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Danny Boy
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Profile of Danny Boy
Greetings and Salutations,

I've moved back to Chicago from Las Vegas and am attending Flashpoint Academy for Film. The school has, knowing that I am a magician, approached me with a unique project, and I wanted to get some suggestions.

The school is in its first year and has acquired a new piece of property off of the main campus. The layout would be amazing, if not for one ugly cement column directly in the line of sight of the immense hallway. It is to become a studio space, and the first thing one sees when getting off the elevator on to this particular floor is this nasty pillar.

So... they've been considering different things they want to project onto something that will fill the space, and had mentioned a free floating cube that would be the "canvas" for the projections.

Not limiting yourself to floating objects, does anyone have any suggestions as to how to adapt some form of illusion onto or in the are around this pole to make it a thing of beauty and wonder as opposed to it's current state.

I've been researching black art, and various theatrical techniques, but alas I am aware that although I might get lucky and come up with something that looks kind of neat by myself, I realize that nobody can't use some help and I would be grateful to anyone who would be kind enough to make any suggestions. Once I get pictures from the developers I will post them to give you a better idea.

Thank you always,

Danny Crook
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Profile of Martyn35
The first thing that springs to mind is the effect used in the Supermnan movie, where General Zod & Co were standing inside two large hoops that revolved around them. Above these there could be a cube of 4 screens which have the fixings hidden behind them, giving the illusion of floating in mid air. A little lighting behind the screens onto the column could look cool.

Both of these ideas are fairly old I know. However I do know of a cinema where the "Floating" screns are still used, and the hoops thing is rarely seen. The Screens could be LCD or projection screens.

Well that's my initial reaction/thoughts on the subject. I would be interested in what ideas you come up with and finally go for.

Good luck with your film course too!
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