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Donald Dunphy
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I can't think of very many backdrops that are suitable for outdoor use. A slight gust of wind, and they'd knock over (the curtains would billow any which way before that). A falling backdrop could damage props, hurt the performer, or even blow into the audience, hurting other people.

I've even seen backdrops get knocked over indoors, because a door was left open and a gust of wind came in through the door.

You can purchase some types of canopy tents that have walls on them (use a back wall instead of a backdrop). But again, they can have challenges in the wind. Some perfomers park their van behind the stage (area), and use the side of their van as a backdrop. I've seen some stages that have solid plywood panels, fastened and braced to the stage by professionals, as backdrops for outdoor use (then it is more scenery than backdrop). Sometimes, they have holes in them, to deal with the wind.

- Donald
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
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Profile of gothike
Buy a American DJ light stand with truss.

and two sandbags 40-50lbs. Place them on tripod legs against the wind direction.

Should be able to handle about a 30-40 mph wind.

Just don't raise the height to max.

People that say that you can't use a backdrop outdoors are wrong.
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Profile of jimhlou
I have used a Jeff Jones back-drop for several years. I'm not aware of anything better for us entertainers. However be advised: The hand tighteners will break after a while. I'm still using my broken ones. When the time comes, I will go to Home Depot and find the same size bolt with some type of "handle" to replace them with. #2, the cloth at the top rail, on the left and right where they bend forward, have small holes from the frame wearing on the cloth. Haven't done anything about this either - perhaps Jeff can reinforce this area in the future.

Just my 2 cents.

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What is the width when folded?
Bill Hegbli
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On Apr 8, 2015, Powermagic wrote:
What is the width when folded?

Fits in a duffle bag, 5" x 12" x 42".
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Profile of Powermagic
So like 40" or is it 36"? I have tried asking Jeff on FB and a email but no response I heard they had the flu and are back logged so maybe that is why no response.
Anyone have one let me know as well as if the 15 foot vs 10 foot is any wider.

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Profile of Powermagic
Jim stated it is 40" in a PM Thanks
Jonny magic
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You know if jeff jones ships for Italy?
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Profile of jimhlou
Well, my hand tighteners finally broke. Went to Home Depot, and they have nothing similar. However, I was able to buy socket head screws that fit (they are not a normal size). The socket heads work great, except you need a hex wrench to tighten them. I attached a magnet to the backdrop upright pole with black duct tape, and this is where the wrench stays at all times.

Donald Dunphy
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Victoria, BC, Canada
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Jim -

On the newer models of the Magic Backdrops, I think that Jeff has drilled some holes in the upright pole pieces, and uses cotter pins to insert into the holes. That way you have a backup mechanism for when the hand tighteners break.

- Donald
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
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Profile of jimhlou
True Donald, the pins keep the unit at the right height. But the whole backdrop will rotate, due to it's own weight or very small air currents in the room. The only way to keep it exactly where you want it is to tighten down the screws.
Donald Dunphy
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Victoria, BC, Canada
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Profile of Donald Dunphy
Hi Jim -

I don't have a Jeff Jones backdrop, but I have a homemade one where the frame is a similar style. I've been using cotter pins in the upright post for a few years now, and it doesn't rotate. In the top of the tightening piece, there is a gap / notch. I just make sure that the cotter pin goes into that gap / notch, and then the post can't rotate.

I can take a photo if you need to see one.

- Donald
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
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Profile of stempleton
Hello, all:
I am at the point where I need to replace my current backdrop with something that is much quicker to set up and easier to transport. I have bought a couple of items from Jeff and his customer service is fantastic. However, I recently asked him if he had a video showing the set up of the backdrop and never heard back. Any chance anyone has, or can record, a video to show me how (and how quickly) it sets up? Also, what are "mirrors" that he adds as an option? Thanks.
Mark Boody Illusionist
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Here you go

The mirrors are a nice touch, they are diamond shaped mirrors attached to center portion of the backdrop. A very nice detail!

I been using mine now for about a year and half and it has been one of my best investments in my show!

You can see the backdrop displayed on my webpage as well

Best of luck

Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible. Frank L. Gaines
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Profile of stempleton
Hey, are the MAN!!! Thanks for sharing those links with me. You've made up my mind. Maybe Jeff can give you a kickback Smile Thanks again!
Mark Boody Illusionist
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Glad I could help. I'm saving up for another backdrop now (smaller). The one I have now is the 10 x 15 size. Maybe when I order it Jeff may give me that

"kickback" discount! LOL! At full price still worth the investment, ABSOLUTELY!!!


PS Let us all know what color combination you choose and attach a pic...maybe.
Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible. Frank L. Gaines
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Profile of jimhlou
It is a workhorse. I've been using mine for 5 - 6 years
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Wow - 8 years now!
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