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Profile of Kozmo
I'm just curious fir you guys who don't get this...WHY? maybe I can do better

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Profile of jprace
I am a subscriber BUT...

A good idea might be to add some more columns. General news would be great, kind of like Kaufman Speaks I think it's called. The Guy Hollingworth column has always been a favorite of mine. They should add more traditional magazine like columns. But the columnists in Reel Magic... David Regal, Garret Thomas, Jon Armstrong... they are great!
Andi Peters
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Profile of Andi Peters
The music is starting to get on my nerves.....change it PLEASE!!!!!
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Profile of shomemagic
[quote]"They should add more traditional magazine like columns"
[End of Quote]

that's what I like about Reel Magic...its not your cookie cutter traditional magazine and I hope it never becomes one.. I get Magic magazine and love it for different reasons.
Reel Magic has the only commercials I will actually watch and not reach for the remote

If I could subscribe I would but I guarantee I will purchase each issue individually til I can. Can't wait for vol 9

Mike King - Sho-Me Magic

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Profile of michaelmystic2003
On 2009-01-06 17:40, Andi Peters wrote:
The music is starting to get on my nerves.....change it PLEASE!!!!!

I second this!
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Profile of Kozmo
We will likely change the music sometime in the near future BUT its not as easy as you would think

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Profile of huruey
I for one really like the music. Makes me think, "ah... reel magic time again!"

I'm not a subscriber, but I do buy every issue as soon as it is available.

I'd love to see just a short section at the start with, as magicman4646 suggested, General News.
Joe Williamson
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Profile of Juliegel
I would like to see Reel magic magazine as a subscription on Itunes. I feel that Reel magic is so with the times that taking it with you everywhere would be perfect. No wait, no shipping costs, just pure magic when ever you want it.

Please Koz.

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Profile of Kozmo
Juliegel, I think that's the natural progression for this product.....

how would you guys feel about an mp4 file on the disc so you can just dump it to your I pod?

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Profile of Juliegel
That sounds great Koz! But in the future...

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Profile of Kozmo
Yea were looking at everything...but security is a I suppose the people who steal it are going to steal it...torrent sites and copying for their friends...but I don't want to make it easier for them...

this project is doing well and those who thought we wouldn't make were wrong BUT were not so secure that we can have guys e-mailing the magazine to all their friends... I keep telling myself that our market is honest people... but still

this is an issue with all the projects that I produce....we would have produced some very special things if it weren't for this is what it is

M Sini
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Profile of M Sini

Picked up Volume 1 at a Barry's the other day. I'll be subcribing soon. I really enjoyed it!

Lord Freddie
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Profile of Lord Freddie
I received the first edition as a free gift from a UK site which gives you a choice of free items when you spend £40 or more.
I enjoyed it so much that I subscribed from Issue 2 and have not missed one.

The people that haven't seen it really are missing out. There's so much good stuff on each disk and I look foward greatly to each issue.

David Regal is just hilarious in his column and I also like Jon Armstrong's advice. Excellent mag and one that should be supported.
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Profile of michaangelo

I love the mag. You do great work. A couple of suggestions - I loved the Magic News section of The Lecture Network when it was online. It had up to date news and quick little bits that were interesting. Also, for me, the more instruction and product reviews, the better... It makes the issues worth re-visiting frequently!

Thanks again. Great work.

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Profile of mormonyoyoman
To return to the question: I had stopped buying Reel Magic but have ordered new issues (as mentioned in another thread). Thank you, Ted, for cleaning up the act!

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Profile of Kozmo
We love the idea of a magic news section....the problem for me is it dates the publication and we don't want ever, its certainly something that we keep tossing around...

I love suggestions!

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Profile of Martin.Lester
I purchased Issue 2 at the Magic Circle Dealers day and have
subscribed from Issue 3 and have not missed one.

The Quality gets Better and Better with each DVD

I love David Regal and Simion Lovell plus the feature interview is always worth watching

Excellent magazine

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Profile of gdw
You REALLY need to work on your chapters. If you try to skip something, you never know where you'll end up on the dvd.
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Dan Bernier
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Profile of Dan Bernier
What I don't understand is why people are looking for previously viewed copies of Reel Magic instead of getting a subscription. I know times are tough right now but come on, $10.00 brand new is pretty reasonable. Plus, each copy is delivered straight to your home. You can even buy back issues straight from Koz. I may be out of line with this but I think that all of us who has a subscription, or who purchase Reel Magic new should refuse to sell their copies. Why wouldn't anyone want to support Reel Magic? It keeps getting better and better. Koz is absolutely dedicated to this DVD magazine, and it shows with every episode.
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Profile of Trekdad
On 2009-02-16 15:34, Gospel Dan wrote:
What I don't understand is why people are looking for previously viewed copies of Reel Magic instead of getting a subscription. I know times are tough right now but come on, $10.00 brand new is pretty reasonable. Plus, each copy is delivered straight to your home. You can even buy back issues straight from Koz. I may be out of line with this but I think that all of us who has a subscription, or who purchase Reel Magic new should refuse to sell their copies. Why wouldn't anyone want to support Reel Magic? It keeps getting better and better. Koz is absolutely dedicated to this DVD magazine, and it shows with every episode.

I'm an early adopter in some things, and come very late to the dance with others. I'd seen Reel Magic available in a bricks and mortar store when it first came out, but initially thought it was kind of like an electronic version of "Variety", applicable only to those who were deep insiders to magic. Not having seen it, and not having heard of its producer at the time, I was reluctant to spring for a subscription, or even a single new copy.

When a few copies of back issues came up for sale here on the Café at reduced prices (even though $10 an episode is dirt cheap), I figured what the heck! So I got a few --

And when I met Koz, I subscribed. Thankfully, the "secondary" market in these got me to see and appreciate (and enjoy immensely) this ePublication.
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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » REEL MAGIC MAGAZINE - TV For Magicians » » So why don't you get reel magic?. (5 Likes)
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