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Profile of F.ambro
Chase P. mentioned an excellent point . Dream Journal , I cannot stress enough how much of an important process this is in order to improve dream recalling and achieving lucid dreams
Chase P.
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Profile of Chase P.
Haha mind pusher
it would be aweful if you knew you became lucid every night but you couldn't remember a thing.
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Profile of WillBox
On 2009-04-29 14:13, TonyB2009 wrote:
On 2009-04-29 07:31, WillBox wrote:
Flying schmying. Ok I'll say what you're all too afraid to - grabbing the nearest hottie for a bonk, right? It's what lucid dreams were made for, surely.

Unfortunately it does not work out that way. Lucid dreams, from all the research on them I have read, tend to be incompatable with strong emotion.

Ah see, knew there was a catch. Always read the small print.

Actually, the lucid dreams I have had have never been totally conscious, more semi-aware. I know I am dreaming, but I am still suggestible to certain things within the dream (its rules, physics etc). For example, I might curl up into a ball and fly along a road, but then hit a building and no doubt 'get done' for it. This is why I think the feeling of consciousness is more an illusion, and probably similar in real life (ie we think we are in control, but really are suggestible to ALOT that is going on in and around us).
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Profile of bobser
Very nice thread. Me Gusta.
Bob Burns is the creator of The Swan.
Andy Moss
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Profile of Andy Moss
I agree-a very interesting thread.Thanks to you all.

Consciousness is not 'illusional' any more than anything else is.The brain does not create consciousness anymore than the lungs create air or that stomach creates food. The brain simply a filter for consciousness.Consciousness itself is always conditioned to some degree.To the extent that it is conditioned consciousness should more properly be termed as 'delusional'.Awareness transcends (ie includes) consciousness for we need to remember that "Form is only emptiness but emptiness is only form". Awareness transcends the concept that is commonly know as 'death' in that it is without boundaries and thus cannot be wholly destroyed.

There are different degrees of lucidity in a dream.When most people say that they are 'lucid dreaming' the truth may well be that they are experiencing what is commonly termed as 'semi-lucid'dreaming.Few people without a disciplined spiritual practice are able to cultivate the ability to be fully lucid in a dream for a prologed period of time.The reason is that strong emotions (most commonly fear and excitment)tend to shoot one us of the state and we wake up. Ocassionally one might be able to gain full lucity in a semi-lucid dream and then shoot out of it in an experience/surge of light experienced.This is a proto enlightenment and prepares the mind for this same experience eventually in the waking state.

Act with intention before you go to bed and use a few simple western psychological techniques and it will be only a matter of time before you are able to achieve the ability to direct your dream with a stable energy.It is probably not useful to describe the Tibetan vajrayana yoga called dream yoga (one of the 6 yogas of Naropa) as this is best taught in person by a qualified (ideally Karma Kagyu)monastic teacher.However perhaps try the following:-

-Before you go to bed say earnestly to yourself that you are going to see your palm in the dream and in doing so will immediately know that it is just a dream.
-Look steadily at your right palm (or left if you are left handed) and gaze stedily at it for about five minutes.
-After a while focus on a blank (ideally white) wall and visualise your palm. Maintain the image for as long as possible.
-Repeat these two stages three times immediately before going to bed.
-Once in bed try to maintain your awareness of your breath moving in and out of the body for as long as possible before you invariably fall asleep.

Have you noticed how text in books always seems to swim about in dreams? Use this to your advantage. Say to yourself is that you are going to see a book in your dream and that you will not be able to focus on the text.That is to say the writing is going to move about or will swim about despite all your attempts to focus upon it to read it fully.

Anyway the above are two commonly used 'indicators' to prompt lucidity in a dream and are recommended for the beginner. I would not recommend the special dream masks that flash light in respose to eye movements.It is best to keep your practice pure and uncomplicated and most important of all not dependent on the mask.

Good luck! Smile
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Profile of asithlord
I like what mp said in his post, very close to my opinion also andy moss.
I can sleep anywhere at a moments notice anytime of the day and find if I "ask" for a dream, lucid or otherwise, I will get one and remember it.
I don't want to sell any books here or declare the best but I read "seth, dreams and projections of conciousness" around a year ago and in it there are explinations and excersises how dealing with dreams and there meaning.
as explained by mp symbolism and content are unique to the dreamer and can only be deciphered by them effectively, anyway since I implimented the excersises in this book my life transformed I ask for answers and events to happen in my dreams and when I waken, I write them down and strange as it sounds every single aspect of my life changed for the better from my home, friends, finances, perception, beliefs, lifestyle and though processes, most of which makes sense with what I wrote down from dreams.

before you "sleep" (the mind never sleeps) make a few simple suggestions to yourself asking whatever you would like and use the laws of attraction to your advantage.
then when you are awake things will fall into place like magic.
if you can, check out the book or look for seth on you tube you will not be dissapointed.
much love
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Profile of MagicJono
I guess many of you know of this film on Lucid Dreaming but for those who don't WAKING LIFE is absolutely brilliant
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Profile of sgrossberg
I highly recommend this book:

Enjoy. - Scott
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Profile of F.ambro
I looked through . Thank you Chase P. , there is some very good information there.
Has anyone heard of/ or tried subliminal messages? They have some mp3's to download over at dreamviews. I am going to try them out soon.
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Profile of MagicJono
Watch that film I said .. here is a good clip with some idea;s for inducing.

Also Hemisync Lucid Dreaming series is good.
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