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Marshall Thornside
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Someone asked about this a while back
and so I documented the routine.

If you're interested you can read it here:
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Father Photius
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Profile of Father Photius
Yup, that is definitely one of Uncle Harry's candy and rabbit routines, another is documented on the video "Remembering Blackstone".
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
Marshall Thornside
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Is that one of those onbscure rarely seen videos?
I've never seen it...
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Profile of hugmagic
The video was available from Stevens Magic.

Having done the routine with Jr. many times, I can verify it is Senior's routine.

Did you know that Mac Birch did a similar routine with a guinea pig? But know one got as much out of it as Blackstone.

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Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
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Marshall Thornside
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As much as I love videos, there's something better
in a written document...

I figure no one else is documenting them (as far as
I know) right now, and I need to find my voice in
writing for the magic community.
so these are good excercises for me.

Next is the levitation.

Are you coming to the MCA weekend this year???
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I wish I could but I run the backstage for the Battle of Magicians in Canton. Seems like there has been a conflict for me the last three times.

Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
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Bill Palmer
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To see either of the Harry Blackstones do this routine was heartwarming.

I've seen a couple of other magicians do it, and they couldn't pull it off. Somehow, the ones who tried to knock it off also tried to make the change into the box of candy look funnier by making the child look stupid.

The Blackstones didn't do that.
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The best part for me, having done it with Jr. several times, was watching how he was constantly adapting to the situation. If we only had one rabbit, he had way to handle that. If the child was easily frightened, he could handle that. What I have seen of Senior, Junior learned it from his dad.

But you have not lived until you went into pet stores and tried to fit rabbits into the bottles without people seeing you do it. They were very small rabbits.

Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
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Marshall Thornside
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And, all the rabbits were boy rabbits, named peter.

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Father Photius
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Profile of Father Photius
The great thing about the Blackstones was that the audience came to the show to see them, they were the stars, not the magic. They both had that star quality and presence and knew how to play it, why the rabbit/candy routine went over so well. Others have tried to play it as magic. That is where they made their mistake.
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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Exactly. Mac Birch did the same thing when he did the guinea pig.

Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
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Bill Palmer
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One fellow who did this routine, and who shall remain nameless,would produce the rabbit, then ask the child what he was going to name the rabbit. He would pretend that the child had asked "Is it a boy are a girl?"

He would turn the rabbit belly upwards, look downwards at it, and reply, "It ain't neither one! It's a rabbit!"

This got a very good laugh.

Then he would hold his hand underneath the rabbit and say make dancing movements and say, "Look, it's Oscar, the dancing rabbit." That's where he should have stopped. But NOOOOoooo.

He would shake the hand the rabbit was dancing on, pretending that the rabbit had wet it, then wipe it off.

How easily a mood is ruined!
"The Swatter"

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Marshall Thornside
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Bill Palmer
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It was interesting to learn this past weekend that Paul Fox built the gaffus that both Blackstones used to produce the rabbit.
"The Swatter"

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Marshall Thornside
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I know, me too!!!!
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Are you talking about the tray itself or the bottle?

Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
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Marshall Thornside
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I can't remember specifically.
Bill might remember; if not I can ask David.

He also mentioned the gimmick that allowed the
floating light bulb not to wobble was also by
Paul Fox too.
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I know the light bulb gimmick was Fox's. But the bottle was a National Magic. I think Jr.'s tray was made by Owens with the nest of boxes and plexiglass tables.

Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
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Marshall Thornside
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I think what David was referring to was made by Fox,
then he sold the rights to Blackstone, Sr. to use.
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I'm sorry I could not be there but I am getting confused. What item was he speaking of? I assume that you are referring to David Meyer or David Carvet.
Richard E. Hughes, Hughes Magic Inc., 352 N. Prospect St., Ravenna, OH 44266 (330)296-4023
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