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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » The Fellowship of Christian Magicians! » » Burning Bible (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of pastorclyde
I have a question for those using the burning Bible- my wife and I are adding some pyrotechnics to our act so I've been busy learning. I am actually working on a BATFE license since many of the stage effects are actually rated as high explosives.

Anyways, in my studies I've learned that laws in many states and cities ban "close proximately pyrotechnics" without a permit and possibly a BATFE license. For an actor (or magician) to use a lit cigarette is considered pyrotechnics. Obviously we aren't using cigarettes in Gospel magic but the use of flash paper, cotton, string, etc. in some states is considered pyrotechnics and is outlawed.

Finally, my question- has anyone run into problems using fire/flash products/etc. in church? I'm thinking of the multiplying torches, etc. As it stands you aren't able to do those in Pennsylvania without a license. Anyone have any info on other states? My goal is to save people problems.

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Profile of Perry
Any plans for a bible using a wick and lighter fluid?
Blake Douglass
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Profile of Blake Douglass
Actually the most shoplifted book of all time is the Guiness book of world records. Just thought I would clear that up.
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Profile of stashu
On 2009-04-04 06:06, Rickfcm wrote:
This is your future if you don't believe. LOL

I needed a good laugh to break up the day thanks!
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Profile of KelvinCardician
Hey there's lot of bible magic in this shop

check it out!
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Profile of MadderMax
I have had no problems using the burning Bible at different venues, but I always ask first.
John Mott
Frank Russell
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Profile of Frank Russell
On 2009-08-29 00:19, Blake Douglass wrote:
Actually the most shoplifted book of all time is the Guiness book of world records. Just thought I would clear that up.

This is an old thread that was refreshed with a couple of posts and I noticed the posts about the best selling and most shoplifted or stolen books of all time. I felt compelled to clear it up for some reason. I can't believe I even know this!

Actually Blake, Stempleton had it right. The Bible is in fact both the best selling and most stolen book of all time. Imagine that...the best and worst of both worlds. I imagine the King James versions in the hotels and church pews are in this record.

The Guinness Book of World Records is the book that is most stolen from public libraries. They make this book so BIG now that it would be hard to steal it from a bookstore. Maybe Guinness has this recorded in their book. Where's my library card?
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