magician from marketing or sharing a pet effect.

Having practiced the art for more than 37 years, I've got a whole FOLDER of things I've come up with, from levitations to coin vanishes, and NOT ONE will I offer for sale. Watching Jay Sankey go through the critics sieve makes me steam!

That said, I have just about every Sanky DVD, and the ONLY complaint I have, is, I have to rate it "R" for language. Not bad...for an entire library!

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Wow- I had no idea there was an anti-Sankey sentiment. I've never seen it, but then, I haven't been looking for it, either.

Good perspective, Doug.
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Donny Orbit
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Yea, there are quite a bit of Sankey bashers. And I think to a certain extent they are the ones who are on message forums. I am sure if anyone had a chance to see Jay work a crowd they would see a totally different side to him. I think he was just jaded with the fact that when he releases a product, some people buy it, criticize it and never actually perform it in the real world. Not all of it is gold by any means, but Jay is to the point where he primarily makes money from selling his products.

In the sometimes cut throat world of magic, you have to release your material before someone else sees it, slaps it on a one trick dvd and sells it.

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I love the stuff Sankey puts out but I sometimes have a hard time with his humor and 'childlike' voices on some of his DVDs. Having chatted many times with the guy, he is a great in real life but some of the humor I just don't get!

I think he deserves to be arrogant, however I personally didn't sense too much of that in the Reel Magic #3.
Review King
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Well, whatever anyone thinks about Jay, they should read his blog on his website. He is a genuine, caring, REAL guy. He's just like any cousin, brother or frind. I learned allot about Jay the person from his blog.

As a Magcian, he's the real deal. From technician to creator, he's got the goods.

You can't have the body of work he does and be able to please everyone. There are items of his that I don't care for. No one can like everything someone puts out. When someone is as good as Jay, the expectations are so high for everything.

Read his blog. I really like the guy!!

And, I liked the reel magic interview. He wasn't asked "what do you think of David Blaine" questions ( that is a good question for him though ). He was asked tough questions and gave his opinions. He's not 20. He's been doing this a long time. he learned the hard way, from books and putting his butt on the line performing for real people. He's earned the right to have strong opinons.
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I didn't think he came off arrogant at all. I thought he was addressing a lot of things that were talked about off screen though. Interesting it came out at the same time as his interview in Street Magic Magazine. A lot of the same issues were covered.
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Connor Martin
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On 2008-01-24 03:48, gaddy wrote:
Disclaimer: I have learned so much about magic from Jay Sankey... I cannot even begin to thank him enough. I've bought several of his DVDs and even one of his books.

That being said, I wonder if anyone else thought he came off as a bit arrogant in the interview?
dewwwwwwwd! You must be a magician 'cause you read my mind. I clicked on this thread with the intention to ask that exact same question.

He really seemed defensive and pretentious.
Mike Webb
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This was a very good issue.
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » REEL MAGIC MAGAZINE - TV For Magicians » » Jay Sankey in issue 3 (0 Likes)
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